Rachel: Porsche is figuring out that she’s playing Big Brother and she can’t just sit around and eat all day **updated

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4:45pm JRA backyard Adam folding laundry, rachel reading the bible and JOrdan exercising. Adam is starting to get pissed at Kalia he’s not sure if he can take her much longer. Adam points out that Kalia is using the exact same argument Dani was.. Saying that Adam is a fan of the game and Adam knows the fans want to see big moves. Adam: ‘Big moves that help them not me”. Jordan and rachel agree. Jordan tells Adam he’s got to keep his cool they don’t want any Drama. (Yes lets try hard to make this even more boring)

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Big Brother 13: Adam loves the fans “F*ck them they aren’t getting me 500K i’m going to get ME 500k”

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

3:05pm Backyard Adam, Jordan, Rachel None of them want to go into the kitchen because Kalia will talk game to them. Adam starts telling them that Kalia was saying last night that Jordan really doesn’t want to be in Big Brother and Jordan just wants to go to the Jury house and see Jeff. Jordan gets pissed to hear that, Starts speaking loud “She gone she’s outta here”. Adam: “The funy thing is Kalia is saying the same thing Dani would.. ohh the fans want to see big moves the fans want to see an exciting show” Adam loves the fans “Fuck them they aren’t going to get me 500K I’m going to get me 500k” Rachel mentions that she doesn’t even like to play cards with Kalia.
(Adam sucks I hope he gets out Third and they withhold his stipend becuase he was so lame)

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Big Brother Veto Winner Adam says he is considering using the veto

12:35pm Jordan and Rachel are still walking around the backyard talking. They are going over what has happened so far in the game and the mistakes and things they would have changed. Rachel says that Shelly should have never been a part of their equation. Rachel says that she just needs to keep telling herself that she HAS TO WIN the next veto. Rachel says that if I don’t win the veto then I will be gone and Adam will take Porsche to the final two. Jordan says that Porsche hasn’t really done anything. Rachel says that as long as Porsche doesn’t win the next HOH and we win the Veto we will be okay. Jordan says that she thinks she can do it ..and that a lot of people are probably rooting for you. Rachel says that she is pretty confident that if it is anything physical she can beat Adam. Rachel says that she thinks she can beat Porsche in a lot of physical stuff too. Jordan agrees. They say that even if Adam wins HOH we can talk with him. Kalia says that Adam said that her argument is solid but that its about numbers. Kalia says that she told him this will be the biggest mistake of your life. Kalia tells Porsche that we need to step it up. Kalia continues to tell Porsche everything she said to Adam. Kalia heads outside.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to fu*king god that Kalia gets voted out! *Updated*

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10am Adam wakes up, changes his battery, goes to the washroom and then heads out into the backyard for a smoke. Adam starts studying the dates and events of the house. Adam says wait until you BLANK see tonight. Shopping Spree with Tori Spelling and Rachel locked up in the HOH room with Jessie. Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to BLANK god that Kalia gets voted out! Kalia joins Adam in the backyard. Adam starts talking about his dreams. Big Brother then cuts the live feeds to wake up the houseguests.

10:25am Up in the HOH room Jordan and Rachel are talking. Jordan is talking about how she was talking to Kalia last night and didn’t want for anyone to get the wrong idea about what she was doing. Jordan says that she really wanted to talk to Rachel and Adam. Jordan says that even this morning she wanted to talk to Adam and he is out there with Kalia. Rachel and Jordan talk about how they hope they can trust Adam. Rachel says that Adam gave you Fara’s necklace so hopefully we can trust him… I think we can. Jordan talks about how Kalia was telling her why she really needs the money. Rachel says okay well this isn’t a charity.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – September 4th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for September 4th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia talks about how offended she was that Rachel said Dani was her master.. no one in this house is my master..

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1am Kalia and Jordan are talking. Jordan is talking about her and Jeff and how they can’t have a distance relationship forever. Jordan says that they need to figure out what they need to do next. Jordan says that one of the great things about her and Jeff is that we trust each other and aren’t jealous people so it makes being in a long distance relationship easier. Jordan that her and Jeff are like buddies, we aren’t mushy, mushy. They start talking about how they can’t wait to see their families. Kalia says that after Dani left and after the double eviction she was worried that she had no one else but herself to depend on. Kalia says that she felt like she had to win HOH. Jordan tells Kalia that she wasn’t the one on the chopping block, Shelly and Porsche were the targets. Jordan says that if she would have won the double eviction HOH she would have put up Shelly and Porsche. Jordan say that the night before the double eviction her and Jeff knew they had to get Shelly out and they wanted to pull someone else over to their side and they were thinking about Kalia. Kalia tells Jordan that she isn’t about playing sides in this game she is more than willing to shuffle the deck especially since her alliance was sent home. Jordan says that big brother isn’t an easy game. Kalia says that the first week she wondered what she had signed up for. Jordan tells Kalia that it was the best feeling to walk out of the house and know that the game is over, she says everyone at that point gets onto the same page. Adam joins them. Adam says that coming out of the big brother house must be like coming out of a coma.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers Adam: “Somedays I feel like… Man my game sucks” **updated

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

8:14pm Backyard, Kalia, Adam, Rachel and Jordan They are talking about the audience reactions when certain houseguests were evicted. All of them except for Rachel thought Dom’s applause was very loud. Kalia points out that Jeff and Dani where probably the loudest. Jordan agress. Rachel says she was surprised by Shelly’s applause. KJA all think Shelly’s applause was muted.

They start going over all of Shelly’s lies.. Kalia brings up the personal conversation she had with Shelly about race. Kalia says she will destroy Shelly’s Character if she find out that Shelly went around and told everyone about it. rachel: “Uhh she did I’m telling you right now” Kalia is mad. Adam bring up the possibility that Shelly was America’s Player. They all agrees she wasn’t. They briefly talk about BB12 and all the nasty things Monet and Brit would say about Rachel being full of STDS. KAlia mentions that Monet was really boring she wonders how those type of people get on the show. Adam agrees says that sometimes they cast the worst people (Funny this coming from Adam) KAlia thinks some people are really good at auditions.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says Porsche asked him if he won the veto ..would he use it on her? Adam says that he told her to win it herself! *Updated*

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5:30pm Kalia, Rachel, Jordan and Adam are talking about Tori Spelling. They talk and laugh about random stuff like comparing Big Brother to Survivor. Rachel starts talking about her season. The fortune teller starts to move and the eyes light up. Adam says DUDE LOOK SHE’S MOVING. Rachel yells tell us something?? Do something? What that’s it?! Adam says maybe we’re getting closer to it doing something? They wonder if big brother can control it? They talk about how there are wires running under the wall so that production can control it. Adam asks the fortune teller if Jessie is coming back into the house again?! Jordan talks talking about her season when production was scaring them from behind the walls. Rachel gets called to the diary room and says tell me if she says anything… Kalia says that its too late in the game for anyone to get any special powers. Adam is in the living room dancing for no reason.

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Jordan wants Porsche out, “She told me she never wanted to play game… she shouldn’t win she never did anything”

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3:35pm HOH AJ Adam tells Jordan that he basically told Kalia that he’s pissed off at her and he’s not using the Veto. Jordan asks her if there is anything they can do to get Adam to flip sides. Adam says no way, he’s telling kalia he’s thinking about it but in the end he won’t be using the VETO. Jordan asks him flat out if he has a final 2 deal with Porsche. Adam says no. Jordan asks if he’ll take JRA or JPA. Adam says he will take the vets to the final 3 that’s the way he wants to play. Jordan starts saying that Rachel and Jordan played the game the entire time they deserve to be in the final 3. She doesn’t think that Porsche deserves to win because she didn’t play the game and she’s only on the show to further her career. Jordan: “She told me she never wanted to play game… she shouldn’t win she never did anything”. Adam keeps telling Jordan that he’s 100% going final 3 with JR she doesn’t have to worry. Jordan starts saying that it’s not about who is your best friend it’s about the game and who is a bigger threat. She says she had that deal with Kalia week 2 but thinks Because Kalia put JEff up then the deal is really off.

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Kalia: “If Rachel tries to take a card out of my hands.. it’s going to be philly take it to the streets”

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

12:07pm Adam, Porsche and Adam Adam: “I apologize now if I get violent..Not that it will be on purpose” (Adam actually is a really nice bloke.. wish he would do something)

Kalia is saying that if it’s OTEV and given all the tension in the house there’s going to be blood… Kalia adds that rachel is probably going to get really physical. Adam and Porsche agree. Kalia: “If Rachel tries to take a card out of my hands.. it’s going to be philly take it to the streets”
(They are planning it will be otev one of the more physical comps in Big BRother)

Everyone is on edge they are just walking around waiting for the comp to start. They keep talking about how physical it’s going to get and how there ready to “Throw it down”. Even Adam is pumped

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – September 3rd, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for September 3rd 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

If you like this site and want to help us keep it running please consider donating, Your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donate Link

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche says OH MY GOD Adam if you win this veto ..life looks REALLY GOOD! *Updated*

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8:35am – 9:40am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the live feeds return, Rachel is heading into the downstairs bathroom to grab something’s and then goes backup to the HOH room. Adam is laying in bed staring at the ceiling. All the other houseguests are still sleeping in bed. Jordan wakes up and heads into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Porsche is now up and in the bathroom with Jordan. Rachel joins Jordan in the downstairs bathroom. Kalia is now up and in the bathroom as well. Adam and Kalia are in the kitchen going over the events of the house. Kalia says that she has stared at the houseguest pics for ever and feels like there is no way she couldn’t get them. Kalia asks Adam if they ever said anything bad about her or Porsche. Kalia says that they were saying bad stuff about each of us to one another. Adam says that all they said was that if I didnt go up then for me to not use the veto if I won it. Kalia asks Adam if he did win it …would you ever consider using it on one of us? Kalia says because then we would have the votes to keep you safe. Adam says yeah na….
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