Big Brother 15 – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!

POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 29th
HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Candice, David, Jessie
Current Nominations: Jessie, Elissa and David
Last Evicted Houseguest ?
Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen

1:30pm When the live feeds come back we learn that McCrae used the Power of Veto in the Veto Ceremony. He used it to take Candice off the block and nominated Elissa in her place. Out in the backyard – McCrae, Amanda are talking about being the HOH is a blessing and a curse. Amanda asks if he is even able to take photos. McCrae says no. I didn’t even know we were supposed to bring photos. Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. The cameras then switch to the kitchen. Helen looks around in the kitchen and says I want to eat this, this and this can of chicken of the sea. Elissa asks is that chicken or fish? Helen says its tuna.


1:35pm Out in the backyard – Amanda tells Judd, McCrae and Spencer that Elissa pulled her aside and she’s good. I talked to her and she is with us, I told her we will have harmony. Amanda and Spencer talk about Nick being a wild card. She says she can’t trust him. Spencer says I can’t either. Amanda says he and GinaMarie think they can float through this game. Amanda says Wednesday is going to be a crazy night. Andy come out to join them. Spencer says look at kermit the fag. I’ve been waiting to say that. McCrae says that was a crazy speech he gave. (David) Spencer repeats part of the speech and says “to use it…” Amanda and Andy leave. Spencer says that he wants to talk to McCrae later.

CBS Interactive Inc.

1:45pm Up in the HOH room Jeremy, McCrae and Amanda talk about wanting to get Elissa out. Jeremy says that she has to go, she has an unfair advantage.. I am ready to fu*k sh*t up! Amanda asks Jeremy who he would put up? Jeremy says I would put up Candice again, I want the floaters out of here. I want to beat the best of the best. Jeremy says that no one talks game with him. Amanda says its probably because people assume you are with them. Jeremy says that he isn’t he would put Kaitlin up in a heart beat. I am not here for a showmance. Amanda says you’re here for a blowmance. Jeremy says I haven’t even gotten a bl*w job yet! Jeremy says everybody better be scared of me when I am up in this room .. ain’t nobody safe! Except this guy (McCrae) .. not until there’s no one else left.

1:55pm Spencer and Judd are talking at the chess board. Spencer tells Judd that there are no outside deals. He says that Nick is outside their circle of trust.

2:10pm Nick, Andy, David, Helen, Candice and Judd are in the kitchen eating and talking. Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Amanda, Jeremy and McCrae are talking. Amanda says that they put Elissa up on the block because that’s what the house wanted because we knew she would be coming after you. McCrae says that he is nervous about the HOH. Amanda asks why, no one is coming after you. McCrae says no I know, I am a competitor like this guy (Jeremy) here. Jeremy heads down stairs. Amanda and McCrae talk about how they did good. McCrae tells Amanda that she was dancing a fine line talking there. Amanda says that Jeremy just threw so many people under the bus, like Judd.


2:20pm Jeremy talks to David alone and tells him his conversation with Amanda and McCrae. Jeremy says that McCrae thinks that he is hot shit. And Amanda told me that they saved me and that they know I am laying low and not really playing a social game. Jeremy says they have no idea. They laugh about how Amanda is playing so hard and thinks she is running this house. Jeremy comments on how she is up there sleeping with McCrae.


2:25pm Spencer and Judd are up in the HOH talking with Amanda and McCrae. Amanda talks about her conversation with Jeremy and says that he has no idea about this game. He talks about wanting to be here with competitors. Judd says it will be hard to get rid of him. Amanda says that she doesn’t think it will be. Jeremy comes up and joins them again.

2:30pm Out in the backyard – Kaitlin, Gine, Aaryn and David are out by the pool. Gina and Kaitlin comment on how they think its better to keep Elissa around to because she has such a big target on her. Aaryn says she’s not so sure its a good idea.


2:30pm – 2:40pm The HOH crew – Jeremy, Andy, Spencer, Judd, McCrae and Amanda are talking and joking around. They talk about the Dateline NBC – To Catch a Predator, music and other random stuff.


2:45pm – 2:55pm Out in the backyard – Aaryn is talking about Jessie and how she said that she is just trying to be friends with everyone. Aaryn and Kaitlin head inside. David and Gina talk about the type of guys she likes and House Guests from past seasons of Big Brother.


2:50pm Up in the HOH room the HG’s are talking about superman.


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35 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!”

    1. For a super fan he should know better than to say some s#!t like that. Jeremy just on another planet, that dude is lost!

  1. Well, not like the rest of the HG needs Elissa, they were planning on taking her out later on, but this week? Unless Production pulls a twist outta their asses like they did with Rachel and Jordon, Elissa is a goner.

    Watch all of a sudden, Julie is going to say that the MVP is protected form eviction. LOL

      1. Yea, it was, I just didn’t know Elissa being put up was a rouge for the other HGs. I don’t want her to go this soon, we haven’t been entertained by her yet.

      2. If David gets taken out, it’s going to be funny to see the faces of Aaryn and Kaitlin. It will be good for Aaryn in the long run, but short term, if you think she is bitc*y now, just imagine the few hours after David’s eviction.

    1. Ah, I read on another blog that putting Elissa up was the plan, but she’s not going home. Risky move, but whatever at least she’s not going this week.

  2. Come on Spencer! Hello we are in 2013 the Kermit comment was not necessary and offensive. I was enjoying him game play too before 🙁

  3. Sometimes it’s better to be outside the circle of trust. Lay low early, pick up the pieces when the two sides go to war, which looks like it will begin in earnest after David gets the boot.

    Dan was the outsider after week one, well both times he was on the show. If you can keep your head down and play strong at the same time, it’s worthwile to not be in a strong alliance from the start.

    1. But the thing is, Nick is in the strongest alliance in the game, so far, The Moving Crew. He isn’t on the outside, a nobody like Judd is; Nick came up with the idea to boot David in the first place.

    2. Anybody else hope that McCrae is just playing Amanda so that she can be a firewall between him and trouble?

      I really want her to leave and it hasn’t even been the first Eviction yet.

  4. Jeremy is the absolute worst!!! They’d be smart to get rid of him asap!!!! I hope Elissa stays as planned 🙂 she has my vote

  5. The smart move for a large portion of the household is to take out the muscle when they have the chance… especially if couples are forming ( I hate BB couples “What do they have against true LOOOOVVVE?” ick) Vote David out… then Twilight (Jeremy.), Howard and Nick.

    There is strategy then there is muscle… most physical comp favor the jocks, except endurance.

  6. Jeremy is the absolute worst! Can’t stand him or his ego. If it were me I would have put him up and voted him out before David! Get him out asap I can’t take him or aaryn for that matter, what a drama queen!

  7. Did David forget to pack shirts for his BB15 vacation ?? I have yet to see Aaryn go more than 30 seconds without running her hands thru her hair. The entire group for the most part is arrogant (I’ve yet to understand why as they’re all tools) & utterly incapable of talking without dropping F-bombs every other sentence.. Somewhere there are 16 separate villages missing their idiot !!

  8. Jeremy is so annoying and cocky. Spencer and Amanda are just driving me nuts. We have not even had the first eviction yet and I feel like a year of big brother has been played

  9. Also just wanted to point out: Who would of thought that we would all be rooting for Elissa? Lol. Ellisa, Helen and Howard are my favorite

  10. big brother just start and i want it over … I thought i dislike danille from last season the most passing her torch onto AMANDA . this little witch thinks she’s special because she gets to get attention from mcraee… I WANT ALL MY FEMALES out the house except ellissa . … all these showmance having these girls like katlin and amanda think they are special .. when amanda gets blind side next week i will be doing back flips. .. amanda doesnt want mcaree getting to close to jessie .. AARYN DOESNT WANT DAVID talking to jessie … katlin told jeremy not to talk to jessie … AMANDA starts all this drama like these men are their boyfriends …. spencer getting on my nerve trying to diss nick behind his back i will see if he’s loyal to tell nick whats been said …. the only senseable people in this game is HOWARD AND NICK TAKING OUT MY DICK TO PISS ON SPENCER FOR NOW … LETS JUST FAST FOWARD TO THE FINALE 2 howard and nick … these hoes trying to get wifed up in the big brother house … seriously speaking these temporary bitches trying to find dick rather then playing the game …. jeremy is a ass,,, self obsorbant cant stand him … condoms and hearts when either one breaks shit gets real cant wait ….

  11. These people are absolutely the worst collection of people I have ever seen. Petty and catty women. Dumb and douchebag guys. Homophobic comments and the F word every other second. It’s sad one of these people will win.

    1. Starting to regret getting the feeds. Boring bunch of inarticulate, self-centered twelve-year old brats. Wish BB would zap them every time they use the F word. Half the house would be crispy fried within a day.

  12. Amanda the pitbull with a penis, is barking out orders from her sunken-in spot on McCrae’s bed. I can’t wait to witness her eviction. So sweet – if anyone gets a clue. Does this chick even sleep?

  13. Go Elissa! and by the way y’all Nick is the one that told Spenser to stay stuff like that about him so that noone knows they’re working together, all the stuff he talked about Nick yesterday He did tell him he said that..

  14. I find that I have not been watching the live feeds as much as I did with previous seasons. I don’t know why I am just not into it this time. Could it be the house guests themselves that bore me?

  15. Mc needs to tighten up on Jeremy if he keeps this up they need to boot em, somebody has to talk to him

  16. Elissa was thinking that what would Rachel do if she was on block as a replacement. Oh wait, she probably convince them to stay.

  17. So does ANYONE know how this MVP thing is going to play out? I mean, obviously Elissa gets to do something with this power – can’t imagine that she would be able to be put up?

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