Big Brother Spoilers – Boogie’s advice to his team Stay Calm “Joe is going to self destruct now”

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HOH Winner: SHANE Next HOH: Aug 2nd
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Have Nots /Slop
Coach Competition Winner
Next Coaches Competition July 27 (Friday)
Last Evicted Houseguest JOJO

7:55pm Cam 1-2 Boogie and Jenn Watch FREE TRIAL!

Jenn is worried that Shane will Backdoor Frank. Boogie isn’t he says that Shane is too “Captain America” to do something like that. Boogie thinks that the votes are going to be straight up this week no sneaking around.

Boogie tells her to just be cool, “Joe is going to self destruct now”
Jenn: “It’s already Happening”
Jenn is a little upset because she never wins anything she feels like she’s not a valuable player (She did agree to throw the HOH so not sure what she’s trying to get at)
Boogie tells her to keep positive and not worry most of these competitions are so random.
Jenn: “In my everyday life I kick ass at everything I do”
Boogie again tells her not to worry she might not be winning competitions but everything else she is doing is ‘PERFECT’ ( lay low be a vote and when it’s time get evicted)

8:16pm Cam 1-2 Ian and Boogie Watch FREE TRIAL!

Ian asking him what the plan is this week. Boogie says that Wil and Joe will go up and if POV is played than Ashley will go up. Boogie tells him not worry because they control the vote.
Dan comes in.. Boogie: “Hey what’s ups man.. the rats are scurrying”
Dan: “The rats are scurrying”
Ian and Boogie start rehearsing a little bit they plan on doing in the Diary Room later tonight.
Ian tells Boogie to please win the coaches challenge. Boogie says he’ll try but he’s not too worried about this week. Boogie adds that there is a good chance that Joe will self destruct this week.

8:25pm Cam 1-2 Jenn, Joe and Wil

Jenn asks Joe if he got the cigarettes. Joe says yes he did but he talked to JOJO and she was cool with him not voting for her. Wil: “We always get the last laugh” Jenn proceeds to say that JOJO’s final speech was ridiculous because she was nothing like the person she said she was. Wil agrees says that she was attached to Willie’s A$$ until the second he was removed from the house. Jenn points out that JOJO would always look in the mirror and primp herself. Jenn thinks it wasn’t only a JOJO thing more of a staten island thing. (Jenn apparently doesn’t like Staten island)

8:30pm Arcade room Joe and Wil

Wil wants to do a deal with Shane and tell him he’s safe next week. Wil: “Do you really want to work with Frank?” Joe tells him to just wait to see who Shane will put up.
Joe: “He wants you me or Frank to go out”
Joe finds it hard to believe that Shane won’t consider Frank as a number 1 target because Frank put Shane up. Wil points out that Frank is looking pretty confident. Joe agrees they wonder if Shane and Frank made a deal last week.
Joe: “It really doesn’t matter because we control the votes” (LOL@ joe)

8:37pm Cam 1-2 bathroom Danielle and Ashley
Ashley says she didn’t know what JOJO was saying about Danielle but she heard it was really mean. Danielle says that JOJO called her a “Fat A$$” and said her legs looked “Disgusting”
Ashley: “WHAT.. thats so mean.. wait who told you that?”
Daneille: “Janelle”
Ashely: “Janelle never told me that.. Hmm well here’s the JOJO never said anything like that with me around”
danielle points out that JOJO would give her dirty looks all the time.

Janelle joins them

60 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – Boogie’s advice to his team Stay Calm “Joe is going to self destruct now””

  1. i wonder how long it’s gonna take before janelle is back snuggling/whispering in bed with britney again, after just calling her a bitch and every other thing she could think of earlier this week. her lips are gonna be so attached yet again…

    1. You would think that Janelle would need new lips the amount of times she has had them grafted onto another person’s a$$.

      1. I wanna rip that thing off his chin sooooo bad…looks like he’s got a brazilian bikini wax on his face!

      2. omg yes!! plus it’s like bleach blonde and has a life of it’s own, but hey, that’s creeper joe for you.

      3. We do – can’t stand that thing. It’s hard to even look at him – actually it’s pretty hard to listen to him! So hope he goes this week.

      1. exactly, boogie needs to remind brit that she was the odd blonde out and that janelle and ashley were schmoozing it up with danielle and janelle is more than willing to jump ship as soon as the power shifts. personally i think boogie can offer more than janelle can anyway i mean yeah she has wil but idk who is the bigger liability between joe and ashley.

    2. I was thinking the same thing! She basically shunned Britney’s team after they lost the power and her team is in the hot seat now since Britney & Shane are on good terms with Frank & Boogie, and Danielle’s not really a player.

  2. LOL!

    Thanks for this line Simon: ( lay low be a vote and when it’s time get evicted)

    I had a good laugh. I needed that. Been stressed out lately.

    If I were you I would insert more comedic lines in your feed summaries and analysis. You know the same way Jay Leno or Letterman analyze the news via comedy.

  3. I hope britt doesn’t let that happen. She needs to tell him to put up one fro
    Each to widen the gap and start crap and treat the other coaches the way they treated her. She better not let janelle back in her ear if she does I lost all respect for her. Shane needs to think about his thing with frank. Shane he did u no favors and was laughing behind ur back all week. But him and will up and replace frank with joe after u make deals. Please don’t waste ur chance to take out a threat and don’t listen to boogie no matter what

  4. Janelle is the queen just like queen Bey haha wait till she join the game people Janelle is back get ready to hate.

  5. when janelle comes up to talk to them if i was britney i would grab a bottle of anything and start shaking it and then when janelle said what r u doing i would say i’m getting ready to apply my lips from ass remover since you’re getting ready to start kissing ass. joe is an idiot well it doesn’t matter we control the votes WTF if u and will r on the block u don’t control anything dumbass!!

  6. I like how the poll question isn’t actually a question. It’s more like a hypnotic suggestion.

    1. There’s just not enough competitions this year because of the coaches twist. I think that makes some people look like floaters. If they don’t get picked to play for POV then they can only compete in HOH. There’s no food comps to decide the haves & have nots – this turned into a coaches competiton. And I think this played into the boring factor. Guess this will change when the coaches come into the game.
      In my opinion – For all the talk about getting Dan out, I think the coaches are working together to keep each other in the game until the “twist” or Danielle would have certainly been gone this week. Its fine with me, cause I really like Dan. 🙂

  7. Somebody put a sock in Danielle’s mouth. What a nut case! Psst. Danielle, Shane is not that into you. She acts like he is her bf. This is embarrassing to watch!

    1. He and Frank (Psycho Sid’s kid) totally need to have a match in the backyard for the gold… Championship gold.

  8. I’m sorry but BB has to do something about floaters in this game so that it is required that they win something or their chances of staying in the house is at risk. There is no reason for ppl like Ashley, Danielle and Jenn to be in this game with the amount of ppl that apply to come on the show and really want to compete. Not only is their physical game terrible but they have no social game at all. Danielle is basically there for a showmance. smh

    1. I agree with you but it’s too early yet to judge. Also, Ian Joe and Will haven’t won shit either.

  9. I am so damn happy Shane won HOH this week because of course he was going to be nominated again and would needed tow in his third consecutive Veto to stay another week.

    It still may be good to win it this week so he can potentially backdoor someone [Frank?] but if he doesn’t then at least he sticks around til next week [where he’ll likely need to win Veto again since haters are after him..].

    There are two ways he can do this: the straight forward way and the sneaky way.

    Straight forward: Nominate Frank and Wil [the other coaches top dogs].

    Sneaky: Nominate Wil and Joe and then if one of them wins or you win you take one off [make a deal] and backdoor Frank.

    Idk what will happen but Shane seems to trust Frank and it is a little sad since Frank doesn’t seem to want be with him unless he has power.. So I would rather Shane just took him out.


    As far as coaches coming back to play for reals I think that is so f*cked up.. It isn’t even fair but of course it will happen..

    I’m guessing Boogie or Janelle will win HOH the 4th week and nominate Shane for sure. That would be some bullsh*t..

    1. I am wondering “when” the coaches come back into the game, if the current alliances will stick.
      It could open up a whole new set of alliances. If Janelle and Boogie both enter the game, I bet they
      would take the first opportunity to vote each other out. Of course they would let someone else do it
      for them. I am going to remain optimistic that it will be entertaining if nothing else.

  10. just curious but how did Boogie get that name ? his first name is mike is boogie his last name? (sorry i should kmow this but I never followed Mike on any of his seasons )

    1. Not positive, I think it’s a nickname because he owned a dance club or something.

      His real last name is Malin.

    2. Just wondering…..

      Did Jojo even say that mean stuff about Danielle? I wasn’t really sure. Janelle was on a bitch train last night, she told everyone she was bored and then went to tell that to Danielle just to try and have her start shit with Jojo.

      It was actually really mean. Danielle looked like she wanted to cry. Kinda messed up if Janelle invented the whole story.

      1. Jo Jo was jealous. She made comments about Danielle, but so did others, including Janelle. It was blown way out of proportion and Danielle is so insecure that we will be hearing about it for a while. Her conversation with Shane was pathetic. Everyone she asks tells her they never heard Jo Jo say that, but Danielle thinks that if Janelle says so it must be true.

  11. one more thing we knew the coaches could always come back member when britknee pointed out that the coaches pictures had key holes next to them just sayin
    TEAM SHANE (oops sorry about the caps simon)

  12. If Shane goes home by the hands of the coaches (when they return.. which is 100% unnecessary bullshit), that would be so unfair. He has a pretty clear path if he continues to win a competition each week.

  13. Joe has a nappy happy trail on his face. Think he got the idea from Natalies crotch someone call Jesse to find out.

  14. Simon-

    I know you haven’t posted this yet but I am watching live feeds and just had a great laugh. Joe was telling Britney he is planning on doing a “Royal Breakfast” for Shane since he won HOH. He said he is doing it only for the show, but we all know the truth, and Boogie is sitting there laughing the whole time. And the ass kissing has begun.

  15. This is getting interesting because depending on when BB surprises the coaches with the play or not play question. If BB does it Thurs before the vote it could change the HG evicted and if they do it after the vote but before the HOH comp there could be an endurance comp for HOH and have nots like last year. It could appear that one HG will get evicted and flip at Live Show.

    1. As much as I wish it would be revealed earlier in the week – I’m sure it’s going to be saved for the live show & will probably happen after the eviction, then everyone will play for HOH. If that’s the case I predict it will be some kind of endurance competiton since there hasn’t been one yet.

    2. OMG! I have NEVER (sorry about the CAPS Simon) been so happy to hear – “who wants to see my HOH room?” LOL!! Thanks Big Brother for breaking up that conversation – LOL!!

        1. I noticed on your poll earlier it only showed the percentages, not total votes. Any way to add that?

          Even if it doesn’t show the vote distribution, with total votes and the percentages it would be easy to figure out.

          1. Even if jo ho did say it, the only reason janelle told Danielle was to hurt her feelings. There was no strategic value in doing that. She as just being mean. Ugly person.

  16. Just wondering…..

    Did Jojo even say that mean stuff about Danielle? I wasn’t really sure. Janelle was on a bitch train last night, she told everyone she was bored and then went to tell that to Danielle just to try and have her start shit with Jojo.

    It was actually really mean. Danielle looked like she wanted to cry. Kinda messed up if Janelle invented the whole story.

    1. I don’t think Jojo was actually being as mean as Janelle tried to make it sound. But Jojo did talk about the other woman off and on. Janelle was just bored and exaggerated the conversation.

  17. BIG BROTHER, if you care about our ears PLEASE, PLEASE, GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO DO…… fucking HEMORRHOIDS? c’mon

  18. You could almost hear the butts pucker when Shane got the 20. Hopefully when Janelle starts sucking up to him, he says “I’ll give you the same amount of time to make your case that you spent with me last week. You have 10 minutes…GO!”

  19. funny as shit up in the hoh room it;s like janelle and her whole team have laryngitis, they’re sitting there with this oh shit i know i’m fucked now look on their

  20. so funny hearing wil and joe and janelle bitch and whine and cry, wil is a such a little whiny ass cry baby bitch and he says he is so tired of everybody no everybody is getting tired of u all u do is bitch and moan and they think they have danielle but dan already told her to join up with shane because that’ s her only chance at final’s so awesome to see them squirm and janelle’s already getting her lips ready to start kissing ass.

  21. I missed end of live show last night…right after Mojo was evicted….I take it the twist was America gets to vote for coaches entering the game? Can someone tell me what Julie actually put out?

    1. Julie asked should the coaches be offered the opportunity to enter the game? YOU decide!! Vote now if you want the coaches to enter the game to compete for the $500,000 grand prize!!

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