Andy tells Gina she should just self-evict over her hurt foot and make it easier on everyone.

POV Holder: ? Next POV June 27
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd
MVP: ?
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations: Jessie and Candace
Last Evicted Houseguest ?
Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen


8am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the fish screen to wake up the house guests. When the live feeds come back – In the storage room David and Aaryn complain to each other about how even though they go to bed early they can’t sleep because of how loud everyone is when they stay up late. They talk about telling the other it’s not fair. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Andy tells GinaMarie that she should just self evict over her hurt foot and make it easier on everyone. They both laugh.

8:20am – 8:35am In the have not room Eliss and Helen are talking. Elissa doesn’t understand why the others want her out. They talk about the possibility of how there a number of them who have no siblings and the others are each a sibling of a past house guest. Elissa says that she is admitting to the fact that Rachel is her sister but that no one else is admitting to anything. Judd comes in and Helen questions him asking him if he is a only child. He says yes. Helen then asks him if he thinks the others that aren’t only children have siblings that are past house guests. Judd says he doesn’t know. Howard comes into the room and the conversation ends. Helen and Elissa leave the room. Judd tells Howard about Elissa & Helen’s theory about the twist and mentions how they were quiet as soon as Howard walked in. Judd tells Howard that he definitely thinks Elissa is Rachel’s sister. Howard comments on how they look a lot a like. Judd says that he thinks the showmances will be targeted before anyone else.


8:45am – 8:50am David, Andy, Spencer, McCrae, Kaitlin and Jeremy are in the living room talking about random things and waiting for the Power of Veto Players to be picked.


9:10am Meanwhile in the bathroom – Judd, Candice, Elissa, and Jeremy are getting ready for the day. Back in the bedroom Jeremy, Kaitlin, Spencer and Jessie are talking about being bit by spiders in the house. Jessie says that yesterday was rough being the first day on the block but that today she feels all right.


9:15am In the living rooom Andy jokes with Helen about how they thought about putting the foot loops in her bed with a bunch of them all around her and wake her up telling her she sleep-ate. Helen laughs. Helen says that she would give anything to taste foot loops right now.



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9:30am – 9:45am Aaryn and Amanada are in the bathroom talking about her (Aaryn) going up on the block. She wonders if David would save her if he won the POV. Amanada says no way, that would put a huge target on his back, get that out of your head. Elissa joins them and brings up the wake up songs and says that she thinks there was a message in it about the saboteur. (She’s trying to stir up more paranoia.) Amanda says that she feels like she heard something too but doesn’t think they would have another saboteur. Amanada questions Elissa if she won MVP? Elissa says no. Elissa says that she thinks Aaryn got it. Amanda says that here is what is going to happen, if you don’t go up on the block then everyone is going to think you are the MVP. Elissa says that is stupid and says that she is the only one being called out. Amanda says that well if you do win MVP, it would behove you to tell me and McCrae. Elissa doesn’t really answer and then leaves the room.


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23 thoughts to “Andy tells Gina she should just self-evict over her hurt foot and make it easier on everyone.”

    1. This is usually how it starts out with everyone finding their footing and getting to know everyone. At the same time, they’re all trying to play the game right out of the gate. By next week I think we’ll see more solid alliances and game play. Right now, I’m having trouble telling Amanda, Jessie, and Kaitlyn apart. They all look very similar to me. It doesn’t help that this year the cast seems to be a more homogenous mix of ages and everyone coming from similar areas. It’s shaping up to be a confusing season so far.

  1. The season is just starting and I’m lost as hell, idk who is with who, what is what, I need them to calm the hell down already so I can keep up, I feel like a lost puppy that doesn’t know what’s going on around the place, lol.

    1. Yeah, all I really think I know is:

      McCrae is playing everyone
      David+Aaryn are in a showmance
      Kaitlin+Jeremy are maybe in a showmance
      A lot of people (McCrae, Spencer, Howard, Jeremy, Amanda, Judd, Helen etc.) want Elyssa out

  2. Well there it is…Elissa confirmed to Helen that she is Rachel’s sister…

    I wonder who Helen will run and tell the news to…everybody already knows so confirmation could dig Elissa deeper in the hole.

    I would be tempted to go after the showmances…and try to tuck Elissa in my pocket for the future….but we’ll see.

  3. It’s funny how I thought Gina would be the most annoying, but although she is loud I really like her..Kaitlin, Jessie, and Aaryn on th other hand need to go..all this cattiness and drama over guys is so annoying..and Kaitlin and Jessie fighting over Jeremy is rather amusing since he’s not that attractive

    Also, I hope Elissa stays just to irk far she doesn’t seem as bad as far..

    1. I feel the exact same way, I thought Gina was going to be annoying as hell but she’s definitely surprising me.

    2. Aaryn has had no drama over the boys. She might have something with David, but until we see her Diary Room sessions, we won’t know if it’s real or if she’s playing him. She said going in that she has extremely high standards. I don’t think a dumb surfer dude would fit them.

    3. exactly! Jessie and Kaitlin specifically…Jeremy isn’t even worth fighting over…he’s has the good looks of a cherokee himself and the IQ of a bag of rocks. But I do like Aaryn.

  4. I’m concerned about how many of you want the girls to go b/c they’re being a little catty. Come on, cattiness is just drama that hasn’t manifested yet. It’s the most combustible ingredient in a perfect recipe for a great season!

  5. These newbies are really going wild. So much game. Everything is a toss up. Honestly, the worst part about this MVP thing is that spoilers won’t know until the Tuesday episode.

    My favorite player will be the first houseguest who goes to the camera alone and says they are it before the episode. THAT would be awesome.

  6. Amanda is playing this game hard core…geez at this rate I can’t WAIT for Sunday!

    1. Agreed.

      I wish she would scale it back a little.

      She was my # 1 initially but I’m starting to not like her so much. :-/

  7. Ya Amanda and Nick are playing too hard too fast. Neither of them will make it to the end. Especially because this is a long season. Anyone else like Ellissa and Helen the most out of all the girls?

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