Big Brother Spoilers Aaryn ”you can’t win POV every week you crazy b!tch”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH:
MVP: ?
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest David
Have Nots Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy


11:30pm HOH Candice, Jessie, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Nick

A: “Where do you think David is you think he’s in a hotel”
Kaitlin: “No he’s at home he lives only 2 hours away”
Aaryn: ‘Umm maybe he’s in a hotel waiting to come back “
Kaitlin says they’re saving that for Elissa.
Candace leaves..
They have figured out that McCrae must be in on voting out David because Amanda was and they were so close they spent all week together in the HOH.
Jeremy about David leaving: “It sucks that was my dude since minute 2.. minute 2 I was like Dude”
Jeremy: ‘I was like Bro when you go home and watch the F**** tapes you’ll know I had your back the entire time”
Gina: “He’s the only one that laughs at my jokes”
Aaryn: “I should have been nicer to him”
K: “I’m in shock that she didn’t leave”
GIGI starts to cry says that Elissa will win MVP every week
Kaitlin and Aaryn doubt it
Jessie: “I can’t believe that the house cannot vote one person out for one week.. a person we all can’t stand”
Jeremy: “Put Helen and Elissa up.. “
Aaryn :”OK that is what we are going to do until we change our minds” (LOL)
Jeremy: “And if anything changes we’ll talk”
Jeremy: ‘Helen and Elissa are the plan.. everyone cool with that”
Aaryn: “I think McCrae was in on it” (Voting David out)
Gina says that during the entire HOH competition all the cameras were zoomed in on Elissa lane, “We’re just co stars bro”
Kaitlin: “I tried as hard as I could to Splash BBQ sauce in her lane.. when she fell I fist pumped and the camera saw it”
They keep going on and on about how shocked they are that David is gone. They talk about how Judd is a a$$ for telling them he’s with them then voting out David. Kaitlin mentions how she told him she would flash him her b**b


J: “Listen we definitely do not want to back door Elissa we want to put her up right away”
A: “What if Kaitlin wins the veto”
J: “she won’t win”
K: “What do you think jessie “
Jessie I didn’t know about David I was super shocked.. I would like to get Elissa out.. I’m with.. putting her straight up
Jeremy comments that she can put him up against Elissa he doesn’t care he’ll win the POV.
Aaryn says she’s not worried for Jeremy getting votes, two days ago he went from the most hated houseguests to buddy buddy with the other side.
Kaitlin: “You know what Amanda said to me.. I’m going to stay close Elissa so I can get information for us.. ”
They laugh
Aaryn says that Elissa was giving her crazy eyes again so when she walked by her she said ”you can’t win POV every week you crazy b!tch”
Kaitlin says the MVP twist was put in the game to keep her safe. Gina: “Elissa has the handbook of Big Brother from her sister”
Gigi calls the MVP twist “unfair” and “Cheating”
Aaryn: “She called us wh*res when her sister married a guy that sent a girl he didn’t know D1ck picks on skype.. and she called us wh*res”
(yesterday during the arguments with the sleeping arrangements Aaryn had suggested a sleeping layout for the house guests and Elissa said something like “Why don’t you run a wh*re house)
Aaryn says she so shocked about what happened she’s going to have to play the game with less emotion: “to quote Dr Wil Flesh on the outside and wires and circuitry on the inside”
Kaitlin: “Why would Candice raise that huge f**** sh!t if we know she’s lying”
Jeremy asks Jessie if she wants Elissa and Helen up


Jessie agrees.
Kaitlin asks about putting Candice up
Jeremy thinks Candice isn’t a threat right now.
Aaryn: “I have a feeling that there are people in here that are so good they’re playing an entire level of game.. They could be one person that orchestrated this entire thing”
A: “If it’s you Nick i’m going to cut off your b@alls in your sleep”
Gina: “he isn’t using them” Everyone laughs
Kaitlin tells aaryn to make sure she locks her HOH so people don’t mess with her sh!t.
Jeremy: “Telling you from a guy that has already f****ed with some sh!t you can’t do it producers won’t let you”
They all think Candice is lying about voting to evict Elissa and Andy is full of Sh!t when he says he didn’t know what was going on. They Comment on how poorly Howard did in the HOH comp.
Gina: “All that muscle for nothing.. Howard sucks”

Aaryn thinks that everyone is telling them whatever it takes to be safe this week she’s not believing them right now. She knows that for the next couple days it’s going to be non stop conversations in the HOH.

Kaitlin: “the fact that arryn heard booing when she voted out Elissa has me worried”
Aaryn: “Am I the only one that got boo’d.. Suck my d!!k you bitches boo yourself.. f*** you “

12:35Am Andy comes into the HOH.
(They give him hard time at first but eventually warm up to him. They are glad he told them right away who he voted for)
Andy says that Elissa is trying to be Rachel but she’s actually turning Aaryn into Rachel, “The blonde Rachel” they all laugh. He explains what he met was that Rachel lost her “Man” in the game then got revenge.
Nick and Kaitlin say they weer not cheering Andy to win. They all think that Elissa would have taken the HOH
Kaitlin says that Amanda got a 1 minute penalty.


This is what’s going on downstairs..


1:00AM Cam 1-2 McCrae and Amanda

Amanda: “We just had a moment in the storage room me and Elisa”
McCrae: “be careful “
They talk about distributing the votes around this week so that the other side gets confused. McCrae says that with three nominees they can really mix things up.
McCrae: “Nick is running sh!t up in the HOH right now.. He’s going to control every single one of them up there.. maybe I’m just paranoid.. I think he knows way better (?).. now that he’s in power he’s a master manipulator.. Aaryn lost her guy, Jeremy can’t think for himself, Aaryn is a wreck and Gina is in love with him”

McCrae tells her that Jeremy will put Amanda up if he wins HOH.
McCrae: “Tomorrow is nominations”

Andy joins them says that they told him everything they know that Amanda is lying to their faces and McCrae knew about the whole thing

They ask him who is going up. “Candace and Elissa”

1:23AM Downstairs Amanda, Spencer, Andy
Andy says he’s going to distance himself from them and get close to the HOH crew. He says they think Spencer and Amanda are lying and they are going to put up Candace and Elissa.
Andy tells Amanda he thinks her telling them the truth would be the best thing for her. Spencer says he’ ssticking to the story. Andy points out that they’ve figured it out.
Andy: “They think Judd is a idiot and they have no idea I’m working with you guys”
Amanda tells him about their plan to “Throw around some random votes”


Andy going off about how much Aryn, Jeremy, Nick, Gina and Kaitlin trust him and tell him everything. He keeps saying They are puting up Candace and Elissa and the target is Elissa.

Andy has been moping around saying that Aaryn’s bunch is super pi$$ed at him.

1:38am SPencer tells Helen the HOH group doesn’t trust Jessie and Nick. Spencer says he’s sticking to his story. Spencer is fully confident Elissa will win MVP again.


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68 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers Aaryn ”you can’t win POV every week you crazy b!tch””

    1. Went to the taping tonight, and they specifically told us to react to the votes. After three votes, they realized that this was a mistake and told us to be quiet; you can hear somebody saying “shhhh” during the voting process. Pretty funny it actually had an actual impact in the game.

      1. I figured they told you to shhhh…funny!! Julie did not look as welcoming to the evicted house guest as she has in the past!!!!

    2. see i think this is the start of her self descruition and she’ll end up evicting herself like chima in season 11

    3. Thanks! I was wondering if they did that. I was going to ask. Throughout the years, it seems people that should get boo’ed when they come out, don’t. So I was wondering what they’ll tell people to do when some of the more “loved” players get evicted.

      BTW, Dawg and Simon, thanks for the great job!

    4. I’m thumbing this up because it’s great! Go Aaryn, you tell the haters where they can go!
      If you wouldn’t have made offensive remarks, they would still be jealous that you look better than they do!
      Aaryn for MVP!!!!

    5. I got to say homegirl is a class act. And doesn’t she have a great tuck game? I didn’t even notice her dick while she wears her bathing suit or shorts. What a pro.

  1. its funny how everyone is obsessed with Rachel, this is the most moronic stupid cast ever in BB they are a bunch of foul mouth pigs, the only enjoyment is to see who will get fired from their job….

      1. Do not like most of these women, but for any of the women to win this year they best come together and figure out that the men are running the show and start evicting them. Candice seems to be the only one smart enough to figure out that they are getting played. Thought Helen had but apparently not. For Elissa, Helen, Candice to have a shot a winning they are going to unfortunately have to come together with Aaryn, K, GM, Jessie and vote out Jeremy, Nick, McCrae, Spencer and Amanda (like Howard so do not want him evicted and even sort of like Andy) or have no chance to win this game.

  2. I wish we could vote out ppl or vote to save ppl like Big Brother UK. This cast is annoying….

  3. I think Nick or Andy is going to win this game. Nick might play it too hard and get himself in some heat. Andy seems to be a fly on the wall, and the more muscle that gets out early, the better for him.
    Aaryn is a b*#^%, she can get over herself, she is a dime a dozen. I see girls that look better than her everyday.
    Kaitlin could be the longest lasting female in this season. She acts like a dude, she has a showmance with a man in the main alliance, she will be trouble for MC. I could see it splitting up by Jeremy going with Kaitlin, Aaryn and Judd. This is all my thoughts, not saying its for sure going to happen.
    I am glad to see these people losing their jobs for the way they represent themselves in a live feed house. There should be consequences for the hateful words used by these people.

    1. Nick was already on people’s radar for being shady. After the first eviction, even his own side think he voted David out. Best placed to win at the moment: Judd, and Andy.

      1. No way are either of them going to win, I haven’t even seen Judd or Andy do anything yet, I don’t even think Judd knows where he is, they’ll both be kicked out probably before jury, I mean really? 2 floaters with no alliances? That’s who you see making it?

        1. Judd and Andy lying low is exactly the reason they are in a good position. Calling these two guys floaters is wrong because they have taken sides. Andy and Judd have even admitted that they voted David out,

          1. “floaters grab a life vest.”

            I’m also in agreement that these two are in the best position, sure their names get brought up a lot but no one sees them as a big target. I can see them making it far with the house divided.

  4. You know what if production didn’t do anytihing on the “cheating” part of the HOH comps, I am just done with Big’s too much already like I have another 5 family members and 23 friends who already unsubscribed their live feeds anyway.There are hundred better TV shows out there maybe I’ll just stop watching TV and actually get out enjoying summer…like Good Luck cause I don’t even watch last night’s episode (mostly I watched BB on live feeds recently) and I’m certainly not looking forward for the next episodes.

    1. Production didn’t do anything to Frank for cheating(palming the chip) when they were picking POV players.

      I never expect production to be fair to the other HGs, especially with the “twists”, they pick an choose the people they want to go far, and when it seems like their favorite is going home, they pull something outta their asses to save them. This happened once or twice in each the past 4 seasons(with 2 saves in a single season lead to the player winning). Yea, I still watch, but I’m not oblivious to what what’s going on so I really don’t take BB seriously anymore, just bring on the DRAAMMMAAAAA.

    2. First of all, your number seems highly exaggerated. Lol!
      Secondly, Aaryn didn’t cheat, this is just more of the witch hunt against her (that is making me a fan of hers).
      And that sucks, because I didn’t want to like Aaryn. She’s the underdog to me now.

  5. Aaryn brotherhood has not only said racial slurs but now she is telling the audience to suck her d@#k and to f##k off. She is on a fast track to being one of the most hated houseguests in recent memory, if she hasn’t reached that “honor” already. Her little klan clique might all go down as the “most hated” in BB history.

  6. Lol these people….. 7 votes to keep Elissa and they think she masterminded it…. Wake up Aaryn Jeremy Is playing you along with the rest of the boys.

  7. OMG is McRae and Amanda having sex?? Lol it looks like he is in the spot like he is having sex if I was watching I would be like what are ya guys doing?? NASTY lol not my thing. Oh and it looks like another Aaryn racist names lol Nah I don’t give a crap what people say about her she is my favorite wooooooohoooooooooooo Aaryn winning HOH that got my sprits up lol but hopefully she didn’t cheat in the HOH comp but if she did fingers crossed they don’t give it up but probley will got the gut feeling she will have to give it up:( but mabe wrong:)) Elissa, Spencer, McRae, Amanda, Nick, Helen, got to goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Although Spencer is playing a pretty good game so far however I want him to go NOW because he is such a floater and just’s follow’s people around JUST LIKE Judd now Spencer I ant here wasting all my time for you to just sit around and be lazy you gotta compete or your butt is gone also I want him gone because he sent David packing im starting to dislike Spencer its sad:( but it’s the truth I myself don’t like floaters I don’t get though BB don’t want floaters in the house this season but Spencer is a floater so my only problem with this season is the floater thing no floaters aloud in the BB house well Spencer broke the rules Spencer you been evicted from the BB house for being a floater hahahahahahahaha yikes Spencer you been gone for awhile honey hooray he’s outta here I cant wait if/when he’s been evicted for me I don’t like the McRae’s team THE SUCK for me im on Aaryn, Kaitlyn, and Jeremy’s team Wooooohoooooo Aaryn you go girl I am not from Texas but she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty even prettier than Jordan Lloyd team Aaryn:))

    1. What are you like 12? You sound ridiculous. Root for your favorites but at least be coherent. Btw? It’s called PUNCTUATION!! Look it up.

    2. Holy crud, you just proved yourself to be more idiotic than the people in the house. Are you on bath salts?? Someone needs to look up this thing’s IP address and sent IT to rehab. Go back to school, if anywhere will let you in. You’re crazy, and people shouldn’t be able to see that from a singular comment on a website. Get outta here

  8. i love elissa but she needs to play her own game … She trying to quote rachel she needs to win competition because rachel was a beast at winning stuff…. I think america hates paula deen sister alot so elissa or hellen will win MVP just to keep things interesting… If elissa wins MVP AGAIN she better not tell anyone because all this does is give people more reason to target her ……. hellen or elissa or nick but i think elissa or hellen two mothers of the house …….IF elissa tells anyone she has MVP she’s a ass and deserve to go home i dont care if they speculate she has it she needs to not admitt anything……..

    1. The HGs already believes Elissa will get it again, so they will use that to their advantage. Winning MVP doesn’t mean they’ll win the game, so if Elissa wants to be sure she will go far, she must stop all that whining, let the Hgs say whatever they want and leave the crying for when she gets out, and start winning comps and making her own moves, not trying to copy Rachel.

      IMHO, she should’ve been straight up about who she was day 1, and made her case on her playing her own game, that would’ve helped the HGs trust her.

      Them figuring it out before she got a chance to tell anyone, made her a huge target.

      Keeping her identity secret was an idiot move.

  9. Wish BB had an alternate house guests in the wings. After first week, along with the normal eviction, America could vote out one or two players to be replaced by alternates.

  10. I can’t get over Ginamarie’s one week transformation from glam party girl to this sniveling whiner who looks like a walking DUI mugshot.

  11. Lol Aaryn is still saying America is stupid yeah I agree with her America is stupid (Not saying I hate America just saying people in America are stupid got it thanks) with this economy lol my only wish that BB can do is tell her (Aaryn) what she is doing wrong so then she could start calming down Aaryn I know your still in the BB house but let me tell ya something honey America is mad at ya for some reason the reason why hmmm???? Because people say you are racist’s and for that reason honey you don’t want to do that to America you will get them even more madder and mabe even death threats I myself if was on there I would be freaking out about it and I wouldn’t want death threats honey so you better be getting a body guard soon once your outta there because you may end up dead just saying sorry for the harsh words but getting really tired of her saying America us myself saying were stupid yes I agree we are stupid lol I love ya Aaryn:))

  12. Wow, another remark?? Kaitlyn “Im going to kick Candice’s black a**.” OMG is that what she said?? I am speechless….. But im still on Aaryn’s team nothing changed for me by there minds only what they are saying lol now its getting some serious business WOW?

  13. I’m almost sure the MC will blow up this week. They may not believe Candice right now… but if her theory gets out there, somebody has got to pick up on the fact the strong guys aren’t targeting each other.

    But the again, with this cast…

  14. Usually I’ve chosen a side by now. I hate one side, but I don’t care about the other. The most douchebags in one cast I think I’ve ever seen.

  15. I cannot stand Aaryn. She’s a little brat who bitches and moans when things don’g go her way. Like with the whole wine thing, she was being a little brat and Jeremy took the fall for it. I really hope Nick wins, I think he is one of the best manipulators we’ve seen on BB in a while.

  16. Sad to say but I am now really hoping MC is outed this week. Spencer’s foul mouth and extremely offensive way of talking about fellow HG is really wearing on me. This cast is so vulgar and mean and not in a fun way. They sound like a group of 14-year-old boys trying to be cool. Really hoping one of the floaters rises above in the end.

  17. Spencer needs to calm it down. He is going to blow MC up if he keeps going like last night. Does Helen believe Spencer? If she does… Wow!

  18. At 3:00 a.m. in hoh, Camera’s 3 or 4, GM asks to go back to comp, which method was faster, little or big jug. Nick talks of large jug being faster… And then Jeremy clears up the discussion for good: He was “swapping cups” at a rate 4 times faster than the others… It’s at 3:01 plus a few secs, and he repeatedly says “swapping!” Says they were 10 laps ahead, it was a cakewalk… Swapping, swapping, swapping… and no one there on their team questioned him. But it was not the rules Julie defined.

    Do those rules matter or not?

    I wonder if they swapped cups the whole comp and that’s why it was so easy for them. What a fraud of a comp! This is the result production wanted. Trade power. The formula. But when is cheating ok and when not? Jani lost the final comp for moving her foot?

  19. Do Helen, Canadace know what the Aryan brotherhood are saying about them??? I’m confused because they still seem kinda friendly.

      1. It’s not even close to as bad as the things that the HG’s are saying. You’re an idiot!!!

  20. I will be so frustrated if Aaryn puts up Elissa and Helen. That is not strategy at all! i hate when people play emotionally. She should be talking to everyone one in the house to figure out what happened with the votes, but wait she is too snobby to do that. Its not like Elissa forced people to save her, and she wanst Helen up because she is friends with elissa? Really Aaryn really? And the people she chose as Have Nots, what a bitch! I would not pick three of the same people because I dont like them, or if im racist. The hate is redicilous!

  21. Lol @ 01:40 am Aaryn says ‘I better get a good job from this’. Yup, I’m thinking as spokesmodel for the kkk.
    It also came out that she’s on adderol. I somehow doubt she has any actual medical problem, but uses it for weight management and focus enhancement in the game.

  22. OMG. Have you heard? Aaryn made racist comments therefore life as we know it is over!!! The emotional distress that I’m experiencing has my life in a downward spiral and I don’t think I can go on living. Get the f*ck over it people. If it wasn’t a personal attack on you then shut the f*ck up. She could always say those comments were lyrics to a rap song she was writing and all would be ok!! Support double standards much?

    1. Yeah except they weren’t lyrics to a rap song (which by the way, ironically, there is a rap song by Macklemore our right now expressing contempt for the amount of prejudice displayed in rap songs). Aaryn’s comments were real, hateful remarks, about individuals of a minority status. Many of us watching the show are either members of said minority, or love someone in our lives who has been affected similarly by such hatred. Aaryn is nothing short of a hateful spoiled monster, bordering on psychotic. I’m in total agreement that she should have lost her job, and I can’t wait until she sees for herself how little her attitude is tolerated today. Seriously, was her father in the klan or something? How can one person have so much cruelty inside of her?

  23. Aaryn is Big Brother’s Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, but I hope she uses her HOH to start some drama, I don’t give a damn who she puts up, she could be personal with it, racist, I don’t care, DRAAAAMMMMAAAA is what I’m here for…

    I’m guessing however she plays it, will lead to her demise, but I don’t care, I don’t want the Grand Wizard to win, I just want Drama.

  24. Regarding the Aayrn racism issue. I think there is a significant difference between someone who is generally nice to everyone except certain people of a different race and someone who generally is a real hater of anyone they do not like. Aaryn is unquestionably a complete bitch. She certainly has been stunningly bitchy about Elissa and they are the same race. It’s just human nature – and we all do it to varying degrees – to pick out any characteristic of a person we want to criticize which we can ultimately hang an insult on. That is different to saying something directly racist. It’s a subtle but still important difference.

  25. Aryan loses another job…..Dear Bella Petite readers,I appreciate the concerns expressed from many of Bella Petite’s subscribers regarding recent comments from Bella Petite Magazine cover model and ‘Big Brother’ contestant, Aaryn Gries.Each year Bella Petite takes great pride in celebrating the top twelve petite model cover girl entrants from around the world to the Bella Petite Model Search. We select winners based on their photo submissions and positive participation through the selection process to our contest and various other criteria, and we expect those who are selected as our top spokesmodels to represent the positive and enthusiastic spirit of Bella Petite’s brand.Like many of you, I was surprised and disappointed to read about the recent insensitive comments from Ms. Gries on ‘Big Brother.’ I want to emphasize to all of our readers that her comments are absolutely inconsistent with the principles that Bella Petite is built on.As a result, I have determined that Ms. Gries is no longer a positive representation of Bella Petite’s brand and Bella Petite will not be featuring her in any promotions related to the model search in accordance with the rules of our model search. I certainly appreciate Ms. Gries right to express herself, but simply do feel that her involvement in any of our model search promotions going forward would be appropriate given our core principles and values at Bella Petite Magazine.Bella Petite is the leading publication and community devoted to the interests of petite women 5’5” and under, and it has always been our mission to be a source of positivity and encouragement for petite women around the world of every ethnicity, religion, or culture. It is Bella Petite’s continuing mission to be a place for petite women to celebrate and support one another, and I have no doubt that if we do so, we will all be stronger for it.Sincerely,Ann Lauren Editor-in-Chief Bella Petite Magazine

  26. Aaryn and her whole team are so stupid there’s no way Nick would backstab us let’s go after Helen and Elisa they’re bigger threats…. you’ve got to be kidding me two women who haven’t done anything ugh I hope Nick Somehow orchestrates a super plan to get one of her buddies out mainly Jeremy because he’s a douche and not bad at competitions plus his showmance makes me sick to watch

  27. McCrae is rubbing Amanda’s lower back….. It jive did look like he was hitting it from the back with his position and look on his face, but they would have to be completely under the covers to do sexual stuff.

  28. Lol so they want to put Elissa up? When she couldn’t even vote and wasn’t one if the ones that backstabbed their alliance? Aaryn is stupid.

  29. Andy, Kaitlin or Nick wins for sure…. but my intuition has said Nick from the beginnning. I personally think all he has to do is bat his eyelashed at Jessie and she will be putty in his hands, not to mention he is very smart and a good physical threat also. I wonder how much Howard is acting though. Don’t you guys think he could be just trying to float by as a gentle giant until he actually HAS to win? And people, don’t forget…. we hate this cast of course, that is THE POINT!

  30. Aaryn, you can quote Dr. Will all you want however, you have nowhere near the charm, the intelligence and the emotional stability to pull off a game as he did! I strongly doubt that he’s rooting for you.

  31. I am rooting for Nick. If he doesn’t win I think my 2nd fav is Elissa. Yeah that’s how much I dislike the cast this season.

    Racist, pigs!

  32. Aaryn will choke the PoV and Jeremy or Elissa will win it so Aaryn will replace Candace as a nominee.

  33. Amanda pegged beotch Aaryn from the get go….she’s Regina George from ” Mean Girls ” Dumb Kaitlyn is her cohort…hopes she gets a STD from the Indian Chief…nice momento from her time on the show…yup that will look good on her resume too !

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