Big Brother Canada: Talla says why don’t I just do it in my bra and p@nties!

2:40pm – 2:55pm While Talla is looking in the fridge, Aneal steals Mr. Jones the monkey and hides him. Talla notices the monkey is missing and starts freaking out. She says he is 2″1′, 64 pounds… handsome with a wedding band. Peter says that he can find him, what do I get. Talla says I will walk on your back. The other say oh great walk on him like a piece of sh*t. Talla says okay I will give you a 10 minute massage. Peter starts investigating and tells Talla Aneal is the first suspect. Tom gets called to the diary room. The others say oh.. its starting! A minute later Peter comes back with Mr. Jones. Peter tells Talla that he will collect his massage later and that she has to be in her bikini. Talla says why don’t I just do it in my bra and panties.

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Big Brother Canada: Power of Veto Competition Happens TODAY!

11:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Emmett, Tom and Jillian are in the kitchen. Andrew, Alec, Aj and Petere are talking out on the backyard couches. Big Brother puts them on an indoor lock down. The house guests are making their breakfast and talking about the tasks they were woken up to do all night.

11:40pm – 12pm Big Brother announces that a rule has been broken – You are not allowed to sleep in the main bedroom if you are a havenot. Big Brother says we will get back to you. Jillian is in a bed with Emmett. Jillian says we weren’t sleeping, we were wide a wake talking. They get up and head into the kitchen. Meanwhile up in the HOH room Tom is talking to Liza. They talk about how Gary is pissing everyone off and making people want him out this week.

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Big Brother Canada Nomination Ceremony “How could something so pretty produce something so vile”

7:34pm HOH Big Tom and Emmett

Tom is telling him that Garry and Suzette are going up and Suzette is going home. Tom has no idea if Suzette wins POV who the replacement nominee will be .. It’ll either be Aneal, AJ or Andrew. Emmett thinks that Andrew would be a good player to backdoor because he’s got a bit of play in him. Tom doesn’t think it’s a good idea to put up Aneal again as the pawn it’ll jeopardize the relationship they have.

Tom about POV: “I hope you (Emmett), Andrew, and Jillian get picked .. I don’t want Aneal to get to play”
Tom : “I want the vote to be 10 to evict Suzette”
Emett: “If we’re down to 6 and liza wins HOH who will she put up “
Tom: “Topaz and Jillian “
Emmett asks what if the final 6 is Emmett, Tom, Peter, Liza, Alec, Andrew and AJ. Tom says she’ll put up Andrew and AJ, “100%

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Big Brother Canada: After over 5 hours Down the Live Feeds are Back – Toms Target Changes!

6:10pm When the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds come back from showing the “Hush Hush” screen for over five hours we see the house guests are moving around the house. Tom mentions that nominations are today. He says that the sign was up on the Living room tv. The havenots get to eat Poutine. Tom and Aneal are in the storage room talking. Tom says that his plan has changed and he now has a personal vendetta to get Suzette out this week and Gary out next week. He says that Suzette threatened to come after him and is spreading rumors like making up that I threatened Liza. Aneal tells Tom that he has his back and will do whatever he wants him to do. Aneal leaves the room. Emmett enters and they discuss what Tom will say to Suzette during the nominations. Emmett says that he should ask Suzette to apologize. Emmett tells Tom to tell Gary that he is the pawn. Tom says that he will tell Suzette that she has spread too many lies and she has hurt their families with all the lies she’s started.

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Big Brother Canada: The House Guests Compete in the HaveNot Competition this Morning!

8am Big Brother turns on the lights in the house to wake up the house guests. In the havenot room Topaz comments on how there is a havenot competition in one hour. Talla complains about having cramps. She stumbles getting up and Alec calls her a sloppy mess as she leaves the room. They all get up and head to the kitchen and bathroom to make breakfast and get ready. Liza talks to Andrew in the kitchen about how they need to have a havenot competition so that those on slop can get off it. Emmett and Peter are talking out on the backyard couches. Peter says that they are probably still 4 hours away from the havenot competition. He says that they still have to lock us out of the backyard, set up the challenge, then call us into the living room.

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Big Brother Canada HOH Competition F up “I could see every single answer”

12:16AM kitchen most of the houseguests
Alec says that he could see every single person answers from looking at the black mirror. Suzette says she could to but she didn’t want to get disqualified so she just looked at the ground. Aneal: “In a majority rules competition that would give you a enormous advantage”

Aj is talking about how some people during the head of household competition could see the answers from the mirror and it’s dumb. He adds that production should have covered the mirror it gave players an unfair advantage. Andrew looks at him funny says “Shut Up.. Isn’t it amazing that we got to play in that competition”

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Big Brother Canada: Tom says he felt bad for voting out Danielle because she was looking hot tonight!

11:20pm The live feeds come back, Alec and Peter are in the storage room talking game. After their short conversation Alec and Peter head into the kitchen. Alec tells Peter that he is going to ignore Tom this week to keep the heat off them.

11:25pm Tom already got his Head of Household room. Emmett, Andrew and Tom are talking game. Tom says that he is going to put Gary and Suzette on slop if he gets to choose. Tom says that both Gary and Suzette wanted to lose weight so those are the two I will pick to go on slop. The conversation turns to talking about Suzette and how she was talking about how the guys were getting blow jobs and sh*t. Tom says that regardless he wants Gary out. Tom looks at the camera and says that they noticed how Danielle told them all that she didn’t like Gary and then next moment she was best friends with him. They talk about how they all need to discuss how they will vote and follow through with the votes because if one or two of them had changed their votes tonight it would have totally change the results.

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