Big Brother 15 Episode One Sneak Peek House Guests get their Keys! **Video**


During today’s Big Brother 15 Special on The Talk we got to see a sneak peek of tonight’s premiere episode. The two clips show the house guests getting given their Keys at home. If you want to watch the entire episode of the talk featuring Julie, Ozzy’s wife and that girl from Rosanne CBS has posted it here If you just want to see the Big Brother 15 clips they’re in the you tubes below.

Dawg posted pictures from the Houseguests entering the house and the first HOH competition. The early bird special is over but the feeds are still cheaper than last year. $26.99 for the season no subscription just one time flat fee.. Support this site and order them by clicking the badge —>
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45 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 Episode One Sneak Peek House Guests get their Keys! **Video**”

  1. Hey Simon and Dawg I need you guys help big time.

    I’m from Canada and I can’t get the live feeds going.

    I treid using my Canadia Visa with a fake American adress and ZIP and it allowed to make my account but when I go to the live Feeds it tells me the Content is not available in my region.

    Please tell me what to do hahah!!

    Much appreciated

  2. Looking forward to the premier. I’m for Gina Marie and Nick!. Hopefully someone smokes out Brigade 2.0 early on, was never entertained by them, I know some did like Enzo(I thought he was more of the mascot of the alliance). Spencer already said Alpha Male alliance is his plan.

  3. So the fact that there were only 15 seats at the dining table means nothing? No Jodi 2.0? HELL YEAH!
    Cmon Aaryn, Jeremy, Nick, and Jessie! <3333

  4. Dang man I dont use FireFox …… Does that matter???

    And i serached CBSGEOIP and it said no results found.

  5. “Like” Chilltown fan, I don’t wanna to see another Brigade neither…if that happens Im pulling for the females all the way! Right off the bat, I like Gina Marie for sure! Just hoping she dont end up on the block 1st thing….BTW, AWESOME stuff today again Simon! Loved the pics and vids….way to be on top of it! I dont go to any other sites now…OBB is where its at!

    1. Yeah, Elissa needs to be like Rachel or upgrade the status of Rachel 2.0. The Brigade 2.0 will be upgraded.

  6. I’m so ready my top 3 Elissa, Amanda, and Howard I like Andy to I hope spencer leve first he look like he go be a floater @sam I love this site you all ways have the latest news on your blog love it

  7. I really aprpeciate your help man

    I download FireFox but when i went to that link and searched CBSGEOIP no results were found

      1. I’m not going to say she’s ugly, but certainly not the most attractive in the house, not even close. That dress on the first episode certainly didn’t do her midsection any justice. Then you add on the self-absorbed personality, and I guarantee you Production will give her a bad edit.

  8. the house look like they will target rachel sister alot .. that sucks elissa wont make it far if thats the case damn.. hopes jessie makes it far

    1. You know Alison isn’t going to let anything happen to RATchel’s lil sister too early. I expect her to get alot of MVP’s.

    1. Danielle without Dan as her coach. Hopefully we see some self-destruction of the highest order.

  9. After the premiere I’m actually feeling a bit lukewarm about this cast…guess I’ll have to see how BBAD goes tonight

  10. Elissa will either be on the block or MVP. Or… She’ll be on the block AND MVP! Don’t care either way, I’m rooting for Gina Marie and Howard!

    1. Rachel of Brenchel is my second best all time favorite player, that is why I’m rooting for her sister. Although because of the extreme likeness oft the sisters, me thinks that she’ll have a target on her back.

      1. I must say, I did enjoy the Rachel Branch of the Brenchel tree! But, they are going to target her because of it. It’s unfortunate, because she may be nothing like her sister. At this point in the game, any reason is reason enough to be put on the block. Being a relative to one of the most polarizing personalities to play is a great reason!

  11. I love Gina Marie’s OTTness. I hope she mellows out, if she doesn’t, unfortunately I see the first boot coming her way. Nick is one of my early favorites, he seems well grounded, possible good social game, good at comps., and decided against winning the first HOH. He’s going to be MVP several times this season if he keeps it up.

  12. I’m a huge fan of BB and have been glued to OBB for the past 4 summers, but have never posted a comment untill now. I’m looking forward to all the backstabbing, name calling, cattyness, and crazy fights. I’m refering of course to all you crazy fans. Don’t get me wrong, The drama on the show is GREAT, but the comments here are my favorite part of the BB experience. Thanks Simon and Dawg for your devotion to all things BB, and for hosting the wildest fan forum around. Keep up all the good work, and let the freakshow begin!

  13. This marks my second season posting on OBB, last season my tag was DrWillKirby, something or another… I’ve been salivating for the new BB 2013 to start. But better than that is the drama on this forum, the anticipation for that doesn’t involve saiivating, it involves creaming.

    1. Except this time it seems they might have some personality with Spencer, Jeremy(annoying but has personality), and Howard. Lane, Hayden, Bozo, and Matt were just dull as a sack of bricks. Don’t forget Matt is one of the most overrated players in BB history, he uses his Diamond POV to get rid of one of the most useless players in Kathy. Brigade is a joke. Chilltown and The Renegades are way better than the Brigade.

      1. I disagree on that you said that Chilltown Fan says:
        June 26, 2013 at 7:19 pm
        Except this time it seems they might have some personality with Spencer, Jeremy(annoying but has personality), and Howard. Lane, Hayden, Bozo, and Matt were just dull as a sack of bricks. Don’t forget Matt is one of the most overrated players in BB history, he uses his Diamond POV to get rid of one of the most useless players in Kathy. Brigade is a joke. Chilltown and The Renegades are way better than the Brigade.
        Then why they get rid of Shannon of chilltown and loser Memphis. Brigade is much awesome.

        1. Will and Boogie have two wins amongst themselves. Boogie also had one of his team members win BB 14. Chilltown is easily has the most successful Legacy in BB lore, it’s not even up for debate. What exactly did Bozo do for his alliance, the Brigade, as far as moves in the game? He was deadwood.

    1. The feeds haven’t started yet but when using just the cookie manager I am able to login and see the jeff interviews. Before I edited the cookie I got a geo block error.

      I have a VPN for a back up but right now it seems like it’s not needed.

  14. It’s way too early to pick my favorites, but thanks to my judgmental personality, I have managed to pick out a few HG’s I wouldn’t mind see go sooner rather than later.
    1. Jessie seems to be a tad bit full of herself and obviously needs glasses to see she isn’t even in the top 3 prettiest girls.
    2. Gigi is loud and overbearing, and appears to have Tourette’s syndrome
    3. Howard lost me after his 52nd mention of Jesus/bible. Amen
    4. David seems more clueless than Porche from BB13

    I’m sure I will formulate more judgements after BBAD tonight

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