Big Brother 15 Spoilers McCrae gets hit Birthday Surprise “Someone in this house has been really naughty”

POV Holder: Elissa Next POV July 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 22
HOH Winner: JUDD Next HOH: July 25
MVP: ?
Original Nominations: Aaryn, Kaitlin, ELISSA (MVP – America)
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy
Have Nots Jessie, Candice, Andy, Spencer

9:15pm Spencer and Aaryn
(Conversation started off the feeds)
Spencer: ‘Who the f*** did you hear that from”
Aaryn: “Spencer I can’t tell you “
Spencer knows she’s not coming after her it was never a thought to him. Aaryn says since she’s starting on a new foot she isn’t holding anything against other players for what they have done to her in the past.
Aaryn: ‘I have nothing Against you”
Spencer: “Ya right on.. same here nothing against you.. I’ve noticed you’ve been not your same self and I thought it was stress”
Aaryn says now that JUDD told everyone she twists words during the Nominations ceremony she hasn’t been talking much she’s just been listening. “I find that everytime I say something it bites me in the a$$”
Spencer tells her he wants to talk about game with her. he swears to her it won’t go past them.
Aaryn says that Amanda keeps telling her not to talk to anyone. She says it was Amanda that hinted Spencer was targeting her. Spencer says he never had one conversation with Amanda, “Not Once”
Aaryn: “I don’t know who to believe I feel chastised”
Spencer: “There is a big push this week to get you out.. The MVP I don’t know who it is.. I think it’s the same person it’s always has been but there’s some bullshit going on I’m not going to try to understand it ”
S: “In all honestly it’s not only JUDD.. it’s the whole house” (That wants Aaryn out)
A: “Who said that”
S: “Pretty much everybody.. they are systematically getting you guys out”
A: “Why not Kaitlin”
S: “Kaitlin later”
A: “Why me first over Kaitlin”
S: “If you violate my trust I will F*** you.. there is no one here I can trust I got Howard that’s it.”
Spencer explains how f***ed his game is when he goes into a room people leave or stop talking ..
S: “What was your question”
A: “Why me first over Kaitlin”
S: “You are being pinned down as the bigot.. as the person we don’t want in the house”

Aaryn wants to know the reasons people are saying why they want her gone.
Spencer: “There is no because anymore it’s all we want Aaryn gone”


9:22pm Hammock Spencer and Aaryn

Spencer: “I’ve heard Amanda may go up .. I dunno “
He tells her he’s not MVP so he really has no idea who is going up as the third nominee.
Spencer warns her to watch out because people are going to start offering her deals.
Aaryn thinks that’s odd because if she is going home why offer her a deal.
Spencer says there is a chance the target will switch to Kaitlin because she is seen as a stronger competitor without knowing the 3rd nominee that is her only play.
Spencer: “You know Howard is my boy and I trust him 100% he’s not MVP he would have told me.. I have no idea who is going up.. don’t get discouraged i know it’s hard not to and you can’t do anything until the nominees are chosen”

Spencer tells her after the POV Ceremony is over she should come talk to him and they can work on developing a strategy based on the limit information they both have.
Spencer: ‘Honestly I feel like I can work with you and not Kailtin.. She’s emotional.. I’m being honest with you I think you are a good person.. I don’t think you would f** me and I wouldn’t f*** you ”
Spencer: “I have Howard I don’t know who you have”
A: “Nobody”
Spencer wants her to work with him and Howard. Spencer says that the Moving company unraveled not because Howard and Him were unloyal but because of Jeremy’s ego.

Spencer tells her he’s going to talk with Howard about their conversation “He sees pieces of the puzzle I miss” Spencer promises her that Howard and Him are not working to get her out of the house.
Spencer says that losing Aaryn in this game will put them at a disadvantage.

Aaryn is worried if it comes back to Amanda what she said she will be after Aaryn with a vengeance. Spencer: “She already is.. Listen Howard won’t tell a f***** soul”
Spencer promises her 100% that Howard is good. If they all survive this week they want to work together.

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9:28pm Have nots Howard and Amanda
Amanda brings up Candace going around telling people that she told her not to use the VETO, “She’s not in the competition why would I tell her not to use the veto… “
Howard: “You know how she is she can’t control her mouth.. she hears stuff”
Amanda is getting pissed because Candace is pinning sh!t on her. Amanda says she doesn’t have MVP.
Howard: “Just ignore it.. “
Amanda adds that Candace stormed into the HOH room and attacked her and McCrae.
Howard explains to her that Candace and him are not connected in the game, ‘We’re chill so to speak”
Amanda is worried that Candace is targeting her and McCrae. Howard doesn’t know she’s never said anything like that to him.


9:31pm Kitchen Andy and Amanda
Amanda says that Candace came up to the HOH and attacked her and McCrae. Amanda gives him the rundown of what Candace has been doing in the house. Amanda :’That b!tch has got to go”
Andy agrees. She asks Andy who he thinks has the MVP.
Andy says he has no clue at this point he’s worried even he could go up. Andy adds that he’s really thinking it’s Elissa. Amanda does to.
Amanda: “I’m super f**** paranoid right now”
They both think not knowing who won the MVP is annoying.


9:40pm HOH Andy, McCrea and Amanda

Andy saying that he thought this was going to be an easy week as long as Elissa doesn’t get VETO.. “F***”
Andy: “If she’s lying it makes her so f*** dangerous” (Lying about MVP)
Aman: “I know it doesn’t make sense”
Andy: “I don’t get it”
Amanda: “Candace is so f***** annoying.. irritating”
Amanda tells him the story again about how Candace came Storming in the HOH like a “F*** Buffalo”.
Andy wonders if Candace got to Helen. He explains that HElen cornered him in the Storage room and told him to be wary of Amanda and McCrae.
Amanda says that Someone is going around saying she told Helen not to use the POV on Elissa.
Andy begs her not to say anything to Helen because then he’ll lose Helen’s trust. Amanda “swears to god” she won’t say anything.

Andy plans on talking to Helen tomorrow he’s not worried everything will be fine.
Amanda brings up that Helen was playing Chess with aaryn for awhile. Andy: “Helen is easily influenced.. I can talk to her for 5 minutes and cool her down”
Amanda wonders if Helen is slipping from them. Andy doesn’t know says Helen has been weird today.
They start speculating who the MVP is. Andy about Elissa: “I feel that she’s turning into such a f**** wild card I don’t know what she will do”

They start counting votes if one of them go on the block.
Amanda thinks they have GM, Jessie, McCrae. each other and Helen
Andy: “I still think Spencer and Howard are being genuine with me”
Amanda: “I can’t read Howard at all .. he swore on the Bible and apparently we have a deal”

Andy says Helen was very serious about being wary of Amanda and McCrae. He doesn’t want her to worry he’s going to get to the bottom of it. Amanda: ‘I would never say that about you guys.. and JUDD”

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9:58pm Bathroom Howard and Candace

Candace giving him pointers for his social game. Howard says he’s been training Aaryn for a reason. He knows it looks shady but they are going to need her vote. Howard says that he’s rebuilding the trust with “them” (Kaitlin, Aaryn and GM) they are important again.
Candace: ‘But they can’t vote”
howard: “I’m not worried about right now i’m worried about next week” He explains if he gets put up on the block he’s going to need friends to stay in the house.
Candace thinks that Howard is quiet and she is threatening. Howard warns her that with her being threatening it throws the course off their plan.
He tells her to talk to Andy he needs any. He’s got Spencer, GM, Andy and Jessie that is all he needs if he goes up next week.

Candace: “You mad at me”
Howard: “Hell ya I’m mad at you.. you’re a live wire I don’t know what you’ll do unless I’m watching over you”
Candace: ‘So you are telling me you don’t trust me”
Howard: “I trust you .. I just don’t know what you’ll do if you get a wild hair”
Howard explains to her that inside this game is not the time to be threatening they can save that for outside these walls now is the time to chill out.
He keeps reiterating they have to focus on getting Jessie and Andy on their side. Candace is a bit skeptical about this she questions if he’s going to risk his game one JEssie and Andy “Two scary fu**s”


10:27pm Aaryn and Amanda HOH Tub
(really hard to hear them and the conv keeps cutting in and out)
Amanda saying that ????(Might be Candace) is F****ing stupid. Aaryn is surprised she thought She was smart. Amanda mentions how ??? cannot keep her mouth shut. Ananda says she hopes Spencer gets on the block or Candace. Amanda says Candace is driving her crazy
Aaryn mentions she was talking to Spencer. She told him that being on the block for 2 weeks in a row really gets to her and then Spencer started talking about Marilyn (his Girlfriend)
Amanda mentions when Spencer started playing the game he was single but once he realized there was nobody here for him he started mentioning Marilyn. Amanda: “He wants to F*** Jessie”

Aaryn saying the first couple days Spencer was talking so much sh!t about Marilyn. They both agree that Spencer get pissed when people say Jessie is in a showmance with JUDD. Amanda bring sup Elissa and how she’s got something against Aaryn and it doesn’t make sense in the game. Amadna doesn’t hide her dislike for Candce

Aaryn says that Candace brought the fish comment up again. Aaryn adds that Candace asked her to work with her today. Amanda thinks that Howard got her to do that. Aaryn thinks with Candace it’s all about her showmance and she is will to do whatever it takes to keep it intact. Amanda saying that Howard has to go soon he’s a master manipulator, He uses race and religion it get farther in the game.

Amanda says that Elissa, Helen and CO are protecting Kailtin. They come to the conclusion if Amanda goes on the block the MVP is Helen.

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11:30pm Amanda screwing around showing off her chest

McCrea turns 24 on the 21st they are planning a sexy surprise for him. She dresses up as a dominatrix. Elissa ends up starting a fight with Amanda. Feeds are cut a bit as Elissa apparently freaks out at production. Amanda is in tears..

You can re-watch ever second on the feeds using their flashback feature.. It’s super easy to use click this link for a free trial —> Subscribe to the Big Brother Live Feeds



12:25AM Bathroom Amanda and Aaryn
Amanda is crying. She says she looks upset she doesn’t want to look upset. Feeds cut
Amanda: “to be called disgusting”
Aaryn: “She told me if I need help after this that she’ll be here for me.. ”
Amanda: ‘What does that mean”
Aaryn: “She says I’ll have a lot of critiques and she’ll be there for me because I’ll need it.. isn’t that fu*** up”
Andy comes in asks them what is wrong.
Amanda: “Elissa is being super nasty”
Andy: ‘What did she do.. what she say”
Amanda: ‘What she say Aaryn”
Aaryn: ‘umm She said .. umm we were all making a joke like put whip cream on you.. “ (On Amanda)
Aaryn: “She said please don’t… I would vomit” (Elissa said to Amanda)
Amanda adds that when she was getting ready Elissa came up to her and said “You look like you’re from Spearmint Rhino.. you look like a stripper” (Spearmint Rhino = Strip club in Las Vegas)
Amanda: “We’re having fun…”
Andy: “She’s just been saying the weirdest sh!t all day”
Amanda: “She’s just being super hurtful”
Aaryn says this is what she has to deal with all the time with Elissa.
Andy tells her not to think anything of it he wishes he had seen the show. Say to Aaryn he doesn’t think anyone in the house should feel like this and he’s there for them if they ever need to talk. Andy: “Seriously I mean that from the bottom of my heart”

12:30am Andy, Amanda and Aaryn
Amanda: “We can’t have fun together for a hour”
Aaryn: “She says very hurtful things”
Amanda starts crying says what has she been doing all this time but “protecting this stupid B1tch.” Amanda questions why they are protecting her.
Amanda just wanted to have fun and not play the game for once.

1:17AM Elissa , Amanda, Aaryn, GM, Kaitlin
They ask her why she was in the Diary room for such a long time. Elissa says they were b!tching at her.
Elissa is washing her face while the other girls sit on the bathroom couch and chat about plastic surgery.
Aaryn wants to get her lips done she says she has really small lips. Aaryn lists off a bunch of things she want done to her face. Kailtin says she doesn’t think she’ll ever give in to plastic surgery. Aaryn says her mom has a lot of plastic surgery done she look like she’s 30 but she’s 50.


1:28Am HOH Andy, Candace, Amanda, McCrae and Spencer
Talking about Elissa and her expensive clothes.
McCrae: ‘She’ll sink her own ship I dunno.. I like her.. I dunno.. people get carried away sometimes”
They start talking about the POV and how Elissa had this “Devious Smile” the entire time.
Amanda: “Devil grin from horn to horn”
Spencer says she looked like the joker.
Amanda says it was obvious that Elissa knew she was going to win.
McCrae: “She can’t play next week“

Amanda thinks that the Power of Veto was set up to favour Elissa.
She explains that all the high numbers were on Elissa’s sides side.. Feeds cut (but of course)

They start speculating that Eliss might have a power. McCrae tells them they have to be super nice to her because they have no idea what she has.
Talk goes to Amanda as a dominatrix and the thing Elissa said.
Andy: ‘I’m thinking shame on her because of how she was treated earlier in the season .. she should know better”
Amanda: “And look who stuck up for her”
Amanda asks McCrae if the lipstick marks are atill on his chest. (See image above)_

1:49AM Andy, McCrae and Amanda HOH
They are counting votes they think they have enough even if one of their own go up tomorrow. Andy thinks he’s good with Candace, Spencer and Howard.
They tell Amanda that the plan is to tell everyone they are going to vote Aaryn out even if Howard goes up. Amanda is a bit shocked. Andy says they don’t want to pull the trigger yet on Howard. Andy adds that JUDD wants Aaryn out.

67 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 Spoilers McCrae gets hit Birthday Surprise “Someone in this house has been really naughty””

  1. Ellisa flipped off the camera and cussed at the DR and Big Brother/PRODUCTION shutdown the feeds!! So we couldn’t hear her even though she is now saying she is ashamed of her actions! Because PRODUCTION told her to shut it down over the PA system… lol WOW! PRODUCTION is trying to protect Little Miss Innocent (Ellisa) trying to make her as the perfect houseguest!! PRODUCTION wasn’t expecting her to go off! haha

      1. As much as I want to see Aaryn evicted from the house, I would actually prefer to have Amanda backdoored and evicted this week. She’s become completely untrustworthy. It’s one thing to “play the game”; it’s quite another to become obnoxious.

        I have to laugh when I read the comments some of the houseguests have made concerning Elissa, particularly when one considers these comments are being said by bona fide racists and reprobates. I think the reason Elissa’s conversations are being edited is because she did slip up and start to divulge her conversation in the diary room. I would think the producers chewed her out about those comments and that might be why she made that gesture when told to come into the diary room. In any event, that gesture was not a classy move on her part; but I still consider Elissa to be one of the classier houseguests (along with Helen the Controller).

        Andy is turning into quite a worm. He has alliances with just about everyone in that house. Sad that he’s proved so untrustworthy as well.

      2. You seriously think they cut the feeds more for Elissa? I’m just wondering, bc I’ve heard this from other ppl, but don’t know if they’re just being biased(Elissa haters). There’s so many ppl saying it’s rigged & blah, blah, blah. But I just look at those commenters as Elissa/Rachel haters. So it’s nice hearing your point of view on it. As BB fans, we all know production has a hand in the way things play out. They HAVE too. They can’t just let a bunch of boring ppl run around the house. Nobody would watch. So that’s a given. But, the real question is, is production really rigging the competition for Elissa? Or is it just ppl, speculating? We’ll never know. I do know that she’s definitely NOT a producer. I don’t remember who said that, but somebody above me did. Just read through the comments, you’ll see it.

    1. Drunk Elissa, So Funny! Come On, Production Telling Her To Shut It Down All The While Production Never Tells Amanda And Mccraes To Stop Their Gross Sexual Episodes In Every Room Including On top Of Judds Hoh Bed& Under His TN Vols Blanket If Only The HouseGuests Knew WhatGoesOn On The Live Feeds. Also, Amanda Might Not Be Chunky But HerBody Is Genuinely Sloppy

  2. Hahhhaha! Spencer : ” If you violate my trust I will F**k you ” . Spencer, a Tampon is bigger than your dick, confess it now, whatw e all already suspect… Isn’t that intrinsic hatred for women? The small vienna sausage you carry between your almonds? Hahahhahahahahahaha. Go away Spencer, the misogynistic ugly pig!

  3. its time for Amanda to go, im bored with her and mcrae, im sick of her fake boobs, sick of them makin out, shows ya how uch this seasonn sucks that they need to keep shoving Rachael sister down our throats

    1. SO am i and apparently so is Mccrae. I guess Andy was telling Mccrae that Amanda was crying and he said that, ” he’s over it and that every little comment gets her butt-hurt” LOL seems like Mcmanda will be no more.

  4. Spencer was making weird sexual comments when Amanda was getting ready! Like he wished her boobs would pop out accidentally; or maybe you could wear that without underwear!! And he has a girlfriend that he loves huh? BULLSH*T! I believe he says he does because he knows NO ONE wants a showmance with him NOT even Jessie!! lol

  5. Its like she always know more than everybody else but is too “stupid” to keep her mouth shut about what she knows! Then they are mad at her, It’s weird.

  6. Apparently she was supposed to shot Amanda strip tease down, I’m pretty sure Amanda is now crying about it…

    1. No, Pretty Sure Elissa Was Feeling No Pain. All Girls Have A Little Sass In Them After A Few drinks. I Don’t Blame Her For Showing It With All The Crap She’s Taking From Everyone. It Was Funny But Don’t Drink!!!! She Doesn’t Need The Extra Target

  7. Because it is the Ellisa Show NOT Big Brother!! PRODUCTION tells Ellisa everything ahead of time. The houseguests even said she yelled at PRODUCTION a few days ago that she wanted to talk to her husband NOW then all of a sudden she disappeared and was called into the DR and they ALL assume she probably got to talk to him because when she came back she was OK and not upset. PRODUCTION is trying to make her the model houseguest and her latest RAGE isn’t helping them.. lol

  8. Weeeell… This will probably go down as one of the turning points of the season. Way to push people toward Amanda, Elissa.

  9. Amanda Is Playing It Up. Boo Fkn Hop. She Could Care Less About What Elissa Thinks If Her. She’s Playing The Girls For A Sympathy Vote. Trust Me, It’s A Game, She’s Worried She’s Going Up And Is Punking the House Right Now. If Anything, Amandas Is Totally About Winning The Game And Will Do Everything To Make That Happen. She Proved That By Sleeping With The Pizza Boy Day 2.

  10. I’m no Amanda fan, but she did nothing obscene. It was all in fun and Elissa just cannot stand when any girl is getting more attention than her. I was surprised she didn’t flip into a yoga pose in the middle of the B-day celebration. The girl has issues. She’s F’d her face with plastic surgery and she goes to extremes with her body. She loves to do yoga in front of everyone and talk game while she’s doing it. That’s not what yoga is about. It’s supposed to be about centering yourself and clearing your mind. She does it for pure vanity reasons and show off poses.

    1. Damn. I miss everything good that happens on the feeds. I’m on the East coast and asleep when all the good stuff goes down! I watch the feeds when they are up and it’s usually the same old same old stuff. Thanks for the updates and comments because that is the only way to catch up.

  11. All the dynamics of these people so dysfunctional. This season seems to weight a lot of social dynamics. I feel like I’m watching the Real World from back in the day. So Amanda was crying about something mean Elissa said to her? When I just thought I watched her earlier talk so much crap about people seemingly without blinking. These people go from mean to sensitive. I wonder what the depths of her manipulating personality are actually working on these people. As much as she talks about Howard if those two would have teamed up early in the game and were on the same side they may have had a strong alliance.

    And that conversation among Candace and Howard was uncomfortable. I wanted to pull her aside and say who gives a f*ck if you find familiarity and comfort in him because of the race stuff that happened and because he’s of the same race.Shift from that emotional one. That doesn’t mean he’s good for your social game. Be allies but don’t let him talk to you like you are a problem to his game when he was his own problem. Her best bet would be to for connections with some of the other girls if that’s even possible with this shifty bunch. Too bad she can’t step back from her emotions and separate herself from him and just have and unsaid alliance. Like or dislike her that one thing I can say about Amanda that she is at the top of her showmance or at the very least on equal footing. I don’t like most of the stuff she says and really don’t like her. But removing all that hasn’t come off like some of the other girls in these fauxmances.

  12. I don’t feel sorry for Amanda at all!!! She’s getting a taste of her nasty medicine. She blatantly lies on people, has been hateful and a bully. She’s starting the race issue again and obviously, got a fatal attraction for Howard. This woman has absolutely no respect for herself. Karma is a bitch and tonight that bitch was Elissa!! HaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. i doubt she has a fatal attraction for Howard. She views him as a game threat to her game and he is showing that he is. What I don’t get is that Amanda can’t see that the HOH room seems to foster a bunker mentality with these HG’s. Her lying low should not be within that room. Her and Mcrae being in that room is what is pissing the others off, and flagging them. They should be out in the house squashing the fires like they were so adept at doing in previous weeks.

  13. seeing as Amanda was dressing up as a dominatrix, that fact she was offended by Alissa’s “stripper comment was severely hypocritical

  14. bout time elissa gave back to the house i thought it was great reap what you sew i remember amanda yelling at her and saying shes rachels sister she put aaryn in check tonight she won the pov shes starting to play socially shes not breaking down and letting people push her around what does she owe people they want to use her to help further themselves in the game meanwhile they talk trash about her every second at least if she leaves she left with bang

    1. Jasonlee79, I neither like nor dislike Elissa. But I am glad she gave Amanda a taste of her own medicine. Amanda has been going on about how safe her and MC are but this week she is squirming a little bit. She has been crying wolf wolf that Howard is on her case. Well now he actually is and so is most of the house and Amanda is so scared that it is easy for her to break down like that. There is a good chance that her tears are a play for sympathy but I think she is breaking down because she is freaking out!

  15. Right or wrong, I think Elissa is in mommy mode. (Mothers and good wives don’t act like that.) She forgets that some women are more free. If she doesn’t want to be that way then fine with her husband but don’t put other females in that mommy category.

    1. Ellissa knows that it is activities like these (bd parties, talkshows, etc.) that often get aired on the show. Maybe she was looking out for Amanda’s best interests. 🙂

  16. Does anyone else think Elissa was being 100% honest with Judd when she told him production tells her everything… and that SHE is one of the producers? I think she was being honest. I think when things aren’t going the way she and production wants them to, she freaks out and makes demands. It seems like its her goal to expose BB production and uses it as leverage to get what she wants… idk… this season is so weird.

    1. I don’t think it’s Elissa making demands as much as it is production making demands about how Elissa behaves. She has some sass to her and production is clearly trying to hold it in and telling her how to behave. I actually wonder now if production let Elissa getting second place votes go through because they wanted to shock her and let them know they’re in control if her staying in the house. They could have easily nipped it in the bud and avoided all this crazy speculation that Elissa nominated her herself, but they chose to let it go through, perhaps as a wake up call to her. She seems to talk a LOT about production and they’re involvement with her and it’s making them look bad. I think they’re just reprimanding her for saying too much. I doubt they ever wanted it out to the house that she was MVP too. For production, it would have been better if no one ever knew for certain and they were just speculating as to who had MVP. She also didn’t hold that she was Rachel’s sister in long at ALL.

  17. Am I the only one that is disgusted by the way Andy slurps his milk AND Amanda & McCrae???!!! I
    want to see Amanda evicted this week and see how well/bad McCrae handles it… I think he could give GM a run for her money on the theatrics…

    1. Maybe stress lands in his neck and that makes it difficult for him to lift his neck. GM drinks the same way.

    2. I don’t think MC will break down if Amanda leaves. Right now she is playing the game for both of them. He proved last week that he can compete and then started playing really low. If Amanda leaves, MC will just get up and start playing his game.

  18. I have a lot to talk about so lets start off with Spencer with Spencer there are pro’s and con’s for what he’s doing in the game actually there is pro’s and con’s for everybody in the game so far but Aaryn I am not going to be picky about Aaryn because she is my favorite this season. Ok Spencer lets start off the first few episodes he has been playing AMAZING I think he made a smart move to go with Howard because they are helping each other out but is also going to other people in the house and talking about what both them 2 have said Spencer is playing an amazing game right now is he playing the best game?? That is a good question he probley the 2nd is because he is laying low and not getting his hands dirty he is very quiet like Andy however like I say Spencer is playing awesome he is a smart man but with the comp’s not so much he is LAZY sad to say but its the truth for Spencer fans I was laughing my butt off with the trampoline because he is fat, not strong, but he isn’t fatter than Adam Adam was pretty fat I also think Spencer isn’t strong because look EVERYWEEK he has been on slop even this week because he is WEAK as a player at the comp’s however he is playing a AWSOME game but its a win win situation its smart moves VS weak moves at comps once he goes home and if/when he watches it back home in Arkansas he needs to realize he needs to become stronger and lose some weight if he comes back into this game which I think its his last season I really don’t think he would come back because he’s is a floater and fat however I think he is playing a WAY WAY WAY better game than what Adam played Adam wasn’t very smart nor wasn’t he good at comps so so far I think Spencer is playing a decent game right now than what Adam played but they played TOTALLY different game than what Adam-Spencer Spencer-Adam play I myself would like to see Adam and Spencer play together I want to know what they would of done?? And I like Howard and Spencer teamed up together but its kinda weird because he’s black more built up than Spencer and Spencer is just plain fat and don’t win ANYTHING but with Howard and Spencer together they are Very smart I love that they would work Spencer, Howard, Kaitlyn, Aaryn, and Candice and mabe Gina Marie they would have the numbers MABE it would be very close I would just want one thing with Candice DROP the racist comments about the black fish at the bottom and white fish at top JUST DROP IT play the dang game and win the comps if you want to put up Aaryn then you better start winning because you and Howard are probley going to be the target next week because you guys are a couple and they know that. Now moving on to Amanda BB production PUT HER UPPPPPPPP 10000000000000 million times PUT HER UP I can go on on on on and on about Amanda she is very ugly probley uglier than Elissa but it seems right now she is kinda being friends with Aaryn but is faking it to save some votes but the problem is Aaryn is nominated she isn’t going anywhere sadly because she is my favorite:(( I do agree I am freaking happy that McRae didn’t get HOH this week because him and Amanda would be safe and that would SUCKKKKKKKK with Amanda up possibly for 3rd nom I don’t think its gonna be her I think its going to be Spencer because they want Aaryn gone (Production) or mabe Kaitlyn but with mabe Amanda up for 3rd nom I have confidence that she would be going home over Aaryn AMAZING:)) now I don’t wanna get to confident because if I/us get to confident she wont go home just the gut feeling If it were Amanda up it would be very close I dono it would be a toss up for Elissa to vote because she don’t like nether of them (Kaitlyn, Aaryn, Amanda) I think Elissa would vote for Aaryn to go because she says/did say racists things but if I were Elissa I were to vote out Amanda because she is a VERY LARGE target than Aaryn Elissa has to know that because its the truth if she doesn’t see that than Elissa is VERY stupid of herself Aaryn isn’t very strong so Elissa can get Aaryn out whenever she wants with Amanda now is the CHANCE to get her out because they will never get her out with McRae there and is very smart and kinda strong Amanda looks strong but from the way she has been in the comps she isn’t that strong to be honest I mean lets say this Amanda wants to be strong but with McRae her husband oops I mean boyfriend she isn’t strong because she is dumb by being with McRae now is the chance to get her out people guys play the game and get the strong ones out and save the weaker for the finals because you could beat them in the comps GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Amanda for you Spencer, Howard, Candice, Aaryn, Kaitlyn, and Gina Marie go ahead and team up now don’t be scared cats you are mently strong so go ahead and for an alliance. That’s all for the business I will be on here again to talk more as the week comes but for right now before I go I want say some advice for the contestants (They cant see they are in the BB house) for all contestants yes even you Aaryn all of you have confidence in yourselves and say to yourselves I can make it I can Make it through anything with confidence you would stay longer and compete to win I got to say its worth it:)) Even though Aaryn is in a togh spot right now I got confidence she will stay and if she goes I going to cry I love her:(( Woooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo gooooo Aaryn oh and by the way every time I say woooohoooo Aaryn is safe for another week isn’t that weird?? Lol anyways Goooo Aaryn

  19. GinaMarie is really going to see the cockroaches after the next HOH is crowned. it will be fun to see all the alliances scrambling to protect themselves with whomever gets the power.

    1. They are just playing the game but the mean girls comments in the first week are relly not nice. payback is a bitch.

  20. Elissa doesn’t like strippers/whores, because that’s who her husband frequently hangs out with.

  21. It’s really hard to judge Elissa’s comments without actually hearing them. She may have just been saying in a very socially awkward way that Amanda had a nice body. Lets face it the girl isn’t great socially. And I’m sure Amanda is playing it up for sympathy. The next person I really want to go home at this point is Andy. He tells everything to everybody and yet no one has put this together yet. I want Amanda to have a reality check. She’s being way too aggressive in her approach. If she would just plant seeds of doubt and leave it alone she could go far in this game.

  22. Amanda is gone, I like her but she is gone. And I know Candace will be one if the votes to get rid of her. So if Candace decides to let Aaryn stay, she better not complain a racist is still in the house.

  23. Everyone is complaining that show is rigged. This is a reality show and we have a lot of them. Production are paying big bucks on the winner so if they have a hand on controlling the game so be it. As you can see the medling of BB makes a lot of discussions and criticism. BB is not the only reality show that controls their show and they all do. If the show always go the way America wants it too what is the fun? Isn!t it that the more controversial an issue it gets a lot of attention. If you guys have problem with that then do not watch however you cannot help but watch because wants to know what the outcome is. So as you can see if result is what you want to happen and no twist or surprises where is the anticipation? My opinion only and BB production is not a part
    of this comments.

    1. True, I know what’s going on, and that they’re allowed to do it, this being reality tv and not a game show, I just like talking about it….

  24. I’m going to give Elissa a pass on this one. After watching her convo with Spencer earlier in the evening, I get where her mind was at. I think she has reached her breaking point where Amanda is concerned. I also think that she is tired of being told what to do by everyone…from production down to the HGs – they are ALL using her. Production wanted her to squash Amanda’s striptease – Production wants to tell her (and Helen) who they should not put up – HGs constantly let her know she is only worthwhile to them if she does what is good for their games. A person can only take so much – and when you add alcohol to the mix. She vented at everyone and then took responsibility for it – saying she was ashamed of her behavior….quite different than Aaryn, Kait, Amanda, etc.

    As for the comments that she is like Rachel after all — I disagree. Elissa tried to interact with the HGs and was constantly told, I can’t be seen talking with you…or having people be downright nasty to her. The fact that it took this long for her to reach this point is pretty amazing. Glad she got it out. Now, I hope that America has voted Amanda and that they kick her sorry, nasty ass out of that house.

  25. “They ask her why she was in the Diary room for such a long time. Elissa says they were b!tching at her.”

    Because she’s inadvertently exposing the game being in her favor?? OPPS, BAD Elissa

  26. Spencer is like the perv uncle in the family which others are not allowed to talk about.
    Why is he in love with Marilyn Manson?

  27. spencer telling aaron that he would fuck her, is essentially proclaiming he’d rape her.
    spencer promotes sexist rape culture and needs to GO!

  28. HELL NO! Stupid Manda has GOT TO GO! (Say it with me everyone) HELL NO! Stupid Manda has GOT TO GO!

    Look, let’s be real people — I used to like Amanda but then this BULLY side came out of her. Villianizing Howard when she has her OWN freaking alliances. Hell, they ALL are lying and ALL have their own damn alliances. Come on now. She’s been manipulating everyone and telling them that they HAVE to put up Howard. Ugh, I hope America voted Amanda out next (provided that they understood they were voting someone OUT and not giving them the MVP since they seemed to have misunderstood what they were supposed to do).

    I can totally see this as a SNL skit and the dialogue would go something like this (to any given cast member) ……”So let’s figure out the votes”… “I think (so and so flipped” …”So are we solid?”….”Yeah I’m solid” … “(so and so) is sketchy as f*ck” ….. “I will kill you if you repeat this so DON’T SAY ANYTHING” … “Yeah (so and so) is SOLID” …. “(So and so) told me not to say anything to you ………. BUT here’s what they said and don’t tell anyone I told you” LOL!

  29. Please someone explain what has Elissa done to make everyone love her so much? She is not even close to being the player Rachel was.

  30. I’m seeing what people are saying about Amanda getting racial. I think by her saying that Howard is using his race and religion as a trump card, isn’t really any better than Aaryn saying all the hurtful stuff she said. Aaryn’s words are more sinister and hurtful, but I really think Aaryn’s words are coming from a place of insecurity. Her mother has plastic surgery, and now has hired her daughter a PR firm. I think Mommy runs to Aaryn’s side every and anytime Aaryn wants something or gets in trouble. I see a bit of self-awareness on Aaryn’s part now that she knows the whole house wants her out. The whole house is a bunch of back-stabbing self-centered people. I’m really surprised now that I’m liking Kaitlin more. She was part of the Mean Girls, but she still strikes me as being the most sensible one of the bunch. Jeremy was a d-bag, but I’m looking back at those first episodes, and I think his feelings for Kaitlin were genuine. But now that Candace and Howard aren’t gunning for Aaryn or GM anymore, I feel that they will tolerate the racial crap Aaryn has sad just as long as they win in the end. I feel that’s a little hypocritical. I know they are gaming, but I would want Aaryn out the first chance I had. I really don’t think Amanda is worse than Aaryn, and I’m not sure what Candace has against her. I think Candace has a strong personality like Amanda, and that may be their reason for disliking each other. They both have big personalities. (And really, they want to keep Aaryn…I saw Aaryn’s death stare at the end of the first week when Candace was on the block. If that wasn’t a look of pure hatred I don’t know WHAT is? And please, ELISSA is just wearing on my nerves. She’s skating through this whole thing because of her sister. Jeremy may have been a d-bag, but Jeremy is right she is FAKE, FAKE, FAKE.

  31. Oh, duh. It’s obvious. Amanda wants Candace’s man out. So Candace wants Amanda out. Fair is fair. If you really think about it Amanda and McRae and Candace and Howard are mirror images of each other (minus the obvious physical differences). Two strong female personalities, and two males sort of trying to get on everyone’s good side.

  32. out of all the comments made in the house Spencer’s seem to be the most consistent and nobody has called him out, they all don’t want to rock the feathers by telling him his sexist comments need to stop.

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