Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – HAVE / HAVENOT Competition RESULTS!

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 27th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 29
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 1
MVP: ?
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin
Have Nots Judd, Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie


RESULTS of the HaveNoT Competition: Judd, Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie.
HaveNot FOOD: Ramen and Raisins

3:55pm In the living room – Helen, Candice, Andy, Judd and Spencer are talking about how bad it is being a havenot and how they never heard about how difficult it was to be a havenot week after week.

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Up in the HOH room – Aaryn is talking to Howard about how she was shocked when she heard she was being called a racist. I was crying so hard I could not breathe. I know I should be more PC (politically correct) but that is not me. It destroyed my reputation in some ways and it is still talked about. Howard says that he never labelled her that. Aaryn says well they are saying that you did say that. Howard says I won’t go personal, that’s not me because I know we have lives outside of here, not even in the diary room did I say that. I know that it a lie when it comes back to me because I have never said anything like that about you. Aaryn says that she heard that Howard, Spencer, Elissa and Kaitlin tried to flip the house last minute instead of Kaitlin going home. Howard says I never messed with Elissa. Howard talks about how they others flipped the vote last minute and tried to frame me for it again. Howard says I never said you were a RACIST, I didn’t like the comments but I didn’t say anything or make it personal. Aaryn says people want you to be back doored. I understand that if I put you up I would understand if you came after me next week. If I do not put you up I will not back door you because I respect you more than Spencer. Howard says if I stay here next week I will not put you up, I’m not going to say what I am thinking of doing but I think you know. I am going to make a game changing move. Aaryn says that people think you are throwing things and that you will come back full force and take everyone out. I am not scared of you, I think you are a nice guy. And I don’t think the same way as the rest of the house. I have someone else in mind of who I want to go home. The house wants you to go home but I don’t want you to. Howard says I respect any move you make. Aaryn says I have to make a move that is the least against the house because I know I will probably go up again next week but if I do want most of the house wants maybe I won’t go up. Howard says if you make a big more more of the house will respect you. Howard tells Aaryn that Amanda/McCrae made me swear on the bible. Aaryn asks they made you do that?! That’s DISGUSTING!. Howard explains the situation that happened where they made him swear on the bible. Aaryn tells Howard that she respects him, if I put you up it’s not personal. I had to make a deal to stay here and put up nominees that the house wants. If I don’t put you up just know that I will not back door you because I respect you. Howard says I liked hearing your letter because it shows how strong you are and your morals. Aaryn says she knows he will put her up next week if he stays. Howard says no I won’t I am going after the people that are puppeteering people in the house. Aaryn says she is scared to make a big move. Howard says if you make a big move I will run with you, I am loyal and will run with you all day long. Aaryn asks Howard if stuff comes up I would appreciate if if you would squash it. I won’t let one talk about your religion either.



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4:25pm Amanda and Andy come up and Aaryn tells them that she liked her talk with Howard. He didn’t bully me or anything and told me that he respected my decision. He said that I should make a big move. Amanda says that is a big move (putting up Howard). Aaryn says he said he is going after the power people. Aaryn says he said he wouldn’t put me up next week so we will see if he puts me up next week. Amanda says well he will be gone. Aaryn says not if he wins veto. Andy says yeah.


4:35pm Aaryn tells Amanda and Andy that the only people I am not putting up is ya’ll. They talk about the jury and who will go before it whether it is a jury of 7 or 9. Aaryn says the people to go before are Howard, Spencer and Candice. Aaryn says of the four people of the outs which one should make it to jury. (Howard, Candice, Spencer, Elissa) Andy comments that we will have to wait to see who wins HOH at that point because each of us have different relationships with those people. It would definitely come down to either Candice or Elissa that make it to jury though. Aaryn says I don’t think Howard is after me. Amanda says you’re WRONG! Aaryn says he was after me only because he had a deal with Kaitlin but she is gone now. Aaryn says I am putting up Howard like we talked about I am just saying. Aaryn says twice “I look like a dike in these pants I need to get out of them”

4:47pm Production Leak

This cam over the speakers it was production saying something
“Welcome to the Big Brother Evidence Room where you will be competing in a two part Brain Busting Challenge. In part one your goal is to get all of the evidence off the shelves and balance it carefully onto your disks. ”


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122 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – HAVE / HAVENOT Competition RESULTS!”

  1. Come on Aaryn……make big moves of put up Howard & Spencer. Wait till Amanda as third nominee.

    1. A big move would be going against the house… She’s not ready to do that since she knows she really isn’t in anyone’s alliance.

      1. Really, Aaryn agree of not put up Elissa & Helen. She has to make big moves, she has to put up Spencer & Howard not Elissa. She can’t play PoV. That why Howard or Amanda is going home.

        1. Elissa can’t play for POV doesn’t mean she can’t be put on the block though. It would be a perfect time to put her up too bad Howard didn’t mention it.

        2. Elissa can’t play for POV doesn’t mean she can’t be put on the block though. It would be a perfect time to put her up too bad Howard didn’t mention it.

          1. Helen told Aaryn of not put up Elissa. Even she can’t play PoV but she will be safe.

        3. Elissa can’t play for POV doesn’t mean she can’t be put on the block though. It would be a perfect time to put her up too bad Howard didn’t mention it.

          1. Helen told Aaryn of not put up Elissa. Even she can’t play PoV but she will be safe.

      2. I think she’s staring at a big move and one that would not rile the house or even make it look like she was allying with Howard/Spencer…which is to get Elissa. She needs to act reticent and afraid of Howard. She seems to know Howard is no threat to her but Amanda is selling that he is…so use that. She pretends she’s afraid Howard will go beast and win veto, then he will come after her. Make the case for a backdoor. Then make the argument that Elissa was MVP last week and that it was all a charade to get pressure off of her. She felt safe with everybody and then once started to panic a little then she went hard for the veto veto. If it was anybody else then why would GM be the replacement?

        So she says she wants to put up Elissa, both to get her in check and to force her to follow the house’s wishes with the MVP to protect herself, and Spencer, then if Elissa still refuses to nominate Howard, whoever wins the veto uses it and we backdoor Howard. She can say how Elissa is prancing through, pretending she’s with us…but also being cool with Candice, Howard, and Spencer. She needs to be scared and then forced to pick a side.

        Then if you’re Aaryn, you hope that the nominations stay as is, without Howard and then you make the case that Elissa has to go. From her perspective, she really has no interest in seeing Howard, Amanda, Helen, or McCrea leave, especially if she can keep building relations….but Elissa will always be after her. If Aaryn does not try to make the big move to get out HER biggest threat, then it’s a blown opportunity.

        Of course, with the audience MVP, it seems like a toss up for that 3rd chair. Just based on last week, I tend to think Elissa and GM are the front-runners, so if the block is Elissa, Spencer, and GM, then Aaryn has a real shot at Elissa, since nobody is really that concerned about Spencer (and I think Andy, Judd, and Helen all see a use for him post-Howard) and GM is a non-entity. If on the other hand, the BB interwebs presence is indicative of anything, then Amanda might shoot to the top of the polls. So we could see Ellisa, Spencer, Amanda…then do Helen and Judd see an opportunity too good to pass up, so they grab Howard, Candice, and Jessie and decide to act, then give Andy the fait acompli.

        They are some unknowns, but Aaryn is making a mistake leaving somebody who absolutely despises her (deservedly or not…I’m not judging) in the game, especially since she already feels on borrowed time.

        1. I don’t think Aaryn won’t put up Elissa and beside Aaryn agreed to not to put up Elissa. Aaryn has to put up Spencer & Howard. That’s why Aaryn should go for big moves.

        2. Beside, Aaryn won’t put up Elissa on the block. She can’t play PoV and Aaryn needs to put up Spencer & Howard. Aaryn has no attention to put up Elissa.

    2. awesome

      amanda and gina are havenots!

      it means amanda cant sleep in the hoh, and she cant even sleep with mccrae

      all 10 votes for amanda as 3rd nom

      then candace, judd, helen, jess, gina, elissa may all heavily consider getting rid of amanda (mccrae and andy would be powerless to stop it) – these people know the importance of splitting the pair before jury, taking away amandas influence on the jury and locked with for mccrae should he reach final 2

      it seems if we give a little hint to the house guests that we want amanda gone then they may actually pull the trigger once we put her on the block

      more than 50% want amanda as 3rd nom here – i hope the overrall votes reflect similar numbers

      if you want a very entertaining week vote amanda as 3rd nom

  2. Howie I’m LITERALLY praying for you to win VETO. Let’s just hope they don’t backdoor Howie. I just want a damn power shift that Amanda is clearly not apart of. Tired of her running HOH’s

  3. I`m foolishly rooting for Mccrae+Amanda+Howard+Spencer to form a super alliance and take the rest of the house. It`s never going to happen though.

    1. As much as everyone wants Amanda on the block as the 3rd nominee, it’s not going to happen. Her CBS edits are golden which means people that don’t watch the feeds are going to vote for her. I couldn’t believe they even edited Elissa (their favorite HG) as a villain to make Amanda look like a picked on victim for being chunky with the whole dominatrix thing when she’s said WORSE about almost everyone in that house. GM will most likely take the third seat.

    1. I believe Amanda will be the MVP nom. To see her go totally bat shit psycho insane put up McCrae and send him packing. That would be epic.

    2. If Amanda is voted out this week, will McCrae have to be awake and in an upright position?

    3. Not Helen she is helping to keep Elissa and Candice. If Helen goes home Amanda rules the house all the way and Elissa will be evicted next. Like to see her on the block so she can feel how it is to be on the block. All the girls have been on the block except Amanda time to vote Amanda America.


  4. they need to remove aaryn, I just can’t stand it anymore. so annoying, this was the week to boot her. kind of pissed at production. Ian Terry was right, why put in a challenge anyone can win, they had a shot to remove her with an HoH she couldn’t possibly win. darnit.

    1. We complain about rigged challenges. We claim about production tampering. We complain about total crapshoots. What gives?!?!?!?

  5. if amanda is america’s nominee, i hope everyone in the house will think about the ‘big move’

    1. Don’t confuse America’s Vote with MVP. I saw where MVP noms didn’t end until 9 pm EST. Vote 10 times for Amanda to get MVP and go up on the block.

      1. I got my 10 votes for Amanda in. Thanks, I can’t believe I voted for her as America’s Player, what a dumbass move.

        1. From CBS web site:
          America, you are the BB MVP and the decision is now yours! Cast your vote for who you think should be the third nominee up for eviction, and tune in Wednesday at 8/7c to find out how America voted! Voting is now over.

          In other words, America could vote/nominate any player 10x’s to be put on the block. That’s it.
          Where did you vote Amanda as America’s Player?

  6. Everything is going Aaryn’s way now. With Amanda a have not, Aaryn will get to sleep in the HOH bed.

        1. Ladybug – I was thinking the same thing! McCrae will follow Amanda’s orders…and that means the Have Not room. She hollered at him for not bringing her dishes of food when he made himself something to eat, now he won’t be able to eat in front of her b/c she’s a Have Not. Sweet!

  7. Does Amanda think she is going to get a producing credit on IMDB when the show ends for all the bossing around she is doing?

    1. “Welcome to the Big Brother Evidence Room where you will be competing in a two part Brain Busting Challenge. In part one your goal is to get all of the evidence off the shelves and balance it carefully onto your disks. “

  8. Howard: they made me swear on the bible
    Aaron: that’s disgusting of them

    Yes I know I forgot to mention the fact that I also lied when I swore on the bible even though I am such a religion pwrson

    1. Wtf right? I mean, that’s like asking a narc if they are a cop.. they have to say yes right? Dude! It’s the game!… and if an alliance is going to make you swear on the bible every frickin time they ask you something then yeah… they are going to get lied to.

  9. I can’t believe people are scared of Amanda, she doesn’t win anything and she goes off on Adderall induced fits of anger. She hates Howard and Candice because they know what she’s about and aren’t scared of her. I gaurentee if Aaryan went after Amanda and her keychain, everybody would be on board in a heartbeat, but they’re too chickensh!t to say it. It’s time to start cracking Opie, these people are stupid for letting him get away with ratting on everybody. I love how everybody says we have to vote with the house, the house is Amanda and her keychain dummy, Helen is just a paper tiger. I don’t care for Aaryan, but she has to realize that if you don’t go after those two now, they get a free ride to the end. Just them taking over your HOH room should piss you off to put them up. Those two have no respect for anyone and people let them steamroll them. These people are unreal.

    1. I think a lot of people get this confused. Amanda doesn`t hate Howard, she wants him out because he`s a strong player with a good shot of winning.

    2. …that people think that all the houseguests are afraid of Amanda! For the most part, they are aligning with Amanda until it suits them not too! There’s the Knockout alliance and the Goof Troop alliance and the combination of the two with one or two added in along the way. At any time these past weeksd there could be alliances formed that don’t include Amanda, there could be alliances formed to put Amanda on the block. Theycould have used Elissa’s PV to get out Amanda instead of David or Nick or Jeremy. I guess they were more afraid of those three than they were of Amanada. People may not like how Amanda behaves,but for the most part they seem happy to align with her. Helen can be just as aggressive, bullying and devious a game player. No one is saying people are afraid of her, simply because she is tiny and has a more acceptable personality and therefore is more likeable to some. Amanda, like Helen, is being strategic. You can’t win Big Brother without scheming, lying and strategizing from what I understand. If people are so Afraid of Amanda they certainly have the numbers to bolster their courage and vote her out. They don’,t because it suits their game to align with her. When it stops being to their benefit, they will find a way to put her on the block…or not….but she’s not holding a gun to their heads. They are with her for the most part because they have common targets and goals. When their goals no longer align, then they will no longer align with her…..or Helen…..or Judd….or…..

  10. I really want Amanda to be the third nominee, the issue is the majority of fans just watch the show and she’s been given a good edit. I really hope I’m wrong.
    Something needs to happen to flip this house, I was team Superfriends now I’m team get them out.

  11. Man I can’t take much more of Amanda, and I can’t take this people for actually listening to everything she says

  12. I’m sorry, but if Amanda would just win a comp, she can do it herself. And secondly, if everyone else’s game wasn’t so lousy, we wouldn’t be b****ing about Amanda every week, because she’d already be gone. I never was a mean girl, and I certainly would never be as lousy in competitions as she is. I like the out group, they are more unique, considerate, and not concerned about keeping up appearances. Aaryn at least has held her own in competitions. Amanda sucks at them all. But I suppose if it was d*** sucking contest she’d get HOH.

  13. At least when Kaitlin left, she was trying to be part of the out group. I hope she knows she went because she was one of the stronger competitors and the house thought they could knock of Aaryn easily.

  14. Its going to be good TV if Amanda is up on the block plus it will be a great chance for America to see just how good Amanda is under pressure, or will she go Bat Sh** Crazy!! (Amanda’s Voice) LOL Get the popcorn ready folks. and if she does get picked ima go ahead and get the live feeds cuz ima need a front row seat!! LOL!

    I Live for the Drama!! Thumbs up if you do too!!!

  15. Candice has her per$od, her man is going up and now a have not. It’s gonna be a tough week for her!

    Aaryn seems like she likes Howard’s deal. Howard is using his gift of gab to make him less of a target. Is Spencer really her bigger target or does she have someone else she wants to back door? Last night she sounded all set to get Howard out with Jesse and GM. Once the MVP mom goes up, things will shift yet again.



    1. “HOMINATE”? I GUESS THAT MEANS THE HOWARD WAY AND NOT THE WAY THE SO CALLED “HOUSE” WANTS…… its annoying coz when i hear that is what the house want…i ask myself, who the f****k is the house? as if there is an oracle in the house

  17. Aaaryn is growing on me, that was a nice talk doesn’t excuse her comments but I get it..hope she continues to turn it around with some positive edits if CBS allows it, they better show her talk with Howard

    1. I agree it was a nice talk, but I still don’t like her or trust her. She is just playing nice.

    2. Yeah, I agree, She’s said some stupid things and does have prejudice in her, but I don’t think she’s a full blown racist. If she was, no way in hell would she have given Howard a hug.

  18. Please Howard — Where is your GAME! what is up with this Guy! He had the opportunity to tell Aaryn to nominate Amanda and MC and give her plenty of reasons! Hello? It is now or never dude – YOU ARE GOING HOME! THe girl is telling you that she is scared why did you not CONVINCE her that you have her back! Not just tell her! She is scared, young, ignorant and naive! Howard needed to say listen girl let’s do this game on! You put up the honeymooners and destroy that pair because same pair is gunning after you. You are being used so let’s use and abuse your power this week because when all said and done you are next! ( For a minute there I thought I was Howard)

    1. I agree with you 100%! I am rooting for Howard but at some point he has to stop laying low. Get in the game man!

    2. Couldn’t disagree with you more. The greatest strength of Howard’s game is also his greatest weakness. He sells ideas to others based on their self-interests. Basically he treats everybody with respect and the idea they are plotting their own victory. Since most HG’s operate on fear, they don’t respond to his message and think he’s trying to trap them, but Aaryn up until a week ago was the type of player who would listen to Howard’s type of pitch. So if he goes into this conversation pushing Amanda and McCrea (given what he knows based on Candice’s conversation) then Aaryn shuts down and likely stops listening. Aaryn feels least threatened by Amanda and McCrea. What Howard basically told her was that the campaign against him was not true and if she wanted to work with him he would have her back. Howard also said he was going after the puppetmasters, which Aaryn completely understood without him having to name names. Arryn is not afraid of Amanda and McCrea…but she has no real allegiance to them either and having Howard around is beneficial to her in many ways.

      The only thing missing from Howard’s pitch was for him to drive home the idea that this was HER HOH and she needed to not just please “the house” but to do the things needed to protect herself. He could tell her that her best move is to target the people who have (and will continue to) targetted her. The people who’ve dragged her name through the mud saying she twists words and lies, the people who’ve nominated her for two straight weeks. If all these people are now pretending to be her allies, why would she do their bidding? Howard needed to embolden her, conjure the Aaryn who wants to win, not just survive, inspire her to honor her new friends and allies, but test their loyalty in the face of her wish to target those who have publicly threatened her existence in the house. Howard didn’t even have to risk, naming names (which could be used against him with those people), since Aaryn would already know which legacy cast member to which he was referring.

      1. Howard does appeal to multiplayer rational self interest
        but it looks like helen talked southern and cut a classic
        political deal with aaryn, who has delivered the 1st half…

      2. He just doesnt have the power of persuasion that others have. I agree that his mellow game is the right approach in that situation but he can’t rely on it all the time. If he is using Spencer and Candice to spread his message he could not have chosen two worse people. I just want to see him step it up a bit. Especially now that his ass is on the line!

  19. This season I am not screaming at the Screen that much.. yay
    I would nominate Howard and Spencer. I think that Elissa is going to be the 3rd nominee (I voted to put her on the block.)
    If one of the nominee leaves gets POV her best move is to put up Candice; if Candice wins POV and takes off Howie then put up Judd or Jessie.

    If anybody else but the nominee wins POV, I think nominations remain the same.

    Howie and Spencer’s best bet if neither wins POV and nominations remain the same.. use Candace to push Elissa off the deep end and hope she has a huge crazy explosion.

  20. Hey Simon or Dawg! What was the vibe that you got from the conversation between Aaryn and Howard up in the HoH room? I know that its pretty much 100% certain that she is going to nominate Howard and Spencer (Doing what Amanda I mean what the house wants). But did ya think it was a sincere conversation between the two (no gameplay or lying involved from both sides)?

  21. I really do wish “Aaryn, Spencer, Howard, Candice, Gina Marie, Jessie & Judd” would get together and form a “REAL” alliance. Make a deal to stick together until they can get down to Jury. Work together and get rid of the other people, it’s time for someone to stand up and let Amanda know she is not the boss, I hope and pray America votes to put Amanda up as the 3rd nominee!!! I cannot stand her ass, and I am so happy she is a have not this week, now maybe we can stop being punished to look at her and McWimpy make out.

    1. I wish everybody would quit treating BB like a team game…it’s not.
      I wish everybody in the house would start playing with the understanding that to win everybody else has to lose.
      I wish everybody would appreciate that information is currency and by blindly tattling, you blow all your capital.
      I wish everybody would accept that you have ZERO interest in protecting anybody but your partner/closest ally and that it’s never bad for your 3rd or 4th ally to be under constant threat from another HG, lest they become free from worry and begin plotting how to evict you.
      I wish everybody would stop believing that pleasing “the house” buys you anything at all.
      I wish everybody would start valuing any HOH they win and appreciate that it still represents the best chance to protect YOU next week…not “the team”.

  22. Amanda is trying too hard with Aaryn to make sure she is safe!! lol She is lying her ASS off!! But that is what she does. Telling Aaryn who she needs to vote off and that she needs to protect her and McCrae because they are protecting her. I can’t wait until the house WAKES UP and backdoors Amanda when she is picked as third nominee! If she gets evicted EVERYONE will scramble and the house FINALLY have a show to watch. She is TOO demanding and someone needs to make a BIG move soon…

    1. Best case scenario:

      Aayrn puts Elissa and Howard up
      MVP selects Amanda
      Elissa cannot pay veto….
      Candance or Spencer get chosed to play and win….
      Take Howard of the block….
      Aaryn replaces the nomination and we have Elissa, Amanda, and Player X
      Helen grows some balls and starts the pitch to knock of Amanda…….

      Let me know what your think

      1. Bad idea, Aaryn is making a deal of not putting up Elissa. Beside, she has to put Howard & Spencer and MVP select Amanda. Howard wins PoV and replacement Candace. Spencer goes home.

  23. The BOLDEST and BEST move for Aaryn is to grow a pair and take a leap of faith by aligning herself with Howard, Spencer, Candice, Gmarie and Elissa… (the others wouldn’t see it coming… plus she will probably go up and out next week anyway). They should make that move now… with Aaryn putting up Demanda and Lapdog aka McCrae, with Helen or Andy as a back door in case they win POV, that would be great! Even if H/S/C/GM or Elissa gets the 3rd nom, they would still have the votes to tie at 4-4 with Aaryn voting out Demanda!! THAT WOULD BE A GREAT POWER MOVE at this point… AKA great entertainment for us BB super fans!!!

    1. But if you approach it from Aaryn’s perspective, there’s ZERO reason to believe she could “team up” with Elissa and Candice. I do think she sees value in staying on Howard and Spencer’s good side and keeping them around and she’s still tight with GM. But I also think she feels comfortable with Amanda, McCrea, and Helen…and to a slightly lesser degree Jessie, Judd, and Andy.

      In my mind she has 2 plays: 1) Do what Amanda wants this week then hide in the shadows for as long as possible and hope the Superfriends break up before it’s her turn to leave, then scramble for an advantageous position or 2) Nominate Elissa and Candice under the guise of sending a shot across Elissa’s bow and backdooring Howard, then pray Howard and Spencer are not put up by the MVP and hope nominations stay the same…then work as hard as she can to get Elissa out.

      There’s just no incentive for her to try to go after Amanda/McCrea since to make that kind of move she would have to rely on somebody who refuses to talk to or acknowledge her and her closest friend, both of whom are tight with Helen, who is teamed with Amanda/McCrea in the Superfriends. Don’t get me wrong I’d love for her to go after them and then the house get behind it…but from a practical point of view as seen by Aaryn it’s a risk without any sort of upside, precisely because of the unpredictability of the MVP and the 3rd chair…which is why the MVP has been such a bad twist in my view.

  24. So glad GM and Amanda are have-nots! Amanda can’t sleep in the HOH bed that she thinks is hers and GM, it’s about time! Now Aaryn for have-not next week!

  25. Did Amanda just say that the DR told her that they don’t air her nasty remarks about Candice? Shocker. Not. Thanks, Grodner, for providing Amanda with the ability to continue spewing her hate and for hiding the true Amanda from your CBS viewers. I knew that she knew that she could get away with saying whatever she wanted as I called it in my previous comments. No way would someone give Aaryn that (BS) talk and then go on to spew their own vitriol if they thought that theirs would be shown. She’s getting an awesome edit and she knows it. Seriously disgusted at this entire season.

    1. Was that on the livefeeds that Amanda said that?
      I have cancelled my live feed subscription and also attached an e-mail detailing the ‘story’ that has been leaked that Alison Grodner and Amanda Zuckerman are aquainted (maybe very closely). I told them I would no longer support a fraudulent corporation.

  26. I wonder if Aaren figured it out yet that Helen out and out lied to her .. when Helen ( the turn coat ) said Elissa was planning a coo to get Aaren out … Howard said Elissa had nothing to do with it . and that is one that he can swear on the bible to .. Helen told bold face lies .. I hope it bites her in the ass soon … As for big move let America help you out with that one Aaren.. They are not cowards they will put up the Almighty Amanda…lets got America show the peope bullies are not liked nor tolerated .. 🙂

  27. Wait…who is that sitting on the couch in the HOH bedroom? OH! Holy shit….It’s Amanda!!! That must be the best move in the house yet. Ha!

  28. Amanda will not go up as third nom. She is too well liked in the general public, due to her favourable edits on the tv show. I like Amanda; yes she is loud and abrasive, but she is also extremely intelligent and manipulative, and gets others to do her dirty work. If they are willing, why fault her for their weakness? It’s a waste voting for her, I guarantee she will NOT go up.

  29. Even thought Amanda and Co are acknowledging that Elissa will win the next HoH – it’s almost certainly endurance and Elissa is a fitness freak – and they know that Elissa can’t play for the POV, they don’t want to get rid of Elissa this week. Are they mad? They want Howard out instead this week but he would never win an endurance HoH.

  30. So how does she know she is called a racist outside the game. Are they allowed news like that from HOH letters? Id sure like to hear what was said. Did she read it before “who wants to see my hoh room?”

  31. simon your honest opinion do you think amanda going up a america mvp nom or the preduction going to do something casue i know alot of people voted for her to go up me to we will know

    1. It’s going to be either Amanda, Elissa or GM

      OBB and The cat people army cannot compete against the CBS edit so I’m going to say Elissa or GM are going up ..

      Who volunteers to be the leader of the cat people? I want to sign a truce Lets make it official 🙂

  32. Aaryn was def coached by production in the DR before she and Howard had that conversation. production def gave Aaryn a heads up a few weeks ago of all the mess she got herself into with all the racial comments.

  33. On a side note, why is the OBB iPhone app always having trouble with “Error Fetching Data”
    and crashing? Simon, Dawg?

  34. I want on Amanda on th block so bad, but realistically its not going to hppen bc she gets a good edit on cbs, thtas where most people watch..elissa and GM both beat her last week for mvp, so why would anything change this week? all the zombies out there are just as chicken %%^& as the hg’s are..

  35. i hope aaryn is starting to see the bigger picture. even if she does what they say this week she should know they’re gonna betray her the next week. Amanda WOULD be playing a great game if she wasnt such a friggin control freak and pretty much jams her opinions(her wet dreams for howard) down peoples throat and basically says “its my way or the highway”

  36. JUDD tried to kiss Jessie on the couch and SHE turned him down!! and made excuses to get away from him. HE is so upset that she walked away!! lol Jessie finally got a SHOWMANCE but not WHO she wanted haha SHE wants MCRAE lol

    1. jess is only looking for a game partner, not a boyfriend…her and judd as friends who trust each other in the game – the connection helps both of their games

  37. Best case scenario if Howard goes on the block with Spencer. America votes Amanda for the 3rd nominee and then Candace win veto and take Howard off.

    Perfect opportunity to take out Amanda, put McCrae as the replacement.. then let the screaming and whining begin. Amanda wil self implode.

  38. Anyone know where you can get updates on past BB houseguests?
    Would love to know what ian and frank are doing

  39. FYI: Anyone looking for JUDD’s bear shirt it is sold at Walmart for about $25.00 (Get-A-Life Brand). Saw them in Florida last week. You maybe able to buy them online.

  40. Howard and Spencer isn’t a big move… that’s just Amanda bulls**t story that’s keeping the true “big move” Amanda and McCrae safe….

    Howard and Spencer are pure weakling moves.. Done only by someone who’s been cowering behind HOH’s and the MVP twist for a month.

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