Big Brother 15 Spoilers “I love what getting rid of Nick did to this house.. we are so good at this game”

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 13th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 15
HOH Winner: Helen Next HOH: July 18
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Kaitlin and Aaryn
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick
Have Nots ? Judd, Jessie, McCrea, Amanda ?


7:07pm Helen and Spencer
helen wants to know what’s going on.
Spencer: “The truth will set you free.. Just like I told you when I was in rehab and I had to tell my parents the whole thing”
Spencer explains that Day 1 Jeremy started an alliance with Howard and Spencer. Day 2 Nick came to them with McCrae, they had a larger Alliance plan of guys that would have both sides of the house fight each other. Spencer says it was Nick’s play all along.
Helen wanted to know why they tried to get Amanda out. Spencer says their little group felt Amanda and McCrea were getting too close they wanted to separate them, “It was because of the Amanda venom”
Spencer: ‘i have not lied to you with exception of protecting the guys” Spencer continues to explain that the plan of the Moving Company was to have Jeremy and Nick be on one side while the other three works the other side. Spencer: “JEremy’s arrogance and Nick’s Shaddiness made them hard for Spencer, Howard and McCrea to protect” Spencer says Howard started moving away from the Moving Company they couldn’t trust McCrea because they didn’t trust AManda. Spencer makes it clear that he’s working with Amanda right now they have the same goals.

Helen confronts him about his lying and says her feelings are really hurt
Spencer wants to go back to square one he’s working on the same goals as her. Spencer says if she wants to backd**r Jeremy he’s up for it, “I want to abolish that alliance”
Helen: “It has been abolished”

Helen says she doesn’t want people scheming against Elissa behind her back Helen says that Elissa has protected them for two weeks.
Spencer: “I want to know we are good because I gave you everything”
Helen: “I can forgive you once but I can’t forgive you twice”
Spencer :”I will be loyal to you till the end.. I trust Howard.. I trust Andy and I trust you”

Helen sobbing “:You need to clean up your game from friend to friend it’s really messy right now.. We’ve been loyal to you and all you have done is be disloyal with us.. it was so hard not to nominate you today”

Spencer: “My love for you and Andy and even goofy Judd you are too good people to be houdini’d by an A$$hole like that”

Spencer says the Moving Company did not feel right. Helen says that she heard she was going up. Spencer: ‘You must have heard that from Jeremy”

Helen mentions how Howard has denied being part of the Moving Company Spencer isn’t sure why Howard is doing what he’s doing.


7:13 cockpit Amanda and Aaryn cockpit

Amanda asks her if she knows about the guys alliance. Amanda does lists off the names of the Moving Company. Amanda: “Jeremy voted David out.. I swear to god” Aaryn: “I already knew that”
Amanda: “Don’t help him because he’s not helping you..” Amanda adds that Jeremy is trying to stick with Howard and Spencer. Points out that now Howard has full control over Candace.
Amanda: “You are not going home this week I have convinced them to vote off someone else”
Aaryn thought it was going to be her and Howard up on the block.
Amanda says that the only way her or Kaitlin would go home is if Jeremy won Veto and used it to get Howard off the block. Amanda: “Howard is going up as MVP” (LOL they are all assuming elissa gets MVP and will do what they say.. ugh what a boring twist)
Amanda keeps saying that she has to turn her back on Jeremy he cannot be trusted.

Amanda says that Jeremy and Kaitlin have an alliance with two other people she can’t say who all she can say is Aaryn has to step back from her old alliance.
AManda: “I need you because eventually this MVP things is gone.. and Jeremy is never going to choose you over KAitlin.. He was never loyal to you he was loyal to that stupid boys”

Amanda says that Howard voted to evict Elissa. They Moving company found out at the last minute that Jessie had flipped so they all started to jump ship. Amanda: “Oh by the way Nick was a professional roller blader and he went to yale”
Amanda: “McCrea and I need you we are going to get a lot of people before your name even comes up”
Amanda says she has people all over the house she can keep aaryn protected.

Amanda keep reiterating that Jeremy cannot be trusted, “Stay alone that way you are not as threatening.. I will keep you safe.. “
Amanda: ‘Just know that Kaitlin and Jeremy have tried to form alliance with two other people on different sides of the house.. I’m serious with you.. “

Amanda: “you can fall off the radar”
Amanda warns her that Jeremy might survive this week but he will be gone next week, “If he doesn’t win Veto he goes home”

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7:39pm HOH Kaitlin and Helen

Helen: “Everyone knows you are the BIG P pawn “ Helen keeps reiterating that Kaitlin is safe
Kaitlin thanks her.


7:44pm bathroom
Spencer tells him to go tell Helen about the moving company Helen knows he lied about it. Spencer thinks it’s time for Howard to go talk to her and tell her everything. Spencer adds that Candace knows all about the Moving Company. Spencer is going to talk to Andy so he knows. Howard is going to talk to Helen and Candace at the same time.


8:00pm Amanda, Andy and Helen HOH
Amanda points out that her and McCrea have Aaryn and if Andy and Helen have Jeremy and KAitlin they are covered.
Amanda: ‘I that other side has power they will try to break up our alliances” Amanda says if Aaryn gets power she will keep Andy and Helen off the block and if Jeremy/KAitlin get power they will try and keep McCrea and Amanda off.

Helen is confused “Are we not backd**ring Jeremy” Andy and Amanda” NONO just in case Jeremy stays.. “
Andy: “If Jeremy wins the Veto Howard is gone”

Amanda: “Worst case scenario is if Jeremy wins veto and takes Howard off the block then Aaryn will go home”
Andy doesn’t see that happening, Jeremy wouldn’t safe Howard. Helen thinks Jeremy might save KAitlin. Amanda doesn’t

Helen: ‘I love what getting rid of NIck did to this house”
Andy is all excited about their group, “This just shows what a idiot Nick was.. if he would have chosen McCrea and the three of us for the Moving Company we would have f**** steam rolled through this house”

Amanda warns them that eventually they are going to get rid of MVP and people will start targeting pairs.
Amanda mentions how much better they are at Big Brother than the other people “We think ahead and befriend these people” Andy: “The house will be united to get rid of Jeremy.. “
Helen mentions how Howard flat out lied to her about the moving company earlier today
Andy: “Howard is a flat out liar”
Helen says he told her about the vote but denied the moving company. Helen: ‘i will tell you Spencer told me the whole f***ing show”
Amanda: ‘Didn’t Jeremy to “
Helen: “ya they both did.. Spencer is scared of getting backd**red”
Andy: ‘we are so good at this game.. If you asked who got Nick out noone would say Helen, Andy and AManda”


8:01 have nots McCrea and Jeremy
Mc telling him to lay low make amends with Elissa, “You’ll have to throw people under the bus”
J: “you need to get Amanda off my back because she’s gunning for me hard and it’s not right”
Mc: “She’s more worried about Spencer and Howard”
J: “Good cause they’re sketchy”
MC: “you gotta throw them under the bus hard.. you really do”
Jeremy: ‘I feel Spencer and Howard will definitely vote my ass out”
McCrea: “They will have to go with the house”
J: “You think the house would go after me instead of Aaryn even after all the drama “
Mc: “yeah probably.. she has no on you might have a couple people.. you have to distance yourself from other people you are also a physical threat”
J: “you would vote my a$$ wouldn’t you”
MC: “I kinda have to”
J: “mother f******”
Mc: ‘You gotta do what the house does otherwise you are the next one’
J: “thats not true” (they both laugh)
Mc: “If Aaryn blows her lid and go f***ing nuts again you might stay.. you might have to poke some buttons.”
J: “We’ll see what happens see if I go up”
MC: “I would be prepared for Veto tomorrow”
J: ‘I’m prepared everyday”

MC: “I wasn’t going to flip until the last f*** moment”
J: ‘It bums me out Nick should have been here.. it’s better him than me but still… you mother f****ers Nick wouldn’t have bailed.. it was going to be legendary.. we had it bro but you not voting would still not have mattered.. can’t get too mad at you.. “
Mc: “It was Spencer and Howard”
J: “them being cowards ruined MC’s career”
McCrea saying how Spencer and howard were f****ing with Amanda, “if they would have played cool with her thing would have been different

CBS Interactive Inc.


8:32pm Helen and Jeremy storage room
Jeremy is asking her if the only reason Spencer told her about the Moving Company was because Candace overheard him telling Helen. Jeremy points out that Candace went to talk to Howard right after. (Candace was in the shower when JEremy told Helen about the MC) Helen doesn’t know she has to ask her.
Helen: “You being honest was your best play… I’ll be honest I’m gunning for Howard right now”
Helen: ‘I don’t want him to know that..” She tells him the problem she has with Howard is he continues to lie to her to her face.

Helen is upset because she trusted them the same way Jeremy trusted them. Helen needs to talk to Elissa first because she doesn’t know anything about the moving company.

Helen tells him Andy, Elissa, Judd, herself and Candace were all duped by Spencer and Howard.


8:18pm Gina and Judd
Gina mentions to him that the guys are dropping like flies, Girls outnumber you motherf**** the girls are strong.. that is why I wanted to keep nick here we wanted you on our side. Judd says he tried to get someone else put up for MVP (it was Spencer). Judd says he’s been sick to his stomach these last couple days because he knows he lied to them. Claims he’s been taking pepto bismol.

95 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 Spoilers “I love what getting rid of Nick did to this house.. we are so good at this game””

      1. The twist will end as soon as Elissa is evicted. The twist was made specifically for her to progress through the game.

    1. Shocker x1000, like we didn’t already know this like 3 weeks ago.

      The pathetic part about it is she’s in no danger of going him this week so what’s the point?

      and it’s going to be wasted on Howard?

      We’ll things were interesting for 24 hrs after Nick went out, then it went back to boringly predicable. Thanks Production, Apreesh

      1. I don’t think it will be wasted, they are planning to backdoor Jeremy and show to the mean side that they are onboard on getting Howard and Spencer out, that way in case the other side gets HOH, they will nominate them and keep the main alliance safe. The only problem here is if the mean side recruits the Spencer and Howard and rallies Judd, Jessie and Candice. Apparently I don’t think it is possible now since Candice hates Aaryn, and Jessie adores Helen.

        If Amanda, Mc Crae, Elissa, Helen and Andy sticks together this is a better Moving Company.

    2. Absolutely ridiculous. They might as well scrap it let’s see how it all plays out without Elissa getting it. At some point she should nominate a person by winning HOH.

      I for sure thought Helen or Candace had this in the bag. A little variety is good, because this is getting stale.

      1. But why she’s already technically HOH every week minus the HOH room, she doesn’t need to ever win HOH.

    3. I’ve been watching for the past 3-4 hours and they are all assuming Elissa will be MVP but she never said she was actually MVP. Isn’t MVP results tomorrow?

    4. Seriously, I want to gag watching BBAD!! Spencer and Howard LIAR, LIAR!!! They are only coming out with “their” version of the truth now because they know they have been caught, and Spencer liar is the biggest pig in the house when it comes to disrespecting women and homophobic. These two men make me sick!!!!

  1. Simon/Dawg – I’m listening to Amanda, McCrea & Elissa talking and I just have to ask – are you sure Helen is HOH cause it sure sounds like Amanda is…. LOL!!
    Hmmm – can’t wait for Elissa & Helen to talk now….

    1. Amanda is playing a dangerous game if anyone catches on to it. She’s trying to gain Aaryn’s trust by telling her that Jeremy can’t be trusted and he is in an alliance with Kaitlin and 2 other people. Later she tells Helen and Andy to gain the trust of and make deals with Jeremy and Kaitlin to assure safety for her and McCrae. Playing both sides will only cover your @ss for so long. When you get caught, your game is over.

  2. Helen, I really like you, but don’t let power go to your head, because you are guaranteed not to be in control next week.

      1. She is definitely playing one of the stronger games, this week will be very important in determining how long she lasts, and while I hate Aaryn as much as the next guy, she isn’t the one that should go this week, Helen needs to take out a bigger target, like Jeremy, or even Spencer or Howard.

        1. I don’t hate AARYN: I feel sorry for her because to not understand what racism is and to be so totally oblivious is a sad thing. Hopefully if she stays in this house maybe being around Helen who seems to be a very likable person she can educate Aaryn and get those stupid ideas of hers out of her head and make her understand. I intensely dislike Spencer, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Amanda. They are just evil and are just as racist and hate filled and possibly more so. I mean Aaryn made very dispicable “jokes” but how come GM who actually used the dispicable N word is getting a pass as is Spencer with his views on women, Hitler and gays. Sort of confused why CBS is letting these people skate free.

          1. and honestly racism aside, she really isn’t a nice person, I’ve said it before, she is one of the meanest, most callous, coldest people I have seen in a while….and racism is another form of thinking you are better than people and people are beneath you, which I think she does for everyone, but to aaryn, black people, Asian people, homosexuals, etc. are beneath her just bc of the way they were born. come on, what is that rooted in? where does that come from? nothing nice or goof or redeemable

      1. the day Elissa leaves aka, when Amanda and McVagina has not more use for her, like they planned day 1.

    1. Wish instead of this whole MVP thing they’d let America vote for who the third nominee would be & if they were pulled off the block or were already on the block it would just go to the person with the next highest votes…… That would be a better twist than giving one person that much power.

  3. Anybody can be good at this game when Production rigg it for you…This will be down as the most top3 rig season with EvilDick AmericanPlayer and Jordan Coup d état …How good at the game you have to be when even if the enemy side win HoH or Veto…You can still vote out one of your enemy….You only have to be a floter and be in the big alliance and that’s it !

  4. I hate what HOH is doing to Helen. Like seriously? I get why she wants to get rid of Howard, but don’t shade Candice like that…tell her before you do it. Amanda is getting into her head…Candice was there before Amanda…and I hate how Andy and Helen are taking credit for what Candice did. She knew about MC and she’s the one that told Elissa to get rid of Nick. I’ve been walking back and forth from the live feeds but am I missing something? Are they SAVING Aaryn. I’m so confused.

    1. You and me both!!! Helen is taking this WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY tooo personally. Using the MVP on Howard is a dumb idea. You want to play the game, put Jeremy up from the beginning. Ok, they lied, it’s BIG BROTHER. I’m ready for a new HOH.

      1. They are scared of Jeremy winning the veto. It is actually the better idea for them to put up Howard, the worst case is if Jeremy was chosen to play and wins it and he uses it on Howard. They are making sure that a huge player is getting out this week and that is either Howard or Jeremy. Whatever happens they got their bases covered because if Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlyn gets the HOH next week the target would be Spencer or Howard.

        As of now I could see Helen, Elissa, Amanda, Mc Crae, Andy, Judd and Jessie secured to the Jury. Candice needs to find a way to get Helen and Elissa away from Mc Crae and Amanda in order for her to survive because as the conversation show she is in way at the bottom of the totem pole because of her blind faith in Howard.

      2. Helen’s HOH reign is soooooooooooooo dramatic. A lot of people crying about lying and being lied to. :)))))
        Have they even watched an episode of big brother. :))))))

  5. im not one to point to rigging the game, but I felt they would this week to keep elisa from being perma mvp. guess not.

    1. I love to point it out when it’s obvious, and this season I don’t need to point it out, it’s being thrown in our faces.

      1. yes its blatant rigging, and they have the nerve to try to make it seem there is a chance elissa wont win mvp every week

        surely they should realize the twist is giving far too much power to one player, and scrap it, or make it so you can only win it once every 2 weeks like hoh

  6. hellen is doing a fine job lying to jeremy and AARYN so they wont go hard in the pov compettition by telling them howard is her target even though she knows he lied to her .. hellen already said if jeremy doesnt win the pov and one of them get pov jeremy is going up smart move hellen keeping talking that howard talk get jeremy and aaryn off guard i just want one of them gone …

  7. everything about elissa, more so than rachel in season 12, is so… fake? as i’ve said before, i believe she was pursued by cbs/bb/AG and didn’t actually sign up for BB, and i honestly don’t know if she ever watched BB before in her life. she seemed so coached in ‘abduction’, as well as the diary room sessions, along with being clueless to the game.

    it’s just so blatantly obvious that it’s all rigged for rachel v2.0. invite her to the season, create a power based on best game play, which in reality is a popularity contest–which may or may not even really matter because if production is doing this much to ensure elissa gets in the house, they’ll ensure she gets the power. AG has a very unhealthy obsession with her, and it’s killing BB in the process. how no real non-bb site is picking up on this is ridiculous. maybe that’s AG’s plan. have everyone distracted with all the racism stuff, and it lures away the fact that it’s all rigged.

  8. i am already sick of helen’s hoh, she is a real turd, she doesnt like lying, but yet she is yanking everyones chain if they dont play by her rules, i knew she was smug when on nicks goodbye message she threw in that line ” go back and look at the tapes i had a hand in you leaving.” paaaaaaaaaaaalease get over yourself………

    1. Amanda, I am so with you!!! If I have to hear them explain their game play ONE MORE TIME, I’m going to scream!!!!! Helen needs to cut it out. It’s not that serious!!

      1. Helen is securing her future. Since she has power she can get people to tell her the truth so she can gather information and make sure they trust her. It’s stupid not to force people to expose themselves now that you have power. She’s playing the best game right now as the HoH. She’s not hurting anyone’s feeling and gaining massive knowledge about alliances and relationships

        In the end she’s backdooring Jeremy but making the other side thinks she’s getting rid of Howard. People stop thinking she’s getting rid of Howard with this HoH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sick of hearing people think she’s playing this game personally by getting rid of the rat. People really need to start reading the feeds and NOT read feed and start assuming things.

  9. MVP is ruining the season. These people cant even play the game. No way Elissa is getting this vote…obviously rigged. Everyone knows its tv and they have to steer things but this is just boring. You dont even have to be a huge fan to see how dumb this is.

  10. I just don’t get Helen. Why would you not be suspicious of all the MC? Why would you not question them and look for inconsistencies? Why not call all of them at once and see how they respond to what each other says? I just don’t get how you can believe McCrea simply because he was the one to turn. and just so happened to tell the most self-serving version of the story AFTER the fact.

    She sort of picked up on how her “allies” in Amanda, McCrea, and Andy are far more concerned with Howard (who threatens them, not Helen or Elissa) than HER target which is Jeremy, but then she dropped it to join in the self-congratulatory circle jerk.

    1. EXACTLY

      Now that she knows who the Moving Company Members are, bring them all in the HOH and bring Amanda too, and grill them, and compare notes and watch their reactions.

      BOOOM Amanda and McVagina exposed as lying to Elissa about using her as a weapon until they had no more use for her….

      Helen’s head is getting too big as HOH, she’s clearly not thinking straight..

    2. Helen is pissed because for the first 3 weeks she trusted Spencer and Howard and they were turning the girls against each other to cause drama. That was their game play and it was dirty. I understand why she is mad, but her main target is Jeremy and if he gets POV, Howard goes home as the next best physical threat. It is he first year strong men are being pecked off at the start. There has never been an all girls alliance. There have been girls in alliances, but never all girls and the gals want this, at least the more mature ones that do not want a showmance. It is funny because the younger gals, Aaryn, Kaitlyn, Jessy and even Gina at 33, want a guy to protect them like Jeff protected Jordan. That will not happen because the guys were using them. This is quickly becoming the best season in long time!!!! The MVP was probably for Elissa because she was the biggest target going in the house and needed it. Now that she is semi-safe others will probably be picked, that is my hope anyway, but I do understand why it was needed to keep her in the game at the beginning. There is a level playing field now and it should be good to watch game play and not the guys just tearing the gals up and apart!!!

  11. I voted for Elissa for MVP…I enjoy the fact that the “popular” brats aren’t getting MVP like they all assumed they would…I know that Aaryn assumed from the beginning that her looks would win her the MVP weekly. I think when it is Elissa instead of another underdog, it just gets under their skin a little more because they don’t get why America likes her….so I enjoy her winning so that they can continue to whine about it…

    1. So you think Elissa is one of the unpopular, ugly ducklings? Do you not watch or listen to the game?

      If you’re going to use high school lingo, Elissa is the quintessential “popular” girl….

    2. So was Elissa sleeping all day, only to wake up and continue being the single most self-obsessed and self-involved player in this season as Howard and Spencer try to answer real game questions. Other than hating Jeremy, Aaryn, Kaitlin, and GM, which is understandable, somebody explain to me with some type of concrete argument how you can actually like her?

    3. I voted for Elissa as well for the same reason……it totally pi$$es them off that she wins, plus she has a great track record so far with the evictions!

  12. Can somebody explain to me why in the game of Big Brother – which is a game built on alliances and lies – is Helen on this truth and reconciliation mission, requiring all the MC to publicly purge and renounce their previous evil ways….ways that ultimately led to her best friend staying in the game?

    Does she not realize there are 3 MC in the house who decided to save Elissa in every eviction this season and had they gone the other way, she would be gone? And she wants to alienate and ostracize them because they had the temerity to lie to her, but still serve her game? She really has become a benevolent dictator of a banana republic built on BS.

  13. People have voted for Elissa for MVP because they hadn’t picked their favorites yet. NOW we’re into the season enough to see how people are and I am thinking next weeks vote for MVP will be different.

  14. Notice how this crew is looking to reach out to the “other side” while they’re in power? How they are looking to make relationships for the future? Aaryn acted like her HOH was going to last forever and she was queen of the house. I couldn’t understand why the Terrible Triumvirate was making an enemies list in week two.

  15. Hmmm. IM wondering if Howard and Spencer would have had this sorry for the moving company talk if Kaitlyn, GM, or Jerome was HOH also why wait till someone of power on the other side to have this talk and not last week? You knew how these people were since day 2

  16. Howard still explaining himself. Tell us more about “who you really are.” Spencer’s full of it too.

  17. Was just watching after dark and got caught up on the post here today (always a great site run by Simon and Dawg, and the only site I feel that keeps us up with what’s going on BB) and I have to truly say Howie MANED UP!! Good on him. Not sure what the entire house stands, but happy the 3 plus one is on the way out. Well it seems. But even though he (Howie) lied…well most have also…it took guts!!!!! I hope he gets back on track.

  18. After the week she went through I voted for Candice for MVP, and I’m pretty sure a lot of other people did too…yet Elissa still won. I’m beginning to understand why everyone is fussing about the MVP its ridiculous to give it to the same person…they’re basically giving Elissa HOH every week minus immunity…and if she puts a bigger threat on the block why not get them out. Everyone thinks if it was ever down to them and Elissa they’d win.

    1. You and others voting for Candace does not prove that Elissa is not getting the majority of the votes, a lot of TV-only viewers for some dumb reason love Elissa, and I don’t believe it is rigged in that aspect. I honestly believe Elissa is getting the most votes.

      1. I think the cut on the show did make it seem like Elissa did a lot of the work to get nick out. They made it seem like she single handedly got Jessie when I think that was more Judd’s doing.

  19. Helen is too smart to get rid of Howard before Jeremy. Jeremy doesn’t win that veto he’s gone! She is taking this whole thing with Howard way too hard tho since all the other guys lied to her also!

  20. I think the MVP was thrown in to give Elissa a shot. The others weren’t giving her a chance just because she’s Rachel’s sister. I think America will start spreading it around and I also think it won’t last the whole season. On another note I have to say with Helen winning HOH I feel like I’m reading a scene from the Godfather-with all the talk of loyalty, honesty and trust. It’s a little annoying especially since she lied to everyone she just accused of lying to her. She knows HOH is only 1 week right?

  21. Just watched Nicks interview with Jeff, what an A$$. There he is patting his self on the back on his great game play…. wake up… you were voted out.

    1. This, I liked Nick, but the way some fans are saying he played an awesome game makes me laugh, honestly he couldn’t have been that great if he was voted out week 2.

  22. Fakest person in the house award “Howard” why wait till now to expose all this info and not a couple of hours before nom’s

  23. I hate to be this guy, but there is a difference between Elissa winning MVP, and production presumably rigging the game, any production persuasion used last week to ensure Elissa’s safety was rigging, Elissa winning MVP is not, the MVP twist was clearly made for her, but I’m pretty confidant that she is getting the votes for MVP, and I don’t think production is rigging that aspect.

    1. Let me clarify one thing, Elissa winning MVP is not rigged IMO, but just America voting for the wrong player, the aspect of MVP is rigged, but I don’t think Elissa winning is. Truthfully Helen deserved it this week.

      1. it is rigged really as they knew she would win every week due to the former bb players who like rachel, plus all rachel fans would vote for her

        so bottom line – its rigged

        cbs: scrap mvp now

        bb15 house guests: nominate MANda and mcvag…now – do it now!

  24. NO, the would not of had this come to Jesus moment if the other side would of won. They are trying to save their butts, and sorry but Spencer is the worst one in the entire house except for Jeremy. He is full of sshi*!!!!!!

    1. Quickly becoming the worst season of BB in BB history with the MVP crap and Elissa getting it every week. Makes being HOH worthless!!!

  25. No point in voting for anyone else to get MVP, as long as Elissa is there, your vote is trumped.

    This week is a solid proof of that, Elissa is by far the safest person in the house, she did not need it this week.

  26. this mvp twist is garbage and has ruined this season, she is only still around because they are using her for her power . this season will go down as the racist season and to me personally as the bad mvp twist , i dont count this yr as fair. plus moving company will go down as dumbest alliance ever ,they couldve had something and somehow blew it terribly

  27. I think I hate Helen and Andy. The MC did nothing wrong. They were playing the best game for them. It was not personal and however they treated other HG’s was just how they personally felt…but how they voted and tried to influence votes was about the game. So you’re a moron to get personally mad over people who treated you well. If you want to be mad about the gameplay, then don’t talk game and vote them out.

    Because if you’re going to be mad at Howard and Spencer…then you have to be equally mad at McRae. THEY WERE ALL IN ON IT TOGETHER!!!!! Jeremy is the only one they can be mad at, both personally and gameplay.

    Helen needs to grow up and ask about yesterday. McRae has told the story like his conversation with Spencer hours before the vote never happened. Spencer will say it did, so watch how McCrae reacts…and then Howard will tell her that what they just told her about their choice to turn, ended with Spencer going to tell McCrae. How can she be so ridiculous to somehow absolve McCrea, yet vilify Howard and Spencer. It makes absolutely ZERO sense.

    Helen should actually be most in love with Spencer. If he doesn”t flip, Elissa is gone and if she just quit crying and being on a power trip and asked a handful of questions, then she should be able to figure this out.

  28. Power shifts are what keep this game interesting. I don’t think I can watch a whole season with Helen using her puppet Elissa to breeze through this game. I need someone to root for. Go Jeremy!…. I guess.

  29. howard claims he was loyal and was just going after the evil empire

    he then talks of how he can now pray as he has come forward as a man

    then more religious BS, as he LIES THROUGH HIS TEETH

    listen, this is a game, LIE LIE LIE, but STOP USING YOUR RELIGION AS A DARN SHIELD.

  30. They should have got rid of Elissa when they had a chance. Her getting MVP again, America can’t be this stupid can it? CBS is rigging it to keep her in the game. As much as everyone hates Kaitlyn, her repeating over and over that the game is rigged for Elissa seems to be very obvious now.

    And what is with Helen and the crying? She won’t survive the rest of the season. If nothing else, she’ll drown in a puddle of her own tears at the rate she’s going.

  31. Even if Kaitlin won HOH with MVP the other side of the house would have had the power…what’s the point?

  32. Well Howard no more hidin time to back yourself up… If you want this you need to beat Jermey in the Veto..

  33. I think it’s hilarious that Andy is talking about how awesome their team is and how if Nick would have chose him, Amanda and Helen (Mcrae was already with him) that they would have steamrolled through the house and how awesome they are at this game LMFAO!! like he has done anything in the house. If the MVP didn’t exist things would be much much different.

    It’s also hypocritical of Helen to be crying about how Spencer and Howard lied to all of them and saying she can’t believe they did that and how hurt she is, yet she lied to Jeremy’s face and said that he wasn’t the target that Howard was. I didn’t like the Moving Company (especially Jeremy) and I don’t like the MVP twist either because the HOH is useless this will make 3 straight weeks that the MVP nomination will go home if Howard wins veto and Elissa puts Jeremy up which is the plan.

    Whether you agree or disagree, I’m just stating the facts.

  34. Before we put all the blame on Spencer (which is not at all my fav) “Spencer thinks it’s time for Howard to go talk to her and tell her everything” Howard still never wanted to tell the truth

  35. i want to see jer and aaron make it into the jury house itll keep thing fresh. kaitlyn elyssa and spencer can go.but i am liking this whole get the guys out thing so idk. i actually like howard, dont know if he should make jury though. i hope we get to see more jury house this year then the last coupe years and that they actually get to see episodes and stuff like they did in bb11. i dont think elissa will get mvp next week and think the mvp thing will go when the jury house opens.

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