Talla impersonates Andrew “Hi, I’m Andrew TOTES BRUTES! Flonk! Pissed! You couple of Ya Whos!”

POV Holder: Gary Next POV April 20th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 22nd
HOH Winner: Emmett Next HOH: April 25th
Original Nominations: Gary and Andrew
Current Nominations: Andrew & Talla
Last Evicted Houseguest Peter
Have Nots Gary

Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 510pm

5:20pm The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Andrew, Jillian and Talla are in the kitchen. Talla does an impersonation of Andrew. Hi, I’m Andrew .. TOTES BRUTES! Flonk! Pissed! You couple of Ya Whos! Andrew laughs why weren’t you me then! Talla says I could do that for hours. Talla leaves to take a shower. Andrew asks Jillian if Talla talks about him. Jillian says no, I don’t think she wants to talk about it. Andrew tells Jillian that she is in a very good position right now… She gets to compete in HOH and if she wins it .. she just needs to win two more competitions and then she is in the final two. Andrew says I should be in a good position but I’m not right now. Jillian heads up to the HOH room to lay down on the HOH bed. Andrew goes to nap in the main bedroom. Emmett and Gary finish up their chess game and head down to the kitchen to eat. They then head back up to the HOH room to play another game of chess.

Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 522pm

Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 516pm

5:46pm – 6:15pm Andrew and Talla sit out in the hot tub room. They talk about past events of the house. Andrew comments that Gary is probably up there making a deal with them. Talla says that she thinks this Thursday will be a double eviction. Andrew says it most likely will be. Talla says that she can’t believe it is almost over. Andrew says yeah especially when you think about the Kat’s and Aj’s … Aj has been in the jury house for 35 days! That’s the other thing .. Gary was out of the house for two weeks relaxing. They continue to talk about random things and relationships they have/want outside the house.
Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 612pm

6:20pm – 6:35pm Talla is trying to get into the diary room but they gave her the red light before she even touched it. She then hid around the corner and went to go press it and it flashed red a bunch more times. Big Brother then told her to stop that! Talla heads out to the backyard and tells Jillian about it. Talla says that talking with Andrew is hard .. she has to keep trying to change the subject. She leaves saying she will go back out to talk to the stooge.


6:40pm Andrew goes up to the HOH room to play chess. Emmett beats Gary. Andrew then plays Gary. Meanwhile Jillian is working out in the backyard and Talla is in the diary room. Gary gets called to the diary room. Gary tells Emmett not to help Andrew with the chess game. When Gary leaves Emmett gives Andrew pointers on how to beat Gary. Talla joins them and gets into the HOH bed. Emmett says that he is going to come over there and he sleeps naked. Talla doesn’t get it she asks so this is your spot? Emmett says I didn’t say that. Andrew says I think Talla is a virgin. Emmett says I highly doubt that!
Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 636pm

7:10pm – 7:20pm Gary comes back. And Andrew goes to the diary room. Emmett asks Gary what is the worst punishment you took other than slop? Gary says not being able to shower. Emmett asks that’s worse than having to wear that? Gary says yeah because I don’t have to think about what to wear. Emmett says I can’t believe they (Big Brother) came in here and started screwing with the clocks on us.. they must want us to stay up later. They went ahead a few hours eh? Gary says yeah. Emmett and Talla try and sleep in the HOH room bed. Jillian tries to sleep downstairs. Big Brother wakes them up with the alarm.

Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 705pm

7:50pm Emmett and Jillian are lying on the HOH bed. He tells her that he did his HOH diary room session today. She asks what did you say? Did you say you were going to propose to me at the finale? Emmett says I said you were good enough .. I might take you on a date when this is all over. Then he says he told them to get him a ring so he could propose.

Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 745pm

8pm Andrew and Gary say that they will call their chess game a draw. Andrew climbs on top of Gary and tries to kiss him. Gary yells RAPE! They decide to continue their chess game.

Big Brother Canada April 23 2013 8pm

While the house guests sit in silence playing chess, take a look at a couple new videos of BBCA Talla:

Tallaisms Do You Love it?

And Cheerleading with Talla:

NEW Photos of the jury house:

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21 thoughts to “Talla impersonates Andrew “Hi, I’m Andrew TOTES BRUTES! Flonk! Pissed! You couple of Ya Whos!””

  1. omg boring!!!!! when andrew leaves it will be sooooo boring….i love his humor…and now that there is a chess game in the house….the live feeds are even more boring….thumbs down!!!!

      1. They brought the chess board in after Peter left. Now that all the “scheming manipulators” are gone it seems like they’re trying to make Emmett out as the new schemer… hence all the chess analogies comparing the game to big brother.

    1. I completely agree that Andrew is hilarious, but I’ve found his incessant complaining and whining about Gary being back in the house these past few days incredibly irritating. I understand if you complain at first, but instead of working around it or trying to develop a new strategy in the game, he is only relying on Emmett and Jillian to keep him safe this week…. which as of now does not look like it’s going to happen.

  2. Seriously why can’t Andrew understand what he is even saying. He says Talla is sitting in a good place in this game right now. Then why are you not Getting her on your side with Gary. Why continue to go talk with Jillian when you know she can’t do anything about Emmett. Emmett put you on the block why trust what he says, or might say. I thought Andrew knew more about the game but he doesn’t. If he would have listened more to Dan while he was in for the sleep over instead of complaining about Dan he would be in a better spot. The problem is Andrew is playing emotionally right now and that never wins in any game. You need to be ready to cut some ties to make it further and that means throwing Jillian and Emmett under the bus. But he doesn;t have the guts cause he is too attached to the East Coast Alliance. Stupid Stupid moves or should I say NON-MOVES.

    1. Why get Talla “on his side”? She’s on the block next to him, it’s either her or him who stays!
      He needs 2 votes to stay, and she doesn’t vote.

  3. Andrew’s problem is that he’s got a huge crush on Jillian and keeps hoping that she will leave Emmett for him. Unfortunately for him, he’s not half the man that Emmett is as he’s like a “whiny bitch”……..always whining and bitching and hoping that Jillian will comfort him. He would gladly throw Emmett under the bus in the hope that Jillian will be with him. Ha! Ha! Ha! What a sucker! Grow a pair Andrew! You come off like a limp weiner, no wonder you don’t have a woman in your life at your age. You make me want to puke…..whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch. I wish someone would muzzle him. Please, please get him out this Thursday!

    1. Andrew’s problem is that his alliance wants to get him out. The twist fucked him big time. The veto was probably rigged and the person on the block with him is the perfect person to compete against and beat in the end. He has no chance. He does like Jill and he would treat her so much better than Emmett does.

      1. I think they would have turned on Andrew anyways so it’s unfair to say Gary ruined his game. This is way better at least gary may go after on of them (e/J). thinking the complaints would have been way worst if gary didn’t enter the game. emmitt win hoh puts up andrew and talls, andrew wins pov and save jillian and talla goes home. that is the reality of the game if gary didn’t enter the house.

    2. wow, great insight. you sure know how to bitch about bitching. are you really a mom? maybe you should be more concerned about how you come off writing a comment like that. maybe even try to muzzle yourself for a while. guess i could say reading your comment made me want to puke, but i’m just not getting that involved lol.

  4. Jillian on House Feed 2….CANNOT keep her fingers out of her mouth!!! Like 5 minutes + of chewing her nails! Definitely feeling the pressure of the game!!

    1. She does switch it up though – the spatula, the spoon, Emmett, her fingers, the spatula, the spoon, etc. etc. It gets kind of gross and I don’t know how nobody in the house has said anything about it.

  5. i believe bb keeps it’s eyes on social media. anyone have anything they would like to see them change in the next season? i mentioned it before and I would like to see them designed the house so they could close off rooms the more and more people get evicted. please lets not complain but be productive. if people have complaints they should also suggest solutions. i know a few things didn’t work this season i.e. chess game and exposing topez were probably the worst but the rest i could live with. after all bb is a game and like any other games you have to play by their rules and not matter what i will stay tuned.

  6. I’m so over Andrew….On a different note…

    Can someone explain to me why Jillian is putting on eyeliner and blush before she heads out to the hot tub? Very odd.

  7. I have been reading these updates and all of the comments this entire season and I just have to say; PEOPLE, stop being so hateful!!! There are many brilliant debates, and there are points well established by many of those posting but in between are all of these awful, name-calling, personal attacks. Peter said that the Big Brother house was a microcosm of the real world. I believe that this commenting forum is a microcosm of the Big Brother show, and almost as entertaining. Thank you all so much for putting forth such interesting and stimulating concepts and ideas. As a BBUS fan since season one, I am fascinated with our “Canadian” version, and although the twists are many, they have made it unique, and I am – and will continue to be a huge fan!
    As a Nova Scotian, I am rooting for Emmett, Jillian, or Andrew, but as a Big Brother Fan, I find myself torn. As a fan, I dislike Jillian and her lying, and I’m sick of Andrew’s whining. I originally loved Gary, but I think I’ve had enough of him. I like Emmett – from time to time, but I don’t think Talla should win. I’m a little lost at who to “root for” right now, and these discussion boards keep swaying my opinion, such moving arguments!
    One last thought; up until now, I thought Talla was cute, but completely useless. I am starting to see her value. She is an anomaly and she makes me laugh straight from my belly with her crazy antics. Thanks Simon and Dawg for posting those last two videos, I laughed long and hard.
    Production: Please give us some more Moose talking action and get our blood moving again while watching the feeds!

  8. Does anyone have vid clip of Emmett and Jillain around 7:45pm talking about his DR, dating outside the house and joking about a ring, etc…please and thx was reading in updates, would love to see it in vid.

    1. Yeah DI_ATl
      …Emmett says to Jillian that he told production to get him a ring. I assume from the conversation, so as to ask her for her hand in marriage at the finale……See this as a suspicious carefully crafted production romantic twist designed to promote the show.. Why?….Well first of all J/E are both accomplished liars. They never stop.. Lying in the game is usually done to advance your position in the game. J/E lie as an excuse to avoid strategy.. Or because that the only play they have….. E.G. Andrew, who is clearly a decent man. A person of worth. And because he is so decent he is having trouble understanding how and why these two people, he felt he could trust, be screwing his chance at big money.. They on the other hand really don’t give a damn.. And people now see Andrew as the bad guy.
      Back to the engagement. That he told production to get him a ring tells me he really isn’t into it.. You don’t have some producers assistant buy the ring for the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. You do it yourself.. You talk to your family first… It is just another scam and sham and more fake reality.. Interesting so many regulars seem to miss this.. But I’m sure it will create the drama it is intended to do.

  9. can we get some cameras in jury house?! It has all the fun ppl so it’d probably be alot more entertaining to watch then these remaining ppl…. seriously… jury house episodes anyone????

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