
Britney tells Jojo it doesn’t look good for you ..Danielle is laughing with Janelle

POV Holder: Shane Next POV: July 28 (Saturday)
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 23rd (Monday)
HOH Winner: Frank Next HOH: July 26 (Thurs)
Original Nominations: JOJO and Shane
Current Nominations: JOJO and Danielle
Have Nots /Slop Willie, Shane, JOJO, Ian
Coach Competition Winner Janelle
Next Coaches Competition July 27 (Friday)
Last Evicted Houseguest Kara, Willie


12:40pm Up in the HOH room Britney tells Jojo to calm it down and stop talking game with people. Britney says that Danielle thinks you are talking bad about her. Jojo wonders why. Britney says because you brought up her name. Jojo says that she was just trying to tell them that they had options. Britney says yeah but you know how this house is if you bring up people’s names. Britney says Danielle is down there all buddy, buddy and laughing with Janelle. Britney tells her to stop talking about sex with Ian too. Jojo says that was all of us though. Britney says it doesn’t matter you know how people spin it. Don’t say anything bad about anybody… because they find out 100%. I feel bad for you, I feel like you are depressed. Jojo says that she isn’t, and she isn’t going to pull a Willie. Britney says if you get voted out it is 100% personal, if you don’t it is 100% game. It is more beneficial for everyone to get Danielle out. Britney says that Danielle told her twice that you are talking bad about her.

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Britney says that Frank came up to the HOH and says is Jojo freaking kiddin me she wanted to vote me out last week and now she is pitching a deal to me. Britney says and that is how he really feels because he knows you are on my team and he still said it. Britney says that she needs to separate herself from Shane too. Integrate yourself with the rest of the house. I will let you know what is going on later in the week, but right now it doesn’t look good because right now she is laughing with Janelle right now. Don’t repeat this to anyone. Britney explains the votes and how Mike won’t leave Janelle for our team. From their perspective 6 on 2 is good for them. Why would they throw away 3 for 2? Jojo says because they would gain two strong players. Britney says but Janelle has 3 strong players. Jojo tells Britney thank you, you are the only one with a heart.
12:55pm – 1:25pm Ian and Danielle are sitting in the hammock talking about random stuff. Ian says that if things go as planned she should still be here. Danielle says she hopes so.. Ian says if things change I will let you know. Ian talks about maybe moving to Tuscaloosa for grad school. Danielle tells him that she can help him with finding a place there. Ian says that he has been offered a $26000 a year stipend to go there on top of them paying for his tuition. The conversation turns to talking about sports teams. Danielle says that she is worried she will be voted out to get Dan out. Ian says that he would make a case for her .. that Jojo is the last limb of Willie and that he has a moral apprehension about voting someone out that didn’t get to play for the veto. Ian says as of yesterday at 3pm Jojo was the one being voted out. If you were to go, that would be a complete fluke ..that something got fu*ked up. I would not give up hope just yet because the way I see it we are in for a bit of a shift. Ian says that if he gets HOH she would not be a target.

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1:30pm Britney and Shane are in the bathroom. Shane says that he thinks Jojo is going home 100%. Britney says yeah me too. Why do you think that? Shane says because he heard Frank say that she was a strong competitor. He says that they you would be down to one person, you’ve lost two people in a week. Shane wonders if he should vote for Danielle or not. Britney says I don’t think anyone is depending on your vote, if you want to vote against Jojo then vote against her. Britney says no matter what you are going to be up next week. Shane says yeah unless I win HOH or the POV. Britney heads outside. Jojo joins Shane in the bathroom. She tells him that she was told that she made Ian uncomfortable talking about sex. Jojo says that it was Ian telling her about rubbing one out if he got HOH.
1:45pm – 2:10pm Joe, Frank and Danielle are out by the pool. Joe asks Frank if a romance is in the cards for him in the bb house. Frank says no, he doesn’t want anything getting in the way of his game. The conversation changes to talking about manscaping and hair on guys and girls. Ashley, Britney and Dan are on the backyard couches talking about random stuff like high school. Jojo joins them.
2:15pm – 3pm Joe and Frank head up to the HOH room. Joe asks any thoughts on your week. Frank says the best option might be to split up JOjo and Shane. Joe says yeah he is 50/50, it would be nice to get rid of Dan. Frank says yeah, it might be nice to knock both coaches (Britney and Dan) down to one leg. Joe says worse case Shane wins HOH, he will put me and you up or Wil. Frank says yeah. Joe then we need to make sure Danielle know if we keep her safe that she need to vote to save us. Frank says if it is you and me it would be a hard vote for you. If its me and Wil it’s a split vote. They say that they will talk at 6pm. Frank and Joe comment on how they are going to try and play the game with the most integrity that they possibly can. Joe and Frank talk about when to get out the floaters. They say that they will vote out the floaters (Ian, Jenn and Ashley) when they get down to the final six. Joe mentions that they can’t trust Shane not to put them up if he wins HOH. They talk about him getting too cocky, asking people if anyone has ever won 3 POV’s in a row. They comment on how they are in a great position. Frank is still pissed that Jenn almost flipped and was mad at him for farting in the bed. They say again that its better to get out Jojo because if she stays she will stick with Shane. Joe says don’t even give Jojo a hint about her going home, just say we are hanging in there for ya. They say that they will tell Danielle that she will be safe but that she needs to keep it quiet. Joe says that he thinks either someone will come back or they will shuffle the teams. Joe and Frank say that they don’t think the coaches will be dropped into the game. Frank heads downstairs. Joe stays to listen to the music.
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3:20pm Everyone lounging around in the backyard.. random chating. Shane and JOJO plan to watch Jenn city perform when the show is over.

77 thoughts to “Britney tells Jojo it doesn’t look good for you ..Danielle is laughing with Janelle”

  1. Yes! Finally, Brit is giving JoJo good advice! I’ve been waiting for Britney to tell her to refine her social game. I think if JoJo can get in good with the rest of the group and sort of plant seeds when she needs to with people and give them time to think about keeping her for strategic reasons, I think she’ll be there on Thursday. And hopefully, Brit’s team can bounce back. But it does suck that Dan might be gone. I really like him.

    1. JoJo’s problem is that she is just floating to whoever has power and makes it look SO obvious. She’s gonna be hurting now that she doesn’t have Willie around to take the blame

  2. That’s not looking good for JoJo. She better not go crazy again. Just like what happen to Willie. Danielle might have a chance to stay or get evicted.

  3. oh my goodness. so weeks into the game, now brit decides its a good idea to give her team a bit of advice? can we just get rid of brit for bad coaching? can she be fired by an America’s vote and replaced with any person who has done something in big brother. go get james rhine, he will shake it the heck up and bother janelle to no end

    1. i agree britknee is a horrible coach but at least she did not leave a newborn to play the show

      1. get over the newborn thing. that is a baby who is 3 months or less. janelle’s baby is 9 months.

        1. ill say whatever i want at least i am not afraid to use a name on my posts 🙂 and janelle is a bad mother her baby is 7 months not 9 and any good mother would want to put her baby first not money i said it once ill say it again she a dumb assed money grabber whos 15 mins has long expired. BB just likes bringing back the dead, she wont be back after this show though because she has lost alot of fans by showing her true colours 🙂 kisses and dont go away mad just go away hugs too.

      2. Get your life bro. No coach left a newborn at home. Both coaches that have children are 7 and 9 months old. And what does it matter that they did? If they’re husband or significant other and family is okay with it, then who are you to judge them?

          1. Clearly, I didn’t judge you because what you said wasn’t valid sir. Please get your life, before judging others.

            1. A mother leaving her 7 month old daughter is so cold hearted. Only someone that is completely emotionally detached could do that. Or desperate for money, which Janelle is not.

              1. Once again, you guys are assuming you know her life. Don’t know her personal situation at all. And her being on the show is not that big a deal. There have been plenty of HG’s who have left small children at home and it was never a problem. But since you guys don’t like Janelle for whatever reason, you feel the need to personally attack her motherhood. I would love to see you guys parent of the year awards. Don’t worry…I’ll wait.

                1. These are facts, not assumptions. You’re defending the indefensable. She is cold and emotionally detached. That is her personality. Sorry if that shatters you’re god-like worship of her.

                  1. Who said I worship her? I actually take offense to that because I worship no human being as God like. Hell, I don’t even like Janelle all that much this season. I just don’t like that her personal life is being attacked when none of you know her. It’s not even about her. If you guys were talking about Rachel, Britney, or any other HG, my stance wouldn’t change. This is my opinion, and I think you guys are wrong. You might not like it, but oh well.

                    1. What other house guest in the history of BB left a baby at home? As a first time mother, she’s missing out on so much. Babies change every day and this is the time when a baby forms that bond with the mother, learns language, begins to crawl, etc. It is definitely weird and says a lot about where Janelle’s priorities lie.

    2. Oh please, James didn’t place as well as Britney did either of the two times he played. I do think Britney should be giving more advice more often. But when she does give advice it usually is sound. Things only blew up in her face because Willie decided to ignore everything that Britney told him. You can necessarily blame Britney for the actions of her players. The most you can judge these coaches off of is the advice they actually give. And I’d say that Britney’s advice has been just as good as Janelle and Boogie’s advice. I’d even say she’s been doing a better job than Dan, who made horrible picks, advised Kara to lay low when fighting could’ve been to her advantage, and threw this week’s competition in hopes to keep the target off of Danielle (who’s probably going to become the perpetual pawn like Sharon on BB9 until she finally gets the boot).

      1. please dan is the best coach in bb10 dan told brian to lay low and he didn’t and he went home and in bb11 how many times was jordan a pawn and she won the whole thing just saying!!!!!!

      2. Im starting to wonder if Dan knows something we don’t know. It’s like he’s tryin to lose his players.
        He keeps throwin competitions, which would probably be alright if he had a legit alliance, or even if he started with all three players but he started with a disadvantage and he’s not even trying to fight for it a little bit.
        Then on top of that, he doesn’t even encourage his players to fight to stay in the game, it’s pretty weird. He’s so hellbent on this ‘ Staying low & looking weak ‘ thing & it’s not working.

        1. dan stratagy is to lay low then spring high and win and it’s worked for him and other players example hayden one true alliance lay low take charge

          1. It’s worked for him but it probably won’t work forever.

            This strategy would be great w/o the coaches twist.

            The thing is that he only has ONE player left and if this coaches twists last for long ( I doubt it ) , Danielle could be out of the door very soon, right along with Dan.

            I just feel like he should win them when he absolutely needs it & throw them when he doesn’t & this time he did, because if he would’ve tried, he could’ve won & Danielle wouldn’t be on the block.

            I just wouldn’t want to take chances if I knew this was the only person I had to rely on for the rest of the game.

      1. You two need to find your lives, and quit putting down others. Especially, people you don’t know.

        And what a superficial comment made by whoever is hiding behind a computer screen named “Janelleisafatbitch.” Let’s so what you look like? Don’t worry I’ll wait.

          1. I have a great sense of humor. It’s just your attempt to be funny was very lame and disrespectful. And no one’s laughing but you sir.

            1. Honestly throughout your posts you continually say “Get your life”.

              It is really obnoxious because it makes absolutely no sense.

              1. “Get your life” is a term that means you are lame.. Actually it means 2 things.. most people say “Get a Life” and that means ‘any’ life.
                So by saying ( typing) “get your life” it means Have other things going on in YOUR life besides harping on the same thing.. which in my opinion is correct.. constantly nit picking about some ones clothes, or any other minor detail means you have nothing in your life.
                and that alludes to the other possibility. “Get your Life” as in ” Get Him” the writer is pointing out you are insignificant and so is your opinion.
                On another issue. Since The wars in Iraq and Iran, thousands of brave women have had to leave their children to protect our country. I know many of them..
                they are not bad mothers, they are heroes. the writer is correct, you do not know enough about Janelle or her family to make an assessment about her or her reasons. Get another hobby or at least add something new to the discussion.

  4. Frank is a pussy for going after Jo Jo and Danielle. Was he afraid of breaking Boogie’s deal with Janelle? Or did she bat her eyelashes and turn him to putty? This week was the perfect week and maybe the last chance to do some damage to Janelle’s team. If Wil had gone on the block, or Joe, there would have been 3 votes to get rid of him, and just two to keep him. Since Frank can’t play HOH, that would have meant only 2 players from Boogie and Janelles team playing for HOH, Ian and Jenn are not likely to win HOH. I don’t think Danielle could either, so it’s down to Shane vs Janelle’s 3 players for HOH. If Frank had gotten rid of Wil this week, he would have Danielle and Jo Jo and Shane on his side, and Janelle’s team would be in serious trouble unless they win HOH. As it stands, he gave Janelle the advantage and put all the pressure on Shane. And the blood on Shane’s hands if he wins and puts up Janelle’s team. That’s all well and good, but only IF Shane wins HOH. Otherwise, Frank and Shane are in trouble.I expected more from Frank.

    1. Excellent analysis, I wonder too at Frank’s preoccupation with “no threat” HGs. What is the deal?

  5. Yeah JoJo, you need to chill out. Because of Willie’s outburst, which cost him to the game. Don’t make more mistake like he did.

    1. enough with the willie references the midget is gone and although he was very outspoken I think most of us are already over him. next one to bash JOE the human turd LOL 🙂

        1. LOL agreed shellys game was alot better. joe is a blob of excrement that needs to be flushed fast 🙂

        2. I couldnt agree more, did you see the look of absolute terror on has face with the whole willie conflict. plus enough with the family meal crap! haha i dont know that pisses me off but it does

        3. Simon and Dawg.. like everyone else I love this site. I wish you had a ‘like’ button or even 2 buttons Agree / disagree or Love / Hate. and then when someone makes
          an outstanding or hilarious comment… Such as the one you just wrote, we could all like or hate it..
          Again thanks for the great site.

          1. Thanks.. Next year’ we’ll be implementing discuss comment system. For this year all we can use it the standard wordpress comments

      1. Do you know how many stiches big Joe recieved after Willie “head butted” him?, the way big Joe was looking, he acted like he was knocked the F’ out.

      1. It’ll be interesting if Dan/Danielle make it through this week. Much like in his season, he will have barely made it through the first couple of weeks, but his indifferent/relaxed gameplay could help him in the next few weeks. Assuming JoJo goes home, the remainder of Brit’s team would likely go after Boogie (I think??), whereas I can see a Janelle win resulting in an attack on Boogie (And vice versa). It would probably be best for Danielle not to win HOH so she can fly under the radar, and for Dan to actually try to win the mentor competition this time to save her. I’m reading that a lot of people see Dan as a weak mentor, but I think it’s a long term investment type strategy. If him and Danielle make it through this week, they might be overlooked for weeks to come.

        1. Next week is still pretty much up in the air, depending on the outcome of the next coaches challenge, HOH comp, and POV comp. There are a lot of possibilities, but I guess that does keep us watching to find out what happens. I would like to see more really unexpected arcing off like Rachel did, someone you love to hate … haha.

  6. Players would have to be some kind of retard if they think evicting JoJo over Danielle is the better move. Dan fucking won the game, so why give him more time if any to let him try and win again.

  7. If I was Ian, I probably wouldn’t talk about the money I make outside of the show; no matter how much it is.

    Boogie is definitely the best coach there; as much as I don’t like him, I have to give him credit.

    And as much as I’m not liking Janelle ( at all ) can people quit with the baby comments?
    If you’re gonna do it to her, do it to Booger too.
    Yes, it’s kind of weird that she left a 7 month old baby but Booger left his baby at home too and nobody’s saying anything. Why?

    It’s the same thing. A baby is a baby; no matter what the age & they both left them.

    So the same people coming down hard on Janelle need to do the same for Booger.

    1. the difference is moms the primary parent we can rant about politics and nature vs. nuture but babies need moms more than dads and boogie a guy janelle is a mom

      1. Thats absolute crap.
        And I’m sorry, I just don’t agree.

        They are both in the same position and are both parents; no matter their gender.

        Woman ALWAYS get flack for leaving children but when a man does it it’s okay?

        It’s wrong either way.

        Absolutely unfair.

    2. booger is a bad father leaving a 9 month old just to go on a tv show to make money (oh wait fathers leave all the time to make money so the mother and baby can stay at home together) besides booger is doing that baby a favour 🙂

  8. Brit’s team is being plucked out one by one, and if you think about it, it look’s like that’s the way it was gonna play out from the beginning, cos Boogie and Janelle are “Legends” (in their own mind) from BB. Now Dan won his season, Brit didn’t, and she was from a more recent season (and hated one/with brenchal) So it’s like, get that amateur and her team of badguys out. Which is bullshit, cos I was a Britney fan on her season, then a Willie fan from the start of this one. And while Jojo may be a bit rough around the edges, she is Real! And Shane may be a tad boring, but he’s a competitor.

    So as it stands, I’m left with Shane to root for.

  9. excuse me, but Joe wants to take out what, FLOATERS? really? and if everyone else are floaters, then he is a what? a LION TAMER or something??

    GET REAL,JOE! I bet Jenn or Ashley could win HOH before you even notice…

    1. I agree with your comment. There has only been two hoh’s and two veto’s but everyone keeps pointing out who are the floaters. There has only been two people that have won Shane and Willie, so would that make everyone else floaters.

      1. sorry forgot about Frank winning too.They are calling someone a floater before the competitions begin. some of them may surprise you and win a lot of competitions.

    2. Exactly. How can anybody be called a floater when its so early into the game?

      And Joe needs to be the last one to talk because what exactly did he win again?



  10. i think the votes will be 6-0 in Danielle’s favor

    or 5-1 still in Danielle’s favor

    Ian – Evict JOJO (i don’t think he would flip unless something crazy blows up again)
    Jenn-Evict JOJO (Frank tells her to do so)
    Wil-Evict JOJO (He’s gonna stick around with Janelle for a while)
    Ashley-Evict JOJO (Pretty much the same with wil)
    Joe-Evict JOJO (He could just flip in one sec if the opurtunity rises)
    Shane-Evict DANIELE (or he would just vote with the house cause Daniele’s a lot closer to him anyways)

    If Daniele could keep up her good talks and don’t let anything slips down her throat, she has like 95% chance of staying.

      1. 5-1 Sounds about right, but again…this crazy house…anything is possible. As long as JoJo just keeps being herself and Danielle can keep her head low, she will survive. I know it’s us looking in and seeing a lot of things the house guests dont see, but how in the Hell does no one have the feeling that Joe is just…a douche? Don’t get me wrong, the Willie situation is one things, but he has a chip on his shoulder now and I am ready to see it knocked off a bit.

  11. Everyone is all opinionated about which is the best coach and Willie was an awful player but what I’m more interested in is ‘follow the money’.

    BB is 2 players short for the full season production and they have already made the adjustment on how to incorporate the twists to accommodate the situation. We will forget all about these minor hiccups in no time and if I was to guess for now the coaches will not leave until jury. ‘Follow the money’ (advertising).

    The Coaches Challenges will be the key to bringing back evicted players. At first it was only going to be one but now it will be two. The winning Coach gets to bring back an evicted player and trade a player from another team. And so on and so forth for two or three weeks. This keeps the ‘Stars’ in the game as long as possible and play the ‘are you loyal to your coach’ twists. ‘Follow the Money’ and you get a TWISTED season.

    1. Almost forgot, the ‘Stars’ are getting a guaranteed huge stipend for being on the show and that will need to carry out until the finale. That’s the only way to get these coaches for the season. I would bet the coaches already know that because it is in their contract.

      1. it threw AG’s game off and Jodi may not be sequestered, but I would bet Kara is and Jeff interviewed her at the ‘Sequester Hotel’.

    2. thanks alison grodner now I can sleep at night because you revealed the twist 🙂 (actually I’d rather see this then the coaches join in the game)

      1. I’m probably way off base, just giving a different outlook. BB always give the stars air time and changes each competition to who is most likely to win. It’s a crapshoot!!

  12. I rolled my eyes so much when joe was talking to frank about how no floater better make it to the end befor him and how he might throw the next HOH comp….. This guy is so full of himself it makes I’ll. Shelly is in the hOuse!

  13. hey BBfan76 has been terminated on youtube does anyone have the link to watch all the past seasons of BB?

  14. I agree that Janelle has changed. She is no longer a threat (in terms of being a player–she’d be taken out quick as hell). As for her being a parent, I cannot look into her heart. However, I know I wouldn’t leave a child that young… that IS ME though!!

  15. anyone ever watch the glass house some of the players on there are more interesting than this seasons bb and love the way they get to throw a rock and it shatters the glass when they vote to evict 🙂 very clever.

    1. I found the Glass House to be a cheesy rip off of Big Brother. I was not impressed with anything about that show.

  16. wow britney at it again, if Jojo goes out it’s 100% personal if NOT it’s 100% game, I mean geez Jojo is from what we can assume the better player of the two(of Danielle and herself i mean). Britney just wants to make her bitter from the sound of it because she seems bitter.

  17. I’ve missed out on feeds for most of the day so I’m just catching up… HoJo has been talking shit about Danielle at least since the feeds have gone up.

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