Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Shane Goes Drag Say Hello to “SHANA”

POV Holder: Shane Next POV: July 28 (Saturday)
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 23rd (Monday)
HOH Winner: Frank Next HOH: July 26 (Thurs)
Original Nominations: JOJO and Shane
Current Nominations: JOJO and Danielle
Have Nots /Slop Willie, Shane, JOJO, Ian
Coach Competition Winner Janelle
Next Coaches Competition July 27 (Friday)
Last Evicted Houseguest Kara, Willie

3:10pm Cam 3-4 Head of Household Janelle and Ashley

Janelle says that during season 7 Jace and dianne were really jealous of her because all the fans loved her. “It was super pathetic”

AShley is getting concerned about danielle she thinks she’s a much bigger threat than everyone the house is aware. Ashley points out that Danielle is the quietest person in the house and everyone gets along with her. Janelle warns her that there are a few players flying under the radar right now and they’ll need to be targetted. Ashley is worried that people will label her the new Jordan because from the viewers point of view she hasn’t been doing much (No you are the new Shelly)

Janelle explains that she needs to stay close with Danielle because they need her till the end game. Janelle doesn’t see her as a big threat because her ability to win competitions is questionable. AShley points out that she hasn’t won any Competitions yet. Janelle says that playing like Jordan in this game will not give you the win. She points out that there are a some very strong competitors this year. Janelle and Ashley are both worried about Joe, he’s starting to get a bit paranoid and he’s so scared about getting evicted he’s going to f**k up.

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3:40pm Cam 1-2 Jenn and Dan Arcade Room
Dan asking Jenn a bunch of questions getting her to talk about her tattoos and her band past.
Dan asks her if anyone has asked her about her band past beside him and Danielle
Jenn says no, her band was a HUGE part of her life. Dan points out that in this house nobody really cares about the people. Jenn agrees says that she’s been here now 3 weeks and 10 times out of 10 when she talks to people the conversation also leads back to them. Jenn talks about her band she was in after she left kittie. she teamed up with the guy from biohazard (Billy Graziadei ) to form the band suicide city.Jenn says she went to a Biohazard gig and there was like 30 people at it. “That band sold millions of records.. they were warner brothers” Dan just keeps asking questions to her and listening..
(Dan’s working Jenn hard.. flashback to 3:40pm to get a good look at Dan’s social game)

3:55pm Cam 1-4 JoJO putting Makeup in Shane

Shane laughing at the experience.. Jojo asks him if he’s ever put makeup one before. Shane says he wore cover-up when he was young with pimples. Shane: “Oh I was Mrs. Doubtfire once for Halloween”.

Jojo wants to put lipstick on him but Shane won’t allow it.. instead Jojo puts some lip gloss on him.

4:20pm Kitchen Shane trying to kiss Danielle. Jojo called shane “SHANA”. most the houseguests are having a good laugh. Brintey doesn’t like it and she leaves.

4:34pm Cam 3-4 Danielle, Jenn, Dan and Britney

Dan loves Big Brother he would do it 365 days out of the year, “Where can you be locked away without your outside responsibilities.. all you do is dress up in silly costume have fun and compete for wizard powers”. britney disagrees she thinks that you don’t leave your responsibilities you just neglect them while on the show.

Before Dan left for Big BRother 13 his wife told him to do what he needs to do to win and don’t worry about her or the situation back home.
Brintey: “how can you be in here for 365 days”
Dan: “If this was a 365 day competition and it was a tap out competition I would be here”
They all laugh about Big Brother being a tap out competition.

Dan thinks anyone who goes into this house is crazy. Danielle asks how dan would diagnose someone that wants to be in the big brother house. Dan: “You reveal yourself 24/7 to millions of people… the chances of embarrassing yourself on national Television are very high … the chances of you saying things about people you wouldn’t normally say are very high”

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30 thoughts to “Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Shane Goes Drag Say Hello to “SHANA””

  1. Dan is such a pro, he’s always working for votes. You can’t just ignore someone like Jen if you want to get her vote. Just like with Jerry.

    1. @DanGOAT. Yeah,Dan is doing a good job on Jenn.I like how he asked her,if anyone has asked her about her band,other than him and Danielle?I think he’s trying to convince Jenn,that only him(Dan)and Danielle care about her.Lol.I hope she believes him,and show her appreciation for him(Dan)and Danielle being the only house guests that have shown interest in her,by only being loyal to Dan.We all know that’s what Dan wants.I think he can do it,he just have to keep working on her.Which shouldn’t be that difficult to do,considering her coach Boogie doesn’t show any interest in her.Well,that’s if Jenn isn’t like Adam(season13)and decides to stay loyal to someone that called him a clown.I’m referring to Jeff not having any respect for Adam and called him a clown behind his back.Yet,Adam kept kissing Jeff’s butt.

  2. JoJo did a horrible makeover. She should have given Shane brighter colors so it would show up on his skin better. I mean if you’re going to go drag, might a well go all the way. But with all that aside, I think Brit is pissed with JoJo and Shane. Mainly JoJo, because she hasn’t heeded to her advice of not being around Shane ALL the time, and integrating herself more with the rest of the HG’s.

  3. I seriously dont think Dan has any other shirts…And Danielle looks like Mary Murphy from so you think you can dance lol

    1. Nah, Dan has a 25 to 30 tees he was going to bring into the house. I think BB took a bunch of
      them he has youtube showing off his shirts for BB.

      Thats why I like Dan he is working on Jenn hg the rest seem to forget about her.
      Maybe trying to build a new alliance.

      Dan ALWAYS has question for every and anybody 🙂

  4. Honestly the only way JoJo can stay in the game and bring back Bitney’s team as a threat is if Britney convinces Janelle that if they team back up again they can take out Dan, and then Boogie. Seems like a good deal, since Willie is gone and Janelle doesn’t ahve to worry about him anymore.

    1. This your first season watching Janelle? One BIG thing she has in common with Rachel is that she feels threatened by other women. Seriously.

  5. harry

    janelle wont team up with britney because britneey doesnt have the numbers booogie and janelle will team up no matter how much times she say he have warts or she cant stand him ….. i cant wait for boogie to kick janelle in the face again …..

    1. Someone needs to tell Janelle they overheard Boogie talking about her. Plant the seed and let her paranoia grow.
      Someone needs to tell Boogie that Janelle seems to be running the show. His ego couldn’t take it if he believed people thought Janelle was serving the orders.

      That might get things stirred up a bit.

      Oh yeah, and I would rather see JoJo stay. She is horny and only a couple of days away from unleashing her estrogen (and inner porn star) on the nearest male.

  6. If they don’t evict Daniele, there is a really good chance that one of Boogs or Janelle’s team will be on the block next week. These HGs are such sheep.

  7. I’m a bit lost….we have 9 HG remaining. Normally the next eviction would go to jury house am I not correct?? Last week was the first normal type eviction as Jodi evicted first night and Willie thrown out shortly afterwards. I’m not sure how there going to handle upcoming events but since Willie left the drama seems to have subsided and things seem rather quiet…..almost boring. It appears that alliances are a bit fractured too….is the current split standing at 6 to 3 with the 3 being Shane, JoJo and Danielle????

    1. Yes, and soon to be 6-2, but they need, at least, 1 more player to come back. Unless coaches start playing.

    2. Its pretty tough to have a clear picture right now. It’s ridiculous actually
      Janelle’s team will move to whoever has the power.. just wait and see if Danielle wins HOH she’ll be buddy buddy with him and if Shane wins then Britney will be her BFF.
      Ashley is the wild card I think she knows Wil/joe are tight and is trying to find a place. She’s playing everyone for the most part

      Frank and Boogie are tight.. Frank is very boring, Boogie is the only coach that ignores the players.
      Ian is floating around thinks he’s tight with boogie/frank
      Jenn has started up her game she’s playign but is way under the radar which adds to the boring

  8. @Simon. Isn’t Shane straight?why does he have eye shadow and eyeliner on?I don’t know any straight men that would put on or allow someone to put eyeshadow and eyeliner on them.Or maybe I’m missing something.Is this something production told him to do for a competition or something?If production has nothing to do with it,meaning it isn’t for a competition.Then I love how Shane doesn’t want Jojo to put lipstick on him.I guess Shane thinks putting lipstick on is taking it to far.But he’s cool with wearing eye shadow,eyeliner and lip gloss.Lol.

  9. Its gotten so boring my ipad is literally yawning. Does anyone know where Ashley allegiance is, since she is pimping everyone. I hated Shellys game but i love Ashleys, Go Figure.

  10. Britney is the worst coach! After Shane came off the block she should have told him to cozy up to Danielle and stop talking to JoJo. Main reason JoJo is going home over Danielle is because they want to break up her bond with Shane. There is no bigger bond than a showmance. They are soo dumb!

      1. You reckon crabs can swim in the hot tub? Are we going to hear Shane say “Grandma’s gonna love this” and then vote her off (it’s like BB4 David and Amanda once again).

        Call me crazy, but I think Shelly was more entertaining and polarizing than Ashley and Joe combined. Team Shelly 4ever, yo!

  11. My thoughts of getting rid of JoJo is that She kept blaming Willie for his outburst which her jeopardizes her chance of staying. However, Shane will definitely win HoH & PoV to send Joe or Wil Home. Also, bring back Kara so she will go after Wil as well.

    1. I’m sure it benefits some to get JoJo out but not BRITNEY. and if she were thinking she would know that people are only talking about getting JoJo out to break up her and Shane. You eliminate the strong bonds. So get Shane to bond with Danielle – which Danielle would have welcomed a few days ago and then they seem more dangerous than Shane and JoJo PLUS it also knocks out Dan. Getting our Danielle knocks two people out at once.

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