
Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Jojo says that Joe stares at her like he is picturing her naked in his head.

Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!

1am Joe, Frank, Wil, and Janelle are in the kitchen talking about Willie. Frank says that Willie is just too much of a wannabe manipulator. Joe asks who figured that one out? Janelle says he did (pointing at Wil). Wil says that he is normally a good judge of people, and was so shocked when he started being so nice to him. When I’d go in a room he would go HEHEHE! He was doing that to mock me. He had me fooled for a second. And then I was blood honest. Frank says you got to be with the people you work with. Frank says that’s what I told him out side, and he said don’t talk to me! Willie comes down from the HOH room and heads outside. Joe comments on this being so awkward. I hate it. Frank says the last thing I want is a fu*king tie. Wil asks a what? Joe says a tie, because then Willie gets to send him out. Frank says that he would pull his fu*king hair out. Janelle asks Frank what he would do? Frank says I would be like, alright, eat your fu*king fruit loops! Joe says that he wants to send him home to run someone elses life, stop trying to run 12 of our lives. They comment on how Britney and Willie flirt with each other and its weird. The conversation changes to talking about Mike. Frank says that Mike wanted to be up talking game tonight but that he’s been in bed for an hour. Janelle says that he’s been in bed this whole game so far. Janelle laughs about how Willie is so egotistical and said that he was the biggest threat in this game.

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Big Brother 14 First FIGHT “I never said no nothing about a homosexual”

9:43pm HOH Ashley, Britney, Willie
Ashley: “this house is ridiculous.. Stories are getting twisted”
Britney: “This entire House is downstairs against you.. Frank was telling everyone that you were making fun of Wil’s voice”
Who the fuck said that.. Britney: “Frank”. Willie gets up to talk to Frank but Britney stops him.

Ashley: “Everyone is twisting words down there like crazy”
Britney: “The coaches are trying to get rid of you because they think you are casuung trouble”
Britney: “EVERYONE is downstairs talking about you and Frank is starting it all”
Willie: “He’s gone this week”

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‘Big Brother 14’ Willie is Worried about Shane: “He’s so focused on pu$$y right now his mind is off the game”

7:37pm Aracde Room Jojo and Frank She’ll give Frank her vote but she needs to know that things are good between her and him she doesn’t want any sneaky shit going on with Boogie.
Frank: “I’ve been trying to get on this show for 3 years i’m not going to play someone elses game.. This is my game i’m playing it my way”
jojo tells him that he’s got her vote.
Willie joins them
Willie doesn’t think they have the votes, Frank asks if it’s Shane. Willie isn’t worried about Shane. Frank doesn’t get it if he’s not worried about Shane who is he worried about. Frank: “I don’t know” JOJO: “You better not be worried about me”
Frank: “Do you feel good about Shane”
Willie: “I don’t know dude”
Frank: “I trust Jojo, Jenn and Ian”
Willie: “I trust JoJO with my kids life”
Willie: “This is what makes me nervous about Shane.. I told him that no one better switch up their vote this week.. Shane looked back at me and said How would you know who did it though” Jojo says she heard it to.
Willie: “everyone is saying I Mad dogged joe but I’m not mad dogging joe.. He’s the one that started all that shit up in the HOH today”
Willie points out that the coaches have been talking about the joining the game since day one and now they act like it’s something horrible and ridiculous to discuss but it wasn’t horrible when Britney, Janelle and Dan talked about it in the backyard. Willie mentions that Britney and Janelle talked about getting dropped back into the game for a hour while he was pretending to sleep.

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‘Big Brother Spoilers’ The Diversity Alliance 2 country boys and a homosexual

6:27pm Hot tub Frank and Boogie
Frank is positive that he has the votes to stay counts Jenn, Ian and all of Janelle’s team. Frank has talked to Joe and Joe is wanting to put willie up if he wins HOH this week.
Boogie: “That would be great take the blood of our hands”
Frank mentions that Willie has been talking dirt about Joe, Frank thinks Willie has a 1 week deal with everyone in the house.
Boogie: “He’s trying too hard” (Willie)
Frank is positive that Willie is lying to him, he’s sure Willie has been lying to almost everyone in the house for the past 3 days. Boogie tells him that Willie is Imploding and to be doing it week one is crazy
Frank talks about his alliance with Joe and Wil, Joe is calling it diversity alliance , “Me and him country boys and a homosexual”
Jenn joins them
Jenn wonders why Willie would do what he did..
Frank: “he’s lying to my face.. he’s lost control”
Boogie:he’s trying to live up to some family name” Frank and Jenn agree
Frank tells them that Willie hasn’t been making much sense lately he’s talking about these alliances and side deals that don’t work.
Boogie: “He speaks in more riddles than Jim Carrey as the riddler”
Boogie: “Our group out of the three are the tightest in the house.. the more of Willie’s craziness and paranoia causes fracturing in the other groups GREAT”
Frank and Jenn Agree.. Frank leaves.

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Big Brother 14 – Coaches Discuss Willie’s Game Play “Classic over play.. too hard too fast”

3:27pm Backyard Dan, Jojo, Janelle and Boogie They’re talking about the seasons of Big Brother they had been on. Janelle explains that when she came back to host a competition during Big Brother 8 and Eric Stein said something nasty about her

Dan: “I predict in the next 20 hours someone is going to snap”
janelle: “Some of thes people are not too bright”
Boogie: “no no it’s good I would love a good throw down”
Boogie: “I want to hear a take from Jojo she’s the least fitlered”
Boogie: “I love how there is an allaince to get us out of the game.. what are you talking about”
Dan: “Apparently i’m the smoothest talker in the house”
Janelle: “The good news is when our players leave we get to go home no jury house”
Dan: “Does the jury house suck?” … Feeds cut
They are having a laugh about Willie’s revolt against the coaches.
Janelle laughs: “All the coaches have to leave the house.. don’t they understand that they’ll need to go as well”
Boogie: “This is crazy paranoia .. Defcon 10 level paranoia.. “

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Joe says the fu*king minute his HOH is over, I’m drawing a line!

12:30pm In the Kicks room, Frank and Joe are talking. Frank tells Joe that he isn’t sure he should tell him this, cuz I don’t want you to run to Willie but I don’t know if I can trust him. Joe says that he can’t either. Frank says that he would rather go right after him next week, or maybe go after someone who is real close to him. Frank says that he really likes how you and I are have a getting along right now. Joe tells Frank that Willie told him that he is telling people that he wants the votes to be mixed so that that no one will know how the votes fell. Joe says that way you would have to come after us because you wouldn’t know who voted you out, that way he is safe. Frank is pissed because Willie has been telling him it will be a clean sweep. Frank asks who do you think we can get to vote with us. Joe says Jenn, me, you, Wil and Ashley. Joe says if you fu*k around with Willie now after this then we are done. Frank says if we can get someone else on our team to win and get the blood on their hands. Joe says he will work on Wil and Ashley. Joe will work on Ian and Jenn. Frank says that we can’t come out about the alliance until after Thursday. Joe says yeah I know.

Watch the 24/7 Uncensored Live Feeds of the Big Brother house 3 Day Trial!

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Big Brother 14 Joe says big brother gave them the name, I don’t need a coach.

10am Britney heads up to the HOH room to talk to Willie. Britney tells Willie that he is making people uncomfortable. Willie says that he isn’t. Willie and Britney go into the bathroom to talk. Britney tells Willie that she is not going down for this because people are going to think it came from me. Willie says that it didn’t come from you, I walked in on Frank and Boogie talking about the numbers. Britney says why don’t we just play the game that we know we have. Mike doesn’t even think it’s going to happen anyways even if it was now it won’t because there is so much talk about it. Britney says that if someone comes up to me and asks me about it I will say that I heard it from you and you heard it from Frank. Willie says fine. Britney heads back down stairs.

Superpass Live Feeds: 3 Day Trial!

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Big Brother 14 AUDIO LEAK What Big Brother Doesn’t Want You to Hear!

7:45am Mike is out on the backyard couch drinking an iced coffee. Willie comes out to join him. Mike asks him if he was up late. Willie says yeah. Mike asks with who? Willie says a few people here and there. Willie says that something ain’t right in this house. Mike says like what did something crazy happen last night? Willie says no, just things I see don’t make sense. Mike you don’t mean us do you? Willie says no, we’re good. Mike says he sees Britney and Janelle spend more time up there. Mike tells Willie to try and break up the foursome because they are going to be your strongest competition. Willie asks Mike what he should do if he were him. Mike says to have a few alliances, one main one and then a few extra ones just in case to get their votes. I think you’ve set yourself up pretty nicely to get out of the first week unscathed.
Watch what happens AS it happens: Big Brother Live Feeds!

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Britney says she is about to crap her pants ..the coaches are about to enter the game!

12:20am Wil and Willie are out in the backyard talking about how it would have been a totally different game with the coaches. Willie says that its been tough for him having to put up two good people. Will says that he can’t talk game right now. Joe comes out and sits down with them. Joe says that everyone just needs to stop talking because the other side is trying to start stuff and we just need to calm down and do what we need to do. Joe talks about how Frank fu*ked him. Willie says that we will be fine. Willie heads inside. Wil tells Joe that he doesn’t trust Willie. Joe says that he doesn’t trust him either. Wil says that they shouldn’t tell Janelle everything and that the coaches are playing their own game. Joe says lets trust them until they screw us and then we’ll float the other direction. Joe says they are weeks away from not trusting Janelle. Joe says that they need to stay under the radar, let them fight it out. Joe says that he has alliances all over. Janelle joins them and tells them her talk with Dan. She says that she told him that it doesn’t look good for Kara. She says that for Danielle to be safe she needs to win HOH. Janelle says that Dan is shocked that Frank isn’t the one going this week. Janelle asked are these people stupid? Janelle says leaving Frank in the game is a dumb move. Joe says yeah but we need to do it, we are listening to too much sh*t. Stop listening to Dan and Boogie.

Watch what happens AS it happens: Big Brother Live Feeds!

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Big Brother 14 – Willie Makes a Deal Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach”

11:06pm boogie and Willie
Boogie says he thinks Willie knows how to play this game because he knows getting rid of all the strong players early on is a bad idea. Boogie tells him it took him months on Big Brother to figure that out and Willie did it in days.
Boogie: “If you, frank and Shane roll you will own this game”
Willie knows that.
Boogie: “Wil is super dangerous”
Willie: “I dunno.. I don’t want you guys to nominate me.. next week”
Willie is nervous that Boogie is worried that boogie is working with Dan. Boogie explains to him that in the beginning he wound of worked with Dan but now Dan’s down a person with another on the block against his guy. Willie gets it he always did understand why Janelle was saying that Boogie and Dan were working together it makes no sense. Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach”

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Wil’s take on Willie “he’s overweight and unintelligent”..

Feeds keep cutting in and out. Wil is calling someone a little D!ck at the diary queen .
Wil thinks they just need to get through the next week then team up with Dan because he thinks they are being played. Janelle doesn’t think Shane is screwing them but she thinks Willie is.
Janelle: “I caught Willie in a lie to”
Wil: “I trust Joe”
janelle: “I do to”
Wil: “He screwed himself in the end because he had 3 weeks of safety”
Janelle: “So stupid”

Janelle points out that no one talks to shane about Game. Wil: “We have aenough information that we could get Wilie out next week. Janelle: “umm no it will be stupid for us to break away right now” Wil: “oh oh ya but week three BOOM they’re off”
janelle: “ya week 3 is going to be bad”

Wil: “Britney’s team is more of a threat than we are.. to boogie”
Janelle: “Boogie’s going to target my team because he wants me out”

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