Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff laughs and says that Rachel is making Brendon fresh squeezed OJ with her hands..

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8:35am Shelly wakes up, changes her batteries in her mic and then heads into the bathroom. Brendon is now up and in the bathroom as well. Shelly says its early ..when you go to bed at 4:30am. Shelly goes into the kitchen to pour a glass of diet coke and then heads out into the backyard. Brendon then goes and gets back into bed with Rachel in the HaveNot room.

9:20am Big Brother cuts the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the houseguests. When the live feeds come back ..Jeff, Rachel and Shelly are in the kitchen making breakfast. Adam is out in the backyard smoking. Jeff says that its funny we’re all cooking. Shelly says that she learned her lesson last time. Rachel says yeah right!? Brendon joins them in the kitchen. They are all wondering why they aren’t on an inside lockdown because normally there is a Have/HaveNot competition today. Brendon asks if there is some type of Have/HaveNot competition inside? No one knows what’s going on. Dani is up and in the HOH bathroom shower.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says that they couldn’t have written a better story about what happened and how it must all look like a set up from America’s point of view..

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12:20am Everyone is up looking at Dani’s HOH room. Dani gets photos of her dad Evel Dick, her roommate, and brother. Dani’s letter from home is from her roommate Pete. Jordan leaves to go finish eating. After a bit everyone else leaves Dani’s HOH room but Rachel. Dani says that she told everyone that was what was going to happen. Rachel and Dani start talking about how hard the competition was. Rachel asks Dani if she wants to be alone. Dani says she wants to listen to music. Rachel still sits there. Rachel says that at least her and Brendon will get to be in the jury house together now. Rachel congratulates Dani for winning HOH. They hug and Rachel and decide to talk tomorrow. Rachel leaves the HOH room. Rachel goes downstairs to the bathroom to tell Brendon about the conversation she had with Dani, and how Dani told her they can talk tomorrow. They then head into the kitchen where Kalia is cutting a cake and giving everyone some. They talk about random things and eat cake. Porsche and Dani are talking. Dani tells Porsche about her short conversation with Rachel. They both talk about how excited they are that Dani won. Porsche says that she’s getting the evil eye from Brendon already. They talk about Brendon. Dani says that she is excited that she doesn’t have to do laundry. Kalia says that it’s like we never left. Kalia says that she noticed that Jordan is always the first to leave the HOH room. They talk how everyone is being so nice. Dani says that they will love all her friends.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 12th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 12th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 11th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 11th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother 13 – Dani: “I’m going to make every person even Shelly Crap their pants this week” **updated**

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11:56pm Kalia and Dani

Dani saying that they can trust Porsche 100% she’s stuck with them, Dani also points out that Porsche has no one so unless she wants to go home she needs them as much as they need her. Dani wants final 3 with porsche and Kalia She believes they are the only ones they can all trust. (DKP offically has formed) Dani and Kalia both agree they do not trust Shelly with anything anymore. Dani brings up that Porsche was telling her all the lies Shelly has been spreading since before Dom left (Porsche doesn’t know 1/3 of it)

There talking about when they walked out to see the comp they thought Porsche was totally going to do BLANK at it. Dani: “She did REALLY well i’m so proud of her” Both of them were really surprised, Dani thinks they can expect wins from Porsche. Kalia says that right before the comp Porsche was asking Kalia if her hair looked good. Kalia thought “OHH MY GOD.. get your head in the game” But now Kalia just thinks that is the way Porsche is.
Kalia brings up that during the comp Brendon sat behind her and after he lost he was saying to Rachel “Ohh baby i’m sorry i’m really sorry so sorry” (Same thing he did in bb11 on the paint can comp?) Kalia laugh “There’s something wrong there”
Dani is confident that they can do it, says now they know who to trust and who is after them.
Dani: “We can do this you know this right?”
Kalia: “ya”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Grenades Dani Wins the HOH **Updated**

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10:23pm Bed room Adam, Jeff and Dani Jeff has his lips attached to dani making small talk about a pizzeria in Chicago Jeff leaves.
Adam has attached his lips to the HOH.. Pleading to Dani that he voted for Lawon to leave because he Knew Lawon Couldn’t be trusted.
Dani: “When has Rachel ever been Straight”
Adam stumbles says to her he hope the can remain friends outside the house. She tells him that it was just game she understands. Adam goes on and on chit chatting sounding very nervous. Dani is polite but stick up for Adam being a douche.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Kalia Da Hut: “I’m having a major Chima moment.. “

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Dani tells Kalia to stop talking like their defeated.. They’re right back where they were 2 weeks ago and are down a number but not all is lost they have Porsche. Dani says they need to win HOH and put up power players (Like you did).. She’s thinking they should maybe try to cut a deal with someone. Dani thinks they options for deals right now are slim.

Dani: “don’t talk about it like that… wait until after tonight if we win HOH then great if we don’t then.. I dunno”
Dani is worried about the HOH she says it’s all of them against Porsche and her. Kalia reminds her that it was the same 2 weeks ago. Dani: “It’s not going to be endurance”
Kalia: “How the hell did America pick Brendon over Dom.. I can’t live here with these people” Dani is pretty surprised that it was Brendon to. Dani brings up some more good news about what just happened says that JJBR now control the Jury .. they control who wins the Big Brother 13. .Kalia Da Hut :”Ohh”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Fifth Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

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A Painful week indeed for the Dani fans a Awesome week for JJSA. Thanks to Shelly, Kalia Da Hut put up one of her own alliance member in the hopes of gaining BFF status with Jordan and Jeff. Lawon will be going home. This is being called one of the most stupidest moves in Big Brother History and will cost Kalia the game. The only good thing about all this is when the dust settles DK will figure out how BLANK they are and will stop trusting Shelly. Tonight there is also the twist results who does CBS want back in the game.. and will they beat Lawon the Juggernaut. It’s a exciting night get the feeds help OBB pay for all our bandwidth and server fees.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam tells Porsche he doesn’t feel good keeping Lawon & that they will get Rachel out next week.. *Updated*

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1:20pm Big Brother calls an end to the HOH lock down. All the houseguests leave the HOH room, except Kalia who heads into the HOH bathroom to get ready. Kalia then starts packing up her stuff and all the food in order to get ready to leave the HOH room. Shelly immediately starts cleaning the house. Adam and Rachel head to the kitchen to make lunch/breakfast. Lawon is in the bathroom getting ready. Adam goes into the candy bedroom and lays down. He tells Porsche that they will talk later.

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Big Brother Spoiler: Shelly says that she just doesn’t trust Lawon .. because he blatantly lied to me and was acting absolutely crazy.. *Updated*

10am – 10:45am Shelly is up in the HOH room talking to Kalia. Shelly asks her what is your gut feeling about what to do. Kalia says that she doesn’t know. Shelly says that Lawon told her a huge lie yesterday. Kalia says everyone lies in here. Shelly says that part of her thinks that if Lawon is gone I feel more secure with being here. Kalia says thats not true. Shelly says he was a part of your final four. Kalia says its not even about that ..its about losing an ally. Kalia says that she thinks there is something in Porsche that genuinely changed. Kalia says that she warned her that the people that you think are your friends are really not your friends.. and that she had already started hanging out with us the week before. Kalia says that she doesn’t think she is going to flip flop any more. Kalia says that Porsche is on our side and she will vote the way that we want her to vote. Kalia says that everyone gets out of this scot free but me. Shelly says that she isn’t worried about the twist and tells Kalia to control what she can control. Shelly says that she just doesn’t trust Lawon .. because he blatantly lied to me and was acting absolutely crazy. Shelly says that the best possible position is to keep Rachel because she will come back with vengeance. Kalia says what if America votes back Brendon? …my absolute worst case scenario is that he walks back into the house and Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel are back together. Shelly says well Dominic coming back is not good for my game. Shelly says that he can’t come back if he (Brendon) has seen goodbye messages. Kalia says yeah because a lot of people said some mean things to him.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says the more twists that come ..the more they’ll come unglued..

12:15am In the lounge room, Rachel and Porsche are talking. Rachel asks if Porsche if she will vote for her to stay. Porsche says yes. Rachel and Porsche hug. Porsche tells her to not curse her out in her speech. Rachel laughs and jokingly says she will say fuck you, fuck you, fuck you… The both laugh and leave the room. Out in the backyard, Dani and Porsche and Lawon are sitting on the couches. Lawon gets up and heads inside. Right after he leaves Porsche asks if we are voting him? Dani says that’s the plan. Porsche tell Dani that Rachel just asked her if she was going to be voting for her to stay. Porsche tells Dani that she had told Rachel, yes.

1am Jeff and Jordan are in the lounge room talking about what to wear tomorrow for the live show and about zits. Jordan talk about how important it is to clean your pores. The conversation turns to talking about competitions. Jordan says that true/false competitions are the worst. Jordan says that it’s so funny that Jeff didn’t stress the week of the coup d’eta because he knew he had it. Jeff says that he thinks Jessie kind of knew he had it. Jeff says whatever who cares about that season! Jordan says that she thinks if the HOH competition is a true/false one then Adam would probably win it.
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Big Brother 13 – Dani about Jordan “She’s just miserable here period, she thought it was going to be a vacation”

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9:35pm HOH Dani and kalia Da HUt
Dani is saying that Shelly told her Porsche will give rachel a pity vote this week. Dani was pretty shocked so she went to prosche. POrsche swore up and down she never said that. Dani: “Porsche said That’s not even the way I talk i wouldn’t say pity vote” Dani doesn’t know if Rachel is lying to shelly to work a vote or if Shelly is lying to her.. Kalia: “everyone is lying in this house”. Dani knows says everyone is lying it’s how they play the game. She adds that they need to find out tonight what is going on and talk to Shelly and Adam. Kalia mentions that shelly mentioned she will tell DK who she’s voting for.. Kalia: “Umm I thought we were going to tell her who to vote this week” Kalia is getting nervous about Shelly voting for Lawon to leave.
Dani: “I see them whispering to each other alot”
Dani: “I think Shelly is getting caught up in a lot of lies .. Shocker… Again”

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