Aaryn says that Judd gets into bed with her at night and uses his albino anaconda.

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POV Holder: Kaitlin Next POV July 20th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 15
HOH Winner: Helen Next HOH: July 18
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Kaitlin, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Current Nominations: Jeremy, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick
Have Nots Judd, Jessie, McCrea, Amanda


12:30am On the backyard hammock – Helen, Jeremy and Elissa are talking. Elissa talks to Jeremy about him needing to go seek therapy to heal his relationship with his father. Jeremy agrees and says being in the house has opened his eyes. He says he doesn’t want to go through life with a broken heart. Elissa says you can’t be the person that you’re supposed to be with broken heart. Jeremy says that the last time he saw his father 10 years ago they were fighting and it wasn’t word fighting. He says this probably won’t be good for tv but the last time I saw him I got punched in the face. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When the feeds come back – Elissa continues to talk to Jeremy about how to repair his relationship with his father.

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12:40pm Candice, Howard, Spencer, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Gina and Judd are in the lounge room talking about random things and joking around. Meanwhile out on the backyard couch – Jeremy talks to Kaitlin. Kaitlin tells him that he should have told them that he would prove to them over the next week through his actions. Jeremy says I did say that. Kaitlin says you are a monster if you campaign to stay. Kaitlin says McCrae and Amanda already promised me they are going to throw it to me. Jeremy says not if I am here I am going to win it. Kaitlin says you don’t need to win it, if I win it. Jeremy says he has to. Kaitlin tells him if he wins he can’t put up the people he wants, he has to put up who they want. Jeremy says duh! Kaitlin says that’s what Aaryn doesn’t get. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that he fu*ked up his own game. Jeremy says if the moving company wasn’t tw*ts it would have worked out. Jeremy says hopefully I got to a sympathy level with them and they will keep me. Kaitlin says I doubt it. Jeremy and Kaitlin move to the hammock.

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1am Helen is up in the HOH room with Andy, McCrae and Amanda. They talk to Helen about how she exposed their alliance. Helen feels bad but Amanda says that she tried to throw Jeremy off by telling him that they weren’t protecting Helen like she was. They all agree that Jeremy is going home on Thursday. Helen says that she will tell him right before the vote. McCrae says that he doesn’t know why Jeremy even thought he would get the money in the end after he destroyed someone’s property. McCrae and Amanda head down to the backyard couch. McCrae says that Aaryn worries him. Amanda says that she knows that she does. Judd joins them. They talk about being havenots and appreciating food more. Aaryn joins join them. They talk about the Aaryn and Gina fight. Aaryn says that the fight started with talking about whether or not Nick went to Yale. Judd says that Gina told Aaryn to check herself. Aaryn comments that it looks like Jeremy and Kaitlin are having $ex on the hammock. Aaryn says that she didn’t know it was a secret that Nick went to Yale. Amanda says that Aaryn is passive aggressive because she knew that comment would bother Gina because it made it seem she knew Nick just as well.


1:30am McCrae, Kaitlin, Aaryn, Judd and Spence are talking about $ex. Judd talks about he walked in on Aaryn in the bathroom. She jokes that she was masturbating. Spencer says he holds the door sometimes. Kailin says she doesn’t care if people see her. Judd jokes about his albino anaconda. Aaryn says that Judd gets into bed with her at night and uses his albino anaconda. Spencer asks he tries to put it in you? Aaryn says he doesn’t try, he does it. They discuss the age’s males and females when they hit their sexual peak. McCrae comments that when he pee’s sometimes his dick tickles water. Aaryn says that she bleached her butt hole with honey and lemon. Amanda says oh my god we can all bleach our butt hole here. Spence asks the ladies outside if they would rather be fingered while someone goes down on them. Kaitlin says yes. Aaryn jokes that she is asexual. Kaitlin says that she thinks she is. Jeremy and Spence says that Aaryn takes it in the face. Aaryn says that she doesn’t. Jeremy asks Aaryn if she spits or swallows. Jeremy and Spencer make her wink if she swallows. Aaryn winks. Aaryn talks about how she doesn’t like butt $ex because one time it slipped in and she curled up in a ball in tears. Spencer and Jeremy bet in 10 years she will like to take it in the butt. Jeremy tells Aaryn that he would eat the lint in her belly button. Spence says that he would drink her bathwater. Jeremy says that he would drink her toilet water after she take a dump. Aaryn says that David said he has a foot fetish. Aaryn says that she doesn’t like that. Aaryn says that the weirdest thing that ever happened to her was a choke grab. Spence and Jeremy says that they never know how hard to choke when their asked to do it. Aaryn asks Spencer and Jeremy how many people they’ve had sex with. Jeremy says 24. Spence says 37. Aaryn says 7. Jeremy says that he thinks that’s amazing.

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Up in the HOH room – Judd is talking to Elissa and Helen. Judd asks them if they have a final four deal with Andy and Kaitlin. Helen and Elissa deny it. Judd says that Jeremy thinks he might get the votes. Judd asks if Jeremy is still going home. Helen says yes. Helen tells Judd how she told Jeremy that he needed to keep Judd, Elissa, Helen, McCrae, Amanda and Andy safe if Jeremy had the votes to stay. Judd says that he wants to make sure Gina goes home before the jury. He says that she would be a bitter jury member. Helen says that Amanda and McCrae want Howard gone. Helen and Elissa say that they want Aaryn out next. Elissa says that if she won HOH she would put up Aaryn, Spencer and Kaitlin as the MVP. Helen says that she needs to put up Howard. Helen says that the house wants Howard out. Judd tells Elissa that he heard that she wants an all-girl alliance. Elissa asks who told him that? Judd says Jeremy told him. Elissa says he never talks game to me. Judd asks again if she wants only girls. Elissa comments how she wants Aaryn out. Judd says that if he wins HOH, he won’t put up Aaryn but he will vote her out. Helen and Elissa ask why he wouldn’t put her up. Judd says that he lied to her before and gave her his work that he wouldn’t. Judd says that he put up Candice and Howard, or Gina and Kaitlin. Helen says that she wants Jessie to make it to at least jury. Judd agrees. Judd talks about havenots and says that everyone who hasn’t been a havenot should be this week (Spencer, Aaryn, Gina and Kaitlin.


3:30am – 5am Out in the backyard – Aaryn, Gina and Judd are on the backyard couch hanging out. Aaryn heads inside to bed. Gina says that she misses Nick. She asks Judd why he voted Nick out. Judd says that it wouldn’t have even mattered the vote was 7-4. Judd says that Nick told the moving company he wanted me out. Gina says the moving company lasted 3 days. Judd says no since the beginning. Gina asks what are you doing – voting Jeremy or Spencer out. Judd says Jeremy because that’s what the house wants. But if Jeremy gets the number then I am down.
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Meanwhile – McCrae Amanda and Spencer are in the lounge room talking. Spence asks McCrae if he is still going to be staying. McCrae assures Spencer that he is. McCrae says that Helen is just humoring Jeremy until right before the vote. McCrae says that Aaryn is making herself a bigger target. Spence wonders what the logic was to put him up instead of Howard. McCrae says that he doesn’t know. McCrae says that he wonders if they were worried about Howard getting upset with them or if he had a deal with them. Spence says he doesn’t know if they have a deal. Spence asks McCrae who he would put up once Aaryn and Gina go home. McCrae says he would probably put up Candice and Jessie. Spence says that he thinks that Helen nominated him because he told Jeremy that Helen should go. McCrae says that the girls were pushing so hard for Spencer to go up and says that he didn’t want to fight it. Spencer says that he thinks Howard has a good shot at an endurance HOH. McCrae agrees. He says unless it’s a girls endurance. Spencer leaves. They talk about how they think Spencer knows that McCrae wasn’t the MVP. Judd joins them and tells them he was just tortured with a hour and a half talk with Gina. Judd talks about how he tried to convince Gina to throw the HOH. He says that he told her that it would be scary to get HOH with the MVP twist because only 1 of 3 people go home and you still have two people coming after you. Judd says that he also told her to vote with the house. The talk turns to Howard and how he uses his religion. Amanda says that Howard uses race and religion. Judd says that from Howard race thing is over the top now. Amanda says if someone says there’s a lovely black couch – Howard acts offended and walks away. Amanda says that she thinks Howard tried to make Aaryn look like a racist. Amanda says that they better not try to make me seem racist because I am the least racist person ever. Judd says same with him. Judd heads to bed. Amanda tells McCrae that she will make sure that either Spence or Howard go next week. McCrae says that he is worried that he will be the one to go. Amanda says no way. Amanda tells McCrae I don’t want to like you, I don’t want to love you. She says you give me goose bumps. McCrae and Amanda start making out. Amanda asks McCrae if he likes her? McCrae says MMhm. Amanda asks do you love me? McCrae says MMhm. Amanda says you do? Do you swear? McCrea says MMhm. They then head into the havenot room and go to sleep.

7:30am All the house guests are still sleeping..


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75 thoughts to “Aaryn says that Judd gets into bed with her at night and uses his albino anaconda.”

  1. Just one more day till Aaryn or Jeremy will be evicted! Last meal! Too bad……your gone!

      1. I agree with you, you said that

        Captainwedgeinarseandlikeit says:
        July 17, 2013 at 8:03 am
        Jeremy or Aaryn will be evicted

    1. It should be Jeremy, but I can’t deny part of me could see him going Gheesling and hoodwinking the votes to keep him. It. Just. Might. Work.

  2. Hope Howard wins HOH and puts Amanda and McCrae! Amanda is starting be really annoying. I don’t know what Howard did or said to Amanda for her to hate him the way she does!

    1. Amanda was making race jokes the first week (just go to Youtube), just not hateful like Aaryn and GM. She (and the others) figured out from the DR questions it was an issue and likely being portrayed on the show as such, which is why they all gave voice to saying it was bad for the cameras, before going back to ignoring or downplaying it…including the “good” superfriends. Amanda decided Howard (and Candace but she isn’t afraid of her) made it an issue. To attempt to cover herself, she went to Aaryn to say she wasn’t doing anything wrong, but Howard and the minorities were taking it wrong. McCrea had told her Howard (and Spencer but she’s not afraid of him) wanted her out when it was just to protect MC, but McCrea has not told her that, so she thinks they want her out regardless.

      So now she’s trying to bury him and get him out, attacking him for everything from race to religion to ascribing all sorts of traits that Howard simply doesn’t have…and because her IQ is high and the house IQ is relatively low, Amanda has free reign to define Howard and anybody else however she wants.

      Deep down Amanda is terrified by strong men that she can’t control and she’s terrified that she’s being portrayed as racist, which she is desperate to disprove…but in doing so is actually making herself look a little bit racist by claiming it’s all in Howard’s head and of his creation.and she’s certainly throwing in with Aaryn in the game more than anybody else. She’s only doing so because Aaryn can be controlled and serve her game, but she’s still throwing in with her.

      1. just keep digging that hole for yourself amanda by targeting howie and candace and saying you want helen out

        saying im not racist makes you look even more guilty

        the fact is even the person she is supposedly in love with in the house tells her multiple times that her comments are racist

          1. im not talking game – im talking about her racist remarks plus her who her targets are

            why does aaryn become americas most hated, yet amanda gets a pass with golden edits every episode from cbs?

            im not wanting either to win, but to me the treatment from the public and cbs to amanda and aaryn is unfairly lopsided, given they have both said racist remarks and bullied

  3. Looking forward tomorrow of Jeremy or Aaryn getting evicted. Please Elissa WIN SOMETHING, WIN HOH!!!!!! DON’T LET RACHEL FANS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

  4. every week the same people they target are the ones to win HOH .. noone wants candance and howard to win hoh but they will . not only will they win it but they production i meant america will give them the MVP ALSO … TRUST AND BELIEVE CBS will not let these players take out the minority even though they are trying to edit a story here … Not going to happen because the way they show howard and candice being humble trying to give up their rights and walking away from the bed to let aaryn have it …. …

  5. Unbelievable!!! Howard is using race. He is making Aaryn seem like a racist? Yeah he made her say those things!?!?! It was all Howard. He put those words in her mouth. A few days ago she told Aaryn she was a racist so because Howard is black he can’t say it?! Im really starting to HATE AMANDA!!

    1. How would he have won the DPOV? Surely production wouldnt just give it to him. I really wanna see him stay though.

        1. Thanks Simon. How would he have gotten that? there was no america vote, no competition, no Pandora’s box… which he wouldn’t have gotten anyway because he is not HOH….. i don’t get it.

  6. Me thinks the bloggers need to put up graphic warnings on posts like this for the, ahem, pure at heart. I don’t want to know how fingered who or who poked who. UGH. gross!!! especially with these vile creatures (aaryn, Jeremy, spencer).

  7. I really hope aaryn goes home. And I hope julie has a big bowl of rice waiting for her. Jeremy needs to stay in the game. Helens speeches about being nice and friends with everyone is getting super annoying. Mvp needs to go to someone other than Elissa.

  8. I don’t think Amanda hates Howard or anyone else, I just think she is just a natural born sh*t-talker.

    1. MC is telling her how much he needs the money. He’s hoping that there is a competition like Big Brother 14 where the players could win $3000.
      McCrae “Even if it was $1000 I would get down on one knee and suck someone’s d!ck”
      Amanda: “you just said that in front of a lot of people”
      McCrae: “That’s fine..”

  9. unfuckingbelieveable…

    Amanda says that she thinks Howard tried to make Aaryn look like a racist. Amanda says that they better not try to make me seem racist because I am the least racist person ever.

    1. Seriously, Amanda was one of the worst with her racist and homophobic comments right along with Kaitlin and Gm along with their homophobic comments. Love how CBS just portrays who they want as a racist or does not show Spencer for the dangerous person he could be in regard to women. If Aaryn and Jeremy go home, this season is going to be even more boring that it already is. Feel bad that Jeremy had such a violent relationship with his dad.

  10. “copy & paste”, I’m starting to like Jeremy, didn’t at first but he’s growing on me because he’s a game player and all the other HG have been dissappointing!

  11. I find all three equally disgusting-Aaryn, Spencer, and Jeremy. Maybe Spencer a tinge more because he is so homely. I always thought Hayden was kind of cute so I’m looking forward to seeing him on AR.

  12. Okay, I want Amanda and McCrae to win this game. The HG (them in particular) have to start thinking about the jury that they want in the end and begin evicting people based on that. Amanda and McCrae need to make a list of who would benefit them in the jury house and who will not, and get those who will not out first..and so on and so forth…

    Can someone please remind me how many are allowed on jury?

    I want to think this out. This is where their strategizing needs to go at this stage. GO AMANDA and McCrae…love them <3

    1. The jury has 7 members in it, so 5 more house guests leave before jury starts. That is unless BB does something crazy and changes it.

    2. the other house guests need to talk amongst themselves as to if they want amanda or mccrae out first to break up the pair

  13. The sex discussion was disgusting but I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less from this classy bunch.

  14. I really don’t understand Amanda…she told Aaryn herself that she was making racist comments!! She doesn’t remember that conversation?? Now she is saying that Howard is making Aaryn say all of this stuff???

  15. I hated Rachel, but I would rather watch her than Elissa. At least Rachel is fun to hate. Elissa is just pathetic. The only reason she is still there is because she is Rachel’s sister and people want to use her. If she wasn’t Rachel’s sister, she would have as much game and power as Gina. Right now I am rooting for anyone but Aaryn, Helen and Elissa. Send the moms back home to their kids and let the game begin. I didn’t like Jeremy from day one, but he is more entertaining to watch than nail parties and group hugs in Helen’s HOH. They make me gag. At least Jeremy has some game sense. I really want them to blindside Helen and send Aaryn home tomorrow.

    1. at least elissa is fairly nice

      her sister is so bitchy and annoying in comparison

      another thing i wonder if helen did aaryns nails or aaryn did helens nails at the party?

      i suppose we will see on the cbs wednesday episode

    2. 100% agree.

      I always saw Elissa for what she was, CBS desperate attempt on recreating the “Rachel charm: the girl everyone loved to hate, but never could stop watching and rooting for her(i was one of those fans)”, and they failed horribly, now either they will abandon her by ending the twist, finally allowing the majority of the HGs do what they’ve all planned day 1, evict her, OR they will let the twist keep protecting her week after week til no more threats are left and hand her the check.

      Threats left are Amanda,McCrae,Howard,Aaryn – IMO this would be the safest time to end the twist is after they’re gone.

      Judd,Jessie,GM,Spencer are just votes, so they’ll be evicted in between

      Final 4 Elissa, Helen, Candice, and Andy
      Helen will throw the comps for her, and Andy will just suck at them. Leaving it up for grabs between Elissa and Candice

      That’s how I see this season going down.

      1. Come to think of it, that could be how CBS wants this season to end, Elissa Vs Candice(Black Vs White), from the way they manipulated HGs to keep Howard and is shamelessly milking this racial tension for the ratings. God, I hope I’m wrong about this.

    3. So, my friend who loves Big Brother (but doesn’t read the sites or get the feeds, etc.) says Elissa is boring. They should have Elissa called into diary room and have Rachel come in her place. Have her made up to look like her sister.. That would cause some drama 😉

      1. That’s funny! There were a couple of times the first two weeks that I really thought they had done just that! When Elissa got down and out to the point she was crying non-stop and talking about quitting and going home, and nobody saw her for a while. Ppl were speculating a bit if she had really DQd, or if she had just been in the DR getting a long pep talk, or hiding out by herself in the HN. Then she’d suddenly show up strutting around all fired up, shoulders back and head high, ready to fight, get people all Riley’d up,(esp. struck me the first time I saw her wearing Rachel’s favorite dress) and then- poof- out of sight again. Next thing ya know she’s back to moping about with the duck face in full pout and talking thru her nose again…I had already been saying there were times her profile was uncannily similar, even though Elissa had so much plastic surgery. Then someone mentioned one of the HG’s had gone into the storage room and caught Elissa coming through the door from Production… Well, I know its kindof a nutty idea, but I love me a good conspiracy theory! And its not like BB hasn’t pulled that kinda thing off before, right?! IMHO, it sure would be cool if it were true =) hehehe!!

  16. If Amanda saw Howard’s pecker like we all did on Twitter yesterday then she wouldn’t want him out 😉

  17. I know everyone thinks it will be boring without people like Jeremy, Aaryn, Spencer, and Howard but without them, the house will have to come up with new targets. It will be interesting when the superfriends have to put up their own people and start collapsing

  18. NICK DID NOT GO TO YALE…why do people keep saying this? he went for a summer session, which means you can pay (bc it is truly very expensive) then you can go. I am sure the viewers all know this, but seriously, it’s weird bc these people must think he was some kind of super intelligent person – and no offense, maybe he is smart, but yale is not in the picture here.


    The Ohio State University, Biology/theater, Columbus/Ohio, 2009

    Yale University, summer session, New Haven/CT, 2009
    acting for film summer session

    UCB Theater, New York/NY, 2011
    Improvisation with Mike Still

  19. It’s crazy to me how much the “other side” think Helen and her crew are weak players. They’re the ones currently running the show. If anything, it proves that YOU guys are the weak players. If you were that strong, you would have played the game mentally better. You’d have to remember it’s not just physical gameplay. It’s mental and social, something that side CLEARLY lacks and a reason they’re being picked off one by one.

    1. Too true. The “Mean Girls” and Jeremy played an extraordinarily bad social game (even putting the racist remarks aside) with the extent of their generalized bullying and specifically their ostracism of Elissa.

      For instance, look at Helen’s houseguest profile — she says Rachel is her least favorite houseguest ever, and that her strategy coming into the show was to lay low, throw comps and vote with the house for as long as possible.

      But the treatment of Elissa in the first week was so provocative that she completely abandon her initial strategy and went all in as Elissa’s ally — initially to the extreme detriment of her own game — which ultimately turned the tables in the house.

    2. And maybe, just maybe, one of their targets and not their allies would have been sent home in weeks one and two.

      1. I agree with you, but lets face the facts here, if it wasn’t for the MVP twist they would’ve got one of their targets out 1st week, Elissa.

  20. Thanks Simon. How would he have gotten that? there was no america vote, no competition, no Pandora’s box… which he wouldn’t have gotten anyway because he is not HOH….. i don’t get it.

    1. It’s mostly a joke here at OBB. Usually during the season when a “Popular” houseguest is out the door I photoshop in a DPOV and say they found it in a cereal box or in a tree etc etc.. People usually flip out on twitter and are quick to tell me it’s fake.. LOL thats the point it’s pretty funny.

    2. Sorry about that Name.

      Just giving the Jeremy lovers a little false hope and fits to the Jeremy haters.

  21. A few thoughts from last night’s feeds

    a) Helen told Jeremy that the people she is loyal to and is protecting is Amanda, JUDD, McCrae, Andy and Elissa (The knock outs) Jeremy hasn’t clued in on how to use this information yet.. Maybe the DR will give him a hand. The rest of the knockouts are furious with her. Judd thinks she may be on ecstasy cause she won’t stop talking trying to make friends, Amanda thinks she’s retarded

    b) Jeremy campaigned like crazy to Elissa and Helen .. He had a good argument but Helen and Elissa still want him out.

    c) Aaryn is really nervous she knows there is a chance she will go home and Jeremy will stay (Slim chance) no chance of Spencer going home. The house is starting to dislike Aaryn more than Jeremy.

    d) MVP twist continues to ruin the season. Essentially for anyone to knock out a superfriend they need to win both HOH and MVP. A POV wouldn’t hurt.. If you can’t win everything or become a superfriend you go home.

    1. It is a good thing almost anyone can become a superfriend!

      There was a guy on here last week named simon who was saying that Elissa was a goner. Nothing left to do but count the votes…

      1. I thought for sure Elissa was gone last week up until the morning of the vote just like this week I think Jeremy is gone.

        even though I wanted NIck to stay Last minute house flips are exciting

    2. Disagree that the MVP is ruining the season.

      Elissa could’ve easily been sent home last week had Jeremy not been *so* toxic that his alliance chose to destroy itself rather than be seen as close to him.

      1. BULLS**T, it wasn’t the way Jeremy acted, it was DRs questioning that made the majority panic at the last minute.

    3. It doesn’t matter who wins HOH…..Elissa will get the MVP again and put up anyone not a part of the Nerd Herd 2.0…They have the votes…Pretty much Howard and Spencer are doomed….Hopefully Howard gets the HOH and MVP and puts up Amanda

    4. I agree that the MVP is ruining the game. If people would vote for game play and not their favorite person, it might have worked. Everyone knows that Elissa will get it every week. It was supposed to prevent Floaters yet have the House are floater especially Elissa. BB needs to end this farce. Let the HOH decide who goes up and let the people play for POV. The game can change quickly but not when someone is just handed power for doing NOTHING!!!!

  22. All yall dat are haters of Elissa need to take a skinny dip in a vat of sulphuric acid. She is da bomb!

  23. My rants against the MVP is NOT a rant against Elissa or the superbudies they should be given props for utilizing the twist and dominating because of it.

    I just think the show would be more exciting if there was some variety in who won it.

    1. i agree

      maybe 2 rules…

      you cant win it 2 weeks in a row like the hoh rule

      you can only win it a certain number of times maximum for the season – maybe 2 or 3 times maximum so there is a variety of winners

  24. I don’t believe Helen is any high level political operative b/c she never shuts up. As much as I find Jeremy loathsome, he’s working an angle with his Daddy issues, and I think production is pushing for Spencer to leave. Aaryn is’nt going anywhere anytime soon, she’s talkin dirty and is the ultimate goat-who in their right mind would ever vote for her? Besides, I think she’s a hired hand for production-

    1. I don’t really care for Andy, but I sure get a kick out of watching him and Judd running around playing both sides and instigating paranoia. Aaryn is the only one I have seen that seems to have caught on completely to their game so far…

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