Amanda’s last minute scramble for Votes “I took so much Adderall and I don’t even feel it”

POV Holder: Jeremy Next POV July 13th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 8
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH:
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Elissa, Helen and Jeremy (MVP nom)
Current Nominations: Elissa, Helen and Nick (MVP nom)
Last Evicted Houseguest David
Have Nots Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy


1:43pm Hammock McCrae and Amanda

Amanda is saying she brought up with Jeremy about voting for Helen and he got pissed, “He shouldn’t’ care as long as who he wants out goes out”
McCrae tells her she can’t vote for Helen now he’ll know. Amanda agrees.
McCrae about Jeremy: ‘He’s easily the worst game player I have ever seen.. has no idea what is going on”
Amanda is trying to figure out how they can pull Jessie in to vote out Nick. She thinks they should tell her all the sh!t aaryn and KAitlin say about them. McCrae thinks Andy might be the best one to do it.
Amanda: “Andy won’t do it”
McCrae: “Andy can do it”
Amanda: “It’ll probably be Judd”
McCrae says howard scares him, “The way he talks to me pisses me off.. he’s a d!ck to me”
AManda: “If Jessie knows Nick wants to put her up why doesn’t she want Elissa to stay”
Mc: “They (Aaryn’s group) have her under their thumb..”
Amanda tells him to go talk to Judd and see if he can sway Jessie to vote out Nick, “I have to pee.. if you think about it we need to keep her here”

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2:10pm Cam 3-4 Storage Room Amanda and Howard

Howard: “Whatever you want to do lets do it”
Amanda: “I want Elissa to stay really badly.. I trust you.. you saw the way Jeremy f*** spoke to Helen and about Helen in the words that Aaryn uses.,., Why would anybody want get rid of the power cause we’ll have it next week”
Amanda is worried they are throwing MVP to the win, Why don’t they keep it with Elissa so they can control it, “If you know NIck is coming after you why are you not more adamant about getting him out of the house”
Howard: “I’m with that”
Amanda: “Everything McCrae says I’m going to do”
Howard says Nick only started talking game to be when his butt was on the block, “I’m not really listening to him.. everybody is after everybody.. now it doesn’t matter that Jeremy disrespected some person if he didn’t do it he would still be the same person he’ll still be strong”
Amanda: “If we have the numbers I would like to vote out Nick”
Howard tells her he’s on board with getting Nick out she just needs to chill out because all her panicking is causing people to think she’s sketchy.

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2:20pm Cam 3-4 HOH Nick, aaryn and Kaitlin

Aaryn is thinking that perhaps Jessie went to the dark side.. Nick says he’s going to talk to her later today he thinks the way it works is the more birds in everyones ears, “If you say something and someone reconfirms it”
Nick says someone like Jessie will go wherever the power is so they have to make it clear she knows this is where the power is.

They got through the list of confirmed votes to get rid of Elissa.
Amanda. Jeremy, Spencer, Jessie, Gina, McCrae, Kaitlin, Howard, Andy. Judd, “Thats ten”
Nick laughs “so everyone”
Aaryn: “No the people I don’t trust are Candace, Jessie and potentially Andy “
Nick: “Ya those are my swing votes to”
Aaryn tells him that Howard and Jeremy might have a thing

Kaitlin tells Nick to watch out for Amanda she’s sketchy as F***.
Aaryn says most of the house is sketchy.
Kaitlin: “Howard and Spencer are good.. We’ll talk later.. they’re good”
Aaryn: “Why”
Kaitlin says Jeremy has given them the OK
Nick: “I think I need to talk to Jeremy”
Kaitlin: “Jeremy has everyone on lock”
Aaryn says that worries her.

Kaitlin tells Nick that Jeremy scared the sh!t out of Judd and Judd feels really bad for last week, “He’s on lock” Kaitlin leaves.
Aaryn: “That’s the way she talks to everyone”
Nick: “Which may or may not be a good thing”

Aaryn: “The way she talks to people I don’t like it it’s condescending.. she’ll wake up and be real sweet then as the day goes on she gets c*cky.. She turning in ta Jeremy”
Aaryn mentions that all the girls in teh house are starting to get pissed with Kaitlin even Gina.


2:52pm Hammock Amanda and McCrae Amands is scheming hard to keep Elissa. She says if they can get Jessie they have the votes to get rid of Nick, Amanda’s votes to Evict Nick are as follows (McCrea, Amanda, Candace, jessie, Andy, Judd)
Amanda: “I don’t trust Jeremy.. I don’t trust any of those people.. If Judd can make Jessie feel that she’s wanted and is part of ta group.. it’s solid”
Amanda: “the longer she stays.. you and I can make it to sequester guaranteed”
Mc: “Hmm mmmh hhm ” (eating his nails)
Amanda: “Me you Judd and Andy are solid.. if we can make this work”
Mc: “Hmm mmmh hhm ” (eating his nails)
Amanda: “you need to tell Howard tell him I’m going to do whatever you do and we are going to vote out Nick”
Mc: “Hmm mmmh hhm ” (eating his nails)
A: “You target people that are targeting you.. I took so much Adderall and I don’t even feel it”


3:04pm Cam 3-4 Howard and Candace
(Hard to hear the first part of this conversation.. Howard is trying to pull Candace away from Amand)
Howard says that Amanda is tripping says she’s over thinking things. Candace: “I just need to win HOH now”
howard: “I trust SPencer more than I trust her” (amanda)
Candace agreed.
Howard: “I trust McCrea more without her than I trust him with her”
Candace: “She’s just scary.. she has no heart”
Howard: “she goes to the power.. she’s over thinking herself.. you over think yourself in this game you find yourself at home”
Candace thinks Amanda is in panic mode because she says she has nothing to go home to. She points out that Amanda has sold her out before she’s sure she’ll do it again.
Candace still cannot understand why Spencer told who to vote out last week. Howard doesn’t know either but says in the grand scheme of it all it help her.


3:09pm cam 1-2 Helen, Judd and Elissa

They are telling Judd to get Jessie’s vote by telling her they won’t use MVP against her. (The problem with this is Jessie thinks she’s a front runner for winning MVP if Elissa leaves)
Judd leaves you can hear Helen in the background “Good job Judd”


Judd searches around for Jessie and finds her in bed eating potato chips and reading the bible. It’s hard to hear what he says as he’s just mouthing out the words. I assume he’s telling her if Jessie votes to evict Nick they promise to not use the MVP on her and she can roll with their alliance.


3:28pm havenots Judd comes in tells them they have Jessie’s vote, “I told you I would take care of it” Helen is jumping around saying this like “We’re going to win this thing”

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43 thoughts to “Amanda’s last minute scramble for Votes “I took so much Adderall and I don’t even feel it””

  1. Yep, if Elissa leaves it will be sad day for Brenchel fans but next week will be Aaryn’s farewell speech as she will be evicted.

    1. I keep reading people’s comments saying that about Aaryn, but who exactly is going to be putting her up let alone voting her out. She isn’t really on that many housemates radar. Seems to me there’s many other targets.

      1. Yes, Aaryn is a bigger target. She is gone next week, because of racist remarks. She will be gone and yes she will get her consequence for her action.

  2. Love this post Simon and Dawg it cracked me up!

    I would love to see another blindside tomorrow…the “circle of thrust” will get sucked through a portal shaped like an asshole straight into another dimension.

  3. How many fu*****g people in that house are on medication? Goddamn Judd’s on Xanax, Amanda and Aaryn are on Adderall..

    What is this Big Brother, Season of Douche Bags, Bigots, Sex Crazed, Delusional, Heavily medicated, and the useless Sweet People???

  4. The only person in the Moving Company that I like is Nick and the closer we get to the eviction the more I think he is going to get evicted

  5. So, funny they’re getting Helen’s and Elissa’s hopes so high… rude awakening coming in 25 hours.. I can’t wait.

  6. Is there any realistic chance McCrae votes out nick?

    McCrae is risking major exposure of mc if the vote is 6-5 to get elissa out…amanda will put it together. What McCraeshould do, for the sake of mc, is vote helen out, make the vote 5-5-1, and let aaryn send elissa home.

    Or better yet, amanda makes the above happen, but also get in aaryn’s ear that it was nick’s plan to get david out…hoh tiebreaker vote becomes a bit more interesting.

    1. I don’t think they care, the chances one of them winning HOH/POV every week is almost guaranteed..

    1. amanda yet again is playing up to the cameras to make it look like she is elissas best friend to try and steal mvp votes

  7. I usually think along with the players and can try to strategize myself (I know nerdy) but this season’s cast is either so dumb or super smart game players that I am left bamboozled. If anyone wants to take a shot to explain what the heck is going on go for it!! LOL

  8. They should get rid of Nick and if there smart they will he’s the biggest competition out of all of them he’s the smartest of the nominated. I like him a lot but he’s good at the game and it’s best for them to get him out. It’s stupid to get Elissa out at this point it’s a waste they can get her out anytime same with Helen.

  9. Howard, you are coming across as two-faced now. You just wanted to pretend these racist comments could be ignored and Aaryn/Gina wouldn’t realize that you are Black as well. When you had an opportunity to confront the racism in the house, you chose to ignore it. You were more worried about your game. You then participate in a small discussion with a few house guests concerning some of these race comments and state how it bothers you. Amanda then decides to have a talk with Aaryn concerning the feelings of some house members. Amanda, didn’t back Aaryn into a corner or make her defensive. She essentially stated that some of the house members are feeling uncomfortable, can you tone it down. However, nothing was resolved between Amanda and Aaryn about her racist comments other then she has now been forewarned. Aaryn is able to deflect these racist charges against her and equates her racist comments to blonde jokes. Howard, upon hearing that Amanda had this little discussion with Aaryn, you then tell Aaryn, we are cool and you understand she was just joking. However, you then proceed to tell Spencer we need to get Aaryn out now, because she is a racist. It doesn’t matter to you that Spencer is one of the biggest bigots in the house. Spencer doesn’t hesitate to call women derogatory names. So you are not ok with racism but ok with bigotry. Nope, that’s not how you handle this Howard and now you have lost the moral high ground. Aaryn is now making herself the victim of Howard, Candice, and Helen’s oversensitivity. Score one for Aaryn. I give Aaryn a lot of credit and she is proving to be very smart. Now instead of Aaryn being on blast, she has you on blast. She is telling everyone that you need to go next week, you can’t take a joke. She is marginalizing you, by stating you are in the Minority Alliance and can’t be in the broader house alliance.

    Now instead of galvanizing a group of house members to change the tone in the house, you are on front street. Now Howard, you and Spencer have become Aaryn, Amanda and Judd’s number one targets. Its questionable whether you still have Helen, Elissa, and Andy in your corner. You definitely don’t have Aaryn, Gina and Kaitlin. Its to early in the game for just MC to protect you, and if Jeremy, McCrae and Nick come to your defense, it just exposes them. The funny part about it, you have decided that you don’t have to win HOH at this point in the game. You don’t even realize the importance of this next HOH and how MC or one of its proxies must win. Next week could really be game, set and match for you.

    Everyone of these girls are being blinded by their own showmance. They can see the deceit in other guys, but not the deceit right next to them. Amanda said just by looking at Howard, she could tell he was lying. However, she can’t tell that McCrae is lying to her. Candice can tell Spencer is lying, but can’t tell that Howard is lying. Gina can tell Jeremy, Spencer and Howard are lying, but can’t tell Nick is lying. All their faith is being placed in a guy that they have known less then 2 weeks. Helen tells Candice that Howard is on the other side. Candice’s reply is that she is 100% sure that Howard is faithful…really. Besides you snuggling up to him last night, how would you know that? Amanda, McCrae has stated he is willing to drop you at any time; however, you are already talking about having his kids. Gina, you are ready to do anything Nick says, if only he rewards you with a kiss.

    Swear! Swear! Swear! What does asking someone to swear in Big Brother even means? We have seen people swear on their dead mother, swear on a cross, swear on a bible and they still proceeded to lie. Now Amanda is asking McCrae to swear on their future kids….really. Everyone that swore in BB was able to rationalize why it really didn’t mean anything. Was McCrae answer so important that you would jeopardize the welfare of your future kids? Granted I don’t think your showmance, nor any of the other showmances are going any further then BB, but still….you want him to swear. I guess that ends this relationship. Amanda, McCrae lied, so I guess their won’t be any kids between you two. I think all this swearing stuff in BB is a joke. Personally, I wouldn’t ask someone to swear or agree to swear on anything. Just seems to me, whatever deity you believe in has bigger concerns then being involved in my petty game.

    1. @ Justforfun That’s a lot of dissecting of Howard. Are you a bitter ex? This is Big Brother. He is not running for the Pope position here. C’mon now. You are a tad obsessed.

      1. LOL! So when JustForFun bashes Aaryn, its ok. When JustForFun talks negatively about the Black guy, the Howard bible readers come out. I like Aaryn, she’s a strong girl and is real. Unlike Howard whose taken a page from Dan’s playbook, Howard’s a bible reader. LOL!

    2. Hey, thanks for the comment but really you are too emotionally invested in this show (thats the only reason someone will write an essay like yours). First of all amanda told howard aaryn was lying, there was no joking involved. Howard doesint want to hurt his game so stfu, he cant please you to affect is game you imbecile. Aaryn hasnt scored anything, infact shes more defeated than she has ever been.

      Moving company on the run. STFU and watch the show you pre-teen

      1. I agree with JustForFun about Howard’s game play. I would just be more direct and say Howard is a coward. Now the other side realize that he is a liar as well. Oh I forgot he’s a bible reader and liar.

  10. I love Amanda, but I think she isbeating a dead horse and needs to pull her head out of McCrea’s butt!

    1. the way she is acting you would think she is on the block

      but i think she realizes she has pissed off too many and there is a big chance she goes home next week so is crazy desperate to do anything it takes to try and get mvp including pretending to be elissas friend…the 2 most fake are amanda and andy

  11. oh my god now the Moving Company has got into Candace’s pants.
    Some of the girls this season are a joke.

    McCrae is the big wildcard this week for me. Howard has called him a weakling and he kinda is so if Amanda can force him into going against Howard and the rest of the Alphas…..

    Someone convince jessie to vote nick out before the Moving company get’s into her pants too.

  12. Whatever happens its going to be a blindside for both nick and elissa. Both of them think that they have the votes to stay but one of them is going home. Imo it all depends on MCcrae and Jessie to keep Elissa.

    1. That’s what I’m saying.

      Maybe they need to mix that with some wine, then orgy time, imagine Aaryn getting it on with Howard, would be EPIC

  13. my head hurts. do any of the drugs they are taking cause paranoia? these people are freaking out. just a bit more an nick could be gone and then the house will get really fun to watch.

  14. the sheep will vote out elisa, who has no alliances BUT the sheep, and then next week they will all realize what a mistake it was to keep nick in the freaking house

    am I still the only one wondering why elisa is considered that big of a threat? I mean really, the power? isn’t that basically the equiv of freaking out over HoH every week? I mean someone is going to get it, maybe who doesn’t like you at some point. they are so scared of such a silly silly power.

    elisa hasn’t won a thing, has no real allies worth noting outside Helen in a forced alliance, I mean….what has elisa done exactly to make people think she is so awful in that house?

  15. Well, from what I just read, a letter from ADL to Les Moonves, all this crap that’s being said in there might be addressed on tonights show… time to find out I guess…it’s time for the BB show, idk when this will be posted,

  16. I don`t think that Elissa is necessarily a good player at all. Before I watched the show, and I heard Rachel`s sister was on the show, I was like, there is no way in hell that i would root for her (I am not a Rachel fan). But you know what? I am rooting for her because mostly everyone else is so bad in comparison.

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