Andrew says I am not going to beg you to keep me, you just better fu*king do it that’s all!

POV Holder: Gary Next POV April 20th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 22nd
HOH Winner: Emmett Next HOH: April 25th
Original Nominations: Gary and Andrew
Current Nominations: Andrew & Talla
Last Evicted Houseguest Peter
Have Nots Gary

Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 232pmm

2:30pm Andrew and Jillian are playing a game of chess. Talla and Gary are talking about Gary wanting to be a Dj. He begged his mom to pay for Dj school for him. He went for a week and then quit because the travel to and from was too much. He says that his mom was pissed that she couldn’t get her money back. He says that he still wants to be a Dj. Gary starts rapping and Jillian, Andrew and Emmett tell him to shut the hell up. Talla tells Andrew if I fart it will come right your way. Andrew tries to put a pillow between them. Talla says nothing can stop it!

Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 231pmm

2:40pm – 3pm Jillian is annoyed with Emmett because he was giving Andrew chess advice. Jillian tells him that’s a new low. Talla says I know what diagonal is .. it means up .. horizon. Gary says that he respects her teachers. Talla says that she failed math three times. She says that she was popular in school but that she also got stuffed into lockers. Jillian says checkmate! Jillian beat Andrew. Jillian says that she beat Gary, Talla and Andrew today. Talla asks Gary if he will play with her. Gary says I am too tired. Talla asks Jillian. Jillian says I am going to go stare at a wall. Jillian says I will let you win! Jillian says play with her, she’s little! Emmett sits down for a quick game with Talla. A minute into the game Talla says wait I am fucked! Emmett says not yet but very soon. Two moves later Emmett says check! Emmett tells Talla she needs a strategy. Talla asks what do you mean a strategy .. I am trying to protect. Andrew comes up and Emmett tells him I will be there in a second, I have one move left. Talla laughs. Emmett then moves and says checkmate! Talla HOW?! Okay guys I am going to have to practice .. I will play by myself!

3:10pm Jillian and Gary talk about how Talla is faking being stupid. They both agree that Talla knew how to play chess even though she said she didn’t because she made moves that you wouldn’t know if you hadn’t played before. Gary start doing Jillian’s make-up.

Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 331pm

Meanwhile out in the hot tub Andrew and Emmett are counting the days till the finale.
Andrew says lets get out our Talla-calculators.
Andrew and Emmett talk talk about how Talla is still here.
Emmett says so if she wasn’t here then who would be? They talk about how if anyone else was here it would have totally changed the game.
Andrew says that she is here purely as a number. Emmett turns on the hot tub and then runs to check to see if anyone is there listening. No one is there. Andrew calls Emmett the gazelle. Andrew says he wanted to throw Talla in the water last night. Emmett says one more week and you wont have to talk to her any more.

Andrew asks what do they expect us to do all day, I can’t just sit here and talk game with you all day long? You know what I mean?! It’s either Gary is going to vote to keep me … Emmett says I think they just didn’t like us all in one room all day. Andrew says yeah. Andrew says you know what I mean I am not going to beg you to keep me, you know what I mean? You just better fu*king do it that’s all! Andrew laughs. Emmett says yes! Well it’s another nice day out today.

Emmett says all they talk about are engagement rings. Andrew asks who? Emmett says Jillian, Talla and Gary. Andrew brings up how Talla says that she is in the mental health field but wont say what. Emmett says she’s probably a social worker. They say it’s part of her strategy and then laugh. The conversation turns to talking about Dan’s funeral in BB14. Andrew says that he would contemplate coming back for an all-stars season .. in like 5 years. Andrew says that if he won the 100 grand he would put 50 grand down on his mortgage and give some to Pete’s children’s education. Emmett says that he would re-do his mom’s kitchen and take is friend Joe on a trip for looking after his stuff… and then the rest.. pay off my student loads $30,000.. and.. Andrew says put some on your mortgage.

Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 330pmm

3:55pm Meanwhile Gary continues to do Jillian’s make-up as Talla watches in silence..
Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 337pm

4pm – 4:20pm Emmett says you never know what kind of things are going to happen after this. Andrew says Hello Emmett Bois we would like you to pose for Play Girl Magazine to expose your dong. Emmett asks Andrew would he ever do it.. Andrew says he isnt sure .. its no big deal some are big and some are small. Andrew says I wonder if Talla will be asking for more booze tonight. They agree she probably will. Andrew says Big Day tomorrow! Andrew and Emmett discuss how mind boggling it is that Gary is in the final 4. Andrew says that if he magically wins the next HOH he is in the final 3 and then he wins one more and he is in the final two. Emmett comments on how no one will vote for him after coming back or Talla she hasn’t done anything. Andrew says its so true. Andrew says and we also don’t know if there will be a twist tomorrow night! Canada has voted .. and we have given them the Coup d’etat! And they have decided to put up Emmett and Jillian. Emmett says that he wouldn’t be mad if that happened. Andrew comments on how Emmett isn’t trying to not get the blood on his hands are trying to in some sense. Emmett and Andrew go to get into the pool. In the pool Andrew comments that tomorrow if I win the HOH .. I could put up Jillian .. you know .. she hasn’t been up there yet. It doesn’t really matter who goes up at this point though..
Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 4pmpm

4:35pm Talla is in the kitchen cleaning the oven. Andrew comes by and asks doesn’t it have a self-cleaning option. Talla says oh my god! really?! How does that work? Andrew says I think you spray something in there and turn it on and it does it’s self. Talla says oh my god! That’s okay!

Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 431pm

4:40pm In the bedroom Gary finishes up Jillian’s make-up. Gary asks Emmett what he thinks. Emmett says you have a ridiculous amount of make-up on. Emmett leaves the room. Gary says Emmett is just used to country ho’s that have an apple in their hand only lip gloss on. Talla says that she loves it, you look so good!
Big Brother Canada April 24 2013 436am

4:45pm In the kitchen Talla tells Jillian .. Andrew feels safe. Jillian asks how, why do you think that?! Talal says he just isn’t talking to me about it any more.

13 thoughts to “Andrew says I am not going to beg you to keep me, you just better fu*king do it that’s all!”

  1. Jill’s face is done. Emmett says it’s too much makeup. Leaves and Gary says “Emmett’s just use to country ho’s with an apple in their hand and lip gloss on their face”

    Gary you are so silly 🙂 (but he makes me laugh)

  2. “A minute into the game Talla says wait I am fucked! Emmett says not yet but very soon. Two moves later Emmett says check! Emmett tells Talla she needs a strategy. Talla asks what do you mean a strategy .. I am trying to protect”

    If BB is like chess (to Emmett) than Talla is showing Emmett that she doesn’t have a strategy, she is just trying to protect herself!

    Check Emmett: “not yet, but very soon”

    I think that is why they gave Emmett a chess board and why Emmett will play with everyone. It also shows he saw the correlation between chess and BB when he thought he should adjust his chess game to let the other players win so they couldn’t see how good he was. (but jillian told him not to do that, lose purposely i mean)

    (Jillian also plays chess the way she plays BB. She gets all proud when she makes a good move. But she can’t really ahead like Emmett can)

  3. Talla is making some food. She tells Jill to get certain items. 2 plates, knives, pieces of toast. Jill sits and looks at her, distrustfully. Talla says trust me and don’t ask any questions. Jill still doesn’t move. Jill says well what kind of bread? Talla says you make your own decisions. You decide. Do as I say and no more questions.

    I see Talla summing up Jillian’s whole game here. I find it funny especially since she is starting to show some signs of “life”. Maybe she can pull a Enzo next week (or tomorrow incase of double Eviction) and get the POV!

  4. I’ve noticed Emmett is consistant in that he talks to the guys mano o mano.. Bro-crap. And talks down to women much like a parent does to a naughty child. Plus he can do this in truth or lie lingo. The word condescending comes to mind.

    1. I agree.. Andrew calls Talla a “useless tit.” But is that any better than being a shomances third tit.. How does it help Emmett’s game to keep lying to Andrew and making him think he is staying. Emmett seems to have a sneaky cowards mentality and calls this game.

    2. omg i just read that. The first commenter said their biggest regret was voting gary back in.

      I have had the same regret. Been ashamed to admit it.

      I was being emotional, didn’t think it through. Later, on the day that i voted, after reading posts here, i regretted it and thought i should have voted AJ instead. I should have thought “how will the decision i make affect the game and the remaining HGs”.

      (walks away with head down, in shame)

    3. Funny read, witty writing… but “Then Dan came into the house and took Emmett under his wing and spent much of his time coaching him.” seems like a very far stretch to me…
      Is that what you saw too? Dan spent much of his time coaching Emmett? lol.

      1. I think Dan was coaching Emmett the most because, he’s the HOH and the one person that really has the power to make any move in the sense of nominating two people for eviction.

  5. When did Talla get educated? she just corrected Gary. Gary said “li-berry” and she corrected him. Said you must have never been there cuz it’s called a “li-bRary”

  6. I am praying that Gary wins HOH this Thursday. Gary puts Emmet and Jillian on the block. Jillian wins POV. Send Emmett packing. Talla wins HOH. Gary wins POV. I don’t care who gets 100K. Just let Emmett and Jillian get a dose of their own medicine.

  7. JUST FOR CLARITY AND VERBATIM WHO SAID WHAT; Emmett called Talla a useless tit NOT Andrew. Some commenters have mistakenly said in their post that Andrew said it. Not the case.

    1. Barybare re “useless tit.” I read the comments again for Apr 24/13 8 – 9:31 AM.. To me Emmett was talking about what Andrew had said regarding Talla the night before.

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