Big Brother 15 Episode 1 “Pizza Boy Delivers”


With only 4 players left in the HOH comp Julie chen game them the option to jump off and have a one in two chance to win a Never Not Pass which excepts them from being a have nots for the ENTIRE SEASON! David jumps down first and doesn’t get it. Jeremy is the second to jump and wins the Ticket. McRae starts telling Nick he’s safe this week if Nick drops and hands the HOH to McRae. The show cuts to the Diary Room where McRae informs the camera he’s just telling Nick what he wants to hear becuase he feels he needs this HOH to stay in the game. Cut’s back to the HOH Competition with McRae and Nick still hanging on. McRae: ‘I swear I like you.. I think me and you will work well together.. “ McRae adds that there is “No Way” Nick is going up on the block “Not even Backdoor.. No Nothing.. Nothing.. I swear to God.. On my life on anything” Nick drops after 4 hours. McRae wins the HOH

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CBS Interactive Inc.

Julie Chen reveals the MVP Twist to the house guests

“For the first time in the history of Big Brother.. There will not be 2 nominees every week… There will be three nominees every week”
“The HOH will only nominate two houseguests”
“the third nomination will be made by someone in this room”
“Here’s how it works.. Every week America will vote for the houseguest they believe is playing the best game.. That person will be name The Big Brother Most Valuable player and they will make that weeks third nomination”
“This BBMVP will be informed their status in secret and he or she will also make their nomination in secret.. They have no obligation to ever reveal their identity”
“The player that the MVP nominates will be revealed right before the Power of Veto Competition each week “

Rough sketch of how the shows will go
Sunday’s show = Have Not competition and nominations.
Tuesday’s show = MVP reveal and Power of Veto Comp
Wednesday’s show = Live vote, Eviction and HOH
Keep in mind that the feeds will reveal much of this days before the episode is aired.

Thanks to quirkydude for providing these videos!

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55 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 Episode 1 “Pizza Boy Delivers””

  1. I’ll have mine with salami, old world pepperoni, feta cheese, fresh white button mushrooms, italian sausage and extra stretchy cheese, pizza boy.

  2. Its really weird that the odd ball guy won the first HOH, Im really pumped to see what he will do. The other houseguests obviously underestimated him.

  3. “Here’s how it works.. Every week America will vote for the houseguest they believe is playing the best game..”

    “Here’s how it works.. Every week Production will choose the houseguest they believe will give the show the best ratings..”

    1. I just hope the mvp doesn’t turn into popularity contest, I hope people pick who really deserves it

      1. I don’t care if the MVP is selected as the best player, the most popular player, the most obnoxious player or the smartest player so long as no one is allowed to ‘float’ through the season. I grew weary of the past 2 seasons where there was a growing tendency of people who thought they could sit around the backyard day after day, smoking ciggies and loafing around hoping that they wouldn’t stir up the pot and get picked off in an eviction vote. No more sitting on the sidelines. Let’s see some real game play with a secret MVP selected by the viewers to keep these peeps on their toes.

    1. Please let that conceited bitch get nominated.

      Her and Jeremy would be my choices but it seems McCrae nominated her and David.

      50/50 isn’t bad.

      Glad my favorites Helen and Amanda are safe!

  4. The three nomination twist was awesome. We all knew that. The MVP was a scary thought. And though production may alter who this is, the fact that it is all in secret is awesome. Seeing someone nominated or already HoH get MVP will really make this interesting. Maybe not the best twist, but they made it the best they could have.

    On another note, say the MVP nom wins veto. Who replaces him or her? The HoH then has even more power? Or does the MVP make a replacement nominee?

    1. Wow I didn’t think about that.

      It could go either way.

      If it goes to the HOH they may not like that since they likely will add another enemy to their list.

      It sorta makes it better to be the MVP since you don’t get the blood on your hands and your target may still get the boot.

      I just wonder if being MVP will be something people are going to be able to brag about in the final 2.

      Like they can say they were MVP week 2 but will production out them if they were lying about that?

  5. Jessie is WAY too full of herself..hopefully McCrae can see right through her..and Jeremy, he’s just obnoxious.

    1. Her bio picture doesn’t reflect it, but watching the show I thought, “man she looks like she could be Rebecca Romijn’s sister.”

  6. How do you peps already remember their names?

    The bartender is the hottest chick, followed by the blonde from Texas. The chick from Stanton Islands looks like a lot of fun but she has to dial it back a bit. She is trying too hard.

    1. Ha, Frank actually had some depth to what he was saying and he was physically a beast. He is no frank, that is more of a diss to frank than a compliment to him

  7. Oh my! Already Rachel’s sister is getting on my nerves! Glad somebody’s already suspicious – of course I think Julie tried to make people think about Rachel by quoting her, but whatever.
    And the Eddie Munster dude (Jeremy?) looks too much like skeezy Rachel’s hubby Brendon, Brandon – whatever his name is. LOL!!
    Can’t wait to see how our shortened BBAD will be since it’s not on Showtime. Later kids!!
    So excited to be back together again!!

  8. As far as the lads are concerned, the pizza guy and the guy who finished 2nd seem like good guys. The black guy will be one of my favs as well. The rest all seem like punks.

  9. I love the idea of the MVP twist if it is truly going to work the way they said. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the production fairies have a way of influencing the game in the direction they want it to go in through the MVP twist.

  10. Well…. so much for signing up for showtime BBAD. And we do not get TVGN on our cable channels. This sucks so bad! Especially since I’ve been paying for Showtime for two weeks in anticipation. arghhhh

    1. Karen S – you’re not missing much since they put BBAD on TVGN. It’s horrible. I almost ordered Showtime but found out about the change. Having a hard time watching when the sound cuts on & off when the HG’s forgot to be tv friendly & get censored. Bad move CBS!! Just b/c you own TVGN – this is not a way to get people to watch it.

  11. So glad to be back!! However, I am disappointed that BBAD is apparently not being offered on Showtime.
    Re: Rachel’s sister- If she can get that many women to form and stick to an alliance, she deserves to win. I just don’t see it happening, what with so much focus on “who is the prettiest girl in the house…It’s me…No, I’m the prettiest.” Get your heads in the game, ladies!!! Rachel’s sister is not only cursed with too strong a physical resemblance to Rachel, but Julie Chen just about gave her away by reminding everyone of Rachel’s catch phrase. They should at least have had to figure it out for themselves, without being steered to her.

    I’m hoping she will be able to show us a healthier version of Rachel.
    Early pick to do well : Nick.

  12. I hate Jessie I hope that bitch get a lot of hate mail I hate girls like that I’m more pretty then her blah blah blah blah like Jessie bitch you one of the ugliest girls in the house afther that chince bitch like Jessie go home you and your team dumb dumb and dumber

    1. You Jelly? Jessie is good looking and your just a pimple-popping hater. Although she is abrasive, she’s good looking and knows it.

  13. Not to get off the subject….but……Aaron Hernandez of the Patriots who got charged with murder today is the best tight end in the NFL. However, by the time he leaves prison, he’ll be a wide receiver!

  14. I like McCrae, but my main concern is him getting sucked into an alliance with the alpha males, he would be at the bottom if that happen. Maybe him and Nick will be an alliance after they cut the early deal in the HOH comp. The Spencer, Jeremy, Howard alliance doesn’t look all that great, hopefully it doesn’t blowback on Spencer, he seems promising. David has no clue what’s going on. Helen and Judd are floaters, the MVP twist might limit floating to a certain degree, but it will still happen.

  15. I enjoyed the premiere, and while I was never crazy about Rachael, I hope Elissa isn’t booted early solely because she is her sister. Let her play her own game, and if she deserves to go home give her the boot, but right bow she doesn’t seem that annoying. I like McCrae and Nick? I hope they form a duo alliance. I also liked Andy. I was indifferent on Howard and Judd, but props to him for figuring out Elissa, and I disliked Jeremy and David. I honestly hated most of the girls sans Aarryn and Kaitlyn and the adopted girl, but all the other girls bugged me by being more concerned about who was prettiest instead of winning the game. Gina Marie and Jessie just seemed annoying, I hope they get the boot early.

  16. I dont think Jesse is that self centered ..Im guessing the DR crew probably asked Jesse who she thought was the prettist HG was …but I am curious to see what her real personality is like on the feeds

  17. Here’s a suggestion – let’s put up a poll – who do we think ‘production’ will nominate MVP vs who ‘we’ think should receive the honor – it would be interesting to keep a tally throughout the season.

  18. Oh man – just what I was afraid of – BBAD has to be on a delay now that it’s on regular cable. In the first 5 min too many conversations have been “muted” & you miss the conversation. Then they quickly change to another camera. It’s very annoying! Obviously they must have told them to tone done the language & subject matter during these 2 hours….. ugh! I just might have to buy the live feeds….

    1. I don’t know, BBLover. Aaryn and David are already looking *extremely* chummy. Aaryn’s touching him a lot, And David’s scoring *major* “blond-terage” points (as Nick refers to the blonde hotties as) by squeezing into a tight pink dress and heels, for a fashion show the girls are about to do.

  19. So I was thinking about getting the feeds this year… but I have a question I will probably view mostly from my phone. Does anyone know what android phones it works with. I have a Samsung 3s

  20. On BBAD it already looks like Jessie is having a hell of a time, she looks like she is about to cry up in the HOH room lol.

  21. GinaMarie (with Candice also involved a bit) has just taken two *perfectly* made up faces (Aaryn’s & Kaitlin’s) and, in just minutes, has done her very best to now turn them into trailer trash! They both have WAY too much makeup now! Aaryn and Kaitlin are already quite educated, as to makeup. Especially Aaryn. (But, to be fair, GinaMarie IS doing a great job with Helen, who is not.) Hey, I know that’s how girls bond. I have four younger sisters. But, GinaMarie, less is more! (And the same goes for your personality!) Only fix it if it’s broken!

  22. Signed up for the live feeds. Canceling Showtime… and wouldn’t you know it.. the feeds go down. lol I can’t win!

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