Baby Jeremy making deals “There is no way we are keeping Jeremy.. no no no no he’s gone”

POV Holder: Kaitlin Next POV July 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 15
HOH Winner: Helen Next HOH: July 18
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Kaitlin, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick
Have Nots Judd, Jessie, McCrea, Amanda


8:45pm Have nots Judd and MCrea
(Feeds come into this conversation 1/2 way through i’m not 100% sure what they are talking about but it shows that MCrea and Judd have really up their game talk together)
McCrea saying he wants to start planting seeds like ‘F*** you they were talking about you”
Judd: “She conveniently left Jessie out.. because her and Jessie don’t talk”
Judd: ‘We need to make a big move.. “
McCrea: “yup”


8:55pm Cam 3-4 backyard Amanda and Andy
Amanda was talking to Aaryn and told her she overhead Helen saying “Andy, Candace, Elissa have your back” in the storage room.
Andy says that’s the first time he’s heard of that, “I think I know what happened “
Amanda: “Don;t worry.. I just think it’s funny”
Andy: “She was saying We implying the whole house we will have your back and we all hugged”

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9:10 Hammock Jeremy, Amanda and McCrea
They agree Howard and Spencer are super paranoid. Amanda says she doesn’t trust Helen she’s a time bomb. McCrea wants Aaryn to get the HOH.
Amanda: “once they give up the MVP Elissa can get teh fu*** out of here”

Jeremy and Judd join them asks them if there is any deal they can cut to help get rid of “That puss ball” (Spencer)
McCrea and Amanda both say he’s too much of a risk. McCrea says his mind is open but it’s not looking good.
Amanda says it’s not possible with the house begin so against him.
Amanda: “trust me we’ve thought of every scenario.. you will see after you watch the show.. I’ve thought of every scenario”

9:26pm Amanda asks what Helen told him in the storage room
Jeremy “You were coming after us and gunning for me”
Amanda: “I feel like she says sh!t and doesn’t think about it”
Jeremy: “You know with my people we are champions.. I can promise you I will never put you up.. I’m not a super threat because everyone in this house hates me”
Amanda says he has a better chance getting Helen to put up someone else
Jeremy: “I told Helen I can name 6 people that want spencer and howard out more than me”.
Jeremy: ‘I want SPencer out he’s a straight up puss.. and Howard he swore on the bible that he didn’t throw the competition”

Jeremy does all the campaigning and McCrea and Amanda just say he needs to talk to Helen to put someone else up thats really his only chance.
Judd says maybe they should keep Spencer over Aaryn because if they get rid of Spencer thats another guy gone.

Jeremy leaves.. (Walks on his hands)
McCrea: “He has to get Howard on the block”
Amanda: “He’s going.. “
Judd: “I think we need to get KAitlin out before Aaryn”
McCrea: “I can trust SPencer more than Howard”
They all agree that Howard has to go first.
Judd: “for some reason if we keep Jeremy I don’t’ think we should keep Aaryn”
Amanda: “There is no way we are keeping Jeremy.. no no no no he’s gone”
She runs the numbers says if Jeremy stays and Spencer goes Jeremy will team up with Howard, gina, KAitlin and Aaryn.
Amanda: ‘Why do you look like you’re thinking about it”
McCrea: “You are the one that brought it up”


9:12pm cockpit Helen and Aaryn
Helen is glad that Aaryn came up to the HOH earlier in the evening. She wants Aaryn to know she will always be invited up in the HOH
“eat chocolates, chill out eat the *Peoples) food drink wine, let’s be friends and have a good experience. (Friendship)

Helen says she wants to get to know everyone in the house.
Aaryn: “It’s super hard being in the minority of the house.. I don’t want to act nice to people and they automatically think it’s game”
Helen understands says that this house can be lonely.
Aaryn thanks her for being so nice.


9:25pm HOH Elissa and Andy
Andy saying this week is really easy and so will be next week. He suggests they get Aaryn out after Jeremy leaves. Elissa agrees, “I just feel like umm ya… every week I want to keep her than I regret it“
Andy: ‘She’s a trouble starter”
Elissa: “She’s trouble.. it stinks.. I wanted to like her so bad.. “

CBS Interactive Inc.

10:07pm Storage room Gina and Andy

Gina saying that Judd came up to her and lied to her on a personal level about the Nick vote. Andy apologizes for lying to her about the vote. Gina says what Andy did was different.

10:09pm HOH Helen and Andy
Helen says Aaryn’s days are numbered but she still wants them all to be nice to her because she feels sorry for her.
Helen says growing up she was never part of the in crowd so she’s a bit sensitive to things like that. Helen says that Aaryn isn’t coming after them but Helen thinks people will put her on the block every chance they get.
Andy says that Kaitlin went to Aaryn and told her about the Storage room conversation and Aaryn tried to spin it like you were trying to form a girls alliance, “Don’t worry I squashed that”
Helen: ‘If she’s playing dirty tricks like that it doesn’t help her case”
Helen says there was a point where she thought about working with Aaryn but after the matters flip she doesn’t want to . They start going through all the people that are after them they think they are good with Kaitlin, Aaryn, Gina, Elissa, Amanda, MCrea, Judd, Jessie, Howard, Candace and Spencer (super friends are covered). Andy: “we’re in good shape people are genuinely invested in us” Helen: “We just need to manage all those relationships (you mean friendships)”
Andy says he’s not going to be upset if he doesn’t get the HOH.
Elissa joins them says the only reason Aaryn doesn’t want to hang out with the people in the HOH because she’s been so nasty to everyone.
Helen: “I hope everyone gets a chance to be HOH, I want Jessie, Judd, Elissa, Andy and Amanda to all have a chance to get HOH.. His HOH will be like lets have fun”
Helen: “When they won it it was only the cool kids allowed..”
Elissa: “You’re HOH has been fun”

10:36pm Have Nots Judd and Jeremy
Jeremy starts to campaign to Judd. Helen and Elissa pulled KAitlin aside and told her they are taking me out then Howard and Spencer.. Judd: “That would leave 8 girls vs 2 guys” Jeremy says Judd will be the last guy in the house. Judd thinks it will be Andy. Jeremy says Andy is one of the girls.

Jeremy says they were telling kaitlin they want the guys out then Aaryn and Amanda. Judd says he would want Aaryn gone not Spencer because the entire house will be pissed at him. Judd also points out if the girls are coming after them they will need Spencer he’s another guy.

10:42pm Howard and Kaitlin in the cockpit
Howard is trying to get Kaitlin to turn on Jeremy. He says what she has with Jeremy may not be real. When he was in the Moving Company Kaitlin was a target. He wants Kaitlin to use the Veto..

Kaitlin says she’s already made her decision about what to do with the Power of Veto. Howard: “If you do use it you are making the decision to protect the person most important and that should be you”


10:51pm Cockpit Amanda, Judd, Aaryn and McCrea

They are telling Aaryn Jeremy has started campaigning but so far he’s not trying to get Aaryn voted out he’s trying to get Spencer out
Judd: “Helen wants Jeremy out so bad.. there is no way he’s getting the votes”
Amanda is really worried about the conversation Kaitlin and Howard had 5 minutes ago she’s always nervous when Howard talks to someone alone.
Judd: “Howard is the most dangerous player here.. I cannot believe I didn’t pick up on him earlier”
Amanda starts running numbers wonders if Howard is trying to get Kaitlin to not use the veto so they vote out Spencer. “Jeremy, Howard, Gina, Candace, They only need one more vote.. “
Aaryn says Jeremy is pulling out all the stops on Kaitlin, “He’s trying to make her fall in love with him so she doesn’t use it”
Aaryn mentions that Helen told Kaitlin if she does use the Veto Helen and Elissa will keep her safe… “they said they will have her back till the end of the game”
Amanda wonders why you make a deal to someone for them to use the veto on themselves doesn’t make sense.
Aaryn leaves

They start running through scenarios and votes. Amanda says there is no way Howard can get the votes to keep Kaitlin safe.
Amanda thinks Elissa will vote out Aaryn before Kaitlin but there is no way Jessie would not vote out Kaitlin. There is enough votes to get rid of Kaitlin if she chooses not to use veto.
Judd: “I have an idea that is risky.. If we’re worried about Helen and and Elissa teaming up with Kaitlin why don’t we get her to not use veto and evict her”
Amanda: ‘No too risky”
Judd: “if Jeremy stayed that would rock the house”.
Aaryn thinks that maybe the twist is for Elissa to get rid of the guys that is why Elissa is here.
Amanda: “I don’t think so.. theres no way we have too many ties with the guys.. She’s not smart enough to figure things out the twist is she was Rachel’s sister”.

11:03pm Andy comes in.
Andy doesn’t think there is an alliance to get out the guys. He’s certain if Kaitlin doesn’t use the veto everyone in the cockpit will vote her out. Amanda asks Andy if he would really vote out Kaitlin because they have gotten closer Andy: “If kaitlin doesn’t use the veto i’ll vote out kaitlin and so will the house”
Andy is positive spencer and aaryn are not going anywhere he thinks everyone is stressing out over nothing.

Aaryn says that HOward is scrambling because when Jeremy goes Howard is the largest physical threat. Amanda mentions that Howard is already everyones target.

Aaryn warns them that Howard is so manipulative he was up in her HOH all the time and made sure he only came up when nobody was around.
Amanda tells Andy to find out about the Kaitlin and Howard conversation. Aaryn is worried that something shady will go down with the vote and she’ll end up going home. They reassure her she’s safe.

Amanda says that Elissa put up Spencer and it was Howard who voted her out.
Aaryn and Judd leaves
McCrea: “she’s going to get in his head” (Aaryn into Judds head)
Amanda: “No she’s not”

11:27pm Cockpit Aaryn, McCrea and Amanda
After talking to Kaitlin and Jeremy Aaryn relays to them what the Howard/Kaitlin was about that has Amanda so worried.
Howard wants KAitlin to use the vetro so he can vote out Jeremy . Aaryn brings up that Helen is telling Kaitlin to keep whether or not she’s using the veto to herself because she wants to house to feel like she’s done them a favour. Helen’s wants Kaitlin to stay in the game because she’s strong and she wants to use Kaitlin to get people out of her own Alliance. Helen never told Kaitlin any names.
Aaryn asks them who they trust. They say maybe Andy, Judd and Aaryn.

11:50pm Cockpit Andy, Judd, McCrea and Amanda
They do not think Helen is trying to form a group against them. Andy tells them he’s been with Helen a lot and her loyalty is with them. Amanda mentions that Helen doesn’t want Elissa to win HOH because she won’t put up Howard. She adds that today Helen told them McCrea and her trump Elissa.
They start chatting about Elissa not putting up Howard as the MVP. Amanda says if Elissa does that again they need to cut her loose. McCrea points out that Elissa tried to lie to them about not having the MVP after she already told them she had it.
Andy: “I think Elissa is a complete idiot.. don’t get me wrong I like her but when it comes to game she has no idea”
Amanda: “the only person in this house that scares me is Howard”
Andy: “Ginamarie” They all laugh. Andy tells them Gina is targeting Judd. “You’re on her radar”.

12:06AM Bedroom Jeremy and Andy
Jeremy: “Howard is slandering me so please please get him out after me..”

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83 thoughts to “Baby Jeremy making deals “There is no way we are keeping Jeremy.. no no no no he’s gone””

  1. During the Helen/Aaryn convo, Aaryn says she doenst want to be in the MINORITY of the house. How about imagining your race being a minority and being made fun of people like YOU!!!

    1. Are you suggesting that she’s never been the victim of racism or ever talked about in that manner? If so, that’s really ignorant.
      Regardless, in reality there are no such things as “race” in humans, only ethnic groups tied together by culture.
      The whole “race” thing is only created to separate us and cause tension and hatred among one another. That’s it.
      In other news, I like Howard but if he really tried to throw a have and have not comp, then he’s got probs.

      1. Considering his team members were Gina, Aaryn, and Kaitlin, I was upset that Howard just didn’t make it all too obvious that he wanted them to be have nots. I don’t think he’s got “probs” at all. I think that it was actually admirable that he was willing to be a have not just to make those three awful girls have a endure just an ounce of suffering.

  2. I just love how even your friends suck up to you to no end even if you made noms, and even once the veto is/isn’t used. such an interesting experiment of sorts.

  3. Why is Kaitlin making Big Brother History?

    Kaitlin told Aaryn earlier today that the DR said that Kaitlin is making BB History and “this situation” has never happened before. In the cockpit Kaitlin tells Gina Marie that “this situation” has never happened in the fifteen years of BB. Also, Kaitlin says “do you know what a big deal this is going to be?”

    Watch Kaitlin telling Gina Marie how she is making BB History at 9:40 pm.

    What exactly is Kaitlin talking about? Is she just making stuff up? Or, is Kaitlin really making BB History?

    1. I think the history making (lol) is a showmance having to use the veto on themselves to backdoor their partner.

    2. I don’t think a shomance has ever been broken up by a back door. Ie girl saves herself with veto. Boyfriend goes up in her place and gets evicted. Idk…doesn’t seem like exciting history to make. Who cares about their shomance anyway?

    3. They think Kaitlin is making history by turning on her showmance. They are stupid!! They obviously didn’t study up on big brother. Most of the showmance were for game sake anyway. All these “kids” came in the house trying to hook or find a boyfriend/girlfriend. I guess BB is the new pick up spot.

    4. maybe shes not using the pov on her self, like I know dick did but he used it for his daughter on the block, and marcels decided not too,but other than that I dunno

    5. Kaitlyn made the comment that she is “backdooring” her showmance. That is what has never happened. She is not actually doing anything except removing herself from the block. It is Helen who is backdooring him.

    6. I don’t think she’s gonna use the veto. Everyone is playing hardball with her and she’s getting p****d off over it. I’m hoping Jeremy now stays and either him, Spencer or Howard win HOH. That’ll finally put Amanda and McCrae in the hotseat cuz he’s smart enough not to waste HOH.

    7. Kaitlin’s BB History –

      A BB Staffer Walked Into a Bar and ………..
      Brought this horrible person to BB 15!!

      Kaitlin, without being a BB Fan and without having to audition, suddenly became a BB 15 House Guest!!!!

      That should make all of the BB Fans who applied to be on the show feel sooooooo special.

    8. She won’t be making BB History. I’m pretty sure they’re(production) just telling her its a big deal. Bc they know she isn’t familiar with the show(she was scouted from a bar). Therefore if they keep getting in her head, they are guaranteeing that she uses it.

      Now, the reason I say she won’t be making BB History is bc it has been done before. Well sort of….I’ll explain. In BB13 Dani put Brendon & Rachel on the block together. Brendon won the POV. So he could’ve saved himself, but he knew if he did that Rachel would go home. So instead he used it on her, therefore keeping himself on the block to go home. Yes, it isn’t the exact same thing, but in my mind it is. They are both “together” and by using it the other is going home. Same thing to me. It has been done before, IMO:)

  4. Jeremy is also squealing like a baby pig, He is throwing any and everyone under the bus to save himself hilarious.

    1. and he even dressed the part …lmao .. the baby outfit becomes him..and shows how he played and who he is … to funny …

  5. Andy’s the shadiest person in the house. I can’t wait till he gets caught. All this Howard bashing is getting old. Amanda and Mcrae are just as shady as him if not more. This isn’t BB, this is high school revisited. The lack of maturity showd by these HGs is astonishing.

  6. Will Gina Marie ever get a vote for the favorite houseguest poll ha. Come on nick show your Showmance I mean Stalkmance girlfriend some love by giving her a vote

  7. I’m so sick of Helen’s kumbaya BS. “I hope everyone gets a chance to win HOH.” What game is she playing?? No Helen you don’t want everyone to win HOH. Are you playing to win or make friends? What in the hell! I’m starting to root for the fish. I don’t know what’s worse, the super friends or the showmances?!

    1. I went to look at new cars a few months back and the salesman actually tried to tell me he didn’t want to sell me a car unless I felt both comfortable and excited about it….I laughed and told him “you’re so full of s**t”. But I guess that would be bad gameplay in BB.

      If AG reads this, you need to stop casting wannabe beauty queens and models and guys who want to be actors or do BB podcasts, and start getting people who understand how to sell and manipulate.

    2. Hi Andy sorry but give Helen some credit together with Candice and Amanda they were able to get rid of Nick and she was the major party on telling Elissa to put up Nick. She stated that she was never a part of the in group. I think the interpretation of that is she was being discriminated. Experiences in life do not go away and like me She knows how to feel being hurt inside and so she does not want hurting people because she knows how it feels. Let us just see how it is playing out too early to count out a good and kind hearted player. Hoping that Elissa, Candice, Helen. Amanda top four and may the best player win. Do you remember in one of Survivor season that a nice person won. Forgot what season it was but it did happen.

  8. Aaryn, is a JOKE!! what about being the minority in the USA??? She doesn’t like being in the minority in the house?!?!?!!? That is what is wrong with racist. They can NEVER fathom ever being in someone else’s shoes. They can never imagine what it may feel like being on the outside. Serioulsy AARYN, SHUT THE HELL UP!!! As soon as you leave the house you will forget about this one monet you felt as is you were on the outisde. Soomething you caused by your own actions. Not because of you hair or skin. This girl is clueless!!

  9. fun Fun FUN! I can’t take it! Does Helen honestly think she has changed everyones personality & game? bless her heart, they put Happy Pills in her HOH basket…Why did McCrae say he is MVP? and for 2 weeks? I missed something somewhere. I have tried to find it on the feeds but can’t.

    1. McCrae and MVP has 2 parts actually. The 1st is McManda telling Ellisa by taking credit for being MVP it takes pressure off of her and keeps her with less “blood on her hands”. I think this crock of ** is simply to get sympathy/help from Ellisa in a future week. I’m not buying it myself.

      The second involves Howard. McCrae went to Howard saying he was MVP and cut a “deal” not to put him up if he kept McManda safe in future weeks. This while knowing Howard was getting a pass from Friends this week. He’s trying to bargain a power he doesn’t have into safety if Howard wins HOH.

  10. I wanted to barf after reading this superfriends lovefest bullshit…this is sickening because I remembered how badly everyone despised the original Friendship. Ugh this season needs some help fast with all the ‘bad’ guys/schemers/compulsive liars heading out the door fast. No villains + everybody is ‘friends’ = boring tv

  11. Alright , I’ve official been spooked about this season ‘cuz I’ve taken a glimpse into the possible future and it’s not bright… I really think that Elissa or Helen is almost rigged to win this game if production doesn’t get rid of MVP. Here’s why: Regardless of whether a person wins HOH or not “the house” can simply weaponize Elissa or threaten her with eviction the current or following week dependent on the time of the nominees and person in power. The MVP is starting to become the penultimate HOH with no time limit for Elissa considering that Elissa could win it every week by doing close to nothing but being Rachel’s sister… Even if a person in power tries to backdoor Elissa she can just literally shift to another group and adhere to their nominations for the next week.. the same the will go for Helen. If people hesitate to take Elissa out and wait to late Helen’s win could be all but sealed and if not at all Elissa could very well win the game. Of course I’m curious if they’ll rid the contestants of this horrid power by double eviction night otherwise it should be interesting how the MVP goes about nominations…. But of course I’m just spit balling here..

    The MVP twist should be called HOH with the possibility of the block… such a bad twist…

    1. The Hg’s made MVP what it is. It could’ve been used to see who that 3rd nom was and get retribution for putting up that nom. They gave MVP the power it truly doesn’t deserve.

    2. Ya I really hope this is the last week of MVP, since twists usually end on week 4. If not Aaryn/GM/Kait/Howard’s HoH will continus to be worthless except for being safe that week. Worst “twist” in reality show history. Actually it’s not really “reality” any more. We all know production rigs the hell outta this game for ratings.

    3. Except for the fact that Elissa was done in week 1…until a majority decided there were bigger threats in the game and the MVP could be “weaponized”. Eventually the house will run out of bigger threats and then Elissa will be the biggest threat. You’re granting the MVP itself power. The power is in how the house has decided to use it and it will continue to diminish as the house shrinks. All the MVP has done is extend her stay and even then the house had to consent, which they have in large part because Elissa allows herself to be managed. The time will come when she’s on the block with an ally and even taking one of her votes to evict away by nominating them, won’t give her enough votes to stay.

      I tend to think that majority against her will emerge as soon as Jeremy and Howard are gone. That’s when she and Helen will realize the superfriends were a figment of their imagination and only Candace will stand with them, as the rest of the house votes them out.

      1. Nope you are wrong on this…. It was week 2 that Ellisa’s importance as MVP was realized. Week 1 was simply the MC wanting to get rid of “surfer dude”. In fact 1 FACT that many here have apparently missed is the votes to evict Elissa in week 1 came from the “Friends” alliance(not formed yet) and the MC saved her to get surfer boy out instead.

        Helen and others week 2 realized the MVP was a powerful weapon the if numbers could be achieved in the house on eviction night that the HOH was virtually worthless! Big mistake having both on the block. They started looking to save themselves and each other…. The light goes on and Friends began to grow and Nick goes home.

        Elissa’s usefulness remains for several weeks as MVP but only if she takes orders. It’s Amanda’s best shot at shaking things up in the future. She has begun working Ellisa hard. It feels to me as though McManda will be in the middle of each weeks plot for a long time this summer.

        1. So when was the idea hatched that the MVP could be “weaponized” and used to evict and then ultimately carried out? Week 1 and that set the idea in place that the MVP could be valuable if you are on the side that controls it. Without that idea firmly in place, Helen has nothing to sell to Andy, Amanda, Judd, and Jessie. If you don’t see how the MVP saved Elissa in week 1 and set the table for her to be saved in week 2, then you haven’t been paying attention or you just don’t understand the game.

  12. Katlin is making history. She thinks its possible she might be pregnant and also responsible for the exit of her babies father

  13. Aaryn and GM need to go. Not cause of their racism but for the fans. They are both useless

    1. you are a big racist for even calling ur username “Deport” Aaryn to africa. …shame on u…I am African and i dont see any racial comment from her. all i see is some people trying to use her as the black-sheep and candice so insecure that she analyse every statement to sound like its against her.

      1. And I’m going to have a lot of ice to sell you in about 6 months. Will give you a good discount too……..

      2. You are a stupid whiny bitch, cry all you want african the show sucks and you are subhuman.

    1. I agree…but by evicting the “players” of the game systematically because she sees them as threats (even when they aren’t to her) while allowing the “superfriend” types to advance to jury because they aren’t a threat, I tend to think it will be very, very hard for her to win. I can just see them deciding her skill in the game makes her a bad person and voting for anybody but her.

  14. I feel so dirty but Amanda is amazing! Out of all the house guests I want to bang the shit outta her!

    That being said, Jerokee has got to go, then Howard. I know MVP will decode otherwise, I just wish people would vote for who deserves it. Elissa cannot get it 4 weeks Ina row!

    1. take note fans of elissa…amanda is using elissa…and bullied her about the mvp nom this week…

      Amanda: “once they give up the MVP Elissa can get teh fu*** out of here”

      if still around do not vote amanda mvp if elissa goes in the coming weeks and mvp is still in play

  15. Why is everyone talking so openly about their game, especially Helen? It’s going to come back to hurt her.

  16. I’m listening to a radio show in which the guest thinks he is really a horse stuck inside a mans body. It makes me think of the people in the BB house. For instance GM isnt the brightest bulb in the world. Could she really be a lemming stuck inside her body. I think lemmings are the dumbest animals just because they would jump off a cliff only for the reason that other lemmings are jumping too

  17. Somebody has to explain to me how Howard has been ascribed all these dangerous traits, unless I’ve been watching a different game. He agreed to an alliance…just like EVERYBODY has agreed to an alliance. He then became part of a secondary alliance…just like EVERYBODY has agreed to secondary alliances. Howard has talked to everybody about game and while Howard is a smart guy, he’s not smart in the game, and that is clear after 5 minutes or so. He never drove MC business, nor did he drive Helen and Elissa’s “side”. He never strong-armed, manipulated, connived, or back-stabbed beyond what others also did…not because he refused, but because it’s just not in his tool box.

    His two biggest sins were being the last guy to flip on his former allies (which in my world is a good thing) and choosing the wrong allies. Yet somehow he is a pariah and the biggest a**hole in the house and being defined in a way that simply does not reflect reality. Now if this is just a case of the house seeing a guy built like a brick s**thouse and the rest of them aren’t, so be it…but just say so and leave it at that because they look ridiculous making him out to be something more sinister, evil, and dangerous…but then again this house has to vilify anybody who scares them.

    What I think will end up being the saddest part of Helen’s HOH for her and Elissa is that all the people they treated as equal partners or tried to draw in, will put a knife in their back as soon as it’s convenient and the 2-3 people who would have had their back to the final five, they either drove away (Howard…and Spencer will go where Howard goes) or shunted off as a non-entity (Candace). I think Candace is the biggest shame. Helen has talked repeatedly of her Superfriends and remembering who was with her first and her first backer after Aaryn nominated her was Candace. She never had to sell Candace, Candace didn’t wait until after veto, once she was safe, to make her intentions known. Candace didn’t go to Jeremy and the mean girls to kiss ass and make fake alliances. And how is she repaid for the loyalty Helen claims to value? She is asked to leave rooms where conversations are happening and treated as somebody Helen will let tag along for the ride…for a little while

    Has anybody else noticed this week that Candace is the only HG other than Elissa who has not either said or been involved in conversations plotting when they will evict Helen?

    1. I just don’t understand why nobody has stopped to think that with Jeremy gone (still a lot of time to go…so I say 70% gone), Howard is extremely valuable precisely because of his physical ability with nobody able to challenge him and that at the very least it’s conceivable he won’t be as easy to get out, so why not use him to help get out some of the dead weight. Then there should be some paranoia that if you’re not making a deal with him others are. I don’t think I’d be bashing him in front of a lot of people…because those people will use it should Howard get HOH.

      One last point on Howard. The HG’s often use the questions in the DR to make some assumptions about the game. Now if they have all been asked questions about racism in the house, it is conceivable they assume CBS is making Howard a sympathetic figure and the Howard bashing is based on the fear that not only is he a physical threat, but if he’s being shown as the victim of the racists in the house that maybe…just maybe, that sympathy could lead to him usurping the MVP. Maybe the bashing is just a reaction to the fear that this physical specimen will also have the special power. Of course we’re not likely to hear any speculation about this as no HG wants to get painted as further victimizing Howard, so this is all speculation. But if that is a concern, then their bashing could only increase the likelihood of this actually happening, so I still see a good reason to embrace him, rather than bash him. Because him as MVP can be just as valuable to other players as Elissa.

    2. It’s because Howard’s loyalty to moving company is against the loyalty to the bigger alliance. He has lied his teeth to almost everyone of them and even when Helen tried to give him a chance to speak the truth, he lied again. This game, speaking the truth is also as important as telling lies and he failed in that aspect which would send him home.

      1. If you’re a child, then maybe you have a point for you…or if you’re a grown woman who demands the truth -but never gets it- and is going on and on about everybody being friends and then people will just self-evict, one-by-one, every week…that is after we hunt down and get rid of the evil doers.

        This is a game of lying and alliances and unless I just described Helen and Elissa master plan to win the game, then they lie, scheme, and create false alliances, so spare me your sanctimony which is as transparent and hypocritical as Helen’s.

        If anybody out there plans to join BB, here’s a some group psychology: When a secret or opposing alliance splits up, the first person who comes to spill is THE RAT. This person absolutely cannot be trusted and his/her version of events are the least true and he will do the same to you at the 1st sign of trouble. The second person who spills, has either been tipped off by the rat or is just a slower rat. Again, not to be trusted but his story if different from the 1st rat likely contains a little more truth if he’s afraid somebody beat him to the punch. The 3rd rat knows it’s all over, he’s been found out, and there’s nowhere to go. This is strong source for the truth. Once you wade through the self-serving aspects, this guy will give you the goods because he sees the writing on the wall and is terrified of what happens next. You can’t trust him 100%, but you can use him and he won’t jump ship until very late. But it’s that lone hold out, the one who has the courage of his convictions and stays loyal until he’s the last man standing in the clubhouse. That’s the guy you want to do business with. The other guys scurried away like rats, but not him. He would not be the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd to turn on those he committed to. He would be last…and only because the others were clearly gone and ratting, essentially saying “my game is over, so I’ll talk”…but you better ask the right questions because if you don’t, the last man standing will see that you can’t be trusted either and that you are too consumed with score settling and the same nonsense that screwed his original gang (Jeremy).

        Because Helen is dumb, Howard will stand on the outside and be evicted sooner rather than later…all because she is the classic book smart person and I still don’t believe she works in politics…at least not in any campaign/legislative decision or strategy making capacity.

    3. I’ll contribute: I wanted three nominations to be Howard, Jeremy, and Aryn, because I was rooting for the three-girl alliance of Helen, Elissa and Candace. I thought that after this week’s HOH, Howard was going to regroup with Jeremy and Spencer and Aryn, Kaitlin, Gina. I also thought that he was playing Candace to get in good with Elissa (MVP) and Helen and screw them all. I really hoped that Howard would’ve came clean to Helen after realizing that Jeremy sold them out because I truly believe Howard was definitely have been part of that girl alliance. You can’t work with people you don’t trust. I have absolutely no problem with Howard not wanting to sell out, in fact, it would have added respect. Howard finally admitted to Helen being the fourth vote to evict Elissa. Helen asked anything else and he said something to the effect I swear that’s it, I’m being honest with you. Helen brought up the boy aliance and Howard said he heard about a boy alliance but he was not part of it.

      I think after Howard is gone, they’re going to bring Candace back in (imho).

      I’m no longer rooting for Helen or Candace so I really don’t care.

      If I have to choose, just makes it more fun for me, I would like to see Elissa (which is funny because I did not like Rachel at all) or Amanda (entertaining and she’s playing her game).

    4. I totally agree. Especially on the Comments about Howard. It’s Amanda who is spinning this Howard thing out of control because she knows he will put her up on the block. Helen doesn’t see that Amanda and Macrea are playing strictly for themselves. Amanda keeps saying getting rid of Howard is best for all of them lol what a joke, it’s best for her. I gotta give her props for being successful at her manipulations.

  18. Is your app having issues? It kept giving me an error so I deleted it and went to re-download it and it was not searchable. I think I’m going to have a meltdown without it. =(

      1. Don’t listen. Your editorial comments within the text is your prerogative and are appreciated…especially when they’re funny, like mocking the superfriends…

      2. Oh please. I scroll through the comment sections just looking for what you have to say. I think you are hysterical!!

    1. Hey Simon,

      Was BB Canada a ratings success and are they planning a second season? I don’t want to bash this season (or the last 4 seasons) but I’m just about ready for the casting skills of the BB Canada producers, so I’m hoping the answer is yes…and soon…

      1. Yes Big Brother Canada had great ratings and it has been renewed for a second season. Casting will likely be in from August to October with the season starting some where around February.

        1. cant wait

          bb canada was awesome

          i liked the youtube videos here of the feeds

          talla, andrew and jillian were very entertaining

  19. I would NOT be shocked if Jeremy STAYS! Thursday. If PRODUCTION has their way!! I have a feeling that until then they will try and convince (for the drama/ratings/and more viewership) the houseguests to split their or possibly sway the vote towards Aaryn / Spencer which will SAVE Jeremy! It will completely cause CHAOS in the house which is what Big Brother wants and needs.. I honestly see Spencer LEAVING!! because he is a waste and no one trusts him in the house and he doesn’t bring ratings for the TV show!! And Aaryn causes drama is the biggest media draw!
    REMEMBER this is a television show and they need to make MONEY! bottom line…

  20. this is what i would love to see.

    jeremy, aaryn, spencer on the block

    judd, mcrae, amanda, gina, kaitlin, jesse vote out spencer

    andy, elissa, candace, howard vote out jeremy

    1. jess will vote out jeremy for sure

      so in your above scenario that would be 5-5 and helen breaks the tie – bye bye jeremy

  21. Apparently Amanda and McCrae’s families were interviewed. Her father posted on his twitter that he and his wife like McCrae. He said he thinks McCrae has a lot of “potential”. Obviously pizza delivery boy is not good enough after all. I think Amanda is getting a great edit. She has been involved in and participated in some pretty hateful discussions. They way she talks about Elissa is so disrespectful. She tried to bully Elissa into putting Howard up and Elissa wouldn’t listen. The Brenchel army will be very upset. I think it’s sad that noone but Helen has bothered to get to know Elissa. I don’t necessarily agree with the whole MVP thing but everyone is trying to take credit for Nick going home when it was Candice who said to put him up and Elissa did it. If Nick was not on the block then he would not have gone home. I think Candice deserves credit for knowing about the boys alliance but Amanda is taking all the credit. If people don’t realize how dangerous her and McCrae are then they will probably make final 2. Everyone knows that the showmances need to go first.

    1. “The Brenchel army will be very upset.”

      The “Brenchel army” can go screw as far as I’m concerned since they’re ruining the show. I’d also highly suggest that they get lives and hobbies instead of obsessing over a reality TV couple who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.

      1. Sadly even when she isn’t on the show it is still all about her. I get the feeling Elissa never even wanted to be on the show but was pushed to be there so Rachel would be remembered. Fact is no one but her sheep care about her and she was delusional enough to believe she would have fame from this show.

  22. amanda is so obsessed with howard! it is like GM to Nick although Amanda wants him out. why and where did this come from? the house better be mindful and pay attention to amanda or she will pick them off one-by-one even her little fetus(mccrae) will get chopped.

    1. amanda knows she is a big target and by continuously saying howard needs to go it makes the target on herself a smaller one

      if howard or spencer or elissa or jess win hoh there is a good chance they will put up amanda

  23. All this talk about Howard being the biggest liar in the house is hilarious. ANDY and AMANDA have spread more lies in this house than anybody. They are so freaking 2-faced.

  24. “Amanda: “once they give up the MVP Elissa can get teh fu*** out of here” ”

    And that’s why production probably won’t end the twist until final 5, and if they do another power or twist will jump out their asses like it did for Rachel.

  25. I hate the MVP twist as it stands. It might have worked better if Elissa could’ve stopped herself from letting everyone know she had it. Maybe it would be workable if you couldn’t win it back to back.
    Oh wait – I know let’s use Helen’s super friends logic. She hopes everyone gets a chance to be HOH, so why not say until everyone gets a chance to be MVP you can’t have the power twice – LOL!! Just kidding, but Helen & friends are irritating me.

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