Spoilers “BOOM SQUAD is in full f*** effect.. rise to the top”

POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner: McCrae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations: Jessie, David and Candace
Last Evicted Houseguest ?
Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen


4:42pm CAm 1-2 Aaryn and Jeremy Bathroom

Jeremy: “Just because I’m a straight shooter i’m going to stay this.. I felt like you shot yourself in the foot with me. ”
J: “I can feel you stirred the pot”
Aaryn: “You said I was sisters with Jessie”
J:” I didn’t say you are sister with anyone.. I said you are close I don’t know maybe you’re close maybe it’s the twist but I never said anything about sisters ”
Aaryn wants to know why Jeremy didn’t just ask her up front. Jeremy swears he never said sisters. (Jeremy thought something was up when he overheard aaryn and Jessie talking)
J: “I’m a communication major and I can feel the vibe I got a horrible vibe.. I feel like i’m just getting paranoid”

Jeremy says he doesn’t always interrupt things the right way. “I gotta have one person in this house to trust.. and that’s David”
Jeremy: “I want you on my team we have to get on the same page.. I hear what you are saying I need to come to you.. Me and Kaitlin are good right now we’re real good”

J: “Are you on common ground right now”
Aaryn: “Ya”



4:49pm Storage Room Cam 3-4 GIGI, Kaitlin and David

David says that people think they are trying to get rid of Jessie
Kaitlin: “Were not”
K: “Why am I not being trusted.. Jeremy is telling people that I’m brothers with McCrae”
GIGI: “What!”
David: “this is what Elissa wanted she wanted us fighting”
K: “I’m the one kissing him and laying in bed with him why doesn’t he come to me with that.. I’m not going to trust him now not like before”
GiGi: “why is he saying this shit”
K: “It’s Jeremy .. We’re not even related his sister went to my high school”
K: “There is no way for me to fucking prove this.. how am I put in this position it’s unfair I can’t fix it”
GIGI: “Confront him about it”
K: “I’m not going to confront him .. I’m not going to trust him either”
GIGI: “no worries you’ll be fine.. we gotta stay Strong we need him”
K: “I’m not going to be the same as we were before”
GiGi: “ yes you are.. just hang out with me and the girls for awhile you’ll be fine”
Kaitlin: “I like Jess I don’t want to cause a issue with Jess”
K: “I don’t want to be near him right now.. I heard his entire conversation with Andy I was right there.. He was talking about me”. (Ohh ok Jeremy told Andy that Kaitlin knew McCrae… it was off feeds)
GIGI: “I don’t want you guys to bump heads and fight”
GiGI: “once Elissa is out of here it will be like AHHHHHHHH.. we’re good” (See image)


5:02pm Cam 1-2 Lounge David, Jeremy and GiGI

GIGI: “This is the F**** office… BOOM Squad is in full f*** effect, David, Kaitlin, GIGI, Me, Aaryn and Jeremy.. we’re the strongest six.. rise to the top”

GIGI tells the guys to just agree with everything the Kaitlin and Aaryn say the most important thing is they stop fighting,
GiGi tries to smooth things over and keep their BOOM SQUAD rolling.

GIGI: “I have a lot of guy friends.. I’m pretty much a guy anyways.. I want to have a family meeting later maybe get some booze”

GIGI leaves
Davie: “I think we messed up dude”
Jeremy: “no we didn’t mess up”
Jeremy is a bit pissed at Aaryn for telling Kaitlin he thought McCrae was her brother. Jeremy mentions that he didn’t even say sister he said they could be know each other because they are from the same state.


5:20 Cam 3-4 lawn chair Amanda and Elissa

Amanda tells Elissa they can work out a deal. THey agree to make the house think that they hate each other.

Amanda: “The house is splitting in two do you see that”
Elissa: “I don’t know all I hear now is everyone thinks theres brothers and sister”

Amanda: ‘No matter what you are going up.. but you staying is something we can control”
Elissa: “You think he’;s is definitely putting me up”
Amanda: “YES he is putting you up but I really think we can keep you here”
Amanda: “You want to go home..”
Elissa: “No”

Amanda: “People can’t know if we’re going to do this for real.. you’re still kinda a wild card.. If people think we are fighting.. I can get you to stay here.. I need to know if you stay you would no nominate the people that kept you save cause if you stay here you will win MVP every week.

Elissa: “Ya.. RAchel has the best fans ever”
Amanda: “we need to get rid of the guys first”

Amanda suggests that she outs Elissa for being Rachel’s sister to play up their rival.
Elissa is worried that staging a fight might backfire. Elissa tries to explain why she has been acting strange this first week. She got married fresh out of high school she never lived with roommates so she’s finding it tough.

Elissa wants to talk to McCrae first before they stage this fight she’s not sure it’s the best thing right now. Amanda says McCrae is on board. Amanda is really GUNG HO about staging this fight.

Amanda tells her that she is going end the conversation soon because them talking like this looks very fishy. Elissa is worried that it’s not going to work people are going to see through it. Amanda storms off with a disgusted look on her face.



5:50pm CAm 1-2 Amanda pool
After storming off Amanda goes to the backyard couch. Elissa eventually follows and Amanda storms off again.. “Keep talking Keep talking about me” Amanda plunges into the pool.. Yells out “Theres nothing you can do Elissa you can keep campaigning it’s not going to fu*** work”

Aaryn joins her poolside. Says that even if they get rid of Elissa this week production will do something because they will not want her to leave so soon, “They will have some sort twist” Production comes up “YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION”
Aaryn: “YA YA because it’s true”

They are asking Amanda if she is fighting with Elissa. Amanda says Elissa is trying to campaign.

6:00pm Cam1-2 Backyard Elissa and McCrae They compare notes about the plan to keep her. McCrae suggests that Elissa and Amanda do not stage a fight. Elissa agrees but Amanada doesn’t seem to understand. He asks him to talk to her about it. McCrae will later tonight.

22 thoughts to “Spoilers “BOOM SQUAD is in full f*** effect.. rise to the top””

  1. Amanda started to crack about getting rid Elissa. OMG, Amanda get a grip and calm down yo.

  2. McCrae is really attractive with his hair pulled back. I noticed two nights ago on the feeds and now in the picture above.

    Amanda what is wrong with you??? Looks like Elissa will stay now with Amanda offering her a deal. She should have Howard, Nick, Spencer, Hellen, Amanda, Andy and maybe Jeremy

    1. I was telling my friend this dude looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt with his hair pulled back and he didn’t agree with me in the least…

      1. Totally agree….especially since I am liking his laid back manner. He is a little cutie but when his hair is down I cringe a little.

  3. Jeremy: “Just because I’m a straight shooter i’m going to stay this.. I felt like you shot yourself in the foot with me. ”

    lmfaoo OMFG I am having straight shooter shelly flashbacks!

  4. Obnoxious Jeremy and his big mouth are causing him problems, both him and Amanda are destined for pre-jury boots at this rate.

  5. @ Appeal Obama Ad McCrae is really attractive with his hair pulled back? Are you blind, or just have piss poor taste in men? he is Geddy Lee’s freakin twin brother. Brb, I’m ordering me some pizza……………

  6. Is Amanda that scared for people to know she working with Elissa that she has to start a fake fight? Be a fucking women and McCray grow some fucking balls if y’all don’t want her to go dont use the fucking veto you spineless punks

  7. Oh please really keeping Elissa that sucks? McRae you are doing that bad if you do not use the POV all them houseguests will turn on him even Elissa then once McRae is gone he would be like I should of gotten Elissa out I made a mistake well you shouldn’t of listened to Miss America Amanda you should do whats best for you and not Amanda period. Oh Simon has the POV been played? Because I thought they were doing it today sometime?

  8. Fake fight?, didn’t Rachel do that her season? Elissa, play your own fucking game, you’re not Rachel. Don’t walk in her shadow by repeating anything she did.

  9. Judd, McCrae, and Helen are the only ones that have figured out that you need 7 votes this week to save you from eviction. Pathetic, but hilarious. Spencer: “The math is fuzzy, but I think it’s 5 or 6” lol.

  10. Like, like do ya think they’ll be voting me out Thursday? Not to stoked dude!! Cowabunga dudes!!

  11. This whole group of HG’s has a collective IQ of 12! McRae is nasty and his body looks like that of a first grader! Gross! These girls are so shallow and stuck on themselves! Elissa is the only one who is tolerable! I thought once you win MVP then you no longer qualify for it again! Does anyone know if this is true?

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