Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly continues to work Adam for his vote to keep Dani.. *Updated*

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9:20am – 9:40am Shelly and Adam are talking in the backyard. Shelly and Adam are in the backyard talking about keeping Dani. Shelly wants to make the big move. Adam wants to vote Dani out and win the next HOH. Adam says that his target is Rachel. Adam says that he thinks he can explain to Jeff that it will be okay because they still have the numbers and Jeff can play in the next HOH. Shelly says that she understands and says that Rachel is a human shield. Adam explains that this week it will come down to who win s the HOH .. because they will be the deciding vote. Shelly asks so your mind is pretty made up. Adam says yeah, I like the game move …but if Jordan wins HOH …then I am going up. This week is the deciding vote only needs 3 votes. Adam says also that Porsche can be swayed but that because Jeff took her off the block ..its more likely that they could sway her vote. Shelly says but they wouldn’t know who’s votes it was. Adam says yeah but then they won’t trust either of us..

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Dani that Adam would probably cream himself if she told him he can do something on her dad’s website..

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12:20am – 1am In the bathroom, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are talking. Shelly complains about chicken wings being too hot. Shelly starts talking about having a surgical operation to take a muscle out of her starfish when she was younger. Shelly starts going in to way too much detail about this. Shelly and Kalia are getting ready for bed. Meanwhile out in the backyard, Jeff and Porsche are doing arts and crafts. Adam walking around smoking. Jordan then joins them out in the backyard. Adam and Jeff then go to play a game of pool. Jeff heads inside to go to the bathroom. Jeff runs into Kalia and tell her briefly that she can’t believe anything Dani says about his word or his character… and that if she has a question about something he said ..that she needs to come ask him talk to him about it. Jordan goes to sit with her feet in the hot tub. Kalia and Shelly join Porsche out on the couch. Kalia starts making things with arts and crafts. Shelly then joins Jordan by the hot tub. Shelly starts talking about thinking she could change the way people are …but you can’t . Jordan says that she felt the same way her season. Shelly says that when you have all these people looking at the same end prize you get the same thing. Jordan starts talking about her family and missing them. Jordan says she can’t stand all the cattiness. Shelly says yeah I know …I wake up and think here is another start to another BLANK four days.
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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 23rd, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 23rd 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother 13: Shelly flips again “I would trust JJ with my Lfe” **UPDATED**

9:02pm POrsche and Dani porsche: “Dude adam has clearly lost his mind” Porsche explains that he’s acting super sketch his mannerisms and “Stuff” are out of wack. dani is sure Adam will do whatever JJ tell him to do. Dani: “And where does that get him final 3. Porsche wonders if they can get Shelly to tell him that she has a final 3 deal with JJ. Dani thinks it’s worth a shot.

dani thought Adam wanted Jordan out. Porsche says he did but not if he’s got a deal with JJ. Porsche mentions that Adam has been warning her about Dani. Dani: “Whats wrong with him I literally never lied to him ever”.

They start breaking down that perhaps Adam has had a deal with JJ for 2 weeks. Porsche thinks adam’s vote to keep rachel was Shelly’s doing. POrsche says if she wins Big Brother 13 she will take Dani out on a Caribbean Cruise. Dani accepts the deal. (team Porsche Yo includes Caribbean cruises sign me up 🙂 )

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers, Jeff: “Dude I want Rachel to blow up it keeps the target on her”

7:43pm HOH JJ

Jeff: “So… when do you think the Rachel explosion is going to happen”
Jordan isn’t sure she just doesn’t want her to do it this week she wants it next week because if Rachel goes running around all crazy like dani can use that to get votes.

Jeff: “I swear if you guys don’t win HOH i’ll be pissed off… Dude are you guys kidding me” (I think he’s meaning Rachel, Shelly and Adam) Jordan says Shelly and Adam really want to win HOH this week. Jeff agrees says that Adam is terrified of going on the block.

Jeff adds that Kalia is coming after him so she’s the one they don’t want win HOH. Jordan brings up Shelly and Adam flipping on them. She’s convinced it won’t happen. Jeff agrees. Jeff doesn’t understand why adam is so scared to be a pawn they have the numbers it’s OK.

Jordan brings up that Rachel is freaking out about Adam. Jordan tried to explain to Rachel that Adam is close to them.
Jeff: “Dude I want Rachel to blow up it keep the target on her”
Jordan: “Oh if Kalia wins you and Rachel are going up or she might try to backdoor you”
Jordan is convinced that before Dani leaves on Thursday she will coach Kalia in who to get out they might put up Rachel and a pawn and if the veto is used backdoor Jeff. Jeff: “Yeah she’ll try that because if I win the veto no blood on her hands”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Is Straight Shooter Shooting Straight “we can flip the entire house on them… its the only chance to win”

4:48pm DKP Havenots
Porsche starts joking about telling Rachel that one of the girls on the block are going to try and screw Brendon in the Jury Room (It’s really funny stuff.. 4:48 Cam 3-4) Porsche: “Umm how do you vote Rachel the sex expert or the girl you both asked to do a threesmeone with.. hmmm”

Prosche says she’s going to start dropping hints like, “I bet they have a lot of Alcohol in the Jury house… you know what can happen with Alcohol and 2 drinkers”
Dani: “that hurts my vagina just hearing you say that”
POrsche wonders why everyone thinks they can bully and intimidate her.. She mentions Jeff, Brendon and Rachel and how they have treated her.
Porsche: “I always thought he was intimidating but I see the girl he’s dating so he can’t be that intimidating on the outside”
Dani says Jeff is all show. Porsche mentions that Even Shelly has told her that she’s different now then week one.
Porsche brings up her speech “everyone always wants to know where I stand well right now I’m standing on the block”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Kalia and Straight Shooter agree “1billion percent” it’s time to take out the vets

3:00pm Adam and Jeff Pool Adam saying that Dani is not going to go without a fight. Jeff just doesn’t see how it will help her int he game. Adam asks if Dani has talked to Jeff yet. Jeff says he hasn’t talked since the POV ceremony. Adam attaches lips to Jeff’s butt says that Jeff’s Speeches are some of the best of the season, Adam likes how JEff mixes humour when he’s making big game moves.

Jeff says that Dani is going to start one big fight this week and it’ll include everybody. Adam says he’s objective this week is to avoid the bitch fest that is coming. Adam mentions the shit dani has been telling him about how he was the target when him and Dom were up. Jeff says Dani talks so much shit to everyone right now he doesn’t think Adam should bother listening to her. Adam reassures him he’s not listening to Dani. He doesn’t trust her, nor does he think he staying in the game is a good thing for him.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Adam & Porsche that its better for all of them to keep Dani..

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1:50am – 2:15pm Out in the backyard, Adam, Rachel and Porsche are talking how many weeks are left. Adam says that there are 23/24 days left… or three weeks and few days. Adam says that he is going to need to set up cameras in his bedroom …just to feel normal when he gets out. Adam says that he is so used to changing his batteries in the morning now. They talk about the wake up songs. They talk about how they are excited about Vegas. Adam says that he is just really excited to meet other people ..other houseguests. Porsche says she hopes there will be a party here. Adam says that he was trying to set something up from inside. Adam jokes that he will be on the do not let in list. Porsche says did you vote to evict my daughter… you are not allowed in. Adam says now thats a good argument. This hole time Rachel has been sitting in silence with her head in her hands. Rachel leaves. Porsche says there is definitely a cast party after here… and she (Rachel) is never going to be invited. Porsche tells Adam that Jordan and Kalia will never put each other. Adam says that he hates when people do that. Porsche says that he and Rachel have a no put up deal too. Rachel comes back outside. Rachel asks if Adam and Porsche this experience is what they thought it would be. Rachel gets called to the diary room.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani doesn’t want to campaign against Kalia ..she wants Porsche to do it for her..

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12:20pm – 12:40pm Jeff and Jordan talk about how she thinks that just as long as Rachel is here … Adam will be going after them. Jordan starts talking about the votes. Jeff inturrups her and asks are you talking about the votes …Adam and Shelly are going to get any votes what the BLANK have they done!! Jeff and Jordan roll over to take a nap. Meanwhile out in the backyard, Kalia, Shelly, Porsche and Rachel are talking about random stuff. Kalia is talking about books, libraries and New York. Kalia and Rachel are like best friends now. Kalia and Rachel are all alone talking on the backyard couches. Kalia is telling Rachel all about her life and her job. Kalia talks about within 10 years the newspaper will be obsolete.

Meanwhile Dani si all alone in the HaveNot room trying to sleep. Porsche joins Dani. Porsche asks why Kalia was crying. Dani says that it is horrible that she is up against her friend. Dani says that she needs Dani to help her. Dani says that Porsche needs to push that Kalia and Jordan have a deal to not put each other up. Dani says that in the next HOH Jeff can’t play and so Jordan and Rachel are the only ones that can win it from their side…and Jordan can’t win anything… so really it’s just Rachel. Dani asks can I tell you a secret? ..I hid the things in the house.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff Used the Veto to Replace Porsche with Dani! LET THE FIREWORKS BEGIN! **UPDATED**

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10:45am – 11:35am Big Brother cut the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen to block the Power of Veto Ceremony. When the live feeds come back, Dani and Kalia are in the HaveNot room talking and crying. Dani says that it is the worst birthday week ever. Kalia says what was with that speech? Kalia says he always give people the chance. Kalia says that he told her to that they can still talk. Kalia says F him. Kalia says that she is worried about Porsche going over to their side if Dani leaves. Dani says no I don’t think so. Kalia says that she can’t win this game by playing with people that wont say or do anything. Kalia says I am not going to say or do anything all week, I am not going to campaign against you.. Dani says stop Kalia you dont need to campaign against me …you can campaign to save yourself. Kalia says that Shelly hugged her and said that they can talk later. Kalia says F you I don’t want to talk to you. Kalia asks Dani what she is thinking. Dani says nothing.. Dani says that she wants the king and queen for the chess table back for her speech on thrusday.. Kalia says that they are in the storage room in the bottom drawer.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jordan says we will see what happens today ..if Dani goes up there will be fireworks.. **UPDATED**

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7am – 10am Shelly wakes up, goes into the kitchen and then heads outside to sit in silence as she smokes. 9:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the live feeds come back Rachel and Porsche are in the bathroom putting on their makeup. Shelly is in the shower. They talk about the wakeup song and then about Rachels hair. Meanwhile, Adam tells Dani how he slept horribly last night. Dani says shutup! Dani talks about how horrible it is to sleep in the have not room and that she can’t stand it, her life is horrible. Dani heads into the bathroom and Shelly is surprised to hear they went to sleep at 5am ..and Dani says that she barely slept. Porsche, Dani, Kalia and Shelly continue to get ready in the bathroom. Dani complains about how much her face is breaking out. Rachel heads out into the backyard to sit on the couch staring off into the distance. Jordan joins her outside. Jordan talks about how she likes that Jeff isn’t telling anyone what he is doing …she says its suspenseful. Jordan and Rachel talk about studying the events of the house later. Jordan says we will see what happens to day will either be fireworks or … Jordan says that Dani isn’t going to go down without a fight… and Jeff already told everyone to come straight to him if she tries saying anything.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 22nd, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 22nd 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

If you like this site and want to help us keep it running please consider donating, Your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donate Link

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