Big Brother Canada 4 – Fake Double Eviction & HOH Spoilers!

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This week started off with Mitch and Joel winning the head of household competition where they then had to decide who would be the HOH for the week. Secretly they agreed Joel would get it but to make it look like Joel won it they decided on what each would draw in rock/paper/scissors. With Joel as head of household and heavily influenced by Loveita he decided to nominate Kelsey and Raul for eviction to take out part of the “3 headed monster” AKA The Third Wheel Alliance. In the Power Of Veto competition Dallas won and wanted to use it to get Joel to nominate Jared as the replacement, however Joel had already promised Jared he wouldn’t put him up. Therefore, Dallas chose not to use the veto at the power of veto ceremony. Tonight either Raul or Kelsey will be evicted, then the fake double eviction will be played out.

Social Media Spoilers:

Thank you – hamsterwatch for the spoilers!

  • Evicted House Guest: Kelsey evicted 8-2 (the 2 were Jared, Cassandra) – she did the duckie (see below gif)
    Kelsey & 2nd evictee to stay in ‘mini hotel’ (part of BBGrand) for 1 week where 1 re-enters
  • HOH Winner: Maddy
  • Nominations: Jared, Raul
  • Power of Veto Winner: Nick
  • POV USED: Nick used it on Jared
  • Replacement Nominee: Loveita
  • Second Evicted House Guest: Loveita by a 7-2 vote (the 2 were Joel, Dallas)
    Loveita & Kelsey will spy on the house for 1 week (They were given ‘mini hotel’ news together on stage)

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The two evicted house guests move into the mini BBGRAND hotel and will live there for 1 week. The live feeders can watch them on a dedicated feed.
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Arisa informs the house guests that tonight is a double eviction.


Tim votes to evict: Kelsey
Jared votes to evict: Raul
Nikki votes to evict: Kelsey
Ramsey votes to evict: Kelsey
Maddy votes to evict: Kelsey
Lovita votes to evict: Kelsey
Cassandra votes to evict: Raul
Dallas votes to evict: Kelsey
Mitchell votes to evict: Kelsey
Philippe / Nick vote to evict: Kelsey

Evicted House Guest: Kelsey by a 8-2 vote

ON Kelsey’s way out the door she reveals she has Maddy’s duck. Talking to Arisa she says she feels a bad about taking the duck. In the goodbye messages Phil tells Kelsey that he thinks he loves her. Arisa tells Kelsey that she is part of the next wildcard twist and that her journey isn’t over yet.

HOH Competition: “Heads Up!”

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During the commercial break Maddy whispers to Jared that she needs them to win Veto so she can back door Loveita. She then tells Raul she has a backdoor plan so she needs him to win the veto.

Power Of Veto Competition “Slow Roller”

The house guests are wearing roller skates that are tied together to slow them down. Nick wins

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After Nick wins the Power of Veto she tells Nick he has to use it. She then starts telling people they have to vote out Loveita. Dallas doesn’t agree and says they have the 3 headed dragon right where they want it and need to finish the job. During the Power of Veto ceremony Nick uses the veto on Jared. Maddy then nominates Loveita for eviction. Raul’s eviction speech is “I’m just here to look pretty.

  • HOH Winner: Maddy
  • Nominations: Jared & Raul
  • Power of Veto Winner: Nick
  • Veto Used: Yes on Jared
  • Replacement Nominee: Loveita
  • Second Evicted House Guest: Loveita by a by a 7-2 vote (the 2 were Joel, Dallas)
  • Second HOH Winner: ?

On the stage Arisa tells Loveita she is not going home just yet…

Arisa then tells Loveita and Kelsey are told they’ll be checking into a secret room inside the BBCAN GRAND. They’ll get to watch the other house guests and at time control what happens inside the house. At the end of the week 1 of them will get a chance to re-enter the house. Kelsey and Loveita then head to the secret suite where they’ll be staying. Lovetia tells Kelsey that she isn’t mad at her and only did what she did because of the information she was given. Kelsey says its whatever we have to live together now..

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75 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 4 – Fake Double Eviction & HOH Spoilers!”

  1. So with Kelsey being evicted .. it’s looking like Jared might join her in the mini BBGrand hotel if he doesn’t win the veto. It’ll be their own private makeout get away. And with Canada voting for who returns it will likely be Jared re-entering the house.

  2. I don’t know what would be worse:
    1) a cam dedicated to Kelsey and Raul or Kelsey and Jared all week long…
    2) a used veto with Kelsey and Loveita ending up in a room together for a week.
    This IS Maddy we’re talking about here.

      1. I joked when the fake was announced saying oh watch, if production wants to put in the fix it will be Kelsey and Loveita with whichever one gets back in altering the game because everyone worrying about how Canada feels about them will change their game. It’s been in the back of my mind, but honestly didn’t believe it would happen.

  3. So I hope when Kelsey gets back into the house next week Maddy will feel like an idiot for putting up someone on her side

  4. So I hope when Kelsey gets back into the house next week Maddy will feel like an idiot for putting up someone who was on her side.

  5. Maddy is the biggest dunce in the house. I am glad she was the one who won the HOH on a fake eviction night LOL.

  6. Maddy is such a dumbass. Does she realize that she put her side of the house in a VERY vulnerable position with this HOH? If Ramsey and Dallas do not win, they WILL go up, and there is a good chance all 3 will face the block this week. Sure, you hate Loveita, but let the other side handle her, so your alliance has an extra week. Their alliance is literally the biggest alliance in the house, and they are more hated than Raul and Jared.

    Now with the returnee twist, they will be a revolving door.

  7. So production pets ‘turdwheel’ is going to get to spy for a week. This is the most unfair move since Gary’s reentrance. sucks

    1. I used to call it a game, I looked forward to seeing people playing. You will enjoy the show much more if you take it for what it is… A show.

  8. episode rant #1
    Cassandra’s women against women rant.
    Who is your major target in the house Cass?
    Remind us Cass in Loveita vs. Raul… who’d you vote for?
    Another golden edit for Cassandra that is totally against everything she says on the feeds.

  9. Why would Maddy put up Loveita? OMG
    But it will be interesting to watch Loveita and Kelsey together lol
    I hope Loveita comes back

  10. Just love when people use the ‘this is a game’ excuse for their flirting (Kelsey). So what is she doing with Jared? Is that not the game? Since the inception of this ‘game’ people have conveniently pulled out that 4-word excuse for their behaviour. I don’t buy it except maybe Dr. Will. – true genius.

  11. Girl you’re no Jillian. She didn’t whore herself out to win. These two are trying to be the milkman and Jill.

  12. 5 girls out in the first 4 weeks…. SAD. I’ve been considering stopping watching cuz this season is getting boring and predictable.. not to mention a sausage fest.. we need more gender balance PLEASE! These girls are complete idiots this season.

    1. After watching tonight’s episode I hope that Maddy and Cass follow. Sorry these girls are too much. Cass’ speech about keeping women in the house and then happily voting for Love. Maddy putting up Love with some stupid reason and then hugging her passionately when she was voted out. And Kelsey stealing Maddy’s duck was very mature. (I thought in the past HGs were not allowed to touch other HGs things). The best part of the show was Kelsey’s face when she found out she has to spend the next week in a room with Love. In fact, that has been the best part of the season. I’m looking forward to see how they rig it for Kelsey to come back.

    1. Great job casting, you should be fired!
      Who the he!! wants to watch a bunch of guys in the house? Not me!
      It’s already boring because they have clueless unappealing players.
      I would guess their rating are/will tank. This season is a total flop.
      They can add all the bells, whistles, lights they want … the players still suck.
      3 more months till BBUS uuuhhhh!
      Let’s hope hey do a better job of casting or I’m done with BB

  13. so many people are about to get exposed to loveita and kelsey if this is true…..i’m kind of excited

  14. episode rant #2
    Maddy puts her lusting after Jared plan into action.
    Get rid of his gf.
    Save him and get rid of his rival to earn his gratitude.

    1. Which is probably why she had the whole “I need my space” thing with Nick as soon as it was clear who was leaving this week…

    1. Dumber than Maddy the moron….
      This idiot isn’t even in the final 2 and we are barely into season 4. Season 1 with 4 people left all Emmitt had to do to win 25K minimum and in my opinion win the whole thing was keep Andrew. Second stupidest mine you as the worst decision since Marcellus not using the veto in BBUSA was that complete moron Godfrey taking Sarah F2! When you see a picture of a complete and utter idiot in the dictionary that name under it will be Godfrey! Threw away 100k like the moron he is.

      1. Godfrey thought that he will win by sitting just beside Sarah , who had more blood on her hands, but played more strategically as opposed to Ashley who had more friends in the jury but payed a duller game. He placed a wrong bet since the jury members voted based on strategy, not emotionally.

      2. Godfrey wouldn’t have won against either one of them. I think he made the right choice, he could easily have seen Sarah as someone who didn’t win much, and a better shot, but going in he was always going to choose Sarah because they had the deal and the honour to stick with it.

        I hope Loveita goes back in the house because of the look on maddy’s face when it happens. I don’t see Kelsey return as anything interesting, since the 3 of them didn’t do many interesting things always tucked away with each other really. i assume they come back in to play in HOH comp or some comp like the 5s did last season, but really i would be interested in seeing a Canada vote. I think twitter might do one, like they did with who do you want to see stay raul or kelsey (kelsey wanted more)

        Now it seems Tim is HOH, and so what do we think he’s going to do?

    2. Yep, First she puts up the same girl from her alliance that NEVER nominated her and told her she would
      protect her. Then she puts her two allies in harms way b/c if Jared, Raul or the brothers won HOH (and
      possibly even Tim) will put those 2 on the block. Her actions were idiotic and hurt her game and all her

      She not only took out her alliance she also let Jared/Raul know the are next on her list. And on top of it all she proved she can’t be trusted. What an absolute pathetic move.

      Ramsay was no better telling Love she was fine when he knew the whole time she wasn’t and even voted against her. It’s for that reason I hope LOVE is the one who returns to the game. She definitely got the louder audience cheer which is going to make the people in the house really re-think their actions. And Mitch sure messed up his game by voting out Love as he proved to both her and Joel he was never in with them regardless of what he said.

      Actually Mitch and the Brothers will be hurt the most by this twist b/c Kelsey & Love are already sharing all which means once whoever returns they will have ammo. If it’s Love (which is what I hope) she’ll be able to tell Jared something Kelsey told her about Mitch who Jared will be furious at for lying to him. Not to
      mention how Joel is going to feel (if he doesn’t already). If it’s Kelsey she’ll be able to tell Joel and Jared about the Brothers and Mitch.

      Oh and the other person who’ll get hurt by this twist is Tim who has been playing every side against each other and since he’s HOH he won’t be safe when the person returns. Watch it will end up being 2 of Mitch the Brothers or Tim on the block next week! I’m pretty sure Tim will nominate Dallas and Maddy. I was never a big Dallas fan but for this season to be salvaged he needs to stay in the game so Love and the other side has a chance. If Dallas gets voted out, the game is in the bag for Tim or Jared (with the twist more likely Jared).

      Though someone did mention it above it goes without saying that if Love returns and has info from Kelsey that Jared, Mitch and Tim especially will think it’s b/c of Canada and will look at what they thought/did as a sign she is a fan favorite so they will adjust their games accordingly.

      At this point I’d only appreciate it if Love, Nikki or Joel won the season! (Mitch had been my favorite, but I lost respect for him selling Love down the river just so he could get her out (and Kelsey) to keep Raul for himself). He was never going to protect Joel or Love he just wanted to be safe with everyone.

      Oh, and the other reason I really want Love to return is so Cass has to freak out once she learns Kelsey told Love everything she said.

      So suffice to say I’m praying for Love to walk back in the house turn to Mitch and say Hello Liar! And I’d love (no pun intended) if she called out Tim, Cass and the Brothers by calling them all out for playing the same game of lying to both sides of the house. It would be great to see those 5 squirm. We’ll see what

      Finally watch Tim get completely full of himself this week with the HOH power. I liked him when he first came and felt he had the goods to be one of my favorites ever, but he’s quickly disintegrated into someone I’m not that fond of b/c I’ve never liked the Andy Herron ‘rat’ game which in essence is exactly what Tim is playing.

      1. If Loveita does go back in the house, I don’t see how you think Jared would even take what she says as truth. They have never seen eye-to-eye. Yes Loveita can tell Joel, Dallas maybe Ramsey any information Kelsey might tell her (if Kelsey would even do that, you can tell Kelsey wants nothing to do with her). But regardless, her going back in the house with new found information will still put her on the bottom of the totem pole.

        I would say as long as the two major alliances gun for each other, the middle will still be going strong. Especially with Tim as the new HOH, he just needs to take out the other side now to make it even.

        1. It’s actually simple b/c Kelsey and Love have already decided to tell each other everything and plan to work on what they strategically need to do to help each other once they return to the game. Kelsey has already told Love things that only she knows so Jared will know it’s the truth. That alone will make him stop. All she has to say is Kelsey felt bad that you would get upset when she flirted with the brothers but she knew ultimately it was you she had the greatest bond with b/c … blah blah blah. Trust me based on the first 5 minutes I listened to Love/Kelsey’s convo I heard enough that would get anyone on my side going back in. By week’s end they’ll both have something they can say to any of their enemies (i.e. opposite sides) that came from the other girl that it would make them stop b/c it will be actual info only that girl knew.

  15. Pretty childish exit by Kelsey there.
    I’m feeling Maddy will pretty much instantly regret that backdoor..

  16. episode rant #3
    good girl Kelsey’s
    passive agressive “you’d like that” comment to Loveita about seeing in the house and being able to change things going on from time to time.
    oops. your mask slipped in front of everyone in the audience.

  17. Best case scenario —Maddy is voted out and on her way out she see Lovieta voted back in …ohhh that would be so good….poetic justice:)

  18. Loveita had the most classiest exit ever, she didn’t bad talk anyone or blame people. Kelsey seemed bitchy for a lack of a better word. I was like “dayum, she mad!”. I hope the twist involves voting for one of them back in the house because I have a feeling Loveita will have the edge. And wow, Maddy only proved me wrong. She’s dumber than I thought. She voted out her aliance member because she “lied to me twice” whereas the two people she actually put, up as well as many other houseguests, have said numerous times that they will. I have no idea how she thinks putting two people up during a double eviction will garner any loyalty….

    1. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Loveita was a class act while Kelsey showed her true colours. It should be an interesting week!

  19. Here’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.
    In the choice between bringing back a crazy fan of the game and a bachelor contestant recruit, I’m always going to want the fan of the game in the house. The crazy part helps.
    Seriously, what’s Kelsey going to do? Go back to business as usual and make out with Jared. Seriously, i hate the piano montage make out moments.
    Put in the loopy never gets her way crazy chick that will at least make all of the “Canada loves us” crowd get that look of daaamn Canada Why would you do this to us scrambling happen! The drama and plotting increases exponentially with Loveita going back in.
    I don’t like Loveita much, but compared to watching Kelsey play summercamp or Loveita having a meltdown every third day… bring on the meltdowns!!

      1. Kelsey is a recruit. She din’t apply. It’s seemed to me since day one that she thought she was going on a dating show. so yes, Bachelor contestant recruit.

  20. Well, Maddy will definitely move into the blue room with Ramsey if Jared stays in that bedroom. She’ll stay into the pink room with Nick if Jared moves into the pink room.
    Mark my words.

  21. I don’t see why Maddy targeted Loveita. I think Loveita would have been a relatively easy vote. I think the only reason Maddy did that is so if she makes it to final two(by some miracle) she can say “my biggest move was eliminating my own alliance member.” In my opinion I think she should have targeted someone like Tim and stir the pot a little, or lost the HOH and given it to someone in the middle. Just my piece.

  22. What’s happening in this season is solely BBCAN Production’s fault for choosing only catty women ( except for Page and maybe Nikki ) in this season

  23. Maddy has indeed done a wrong move by getting rid af one of her allies, but it is somehow Loveita’s fault too since she’s placed herself on a lower pecking worder in that alliance by openly working with others as well.

  24. If we canada get to vote who enters the game again it will not be Kelsey for my vote. Can’t stand that girl. She’s just using Jared like a chew toy. So my vote or votes will be going toward love getting back in. Kelsey just go home and hit on all the single guys there.

  25. Please, please,please!!! If Canada will get a chance to choose who to go back, please choose Loveita! I feel like it’s much more interesting if she enters back inside. If Kelsey goes back I feel like she will just flirt with Jared or Phil. Just a thought no hate!

  26. BB Canada is a Circus Show! Not a game! Just like last season. What a shame, i thought they wouldve learned from last season and the words of Dr. Will

  27. Did anyone catch Arisa’s slip up in the side show when she asked Kelsey what she thinks Jared will do when she goes back in?! I hope like he’ll this isn’t fixed for Kelsey go back in…

  28. i hope the public gest to choose who goes back. What if the two have to compete and Kelsie gets back- we simply can’t have that! Loveita deserves to re-enter!!!!!!

  29. The best result would be if BOTH girls went back in b/c they know everything now and could work together to take down the boys!

  30. The best thing that can happen now is that Loveita is voted back in to the house. Only she is smart enough to use any info she gets from Kelsey to good use. Love already knows who not to trust in the game and that vote just put the final pieces together for her. She still has Joel, Dallas and Ramsey but now she knows Mitch is working both sides and can use that to her advantage. Ramsey had no choice to vote with majority and Loveita should try and push Nikki’s buttons a little more to set her off to put the spotlight on Nikki instead that would help I think. I am voting to put Love back in the house.
    Maddy royally screwed her alliance as well as the brothers this week not only that but assured a comfortable spot for Raul who has done nothing but sit and look pretty for the camera and that is all!

      1. You could see Maddie mouthing please please please to Ramsey.
        Apparently he isn’t as good at keeping his word as Joel and Dallas.
        All that integrity talk of his just went out the window.
        But then again, Maddy and Ramsey talked about doing this if she won HOH a couple of days ago.

  31. Maddy trying to justify to Dallas.
    such crap.
    I can’t even.
    It’s not a numbers game? She says it’s not a numbers game?
    If he buys her crap, he deserves to go out the door.

  32. I think Kelsey should come back, she is nice.
    Kelsey is loyal to her alliance and formed great bonds.
    The friendship is great between her and Raul, it’s nice that they didn’t campaign against each other. I think Kelsey was put in a bad position from the beginning for no reason. Maddy hated her within 5 minutes of meeting her, which is unfair and mean. Love put her up first week for no reason, which is also mean. Love said Kelsey was her target, which is extremely rude. Paige is so sweet, I don’t know why Love put her up (I don’t buy her reasons). Love could have put up a guy but she always just put up girls. There were other floaters in the house, other than Cassandra and Christine. It is sad, she is a girl too. For that reason I don’t want to see her go back in the house.
    However, it would be nice to see the girls increase in the house so maybe both going back would be interesting. There would be very exciting to watch, would they work together?
    Would they expose the middle people like Mitch?

  33. First of all, ever since Season 1 ended and 2 began, when production started bringing in all these “twists”, the show has SUCKED. It’s like witnessing a bad accident. You know it’s wrong to watch but you can’t take your eyes off of it because you just can’t believe what you’re seeing. Production, this is not Hollywood. This is Canada. Sparkle, flash and “super twists” are not what we want. It’s a game and we want to see the game played, not “assisted” by production. Big Brother is supposed to be a game of manipulation, deceit, lies and backstabbing from the players, not from production helping along who they want to win. It’s not realty television if you’re tweaking it show what you’ve done to manipulate the outcome. A manipulated, pre-planned outcome is not “real”. You may as well call it a soap opera or something because you’ve ripped the “real” out of “reality television”.

    Secondly, I’m wondering if casting has been known to take any hallucinogenics or other forms of narcotics? Casting epically failed this time around. We are trying to teach our youth how wrong bullying is, yet you cast two stereotypical blonde bimbo bullies with Maddy and Kelsey. What I don’t get is how Kelsey has a job in the customer service sector? Seriously? A part of me wants to feel sorry for the girl. She may not have a job when she leaves the show because people aren’t going to want her serving them. I sure wouldn’t. At the same time, I guess this is the real Kelsey and her true colours are showing so she’d be screwed anyway. I can not stand that girl! She is as nasty as nasty gets! And stealing Maddy’s duck? Ok, Maddy is a mean girl too but that’s pretty low. Production likes to step in on everything else so why not step in when a houseguest’s belongings are stolen? Whether it’s a duck or underwear or whatever the heck someone wants to steal, stealing is stealing and last time I checked, theft is an illegal crime in Canada…. Tisk tisk tisk! I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by Kelsey stealing though. She does seem like that kind of girl…. I wish someone would do her a favour and tell her those eyebrows have to go…. Lol
    Lastly, have I mentioned before hoe much this season sucks? Terrible casting, too much production interference and stupid twists and a cast that is so awful I would rather watch an egg hatching. The egg would be more exciting and worth my time. Summer can’t come soon enough. At least Big Brother US is still about the players and the game, not about production boosting their egos with their delusional ideas of “game changing twists”. This show makes me embarassed to be a Canadian. If this is Our best representation of the Canadian public, we should keep Tim and Nikki and send the rest of them somewhere else!
    You go Loveita! Win it girl! You’re the only one trying to play the game with any integrity!

  34. Does anyone know what Lovita told Kelsey at the very end right when it got cut off? “She said “oh I should tell you this. Or maybe I should wait?” Something along those lines.

  35. Loveita just said that Mitch was playing her. Running to Loveita and telling her all their info. Kelsey said Mitch was doing the same thing to the other side.

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