Big Brother Spoilers MC update “I don’t want to.. but If we have to become 4 and bring in a girl that’s something we gotta do”

POV Holder: Jeremy Next POV July 13th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 8
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH:
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Elissa, Helen and Jeremy (MVP nom)
Current Nominations: Elissa, Helen and Nick (MVP nom)
Last Evicted Houseguest David
Have Nots Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy


Amanda, McCrea, Amanda and Jeremy (Lots of random pool side chit chat)

Jeremy talking about his mother how she gave birth to 4 HUGE kids.
Jeremy: “I was like a one year old coming out.. 11 pounds 10 oz”
McCRea: Came out walking:”
Jer: Came out walking talking.. “

Jeremy Leaves ..

Aaryn starts talking about Kaitlin and Jeremy. She says that Kaitlin is getting really emotionally close to Jeremy. Aaryn thinks that it’s having a negative effect on KAitlin’s game because people see how close they have come and a couple is dangerous.

McCrea Leaves…

Amanda asks her where she’s ast with Spencer because he’s freaking Amanda out. Aaryn says that Spencer only talks to Jeremy.

McCrea comes back..

Aaryn is complaining that everyone thinks Jeremy won the HOH when she contributed just as much as him. McCrea says that being HOH sucks because of all the responsibility. Amanda brings up that she hates it when people keep someone in the game just to be the target then they make it far. Aaryn: “I feel the same way we are not going to do that.. “

Amanda saying that she wants Nick out Eventually.
(Again this conversation is hard to hear because it’s in the pool)


1:30pm Pool Elissa, McCrea, Aaryn and Amanda
Talking about a tea plantation normal conversation. McCrea mentiosn how Elissa had it hard being a have nots for two week.
Elissa: “I don’t really mind being a have nots except that I can’t poop”
Aaryn heads inside..
Elissa is saying that JEremy has lucked out in this game and hopefully his luck runs out. Elissa thinks that this game is like that the person with the bad luck in the beginning has good luck near the end.
McCrea and Amanda head inside Elissa goes back to the Hammock.


1:43pm Kitchen Jeremy, Howard and Aaryn
Aaryn to Jeremy: ‘I forgot to tell you something.. so apparently Elissa is telling everyone that Nick through their name out for MVP so they vote him out.. Just a little tidbit”
Jeremy: “Ya.. it’s not going to work though.”
Aaryn: ‘It;s smart though”
Jeremy: ‘It’s not going to work.. everyone knows she’s gone”
Aaryn looks at Howard, “If Elissa comes up to you and says Nick through you name out here for the MVP.. that’s her strategy to get him out.. it;s not true.. Everyone is coming up with the same thing that she’s going around telling them Nick tried to get them put up. ”

1:45pm Cam 3-4 Aaryn, Gina and Nick
Aaryn tells him what Elissa is doing so he needs to get out there and counteract, “Thats a smart thing that she did.. I can’t think of anything else she could do”. Nick needs the names so he can address it. Aaryn says it must have been Amanda, McCrea and Howard.
Nick tells them his strategy is to be nice to people during the day and then after 4 he’s pulling people in and talking to them One on One.


1:57pm Cam 3-4 Nick, Howard and Andy Andy tells him he’s safe this week and leaves..


1:58pm Howard and Nick

Howard saying that they talked to McCrea and he’s really not keen on taking out Amanda. Nick says him and Jeremy are thinking is next week they will put up Candace and Amanda.

Nick says tomorrow they are going to start giving out deals for people on the fence. the Andy’s and the Judd’s.. Nick is going to take advantage of the situation and pick people’s brains to see who they are working with and try to pave the way for the following week.
They both seem very confident that Elissa is going home.

Nick: “My list is David, Elissa and Amanda once we need to cut the heads off the people that can start parties.. Amanda, Elissa and Helen.. “
Howard: ‘We got Helen we have no problem.. once Elissa is gone Helen is scared.. “
Nick: “as soon as we get rid of Amanda we’re so money no one else has the balls or the smarts”
H: ‘If Amanda stays she is going to figure it out she was freaking out last night spence and I had to talk her down”
Howard explains that Amanda has got to go and McCrea must deal with it she’s too dangerous for the group. McCrea says he controls her but it’s not the case.
H: “He’s going to have to drop his nuts.. If we have to become 4 and bring in a girl that’s something we gotta do.. I don’t want to do that”
Neither of them want to cut McCrea out but it’s gotten to the point where the MC is considering it if McCrea doesn’t see that Amanda is using him.
N: “why is he so attached to her”
H: “I think it’s more of a personal thing.. It’s those t!ties in his face every night and he’s not use to it” Howard adds that they know Amanda doesn’t like McCrea personally they just need McCrea to understand that, “It can’t be personal it kinda make him look shady”
Nick says he has a easy pass this week because he can talk to everybody and not get people suspicious, “I can call you and McCrea in the Cockpit”

Howard thinks that Spencer’s plan to form the 5 alliance with the 4 alliance is fine but it means there is 5 guys vs 4 girls and the girls are going to figure it out sooner or later. Howard would rather they do what they have planned and take a slow steady approve, “It’s only week two”

Nick plans on using his time as a nominee to get things straightened out with McCrea


2:16pm backyard couch Amanda, Andy, Jessie
Andy saying he’s being edited out of the show because he never gets called to the Diary room.

Jessie says she creeped Nick out when he caught her shaving her legs in the shower.
Andy says he’s curious to see how Nick reacts to being on the block because he talks no game. Amanda and Jessie agree. Jessie: “Well his first move was to go take a nap”
Amanda: “Which is out of the nirm”
Jessie: “Maybe he won’t do anything”
Andy think that right now that is a good plan it worked for Jessie last week.


2:28pm Backyard Jeremy and McCrae

MC: “What’s the word.. nothing
Jer: “these people are freaking out cause their alliance is falling apart.. I love it”
MC: “I just need to figure out how to get Amanda onboard”
Jer: ‘I thought you had her onboard”
MCCrea brings up the ‘Candace’ thing and she freaks out. Jeremy tells him he needs to remind Amanda that Candace is running her mouth around the house trying to get Jeremy she has to stop believing Candace and start believing McCrea and Jeremy.
McRea is going to tell Amanda that Jeremy Swore on his mom and gave something for collateral.
Jer: ‘I really don’t have anything”
MC: ‘You have a ring or something”
Jer: ‘I do have a ring .. the cherokee ring.. my pinky ring”
Mc says that he won’t actually take the ring but just tell Amanda that it was offered.
MC: “I’ll work that in today”

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49 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers MC update “I don’t want to.. but If we have to become 4 and bring in a girl that’s something we gotta do””

    1. I saw this earlier, and she said she had to take some racial abuse growing, so she took the Asian comments personally. The BB racism stuff is all over the mainstream media. In another forum, there was some international articles published about it. I hope this isn’t the end of BB if Aaryn wins the game. Still her chances seem slim to me at the moment.

  1. I hate that Elissa is going this week( most likely), but it is what it is. I don’t want some “twist” to bring her back even though I was rooting for her. I know a lot of people hate Aaryn, but it would be bullshit. Just as it was for past HOH’s when they brought people back after they were evicted. Just imagine being in their shoes haha! I’d be cusing up a storm if I was playing.

    1. I don’t see a huge problem with it if they do it America’s vote style and America votes for their favorite to return. It’s pretty much like what other reality shows do like The Voice with their steals and American Idol with the save.

      1. Nobody wants that bullshit again, so she can be voted out the next week.

      2. The problem with the America Votes option is that they don’t release the official results so they can just do what they want and say :yeah you guys voted for this”

  2. Pretty sure Elissa is gone this week, she had just as many advantages as disadvantages. As for these people that think Production will save her, if they wanted to they would have given her a gimme veto comp(especially looking at her yoga agility), what’s more they wouldn’t have let aaryn cheat to win hoh. If aaryn wasn’t hoh, Elissa would stay in the house, it’s that simple imo.

    As for her bad mvp choices, the Dave choice was actually a great move, the moving company wanted him out and it saved her ass that week. As for this week, let’s face it, her and Helen aren’t privy to the intel we are, they don’t know how howard and mcCrae will vote, and given how strong and popular and shady nick is, it’s makes a great deal of sense. Take two seconds to think about it, we all know he’s in the best position to win this game, anyone with a brain needs to take this one chance to vote him out. Sadly she should have put up one of the mean girls, that alliance is starting to crack.

    Looking forward to the fallout next week though, when Amanda is put up, McCrae is going to have to finally show his brass and pick a side. I also want to see what happens when Jeremy doesn’t win a comp, will he ever shut up?

    One thing is for sure, the floaters will have no choice but to unite. Jessie is just too needy to every let go of the mean girls though. She was bread to be used by Spencer.

    1. I agree with you completely, I am not so sure production ever wanted to save elissa, bc why would they have paired Jeremy and aaryn in the HOH comp. That was an advantageous pairing and they had a very good shot at winning, both being athletically strong. Plus, production had to know that if they did win, they would nominate elissa and it would be easy to get her out, given that almost the entire house wanted her out as it was. If they wanted her to stay so much, they would have paired elissa with Jeremy, imo. Also, you’re right, they would have chosen a POV comp more geared toward her abilities. Or planted paranoid ideas into their heads about other houseguests to get the target off elissa a little. I haven’t noticed any of that, all paranoia seems internally generated. It could be that Rachel is the houseguest coming back to torture the houseguests and they need elissa out by then.

      I just don’t understand why elissa and even Helen aren’t questioning whether howard and mccrae will vote nick out, especially bc they’ve seen them to talking secretly to Jeremy and spencer, and both of those two want elissa out – unless I am missing something? I would probably question judd too if I were in the house just because he is not aligned one way or the other, even if he says he will vote one way, people always lie in this house, so I would at least question it.

      I think this week will be a quiz/questions comp so for all they know Amanda could win and they are screwed, I haven’t heard the men mentions this.

  3. Gosh. They NEVER even gave Melissa a chance. She had NO choice but to do everything she was told because she needs the votes, but it wont do much. IT SUCKS how she was made a target by association to Rachel. I mean she is probably one of the best female competitors in the hsouse since sshe came close in all the comps. I mean they never really gave her a shot. Her game was pretty much screwed due to the fact she is Rachel’s sis.

    1. Nick gave Elissa a chance last night, he gave her every chance to see the light, and she threw it in his face.

      Elissa screwed Elissa.

      1. lol Nick wants her gone, and has given his Moving Company alliance that mandate for a week now.
        Let’s not kid ourselves, what ever “chance” he gave her was game play nonsense.

  4. lucky, lucky helen – she’s on the block, and not a mention of anyone voting for her to leave. will her luck hold out ’till thursday? and when will these “gameplay challenged” hg ever realize there are 3 noms on the block, not two?

  5. if the moving company really wanted to play big brother,play it like Dan,they would drop nick and add elissa, boom!!!!

  6. Why don’t minorities have a sense of humor? Why can’t they see the fun in pointing out their cultural, ethnic and physical differences. I mean the humor of someone who hasn’t mastered (without an accent) their second and in some cases 3rd, 4th or 5th languages is undeniable. So what if the woman who they mean to denigrate speaks English as her primary language, and that she speaks it at least as well as them.

    1. Charlie Hustle….. You don’t get it, people have ethnic background with different language. But, making fun of everyone nationality that really hurts. Everyone respect their culture. Not even Aaryn making fun of their ethnic background. That’s draws a line. That why Aaryn should get evicted next week so everyone will heavily booed for her.

    2. She’s not laughing with them, she laughing at them and sadly, they are laughing about her race.

    3. At the end of the day we are all humans trying to live a good life, when you denigrate another as less than you it is mean spirited and wrong.

  7. honestly elisa just isn’t a good player. that’s fine, she can go

    but aaryn is really clueless. she has put SO MUCH into getting rid of elisa like it will make or break her game, it has cost her countless relationships in the house. she is going to be a huge target and unless they decide to constantly make those challenges where people with small feet have a big advantage(then Helen comes into play and a few others though) she won’t be able to go on some HoH/PoV run. I don’t think her alliance is strong with anyone right now to the point where if it even becomes a possibility to get rid of her, they will.

    1. All I know is that a former HG is going to be visiting the house. A lot of speculation as to who it could be

  8. The MC has to get rid of Helen…. I wish Howard would speak up a bit more he is smart. He said it to Nick get rid of Elissa and Helen is gonna be scared. Helen has influence with Elissa, Andy, Candice, and somewhat Amanda. I think best play is Helen gone. I don’t like Elissa but strategically you have to keep her in the game she wont win anything. I think Howard would be the only one in MC that could build a relationship of trust with her seeing as everyone elese had burned their bridges. HOWARD FTW !!!

    1. You’re overestimating Helen’s influence after Elissa is gone. People will be nice to her because she’s a potential MVP, but she’s like a losing campaign manager. She’s taken on all the workload, talked to everybody, and assured everybody it was in the bag. When it turns out Elissa goes (possibly by a big margin), she will be seen if only subconsciously as the one whose work was all for not and everything she claimed would happen, the opposite happened. She will have lost big time because she put herself so far out there…much further than she should have for Elissa. Why would anybody except maybe Candace bank on Helen in any way? Her only real hope to attain any real influence is if her or Candace wins HOH, short of that she’s likely gone next…unless Amanda remains clueless and forces the MC’s hand.

  9. why in hell don’t MC try to work with candice,& helen & andy & judd? take out germey,arayn,gm & jessie? damn,it’s not like there’s just 8 people in there… they keep on thinking like they KNOW for sure who is gonna win hoh & who’s’ gonna be mvp! they are playing stupid! i still hope candice wins hoh & see what she does with it…just to show them anyone can win HOH!

  10. So Elissa goes home. It was fun while it lasted. I just hope we don t have a bb12 with one alliance running the whole show.

    1. The minute E goes, that’s exactly what we are going to have unless production starts gearing the comps for the girls.

  11. Enjoy your HoH Aaryn Nation because next week “WHEN IT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND” . You see the Hugh target on your back, you will get evicted next week. AARYN NATION DIES!

  12. I hope the surprise on Wednesday is Zingbot! he shows up and tells Aaryn and GinaMarie that they’re jobless and then goes on to tell Spencer and Jeremey that America hates them Just as much and coyly mentions that Spencer’s employment status is up for negotiation… So much for “If I win the game im going back to my job, if I lose the game, im going back to my job”






  14. Honestly, wtf is going on? I’m pretty sure that Elissa will get to come back anyway, so what a huge waste of an HOH. I really do not understand everybody’s issue with Amanda is. Sure she is a black widow but doesn’t Mc have a pair with the lot of them. Candace and Helen are not going to sit around and let these men control the game. At least I hope not. I really need to see Aaryn Nation go home and I really need to see that Jeremy guy get knocked down a couple pegs

  15. I am sure Ms. Chen took those comments very personal I do not think anyone would blame her. I do not find it fair at all that Ms. Deen lost her endorsements, television shows and the empire she WORKED hard to build has come down around her over a comment she made years ago. Yet, this little girl (because a grown woman would not behave in this manner) goes on a show to PLAY for easy money is allowed to continue her antics with no consequence as long as Big Brother is concerned. I applaud the modeling agency and the magazine that has terminated their relationship with her. I am sadden that someone lost their job (I don’t know what I would do if I lost mine) but what she is saying is wrong on so many levels. I do hope she takes this opportunity to reflect back on her time in the house, reevaluate what she said, and try to change her ways.

  16. based on the narration at the end of last night’s show, I think a past House Guest will drop a bombshell on the house before the actual vote

  17. I think production is going to try to help Aryan Nation along. The ratings are what’s important and the hype around this whole thing has increased viewers. This allows them to play up the bad guy role of Aaryn and have something to keep people watching, incase she gets more racist or for waiting to see her evicted. So, I suspect we’ll get lots of Aryan Nation from here on out. The only thing I wonder is if there will be any “good guy”, that they play up on the show. Maybe Howard? McCrae? Tough to say at this point.

  18. Here is the quote from Vince McMahon: “Aaryn & GinaMarie” “YOOOOOOOOUUUUUR FIRRRRRRRRED!” Both crying like a little b$tch!

  19. As much as I loathe Aaryn for being a bigot, I still cannot fathom why no one is making a big fuss over Ginamarie, Jeremy and Spencer who are equally abominable. I do not have to list down what these three did. I just hope that CBS does not give any of them a good edit.

    1. I think it is Aaryn’s diary room comments that sealed her fate for the TV viewers. For me it is the fact that these ugly words are coming out of such a pretty girl.

  20. maybe on the live show, Julie will tell the HOH-you guys cheated, so this week doesn’t count and no one is going home, AND Aaron and Jeremy cannot compete for HOH either. hahahahhahaha

  21. Aaryn is telling Nick that Elissa is obsessed with her because she keeps looking at her. Nick says if she’s looking then she is thinking about her. What? This girl is so delusional. If anyone is obsessed it is Aaryn who’s obsessed with Elissa. She never stops talking about her and I’m sure she will continue to blame Elissa for things when she’s gone. Silver lining for Elissa is that she can hold her head high and she will have a job when she gets home. Elissa will leave with her dignity intact and it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for her to get away from all this unwarranted hate. Go Helen & Candice.

  22. Someone please explain to me why the MC thinks it is best to go after the floaters before the mean girls? Why would you want to put Aaryn, Kaitlin or GM out of the house and into the jury? Would you rather not keep Andy, Judd, Candice (maybe not her) and Helen til jury? I just don’t understand their priority list. Or they are all thinking with the other head.

  23. I also think CBS likes having America hating Aaryn. Big Brother is in the news, just not in a good way.
    I would love it if CBS would change things up and Julie say that because Aaryn and Jeremy cheated, this week
    does not count, no eviction. It just means a double eviction later on, which is pretty exciting.
    The President of the racist club would have a mad rant and pouting session. The President of the big bully club would absolutely
    blow up.

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