Big Brother 15 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery June 29, 2013

Big Brother 15 Screencapture Gallery. Images off the live feeds. If you have trouble viewing the images visit our Flickr site all the images from the past 4 season of Big Brother are archived there. At last count there was almost half a million.

There’s over 5 thousands captures taken from today!


Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-CAM37-8-201212_06_08.jpg”
CAM3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2012 = July 8th, 2012
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157634400102424″]

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