Big Brother Spoilers Elissa stirs the pot “Elissa stop just stop.. You are just lying Now”

POV Holder: Elissa Next POV July 27th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 29
HOH Winner: JUDD Next HOH: July 25
Original Nominations: Aaryn, Kaitlin, ELISSA (MVP – America)
Current Nominations: Aaryn, Kaitlin, GINAMARIE (MVP – America)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy
Have Nots Jessie, Candice, Andy, Spencer


7:46 HOH Andy, Amanda and McCrea
Andy saying that Elissa just told Kaitlin that she knows Kaitlin is going home.
Andy adds that Elissa told Kaitlin that Aaryn is going around the house saying Kaitlin is in an alliance with JUDD, Spencer, GM and Howard.

Andy: “Why would Elissa do that.. what is going on with her today”
McCrea: “Pretty much Helen has to do something about this”
Andy: ‘Elissa is malfunctioning today and I don’t know what to do about it”
Amanda: ‘Stay away from her”
Andy : ‘I’m telling you the minute we get a few of the bigger targets out of here she’s got to go”
They all agree to this
Andy: ‘She’s f**** nuts.. and I feel that she already has so much money and doesn’t even really know what she is doing in this game”
Andy: “I want her f**** out of here.. we can’t trust her to keep her goddamn f****** mouth shut”
Amanda asks what is wrong with Elissa she’s so f**** stupid, “She can’t play for veto next week why is she being so stupid”
Andy: “Oh my god”


7:49pm Aaryn and Kaitlin bedroom

Kaitlin tells Aaryn that Elissa pulled her aside and asked her if she has a deal with Spencer and Howard. Elissa told her that Spencer and Howard are going around making deals with everybody.
Kaitlin: ‘She said people are thinking you have a final for alliance with them.. and I think Aaryn is going around saying that”
Kaitlin explains that Elissa told her she would rather Aaryn goes home over Kaitlin but if she has a deal with Howard and Spencer than she is going home.
Elissa wanted Kaitlin to confront Howard, Spencer, and Aaryn in front of the house and find out who is lying about the secret alliance.
K: ‘You got to be f***ing kidding me”
Kaitlin: ‘I looked Elissa in the face and told her why would I be in an alliance with Spencer and Howard for a second time after they betrayed me two weeks ago”

GM comes in and Kaitlin fills her in what Elissa is going around saying
Kaitlin: “Elissa said I think Aaryn is spreading the rumor”
Aaryn leaves. Kailtin tells GinaMarie that she thinks Candice is spreading the alliance with Howard. She adds that whatever they had with Howard is done.

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8:00pm Bedroom Helen, GM and Elissa

Helen: “Elissa what is going on”
GinaMarie: “I’m hearing that I am in a secret alliance with Spencer, JUDD, Aaryn, Howard and Kaitlin”
GM is laughing.

JUDD comes in says they all just stay up late and talk.
Elissa: ‘WHAT are you talking about you guys are NUTS .. I’m so tired of being lied to I don’t know what is the deal.. stop being so over dramatic”
Elissa looks at Helen “Why did you come in here and say what’s going on”

Helen explains that Aaryn just came up to her and said Elissa told Kaitlin that “we” are trying to get Kaitlin out of the house by saying that she’s in an alliance with Spencer, JUDD, Howard and Candice.
Helen adds that they are saying Elissa wants Kaitlin to stay so she needs to expose the secret alliance.
Elissa: “I want to know that truth.. I don’t believe it Aaryn is lying about everything”

Elissa: “Aaryn just heard me talking to Kaitlin and she made up whatever she wanted to make up.. she’s stirring things up after she swore she wasn’t going to”..
Elissa: “Aaryn’s NUTS.. Aaryn is a pathological liar” Elissa explains why would Kaitlin go to Aaryn when they are both on the block it doesn’t make sense.
Elissa points out that Aaryn had asked her to leave when she was talking to Helen, “If she’s so confident that I said it.. She’s a liar”

Elissa: “Aaryn probably heard me talking to Kaitlin and decided to make up whatever she wanted to make up”
Helen: “I believe you”
Gina is really playing up how she doesn’t have any alliance with Spencer and Howard and says that Aaryn is dragging her name through the mud.
Elissa: “Aaryn’s got to go”
JUDD tells her she’s getting a bit defensive she doesn’t need to.
Elissa: “Aaryn is making things up about me and she doesn’t have the guts to tell me to my face”
Helen wondering why Aaryn is lying
GM: “if there was a 5 person alliance and we were trying to keep it secret how would Aaryn know”


8:06pm Aaryn comes in
Aaryn: “Should I leave”
Elissa says I want to know why you said Kaitlin told you these things when Kaitlin is on the block with you.
Aaryn: “Pull her in here.. If you don’t believe me go get her and ask her in front of me.. I overheard the conversations I was in the bathroom”

Aaryn said Kaitlin told her all about the conversation she had with Elissa and she heard it in the bathroom.
JUDD wants to know what Elissa and Kailtin talked about
Aaryn tried to explain She said Elissa confronted her and asked her if she was in an alliance with Spencer and Howard and you said that you wanted her to stay here and you wanted me to go.
Elissa :”Well someone is going home and someone is going to stay” (Glad we got that cleared up)
Aaryn: “exactly and you said to her she needs to confront them in front of everyone”
Andy joins them
A: “why are you trying to stir things up”
E: “I’m not stirring anything up you just called Helen into a room and were talking about me”
A: ‘YA.. go ahead”
E: ‘You are the one starting this why don’t you go ahead”
Kaitlin now in the room
A: “I don’t like that people are spreading things that are coming out of my mouth when they are not”
E: “It had nothing to do with you.. it had to do with Kailtin.. you are just trying to stay in the house this week”
A: ‘Kaitlin told me that you said I was bringing this up” (The 5 person alliance)
Kailtin: “you said that she might be starting a rumour about it and I told you no and you didn’t believe me”.
Elissa tells her to go get Howard and Spencer

Aaryn: “Lets figure out what’s true.. what do you want to know”
Elissa :’I don’t want to know anything about you.. you were talking about me to Helen”
Aaryn: “Ya I was”
Spencer and Howard roll in
Everyone wants to know who is saying that there is a secret 5 person alliance.
Spencer: ‘Elissa why don’t you tell us”
Elissa: ‘I’m not going to say you said you guys are in an alliance.. is that true”
Spencer: ‘Hell no it’s not true she’s on the block why would I”
Spencer says he’s been nothing but honest to Elissa he would like to know the name, “Your whole argument loses validity because you are not telling me the information source”
Elissa: “You lied to me about the Moving Company”
S: Ya I was in a secret alliance that’s the name of the game.. i never voted against you”
Elissa: “this has nothing to do with me”
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Elissa wants to know why Aaryn is bringing this up in front of everybody and not just talking to the people involved.
Aaryn points out that Elissa doesn’t talk to her
Elissa: “We don’t have a communication grounded”
Elissa “Everytime i’ve tried to talk to you you’ve stabbed me in the back”
Aaryn: “Same”
Elissa: “I don’t even think about you “
Aaryn: “you talk about me a lot “
Elissa: ‘Don’t flatter yourself”

Aaryn: “that is what I hear to about everyone in the house”
E: “Of Course you do.. Aaryn I don’t want to talk to you .. we don’t click this isn’t about us this is about Kaitlin “
Aaryn: “well my name got brought up you told kaitlin I was the one starting the rumor.. why are you smiling.. Kaitlin just said I didn’t make it up “
Elissa: ‘Get a life go start a fight with someone else”
Helen: ‘Elissa.. that is what she said”
Elissa to Aaryn: ‘All you do is start drama with me.. you’re your own problem”
Elissa says she doesn’t want to talk to Aaryn anymore.
Aaryn: “If my name came up I deserve to be here”

They all say they agree there is no secret alliance it’s just people staying up late to hang out.
Elissa says she wants them all to know this had nothing to do with her
Elissa continues to deny that she said it was Aaryn spreading the rumors. Kaitlin says she did mentions Aaryn as well as other people.
Elissa denies denies denies
Aaryn: “Elissa just stop stop”
Elissa: ‘I’m not going to stop”
A: “You are just lying right now.. thats all you are trying to do”
E: “I have no reason to lie”
Aaryn: “Can we be done.. this is my room that is why i’m in here.. i’ve tried to make amends with you for 10 times”

They try to figure out who was spreading the rumors
Aaryn: “Elissa is the only one that knows”
GM: “Will the real slim shady please stand up”
Aaryn says they have already established that Elissa mentions Aaryn’s name to Kaitlin why do they keep going around in circles about his.
Spencer and Howard roll out

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8:38pm Bedroom GM, Kaitlin, JUDD and Aaryn

Aaryn: ‘What was that.. why did she have to repeat herself 10 times”
JUDD tells them not to worry about it he leaves.

Gina says the person that told about the alliance is Candice

Aaryn says she feels like throwing up, “Why why did I get pulled into that”
Kaitlin whispers says it was the second time they told her Aaryn was spreading things about her
Aaryn: ‘Well I hope that just showed you that I don’t do that”
Kaitlin: ‘I know.. I never believed it”
Aaryn starts to cry. “I’m going to go home because of her”
Kaitlin: “Everyone has gone home because of her”
Aaryn: “It’s just one person she’s fu**** everything up”
Aaryn says they wanted this to happen they wanted the three of them to go after each other.
Kaitlin: “What did Helen say to you”
A: “She didn’t know what I was talking about.. ”
aaryn says she is sick of people telling her she’s lying and twisting words. Kailtin says that they knew going into the game this would happen. KAiltin apologizes to them for bringing them into this mess she says she doesn’t deal with confrontation well.


8:41 Cockpit Andy and Helen
Andy saying that Elissa is a loose cannon and everyday it’s freaking me out more
Helen says she’s shocked at what just happened.
Andy says that Elissa is still with them so for now she should stay but it’s getting dangerous.
Helen: “She almost ruined everything”
Andy says he’s going to keep playing dumb and telling people he’s out of the loop. Andy points out that this is the reason why Elissa is a terrible alliance member because she wants Aaryn out and she’s pushing her own agenda.


8:46pm HOH Helen, McCrea and AManda
Helen storms in “Elissa’s gone nutty”
Amanda and McCrea: ‘What happened”
Helen: ‘She’s nuts.. she’s got to go home”
Helen fills them in on what just happened. She ends it with “WHAT THE F****”
Helen brings up when she went to talk to Elissa about it she was told not right now. “Umm like why I always can talk to you”
Helen starts to impersonate Elissa “It’s my vote and I can vote any way I want.. if Kaitlin isn’t in an alliance with Spencer and Howard I want her to stay”
Amanda says that Elissa has a personal vendetta against Aaryn for some reason.
Amanda says that Kailtin is still going home this week they have the numbers there is nothing they can do
Helen says this is proof that Elissa has gone “MAd” Amanda fills her in about Elissa getting mad adn Andy and McCrea earlier in the day.


9:00pm Elissa and JUDD
Elissa saying she doesn’t appreciate how Aaryn talks to people.
JUDD telling her that Spencer and Howard are coming after him. Elissa: “How are you saying they are coming after you when nobody knows you did anything”
JUDD: “They are going to know I said something.. I’m going home next week” (JUDD is serious)
Elissa starts to laugh.. “You guys are all just ridiculous”
JUDD: “How am I ridiculous”
Elissa: “Because it’s just hilarious.. it’s such a joke”
JUDD: “I’m a joke”
Elissa: “You’re not but you guys know you are the ones that told me that.. about the Alliance and how we need to vote Kaitlin out and not aaryn”
Elissa no denies ever saying Aaryn’s name to Kaitlin says that kailtin asked her if it was Aaryn spreading the rumors.
JUDD says he just assumes that anything he said to her was in confidence
Elissa says she has the right to find out if it was true
JUDD: “I out my back on the line to keep you here”
Elissa: “Whatever.. I don’t want to hear about it or talk about it anymore.. I just wanted to know if it was true and now I know it’s not true”
Elissa does not think it’s true that Kaitlin has a secret alliance.

Elissa gets up and leaves tells him they are all liars “Whatever JUDD”

9:05pm Elissa and Kailtin backyard JUDD is still on the couch but leaves after the first 30 seconds
Kaitlin apologizes for the whole thing that just happened. Elissa says she was stupid to go to the person she’s on the block against with the information Elissa gave her. Elissa: “If you are not fighting for yourself that was a total waste”
Kaitlin: “I just came to apologize I don’t really want to talk about it anymore.. Do you know how to make honey Dijon dressing”
Elissa says that everyone is asking her to vote against Kaitlin. Kaitlin: ‘Well then everyone is lying to my face”
Elissa: “Everyone is lying to us because they think we’re idiots and we’re just their votes until they pick us off”


9:15pm HOH McCrea, Amanda, Andy, Helen, Jessie and JUDD
JUDD tells them that Elissa just majorly threw him under the bus, Spencer and Howard are going to know it was him that told about the 5 person alliance.
They are talking about how Elissa screwed them tonight now they have to win HOH. Amanda tells them they still have the numbers to get Kailtin out. Jessie: “She just threw JUDD under teh bus and it pi$$es me off”
McCrea: “this is so f***ed up”
Andy: “Those Reilly women are crazy”
MC: “At this point I would rather Rachel be in here”
Superfriends are scared but they all agree to stick together to get Kaitlin out.
Andy: ‘She like a f**** robot that doesn’t understand logic”
Superfriends start hating on Elissa (I guess Howard gets a break tonight) McCrea points out that Elissa always points out she never thinks about Aaryn or aaryn means nothing to her yet she constantly brings her up
Andy brings up how Elissa know everything about Season 12 Big Brother but when asked about Brintey she say “I don’t know who that blonde girl is who is that”
Jessie: “I think it’s her way of being coy”
Jessie calls Elissa the shittiest Big Brother Player ever
Jessie asks them what will they do if she wins MVP next week. Nobody has a answer. Jessie: ‘She’s really like the least valuable player.. like really”
Andy thinks that America did probably vote to nominate Elissa because she’s so bat sh!t crazy


McCrea says that Elissa will now go with the other side 100% “I hope she sinks their ship to.. just going after Aaryn”
Andy: “What a f*** idiot.. if she was a person in real life I wound’t give her the time of day”
McCrea: “If this was real life I would dig into her I would Eviscerate her”
Andy: “She’s a fu**** mean girl I’ve seen it.. she bullies and picks on girls”
McCrea: “She’s Jeremy 2.0.. argh I want to tear into her so bad..”

11:10pm Hamock Kaitlin, Amanda, Candice and Helen
Amanda says she’s been hearing that both Candice and KAiltin are talking sh!t about her. She says she’s been hearing that they are pinning the drama with Aaryn, Elissa and Kaitlin on her. Helen says they are talking about the night Amanda was crying. Amanda tells them that it wasn’t staged is was real the only fight she’s staged in the house was week one.
Amanda: “She really hurt my feelings because i’m body conscious”

Amanda says she’s insulted that they would suggest pinning this on her. She’s coming to them as a woman and telling her random people in the house are coming up to her saying that Candice is pinning this on her. Candice tells her to call those people out let see who they are.

Amanda tells them to keep her name out of it. Kaitlin and Helen have no idea what Amanda is talking about. Amanda says they are pinning all this on her.
Candice keeps saying she doesn’t know what Amanda is talking about
Amanda: ‘If you want to be a woman and sit here..say to me. I’m a woman Amanda if you want to sit here and fight with me because you are a woman it doesn’t matter who told me I’m telling you I know” (She knows Candice is pinning “this” all on her)
Amanda: ‘You have the balls so say I’m saying something when I’m confronting you to your face.. you’re not going to admit it”
Candice: “I don’t know what you are talking about”
Amada leaves “We all got balls here we can talk to people behind their backs but when they’re in our face we got nothing to say”
Amanda: ‘Yes it was me I plotted this whole thing.. I told Elissa cmon.. give me a f**** break I got better things to do
After Amanda is gone they head to the where a group of house guests are chit chatting about the crazy drama today
K: “I’m so lost”
JUDD: ‘that’s the point”
Kalltin: “Self evict I want to smoke some pot”


11:00pm HOH Jessie, Amanda, Andy, Aaryn and McCrae

Aaryn says the only people she’s with now are the ones in the room. Amanda: “Good because these are the people voting to keep you”
Aaryn says if she gets a power on thursday she’s putting Elissa up. Amanda says Howard and Elissa. Aaryn points out that GinaMarie was kinda on Elissa side during the drama. Amanda leaves

11:20pm Helen, JUDD, Amanda, Jessie, Andy, Aaryn HOH (This is the current superfriends alliance. It’s down Elissa but has gained Aaryn. Jessie also seems to be closer with them)

Helen tells them Candice thinks that Amanda is the cause of all the drama.
Helen says that Candice is coming after Amanda because she is targeting Howard.
Helen is worried that Elissa is going to spill the beans about their entire superfriends alliance. Andy mentions that they all are going to be Elissa’s BFF. Helen says that Elissa won’t even look at her right now because she didn’t stick up for her in front of Kaitlin and Aaryn. Helen doesn’t even know how she could have stuck up for Elissa she was so stupid during her argument with KAiltin and Aaryn.

Helen says that Candice is pretty much under Howards spell she points out how after being told that howard has a final 4 with McCrea, Amanda, and Spencer she denied it. Candice told Helen that she’s too close to Howard he would tell her about any alliance, ‘Really Candice.. Really”
Andy: “What a idiot.. he’s making 5 alliances without her”

THey start talking about how stupid Candice is for falling for Howard..
Helen gets up to head downstairs looks at Aaryn and says “Welcome to the club” (LOL welcome to the superfriends..)

11:40pm HOH Aaryn, Jessie, Amanda and McCrae
The superfriends have been non stop bashing all day and well into the night. Howard, Candice and Elissa have all been torn into by the new superfriends alliance.
Aaryn is quick to point out that the two people she has always had a problem with are Elissa and Candice and she’s so glad everyone else is starting to see it. Amanda: ‘She better pray I don’t win HOH”
Amanda: “I’m going to punch this bitch in the face.. I cannot stand her voice.. I cannot stand her face.. I cannot stand her saying HOWIE.. You’re f****ing ugly and you’re fat.. he’s just using you to spread his gospel word throughout the house hallelujah”
Amanda: “Go f** yourself you ugly bitch you were a dancer really”

Aaryn brings up Candice telling her she’s glad she has a muzzle on like aaryn. Amanda: “You can’t put a muzzle on a pig.. disgusting pig” McCrea laughs.
Amanda: “I want to harpoon her… f**** her”

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213 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers Elissa stirs the pot “Elissa stop just stop.. You are just lying Now””

  1. i love that elissa exposed whatever, i just wish she would have done it more coherently to where kaitlin and howard could figure out what exactly is going on with people trying to save aaryn and spread all these lies mcmanda is spreading about them.

    and just when i thought judd was scumbag enough due to how he went off about candice for nothing, looking through howards things for some supposed BB prop power is beyond pathetic.

    1. “McManda” didn’t spread any lies. Howard, Spencer, and Kaitlin did ask Judd to start an alliance. Judd told the rest of the “superfriends” about it..

      1. your kidding right? who is driving the “lets keep aaryn” bus? amanda because she thinks she can control her. and are you trying to say amanda didnt make the comment, “aaryn, you are safe?” like she tried to claim too? she just said it in HOH room during BBAD. but according to her publicly, she never said it. i’m pretty sure she’s the one that started the rumor about the fake alliance elissa went on about. not to mention telling helen/elissa kaitlin and howard will target them next week.

        all because she can’t win anything and trying to get people to do her dirty work.

        1. you clearly have not been watching the feeds the past couple of days, howard and spencer ABSOLUTELY tried to form an alliance with judd, kailtin and gina marie. they even put all their hands in together in the hoh but then judd told the super friends it about bc he is loyal to them. spencer and howard also tried to form an alliance with judd and andy f4. but it’s no secret everyone is forming alliances, real and fake and everyone is lying to someone. sure, amanda did tell aaryn she is safe, but this is AFTER aaryn directly asked her if she’s safe… what was amanda supposed to say “no, you are going home”? you keep your enemies close! and there are other reasons why the friends (including judd and elissa!) agreed to vote out kailtin, because she’s a great competitor, not just because of this random alliance. i have NO idea why elissa would confront kaitlin like that and ask for a house meeting, of course it was going to be very dramatic. if she was a reasonable person, she would have known that confronting kaitlin like that would cause drama. and elissa turning on helen and judd last night, what a dumb move! these are ppl that support you!!

    2. so i’m guessing the amanda fans and people that like the superfriends are giving me thumbs down due to how i’m hoping their alliance is f’d?

      1. no you’re getting the thumbs down b/c in this particular case all the blame goes to Elissa b/c she wants Aaryn gone. and now she’s replaced Helen with Candace – who by the way is now trying to throw Amanda under the bus again.

        1. just so we’re clear, i’m not rooting for elissa. in fact i’m on record for thinking all the HG’s suck with jessie (for supporting aaryn) and howard (not being a very good player up to now) sucking the least and amanda (such a big liar, behind-the-back-trashtalker, manipulative bitch) and aaryn (entitled racist and so much hate).

          i just hate the superfriends alliance and i want it blown up and i want it blown up in the face of the person pulling that alliance’s strings.

    3. this is how simple this situation is. Elissa needs to stop being emotional and payback Amanda by going to Helen, Candice, Howard and Spencer and have them vote 5-4 to evict Aaryn. it could be a vote of 6-3 if Helen can also pull in Jessie to vote off Aaryn. everyone in that house should use the opportunity for next week to break up Amanda and MC. Amanda and MC needs to be dismantled.

      1. Helen is kind of done with Elissa and there’s no way Jessie would flip. She has said more than once that she wants Aaryn here b/c she’s closer to her. And honestly while I like Jessie, she’s one of those girls who just wants the popular/pretty girls to like her (not that she isn’t pretty herself – she for sure is), so now that Aaryn is giving her attention/friendship she’s not going to turn on that.

        1. jess isnt that bothered about being friends with aaryn

          jess would rather aaryn stay as she prefers her over kaitlyn

    4. WOW, hate that I stopped watching. Apparently some of these people actually do use their brains and now realize that Elissa is a cancer spreading lies to all in the house. Cannot wait for Elissa to be sent packing.

  2. Kudos to Simon for getting all that. What a crazy night! That second picture of Elissa pretty much sums it up. Either she is being paid extra from CBS to stir shit up for drama sake OR her she just F’d her own game and threw her whole alliance under the bus over PMS!

    1. Apparently, Elissa doesn’t need the money. At least that is what everyone has been saying. If that is the case, i would do the same thing too. Why not? Evil dick use to call people out all the time and people loved him for it. It’s funny how people accept certain behavior from men but not from women. However, it would have been nice if she told everything and was intelligent and coherent while doing so. Amanda, McCrea, Andy, Judd would have all been done. BB15 would have turned into “win or go home”

        1. Dont be ridiculous. Im not comparing the two. I stated a fact. Dick use to call people out all the time and America LOVED IT!. Elissa did it, and i might add poor job doing so, but everyone is all pissed. Ive been reading these blogs all season and everyone has been complaining about no excitement. Now you have some and you have a problem with it because it was Elissa or was it because it was a women? Either way, it makes no sense.

          1. It’s because she made herself sound so stupid. It’s hard to believe someone, even if what they’re saying is true, if they sound like a complete moron doing it.

        2. So does your name imply that you would like to have sexual relations with Hayden or that you just want to give it to him?

    2. and what’s even funnier is that she doesn’t think she set these things in motion! She told Candi that she wasn’t going to talk to them anymore & once again brought up all the mean, racial & derogatory things people have said. Now she’s going to bed to avoid everyone. Too funny!! You made your bed Elissa & now you get to lie on it. She is no better than anyone else.

      1. I understand how Elissa feels. I was constantly hated on by a guy that I worked with and all because I am Asian. He was constantly saying stuff about Asians, gook this, chink that. He really hated that my g/f was white and made passes at her and asked her why an Asian dude? Upper level management would always tell me, well he seems like a nice guy, (B/S for He’s really good at sales), you guys should sit down and talk it through. Well guess what happened? I got promoted and all of a sudden it was okay for me to be around him and he even invited me to hang out. Well ever since my promotion, every chance I get I try to make his life a living hell at work. So I don’t blame Elissa for trying hard to get Aryan out. And just like my situation, Elissa knows shes being nice because she has to. You can never forget the hate. Only someone who has been hated on can truly know this.

        1. I disagree with you because if you look at Helen she is asian and has experienced a lot of prejudism in this country but she is not vendictive. She is playing the game and I cannot understand Elissa now forgetting that Helen is the only friend she have had since the first week of this game. She had no one and was really picked on in the first week of this game and Helen is her only friend.

    3. The producers knew what we all knew, that Amanda and McCrae had flipped the house so that Aaryn would stay. This F-ed up the big eviction night they have had planned for over a week, so they called Elissa into the DR and told her to flip the house back so Aaryn would go.
      This is working out both good and bad for the show. It has solidified the Amanda/McCrae/Andy/Judd/Jessie/Helen alliance(at least for tonight) while ostracizing Elissa from them. If things continue as they are now(it wont, the show will pay some1 if they have to to vote Aaryn out), on Thursdays eviction show when the vote comes in and Elissa realizes her alliance has gone against her wishes(how dare the peasants), she will instantly be on Howard/Spencer/Candice house and the war will be on with Aaryn and GM sitting safely in the middle.
      AG has a big decision to make here. Does she want Elissa to join the H/S/C side and have all the righteous people united against the evil of this world(its ok, you can laugh at the ridiculousness of that), or does she want Aaryn to go now?
      We will find out the answer to that on Thursday.

      1. Someone, you’re absolutely right!!!!!! In exchange for protection, Elissa is at AG’s beck and call, 24/7, to do whatever AG orders her to do. But there’s no AG “decision” to be made here. It was made last Friday morning. Aaryn goes home Thursday. AG’s problem is that not a ONE of the HGs has half a brain!!!! Weak and alone or not, Aaryn staying in the house is no good for any of the HGs long-term games!!! AG’s trying to do the house a big favor here!!!!! And Helen, who I thought had both half a brain and a some level of honor, is now shaking more hands than a candidate who’s a day away from the election! First Kaitlin, six days ago, with Helen promising her “weeks and weeks of protection”, by using POV, and allowing Helen to backdoor Jeremy. Now, less than a week later, Helen totally bails on Kaitlin, for no reason, and now declares, via that same handshake, that Aaryn is her new BFF!!!!!

        And even after it’s now been proven to the Superfriends that Kaitlin has made no “secret alliances” at all this week, with anybody, these “Super-Dopes” still insist “Their Secret Plan” is still on, preferring to “shoot the messenger” (Elissa), declaring HER to be bat sh*t crazy, instead of listening to what Elissa actually said. And not just keep the racist, self-absorbed, pathological liar Aaryn in the house. But vote out the *one* female with the best chance to win comps for them later, against the guys, when you’ll (Super-Dopes) really need it most? Not to mention evicting a HG who hasn’t badmouthed/lied to a SINGLE member of the Superfriends (or anyone lately, for that matter.) Hey, I have no horse in this race. But in my life, I admire young folks like Kaitlin. Apparently, the #1 reason Kaitlin must go this week is because she doesn’t lie 500 times a day, she shows the other HGs respect, takes them at their word, and keeps her own word. And all she expects in return is the same. Clearly, Kaitlin’s the a*shole among all these other lowlifes!!!! Andy? Pathetic. Jessie? Still thinks she’s in high school? Helen and Amanda? You both have brains. What’s gone wrong with your frontal lobes of late? Are you trying to ruin your own games on purpose?

        I’m with my friend Bobsky here. He made an incredibly incisive comment earlier today. He and I watch BB for the same basic reasons. Strategy. Drama. Competition. And without big personal favorites. But we must at least CARE about a few HGs. What happens to them in the game. To me, the drama level doesn’t matter, if I don’t couldn’t care less about any of the HGs. Who wins? Who loses? Bobsky said he has friends that remind him of Howard. And once Howard’s gone, Bobsky’s out. I believe him. (A hundred percent!, to quote GM.)

        Well, in the past 10 days, from out of nowhere, Kaitlin has emerged for me as the ONLY person in BB15 who, if I ever walk past on the street, I would acknowledge. She’s the only HG I have any respect for. I would tell Kaitlin I very much respected her BB gameplay, and the classy way she played the game, despite a cast of classless HGs around her. Kaitlin kept a level head, even while evicting her showmance, while only trusting people to keep their word to her in return. (Yet the first chance Helen had to keep it, she deserted her. Awful. And there’s no “solid gameplay reason” for it. At all. I hope Helen’s two young boys, Henry and Charlie, watch this day’s video in 15 years and say, “Why did you lie to Kaitlin like that, Mommy?”), Kaitlin always competed hard, honestly and well. Threw no comps. Neither Kaitlin nor GM lie or backstab (but let’s face it, is GM really even playing BB? She’s in her own alternate reality….) Besides Kaitlin, I’ve never met anyone like *any* of the other HGs. Thank goodness! I can’t identify. I can’t relate. Worst of all, I don’t care. There’s no rational strategy going on in the house. They all play personal. BB can’t be played 100% personally. Some strategy is needed! Once Kaitlin goes, like Bobsky with Howard, I just don’t see a reason for me to keep watching BB15. And I’m a die-hard saying this. So hopefully, Kaitlin stays, and I can still identify with one HG… (Not to worry, Simon and Dawg. I’ve already contributed to OBB!)

        AG is VERY good at her job. She will still find a way to somehow manage to get Aaryn evicted Thursday. So I still expect to see Kaitlin around. But it’s gonna take her FAR more AG effort than it should, with the bunch of clueless airheads occupying the BB house this season. Sorry for the long rant, my friends. I respect all of you. I hope you are enjoying BB15 far more than I am. WIsh I could get my $ back for the live feeds…….

        1. The reason that Helen is turning on Kaitlin is because when she was on curfew punishment Judd heard that someone from the bathroom said helen is next to go. The one speaking was Kaitlin. They were forming their own alliance ,again, Howrd one of the ringleader. They also approached Judd. I will not blame Helen on turning on Kaitlin and besides if she did not use the veto on hersef she woukd have been evicted.

          1. Guest1, Judd started that false rumor because his gal-pal Jessie has BADLY wanted Kaitlin evicted, for weeks now. Jessie has said, “There’s only room in the BB house for one hot brunette, and that’s me!” REAL mature…. Jessie has both hated and badmouthed Kaitlin all season, because Jessie wanted Jeremy as her BF badly, Kaitlin got him, and Jessie’s still hopping mad about it. (Even after Jeremy and Kaitlin were together, Jessie would corner Jeremy into having these one-on-one, “But I still want to be close friends” convos with him. TRULY disturbing. Jeremy even had to say to Jessie once, “Jessie, why are you and I even having this conversation?” Pathetic. Like I said, Jessie still thinks she’s in high school. And Judd knew Kaitlin wasn’t leaving, without a “shock the world, hot rumor”, aimed directly at Helen, said by Kaitlin. Besides, Judd has been so out of sorts as HOH this week, that I wonder if he still knows his own name half the time! The only reason Judd’s “overhear” was taken seriously by the house is because he’s HOH, and the HOH is always right. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in h*ll that Kaitlin was gonna throw the one person who promised her safety under the bus, the very next week. Think about it. It makes absolutely NO sense. It’s the same thing as jumping out a car door, with the car going 60 MPH. It doesn’t pass the “smell test.” Besides, to those of us who watch the live feeds, Kaitlin stands out in the house, because she doesn’t throw people under the bus.

            A main reason why these HGs are so inept is that they spend time thinking about the wrong things. The house has wrongly thrown out dozens of theories on what the MVP twist was this week. Helen’s been the furthest off. By far. They’ve spent WAY too much time on something they have no control over. And FAR too little time on what’s really important in BB. And it shows…….

            1. Jim your hatred of Jess is truly disturbing – the ‘only one hot brunette’ comment you are taking way too seriously…so its a bit immature, but who cares? it was said in a joking fun way

              Jess doesnt like Kaitlyn because Kaitlyn has bullied and hated on Jess the entire season

              she wasnt looking to slut it up like the other trashy girls, Jess was only ever looking for some friendly flirting and for a game partner, someone to talk game with and trust 100% and she has found that with Judd

              and who honestly cares about Jeremy, hes long gone

              Judds original target this week was Kaitlyn(Jess agreed), nothing more

        2. Jim I think you should go back and follow the feeds and you will know why Helen will not keep her promise to Kaitlin. kaitlin got sucked in by Howard.

        3. One more thing if you go back on the first week of this game when Elissa was all alone crying in the room because everyone hated her and it was only Helen that came in the room and comfort her. That is how she supported her and their friendship begins but now Elissa is being blinded of her hatred of Aryan and the poison of Howard. I still think that Helen is a genuine person. I could be wrong but that is my thought and you could have yours and everyone.

        4. Agree 100% Jim, Elissa’s (or AG’s ploy) didn’t seem to work. The DR is going to have to go into overdrive, That AG needs/wants Aaryn out this week is obvious – I can’t recall a season where production was so invested in an eviction (usually it’s a save on their part like Frank last year). I’m still convinced that AG made a huge mistake by only showing Aaryn’s remarks during the network shows – GM and others were equally obnoxious. And I’m still convinced that AG is being pressured by outside forces – yes, Aaryn’s mother has hired a PR firm but it was CBS that gave the LA Times that news…. something isn’t adding up for me – perhaps AG needs Aaryn out for reasons other than high ratings. But in any event, Elissa is certainly following her marching orders and watching this unfold will certainly be interesting,

        5. Jim, I really believe that Kaitlin is going out the door on Thursday. I firmly believe that these HG’s are entrenched in a mob mentality and AG is not going to be able to control it. Call it poor casting or bad luck. I too am rooting for Howard but unless he wins POV and is able to shake up the house I don’t have much hope that he will even make it to jury.

      2. Someones spot on! 😛

        Exactly how I envisioned this all came about. Production does not want Arryn staying thus the Super Friends plan had to be outed. Who better than Ellisa. What I don’t get is Kaitlyn though. She has to be a complete moron… told she has been lied to by, Helen, Friends and Arryn backstabbing her and nothing in return from her plus telling Arryn everything that is one incredibly stupid skank!

    4. Completely agree, rips to Simon:) That’s a helluva job getting all that. I just don’t understand Elissa’s arguement. She doesn’t seem like the brightest bulb in the box on a normal day, but man, when she argues, she is absolutely clueless!!!

      Now I’ll tell ya what pisses me off about all this, is how quick the “superfriends” are to drop Elissa & bring in AARYN, of all people. Are u kidding me? She’s a homophobic racist Bitch & she should be on her way out the door, not forming alliances with them. That just shows that they aren’t any better. If they’re that quick to drop Elissa for Aaryn. Then they deserve her. Freakin Idiots! It’s just aggravating bc for 3 wks they’ve comforted Candice & Elissa when Aaryn has came at them. They all wanted Aaryn gone. Then suddenly McManda realizes they could get Aaryn on their side so they put it in everyone’s head to keep her. When are they gonna realize, they’re just helping McCrae & Amanda. I’d like to see Elissa go work with Howard, Spencer, Candice, & Kaitlin or GM after this
      And what about Helen promising Kaitlin safety this week from the “superfriends”. If I were Kaitlin I’d be playing that up right now..

  3. There are at least 4 people with mental illness in this house, let’s see who can guess which HG just took over the number 1 ranking…

  4. Elissa sucks. She doesn’t understand how to play this game at all. But that sure was entertaining.

  5. Elissa is very good. She’s making me feel sympathy for Aaryn. And that would have been damned near possible to do, otherwise.

    1. Very amused reading all the Elissabots on Twitter campaigning for BB to give her a special power because everyone is picking on her. Pity party ending before it got started.

      1. My question is who is picking on her, all I see is everyone covering her ass and she comes up with some make believe problem with somebody. Oh, and then they are apologizing to her for what they don’t know. and truth be told Elissa doesn’t know either!

      2. Barb, I know what you mean. I was on Twitter last night and there were all tweets basically saying “Poor Elissa everyone has been so mean to her for no reason blah blah blah” “she’s the only houseguest we liked everyone else sucks”! Yea Elissa was picked on the 1st two weeks and she has struggled but she is NOT the victim and is NOT completely innocent. I don’t think any HG is completely innocent in this season but c’mom!

        I don’t hate Elissa I think she means well and she’s better than Aaryn (though I have to say not by much as Elissa is just as obsessed w/ Aaryn as Aaryn is w/ her), but I think she’s bat sh*t crazy and does NOT know how to play the game well. If she gets MVP again, I will NOT be happy I would rather the twist ended or even the show gets cancelled than watch Elissa get MVP for being Rachel’s sister and due to the crazy fans who will defend Elissa to a fault!

        Those crazy Elissa (or any contestant for that matter) fans on Twitter are the disadvantages to America getting any type of power. One more thing, I’m talking to all Elissa fans I’m just talking about the ones who think she can do no wrong!

      3. One more thing: these Twitter fans were trying to say that SHE saved their a$$es! How? By not nominating any of them when she got MVP? It was them who saved Elissa!

  6. Omg!!! Seriously Elissa is f-ing nuts!! She was my favorite player up until now. Why would she do this. Does she not realize she just messed up her own game by doing this. It make no damn sense. She is a total wack job and needs to call amanda bynes to see if she will share her room in the mental hospital. Production really needs to call a doc asap for a mental evaluation. I so need a new favorite player. Look out team arayn here i come! And thats only because she is elissas arch enemy! I hate stupid people.


  7. I just want Kaitlin to shut the hell up & kiss Elissa’s ass b/c its the only way she’s staying.. I cant take another week if aaryn’s annoying voice

    1. You feel bad for Kaitlin because she doesn’t see it coming? Well it’s Kaitlin’s fault. Kaitlin couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She still can’t And Elissa, just set herself on fire trying to warn this dumb girl. She is too arrogant to believe that anyone would lie to her or vote her out over Aaryn. She knows that she agreed to an alliance, so a smart girl would say, “wait a minute , this is true” So who told? Maybe I AM in trouble. I need to get to work”. Instead she is laughing at Elissa and talking sh*t. But you feel sorry for her????

      1. i dont really get why ppl are saying this is kaitlin’s fault, elissa told her explicitly “are you in an alliance with howard and spencer? if you are, i will vote you out. you need to call a house meeting to see who the liar is or ill vote you out”… like what other option did kaitlin have, she thought this was the only way to save her ass… and although it’s true she could have not formed the alliance in the first place, she is trying to play this game and stay in the house. it seems like kind of a bullshit alliance anyways.

  8. Really something is going on with Elissa. she is acting very CRAZY. I think the confinement of the house is getting to her. she is not acting “Normal” even for her!
    I know the other crazy pants GM is not all there in the head but she does have some funny comebacks!

  9. Elissa’s insane. Because of her actions, Judd may have been outed out as the one leaking the info about Spencer and Howard’s 5 people alliance. Not only that, but if Elissa causes Kaitlin to stay and she (or one of the 5 person alliance) wins HOH, Helen or Amanda or Elissa herself could be voted out. All because Elissa is obsessed with Aaryn (who has been pretty sweet lately… just being honest) and can’t let go of what happened earlier in the season. Even if her own group already agreed on the plan to kick Kaitlin out and even if Elisa herself agreed earlier. Fuck. She’s on a revenge agenda and is totally throwing her entire group in jeopardy.

    Andy and the rest of the guys are right – talking to Elissa is like talking to a brick fucking wall. I think for the first time this year, a whole room of people saw Aaryn as being the nice one and Elissa as being the crazy bitch.

    I was really supporting Elissa from the start but I’m done with her.

    It almost looks like Elissa’s meds were taken away (or doubled in dosage) because her behavior isn’t normal. Could she be naturally this crazy? I have no idea.

    1. Goofy. The psychiatric wards are ready to admit. Let’s get Elissa out of there!

  10. This show has gone from the totally outrageously offensive to the totally fricken absurdly offensive. As a person of a mixed heritage, I am just totally blown away by the way these dumb asses think and speak their minds so openly freely. The videos of the live feeds and all the you tube is evidence enough of how deeply disfunctional and prejudice these people are. It has been long known that Asians have as much hatred toward blacks just as much as certain white folks. The research, data and statistics are out there for anyone with an open mind to easily verify. I throw up my hands and say this cast of misfits should all be evicted. Also I love how people try to justify these overtly racists statements and CBS and BB put up disclaimers to distance themselves, which is something they have never done in the past 14 seasons.

    1. What are you talking about? People should be able to speak freely to an extent of coarse.
      Racism in reality is just a tool for control freaks and the weak. (ask Howard he is “using it”, he’s been taught to)
      Everybody is prejudice in their own way to a degree due to their own life experiences.
      Look around you as you go throughout your day! I myself deal with all types of people everyday. For the most part
      everyone gets along fairly well and are respectful and civil to one another. A bad apple here and there…sure there are and allways will be..
      Yes there are true haters and racist out there, but very few in reality. When you crunch the numbers. (if the G would stop funding them most would go away)
      Open your eyes, Look around, Take a minute and observe the world around you. Think for yourself not what your told to think.
      Why is it toddlers and small children seem to be color blind? It is taugh, promotted, and funded by those who want to divide.
      The biggest problem are these hate monger leaders who don’t believe a word they spew out, they are in it for the power trip and money.
      It is very profitable! They could care less for those they say they represent.
      And now days it seems to go all the way to the top of our country. sOmeone at the tOp needs to shut his F**kin mouth and stop instigating Sh!t
      By the way…I am a Minority, I live in California, I’m Caucasian, ….oh poor me poor me I just won’t take personal responsibility for my own actions.

      1. Sounds like your a racist yourself, but if you really think there are few racists in reality then you are mistaken. Yes I do believe that some minority groups do hold themselves back because they feed into racism and use it as a tool, but it all starts from somewhere. Racism is prevalent in many peoples minds. It is proven in tests that while people don’t want to admit they are racist, subconsciously they are. In most these tests i.e. “Who looks like a criminal?” and we are shown a picture of a white and black male, 9 times out of 10 we pick the black guy. White hate has rubbed off so much that even black people will pick the black guy a majority of the time. If you’ve ever seen the show “What Would You Do?” then you know this to be true as well.

      2. You’re an idiot. It is impossible for you to know how much racism a black, asian, or Latino experience when you are not on the receiving end. And on a bigger level you are blaming a 40 something year old black man for instigating racism? Something that was here hundreds of years before he was born? Oh I forgot, how dare a minority speak out against being on the brunt end of racism? We know it happens but never say anything about it? Sounds familiar, kind of like everybody in the BB house blaming Howard for everything. We don’t know whats really going on, so it must be the black guy.In a few more days, those guys will have Howard pegged as the Zodiac killer.

      3. Watching Howard and Candice respond with so much anguish and pain to the appalling behavior of GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlyn, brought me to tears. I don’t know how anyone can say these people are normal. I too grew up in California, am caucasian, and dont have the skewed vision you seem to have. Racism is real, hurtful, ignorant and should be addressed every possible way, by our leaders at the top! Now go to bed Rush Limbaugh…: /

  11. Elissa is completely nuts! If she’s not on meds, she needs to be, it’s a shame they won’t even give em alcohol now cause of Elissa…If this is what they show on the feeds, I would love to know what’s happening with that idiot every time they go to fishes cause of her! They need to get em good & drunk…Let Elissa Shine!

  12. ELISSA is not evil. HELEN is not a bigot. JUDD is not KKK. Remember….only AARYN i s a terrible person. BAAAH11!!!

  13. wtg Elissa .. have all the puppies chasing their tails trying to figure out who said what to who …lmao … how many alliances are there now .. I have totally lost count plus who is with whom .. this is the craziest cast yet … but most times loving it .. talk about over playing drama in the house .. wow …lol

  14. This has been the craziest night. The paranoia from this MVP twist has the house in an uproar. I am hoping that they don’t tell them that America was the MVP and continue it next week as well

  15. Elissa is extremly jelous of Arayn. Lets Elissa, fake face. fake b**bs, fake yoga, etc…..Arayn, all natural and way better looking.
    Elissa seems to hate herself so she takes it out on who evers around her. I am so pissed off that CBS put her in the house.
    Elissa go home! and take your fellow woosy backstabbing pervo buddy Spencer with you.

    1. fake yoga? Now your just being hateful. We all saw how much Howard struggled doing Elissa’s “fake” yoga as you say. And how is she jealous? Did we all forget that Aryan is racist and she is only playing nice b/c she has to because she is part of the minority? Elissa just hates her because Aryan picked on her from the jump and lied about it. Wouldn’t you be defensive? Can you imagine all the venom Aryan would be spitting if everything went her way? Oh how we forget. And in another few weeks Aryan will be everyone’s sweetheart. Makes me sick.

  16. I hope that BB Production does give Elissa a helping hand to win the next HOH.

    I would like to see Elissa safe and in power.

    It would be boring to watch Aaryn go on and on about how honest she is, how she isn’t a racist – if Elissa leaves the house guests would sit around talking about Elissa.

    Elissa being in the BB House is much more entertaining than the remanding group of people talking about Elissa.

  17. Elissa knows something, that’s why she’s acting this way, I guarantee she wins HOH Thursday, let me call it right now, she’s acting like she knows she’s going to be in the house for a while. Her alliance, who’s been keeping her safe no longer trusts her.

  18. I’m not sad that Aaryn’s sad. Karma bites hard. But saying Elissa is coming out of this looking like a good Christian woman is a big stretch.

    1. It really bothers me how Elissa dismisses people, I don’t care who you are or how much money you have, get off your high horse, you are no better than anyone one else.

    2. Let me guess, your religious? If so, why are you so judgmental yourself? If not then why do you care? 1. It’s interesting how there are Christians who claim they are true Christians and yet they judge others and 2.there are people who aren’t religious and they care so much about what religious people do.

  19. Elissa has mentioned several times she is told everything by production… she is a producer. Why doesnt anyone believe her?! Production wants Aaryn out… they made this huge example of her on the prime time show… this whole week was planned in order to get her out…

    now if she stays, it will look terrible for CBS, BB execs, producers etc…. if Aaryn wins HOH and puts Howard and Candice or either one on the block and they are voted out. The deal Aaryn has made is that she will do what the others in her alliance want and put up Howard and Spencer and if one comes off… Candice goes up… This will cause a huge race infused controversy that CBS does not want to deal with.

    Elissa doesnt want to go along with her alliance now because they are not trying to save Howard anymore like they were the week before when they were trying to get Jeremy out. She fought for Howard then too. Now she is pulling out all the stops in order to keep Aaryn from staying this week. Judd was the HOH production didnt count on not “going along with their plans” and he insisted on doing what he wanted. He’s been heard saying Production is interfering too much… and he wants to play his own game. The best thing these people can do for their own game is to get Elissa out of there. I guarantee she will win the next HOH… Judd and McCrae were even over heard saying just this and then the cameras switched or blanked out the sound… its annoying. Elissa is playing for Production. PERIOD. These people should all self evict and just sue for the amount they feel they have been wronged plus emotional damages.. plus the jobs they lost on the outside… etc. They would come out with more than they are going to by continuing with this rigged bs of a game. I used to LOVE BB… this season SUCKS!

    1. Amen. And wasnt it said last week by elissa that production dosent want howard out? I think so and they prob made elissa do this. Or she truly is bat shit crazy! Lol

    2. Les Moonves, Julie Chen,and other CBS bigwigs are trying desperately to do damage control and the lunatics in the asylum are not responding to their meds. What we have here is a failure to communicate. They will start their usual manipulations of games their favorites can win ,double evictions on weeks where the planets have alligned for the CBS agenda. They love to create their showmances, villains, favorites and this year it’s all gone terribly wrong. Very disappointing to the real true fans of the show who will watch hopefully, waiting for the season to get better, knowing it’s in the toilet already!

      1. Aaryn’s Mom hired a PR firm to handle whatever shitstorm may come her way when she leaves the house. Coincidentally, it happens right when Aaryn sees the error of her ways about being a bigot. BB is becoming too formulaic and less interesting. Survivor too. Perhaps, the reality show is waning in popularity.

    3. PProduction should have just removed Aryan when she flipped Candice’s bed and been done with it. Or she should have recieved a penalty nom for it. It digusts me that her troll-doll looking ass is still in the house.

    4. Butters Mom, if your theory is right, CBS could have avoided this season racial drama by either getting Aaryn/GM out of the house, immediate recasting, block all racial slurs from being viewed, or had a house meeting without letting the viewers in on it to put an end to the racial/Gay slurs. But one thing for damn sure, it is not fair to take it out on Howard, Candace, Andy, and Helen “those the slurs were directed towards”. I don’t like Aaryn and GM at all, but it is not right for CBS to not inform them about loosing their jobs and the public backlash. There are some really sick people out there that may try to harm Aaryn and GM after BB. With all the racial tension our Country is now going through CBS is adding fuel to the fire. I’m officially done with this seasons BB, they took all the fun out of it for me. I must also point out the comments Spencer is making towards women and especially Jessie, “her p*&^% taste like butterscotch, I hope Judd F““` Her IS WAY TO MUCH AND DISCUSTING” this season CBS filled the house with racist and perverts who can’t control their personal issues, hatred, sexual issues etc.

      Thank you Simon for this blog, I really enjoyed reading everyone’s opinions, comments, debates and jokes, so many of you are very sharp and smart. I hope next summer BB will be better than ever. Enjoy rest of the summer……smooches Rosie

  20. I sorry, but Elissa is driving me nuts, she pouts about everything. She just goes off at the slightest thing. Acting pissed off a slightest thing and when people try to apologize, even when it’s not their fault. she just rolls her nose up and walks away. She is acting like a stuck up snob. Many of these people saved her butt and she is going off on them all the time. And what’s up with her going up and telling Kaitlin they want her out. I get it is wants Aaryn out. She is going her own way all the time. She needs to go.

    1. gTopgun,you just described Rachel! Of course Elissa is acting like a lunitic, she’s exactly like her
      Sister! Remember the bi-polar way Rachel acted everyday when she was on BB? She acted like
      That when she was on amazing race too! There is some serious disfunction in the Reilly gene pool!

  21. I think Elissa is just tired of her supposed
    alliance not including her in what’s going on.
    Heck I am confused by who is in what alliance
    and with whom and she feels like someone
    is lying to her. I think she feels like keeping aaryn
    Is bad for her game but bec it benefits Amanda
    and co they don’t care. As much crap as her
    supposed alliance talks about her they deserve it!
    There all just using her anyways so why not cause
    some hell for them.

    1. I don’t think Elissa is a nut case. I think she is doing whatever she can to get Aaryn out for her own game. She is not afraid to ruffle some feathers long the way and look the people she is up against in the face while she does it. She is not a coward. Amanda, Judd, Andy are cowards who only talk BS about others in their absence. Elissa tells it to their face and gets into it.

      While I am not a big fan of Elissa, I have agreed with her in all the three people she nominated and send out of the house and I am all for her wanting Aaryn gone so bad she is willing to loose all her marbles in the process. She is not a follower. Typically followers will either just follow the person who can chart their own course or they will hate that person to death. I don’t think she lost her mind, I think she is just acting like it to try and get her own way big brother style

    1. and now Candace – who has been asleep for the last 10 hours & missed it all is now throwing Amanda under the bus to Helen. So how is Candace throwing Amanda/McCrea under the bus any different than Amanda always pushing the Howard/Spencer/Candace angle. I think Spencer, Candace & Howard are a lot worse than Amanda & McCrea. But we’re all free to have our opinion & I still have yet to find a favorite of what’s left of the bunch.

  22. ELISSA is a nut case ..most of these players are desperate liars…. I just hate a bunch of followers one person says something its gospel and everyone blieves it … They are willing to believe any lies .I dont support HELLEN any more nor judd .We were just saying Judd was sitting good but all those nasty stuff that come outta his mouth he doenst have my support ….Loyal people go through the most bullshit in this game …They need to cut howard a bit of slack he is no better than some and no worse than others .. IF i had to choose between AARYN,,, (the racist),, AMANDA ,, ELISSA ,, HELLEN and the deep blue sea i was choosing the deep blue sea either way i dead …

  23. They should vote out GinaMaria…..let Katlin and Aryan stay. Stick to the plan of getting Howard and Pervo/Spencer out, Shun Elissa until
    they vote her out right before jury.

  24. Alright, Candace is using her brain again. She ha s it figured out. Now lets see if Howard talks her out of it. And lets see how long it takes Helen to tell Andy about it.

    1. Don’t get mad at the messenger. Judd just said, “if he did that to me, he better go back to A……….hh, wherever he came from? Then he had a look on his face like I almost messed up.

  25. Howard and Candice are so obsessed with Amanda. Candice is talking on the hammock to Helen and Jessie and she’s said Amanda’s name 20 times in the last 5 minutes and Helen is just ignoring it.

  26. Candice is hardcore trying to talk Helen into going against Amanda. Wow these people just NEVER learn when to shut up. Howard has TRIED to tell Candice so many times to keep her mouth shut and just watch and take in info. I guess in “Candiland” that means “Go tell the people you know are your enemies that you want to get rid of 2 members of their alliance”
    Stupidity reigns in Candiland.

  27. damn elissa your suppose to make this easy for us,were voting u out like in 6th place,just shut up and stop messing with our easy bb game,these people are insane pussys,and its right in front of them.howard,spencer,candice,helen,elissa,katlin,they need to form an alliance,but there dumb asses.

  28. Candice sucks. Enough talking about Amanda. It really wasn’t her. It is deflection from the crap Amanda was saying about Howard and how Amanda was a target because of her obsessing on getting Howard out. Candice is so far up howies ass that her voice keeps getting more annoying. And Elissa is a pure schmuck. Oh my lord. Aaryn now needs to go to Helen and reiterate that she is loyal to her. Period. And I hate aaryn. Just from a game point view. In life. In job. In game. In everything. Cover. Your. Ass.

  29. And the alcohol comes and the drama decreases. They need to either cut them off of any alcohol for a few days or increase the amount they get.

  30. Well it looks like Elissa may switch her vote to evict Aaryn, with Jessie being the deciding vote. Only thing I can say is that it will be interesting to see if either Howard, Spencer, Candace or Elissa can win the HOH, then watch as Judd, Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Aaryn, Andy and Gina Marie try to avoid being nominated to be evicted. Jessie would be the only one really safe. It would be fitting if the scary big black man won HOH and America picked the MVP nominee again.

  31. Isn’t Judd still the HOH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Then why is Amanda on the HOH bed all the time? Why does Amanda take baths in the HOH bathroom and leave dirty stinking rings on it.? Why is Amanda eating all the HOH snacks? Why is Amanda parading around the HOH room wearing the HOH robe with HOH emblazoned on it? Why is everyone coming into the HOH room and pleading their case to Amanda as if she were the HOH?

    Why is Amanda acting like she controls everybody? Maybe because she was spoiled by her rich jewish family. Amanda has got to go, she has everybody do her dirty work and then brags about it trying to take credit for herself. Seems that Amanda is acting like this because she already knows that CBS has chosen her to win as was told by an ex-employee!

    1. Rich Jewish family? Are you suggesting that Amanda acts in such a negative way because she is Jewish? That is just blatant racism. I dislike Amanda as much as the next person but its because she is a control freak and not because of her religion. Grow up loser.

      1. Hey simpleton. jewish is not just a religion,its also a “class”of people. And Aaryn’s training bra made no insinuation that she was a control freak because of her religion.

        I think that you are being neurotic and derived that because that’s what you wanted to read into it because you are a race baiter.

        1. “Why is Amanda acting like she controls everybody? Maybe because she was spoiled by her rich jewish family.” that’s blatant bigotry. it’s associating a religion/culture and their way of upbringing with a negative behavior. every one has a right to their opinion, but i don’t see why they had to bring her culture into this…

          1. “lurker001” & “d” are the biggest pussy a$$ bigoted hypocrites!!! Why are you misinterpreting the post from Aaryn”s training bra and jumping at the chance to make yourselves appear holier than thou???

            You religious bigots, why didn’t you jump on “Forget About It” when he made fun and showed hatred towards Howard’s Christianity??? The post is below:

            Forget About It! says:
            July 23, 2013 at 11:28 pm

            I am really disgusted with this group of players! They are all a HOT mess! I truly do not like anyone!
            Helen needs to shut the hell up!
            Judd is acting like someone took his lolly pop!
            Candice likes to stir crap!
            Elissa is self-centered!
            Amanda and Mc ruined their game by getting engaged!
            Andy a flip flop!
            Howard and his Bible!
            Jessie Who?
            Aaryn is ignorant and really needs to self reflect!
            Kaitlin should have watched previous BB!
            Spencer is disgusting!
            GM needs a class on etiquette!

            I caught both of you sniveling idiots with your panties down. There have also been other posts making light of Howard’s Christianity and not a peep from either of you girls. HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES! HYPOCRITES!

            1. i am in no way, shape or form a biggot. i am extremely open minded about any religion, race, culture, gender, etc. i just did not like the “spoiled jew” comment, i thought it was inappropriate and off topic. i also did not read the howard/christianity post, but can assure you that i have no problem with Christianity either. how you got that i was a “religious biggot” from my post is beyond me. please stop slandering me in the new updates.

    2. This is the exact reason this selfish,thoughtless,entitled pirranha is killing me to watch her…thank you! Waiting for one housemate to grab a pair and tell her to move her sorry ass downstairs! that is all…

  32. Why is everyone surprised in regards to Elissa’s behavior? She is just like her sister. it runs in their blood! crazy is crazy guys! I agree she needs meds please BB give her a PILL!
    Very glad she went to bed! Please stay there!

  33. WOW! Elissa gives Kaitlin an opportunity to save herself and she freakin blows it. Kaitlin deserves to go home now.

  34. Seriously? Why so much hate! I wasn’t an elissa fan before tonight but she just showed everyone how many f****s she gives….it was amazing I wish candidate had been there though! Nothing elissa said was wrong sooooo who gives a sh..she already had a target why not call some people out…i say bring it and more of the same to at least have something interesting to watch!

    1. Fair enough. But explain what she did, who exactly she ended up calling out and exposing, and how it benefited her or anybody she would like to continue on with in this game?

      Because what I saw was very similar to what my 4 year old niece does when she doesn’t get something she wants. Rather than doing the work, actually arguing why Aaryn needs to go, and rallying votes wherever she can find them, Elissa had a hissy-fit and decided to throw a tantrum in hopes that her Superfriends will just do what she says. In fairness, the Superfriends have been really bad parents seeing as how they’ve humored her childishness and given in to everything she wants, so how on earth can they expect her to be a good child?

      1. it caused drama….which is good tv…you think that elissa wasnt thinking about that? i think she was…she thinks about the live feeders and the show more than a lot of them….

      2. she doesn’t ‘owe’ them…maybe helen but no one else likes her or talked game to her they just wanted to use her…but ultimately she did what she wanted and then they convinced themselves it was their decision – amanda takes credit for all of it but amanda HATED elissa at the beginning until she found out about the power. elissa just called everyone out…if these people are dumb enough to not listen to her thats their problem but she wasnt lying and as a viewer i found it pure entertainment!

  35. The reason everyone keeps blaming Howard for everything is because he won’t buy into all the rumors being spread about him. He is playing it low key and it is driving everyone crazy that he won’t show his cards. They can easily blame him because he isn’t running around like evryone else trying to explain himself.

    1. Same thing that did Nick in. If you or I walked into the psychiatric ward in the hospital, all the patients would think we were the crazy ones…

    2. BBL you are right on! They have been desperately provoking him to respond so they can call him violent but he has not taken the bait.
      Unable to get the response they keep hoping for, his detractors are frustrated to the max! People like Howard drive people like Amanda
      completely nuts by their insusceptibility! I am lovin’ it!

  36. As a white guy,allow me to me the first to say that I’m voting for Howard for MVP. Im done with the “Super-friends”.

  37. Remember when Aaryn said she would buy a muzzle well i wish she would and give it to Amanda because that is the only thing that would shut her up. She’s going on and on about how Candice is talking all this sh*t about her, oh you mean like you talk about Howard all the time she is such a hypocrite. There’s no difference Candice is just doing to her what she does to Howard. I can’t wait until her a$$ goes up on the block and then the real crying will begin.

  38. people all talk aboout its boring in the house elssia just made it fun cause now howard knows who with him an spencer an candice im glad she did that im so tired of the superfreinds every time you win hoh you got to put up who they want ask a group i belike hey i won im putting up who i want too elssia hoh an mvp this week watch that would be real good for us judd call candice a name today its wrong superfreinds going to be superblock this week watch

  39. Candice isn’t very smart trying to back up the nut and blaming it on Amanda. Yeah, I get Candice doesn’t like Amanda because she wants Howard gone, but do you really want to hitch yourself to the crazywagon?

  40. Just curious Simon/Dawg but why would you censor the f-word but not the one that takes god’s name in vain. Just wondering

    1. Wow thumbs down for just asking a simple question huh and judging by the question i guess we know, how should i put this how you people feel towards that i guess. Good Luck.

  41. I agree with the people who say Elissa is playing for production. I think she is there to stir the pot. There is no way she can be this stupid about BB. You will never convince me she didn’t watch her sister play the game. Plus she has mentions several times about being in the CBS family.. She was brought into the house because she does look like Rachel,, and this made the other houseguests paranoid, and has brought chaos to the BB house and this is what they want.

  42. Katlin needs to wake the fuck up and start fighting for her life or move the fuck on and get evicted you dont deserve to be here.

  43. Candace is all bark & no bite! She looked so freaked out when Amanda first approached the hammock. ROFL!!

  44. Dear Houseguest,

    Howard did not win MVP because of the black vote, he didnt win the MVP period.

    Howard did not cause the racism in the House.

    Howard is not an NFL player.



  45. I am really disgusted with this group of players! They are all a HOT mess! I truly do not like anyone!
    Helen needs to shut the hell up!
    Judd is acting like someone took his lolly pop!
    Candice likes to stir crap!
    Elissa is self-centered!
    Amanda and Mc ruined their game by getting engaged!
    Andy a flip flop!
    Howard and his Bible!
    Jessie Who?
    Aaryn is ignorant and really needs to self reflect!
    Kaitlin should have watched previous BB!
    Spencer is disgusting!
    GM needs a class on etiquette!

  46. I think they shoulda put amanda bynes in the bb house ! she woulda fit right in with all these looney tunes!

  47. I Love how Helen High-Five’s Aaryn and says welcome to the club. I guess Helen dont care about the nails and fried rice comments.

    1. Lolol funny thing is I don’t think she knows about the Asian hating comments yet. The only real race stuff brought up to everyone in the house was the African American comments. I think Helen will crap herself when she sees what Aaryn said racially about her race. I do want to see what Aaryn says in the hot seat to Julie Chen when she is called out on all that stuff.

  48. This cast makes me wonder whose auditioning for this show. Half have never watched the show and the half are medicated. I mean nothing against people who take mess but if your anxious, depressed, attention deficit, or hyper I don’t know if this is the best place for them to be. I really don’t like anyone them. I think I would like McCrae but he sucking on Demanda’s teet. They are all playing so hard.

  49. Elissa has just given Howard, Spencer and Candace the evidence they needed that the rest of the house is against them. Everyone better strap in its about to get bumpy in the BB house. Anyone else notice how all the guys (Judd, McCrae, Andy) have so much to say about Howard behind his back, but none of them is man enough to step to him like a real man. Where I come from that is what a real “b**ch” is and generally would get you “b**ch” slapped. Now all we need to see is when Candace will finally confront Helen. She has already taken on the rest of “self entitled” wenches in the house.

    1. Well Amanda apparently has the balls to stand up to Howard in front of Spencer & Andy & ask him WTF- it was awesome!

  50. Dear Houseguest and Production,

    You guys are terrible. Aaryn needs to go and Elissa should never have been brought into the House, especially if you were going to do an MVP twist.



  51. While I agree that Elissa has lost it, she does not want Kaitlyn to go. As far as Aaryn not talking about Elissa for weeks, that is BS. Just 2 nights ago she participated in the bash Elissa, Amanda and Candice discussion in the HOH. Amanda thinks everyone should tell her the truth to her face but she sits in the HOH like the queen of the castle and talks shit about everybody. I hope Helen flips and they will have the votes to save Kaitlyn. Elissa is a loose canon but she is not a racist. I don’t blame Elissa for not forgiving Aaryn. First of all Aaryn has never apologized to her and said she was making waves in the house when she nominated her. Aaryn and Jeremy told everyone to not talk to Elissa and made her first 2 weeks in the house miserable. If I were Elissa I would want Aaryn gone before Kaitlyn too.

  52. Dear Simon and Dawg,

    You guys are awesome. Do you guys have jobs outside of this? Your dedication to big brother is deeply respected, I cant imagine having to watch these houseguest all the time. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks your kind words are appreciated.

      Yes we do hold full time jobs outside of our BB blog. I have to wake up in 5 hours to do the day job.. Ugh this drama tonight kinda threw a monkey wrench in my sleeping plan.. Thank god for Tim Horton. 🙂

  53. This drama tonight is sure to spawn another badly formed,broken, half-assed,ill conceived,full disclosure,alliance! Dr. Will, Boogie, Dan, Jannelle, Danielle, Evil Dick,etc. must be losing it over this group of dimwits this year! Difficult to find anyone to root for. I hated this season from day 2, the dummies are running the asylum!

  54. Amanda just said it….


    Any one who doesn’t think she is hot for Howard and was seriously hurt when he rejected her advances doesn’t understand male and female dynamics.

    And it was funny how she apologized to McCrae after she said it… but she didn’t care cause she knows he’s a weak ass dude.

    1. McCrae…if you don’t want to be called McPUSSY, you better have Amanda hand back your balls now and USE them. Tell ur girl to STFU.

    2. II can’t believe she called Candice fat and ugly. Her chubby, trashy, desperate ass has some nerve. She wanted Howard and when he regected her she became obcessed with getting him evicted.

    3. i agree. i always thought the tension between howard and amanda was sexual tension. it’s like the hate that comes from something not working out.

  55. Helen told Katlin that Andy is the one that told her Katlin was coming after her…didn’t see that coming…thought they were tight…

  56. Elissa is a piece of work. Im not an Aaryn fan, but obviously Elissa doesnt like Aaryn because Aaryn is stunningly beautiful. Even though Duck Lips thinks shes all that, she’s intimidated by Aaryn’s beauty. Elissa your husbands probably at home salivating over Aaryn on the live feeds. Lol

  57. Lol it sure did get interesting! I bet anything Elissa will win hoh now cause they are all talking about her leaving and well you know that wont sit well with production! Ughhh if she does win I think I will be done with this show! So sad cause I love bb but I feel,production just loves Elissa and all her oh we love CBS crap! I would rather see spencer win Hoh then Elissa lol

  58. Kaitlin, you better wake up and listen to Elissa because she is trying to save your arse from being evicted!!! Never look a gifted horse in the mouth! Now what would be interesting is if Kaitlin approached Howard and Spencer and told them about the alliance with Judd, Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Andy, Gina Marie, Jessie and herself…saying this is what they said, but it appears they are really aligned with Aaryn and not her. Drama, drama, drama — love it and thanks Elissa for shining the light. Expect the unexpected to always happen.

  59. Amanda,

    Sorry, honey. But all y’all are getting a little thick around the middle. May I also say that I have real boobs, and they don’t look like they’re trying to run away from my body.

    1. Hers are tired of hearing her mouth just like everybody else is that’s why their trying to run away.

  60. Helen, McCrae, and Amanda need to be put on the block.
    Elissa should self evict.
    Aaryn needs to go.

    Oh and bring back NIck, Jeremy, and David. This MVP twist was a huge dis favor to everyone.

    1. If they bring back Nick Jeremy and David, they are going to have to bring in protection for Nick because GM will still be there… If I were Nick I wouldnt come anywhere near the BB house ever again.

    2. Im ready to boycott Amazing Race as well if everyone who has mentioned it before is correct and Rachel will be returning to that show again…. All she did was cry and whine the last time she was on there… I dont understand why Rachel and her sister are so tied to CBS …. I dont get it. They are not attractive, they are crazy and I dont know of anyone personally who likes watching them. I see everyone saying they have a fan base but who are these people?

      Another question… Elissa fans are upset with Amanda/McCrae having a showmance working together to get Elissa out…. didnt Rachel do the same thing the season she was on there with Brendon?

      Im guessing Amanda will be tied to the CBS family when BB is over as well being that she has now gotten engaged on the show…. Im sure Amazing Race will be including she and McCrae as well… then Amanda can have it out with Rachel. It would be in Americas best interest if they both just got locked up abroad.

  61. These people are nuts! I think the casting department just wanted all crazy self absorbed people this season. They blow everything out of proportion. Why is Amanda and McCrae so paranoid about Howard when he hasn’t won a thing and seems more concerned with hooking up with Candace then the actual game and preaching. Then there’s Candace who seems to hate everyone for no real reason(except for the mean girls who she has every right to hate) Then there’s Helen who at first I liked but who has become paranoid central yes Helen people are coming after you this is Big Brother stop running around the house telling everyone our gamed is ruined every two seconds and power tripping about how it’s unforgivable when someone is against you. Then we have Jessie who seems like she needs major counseling to get over her clingy issues, she seems more concerned about people liking her and I think half the time forgets she’s in a game. Aaryn don’t even need to explain the long list of issues she has she’s pretty much a racist self important nieve to the world child. And GinaMarie well she should be put in the hospital not big brother who thinks once she’s out of Big Brother she will move and stalk Nick I am actually surprised she hasn’t self-evicted just so she makes sure Nick doesn’t meet any other girls. Elissa is actually funny to me because she is kinda weird also but at least she sees how crazy these people are. She should watch herself though stirring up a bunch of crazies is not gonna get a good result. Big Brother obiously when casting forgot to give these people the psych test because all would have failed!

    1. Nicole I agreed with everything you said except the statement about Elissa. Did you see the feeds tonight or after dark? She went nuts because she is not funny or weird! She is crazy like her sister. It runs in the family CHICA! I think she is losing it or maybe she is putting on a show for us–But I do not think so! CRAZY is CRAZY? She threw her alliance under the bus CHICA! Meltdowm i guess — No wait she was not the center of attention today!

  62. I think Elissa has no problem with Aaryn’s beauty as some of you would suggest. In my honest opinion, Production is in charge of Elissa……. and production/america want aaryn out of the house.

  63. Love it – Amanda asking if Howard understands what an alliance is! He’s talking in circles again trying to separate himself from Candace in this alliance of Amanda/McCrea/Spencer/Howard/Andy/Judd. All she wants is Howard to “control” her person! Howard said he’s being simplistic – ROFL!! Oh this is BB gold – can’t wait for Simon’s next post – with Kaitlyn listening in the hall!!

  64. As someone who pulled for Danielle last season(don’t hold that against me) I feel I know crazy in the BB house. Elissa is nuckin futz. I am still kinda rooting for her, but I admit she is going home very soon. Only Elissa could make Aaryn look like an angel. She will get a good edit from CBS. I have NO idea why I sill like her. Guess its the “crazy” thing. I cant stop pulling for her. HELP!!!!!

  65. Imma gonna say it. The women run this House. Amanda and Elissa are both overbearing loudmouths, but the most lethal thing the men think of doing is staying quiet and not getting on their bad side. Whut? If McCrae stands up to his own woman…and says B**** shut up, he’ll win Big Brother.

  66. Howard telling saying he told production he wasn’t gonna lie in the house and that he was gonna be honest. ROFL!!! He’s the biggest liar of them all.

  67. I really like this season. I wish I could say I have a favorite in the the house, but I don’t. That’s mainly because once i think someone is strong in this Big Brother game they let me down by saying and doing something to set back their own game. The second I think someone’s BB game is in the gutter it changes. This is my top 5 people who crewed their chance at 500,000
    1. AAyran because her head got so big when she was HOH she could not help herself nor that filthy mouth
    2. Candice for liking Howard so much, she really disappointed me 🙁 he is not that cute just saying lol
    3.Amanda is playing a little too fast by talking too much too soon, she’s a schemer and now everyone in the house knows it
    4. Katlin for not staying away from AAyran, not healing her friendship with Jessie and getting in good with the rest of the girls in the house
    5.Howard!! the target on him is just to big, Amanda made sure of that LOL. He should have came clean to Helen the first time instead of listening to Spencer

    I will be surprise if a guy wins this game or should I say a guy from the moving company LOL!!!! what a bunch of Losers epic fail
    I’m not a Spencer Fan the way he talks about Jessie behind her back is just nasty i’m scared he might rap her SMH, I hated the fact that he shouted out his girlfriend during live evection thursday if you respected her girl that much you would tone down the sexuall comments about Jessie he’s a Douche!!!!!!!!

    If i was in the BBH I would vote out the person with the bible just to be on the safe side. I dont think you should be using the bible to swear anything, swear on your moma that will get the job done lol

    Jessie is starting to grow on me but ill see how long that last LOL
    As Far as Elissa goes she was fun to watch the first 2 weeks but im over it now, she wont win this game or at least AAyran will make sure of that LOL

    Andy SMH…. I want to like Andy but he comes of pretentious in his diary room confessions, it seems like he acting like someone else not himself. I do get a kick when he say caddie comment’s to the girls ( i know thats not good but when he called jessie a whore it was funny as hell) I think that’s his real personality being BITCHY LOL.

    I have more to say but im too lazy to type it sorry lol

  68. I don’t think I have ever been so confused! I guess Kaitlin doesn’t care that she’s the one being evicted? Hmmm regardless if people are telling her she is safe, she has to have some doubt! I mean she saw what happened to David && Nick!!!

    I’m pretty sure if you line it all up, almost everyone has some sort of an alliance with everyone in the house. So hard to keep up with them all!!

  69. Real classy Amanda and you talk about being body conscious yet you’re calling another female fat ok. Is it just me or does Candice look thinner and in better shape than Amanda does?

    1. a lot of girls who insult other girls based on physical appearance do so because of their own insecurities. amanda is really pissed candice pegged this on her and is not thinking rationally. it sucks when girls turn on each other for no real reason.

  70. Elissa needs to take a chill pill. Don’t blew it Elissa for superfriends & Helen.

  71. Helen has no game at all!! As soon as someone saids they heard something, she flip flops. She is too stupid to figure out that she’s being played and by far is one of the biggest liars and non- loyal persons in that house. Her threats are a joke and I can’t wait until she gets home and sees how much of a fool Aaryn made out of with her racial slurs and comedic gestures. I’m sure that will make her a proud mommy. I actually thought Jessie was just laying low but she really is a waste of space on there. She looked totally ridiculous trying to be Aaryn’s bff. So sorry I was rooting for this girl. McWussy is always talking about how he wants to go off. Please go sit in the corner and continue to bite those raggedy nails. Amanda, stop hating on Candice. Calling her a ugly, fat bitch??? No that would be you Amanda. She’s the one that looks like a horse!!!

  72. These people are all nuts!! BB better have some counseling ready for each and everyone.
    All their drama activates my migraines.

  73. I cannot believe that Elissa seems to forget who her alliamce is and trying to alienate Helen who was the only person that supported her when everyone was hating her.

  74. Good morning, Houseguests! It”s time to play “Who is the biggest bigot.” Judd is up first. Judd: I fhink Howard should go back to Africa!! Judd>>You WIN!!!

  75. Big brother is/was my favorite summer program, and I have always enjoyed reading this web site. But lately everyone can not shut up about this racism shit…Get over it!!! Im white, and I vote for Howard, just because he seems to be such a good man, but he has got to unleash that Candace let her bring her own game down. What Aaryn, GM,.Kaitlin did was awful, but America sees that, Candace needs to just move on, she keeps stirring the shit back up. I hope Howard wins this season, he is laying low and letting everyone else self destruct themselves I think Amanda sees that and that is why she wants him out. This is a game and man you guys just have to lay off the race card, religon card, and culture card…Its really getting boring.

  76. Please get some of this estrogen out of the house, they are driving me nuts with all the petty crap!!!!!!!/////////////// . Candace is under Howards spell LOL really A MAN DUH? umm Kaitlin you were sucking J rod every night, Amanda and the human flea must I say more? Poor GM is still crying over a guy who would not touch her, and Aryan cried when her beach toy boy left……And poor Jessie just want a pe*&s and doesn’t care whom it may be attached to.I can’t stand women who talk crap about other women when they are doing the exact same thing……….

  77. This MVP bull has ruined the show for me. It could have worked if they didn’t bring in a person with ties to the show. Piss poor season if you ask me.

  78. funny how when ellissa was talking shit about Amanda she was a crying like a bitch now Amanda is talking shit about Candice sayn shes fat and ugly even tho Candice is better lookn then Amanda god i hate Amanda i hope Howard or Candice gets hoh and Amanda goes home that will be the best

  79. This season of big brother is horrible…these are the worst house guest to have ever played the game..aaryn is a evil self centered bitch…amanda really blew me when she said that about candice… she was just mad because elissa embarrassed her candice is very intelligent she looks a lot better than amanda she really brought out the nasty bitch she really is she needs to go and mccrae is just a fuckin robot and looks like he hasnt showered…elissa is showing her true colors…jessie is a fuckin idiot she had some nerve talking about elissa being the worst player jessie don’t win shit..I don’t care for spencer..these people take the fun outta the show

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