Nomination Ceremony! POW POW says “If I don’t win, it’s because I suck!”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner 1: Amber HOH Winner 2: Devin
Battle of the Block Winner ? Next HOH/ Next BOB July 10/July 4
Original Nominations: Devin’s Noms (Pow Pow & Brittany) Amber’s Noms (Hayden & Nicole)
Current Nominations: ?
Have Nots ?
POV Players ?

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2:15am The Live Feeds return from the Nomination Ceremony. As Head of Household – Devin and Amber picked eggs in the HOH room and Devin got first choice for nominations and Amber got second pick. As first pick Devin nominated Pow Pow and Brittany. As second pick Amber nominated Hayden and Nicole.

In the fire room – Hayden and Nicole are talking. Hayden tells her not to worry because Nicole that we aren’t the targets. He says even if we lose the battle of the block, Devin will go home. Christine and Cody join them. Hayden says that Devin was in charge of the nominations. He says that Amber has no balls. Cody says that Caleb and Devin control Amber. Cody and Christine talking about how they don’t like Devin. in Christine tells Cody that Amber wanted to target Devin but couldn’t. Christine says that she wants to punch Devin in the balls. Cody says that his plan is to send Pow Pow home this week. Cody and Christine wonder what kind of game Frankie is playing, they don’t know if he could get in Amber’s ear. Cody says that he wants to try and get into Amber’s ear to get her to backdoor Devin if Brittany and Pow Pow win Battle if the block. Cody says that he really wants to backdoor Devin and blind side Caleb. Christine tells Cody that America would love him if he did that. Cody is mad that he lost HOH because he wanted to go after Devin. Caleb promises Hayden that if in the worst cast Hayden and Nicole lose the Battle of the Block, he would use Veto on him if he won it.

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In the storage room Zach and Derrick are talking. Zach tells Derrick that he and Cody don’t plan to vote out Brittany if she’s stays on the block. Zach tells Derrick that he, Cody, and Christine’s plan to pull in Brittany and Donny to working with them next week. Derrick asks so who do we want out? Zach said Devin, it’s still possible to evict Devin this week. Zach says if Devin isn’t backdoored then they don’t know who they would evict between Hayden and Nicole. Derrick says that he thinks Nicole doesn’t really talk game but on the other hand he says that Hayden is a beast. Zach says that he wonders if they could pull in Hayden. Derrick comments that Hayden and Caleb seem close. Derrick says that Caleb already told Frankie he would use the veto on Hayden if Hayden and Nicole are still up after Battle of the Block.

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In the bathroom Christine and Brittany are talking. They both say that this wasn’t Amber’s idea for the nominations. Brittany says I am telling you right now if this continues Devin will win.

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In the storage room Zach and Paola are talking about how Pow Pow is better than Brittany at playing the game. Christine joins them. They tell Pow Pow that she needs to win the Battle of the Block. Pow Pow says that she thinks they put her up with Brittany so that Brittany would lose. They blame Devin for the nominations. They talk about how both nominations last week and this wee have been 3 girls and 1 guy. They talk about what they think the competition might be. Christine tells Pow Pow not to worry because she isn’t the target this week. The leave the room.

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In the hive room – Brittany and Pow Pow are talking. Brittany says that they’re up against two of the house favourites. They talk about how both Hayden and Nicole are strong competitors. They talk about how they know that the plan is to get them (Brittany & Pow Pow) to lose. Pow Pow asks why Amber would do that? Brittany says it wasn’t Amber who was in charge. Brittany ask Pow Pow if she’s going to throw the competition? Pow Pow says if she doesn’t win, it’s because she sucks. Brittany says if we’re still up on the block, Devin is going to tell everyone to not vote for me. Brittany says that she doesn’t want to go home at the hands of Devin. She says that it will take a miracle for me to stay. Pow Pow says that Devin won’t last much longer as he’s the main target in the house.
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2:50 Up in the HOH room – Devin asks Pow Pow to throw the Battle of the Block competition so that they can send the real target Brittany home. Devin tells Pow Pow that if I’m not here we (Devin & Caleb) won’t be able to protect her. Devin says and don’t worry about losing the competition. Pow Pow says I am one of the strongest girls mentally. Devin says Brittany needs to go and Victoria needs to go next. That’s what needs to happen. Devin tells Pow Pow that his is going to protect her. Devin says if I win the veto, I will take you off and put up Victoria.

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3am In the havenot room Caleb is talking to Nicole and Hayden. Caleb says that they’re on the block because they are strong competitors who will in the Battle of the Block. He tells them that they’re not the target. Amber joins them and talks to Nicole and Hayden. She tells them that she didn’t really want to win HOH, she only really wanted the photos and letter. Amber says that after Devin got the first draw there weren’t many options left to put up. Amber says that she wanted to put up strong people to make sure you win and come off. She says that she already got what she wanted out of the HOH. Annoucements air throughout the house saying:
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Big Brother says “Party Foul!”
Big Brother says “He’s streaking the Quad!”

Nicole and Hayden head to the kitchen to hear the sayings. Nicole says this is going to the competition (Battle of the Block). Amber stays to talk with Caleb. She tells him that she already got what she wanted out of the HOH. She says that she only wanted the letter.
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3:15am Up in the HOH room – Devin talks to Derrick and Caleb. Derrick tells them that Brittany took the nomination really well. Devin says that if his nominations stick and some how Brittany comes off the block by winning the pov he will put up Victoria. Devin says and there goes that friendship. The talk about how the four nominees are planning to stay up all night to memorize the quotes.

Big Brother says “I just want to dance all night long!”
Big Brother says “Aww I broke a heel!”
Big Brother says “Pantie raid! Pantie Raid!, Pantie Raid!, Pantie Raid!, Pantie Raid! Pantie Raid!, Pantie Raid!, Pantie Raid!”
Frankie asks what was it pantie rape?

4:30am Big Brother says “Someone call the cops!”
Big Brother says “Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!” X 5 with another “Take it off” at the end.

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4:40am Up in the HOH room – Jocasta and Devin are talking. Devin is talking about they Joey situation from last week with her confessing the girls alliance. Jocasta explains how when Joey came out as Alex it was supposed to be her gay brother. Meanwhile in the hive room – Amber and Derrick are talking. Amber is talking about how she feels bad about nominating Hayden and Nicole which is why she’s staying up to try and help remember the big brother sayings.

4:55am In the kitchen – Zach tells Pow Pow to go bed. Pow Pow tells him to shut up! Zach goes over to her and says don’t bring out the tickle monster. He then kisses her on the top of her head.
Big Brother says “We hate freshmen, We hate freshmen, We hate freshmen”

Frankie is pretending to be drunk and telling Zach he has such a great body! Let me look at it! Zach says come get it gurl!

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5am – 6:30amBig Brother switches the live feeds to the Jeff Schroeder interview.. The Battle of the Block competition is happening now…

Bomb Squad = Frankie, Caleb, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, Christine
Fragment of bomb squad no name  = Christine, Frankie, Cody, Derrick Zach
Sub alliance of the Bomb Squad = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Double Ds = Devin, Donny
Bed buddies = Nicole, Christine
Final 2 Deal Zankie= Frankie, Zach
Defunct alliances
TheCrazy8s = Frankie, Donny, Joey, Paola, Devin, Amber, Nicole, Cody
El Cuatro = Paola, Amber, Joey, Nicole

Where the vote is 

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31 thoughts to “Nomination Ceremony! POW POW says “If I don’t win, it’s because I suck!””

  1. They should’ve tried to convince Devin to put up bBrit &Hayden, so when Ambers noms throw it they’d have two strong + 3 veto players to go against Devin in the pov.
    Now if Hayden & Nic do throw it, Pows has to play in the veto comp, it could still work to backdoor Devin.

    1. if nicole and hayden (amber’s noms) throw the battle of the block, they stay on the block and devin remains hoh! then devin cannot be backdoored. omg why do so many of you not understand this concept.

      1. I think you have it backwards. If Amber’s picks lose they stay on the block and Amber remains HOH.

      2. No…if Amber’s nominees (Hayden and Nicole) throw/lose the Battle of the Block competition, then that means that Devin’s nominees win. That means that Devin is dethroned. That’s how the concept works…

      3. if ambers noms lose/throw comp they stay on block amber stays as HOH Devins noms are of block by comp win and he goes back into the talentless pool

      4. I think if amber’s noms lose the battle of the block, it is Devin that is dethroned. He will no longer be HOH. Brit and PowPow have to win to kick Devin out.

      5. I thought it was losers stay on the block and their nominator remains HOH. So if Nicole and Hayden throw the BOB that means Brittany and Paola win, Devin is dethroned as HOH, is no longer safe and can therefore be placed on the block himself. I actually hope this happens b/c I don’t like Devin and they are all letting him have too much power. I would also love to see everyone start thinking and playing for themselves and not the house game.

      6. “if nicole and hayden (amber’s noms) throw the battle of the block, they stay on the block and devin remains hoh! then devin cannot be backdoored. omg why do so many of you not understand this concept.”

        It’s obvious that you don’t understand the concept. If Nicole and Hayden throw the BOB, they lose, therefore keeping themselves on the block and Amber remains the HOH. If Devin’s nominees win, they come off the block and Devin is dethroned.

        OMG why do so many of you not understand this concept!

      7. no, if hayden and nicole lose that means amber stays as the HOH since she nominated them and they were the losers. Battle of the block is a concept where the winning nominees gain safety and the HOH who nominated them gets dethroned. Frankie nominated Brittany and Victoria, they won, he lost HOH…. So if Hayden and Nicole threw it, then Devin would no longer be HOH since his nominees (brit and pow pow) won.

      8. Isn’t it if Amber’s nominee’s lose, they stay on the block and she remains the only HOH? If Brit and Pow Pow win, they would come off the block and dethrone the HOH that put them up which would be Devin. Meaning he could then be backdoored. Because last week, Frankie’s nominees won the BOB therefore removing him as HOH leaving Caleb and his nominees.

      9. This is why BB is so annoying at times, they make these battles so confusing with all of their rules. This is why Survivor is my number one favorite, that and the players aren’t so petty and racially bias as they are on here.

    2. I hope the BOTB comp is something where each single competitor compete on their own, like “the best one’s team wins”. That’s the only way Brit has a chance, since Mr. “Honesty and Integrity are my most important values in this game from now on” Devin not only told PowPow to lose the comp, he even added that if she doesn’t throw it and he gets backdoored, Caleb will hunt her down next week.This guy just wants to become America’s Favorite Player, now doesn’t he?
      I’m getting tired of Amber’s constant “I didn’t see that coming” excuse for everything. She keeps whining how she doesn’t want to be HOH. She sounds like she’s terminally ill on her deathbed when she whines. Boo!!!

  2. I hope Nicole goes home, I hate obnoxious girls like her, granted I don’t see everything that goes on in the house ( I refuse to spend money on live feeds) but it’s very obvious she is jealous of beautiful Amber and what went down with Caleb, because he never gave her (Nicole) a thought.

    1. I don’t know where you’re getting that from. Nicole and Hayden like each other but have not been hanging out together so people don’t think they’re a showmance and put them up. And while Amber may be pretty she has given away any power she has to Caleb and Devin. She spineless and their puppet. Even Christine is ready to pull out of the BS Squad and throw Devin/Caleb/Amber to the curb.

    2. I’m sorry are we watching the same show? I think she’s more into Cody than Caleb and who would be jealous of a stalker

    3. So ready for Nicole to go home, I honestly cannot stand her. I especially hate how everyone tries to make her seem so sweet and great and yet she’s said countless times how she can’t stand Amber and the other girls in the house when those girls haven’t done one thing to her. So what she doesn’t like them cuz she thinks they are spineless floaters who aren’t as big of a bb fan as her??? Well she’s been playing a pretty pathetic game, the only thing she’s got going for her is that she’s riding on the coattails of Cody, Zach, and Christine.

      She’s not cute, those glasses are atrocious, and she has a really conniving spirit about her. Amber’s beginning to get on my nerves with how spineless she’s become–saying “I want to win this game, its time a girl wins it” but then goes complaining and whining all day about how she just wanted to see pics of her family and that she wish she didn’t win HOH…uh well Amber you shouldn’t have raced across the Greek themed obstacle course so swiftly if you were just going to hand over your power like that.

      Poor girl, she’s so busy trying to be nice and respectful of Hayden and Nicole and little does she know that Nicole hates her and has been talking nonstop about getting her out the house.

      1. Well said, Mallory. You have summed up Nicole perfectly – conniving little spirit. Ugggh – I cannot stand her and disliked her from the time I set eyes on her. Hope she’s gone sooner rather than later.

  3. Hoping Devin makes it far as possible. Most entertaining HG and will piss ?the moat people off

  4. I hope the BOTB comp is something where each single competitor compete on their own, like “the best one’s team wins”. That’s the only way Brit has a chance, since Mr. “Honesty and Integrity are my most important values in this game from now on” Devin not only told PowPow to lose the comp, he even added that if she doesn’t throw it and he gets backdoored, Caleb will hunt her down next week.This guy just wants to become America’s Favorite Player, now doesn’t he?
    I’m getting tired of Amber’s constant “I didn’t see that coming” excuse for everything. She keeps whining how she doesn’t want to be HOH. She sounds like she’s terminally ill on her deathbed when she whines. Boo!

  5. Still a good chance for devin to find his way out the door this week. Brit might do well in a mental competition, especially since she knows shes the target. Pow might also fight hard to redeem herself as a competitor. The right people need to start talking to each other, so that it becomes clear that no one wants devin in the house, and united they can evict him with no one person having blood on their hands.

    Also, zach needs to pull back, playing too hard is a downfall of many smart players.

  6. I hope Devins NOMS loose the Battle of the block.
    I hate to say this… but it is a fantasy that Devin will go up if someone wins the POV. I think Amber will fold under Caleb and Devin and nominate someone stupid like Jocasta. She just will not make a big move.
    It is also tough to ask Devins Noms to just throw the Battle of the Block.

    Face it people we have a 95% chance that Devin will be there another week.

    1. In a way i hope you are right. It would soldify devin and caleb as s power duo and paint amber as their puppet. They would then become the 3 biggest targets in the house…leaving all my favorites hopefully safe until jury.

  7. Hey I just caught up on the show and haven’t watched any of the live streams… Did anything noteworthy happen between Brittany and Devin that justifies the hostility between the two? Or has he just been the general douche that we see on TV?

  8. Here we go again, another season where the people who should be targeted are not. No logic.
    Hopefully by some twist of fate and some smarts, Devin gets OUT!

  9. ” NO if Amber’s team wins she gets to personally take off on a flying motorcycle while Devin is attached in a sidecar.” I am laughing here with all the explanations lols.

    Just think about how it was done with Frankie and Caleb. Frankie’s team Won (Victoria&Brittnay) and took themselves off the block putting Frankie back in the mix and he was dethroned, Caleb’s team lost, (Donny&Pow) and he remained HOH. That left Donny & Pow to play for veto. Donny won putting Joey on the block. Which in this case would hopefully be Devin being put on the block LOLS.
    Alittle confusing but at least it makes you think instead of knowing exactly whats going to happen.

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