Big Brother 16 Premiere Episode Spoilers Twists, Alliances and First HOH winner





16 Big Brother houseguests were revealed last week and to all our shock and excitement they are all newbies. No hidden brother of Rachel, sister of Jeff or other inclusion of “BB Royalty”. This season is all about the plebes we’ll except for Frankie I suppose.

CBS didn’t pull any punches when it came to twists. Theres a lot…. Before we get into the spoilers of the first episode here is what we knew going in.

  • 2 Head Of Household’s (HOH’s)  Each HOH will nominate 2 House Guests (4 Total) for eviction each week.
  • A Brand NEW Competition named “Battle of the Block” where the HOHs won’t be 100% safe. Just because you are HOH doesn’t mean you’re safe due to the new competition.
  • MORE interaction / Voting from the viewers this season. There will be a new interactive twist called “Team America” that will allow America to influence the game like never before.


First Episode Results

As was leaked earlier in the week the first 8 houseguest entered the house and competed in the first HOH competition. The competition is called “Go Fly A Kite” you can watch the video clip here. First 8 houseguest to enter the house are Joey, Amber, Frankie, Nicole, Donny, Devin, Cody and Paola.

  •  First four into the house are cody amber Donny and Joey
  • Second four into the house are Devin, Nicole, Paola and Frankie
  • Devin tries to pull the original 8 into an alliance called the “Crazy 8’s”
  • Devin and Donny form a 2 person side alliance, Donny admits to having watch every single episode of past Big Brothers
  • Joey, Nicole, POW POW and Amber form a girls alliance “El Cuatro
  • Julie Chen tells them this is the most Twisted summer ever (Hurray 🙁 )  tells them the HOH is not safe this year
  • POW POW (Paola) and Cody potential showmance POW POW “is so in love” with Cody
  • Paola first one out in the HOH competition
  • Joey is the second out
  • Nicole is the third out
  • Donny is the fourth out
  • Devin is the fifth out
  • Cody is the sixth out
  • Amber is seventh out
  • Frankie wins the Head of Household competition
  • First 8 houseguests in the house are told about the twist
  • Winner of the team America has been selected. there will be three houseguests selected by the fans over the next 3 weeks they will form “Team America” They will affect the game like never before. (we’ve heard that before don’t get too excited 😉 )
  • First Member of Team America will be revealed tomorrow night.
  • Final 8 get reveald tomorrow
  • As Team America we have chosen 1 house guest to be in a secret alliance of 3. We “Team America” have already decided who the first member of the alliance is. We will decide who the other 2 members are. As Team America we will then vote on secret tasks for the alliance of three to complete.”













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80 thoughts to “Big Brother 16 Premiere Episode Spoilers Twists, Alliances and First HOH winner”

  1. I like Donny, Devin, and Nicole. Everyone else is bland and boring. I hate Paola because she seems to have no idea what’s happening around her. Frankie would be bearable if he would stop name dropping every DR session. Everyone else is boring to me

  2. Guys, I have to say…that was a SIGNIFICANTLY better season premiere than last season’s season premiere. So far so good in regards to the first 8 houseguests (although Paola annoys me already). VERY good first episode in my opinion, excited to see the last 8 tomorrow.

  3. This is going to be a great cast.. haven’t been this excited about a season since BB12 (yes i’m the only BB12 fan in existence)

    can’t wait!

    1. i’ve only been watching since BB10 but BB12 was my favorite season ever!! didn’t know there was any stigma there? keep waiting for another season as good as that one, but this premiere was pretty good so far. much better than last year

      1. oh yeah, BB11 is my second (close) favorite – another great season – keep waiting for one like them. It’s all about the cast – their personalities, relatability, charisma, dynamic – and I am not sure yet this will be the one, but I am hopeful. So far, I liked them much better than I thought I would.

    2. BB12 was the one that got me hooked on the show.
      Just waiting every week for Rachel to get her butt booted…..and Brit making me laugh with her wit and snark!

  4. Okay so Pow Pow is they first one I’m hoping goes. Don’t think I can watch her stalk Cody all season.

  5. From the first 8, I only like Devin and Amber. The rest are annoying. What an ugly cast this is, too, with about 4 good looking people among the 16 this year.

    1. Zack and Brittany being the other 2 good looking people, still to be seen if I like them or find them annoying.

  6. Nicole is the sweetest!!! Hands down my favorite so far! And Donny is awesome! I like the roller coaster of paranoia. But for the love of God if they keep Paola around….

    Season surely looks promising! And I think the TeamAmerica may be pretty cool!!!!

      1. There seemed to be a lot of behind the scenes manipulation going on last year to keep McCrae and Amanda in the game…let’s hope for a good,clean fair playing field this year!

    1. She’s a fat cow. She actually looks ’round’. I can see why they chose her. They needed a stupid country blonde like Jordan and she fits the bill perfectly.

  7. Wow, can’t believe I’m saying this but that was an awesome season premier…they did a great job! I don’t remember a premier being that good. Can’t wait for tomorrow night!

  8. Why does BB put famous people or their siblings with millions of fans on the show and at the same time have America vote on important stuff? That’s dumb. Frankie needed to go week 1, now he’ll have America’s vote forever.

    Cast as a whole is not bad though.

    1. I have no idea who Frankie’s sister is, but I don’t listen to kids’ music or pop for that matter.

  9. So far I like most of the cast,

    For the Ladies, Joey and Nicole are my fav so far.
    For the Guys : not much of an opinion so far although Donny is really like a fish out of water.

  10. This season premiere was great, and I can’t wait to find out how it works out tomorrow. It’ll be so cool to see how it will play out once the other HG’s come into the house. I like the twists so far…I just hope that the Team America twist doesn’t give Frankie an advantage like Elisa got last year.

  11. I like your new format, I like coming to this site you do a great job keeping people updated. I liked season 12 too Simon. I just signed up for the live feed via your site. I glad BB is back.

    1. Thanks Sharaane nice to get the support. I’m glad BB is back and glad the community is happy with the cast/twist It’s going to be tons o fun

      1. I know you are a cat, because I saw your picture last season. Cats are OK. I know a few.

  12. By far my favorite season premiere! so far i have to say i AM a frankie fan but I’m not a fan of him having a fan base prior to the season and i hope we don’t see another Brenchel army/Elissa MVP voting with Team America

    Also I LOVED them having only 8 of them entering the house, creates such a different level of paranoia than we’ve seen in the past seasons

    Im really rooting for Donny, i will like Joey if she doesn’t turn out to be a Lydia (idk must be the hair), and i would actually like to see an all girl alliance but I’m not sure if these first 4 girls are the ones i would like to see in that alliance. (but i did like a lot of the points they were making)

    Can not wait for tomorrow.

  13. Frankie has to go and quickly! I like Amber (smokin hot, looks just like Lo Lo Jones) and Donny. Looks to be another typical BB season though: a bunch of 20 somethings, an old guy and 2 token african Americans and a gay guy…. played out.

    1. I didn’t find Frankie that flamboyant. He played it up a couple of times as a joke, but he seemed pretty “butch”.

  14. Is it just me or is that girl Paola like finger nails on a chalk board
    hope she don’t last that long.

  15. Paola is so going to start a war in the house I 1/2 want her to stay 1/2 want her to leave.

  16. I didn’t understand when Julie said one of the HOH’s will be going home-does this mean nominations will be pointless or did I hear wrong?

    1. Julie says that there will be 2 HOH and by the end of the week only 1 will be left standing. I’m guessing that the 2 HOH will have to battle each other

  17. Hey guys!

    Loooong time OBB lurker. Figured if start getting in on the comments action. Agree with most about Paola. But then again I love having that “love to hate” character 😉
    I do like Frankie so far but dislike that he’s an established YouTube celebrity. Him, Donny, and Joey seem to be my faves so far!
    I really wanted to like Jordan 2.0 buttttt we’ve already seen that character casted far too many times.

    Can’t wait to see what the season has in store. So far so good! 🙂

    1. Welcome Pineapples! Folks are friendly here and the more the merrier as far as comments go! Enjoy the season! Don’t be a stranger!

  18. Have to wonder what will happen if one of the first two America’s team players get voted out before it gets started with after the third person.. Or if production would even let that happen..

    1. Yes.
      When she seemed hesitant to talk about being from Connecticut I got a wealthy family vibe….who knows though.

  19. Great first episode! I didn’t think I would like Frankie at all, but I do. I didn’t know a thing about him, so seeing that he is a dancer is awesome (I’m a dance teacher). I also really like Donny. I didn’t like Cody at all, and I’m waiting to decide my opinion on Paola.

  20. All good vibes with the premiere tonight. I’m loving it so far. Don’t care for Team America but the cast seems great!

    So since group two entered the house a day later, this will affect studying for comps. Depending on what day they arrived, the day in the house is different. I love it! It’ll make things more complicated. Also having to remember two HOHs and four Noms! Good Good Good!

    Now, when are these live feeds turning on???

    1. It was a great episode… we can’t wait for tomorrows 2nd premiere episode too!! The Big Brother Live Feeds will turn on June 26, 2014 at 10:00 pm (PT) 😉

  21. Wonder if the Amanda rooter who made a living ‘betting on sure things’ will show up….must have lost a bundle on that bet….

  22. I like everybody so far except that Pow Pow Paola. He voice is driving me nuts. “My strategy was to stay focused and not look down” and BAM! Paola is DOWN! Lolololol. ROTFL

      1. Thanks Simon. You know I am not going anywhere. My favorite site. By the way, the site has been ranking #1 on Google lately. Congrats!

      1. Guess I’m in the minority but I kinda liked Pow Pow. Not sure how long she’ll last but she was entertaining and is definitely there to play the game.

  23. Does it scare anybody else that the serial killer in True Detective was also a “grounds keeper”. Donny don’t seem right…. sleep with one eye open

  24. frankie Is not only a you tube celebrity his sister is a well known actress/singer..shes on nickolodeon. and has an amazing voice.

  25. Frankie is Ariana Grandes brother so not only is he a youtube hit.. so is his Famous sister shes a actress too.

  26. Can’t wait for tonight’s show. We’ll see if Pow Pow continues her pursuit of Cody or if one of the other HG’s catches her eye. I can see why BB put her in the first group of 8. She is one we love to hate. I got a big shock when Nicole did her DR without her glasses. She looked just like Aaryn. I know they cast for “Types” but that was just creepy. I think the DD’s could be a big part of the season if they can keep it a secret. As far as the women’s alliance…not sure that will last long but there might be another alliance that comes out of that.

    Dawg and Simon I understand why you wanted to update the site but for now it’s like being at auntie’s house–familiar but not home.

  27. Already can’t stand Frankie. Something is not right with Donny-he’s the Duck Dynasty wannabe, right? Also, WTF with the Dad kissing the son good-bye? The girl with the blue hair seems OK, and the one who dropped rather than win HOH seemed cool, but what do I know- I liked Amanda at first.

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