Big Brother Canada SPOILERS: Live Eviction / HOH Results!

POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 16th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony March 18th
HOH Winner: EMMETT Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal
Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian

Live Eviction Episode: March 14th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

As a special twist Big Brother Canada offered the viewing public an opportunity to potentially alter the game. The twist was called the “Chevrolet PowerShift” where viewers were able to vote online to veto one of the nominations. This is an interesting twist that could that is loved by fans who like influencing decisions that impact the game but hated by fans that want a purely uninfluenced game.

As it stands within the house it should be a fairly clean sweep to evict Suzette, however it is likely that Canada has voted to use the veto on Suzette in an attempt to stir up additional drama in the house. As a result Tom will have to immediately nominate another house guest. I predict Tom will nominate Aneal or Andrew as the replacement nominee. (Tom CANNOT nominate Gary as he currently holds the power of veto.) It will be interesting none the less to see how this twist plays out not only tonight but how it affects the game going forward.

On the block for eviction tonight are Suzette Amaya and Anuj AJ Burman.

PREDICTION: Aneal is evicted. The Head of Household Winner could really be anyone, my guess is that Andrew wins HOH. Simon predicts Alec or Andrew as tonight’s HOH winner. Who do you think will win?

Canada saves Suzette, Tom nominates Andrew as the replacement, Andrew is evicted! HOH Results: ?
Suzette won Canada’s Veto. Aneal nominated as the replacement, Aneal evicted by a 8-2 vote. Emmett wins HoH, Next week is a Double Eviction Week.

Actual Results:

Canada’s Powershift Veto Results:
– Canada votes to save Suzette!
– Tom nominates Aneal as the replacement nominee!

Suzette votes to evict: Aneal
Jillian votes to evict: Aj
Topaz votes to evict: Aneal
Alec votes to evict: Aneal
Andrew votes to evict: Aneal
Emmett votes to evict: Aneal
Gary votes to evict: Aneal
Liza votes to evict: Aj
Peter votes to evict: Aneal
Talla votes to evict: Aneal

In the event of a tie vote TOM votes to evict: ?

By a vote of 8 to 2 ANEAL is the third house guest evicted from the Big Brother Canada House!

HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD WINNER: Emmett *Confirmed on the live feeds*



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68 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada SPOILERS: Live Eviction / HOH Results!”

  1. So apparently Andrew was evicted.. so basically more power shifted to the bros.. **unconfirmed**

    No idea if this is true or not… we’ll find out soon just click the blogtv video in this post and watch the episode.

    1. NOOOO i thought andrew had the potential to really shake things up in the house… now lazy ass suzette and useless aj just stay another week

    2. What a stupid twist IMO – how boring to do that… especially through king Tom’s reign.. gosh I hope power shifts this week!

  2. This is really disappointing if this is true. Suzette brings absolutely nothing to the table besides whining. She’s a candidate to be as unlikable as Danielle was last season. Andrew was going to shake things up. This “Power Shift” did nothing but fortify the power already held. It should’ve happened in a few weeks. Total waste–if true, which I hope it’s not.

    1. I could very well become a Suzette fan next week, Who knows it’s happened before. Right now I see her being another Jenn and floating to final 3 before getting cut.

      1. To me, floaters like Jenn City and Suzette are *the* worst part of BB. What’s the *only* TV show, in the history of TV, that has (and has gone to great lengths to protect, in Suzette’s case) characters that say nothing of value to the game, and do nothing but whine, all day, every day? BB! Suzette’s daddy must be a high-powered Canadian TV Executive, who “vetoed his baby girl” going home! Simon/Dawg, there’s serious “BB Corruption” going on here somewhere. Please get to the bottom of it for us!!!! You two can find out anything BB!!!!!

  3. here’s another spoiler that is going around

    Suzette won Canada’s Veto. Aneal nominated, and evicted by a 8-2 vote. Emmett won HoH


    do the producers of this show even watch it?

      1. Yeah Emmett winning HOH is a powershift 4 sure. If Emmett puts Liza up it’ll be explosive and assume.

        Suzette staying and Aneal leaving isn’t a powershift at all

        1. Its just a matter of Emmett being his own man and not bring Tom’s lackey. I’d like to see Emmett grow a pair this week.

      2. He does want Liza out, but I’m not sure he’ll make that move this early in the game and risk alienating Tom. He should, but I don’t think he will.

        1. Simon….do I see you referring to them as “p*orking”? I must laugh as I haven’t heard it being called that since I was a teenager and I am 49 now…lol…thanks for the giggle in what was an obviously predictable show….sigh

      1. The only problem with Liza and Tom is that they’re putting way too large of a target on their backs. Liza this whole time has seemed like she’s been playing way too hard way too quickly and it very well may come back to bite her.

      1. Ann, I always learn my most valuable “BB clues” by watching BBAD/live feeds (so please find us in the US a new link for them, Simon, old biddy, old pal!) The last two days, I’m now almost positive that Peter’s campaign to win Liza away from Tom *will* now work. (Just days ago, I thought Peter had little/no chance.) They’ve both admitted they’ve *never* met anyone quite like the other. I can now clearly see the chemistry. Also, Liza just told Tom if she wins HOH, she’ll have “different guests in there, every night,” so as “not to have her and Tom appear to be so close.” Can you say, “Liza starting to break away?” I actually rate Peter’s game to be a bit above even Alec’s, as of now.

          1. I’ve been using the program for a bit now and it has worked very well.. I’m not sure why it hasn’t worked for you, but it works well for me.

            1. considering all the computers I have in my room recording the feeds etc etc.. you would think one of them would work.. ugh

              glad it works for you though maybe i’ll give it another shot tonight.

  4. I really want Emmett to win hoh and nominate peter and liza. I don’t think he’ll nominate peter but hopefully he nominates Liza tell her that she’s a pawn and hopefully nominations stay the same then blindside Liza by evicting her. If Liza does go, I don’t think that Tom would really care, I think Peter would be scrambling because Peter actually has feelings for Liza while Tom doesn’t really care because he even said that his true allegiance is to Emmett. I also really want Topaz to win because she is gunning for peter and Liza. I just wish that Alec and Emmett would realize that Peter and Liza have something going on.

    1. Hey we are all entitled to our own opinions but you dont have to be rude. Someone’s weight doesn’t define if they are a good player or not.

    2. Those cameras on the HOH competition were terrible!! There are how many cameras in the house but not one of them could catch Emmett winning it?? Get it together BB Production

    1. Great point, Chris. AJ said that “AJ would get revenge” if the vote for him to stay wasn’t unanimous. OK. What’s AJ gonna do, send Jillian and Liza a box of dandelions each, in 6 months, when he goes back and watches? And this isn’t the first time that those two have voted “unexpectedly.” Quite rare to see in BB, this early – players supposedly “with the majority” (and the Tom/Emmett “showmances”, to boot!), not voting “with the house.” I haven’t sensed Jillian and Liza as being incredibly tight on the feeds so far – maybe they are! Love it!

  5. People can say they HATE floaters like Suzette, but you have to respect that she has to do what she has to do to stay in the game. If it works for her, then you have to give her credit! 🙂

    1. Cooper, what exactly *worked* for Suzette, except Production throwing her an unfair life raft? She did *nothing* to deserve “Canada’s” (aka Production’s) good fortune! Aneal didn’t call the HOH a “&%#$ redneck”, did he? And where is Aneal right now? I do respect your opinion, however, sir. Any BB fan is a friend of mine!

    2. Jim..she did nothing to deserve HOH as well that first night. I have a feeling if she stays much longer all of her wins will be handed to her

      1. Exactly right, Angela! I forgot all about her “Suzette answered the phone – now she’s HOH!” opening night good fortune. Hey, I don’t begrudge being lucky. Every BB winner needs some. But is a “level playing field for all HGs ” too much to ask? Wouldn’t all of us expect that, if we were playing BB right now?

  6. Andrew was not evicted Aneal was. And the “live eviction” show was not actually live. At 10:37 Atlantic time the voting was still going on and the livefeeds had the houseguests sitting in the kitchen talking about how Aneal was going to get his stuff. Some weird timing stuff. Now at 11:50 the HoH competition is going on and the houseguests are in the storage room and on the hammock in a backyard that has already been cleaned up

  7. Oh, FFS!
    AJ & Suzette should never even have been there.
    I hope, by incredible flukes, they make F2, to an audience in single digits and the producers never work in this country again.
    Frakkin’ bullcrap.

  8. ugh another week where the boys win and same group people nominated i want to see the game get flipped, i really want gary to win,damn maybe next week. Im mad aneal lost he was my pick really sucks, lol im hoping for a person to come back doubt it tho, ugghhh here comes a typical week be shocked if it switches up

  9. Emmett should be disqualified since the video clearly showed that he carried a ball with his hands… Yet another BS move by BB

  10. Awwww! Aneal, you didn’t deserve to go out this way! It makes me sick to think AJ and Suzette are both still in the house and you are gone.

  11. Heres the week : Emmett will put Suzette and Gary up. Gary wins POV, AJ goes up as a pawn Suzette slated to go home #Powershift Saves Suzette and Aj goes home.

    1. Simon has it first! Suzette has been issued the first-ever, “Golden, Permanent Power Of Powershift! Suzette FTW! 🙂 (PS – Simon, it was the live feed ( that went dark here for me here in the States.)

      1. Try that program I posted it works for most people and it’ll let you watch the feeds. Justin tv banned all the people streaming Big BRother Canada including us 🙁

  12. This twist is the biggest pile of crap. I’ve said so far bbcan sucks and iy continues to be. BBus does twists like this sure but never so horribly done. This week was not the week to pull this and we are already at a double eviction next week. It does suck that Aneal got royally screwed, he didn’t get a chance to fight and Suzette who’s done nothing but be an obnoxious useless whale gets to stay. Yes this twist was set this early to shake up a complete useless and boring cast but it didn’t work. Production dropped the ball on these idiots by chosing them to start. Most of them grope and cuddle all day. Who’s really playing this game… Cannot wait for BBus to start!!!!!

    1. We’ve had some pretty bad BBUS seasons so there is not much difference between the two it all comes down to the cast. And we’ve had some twists or ‘Pandoras Boxes’ that have been quite lame in BBUS, and every season people always complain how it’s the worst season ever.
      Just give BB Canada a chance Anna. I say this coz I’m beginning to enjoy it, and feel it will be even better when Gary or Topaz or Andrew wins just to see Tom and Emmett scramble a bit.

      So far for 3 weeks on the air, it’s not bad.

      1. If this worked and power actually shifted. Great. I’d love for someone else to win. Too many control the house and waiting for them to turn on another is like watching paint dry. If Gary won it would really restart the game play. I’ve watched BBus since season 1 and I’ve never been bored like I am now.
        Too many gimmicks I find bbcan throwing in. Too many production moves so quickly with ridiculous tasks and outcomes which aren’t that amusing.

        However I see your view and hope this gets better

  13. Tonight’s show sucked! Powershift my a$$. Geez, where was Suzette’s gratitude?…she barely said Thanks. Tom handled himself quite well to the disappointment of so many who expected him to freak. So sad for Aneal and to his credit he was such a good sport about it. Let’s just hope that Emmett will really surprise us with a really big move, as mentioned by others ie. nominate Liza. I’m feeling kind of “thumbs down” on tonight’s episode.

  14. Anyone else notice that Arias called out Jillian and Talla for carrying the balls in the HOH competition but also said that’s grounds for disqualification …yet nothing more was done. Bbus would have restarted the game period. At least literally disqualified them. What’s with the warning

    I also cannot stand Arisa Cox …

    1. I thought that too. The last balls, I thought he was running with them in his hand. If it’s true, come on BB! Make it right! Andrew and Gary weren’t far behind, and at the beginning they also warned Talla and Jillian about that. The game will be unfair if Emmett should have been DQ’d.

  15. I hope Emmett has the stones to put up Liza. Alec, Topaz and Gary would definitely love to get her out. Jillian will do whatever Emmett tells her to do. I think Andrew could be persuaded too, and AJ would follow. The only thing that would save Liza is if she or Tom win POV, but I don’t know if Tom is stupid enough to use it to save her and piss off his bro. I don’t know about Peter, but I think he’s smart enough to know that everyone but Tom and Talla want her gone. I think they would keep anyone else against Liza at this point. She has stirred everyone’s pot and now they are comparing notes. Even though I hated the twist and think Aneal didn’t deserve to go that way, if Liza goes up this week it will get interesting! Especially if Talla is the other nominee!! LOL. That little firecracker is going to melt down if she is on the block.!

  16. Emette didn’t win x_x
    They better do an HoH redo like they did in BB7 when Erika won the HoH but there were technical difficulties, so they redid it and Janelle won.
    That is a bit unfair for Gary and Talla who actually came kind of close! >_>

  17. thats twice the houseguest cheated last week al the men said pick a, big brother knew of it and could hav eswitched it to new letters, plus they could have seen from the mirrors, this week people carried the ball and werent disqaulified big brther should have said if u pick balls and carry them in ur hand automaticly disqualified, ive been hearing emmett did carry them, also the cameras never showed all the contetsants things being filled like all i remeber was gary and andrew in the lead then bam emmett won lol i was shoced, plus make the show live. i feel that gary is gone this week and i got a strong feeling emmett will be leaving during the double eviction and suzette winning the double eviction. btw if talla,gary and andrew voted wit jillian and liza for aneal to stay they would of had the upper hand but back to the same routine come on someone else win shae the house up. i dont wanan see all the guys make it hated when that guys alliance made it to the end not funn at all

  18. Aw man… I was all for keeping Suzette just to shake up the house but Aneal going is way worse than Suzette going home. Suzette is boring! She’s boring in the house and she’s boring in the diary room. Aneal is entertaining, at least! He has the thought process to sabatoge Gary’s glitter and fake-cry to everyone for kicks. Suzette is boring! Her game is non-existent! She has no moves!

  19. I’m so devastated for Aneal. How terrible for him. Being such a fan of the show myself I sympathize with the blindside of tonight. Thats now two for him. I’m not happy with Emmett winning but I hope he just sends Suzette out now. Ugh I can’t stand Tom, I can’t wait for him to be gone. I hope the BBC producers listen and notice how upset the fans are about this unnecessary meddling in the show. Canadians like BBUS not BBUK. I personally have never watched BBUK so hearing about how it is normal for the “public” to be involved in the game of Big Brother as it is in the UK is foreign to much of us here. I feel it takes away from the strategy of the game and the integrity. It cheapens our version I find. Boo BBC not cool!!!!

  20. who in there right mind would vote for that annoying mess suzette to stay thats a canada fail this is why i cant wait for big brother usa i thought canada would be better then that

  21. I can see why Tom acts the way he does, he isn’t a bad guy but he is being played by liza like andrew and peter. If Emmet is smart he backdoors liza against two pawns. Emmet got out gary, the guy he fears the most, it will be interesting to se who he nominates. Maybe Andrew and Suzette, or Andrew and Talla and backdoor liza.

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