Amanda asks Gina if she knows Nick isn’t dead? This isn’t the Hunger Games, this is Big Brother!

POV Holder: Kaitlin Next POV July 20th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 15
HOH Winner: Helen Next HOH: July 18
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Kaitlin, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Current Nominations: Jeremy, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick
Have Nots Judd, Jessie, McCrea, Amanda

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12:45am In the lounge room – Amanda, McCrae and Judd are talking about Gina and how annoying she is. Judd says that sometimes she acts like such a little kid. Judd complains about how Gina eats the havenot food when she isn’t even a havenot. McCrae says that it enrages him. Andy joins them. Judd asks Andy if he notices Gina only eats the slop balls. Andy says yeah! Judd says if Gina isn’t a havenot next week I am going to go ballistic! If she is on my team I am just going to fall asleep. Andy says from havenot fatigue. Amanda says that she hides the havenot food like it’s a dead body. Judd says that Jeremy goes looking for people in rooms asking them to make him something. Andy says me and Judd had to sleep in the havenot room because no one would give up a bed for 3 days. The conversation turns to talking about the havenot competition and if Howard threw it or not. Andy comments how he was covered in rotten milk from the havenot competition and Jeremy who wasn’t even in the competition cut in front of him to shower. Andy says and Aaryn took a half hour shower. Aaryn joins them. They talk about how everyone is tired of hearing Gina talking about Nick. Amanda jokes we need to do an intervention with Gina. Amanda goes to take some of Nick`s stuff from Gina. They joke she should put it in Candices bag to see a round two fight between them. Amanda stole Nick’s cup, hat, sunglasses, chap stick, cereal box. They’re all hiding them and laughing. McCrae says that he’s going to blame Aaryn. Aaryn says everything is blamed on me. Andy says that Gina is going to be so mad! Judd says we are going to hell! Amanda says this our new alliance called moving sh*t. Let’s not tell her, let’s just watch her scramble.

1:15am Aaryn and Kaitlin are in the storage room. Aaryn pulls out the condoms and looks at them. She finds used/opens ones and says eww. She throws them out and counts them. She counts 9, there were 12. Kaitlin says and that’s not even the original box, there were two boxes. Aaryn says do you know what’s even worse. Aaryn pulls something out of the cupboard and get Kaitlin to read it. Kaitlin says that is a female condom. Aaryn asks why is it in the butt hole, this is not real?! They make these for butt sex? Aaryn reads the package “Single use only, do not reuse. Shear damn placement for vag!n@l, or@l and an@l $ex.
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1:40am In the kitchen Jeremy teases Gina when she mentions Nicks name. Jeremy says whose Nick there hasn’t been anyone named Nick in here. I think you made him up. There has only been one person evicted and that was David. Maybe you’re schizophrenic. Did you take your medication today? Gina says yeah I take medication frequently.
2:20am Amanda, Andy, Gina and Aaryn are in the lounge room talking and joking around. Aaryn tells Amanda that she is going to make a midnight feast when she gets off havenots. Andy says those feasts are the best! Aaryn says they have to wait until Thursday at midnight to get off being havenots. Aaryn thinks they will be having a food competition this week instead of the HOH picking have/havenots because the we are havenots till Thursday at midnight. Gina says I am going to go lay down, Nick’s waiting for me. Amanda asks who’s that? Gina pretends to cry. Amanda asks where is my husband? They tell her he’s outside. Candice goes to tell him Amanda wants him. Amanda says that McCrae said he would carve me a ring out of soap or cork. Amanda says she told him she doesn’t want that. Aaryn asks if Big Borther would go out and charge a ring for if you told them you wanted to propose to someone in the house? Amanda laughs and says that McCrae only has like $25 bucks! Candice comes back from telling McCrae that Amanda wants him and comes back to tell Amanda that McCrae jumped right up when she told him Amanda wanted him.
Meanwhile out in the backyard – Spencer and Judd are talking on the couch. They talk about how Elissa wants an all-girl alliance. Judd says that the votes this week will show whether there’s a girl alliance in the house. Judd says that he doesn’t want to be in this house with all girls. Judd says that he is worried that Gina will make it to Jury. He says that he thinks that would be a disaster. Judd says Gina blames me for Nick going home.

Gina comes back and asks them where Nicks hat and cup are. Gina keeps questioning Aaryn. Aaryn says that she doesn’t know where it is. Gina gets upset telling them she needs it. She almost cries and leaves the room. Amanda goes and finds Gina because Jessie tells her that she is crying. Amanda tells Gina it was just a joke that went bad. We’re sorry. Gina says you took my shrine away! Gina laughs and says that sh*t was funny. Amanda says sh*t was funny until you started crying. Amanda say oh, I’m going to get evicted next week! They are all laughing. Amanda jokingly says it was all Aaryn’s idea. Aaryn says it was not me! Amanda asks tell me about the logic behind the Nick shrine. Gina says that its just all the stuff Nick left behind. Amanda asks Gina why she doesn’t wash the cup. Gina says because she’s not drinking out of it so she doesn’t need to wash it. Amanda asks her if she knows Nick isn’t dead, this isn’t the Hunger Games, this is Big Brother!
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2:50am Out in the backyard – Judd Andy, Spencer and McCrae are talking on the backyard couch. Amanda joins them. Judd says that he is worried that Gina will blame him for hiding her stuff. Andy says that Gina has a new target every day and tells Judd that he shouldn’t worry. McCrae says he knew Gina would react that way – freaking out and crying. They all laugh at how over dramatic she is. Judd says it’s all funny till Gina gets that HOH. Meanwhile In the bedroom – Candice tells Gina they are going to have a memorial service for Nick tomorrow to put an end to her mourning him. Candice says we are going to put an end to this. Candice says we will put all of Nick’s things in a crate and put it in a drawer. Gina agrees. Candice tells Gina is never going to heal wearing Nick’s hat and putting it on the pillow next to her at night. Gina goes out to tell the others that she is putting Nick stuff in a drawer. Spencer asks can’t we just put it in the trash? Gina says I will keep one thing. Andy says keep the hair gel, I want to use it. Judd says Nick would want us to use it. Amanda asks what if he left all of these things as a sign or a message. It all has to do with blocking from being shaddy – A hat, sunglasses, contact solution so he can see clearly. Spencer says maybe Gina should just wear it all at once and call yourself Nick for the rest of the game. Gina heads to bed. Amanda laugh about how she was trying to convince Gina that there was symbolism to the items left behind by Nick.

3:25am – 3:45am Amanda and McCrae are talking about what happened when they hid Nicks things. Amanda calls Gina a nut bag for the way she broke down. McCrae says that Aaryn just wanted to antagonize the situation. McCrae says fu*king Aaryn. Amanda says that Aaryn is mean spirited. McCrae comments that he wants Aaryn gone. McCrae and Amanda start making out. Meanwhile by the memory wall – Andy, Judd and Spencer are looking at the photos. Andy says he wants play a game of Marry, Fu*k, Kill with the memory wall photos. They talk about what order they would fu*k the guys/girls. Spencer is 6th on Andys list but only because Andy likes smaller guys. If I liked big guys you would be higher on my list because you are an attractive larger guy. Andy says he would marry McCrae, fu*k Nick and kill Jeremy. Andy then does Judd and says he would marry Helen, fu*k Amanda and kill Aaryn. Judd says no, marry Helen, fu*k Amanda and kill Aaryn. They laugh about it and then head to bed. Meanwhile Amanda and McCrae are in the lounge. Amanda is asking McCrae if he is a $exual person because he never wants to try anything with her. McCrae says he doesn’t want to be that guy. He says he is here to play the game. Amanda and McCrae head to bed.

7:40am All the house guests are still sleeping..

10am – 10:45am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return, Helen is getting ready to do her run while she talks to Elissa in the HOH room. The other two cameras are on the havenot room where the havenots are still sleeping. Helen then heads down stairs to do laundry and start her run. All the house guest are back asleep except for Helen.
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102 thoughts to “Amanda asks Gina if she knows Nick isn’t dead? This isn’t the Hunger Games, this is Big Brother!”

    1. So am I. However, I find that Helen’s ego is getting a little too big with this power, and I had Helen to be my number one from the time the cast was revealed, she seemed older, smarter and much more mature, that was something I really thought could get her far. I can see what Helen considers to be the logic behind all her deal making, she thinks everyone having her safe would be a good attribute. She is like the mother of the house, yes, it may come back to bite her in the ass but it could also be good for her, there is so much divide and division in the house, if she would stop trying to make everyone in the house be friendly to one another, she might be better. Everyone at the moment has Helen’s back, she does not have her own.

      Helen, you want Kaitlyn to save you, don’t ask her to be nice to Jessie or ask Jessie to be nice to her. Also, stop telling everyone your plan, all you are doing is letting everyone know you are covering your basis all throughout the house, it will backfire.

      As my mom says “why do these idiots let HOH go to their head?”

      I also get the feeling OBB doesn’t like the friendship 2.0

      1. I liked Helen last week but her HOH has turned her sour I’m sure she’ll be more appealing once her ego comes down in size and she stop lecturing people about the game.

        I’m not a fan of the superfriends this week but that will most likely change when the next ego maniac takes the HOH

          1. I agree about Helen, but if you noticed, she was in everybodys business/drama before she was HOH. So when everybody comes up to you in HOH she consoled every single one of the houseguests into what they needed to hear. Yes she needed to not say so much, but the mother in her couldn’t stop.
            That’s the way I saw it. I think she even put a huge X on her back by winning that HOH comp.
            As Aryan would say….”Them smart lil’ Asians.”

      2. It’s a phenomenon how the ego grows once HOH is achieved. In my house, we made bets that Helen would get a huge ego……and I really thought maybe she wouldn’t……WRONG! But her biggest demise will be because she is telling everyone they will be safe. Small cracks are starting to develop in the Helen/Elissa alliance!

    2. Why do people have a problem with the “superfriends” glorying in their power a little? They were treated badly by the racist/bully contingent. Give them their fun before they turn on each other, as they must.

  1. i’m worried about helen – now that noms and pov are over, her ego might suddenly deflate, causing irreparable harm to her self-esteem (besides the damage her hoh already did to her game)!

  2. I’m happy with either one of those losers going home! I can’t stand Aryan or Jeremy. This might be the only time I’ll take Spencers’ side though. I’m not a big fan of his either!

    1. If I change the poll it will reset the results I’ll change it from % to numbers next time.. Here is the breakdown of the numbers right now
      Elissa 3,057 23%
      Amanda 2,369 17%
      Helen 2,191 16%
      Howard 1,303 10%
      Judd 1,074 8%
      McCrae 1,065 8%
      Candace 667 5%
      Dawg 492 4%
      Jeremy 328 2%
      Andy 308 2%
      Jessie 232 2%
      Aaryn 211 2%
      Kaitlin 159 1%
      Spencer 58 0%
      Gina 43 0%

      1. Who are the 211 people voting for Aaryn, KKK members? That’s a lot of people she should have less than GM

      2. how can these votes be correct. some of the people you got as being likely to be evicted aren’t even on the block.

    1. me too when he first came out he said he cared about her…and he hasnt said the contrary to my knowledge but he has made some jokes on twitter about the shorts not being his and following nicks chapstick on twitter…im thinking he notices shes a bit coo coo ca choo

      1. I’m amaaaazed that both David and Nick have stood by Aaryn and GM after leaving the house. Surely they must be aware of the backlash against the two over racist/ignorant comments, not to mention both girls were also fired from their jobs. David is spacey, lives at home, unambitious and prob doesn’t think much beyond surfing, looks and chilling so I sort of get it. But, Nick went to Yale and is actually smart. I don’t get it!!!

        1. Nick replied to someone’s Twitter question about this. He said that he’d rather hang out with her and talk the whole racist thing over than ignore her.

    2. He probably is laughing at how pitiful she is acting that way about his things and about him. She is a grown woman (I think 32?) The way she is acting is ridiculous, like a 12 year old girl who meets a boy on a one week family vacation, and has to leave to go back home with her family. She is pitiful. I just do not understand why she would portray herself this way on national TV. Have some self-respect!

      Nick and her did what…kissed???And, he wouldn’t even tell her that he liked her in that way… was just a game to him. Trust me, I’ve lived in NYC and there are much prettier girls in Manhattan (where Nick supposedly lives) than GM out in Staten Island. She will not hear from him again. She needs to get over it.

      1. They kissed hands and held pinkies, come on, that means love! Hahaha! She definitely has stalker written all over her. My daughter does an amazingly funny and spot on imitation of her.

  3. I’ll be honest. With the way Howard has handled everything this week, if he isn’t MVP this week, then go ahead a KNOW in your heart that it’s rigged.

  4. To Nick. You got some pyscho unemployed loon, Gina the Whorina, after you and she is delusional. Either pack up and move out of the city or get your restrainting order placed ASAP. You have been warned.

    1. I am not feeling Helen with this HOH.. she was one of my favorites from the start but I dont think she has handled the power well AT ALL… Hopefully something good will happen this week to shake things up again… What I DONT want is for anyone that has already been evicted to return… TOO EARLY in the season for that!

      Amanda has become my recent favorite… I think she tells it like it is! I even like her weird showmance with McRae for whatever reason…

      1. Anyone that has worked as a leader, knows that Helen is doing exactly what works. She is stroking their egos, as she walks them to where she needs them to be, at that point in time. Her game play will change, as needed; however, this is not the work world. It’s a game, and it might just come back to bite her on the ass. Unlike the work world, she doesn’t get to stay leader. So it will be interesting to see how she handles the transition back.

  5. Episode 1 Elissa said that she wanted to do an all girl alliance because it’s never been done before. Well, let’s leave aside the fact that yes it has been done before (season 6 and the revolting nerd herd). But I am starting to think that this is production’s mission, and with Aaryn starting the race issue, they want to milk that story line and keep Howard and Candice in even if it means bullying HG in the DR to not put them on the block or vote them out yet. I am loving Amanda right now, that girl is fun to watch and she is smart. I want her to find out that Helen and Elissa have blown the “McCrae has MVP” lie by telling Candice and Kaitlin. Talk about loyalty. The houseguests need to realize that Elissa needs to go now! They can’t even depend on her to do what they want her to do. She will do what production wants. They need to realize that Aaryn, Kaitlin, Gina, Spencer will never be contenders for the MVP. The only wild cards are Howard and Candice who may get it because of the pity factor, but other than that, it’s a pretty sure thing that either McCrae, Amanda, Judd, Andy or Helen would get the MVP if Elissa wasn’t there.

    1. How did you come to the determination that Candice and Howard should have been the first two HG eliminated? How do you reach this conclusion? There would still be a “storyline” if Helen remained in the house after two evictions…I know, she’d be third to go, right?

      Or maybe, apart from anything Candice or Howard or Helen said or did, Aaryn’s biases, Jeremy and Spencer’s homophobia and misogyny would still be apparent to the world.

      No, you’re right, its all production.

  6. Dawg, this was a fun update! I loved Amanda’s line “Nick isn’t dead, this isn’t the Hunger Games, this is Big Brother.” Hiding Nick’s stuff on Gina is classic and the guys playing Marry, f$ck and kill! Hahahaha! They are at least getting a little creative in how they are wasting time in the BB house! The circles of game talk was getting tiring 😉

  7. I would have given GM one day to cry it out. After that I’d cut any connections to her because she’s a weight that will drown anyone associated with her.

  8. Alliance breakdown
    goof troop = (Amanda, Judd, McCrea and Andy)core + (Aaryn and KAitlin) connection through Amanda and Andy
    Superfriends = (Helen, Elissa, Andy)core + (Spencer, Howard, Judd, mcCrea, Amanda, Candace, jessie)periphery
    Beaver fever = (Aaryn, Kaitlin, Gina)
    Moving company .0 = (Howard, Spencer)core + (Candace, Jessie and Elissa)Bible/shomance connection
    Shomwmances = Jessie/Judd, Amanda/McCrea, Candace/Howard, spencer/hand

    **I’m probably missing a few side alliances but this is more or less the hous

    1. spencer/hand..lmao…i spit coffee when i saw that… thank you, i have something to laugh about while i go about my house cleaning……

      1. Really depends on HOH/MVP .. it’s just a guess
        Howard, Spencer, Aaryn, Gina, Kaitlin maybe Candace, JEssie Helen, Elissa area all possiblilites.

        1. I think McCrea needs to show whether he has a brain or is just Amanda’s drone next week.

          At the end of the day, the question about next week is all about the HOH and MVP. I don’t think A&M want HOH at all, which is smart. They have no pressing threats and are wired throughout the house. Now whoever wins, the HOH nominee candidates are the mean girls, Howard, Spencer, Candace. The next question is MVP, but that will wait. The issue for the HOH will be who do you please/appease between what will likely break down into competing camps: Every nominee will have backers and that to me is where McCrea needs to read and react and protect Amanda from herself, in a way somebody could have protected Helen this week. McCrea needs Amanda to work for who gets nominated…but not who gets evicted.

          The dynamic I see at play is people seeing nominees that they may not love…but in the same breath are not threats to them and possibly allies. The Superfriends are going to fracture based on self interest and McCrae can head off a premature public split that does not serve A&M quite yet (it should be saved for when there is the chance to blindside and evict Helen or Elissa). Amanda is going to want Howard and she will overplay to get him. It’s paranoia, mixed with fear, and she’s betting too hard that a week 4 eviction is that important. McCrea needs to make sure Amanda knows that Howard is not a threat (even if he doesn’t believe it, he needs to keep her calm, cool, and collected) because he has other targets post-MC and besides, he doesn’t have the votes to get Amanda anyway. If Amanda goes too hard at Howard, Elissa could recoil hard and when she does Helen will follow. Helen LOVES power and without HOH, she will re-attach herself to Elissa to taste the MVP power. Candace and Spencer are already in Howard’s corner. That’s potentially 4 people very unhappy with those who worked to get the votes against Howard. 1) who needs 4 enemies and 2) who might go with them and consolidate…especially with the MVP and who know who wins the next HOH.

          McCrea needs to see they are in control and the smart move is to let the others handle the eviction campaigns. Let others overplay for a meaningless eviction and cause a fracture, making enemies. There is no reason to show your cards just to get Howard, when doing so risks all that you’ve built. Whoever is HOH that’s who you suggest Howard to. Just get him on the block without needing Elissa, then if he remains on the block after veto. You play your cards close. You tell your allies you see a case to evict 2-3 nominees. Then when Andy and Judd say that Howard should go, you let them gather the votes. Let them anger Howard’s allies. If they succeed, Howard leaves. But if they fail, Howard has 2 more targets before he looks at A&M. And what they will have accomplished (potentially) is to split camps between those threatened by Howard and those who aren’t, then they can slide into as mediator/instigator, and control both.

          At the end of the day, A&M are only peripheral targets of anybody and that, more than determining the order of eviction, is most important, so why on earth would they give that up just to get Howard, when doing so, successfully or not, only moves them onto the radar? McCrae needs to man up and get Amanda to let next week play out minus her attempts at micromanagement. None of the likely nominees are integral/detrimental to A&M moving forward, especially if they let Jeremy go, since he’s the one who could control the mean girls (and 3 votes) for somebody’s benefit. But Amanda can’t see that, so she’s not going to save him. Amanda is very afraid of strong men (despite what she claims and as evidenced by her attachment to McCrea…and Andy and Judd) but McCrea needs to stop letting that fear cloud her judgment and make sure she keeps her eye on the long term strategy, not some short term irrelevance.

          1. CLASSIC Bobsky. As usual, telling all the HG’s to *stop* being who they are, with every fiber of their being, because Bobsky wants them to. Stop! Your repeated requests are just not possible!!!!!!!!

            “McCrae needs to man up!” Bobsky, that’s just not McCrae. And that’s not the successful McCrae/Amanda dynamic. She wears the pants. He’s cool with it. But don’t sell his influence short. He already does a great job inputting/suggesting, in a way that works with Amanda, As usual, this dynamic is not broken. Yet Bobsky is trying to fix it…..again……..

            “Amanda needs to stop micro-manging!” Bobsky, Amanda is the type who spends every *second* of her life micro-managing. Whether she’s in BB or not. A herd of wild buffalo isn’t gonna get Amanda to stop being Amanda. That’s just who Amanda is. Crude. Smart. Forceful. Opinionated. What you’re demanding of McCrae is exactly like what all the HGs trying to tell GM now. “Nick really wasn’t that into you….” And how’s that effort been going in the house? Has the house convinced GM of it yet? No. And they never will. Bobsky, if you take into account certain key HG personality factors, and realize that you, Bobsky, are powerless to change them, you’ll start making OBB suggestions that are a million % more rational. None of your scenarios ever happen. Why? Because you never do *one* key thing: Accept what you cannot change about a HG……

            “Amanda will overplay to get Howard out next!” Imagine that, Bobsky. Amanda’s playing BB, and she has a #1 eviction target, Let’s all send Amanda into time out!!!!! Amanda is emotional. Amanda wants what she wants. It’s a tie, between how many times GM says “I miss NIck” per day, and how often Amanda saying, “I want Howard out” per day. Bobsky, why should McCrae try to get Amanda to not be Amanda!” Not only won’t it work, but it will piss Amanda off! And MC then being in Amanda’s doghouse is very bad for MC! WHAT a control freak you are!!!!!!

            Bobsky, how would you like it, if I asked you to stop posting your lengthy OBB diatribes on here every day? You’d tell me to go f*ck myself, and resent the suggestion. And you’d be right. Because this is who you are. You enjoy OBBing. It makes you happy. NO one should ever tell Bobsky not to be Bobsky. Flaws and all, This ONE point is the only issue I ever have with you. Every human being is the CEO of their own life. Let them live it their way. Even if you don’t approve of major parts of their personality. How ’bout this, Bobsky. You run your life. And allow the BB HGs to run theirs. Mistakes and all. Bobsky, you can’t save people from themselves. No one can. Watch the feeds. Let us know how you feel. But STOP telling us what every is “doing wrong, and needs to change, right now” every frickin’ day, buddy! Please!!!!! 🙂

            Bobsky, in case you haven’t noticed, after Jeremy goes, Howard is by far the #1 physical threat in this house. Telling us the Superfriends are being foolish to be focusing on Howard is totally absurd! You personally want to see it happen (ignore Howard), because YOU want to see a strong, second BB15 group start to form and develop in this house. And that needs time to grow. You’re right. I get it. I appreciate that. And it just might happen. We’d surely get a ton more house drama!!!! And it then wouldn’t just be a cakewalk for the girls. But the chances of it are slim. And AG knows it. If it somehow does happen, it’s gonna have to because both Candice and Elissa flip to join it, and most importantly, if AG believes that the alliance would have “legs”. The only chance for a “Howard alliance” is if Candice and Elissa BOTH choose him over Helen. Then – game on. (And the second either of them does switch sides, Helen will notice.) Bobsky, I can easily see Candice leaving Helen for Howie. But Elissa? Never. And that side would never be a viable side without Elissa. Even with Howard as Elissa’s “Bible Buddy.”

            Not to worry, Bobsky. Later in the game, an all-girl BB15 house will have epic drama. Thanks for reading. Your freind Jim

            1. I really want to engage with you, Jim, but you seem to read everything I write in a slanted fashion and misrepresenting almost everything I write. Now maybe that’s my fault for not being clearer, but if we’re talking past each other, it just doesn’t seem possible to have a meaningful exchange.

              I can’t really argue with a response to a distortion of my argument.

              1. Bobsky, I use direct quotes from you. Distortion? A was a 4.0 Communication major in college. I worked as a Manager at AT&T for many years. Always got along with everybody. Promoted often. I also worked in radio, at the same time, for 30 years. 6 different owners. 15 different Program Directors. Never fired. (In radio, NO ONE lasts that long.) I know who I am. I am kind. I am a good listener. And I know when I see a good person that tries to control others. I am sorry you are unwilling to own your commentary. I cannot save Bobsky from Bobsky. May God bless you, and help to lift you from your denial…….

          2. So, you’re thinking Amancrea have the best position in the house and/or have the strongest potential to win? I agree. The biggest puzzler for me at the moment is why some HGs find Howard such a big threat to their game. I get why Amancrea feels this way as Howard apparently (or was it actually?) wanted to get Amanda out in early days, but don’t get the almost-paranoia that some others feel, i.e., Andy. I agree that Amanda avoids strong men, but don’t think it’s fear but rather, she can’t control them as easily. I like Amanda though; I was pulling for Helen, but prefer Amanda now. Barring some over the top vulgarity, she’s funny and smart.

            1. JJtoWin, thanks for your reply. I still don’t think Amanda, even though OBB fans are clearly liking her more every day, is in as strong a position in BB15 as Helen is. 90%+ of OBB fans think Helen has become a ranting, raving egomaniac as HOH this week. Their opinion of Helen has changed. They make fun of all of her “This is the People’s HOH” stuff. I get it. But our vantage point (watching on CBS/TVGN/Live Feeds) is totally different than being in the house itself. Helen’s HOH has been FAR more successful, and has played far better inside the house itself, with her fellow HGs, than it has to us viewers. Helen will *not* be an instant target, because she was an “all over it” as HOH this week. Helen has her true personality. She has a good heart. She is considerate, and an honorable person. In BB, she has the *super* rare quality of seeing things from the other HGs point of view. (That alone is worth its weight in gold in BB!!!!!!!!) But this is BB. Helen is a superfan. “What happens next” discussions and plans, within her close alliances, must happen. That doesn’t now make Helen a self-absorbed, a back-stabbing weasel, or a deranged lunatic, contrary to current, popular OBB belief.

              But you asked about Amanda. Game-wise, I think Amanda’s far more vulnerable than Helen. Can Amanda win a comp? It’s too early to tell if she is truly a solid comp competitor or not. Until I can know that, I can’t predict Amanda’s long-term BB15 future. I think McCrae is very likable, and fairly intuitive/sharp, for a pizza boy. Amanda, as his GF, benefits from MC’s popularity. But Amanda is 100% non-nonsense. Brash. Bossy. Those are qualities that can make you a target for eviction in this game. And her name has already been mentioned, as a “we gotta get Amanda out soon” target. And not just by Howard…..

              So while I think Amanda is the “OBB Flavor Of The Week”, and rising in the polls, I actually don’t think she’s improved her status within the house much, if at all, of late. That’s always the split in BB. What we like to watch (drama), vs. the fact that these HGs are playin’ for 1/2 a mil. And that adds a “business angle” to HG behavior, that sometimes doesn’t usually make it more fun to watch. For us, it’s just the opposite. But I never blame a HG for doing what they feel is best for their own chances, even if that means it’s more boring for me to watch. If any of us were on BB, what would we care more about: Being a fun viewer watch, or walkin’ out of there with 500K?

    2. Hey can you give us a breakdown on the most each “showmance” has done that we know of through feeds, conversations, etc? After all, that’s a lot of condoms missing! I know it is a raunchy request, butinquiring minds want to know! Plus, what’s up with Amanda asking McCrea if he was sexual since he doesn’t try things with her? I thought they were…”farther along in their relationship” Thanx 🙂

      1. as far as i know amanda and mccrae have just made out and one night in the hammock she reached for his dick, but he told her to stop. im not sure if they’ve done other stuff in the middle of the night. jeremy and kaitlyn make out all the time and candice and howard have kissed, but i don’t think anything has gone on to warrant a condom? i remember helen or someone using them as balloons week 1.

        1. Hey Simon, I’ve been trying to find something on the feed (signed up via BBOnline 🙂 Helen talks about the blow up with Jeremy after he, Aryan, Katlyn drank all the alcohol that amanda said had been saved for the have-nots. Do you remember what day it was, if it was on the feeds?

  9. I love Amanda she says the realest stuff. Ginamarie is just dumb if she thinks her and Nick are gonna have this big romance after the show is done she’s got a rude awaking coming lol. I think Nick would sleep with her but thats it lol!

  10. i love dawg…but the fact that he is ahead of 7 houseguests in the polls just speaks to the cast! hahaha dawg for hoh to get rid of em!!

      1. Dawg needs to be careful about shaking things up – GM may think dawg is coming onto her and then where will Dawg be?

  11. Suckers, I would’ve kept Nick’s s**t until GM was evicted, I don’t give a damn about a women crying over bulls**t, they cry over dumb s**t everyday, some of which could last a while, on Big Brother you could use that to your advantage. hand it to her when she’s heading out the door.

  12. What’s the deal with Elissa’s continued MVP?

    A. She’s not funny/entertaining
    B. Completely devoid of any gameplay
    C. She’s like a compact Rachel without her non-intential humour or catchphrases

    All I’d ask is for the viewing audience to stop voting for her. MVP was an interesting concept at first but it’s been abused and for all of the wrong reasons.

    Give it to some one who has actually done something to deserve it or get rid of it.

    1. That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time, but the Brenchel Drones and Sheeple don’t get it….

    2. For me, I like Elissa as a person and I wish they would show more of her, but she said herself that she’s shy. You can clearly see that. I’ve been her fan since day one when everyone was judging her because of who her sister is. That’s very unfair to her in my opinion. Vote for the underdog is my philosophy. What upsets me is when Helen, Amanda, and McCrea all think it’s ok to “use” her so they can use her MVP position. Earlier in the week, she asked Helen outright if she was really her friend or if Helen was using her for the MVP. Helen lied to her face and then tells the others that nobody had better lie to her-or else! So for me, Go Elissa!!!

      1. How can somebody be an underdog when they get to nominate someone every week? That’s like if they gave HOH to the same person every week, without a competition and then people said that person was the underdog. it’s ludicrous.

      2. LMFAO @ someone who’s protected every week by a twist a “underdog” is laughable at best.

        Elissa was only an underdog the very 1st day in the house after premiere, once everyone knew who she was and correctly guessed that she would get MVP every week because of her built in fan base inherited by her sister, she became a huge player in the house, because she could easily be carried for a long period time by HGs(with the numbers) using her automatic MVP nom power as a weapon to get players they want out. Elissa is in the best seat in the house, if she don’t f**k it up.

        How the hell is that an underdog?

    3. It’s not the viewing audience, it’s production giving her MVP every week just because she’s Rachel’s sister.

  13. I feel terrible for Helen. Obviously noone told her that her HOH ends this week. I think I just heard her planning how she was going to run BB16. She’ll probably declare next weeks HOH winner invalid because she did not design and authorize an HOH competition.

      1. I already email the big brother Canada stats. Just let me know if you need anything. Also, link the big brother Canada stats so I will continue to do big brother Canada stats.

        1. Can we watch BBCan online, too? Does that run at the same time? I’ve been reading a lot about it on here, so am wondering. Thanks!

          1. Captainwedgiearchnemesis says:
            July 16, 2013 at 11:04 am

            I already email the big brother Canada stats. Just let me know if you need anything. Also, link the big brother Canada stats so I will continue to do big brother Canada stats.

  14. ” Amanda says that McCrae said he would carve me a ring out of soap or cork. Amanda says she told him she doesn’t want that.”

    Translation = McCrae you cheap bastard, you’re not getting off that easily!

  15. the way that amanda thirsts after pizza boy is creepy! if you ask me she is the most insecure in the house. constantly asking a 23 year-old kid for validation on whether or not she is is sexy is pathetic. she has the nerve to talk about others in the house with showmances and she is literally cutting the life line from this kid. he is so whooped he jumps when she says jump, bark when she says bark etc. He will kick himself in the ass when he realizes that she is going to be the reason he doesn’t win this game.

    1. i really think she just likes him… i think it’s normal to seek validation from someone you like. he is pretty quiet guy. i dont think his chances of winning are ruined, ive heard multiple HGs from all sides say that they trust mccrae in spite of amanda. ive also heard a few ppl (incl helen, elissa, andy and some others) say that they want him to win the whole thing if they don’t. i think he would get lots of votes if he made it to the end bc ppl think he’s a good guy. im actually shocked that no one seems really mad at him for lying that he is MVP… like if amanda lied and said she was MVP it would be drama-central! just goes to show how liked he is.

      1. i feel you. but i think others haven’t brought it up about the MVP thing just yet because they will play it later. mccrae seems like a cool dude but he is her puppet and not to mention he has lied a lot as well. he runs back and tells her everything and at times is a mess started with the way he talks about people as well. not knocking him at times in this game u have to be aware of who u align yourself with. and everyone knows that amanda is not a well liked person in the house and he is going to be guilty by association, sadly.

  16. im gonna stick with elissa being mvp shes nailed two targets and they think spencer was worse than howard howard would of won pov im sure he would of been mad at elissa so she picked sleezeball spencer who can barely compete or should i say sphincter or adam 2.0 just cause amanda wants out howard is ridiculous she tells arian that shes just using elissa when elissa has been loyal to mcrae even after putting her on the block and not using the veto on heri dont think elissa owes amanda crap helen candaice and howard were descent to her when she was on the block and on slop otherwise she was ignored and treated like crap through the whole house is amanda that dumb does she realize nick david or jeremy could of easily taken them out if not for elissa being mvp they could be gone howard would of one the pov and mcrae and amanda would have howard after them amandas bossiness and mean demeanor will come to a end i hope as for helens hoh slow your role woman you cant play next week as for mcpizza i wish he would play his own game and tell amanda to stfu

  17. Agreed I’m tall. Amanda runs me the wrong way although I like her spunk. Can’t stand her in this game.

  18. Kaitlyn: “This is going to be a huge f****ing week for TV.. for CBS.. it almost makes me feel that it was rigged” I love it even the people playing the game know it’s rigged. Bet they won’t show that convo on TV! Why don’t u talk about that Julie Chen!?

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