Big Brother HOH and Eviction results IKA vs Heather


Rachelle winning Head of Household who would have thought.. Was it really Rachelle that won though? It was actually more like Sabrina with Rachelle being given a front row ticket to watch. Sabrina talked Rachelle into nominating IKA who’s in her core alliance as the replacement nominee. By doing this Rachelle bought herself the 6th position in the first five alliance and effectively hammered the last nail in the coffin of the girls alliance. (Sarah hammered the first nail) Was it worth it? perhaps… girls alliance has always been unstable and rocky with regards to their loyalty.

Initially Ika never campaigned to stay in the house until Big Brother instructed her in the diary room to fight to stay in the house. However even after campaigning to Kenny she still figuring there was no way to convince people and so she proceeded to cause chaos. Getting in a shouting match with Sabrina and calling Heather all sorts of nasty names. IKA soon figured out that Sabrina is a snitch but at that point the only person left to talk to her was good ol Adel. Ika’s Fight post

Arlie is playing one of the stronger games. He’s still in good with the first five alliance and is now forming a new alliance composed of the outcasts (Heather, Adel, Jon, Neda). Having the house split he’s essentially off the radar completely, however, this can all change “with one word” (as Kyle would say) but as of right now he’s sitting pretty.

Deli Meatball seems to be the fans favorite. He’s vocal about going after the power players, he’s wise to all of Sabrina’s bullsh!t and is taking a more relaxed fun loving approach to this game. Everyone loves an underdog and Adel is someone who is drawn to come to the aid of another outcast or underdog. Deli has been vocal about his plans for the HOH and wants his entire alliance to adopt the same policy. He wants Kenny/Sarah up with Andrew going up as the replacement. He’s stated that he will warn Andrew, Allison and Sabrina if the Veto is played Andrew is going up on the block. He talks of threatening them that he’ll use his power (fake power) so if Andrew wins the POV and takes down Kenny, he will put up Allison or Sabrina as the replacement. Ultimately Kenny is the primary target, Andrew secondary and Allison tertiary.

Sabrina, when she’s not picking her nose, she’s scheming with Rachelle or spreading rumors at a rapid rate. In the past this worked for her and garnered her the best position in the house much like the position Arlie has now. Sabrina was sandwiched between the two main alliance, Girls on one side, first 5 on the other. Either it was her fear of losing Andrew or her loyalty to first 5 that caused her to get IKA out this week. With IKA almost out the door Sabrina moves to wanting Adel and Allison out next because they both interfere with her love/Alliance with Andrew. Sabrina is being targeted by a lot of people in the house, She’s annoying everyone which is starting to catch on but luckily for her there are likely a couple HUGE targets that will go before her.

Andrew/Kenny, Everyone but Sabrina/Rachelle/Sarah would try to take these guys out. Their safety rest on who wins HOH and POV not the best spot to be in but as Adel has said “These are TITANS” Kenny seems to have more heat on him than Andrew at this point in the game.

Neda and Jon, They’re in the hot seat right now. If the first five get power again one or both of these players will be nominated. Jon knows something is up, His alliance knows something up, “There’s been rumblings in the house” to get him out.

Sarah, She’s trying to play both sides like Arlie but is really only close to Kenny. She has begun to form her backup alliance with Arlie and it will be interesting to see who she ultimately gravitates too going forward in the game. Her game will rise and fall as Kenny’s game does. She will find likely find herself nominated as a pawn if Adel’s side wins the power though.

Heather, Last week I think I said no need to worry about Rachelle she won’t win HOH.. well she won HOH so the same could happen with Heather. If Heather wins HOH expect her to either pull a Deli Meatball or put up two girls (Allison, Rachelle or Sabrina) with a backdoor option for a big player.

Rachelle will do what Sabrina tells her – It’s a given, don’t expect anything new from her unless Sabrina leaves.

Allison, This years first flop? The vast majority (Over 70%) of people on our poll agree. She hasn’t done anything other than kiss Andrew. (Seriously WTF) To add insult to injury she just recently professed her regret into the microphone to her boyfriend that she left back home. Saying “So sorry Aaron, it’s a game. I miss you. F**K! I hate myself. I’m a terrible person. A terrible f**King person.”

Where do I see this game going? No Idea but I can tell you once I know the HOH winner.. Tonight is going to be big night!

Twitter Spoilers
From people who attended the filming of the episode.

  • Ika was evicted 8-1 (Adel was the only one to vote to evict Heather)
  • Viewers are Head Of HouseHold – voting will be open until 10pm Friday

Spoiler Source: @hamsterwatch

My Predictions
IKA goes home with all the votes against. (Maybe Deli will vote to keep)

Confirmed results
Evicted house guest ?
Andrew, Sarah, Arlie, Sabrina, Big Jon, Neda, Allison, Kenny vote to evict IKA
Deli meatball votes to evict Heather.
By a vote of 8-1 IKA is evicted from the Big Brother Canada House.

New HOH is ?

New Twist Canada is the HOH.. it’s the second twisto twist of the season..

House guests are told about this twist!!!

[polldaddy poll=7919957]

184 thoughts to “Big Brother HOH and Eviction results IKA vs Heather”

  1. oh we are hoh i am so happy we get to put them up ..i wonder do we get to replace as well..lets put up sabrina and kenny

      1. I don’t understand why Adel is fourth on the poll to be nominated, can anyone explain this to me please?

        1. because there are some dumb racists out there still… those are the ones who voted for Adel. This man has a heart of gold.. shame on all those that pick him … geeesh

          1. That is just rude and way out of line to accuse people of being rasist just because they don’t vote the way you do everyone is entitled to who they like that has nothing to do with racisim. Personally i have’t voted for anyone yet but adel even though he seems like a nice guy he isn’t my fav i don’t really have one on this season the way i did on the first season but to accuse people of racism is just plain dumb

        2. It could be that Sabrina, Andrew, Sarah and Kenny’s fans are targeting him so that it would protect the first five. Normally I really hated that ‘outsiders’ have control on the house but I’m really happy with this one HOH, just so as to break the monotomy and momentum of the first five. Please let me see Sabrina on the block along with someone from her alliance. Her freaking out, crying and realizing that her alliance is hated would be so golden on the live feeds. I can’t wait to see her turn against Andrew and Kenny.

        3. I voted for Adel because he has had conversations with people in the house describing what is actually going on but there is no way anyone without insider knowledge could ever come up with. It seems he is either being fed information or he is not very smart when he comes up with Rachelle planning for the POV to be won by someone who would allow her to nominate Ika as the replacement? This is what he told Ika. Yes, this is what was going on but it was absolutely ridiculous and insane. Even with someone trying to influence her how does he come up with Rachelle would do that. Everything about Rachelle doing that was wrong for her and she had shown no issues with Ika at all. He did it before as well caling the secret plan of a tight group when it was impossible and no way any rational person would believe that was the plan. He floats below the radar which is why I vote for people like Arlie, Neda and Adel. imo, the meek do not deserve to inherit the earth of Big Brother.

      2. If Sab and Kenny go up there’s a possibility that Kenny some how gets the veto or someone like Andrew takes him off and some random gets evicted instead of Sabrina. BIG MOVES i.e KENNY AND ANDREW COME ON CANADA!!!!!!

      3. love this site
        defenitly need to vote the kendrew duo since theyll just pull each other off n if we one comes off put up sabrina or sarah
        were can u go to see what the polls say

    1. I’m voting Sabrina and Kenny as well. Not sure who I want out more though: Sabrina, Kenny or Andrew.

      1. We can’t forget to vote for SARAH as well. Andrew, Kenny and Sobrina are going to be top three, but we NEED to secure SARAH as FOURTH place. Think about it…first and second place go on the block..if third place wins veto and they take first or second place off, then fourth place goes up instead. If fourth place is Sarah, then whomever is up against her will go home. Andrew, Kenny, Sobrina and Sarah HAVE to be top FOUR!

    2. This was a very well written update! An excellent read! Thanks so much!

      Now, where do I go to nominate Kenny and Sabrina? Hopefully not Facebook because I don’t (and N.E.V.E.R. will) have an account with them. Twitter maybe? It’s not on the BBCanada website. At least not yet.

      Actually, how about putting Andrew and Sabrina up and backdooring Kenny??? Andrew will get himself voted out easily so I REALLY want Kenny or Sabrina (or BOTH in a double eviction!) to get the boot!

      1. Jack, go to and it should be right on the main page telling you where you can vote, i’m not sure if you can vote without an account as i already had one but if not then it doesn’t take long to make an account.

        1. Thanks! It was there. It turns out that I have an Extension on my computer that was disabling the voting for me so it didn’t appear. I fixed it and voted for Kenny and Andrew to let them battle it out and then have Sabrina put up as the replacement if they win the Veto.

    3. Totally agree!!! Then backdoor Andrew if we have to. THANK YOU BB!!! OK people lets do this and make sure it’s not even close! Sabrina and Kenny! Now it’s our time to make this right! Lets do this for Adel!!!

    4. All you have to do is clear your cookies after each vote.

      I voted Kenny and Andrew.

      Then did it again for Andrew and Sabrina.

    5. love this site defenitly need to vote the kendrew duo since theyll just pull each other off n if we one comes off put up sabrina or sarah were can u go to see what the polls say

  2. I normally hate production interference but this is BB Canada they are so shameless. lol I hope Andrew/Kenny/Sabrina are nominated.

    1. You’re going to find BB interference in every single country that has a Big Brother show. Every one. There is SO MUCH coaching and manipulating done in the diary room that the audience never sees and most don’t know about.

      That’s why you never see Live Feeds from the Diary Room.

  3. I hope the twist is true. By making the viewers the HOH, the first five will have to finally sweat it out. Best case scenario, Sabrina goes out this week while on slop. :))

    1. I think it’s going to be hard to get Sabrina out this week bc if she is up against Andrew or Kenny, the house will vote one of the boys out. The only way to get her out would be if she was against a weaker player, which honestly I dont think will happen bc canada seems to dislike her, Kenny and Andrew the most…

      1. Yep I really want sabrina gone, even more than kenny or andrew, that’s why i voted for sabrina and sarah because I doubt anyone would even vote out sarah at this point in the game.

  4. Soo Exciting!! Im hoping that Canada votes, the 2 with the most votes goes up, then there is veto, if one is taken down, the person with the 3rd most votes gets put up!! This is only what I’m thinking. And maybe what they were building in the backyard was the have/havenot competition, bc there was def something being built earlier today.

    1. Since I already knew it was Canada’s HOH at the time of the building sounds this morning, when I heard it going on, my guess was that they were building a competition that would give someone immunity from being voted on the block by Canada OR they were pumping fake building sounds into the house to throw them off. Jon even says at one point in the kitchen that it sounded as if the racket was coming from the PA system. Hmmmmmm…

      1. Also, in addition to it maybe being an immunity challenge, the winner would probably get HOH privileges like the bedroom, photos, letter and goodies…since Canada isn’t using it…unless they make Marsha the HOH and put her up there to mingle and Canada just votes for her.

      2. Oh, please God. NO IMMUNITY! Give us free reign to shake up that dead house! Let us do what every HOH talked about doing but didn’t have the Donkey Donuts to do!

        I want Kenny and Andrew gone but as long as Sabrina goes on the block, we are all going to be rewarded to one hell of a paranoid performance that will have her running scared! The crocodile tears will flow so fast and heavy, the BB house will be in danger of being flooded again!

        Reaction-wise, Kenny is the other person I want to get that shock. But Kenny really needs to get back-doored to make it sting.

  5. I wonder what the best vote would be to ensure Sabrina goes home?! Can`t wait to get all the details about how this works

    1. Sabrina and Sarah on the block will push Sabrina out the door. Apart from that I don’t see her going. I can’t wait to see her go bonkers this week. Sabrina not in control will definitely be fantastic to watch. :)))

      1. Exactly what I was thinking! Im just hoping that at the very least she will be on the block and see what Canada thinks of her! Then again knowing her she will probably blame it on her edit… Funny part is, her edit is much better than what we see on live feeds

  6. If the twist is correct which i’m certain it is I kinda want to see either Andrew or Kenny gone.. probably kenny going will f*** up the first 5 enough for some excitement.

  7. Twitter is blowing up with the news that we are HOH. Apparently there are some who think they will be voting for who they want to be HOH rather than voting for noms. I am having a flashback to BB15. While I believe there are many who want Sabrina on the block, I think I would nominate Kenny and Andrew so that they couldn’t use the veto on each other if one wins it. Sabrina is not likely to win veto and she could be a replacement if Kenny or Andrew win the veto. I just hope that Adel doesn’t get too cocky when he sees who Canada wants nominated. That could be his downfall. Good week to be HOH as Adel won’t have to use his power unless he wants to prevent one of the F5 from playing in veto but they will know he lied so probably best to keep it in his pocket. Should be a fun week. I wonder if the HG know that we are HOH.

    1. Yes! Both Andrew and Kenny need to go up. If not, the one that is not on the block could win HOH and save the other, then neither goes home. Don’t waste your vote on Sabrina, I would rather she stays so we see her melt down when one of her guys go and she realizes she picked the side that Canada hates.

  8. Normally I hate twists like these but because it’s so in my favour I will be hypocritical and say I love it

  9. I have known about this for over a week now and am so glad it is finally here. I didn’t want to say anything in case the rumor turned about to be false. Do you know if it is also true that you can only vote through an account on the Slice website and not social media? I think there are ways to upgrade your status in your account on there to give yourself more voting power, but I’m not sure cause I don’t have one.

    1. Moon3K, you have already seen by now, but it is set up through your account on BBcan, similar to when you make a prediction on who wins HOH, etc.

  10. Thunderdome Strategy

    2 men up. 1 man goes.

    If Andrew/Kenny or friend wins POV & uses it, one of them is still up.
    Then put up Sabrina so she can’t vote.

    That leaves only one of Andrew or Kenny, Allison, Sarah, Rachelle to vote for the save.
    Assume they’ll all vote to save. Maybe they won’t. Allison might flip.

    Adel, Jon, Neda, Heather & Arlie vote to evict. 5-4.

    Arlie won’t pass up the chance to boot Andrew or Kenny with no blood on his hands.

    With Andrew or Kenny gone, & Arlie a defector, a new alliance can form short term to boot Sabrina before Jury, then Rachelle.

    1. Yeah, I have to admit, that looks like a great plan. The only part I don’t like is that not putting Sabrina up right away will mean the viewers will miss out on one hell of a reaction from her! She’d be so shocked and scared that Canada (and me in the U.S!) put her up that we’d get the performance of a lifetime! One of utter fear and paranoia!

      But, you’re plan really does sound best.

      1. Believe me, it will be better to see her melt down with her two boys on the block. She will have to pick one, that will really mess her up. Kenny and Andrew campaigning against her. If one of them is saved in the POV, then she would go up, who else would Canada pick? I think its perfect!

      2. If the viewers are dumb enough to put Sabrina up, I predict that she will go and the team testosterone will still be there. Please Canada, don’t mess this up!! Without the boys, Sabrina is all bark and no bite, everyone else in onto her. I would like to see her outed and shunned like she has been doing to others. Don’t vote your emotions, vote smart. Kenny and Andrew.

        1. I voted Kenny and Andrew – I want a guarantee that one of them goes – I do not like mean people Both of them are they are poor game players – if they were good they would have respected Ika’s decision to take the money – Andrew was scary mad – Both of them using the finger and cursing at her – “bad behaviour”

  11. Hopefully Sabrina, Andrew or Kenny go up with a possible Sarah, if either were to win veto and take themself or another off. I can’t wait to see their faces when they realize they are not liked. More importantly, once Arlie sees that they aren’t liked, he may jump ship right then and there to the Adel alliance for good!

  12. I will be voting to put andrew and kenny both on the block….. can’t wait to let them sweat it out:)

    1. Especially if we put them up. Pretty strong signal to the other HG’s.
      But I need more info. If the replacement nominee is is the HG with the third highest votes, than it needs to be someone that is safe within a vote. That seems to leave Sara, in my mind, as most want to keep her.

  13. Also, Adel’s ass will be saved from having to reveal that he lied about his power to the new alliance and that will have them trust him more. He can now tell them…like he told Neda…that his power turned into what it really is, since the Canada HOH interferes with him using it. It feels so good to FINALLY be able to talk about these scenarios…almost slipped up a few times this past week.

  14. If we’re lucky, Russia will invade Canada and overturn their HOH powers and prevent this travesty.

  15. I’m sooo happy for Jon, Neda and Adel. And Adel doesn’t have to come clean about his fake power lie! Yay! I was afraid that would end up hurting him.

  16. Man I’m hoping we are HOH. I’m not much for audience voting generally. See Suzette last season as a prime example. Any combination of Sab, Sarah, Kenny and Andrew on the block suits me just fine. Gonna open a few eyes in the house. Narcissist Kenny and Sab would feel it the most personally. The tough part is really trying to figure out the typical non feed voter. Below my stab at rankings for the 2 noms

    1) Andrew- getting a mediocre edit and is clearly a douche. Can Canada really like bogger boy?
    2) Sab- She has gotten a much better edit in prime time. If it’s hard core fans she almost a shoe in. Though there is a chance she finishes 3 or 4 in the voting. I think she really is a clear renom if veto is played and she is not nominated initially.
    3) Kenny- He might finish eighth frankly. He’s gotten a pretty good edit prime time. Thing is I truely think 1/5 gets the 2 eviction spots and Arlie isn’t catching either. Thus Kenny at 3.
    4) If it’s a vote based on primetime “actions” Sarah and Sab get the noms. I think her edit has been terrific by production except for having to tell the story on her evicting Paul last week. Thing is Paul leaving was pretty popular outside the house IMO.
    This is the line for me. I cannot see anyone else getting a nominated by Canada. Allison turned out to be a p*ss poor player but there are much bigger folks to vote for. Rach is basically a robot for Sab, terrible HOH but again compared to the 1st 4 not even close to going on the block IMO.

    I’ll have a heart attack if…. Jon, Arlie, Adel, Heather or Neda are nominated by Canada. Varying degrees of decent, mostly nice people that the cool kids have kicked around to various extents. 🙂 🙂 🙂 And I don’t smile at production often!

    Logically we’ll get to name the replacement between Sunday/Monday if POV is won and used. I think POV ceremony maybe Sunday before the show and make the Sunday edit. If not I have no idea who/how the veto replacement is decided. HG’s could mess it up! Some douche bag hopefully doesn’t make the jury. My personal preference leaving next Thursday in order….. Sab, Kenny, Andrew and lastly Sarah.

    PS… Note to production; I want a quart of 151 rum(Lambs Navy), Reese’s peanut butter cups, nacho Doritos, all the grape Mr. Freezes you can jam into that basket. By the way no letter from my friends they can’t write worth sh*t! Oh and please add some Hershey chocolate almond bars and for a showmance just add a 20 something hottie to keep this old man happy… I’d settle for a toothless 50 something 😛 hehehe
    Bah Bah Bah

    1. You got it.. the prime time viewers will own this vote unless the cat lady army steps in. I don’t watch the show too much so your analysis of who is getting the good edits is much appreciated.

      LOL that sounds like a great basket.. I would sub in KRaken Rum over 151 even though you’ll get a lot more mileage out of the 151

    2. I agree with everything you said. Its time for us live feeders to put the votes in and get ANDREW, SABRINA, or KENNY on the block. I would DIE if ADEL, JON, or NEDA end up on the block! OMG! scary just to think of it.
      C’mon Canada lets make the right choice here. Lets shift the power in the house! OMG the feeds are going to be so interesting if Sabrina finds herself on the block next to one of her own alliance. Is it wrong to pray for a Sabrina meltdown?

    3. OMG i just had a BB15 flashback and I hope people dont confuse voting for who they went to be on the block vs who they want to be HOH. Can you imagine Canada making a mistake like that and putting Adel & Neda on the block? OMG. People better read the instructions carefully lol

  17. HAHAHA

  18. OMG if this is true, I agree put up both Andrew and Kenny, let them both feel the block if one wins the Veto…SABRINA goes up!!!!!!!!!! OMG I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!

  19. So I just looked at a poll on one of the other spoiler sites and so far people are voting for Sabrina, Andrew and Kenny to be nominated. Sabrina has most votes followed by Andrew and Kenny. The problem with this order of noms is if Sab and Andrew are up and Kenny wins veto and takes Andrew down then if the replacement is HG with the next most votes it would be Adel. (according to this poll). We need to be smart. I couldn’t stand it if Adel goes home on our HOH and not one of the 5.

    1. I am also worried about this scenario…which is why it is so important that Sarah is in the top four to be nominated. It HAS to be Andrew, Kenny, Sobrina and Sarah to make sure one of them goes. I hope people don’t forget to vote for her as well.

        1. We have to vote for SARAH! Any of the loathsome-three will go home against her on the block. So having her on the block is VITAL to guarantee this. Everyone else will already be voting for Andrew, Kenny and Slobrina…they will be top three…but Sarah has to be in fourth place. Think about it…if third-place wins veto and takes first or second place off the block, then fourth place will go up instead. If fourth place is SARAH, then whomever is left on the block will go home. We CAN’T forget to secure fourth place!!!

    1. YES! I am so happy we get to choose who to nominate. I would say put Sabrina and Kenny on the block and if Kenny takes himself off somehow then replace with him Andrew!

      Im glad BB is doing this because otherwise Adel would be screwed with his fake power lol

    2. PLEASE has to be the two boys. Chance of one winning POV and taking the other off than neiter go home.

      I am not on facebook ….. can someone go on the BBC page and explain this plan ……… Canada we need to be smart. AND THANK YOU BBC! for the power!!!

  20. I keep forgetting to ask this question:
    This season twice HOH has said “you’re strictly a pawn” at the nomination ceremony. I have watched every US episode and Canada 1 and I don’t remember ever having heard it before in the nom ceremony.
    So this would be a precedent. No big deal and it kind of bugs the crap out of me when it’s been done; 1st Heather then Allison was told the same thing.
    Can someone confirm this or am I just not remembering one season where it was done before?
    Thanks y’all.

    1. I was thinking the same exact thing! I can’t recall a time when the nominees were being directly told at the ceremony that they are a pawn and the other nominee is the target.

  21. Douchebags are people too. Why do Bedwetters like Adel get all the BB Superfan love? Is it because Superfans are often Bedwetters too? Expand your horizons. Keep the douchebags in the game. Strike a blow for Tolerance!

    This post provided by the Douchebag Anti-Defamation League (DAL) and the Anti-Bedwetter Alliance (ABC).

      1. I actually want subrine gone she is seriously annoying and if she is gone she will seriously hurt the boys game. I think it would be good that the power is shifted but i dislike subrine and heather more then the rest but heather is a useless vote but subrine definetly.

  22. We have to make sure Andrew and Kenny are on the block that way if one of them wins veto one will still go home…we can’t do Sabrina and Andrew, if Kenny wins veto he will pull Andrew down and none of them will go home. Sabrina would and I hate her but we need KENNY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes but we need to ensure Sarah and Sabrina also get votes. If we don’t, one of the underdogs might go up, as some will vote them up.
      4 people need to be voted on….Kenny, Andrew, Sabrina, and Sarah. And only them.

  23. I believe this is my first post of the season, so I want to start by thanking Simon and Dawg for their hard work in keeping us updated! I haven’t had the time to watch the feeds a bunch this year, so the time and energy you two put into this every season is very much appreciated!

    I hope this does not offend the good people of Canada, but I am not thrilled with the HOH twist. Although this will make for a pretty exciting week, especially on the live feeds! I guess I would rather the house guests be allowed to play the game, without interference.

    For the record, I think I will be happy with the nomination results, if folks vote the way they are talking about voting.

    It will be interesting to see how the first five alliance vote, if any of their own are on the block.

    1. im sure when big brother started in the states( BB1 ), it was ALWAYS the ppl’s vote, for noms and who got evicted,,, am i mistaken ?

      1. I seem to remember season one of BBUS, the houseguests picked the noms, and the public voted to evict. But, it was so long ago.. so I could be mistaken!

    2. Ultimately, the purpose of this show is to get ratings/advertisers. If we the viewers aren’t happy, we don’t watch and they don’t make money. So while I empathize with the HG’s that its a little unfair…….if there wasn’t any production interference, the show would be boring and would have been cancelled a long time ago.

  24. I find it hilarious in the article before this it talks about the F5 alliance being loved by Canada.. lol God I love rude awakenings lol

    And yeah, I am voting for the 2 boys, both Kenny and Andrew…. one of them will go home.

  25. Everyone at BBCAn production, you all are splendid. We all know exactly what this twist is for because we ALL know how wonderful it will be for Sabrina,Andrew,Rachelle,Sarah or Kenny to go home! I am in love with the way this is being displayed. If Adel won HoH, the alliance of Sabrina/Rachelle/Sarah and Kendrew would be able to PREPARE for the fact that they are going home 🙂 However, they will be BLINDSIDED AND SHOCKED to see how much Canada hates them 🙂

    This really is wonderful, When Ika goes home she is going to enjoy watching the next few episodes 🙂

    1. Soil, we are not voting for HOH. We are HOH!!!! We are voting for who we want to be nominated. This is going to be BB15 all over again. Come on Canada we are smarter than that. Vote Andrew and Kenny for eviction!

    2. Uhmm Canada is HOH and you have to vote for the NOMINEES! Please don’t make the mistake of voting for Adel cuz we don’t want him to end up on the block! Spread the word!

  26. As much as I hate Andrew and Sabrina, I absolutely loathe this twist. This is clearly a ploy by production to change up the game in their favour… I understand that the viewers want to see First 5 disintegrate but at the same time they’re clearly operating fairly effectively within the house without the power every week… and I don’t think they should be penalized for playing the game well.

    1. You want to subject poor Simon and Dawg to the same old boring stuff with no relief? That’s mean. What are all of us addicts going to do if they get bored with the show and cut us off?

  27. I predict the Comments are going to reach 206 tonight – grab a pint Simon and Dawg.. Fingers at the ready. Bless your hearts for nights like this especially. 🙂

  28. I hate bb edits making it seem like Ika forgive Heather but we all know the tv show is 100% is bs compare to the tv show, i wait for Ika to come out and trash talk Heather and lick Sabrina butt.

  29. HAHA !
    Heather says take the money !
    Goddess !
    Ika SCORCHING them !
    Best TV ep yet !
    And more to come…

    1. I have watched all the big bro US and Canada – This was the best Challenge EVER played – Ika choosing the money with everyone watching. I love that she shared her thoughts – the true colours of Kenny Andrew came out showed what BAD game players they are. Many think they are good game players – if they were they would have agreed with Ika’s choice. Why would she choose letters when it would not have changed a thing. They are selfish mean spirited people and need to go. BTW I am not a fan of Ika just dislike how nasty people got with the goodbye messages – Andrew the worst. Paul was right about him from the start!

  30. This is so messed up…
    Last season Canada gave a POV to Suzette. Now Canada is HOH and nominates??
    I still don’t know what people see in Adel. Ok, he’s the underdog, but does that alone make him become SOOOO likeable? Not really.

    And why do people want to see Kenny nominated? From what I’ve seen, he has been a really nice person. I understand the dislike over Andrew/Sabrina. But Kenny being guilty by association?

    BB seasons shouldn’t have this kind of external interference.

    1. Kenney is behind them duh!! He’s the least likeable after Arlie and he’s nothing without sabrina gathering information on Hg’s. He’s a snake

    2. Kenny? Nice? Are you watching the same feed I am. The man is vile and sick.

      Adel, however, has proved tim and time again that he isn’t interesting in bullying. Despite Paul backstabbing numerous times, he did not berate him. He confronted him and let it go. The others, however, persistently berate others behind their backs. It is quite sad really.

      Adel has a solid personality and is loyal. The loyalty of the others rests on who they like at that specific moment.

  31. The crowd cheered when Kendrew got his letter shredded lol Seriously, they hate them lol It’s amazing.

  32. So happy Canada is HoH… we finally get to change the game… vote for Sabrina, Kenny and if one come off… put Andrew up…

  33. So happy I’m at the Diamond level (100x the vote) on the Big Brother online game!
    Just happily voted for Kenny/Andrew

  34. What happens if one of them gets veto?

    Is there a Power of Veto this week?

    Do we vote on replacement nominee also? or the 3rd most voted is replaced….oh wait i just answered my own question nevermind

      1. That is why it is important to vote for Sarah as well. Her on the block, as a replacement, is the only way to ensure one goes home…hopefully.

  35. Whoa, way to shake it up! IF I were SABRINA, Kenny and Andrew right now I’d be shitting my pants! Did you see the looks on their faces?!

    Good for Ika for taking the money. And I gained some respect for Sarah for being honest about Ika’s decision. (though it seemed to fall on deaf ears on most of the HG’s)

  36. where do we vote for the nominations?
    i think i honestly would have preferred voting for the HOH directly so that the feeds would actually be interesting with some strategizing and game play and such…

  37. VOTE ANDREW AND KENNY! I’m tired of those two walking about the house like they own the god damn place!

    1. Trying desperately to get my points up before I vote. But things keep getting stuck. Which may indicate a wave of activity on the site. LOL

  38. Hi Simon and Dawg-e-Dawg.. will you all start a poll to see who Canada (and us Americans) want to be up on the block!!!??? Pretty please. 🙂

    I think we should put Sabrina up in memory of Ika and her “threat”… Put Sabrina on the block.

  39. I would be happy to see Sabs and Kenny go up, but I think maybe Sabs and Arlie might be more entertaining…fake tears and drama all around! 🙂

  40. Thanks for the heads up on what power we have.
    Even better we get to choose the noms.
    So many people to nominate in the first five.

  41. Canada is hoh!! This is exciting, hopefully we wont fuck up like we did with allison, scott should have been in the house, he would have been an entertaining addition to BBC, he wouldnt have gone straight in the arms of the devil and showmance with andrew, please canada lets make a good decision and get andrew/kenny/sabrina on the block so one of them get evicted! Let the game finally begin!

  42. It was worth all the boogers we’ve watched Andrew and Sabrina dig for, knowing the live audience tonight saw Kenny and Andrew call a Ika a stupid b**ch while she ripped them a new one. That’s the stuff they don’t get to normally see unless they’re live feeders. Yes.

      Kenny & Andrew….worse comes to worse…backdoor S-lie-brina!!
      (Although if the door hits her ass on the way out, they will need to replace that door)

  43. I’m all for getting out Sabrina or Andrew but I can’t believe the episode and the sideshow. Big brother basically put up a sign saying “NOMINATE THESE PEOPLE, CANADA”. Not a fan of the obvious rigging.

  44. Wait, so you people want to nominate the best players? lol so you basically want floaters at the end like in BB US.. Jon is clueless, Heather believes everyone likes her, Rachelle is a follower, rlie is annoing and bb master wannabe, allison hasnt shown too much, Adel is nice but awful player

    AND you want to nominate Kenny, who is actually playng the game and is smart, lso he is a nice person too.. same with Sarah

    Sabrina and Andrew I can understand, but Kenny and Sarah? wow some people are just..

    1. What makes them great players? because they are nasty? What exciting moves have Kendrew made? NONE – do you appreciate the way they treated Ika? She played the money game well – why would she give them letters when she was going home? That is a good play – a bad play is that they did not recognize it was a good play they only thought of themselves… they are not winning… like they think they are! I am no an Ika fan I do not like the way she was treated.

  45. How I see it happening… Sabrina and Kenny nominated, Andrew wins veto, takes Kenny off, new nominee is Rachelle…Sabrina goes home

  46. Andrews good bye message was horrible…. “So happy I got to vote you out of the house, I just wish your family and friends can vote you out of their lives”

  47. I personally voted for Sab/Kenny. Kenny would most likely win POV and then if we get to replace the nominee, im thinking Andrew would go up. It’s a toss up who would then go home out of those two. Im almost wanting to put up Sarah as a replacement instead of Andrew in order for Sab to go home. She is literally F’ing everyones game. Would like to see how everyone plays without her in the house. I think people in the house will feel safer with her gone and more likely to start “playing the game”

  48. I nominated Andrew and Kenny, if I had a third nominee I’d be Sabrina. I’d be happy with any of them going up, and going home. If Andrew or Kenny comes off, I’ll nominate Sabrina as a replacement…

    Go neda and adel!

  49. You guys are not thinking through this clearly. Andrew and Kenny TOGETHER are the ones who need to be put up. If one of them wins PoV, then Sabrina could be a nominee but for now those 2 are the strongest together.

  50. Ummmm just saw big brother sideshow and saw Marsha the moose. Marsha is guaranteed to be a male moose in drag and not because of her voice: since when do female moose have antlers?!?!


  52. Why put up Sabrina and Kenny? Andrew is the biggest douche. “Ika I’m so glad we got the chance to vote you out of the house. I feel for your family and friends that can’t vote you out of their lives!” Like wtf?! The guy has some nerve to say that. What’s funny is that Canada just saw his goodbye message to Ika and hope they all see that he needs to go. I’m on team Adel all the way.
    He represents the underdog. The Outsiders. Hope his faction (if he’s ever in one) takes on that name.

  53. Booger King melon-head beady-eyed douche
    walked to the cliff edge –
    lets give him a push !

    Kenny the beard-brain
    looks good in a suit –
    lets bend manbitch over,
    give the savage a boot !

    1. No, you need to go to slice’s website to vote. Simon’s poll it’s just for fun, it does not count for the real voting process.

  54. Guys…i’m gonna say this in a summarized term.
    Don’t be Stupid.
    The important targets who need to be put up are Kenny and Andrew. If we put Sabrina up, Andrew would most likely win the POV and take Kenny off. Sabrina is a weak player and can be put out another day. Putting Kenny out would be amazing because it would f up the first five allliance badly.
    Kenny would cry if he went home, especially with Canadas nominations to make it sting a little extra. KENNY NEEDS TO GO HOME FIRST, THEN ANDREW AND THEN SABRINA!!! DO NOT MESS THIS UP GUYS, I AM COUNTING ON ALL OF YOU TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.

  55. After watching the good bye messages, my choice for nominees will be Andrew and Andrew!! What a horrible thing to say! I think that boy is in for a very rude awakening when he leaves the BB house!!

  56. If the replacement nominee is, in fact, the third most voted, the veto might not be played if someone who is NOT on the block wins it. Unless they know ahead of time who will be going up, they might choose not to use it in fear that another alliance member would take their place (depending on who the two nominees are, of course0.

    1. That’s very true. Lets say Andrew and Sabs are on the block and Kenny wins the veto. He wouldn’t use it because his girl Sara might go up. (And likely would go up if this site is any indicator.)

  57. Kenny and Andrew need to play against each other, otherwise, Kenny or Andrew could use it on themselves..

    Will we be I’m charge to vote for a replacement? I imagine so since we are voting for two at once. ?? What do you think?

  58. I would put for Sabrina and Adel. The Veto Adel has needs to be flushed out so the truth of what it is comes out. Andrew will most likely be the one voted out

  59. You guys, i am saying this out of love.
    You’re being idiots by voting for Sabrina and Kenny.
    Did we not see how big of a douche Andrew was? His goodbye message, im not gonna repeat it because it was disgusting but i know you all saw his true colors by what he said to Ika. That man has no concept of sportsman ship and if nothing goes his way he will throw a fit. If Andrew and Kenny are put on the block, it will guarantee a strong chance that one of them MIGHT be going home. If one of them wins pov bam, Sabrina goes up. However, If Sabrina and Kenny are nominated, it is also very likely that Andrew can win the PoV and take Kenny off and according to the polls, Adel goes up and that CANNOT happen. Even if Rachelle goes up next to Sabrina then we are still giving the game to Kendrew. THEY NEED TO BE SPLIT UP!!! SABRINA CAN GO ANOTHER DAY BUT KENDREW NEEDS TO BE EVICTED!!!! If Kenny goes home it will really screw up the first five alliance and Andrew will go nuts and that will eventually lead to his downfall. Kenny going home is the best choice to make because once he’s gone it will help Adel’s gameplay by a long shot. Plus, How awesome will it be for his eviction to be at the hands of Canada? If it was unanimous that would be an extra stinger.

    1. You don’t know that Adel is the fourth in the poll. What you see on this site is not the real voting poll. I know that your scenario is a possibility, but I feel like I have to remind people that you need to go to slice website and vote, if you vote on this site’s poll is not going to count.

  60. I think Canada’s versions gives a nice amount of power to the public. Sort of in the middle between bbUSA and bbUK no? bbCan needs its own take and I like this.


  62. how do we spread the word for the viewers who do not watch the live feeds. My daughter only watches the program and would never vote kenny … he has an awesome edit. my only hope is the viewers who don’t watch the live feeds or log into the spoilers may not take the time to vote. I HOPE I HOPE. Andrew and Kenny have to be up agaist each other.

    Does anyone have the number of votes each would get if were both on the block to be evicted??? I depend on this site to give me an accurate account of the happenings in the house.

  63. i voted for sabrina and andrew and i have 10x the points because i have silver status.

    I kind of have reservations about voting for Kenny , because even though he is an arrogant grouch he is playing the game strategically. He is totally wrong about Ika and its probably because he is an emotional guy and tensions run high in the house. Andrew just doesnt seem to have any endearing qualities about him, he is a major douche!!

    Also, when i made my decisions i was thinking about the entertainment factor…i don’t wanna vote for the wrong person and end up getting bored and losing interest in the game. The game needs villains, thats what makes adel as the underdog exciting to watch..he’s like the rocky balboa of bbcan 2 LoL. I can respect a strategic game player like Kenny, and Sabrina as loose canon and her friction with Adel and the others. Just hope that Andrew gets the nomination and they vote him out but if he is up against sabrina i am afraid they will kick her to the curb and keep andrew since he is strong in comps and can help them last longer in the game……Gotta vote using different accounts now and vote for Andrew and Sarah since there is no way she can win a comp and its bye bye Andrew.

    It is exciting but so wrong for them to basically rig the game like that. Also, i believe the producers put Ika in that position knowing full well she was gonna take the cash and get the hg’s pissed… kenny, sabrina, Andrew in a very bad light equals them being nominated by Kenny…the producers are now playing the big brother game of manipulation and strategy hahaha

  64. Guess the producers don’t want the 1st 5 to get too much power either. I’m very happy with this twist! That being said it was really hard to narrow down my nominations to just two. I decided when I saw Kenny and Andrew kick yet another evicted houseguest when they were down in their goodbye videos that I was picking those two. I hope it cuts them to know that Canada is not amused by grown men acting like jackasses. It’s an emotional way to play the game, but since I’m not in the house, I can afford to play like that.

  65. I’m not going to lie, I was hoping the secret service would escort IKA straight to the war room.

    I really want Andrew to go. Everyone will realize that Canada likes Adel and they don’t like Kenny/Andrew/Sabrina. It will shake Sabrina up, even if she doesn’t go up. Sarah will be awakened to reality. Arlie he had to bail on the 5, and now he might have to vote one out, no blood on his hands. Neda and Jon might get a boost now. Neda, girl, you are my fave, but it’s time to come out of the shadows and show us how to kick butt. Neda and Jon were in a bad spot before the twist, I hope they start playing now. They are the only two that I enjoy watching, tho Ika was fun this week. Kenny will be forced to make a move, or maybe he will melt down too. I don’t think Kenny is a bad guy, but he thinks too highly of himself and has horrible social skills. Sabrina will be a total basket case, especially if someone outs her, or if they shun her. Maybe Allison will realize that we sent her into the house to shake up the 5, not make out with the biggest douche of them all, and either get her game on or get evicted. I am not a fan of production and the viewers having so much power, but I make an exception with this season. I hate it when good game is going on and production throws a wrench in it, but this season there is no game. The first 5 made a deal before anyone else entered the house. It isn’t that they have mad game, the others are just too stupid and scared. The 5 only needed this week and next week to take complete control. I think it’s dumb to swear into an alliance before you even know them. Arlie said yes because it would be stupid not to, but he always knew his place in the alliance and was smart enough to scope out new ones. Sarah totally attached herself to the 3 and even did things for them that hurt her game, and when she finds out she is with the side we don’t like, I can see her either melting down and going home or playing the game for her. Only the Brigade has made a very early alliance and gotten 3 out of four to the finals. They weren’t all that smart, but they were likeable. That’s how they pulled it off. These guys are just not likeable at all, they just come across as bullies . The only way to save the season is to force them to play the game.

  66. I don’t know why everyone wants Kenny out so bad! I am putting my votes towards floaters like Rachelle. Like them or hate them, I just wanna see people play the game.

  67. I am wondering if you could put on your poll that it is not official and to go to slice to vote. I have a feeling that some folks think this is where they vote.

  68. Personally I would put up Sabrina and Arlie with Andrew as a re-nom. These noms will stir up the poooop. I chose Sabrina for obvious reasons (biatchi). I chose Arlie due to taking his vote out of the mix as he is sitting pretty with both alliances. If he isn’t nominated it might very well solidify his decision on flipping on the 1st 5 causing everyone left in the house to turn against Kenny, Sara (unless she flips too) and the nom survivor. I really do like this HoH twist, I just hope Canada votes wisely without emotion.

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