Big Brother 13

Big Brother 13 was broadcast on CBS and Showtime2 for 75 days during the summer with the Big Brother Finale on September 14, 2011. Season 13 was called “The Summer of Double Trouble” where 14 hopefuls entered the house to compete for half a million dollars. This season was slightly different from previous seasons where six big brother alumni entered the house along with eight new houseguests. The promo commercials for this season hinted to this twist by saying “Crash my Party”. The six big brother alumni that were chosen to re-enter the house were: Brendon Villegas, Rachel Reilly, Daniele Donato, Dick Donato, Jeff Schroeder, and Jordan Lloyd. After 75 days of back stabbing drama, Rachel Reilly was crowned the winner with four jury votes compared to Porsche Briggs’ three votes.
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Twist Facts:

  • CBS producers created a unique twist by selecting former House Guests, called “Dynamic Duos” to re-enter the big brother house for a second chance at winning the $500,000.
  • Before the premiere episode began the producers posted a poll on asking the fans to vote on which of the six pairs of former House Guests they would like to see re-enter the house. The six chosen house guests were: Dick Donato & Daniele Donato (Big Brother 8), Jeff Schroeder & Jordan Lloyd (Big Brother 11), and Brendon Villegas & Rachel Reilly (Big Brother 12).
  • “The Big Brother Golden Key” was a new twist where the partner of the evicted House Guest is granted immunity and exemption from competitions during the for the first 4 weeks of the season. However, the Golden Key holders were still permitted to vote on eviction nights.

Interesting Facts:

  • Upon entering the house the 8 new house guests were instructed to partner up with each other. The duos were: Kalia Booker & Lawon Exum, Cassi Colvin & Shelly Moore, Porsche Briggs & Keith Henderson, and Adam Poch & Dominic Briones.
  • House guests competed in head of house hold (HOH) challenges individually, but the partner of the winner would get immunity. The HOH was only allowed to nominate pairs for eviction.
  • Soon after the premiere episode on day six, Dick Donato was informed of a “personal matter” in the diary room and subsequently decided to voluntarily leave the big brother house. As a result, his partner Daniele Donato received the first Golden Key. Porsche was the second Golden Key holder, then Shelly.
  • Celebrity David Hasselhoff made a surprise guest appearance during the Big Brother Luxury Competitions to win a screening of the new CBS reality tv show “Same Name”. Jordan won the competition and got to choose 3 guests to attend the screening with her, she chose Jeff, Kalia and Shelly.
  • During the Big Brother Slalom HOH competition, the first 5 house guests to fall off their skis got to pick a numbered snowball. Four of the snowballs contained punishments and one prize of $10 grand. Jeff won $10,000 and Adam won the honour of having to wear an elf suit for an entire week. Brendon, Lawon and Jordan chose snowballs that had Have-Not tickets.
  • The following day the house guests were told by big brother that the next house guest evicted could have the chance to return to the house. CBS held a public poll to determine which of the four evicted house guests that had be sequestered since leaving would return to the house. Evel Dick was not a part of the vote since he had returned to the outside world.
  • Brendon, Dominic, Cassi and Keith all re-entered the house to reveal the results of the public vote. By popular vote Brendon was chosen to return after receiving 39.5% of the votes. Brendon & Lawon then competed to re-enter the house, where Brendon was victorious.
  • During the Big Brother Cornhole competition the house guests won prizes: Kalia won a Caribbean Vacation, Jeff won $5,000, Daniele won a Veto ticket that ensured her a spot in next week’s Veto competition, Shelly got a punishment of 24-hour solitary confinement for the privilege of receiving a phone call from home, and Jordan got the punishment of having to wear the “humilitard” for a week.
  • On day 55 the house guest learned it would be a Big Brother Fast Forward / Double Eviction night. Jeff nominated Kalia and Porsche for eviction. Jeff then won the POV, removed Porsche, and nominated Daniele in her place. Daniele was successfully backdoored. On eviction night the house guests learned there would be a Big Brother Fast Forward, with a HOH competition, nomination ceremony, POV competition and ceremony, and eviction vote all on the same day. Kalia won HOH, nominated Jeff & Rachel. Porsche won the POV and chose not to use it. After a tie vote to evict both Jeff & Rachel, Kalia broke the tie by evicting Jeff.
  • On week 9, Rachel won the HOH and was offered a Pandora’s Box Twist which she opened. As a result Celebrity guest Tori Spelling (Adam Poch’s reality TV crush from 90210) enter the house and the house guests received a shopping spree. Rachel however, remained locked in the HOH with Jessie Godderz.


3 Part HOH Competition:
  • HOH Part 1 Adam, Porsche & Rachel competed: Rachel won.
  • HOH Part 2 Adam & Porsche competed: Porsche won.
  • HOH Part 3 Rachel & Porsche competed: Rachel won.


  • Rachel then won Big Brother 13 by a vote of 4-3, winning the grand prize of $500,000.
  • Porsche won the runner up prize of $50,000.
  • Jeff was chosen by America as America’s Favourite Player, and was awarded the $25,000 prize.
  • ** Rachel broke the record (5 times) for the most times on the block for eviction without being evicted and making it to the finale to win the grand prize. Rachel also tied the record for the most times being HOH (4 times) with Drew Daniel (BB5), Janelle Pierzina (BB7), and Hayden Moss (BB12) for the most **
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