New Big Brother 16 Commercial Featuring the House Guests!

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The Big Brother 16 Two-Night Première is just 2 days away and things are really starting to heat up! Today we got to see the media day footage where the media personalities were invited to play a condensed version of Big Brother in the newly redesigned house. CBS also started airing a new promotional commercial that features the new cast of house guests that will be moving into the big brother house. Usually the house guests move into the house on the Saturday before the première but this years cast might not move in to the house until the première.

“Big Brother twists are SO BIG!”
Derrick Levasseur “This is some serious business!”
Christine Brecht “I call that insane!”
The house guests are SO CRAZY!”
Hayden Voss “RAAHHHH!”
Frankie Grande “No one is ready for all of this!”
Jocasta Odom “Hahaha”
“It will take 2 Nights to reveal all!”
Brittany Martinez “Expect…”
Cody Calafiore “..The Unexpected!”
“Julie Chen hosts the big brother 2 night season première event starting Wednesday on CBS!”

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16 thoughts to “New Big Brother 16 Commercial Featuring the House Guests!”

  1. That commercial gave me a good vibe.

    Simon and Dawg, why don’t you alternate the names top and bottom of the cast photos at the top of the page. It’ll allow you to center the name better. Might make it look less crowded at the bottom.

    Obviously, I’m no website pro, I just thought I’d make a suggestion.

  2. I’m having trouble signing up for the live feeds, every time I click on one of ya’lls links, it says “server not found.” (I even tried restarting my browser with add-ons disabled) What am I doing wrong? Thanks

    1. Maybe try using a different web browser than what you’re currently using? Like IE, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc..

      I’ve heard of other people having problems with one of the browsers but that it worked using a different one.

  3. Guys. I can’t sign up to the live feeds. Been trying all day thru your site and CBS.
    What’s up with that?

  4. Was finally able to register the live feeds thru your site. Followed Dawg’s suggestion to try a different browser and switched from Safari to Chrome. Worked like a charm and would suggest others to try switching if having the same problem.
    Now I can sit back and enjoy another fun summer of Big Brother.
    Enjoy guys, and props to Dawg, Simon and fellow posters who make Online Big Brother the best BB site on the web.

    1. That’s great! I’m so glad that worked for you! Its definitely strange how some browsers don’t let people signup but thankfully it allows you through a different one. We’re glad you’re all set for the season to start. We can’t wait for the madness to begin 😉

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