
Big Brother 15 VIDEO Meet the Cast! “I’ve got Double D b**bs! I use my personal property to close the deal!”


CBS released a video of the new cast of Big Brother 15 where we get a chance to meet the 16 house guests through a string of one liners. From the looks of this seasons cast it looks like there will be a lot of personality clashes and conflicts, not to mention a showmance or two!

Judd “Are you ready to get wild, get crazy and get this party started?!”
Amanda “Big double D boobs! I got hips, child bearing hips!”
Nick “Very good emotional control!”
GinaMarie “My looks might be a little bit deceiving, sometimes until I open up my mouth.”
Julie Chen “Super-sized big brother means its longer, we’re starting 2 week earlier. It’s Big Brother super-sized!”
Andy “People that love to stir the pot, just to stir the pot… are going to piss me off!”
Jeremy “Get your backs ready, my knife’s coming!”
Julie Chen “It’s an all new cast, new faces and all new adventures!”
Helen “I’ve worked in politics the last dozen years, its about likeability, persuasion, negotiation!”
Julie Chen “Each of them uniquely different with plenty to talk about!”
Jeremy “Iam 1/16th Cherokee”
Howard “There’s never been an African American winner on show.”
Candice “I’m germaphobic!”
GinaMarie “I’m Italian!”
Spencer “Work of the railroad, I’m a conductor.”
GinaMarie “I’ve got that New York attitude! And I’ve got the pageant looks!”
Nick “I became a professional rollerblader when I was 18. I travelled around the world for 79 days!”
Amanda “I am a real estate agent.”
Nick “I went to Yale University.”
McCrae “I am a pizza delivery boy and I am proud of it! You know I think there are a lot of people out there like that. They’re not trying to be supermodels or anything like that. I’ve got a goofy look, ya know I’m not trying to be something I am not.”
Amanda “I use my personal property sometimes, ya know .. to close the deal!”
Julie Chen “Everyone wants to know are you bring back any all-stars? You will probably one familiar face but it’s not what you think.”
Elissa “People think that I might look like Rachel Reilly and it’s probably because I am her sister! I will win Big Brother!”
Julie Chen “And like every Big Brother season, this new group will keep you entertained, starting June 26th!”
Andy “I will do the pot stirring when it is necessary, do not get me wrong! I want to win this game!”
GinaMarie “If you hear the accent now, it’s going to come even worse when I am pissed off!”
Amanda “If someone is annoying, I will go up to them and verbally bit*h them!”
Jessie “There is not a lot that I wouldn’t do to win! I probably wouldn’t shave my head, you need some hair to be on national television.”
Candice “It’s $500,000 I am going to do what I need to do!”
Julie Chen “This summer, America will play a role in the nominations.”
Aaryn “Texas girls are definitely under estimated!
Julie Chen “There are going to be fewer places for floaters to float! We’re draining the water out!”
Aaryn “I live for twists!”
Kaitlin “I am going to be very sweet to everyone in that house and then I am going to get in that diary room and I am probably going to be a little bit more backstabbing.”
Allison Grodner “To all those house guests that are coming in this season… It’s never what you think it’s going to be!”
Judd “Maybe lay low for the first week but I am definitely not going to lay low the whole game!”
Rich Meehan “By the end of opening night they’re going to have to play the game completely different than they thought they were going to!”
Allison Grodner “Don’t think you got it in the bag because you don’t it’s going to surprise you!”
Julie Chen “It’s the Big Brother House – There’s a half a million dollars on the line! That is life changing money!”
Andy “I don’t want to win the money, I want to meet my soul mate! I am just kidding!”
David “I’m down for a showmance for sure!
Candice “I’m a Big Brother After Dark girl for sure!”
Spencer “Get those night vision lenses polished to shine and get ready to see me in action!”
Howard “The only person that I am looking to fall madly in love with is the 500K and she is there and I want her and I want to bring her back with me and I want to do life with her!”

CBS Interactive Inc.

4 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 VIDEO Meet the Cast! “I’ve got Double D b**bs! I use my personal property to close the deal!””

  1. At 2:35 when all the house guests are shown there is enough space for 4 more pictures. Think were getting some more people?

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