Big Brother Spoilers Nomination Results “America is biting their lip right now”

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 27th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 29
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 1
MVP: ?
Original Nominations: Spencer and Howard
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin
Have Nots Judd, Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie


4:34pm HOH Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae

Aaryn is saying that Howard isn’t targeting her. Amanda thinks that is a complete lie, She warns her that Howard will lie straight to her face. Amanda: ‘He tried to flip the house to get you out yesterday”

Aaryn: “I’m still putting him up but I don’t think he’s targeting me”
Amanda isn’t happy about this says she has to do something that is supportive of the group if she wants the group to vote her way and to protect her.

Aaryn is convinced that Amanda’s orders are to be followed she says even though she wants Candice and Elissa out of the house but shes
not going to nominate them. She’s going to support her alliance and put up Howard and Spencer.
Aaryn says that by putting up Spencer and Howard she’ll have 3 people coming after her. Amanda points out she has the house backing her up on this.
Aaryn: “This is my HOH I don’t want to fu** it up”
Amanda: “You are not going to f*** this us we have us to protect you”
Aaryn is worried Elissa will put her up next week or if someone else wins HOH and puts her up with Elissa she will go home.
Amanda: “I swear to you on anything if ELissa goes up against you she’s going home she’s a crazy b!tch and nobody wants her here”.
Amanda: “To be honest with you I want you to go further than any other girl in this house.. you trump everyone else, Jessie, Helen, Elissa.”

Aaryn says the two people that have helped her out are Amanda and Helen she’s loyal to them.
Aaryn asks about the
Aaryn : “I’m surprised nobody has talked to me yet.. nominations are today”
Aaryn mentions how Helen wanted to have a meeting with everyone but Elissa, “She’s so over Elissa”

McCrea: “I want Elissa gone next week”
Aaryn: ‘Me two”


4:40pm Bedroom Howard and Spencer
Howard says Aaryn wants to do it but she’s scared to. Howard doesn’t understand why she’s so scared to make a move that will help her game. He mentions how it’s not like you are in a fight.
Spencer: “Why wouldn’t you put up somebody that is your main enemy in the house and can’t play for VETO”
Howard: ‘i think she might do that but it’s not what the house wants”
Spencer: ‘Dude from what I’ve heard if Elissa goes up everyone will vote her out”
Howards brings up how he told Aaryn he’s not coming after her he’s going to target the players in the game that think they are running the show.

Spencer: “damn I bet Candice is the target if they’re putting you up.. you going to be OK losing her if that happens..”
Howard: “I have no choice”
Anady barges in.


4:43PM Storage room Amanda, Andy and Helen
Helen hasn’t had a chance to talk to Aaryn she wants to know what is going on. Andy: “She’s for sure putting Howard and Spencer” Helen: ‘I was just worried she was going to back out”
Anady: ‘No she’s talking to Amanda right now it’s locked”
Helen asks him who MVP is this week. Andy: “I thought it was America last week.. I’m sticking to that”
Amanda joins them. says for sure she’s putting up Howard and Spencer.
Helen: “We’re trying to get howard out right”
Amanda: “yes yes I know Candice is targeting us but Howard is more dangerous”

4:47pm Cam 1-4 Production leak

This came over the speakers ..

“Welcome to the Big Brother Evidence Room where you will be competing in a two part Brain Busting Challenge. In part one your goal is to get all of the evidence off the shelves and balance it carefully onto your disks. ”

CBS Interactive Inc.


5:10pm HOH Aaryn and Spencer

Aaryn explaining her deal with Helen and why she made it. Spencer understands she made the deal to stay in the game. He wants her to know he likes her as a person and regardless of what happens in this game he’ll still think she’s a good person.

Aaryn: “You are not going home.. I don’t want you to go home.. even though you screwed me over.. I think Howard is going home.. I don’t think he’s going to win VETO I’m going to fight my a$$ off to win it and leave the nominations the same”

Aaryn tells him she’s on the outs, so is Gm, Spencer and Candice but she really doesn’t have a lot of options right now because if she goes back on her word people will be putting her up next week for sure.

Spencer: ‘If there are any other options she is considering.. even if it means stepping out of her deal she may gain herself more realiable allies.. Howard and I will be allies to you moving forward.. If you think there are four people in the outs why send one of them home”

Aaryn :”I know.. Helen has a big heart so if I keep my word I might get some protection””

Spencer isn’t sure that after this she will really be as protected as she thinks.. “look at the board everyone you were with is gone”
Aaryn mentions how everyone in the house is saying Spencer is calling her a racist.
Spencer: “I never heard him call you racist.. “90% of people saying that is stirring sh!t up.. I talk to Howard all the time he’s never called you racist not once”

Aaryn: “America is biting their lip right now that I won’t put Elissa up now that she can’t play for VETO”
Spencer tells her she can gain more numbers by exploring more options. he thinks she will gain more protection if she does what’s best for her.
Aaryn: “I respect Helen and I’m not going to back out of the deal with her” (LAme)

CBS Interactive Inc.



5:24pm JEJU SNuggling


7:00pm Nominations are over Spencer and Howard are up on the block


7:01pm Helen is excited doing her dance around the HOH tells Aaryn they will make a good team

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113 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers Nomination Results “America is biting their lip right now””

  1. You stupid little puppet. I swear to God this is the weakest bunch of people this show has ever casted.

    1. Ya im sure that’s Why your still watching and following the BB blog!? LOL I really don’t understand Why you all get mad at something you can’t change! It’s a game!

      1. Don’t get all high and mighty, I’ve seen you piss and moan on this website like the rest of us.

        1. hey, wouldn’t it be awesome if Aaryn and Elissa team up . unbenonst to all others. the dynamic dueo. no one would ever believe that one! they could go so far! lets play the game HG!!!!!

  2. The MVP nominee is so important this week. Unless American puts up someone strong like Helen or Amanda to cause some drama and back room dealings it will be impossible to save Howard. With Howard gone there will be no resistance left in the house for the next few weeks.

    1. I understand why Aaryn stuck by her deal with Helen and glad that she stayed true to her word, but really, really hope that Howard wins and takes himself off the block because I like Howard. Hope America puts Elissa up and that the house gets her out this week. Would like t see Howard and Aaryn work together. Like Howard and don’t want him to go home, but would like Spencer gone.

      1. Maybe production will rig the POV for Howard to win (Like they did for Elissa). I would hate to see Howard go home especially on Aaryn’s HOH.

  3. Well now we’ll see what Howard is made of – finally. He’s been throwing everything which has not benefited him.

    1. The comment isn’t made @ you specifically. Everyone except Howard is going and move on. Wasting your anger on this situation serves no purpose. The numbers aren’t going to let Howard stay in the game, nor it appears Spencer and Ellisa. Candace is a potential wild card if she can keep her big, fat mouth shut. Amanda the nasty racist wants her gone. This is good for Arryn as Amanda will try to keep her around to evict Candy as well.

      With the MVP this is the season of no power alliances as in the old days. The “I and my alliance will win every HOH and control the game are gone. Super Friends rule by votes not actions. Up to now they have had to win no HOH’s. Even with America putting up Amanda she is going no where. The Amanda Hellen split only happens when Judd and Andy pick a side. Right now they have their bread buttered on both sides no reason to change anything.

      Amanda on the block = fun possibilities….

      1) The obvious is Amanda rooting out the MVP traitor. She’ll incorrectly settle on Howard or Ellisa(shakes head)! 🙁

      2) Poor Ellisa this MVP nom will likely means she goes home as early as this week if Howard wins POV. Helen will belive Ellisa put Amanda up. The grief Ellisa will take from douchey Helen will be pure nasty. Amanda will come at her with both guns blazing. Nasty 5 days in the house for Ellisa. She may remotely even consider self evict!

      3) Andy and Judd’s convo on whether they are betting on the right horse! Andy will say correctly it’s Americas vote. Next sentence if they want her gone where does it leave the 2 of us? We may become alternative MVP targets if we stick with the Goof Troop. With Amanda in the COCKpit(;p) I expect Judd and Andy to renew old aquatances with Andy back to mommy Helen and Judd up with Arryn talking… friends. If the racist can understand “mumbles”!

      4) McCrae has never felt threatened. He’ll see somethings not right in team McManda. He won’t dessert like a rat on a sinking ship but actually start playing the game free of Amanda just a little bit.

      5) Folks who’s game is the same GM, Arryn and Jessie. Let the snooze fest continue until 1 actually makes F4. Everyone remember Talia from BBcan 1. Maybe Jessie this seasons BBusa 15 or god forbid Arryn.. 🙂

      6) Howard Spencer and Candy. Well for Candy it is simple say freaking nothing to ANYONE let mommy Helen keep you safe and no other dumba$$ strategy! Howie POV or evicted. Spencer POV or Howie up Thursday your safe. No Howard make sure you pack the toothbrush with everything else.

      I sincire hope GM is not the 3rd nom. It will be a complete bore. Alternatively Helen would be great. I sincerely hope it’s not Ellisa. I’m no huge fan but atleast she’s not a lemming being lead by Amanda one at a time over the cliff!

  4. le sigh. perfect week to get elissa out. she can’t play for pov. get her out now. no one likes her in the house. she’s floated this far.. she’s bound to float til jury.

    1. Explain to me how Elissa floated? She was a target from day 1. She made 3 huge moves and got rid of huge targets: David, Nick, Jeremy. Not only did she get rid of them but also won a Power of veto. Something majority of the house hasn’t won yet.

      1. Sorry but Helen got Nick out. Elissa assumed she had the votes and didn’t campaign and Helen did all the work to keep her in. And she really didn’t get Jeremy out….everyone was fine with backdooring him which is what Helen wanted from the get go. I like Elissa (much better than her sister) but as a gameplayer she is horrible.

      2. she shouldn’t be there. she’s had an unfair advantage in “winning” the mvps. she’s there because AG is obsessed with rachel, and she’s rachel’s sister. it’s obvious she has no idea what she’s doing and she’s a nutcase. she ‘won’ the veto just like rachel won all those comps, with production’s help. and she’s given good edits. i would rather have nick, jeremy, and kaitlin in the house over gina marie, elissa, and andy or jessie. it’s pathetic that she’s not been targeted.. she’s going to win the $25,000 fan favorite–even if she was evicted week 1 because she’s rachel’s sister. the house knows she won the first 3 mvps and they still haven’t targeted her. she can’t play for veto this week and they’re STILL not targeting her. she blew up 3 days ago and STILL not on the block.

        1. Well said Marty. I do not like Elissa and her cattiness. I hate the way she talks down to people. I hope she’s the third nom, and I hope she has another flip out session and the house agrees to take her out this week.

        2. Everyone is saying Elissa should not be in Big Brother because of her sister however, I don’t agree with that. Everyone deserve to play this game that like saying if you win 1 million dollars and your sister win tomorrow shouldn’t she not accept it.

  5. When in the hell will someone get some balls and put Amanda and McCrea on the block. Like seriously I understand breaking up Howard and Spencer but come on we all know that third Nomination will be to hard to pass up for these jackals.

    1. Production is playing this game all people are pawns who ever thinks there isnt a rigged should be given a check for 500,00 its in the mail.

      Who ever” Elissa i mean PRODUCTION WANTS TO WIN WILL WIN! ” I mean the racist stuff and all that went away because America didnt

      like it and so production had to find out how to change there ways. I mean I liked Rachel but her sister Yuckk! production get it together !

      Find another way to get people to watch! Yawn

  6. I hope we see the clown shoe POV competition so Howard can win it. the BB house guests in there are basically a bunch of out of shape non-athletic cigarette smokers on slop.

    1. If Howard goes home ,I’d like to see him come down hard on Julie and Allison for allowing BB to become a KKK camp. But he won’t…NO GAME HOWIE

    2. Bet they will. No way they allow Howard get evicted while Aaryn (who they’ve chosen to portray as a racist- while ignoring others that have made similar comments) is HOH. It would be a PR nightmare for them!

  7. Helen and Aaryn dancing in the HOH room – Helen tells Aaryn they’ll make a good team. HELEN! Sure says a lot about your loyalty to Elissa, but I guess that’s over. Watch out Helen, Aaryn doesn’t play nice and you might be on the outside looking in very soon.

    1. I don’t think HELEN Plays nice at all. Aaryn kept her word so would say in this case Aaryn is the honest one.

    1. Although it’s beyond me how Rachel Reilly could have “fans”, I certainly get how Elissa was voted MVP the first few weeks as no other house-guests had previous ties to the show. But after watching her in action for a month, it amazes me that Elissa is still appearing at the top of popularity polls. This woman is a stone-cold moron.

      She has the emotional maturity of an eight year-old, complete with episodes of pouting, whining, and not speaking to others. She’s hyper-judgmental of and looks down her nose at the other house-guests, and she can be just as insensitive as any of the other chicks. She’d rather screw her alliance (which, by the way, happens to hate her guts now) than let go of the Aaryn thing, even though it would benefit her game to do so. She’s completely inept socially, and therefore, really bad at the game.

      She is in killer shape with a great bod, and I guess it’s kinda fascinating to watch a creature as unusual as she operate in the game. But other than that, I can’t come with any more positive attributes.

      Ummmmm…………. like……………….. I just don’t get it.

  8. Aaryn learned from her last HOH that she doesn’t control who goes home. I don’t blame her for sticking with the majority of the house.

  9. If she wasn’t so insecure and desperate for attention, that pic of Judd and Jes would be the best pic of the season so far.

    1. Do not get personal. You hate asians because your comment is unfair. Judging Helen game play is pretty good. Harsh is to Spencer.

  10. predictable noms from aaryn

    time to rattle arrogant amandas cage and send her ass onto the block – hopefully she is then voted out

    i like the pics of judd and jess in chillout zen mode on the couch

    1. True… but then why is he such a target? I don’t hardly ever see him on the feeds… don’t ever read too much about him talking to people other than spencer and candice. So why is he such a threat? He lied about an alliance… that’s part of the game, right? Other than that he is no more a threat than gina marie.

      1. I think he is a target because when he was with the mc, I believe it was Howard who approached McCrae and said that the mc wants to get Amanda out. Ever since Amanda found this out, she has been gunning hard to get Howard out saying he’s a threat and physically he’s a beast, etc. Amanda’s the one creating the hype about Howard being a big target. She’s relentless about it.

  11. Howard reminds me of the person who prays everyday to win the lottery for 50 years and never does. After he dies and goes to heaven he asks god why he never won the lottery, God says he wanted him to win but he never bought a ticket. Howard is too laid back thinking positive but never making a move. I know there are many people here wanting him to do something to shake the game up but so far he has shown nothing to suggest that he is a good player

    1. True… but then why is he such a target? I don’t hardly ever see him on the feeds… don’t ever read too much about him talking to people other than spencer and candice. So why is he such a threat? He lied about an alliance… that’s part of the game, right? Other than that he is no more a threat than gina marie.

      1. Looking at this game from the oust side he really shouldn’t be a target. Inside the house though paranoia rules. Howard is a good guy and has friends in the house. He is also an imposing figure so they think he is a threat. Also to win this game sometimes you need to just take out others that are not in your group of people. It is unfortunate for Howard that he is on the outs with both Amanda and Helen who are controlling the house right now

    2. I agree. All this irrational targeting of Howard because “he’s a strong guy” is laughable. This guy hasn’t even remotely come close to winning a single competition and he has no power in the game outside of Candice’s vote and possibly Spencer. This was the week to take Elissa out and the Superfriends could tell Elissa the blood was on Aaryn Nation hands. Oh well. Another predictable and boring week. Worst season ever so far continues to show why it is just that.

  12. Elissa will get the 3rd nom although I hope it will be Demanda. Hoping Candice gets picked for the POV comp and she wins, pulling Howard off (unsure if they can put Candice up, I’ve heard conflicting opinions on this matter but we know its up to production to sway the game like they want it, just like ALL the good editing Demanda has received thus far on CBS, BS). Aaryn will be forced to put a “pawn” aka Gmarie, then the fight for votes will be between Spencer and Elissa… could go either way depending on what chaos happens during the week… more than likely it will be Spencer going home. Next HOH will be endurance and we may see Howard finally show up to play!

    So everyone take off the rest of the week off as it appears it probably wont be interesting to watch as a real fan of BB. Maybe its best to wait till jury because the superfriends will start to take each other out… much crying, lying, and bed wetting to come!!!

    1. If Candace wins the veto, she can remove Howard and the CANNOT put her up. It is only when that person is on the block, if they remove someone else, then they must stay.

      1. candy needs to wakeup! Just because Howie is a brother doesn’t mean he is not using her. She needs to over look her procreation womb and be smart like in the beginning when she rooted out the “moving Company”! Wise up Candy before its to late!!!!

  13. Smart move Aaryn, finally Howard will get evicted next week. Don’t Backdoored Elissa.

  14. If Howard doesn’t win the VETO, I’m out. This has been the most boring season of BB so far. The way they have been editing the show has been horrible. I recorded and fast forwarded the first five shows and I haven’t seen an episode since then because it’s so far off from what’s actually going on. Once Howard leaves I’ll stop reading the spoilers too…Not saying that Howard’s a saint or a good player, but he’s been made a villain for no reason.

    1. That’s bull crap, the BB intro yesterday called him a hero!! LOL And he is just so not entertaining…

    2. I’m with you. For me, Howard is the giant killer. Everyone is following Amanda out of fear. Howard isn’t playing though fear. People allknow who he would go after. That’s why Amanda is hell bent on getting him out. He is theonly obstactle in her making it to finals because right now, no one else is willing to stand up to her. If Howard goes, I wam not interested in seeing a bunch of people all in the same alliance.

      1. Never even thought about that. Aaryn definitely won”t win America”s favorite HG. Could be some backlash against Aaryn and CBS is Howard gets evicted by “the racist”

        1. amanda is much worse than aaryn in terms of the racist comments and she has been consistantly racist the entire season – even mccrae tells her its racist and bad some of the things she says

          and aaryn is now having good decent respectful conversations with howard, and has been training with him, and she trusts him that he is not coming after her, and even hugging howard

          on the other hand amanda is 24/7 giving howard and candace a bad name and hard time

          also amanda has said she wants to punch candace in the face and kill her

          will cbs air amandas racism and her homophobic and threatening language? of course not – amanda is being protected and favoured by production – she is free to do and say anything she wants – she could shoot someone with a gun in there and would still get a golden cbs edit

  15. This is so lame make a fucking move Aaryn you will go farther with the other side of the house. Thery are going to use you up and throw you away like a piece of trash pathetic..

    1. From Big Jeremy – ‘To Big Jim, I want echo your comments that indeed the Moving Company is well and alive, and if not for fans for like you all would be lost. I would like to gift you 2 unsigned moderately soiled back-wiped tank tops that I personally used during the first week of competitions as a recognition of your support. If we can get Howard to win the POV we can still turn this around.’

  16. Aaryn… the loud bigot who thinks her bigotry is socially okay has kept her word to Helen
    rather than going back on the same. this apolitical political deal calmly “moves out” the last
    of the MC in short order if things go one way. This is brutal. i had a feeling!!!! i’m going
    with the Hogan’s Heroes moniker because i knew Hogan + Klink often cut deals, despite
    their party affiliations or philosophy of life. if Helen is at a political boss apex moment,
    all now that awaits her is the dismantling of her empire into the core components. this is
    like as if Octavius Caesar and Alexander the Great were contemporaries, and the Great
    Caesar sends the “flash in the pan” out the door after he is over-extended, and then does a
    careful mopping up operation when “hastening slowly” towards laurel leaves + victory arch.

  17. The big question is whether or not America will put up Amanda as the third nom. If they do, i can see her exploding and putting a huge target on her back with her temper. That’s the only way i can see Howard actually staying, which also includes him winning POV or Candice winning and taking him off. The odds seem very unlikely. As long as Amanda is in the house, the house is always going to be against Howard and Spencer. They may not be the biggest targets, but at this point, everyone is drinking the kool-aid that Amanda is serving.

    The situation would have to be perfect for the minority of the house to stay intact (Howard, Spencer, Candice). Candice or Howard would have to win POV, even if Howard wins, i don’t think they will “waste” a eviction on Candice (Who hasn’t won anything). No, they are going for a big target, which they won’t find in anyone else other than Howard. My guess would be Elissa would go up in Howard’s place, which she would get evicted over Spencer and whoever the third nominee is, which probably will be GM, Amanda, or Elissa. But if Elissa is on the block with Howard and Spencer, i can see the house flipping and taking out Elissa, but it would be very close.

  18. I actualy love this cast. For all og you who say thisi is the weakest cast ever. If Nick, Jeremy, David, Kaitlin and Howard were in any other the other Houseguests would be doing exactly what they said and a few would jump on the coat tails to see how far it would carry them. This group is doing exactly what every other Season should have done… take out the threats, instead of all the other petty evictions other seasons do. Good for them

    1. We have reviewed your resume and see that your qualifications and comments meet our requirements. We would like to schedule you for an interview in the coming week. Starting salary $50k to $500k.

  19. DAMN!!!, look at Jessie showin off that plump booty for the JU Double D…. You gotta get in there bruh.

    1. I just saw some shots of Wiener’s sexting gurl. She looks like Amanda. Definitely not butterscotch.

  20. is helen’s motivation for going after howard or spencer
    the very fact that they were in tight with nick & jeremy?

  21. oh great…. now julie chen will be talking about the racist putting howard on the block on “the talk” …. and her point of view will be that Aaryn put him on the block because she is a racist… not because of it being because of what “the house” wanted” or the deals she made to stay in the house.

    1. No excuse for her comments, but it seriously is bordering on a personal vendetta by CBS against Aaryn. It’s pretty gross how they’ve continued to obsess over her racist comments and paint her as the villain no matter what while ignoring that literally everyone else in the house is an insensitive and ignorant scumbag too.

        1. re vendettas for asian comments…amanda was singing about how asians cant drive and are good at maths(just one of her many racist moments this season)

          will cbs air it or julie chen discuss it?

          of course not – amanda is being protected and favoured by production

          and aaryn who is training with howard, having respectful conversations with him, and hugging him, is being bullied by amanda to put howard on the block(amanda also saying she wants to kill candace)…aaryn doesnt want howard gone, and respects him as a good guy, she wants elissa gone, but is sticking to the deal she made with helen and co to let the majority choose the noms

    1. To Confused Parent, parenting these days is difficult. We would like to offer you a mini parenting seminar this October titled ‘Helen’s 5 Keys To Raising a Winning Tiger Kid.’ Final-5 BB Winning Finalist Amanda Zuckerman will make a guest appearance. No fee is required. Haters not allowed.

  22. for real howard hasnt done shit anyone in the house and everything bad amanda says about shes 10 times worse than that. everyone in the house are just cattle waiting to get butchered by amanda (awful example i know). Production needs to work their magic and help Howard stay in the game

  23. Howard, I like you, but you
    to stop sugarcoating things and get straight to the point. You are treading on EXTREMELY thin water. You have to get straight to the point and push for Amanda and McRae to be evicted. It sounds like aaryn is coming around slowly, but she won’t get farther with the Amanda in her ear. It’s do or die time man.

  24. i want to vote for amanda to go on the block 900 times if i can but i did do 10 times i be like get on the block in sleep down stairs you fake person

    1. From Nick ‘As the ousted spokesperson for the Moving Company, I want to assure you that we will make every effort to restore your confidence in our joint partnership in the Moving Company. As a token of our appreciation, you will be receiving a GinaMarie Zimmerman free nail polish video with a 5-day lifetime guarantee. Taxes, nail polish and shipping not included.’

  25. i want to vote for amanda to go on the block 900 times if i can but i did do 10 times i be like get on the block in sleep down stairs you fake person

  26. CNBC is reporting ‘Former CEO of the Moving Company, Jeremy McGuire will hold a press conference to announce that the Moving Company has filed for bankruptcy protection. All BB fans with 401k money in the company will now have to rely on a F2 money deal Jeremy secretly made with Amanda. He is sorry for your loss and was wondering if you could spot him $20 for bus fare…..

  27. I can’t stand when ppl never win a competition, but always say “he needs to go next”,”she needs to go next”. Like shut up, if you want them to go, then win a competition.

    1. Jeremy – ‘I fully support your comments reflecting my real character as a true beast and winner of BB competitions during my short stay. Please support my petition to reinsert me into the BB cast as a Pandora’s box option in the coming week. I assure you that the faith and confidence you once had for the Moving Company was not in vain. xoxo’

  28. the season of the floater continues….Aaryn knows howard isn’t coming after her but still puts up howard and spencer because that is what the house won…..this is literally the weakest cast of players I’ve ever seen…in a way I’m hoping amanda wins because none of these terrible players deserve to win anything

  29. The nominations seem like a middle ground for her. I think she knows that Howard and Spencer both wouldn’t flip their lid and come at her too much for nominating them. And at the same time she’s keeping her word and basically do other people’s dirty works. One thing about her and the rest of them is that need to learn to not tell every conversation they have just in case they decide to work with someone else the following week.’

    It’s going to be a tough on for Howard and he doesn’t seem to have great persuasions skills. And being that he’s sort of too passive when confronted and isn’t that confrontational or a “straight shooter”, any misconceptions about him just sort of lingers in the house. So his personality is perfect for someone like Amanda who plays on any weakness or naivety in their personalities in the house. And she vilifies and tries assassinate someone’s character if they are a perceived threat to her. Since she’s in there with a handful of yougins and passives it’s working so far. I didn’t see the conversation that Howard had with Aaryn but when she asked about the racist stuff I would have inquired where did she hear it. And I would have told her Amanda was the one who labeled Aaryn’s comments as racist. And let it explode. But they are so scared of confrontations and taking a stance. That’s why Amanda spews the unnecessary low class racial type of comments. I mean greasy hair? Really? And you are labeled “crazy” if you try to be too confrontation or emotional. Labeling some one crazy is a tactic and deflection of control. And they are good at that in there like a lot of people are in general when they don’t want face something head on and your argument has too many holes in it. Now if some of them were really relentless they could easily play on Amanda’s’ weakness and insecurities because she has bravado but she’s just as insecure I can tell by her conversation and what she focuses on in other people. As much as she likes to say things about people she’s likely a comment or two away from being broken down into tears or losing it completely.

  30. GM is complaining to Helen about something that happened in the HN comp. She is happy she got raisins, she thinks America gave her them because of Nick.

    If America gives GM anything it should be antipsychotic meds.

  31. I’m a big Howard guy…but I can’t wait to see how CBS tries to spin this as something other than the 3 racists banding with the sheep to get out the scary black guy. Maybe now at least Amanda and Helen will cease to get such a heavily protected edit and the rest of America will see how nasty and racist they truly are.

    We will at least find out one way or the other if the anonymous producer was right about Amanda being the choice of production. Because if we don’t see her blaming Howard for the race issues in the house, her mocking attack on his faith, and today’s gem about Candice’s “greasy, nappy head” then we know the fix is in…and if this crew sends Howard or Candace out, I really don’t know if BB makes it to 16. What sponsor would want their products associated a network/show where the racists have the numbers and target the black folks?

    Maybe this is why BB usually casts only 1 black guy…and they’re usually Gay and therefore “less threatening”. Maybe production is filled with Republicans and they’ve secretly subtitled this season “Revenge on Obama”….

    1. Next season: 1 gay man, 1 lesbian, 2latinos M&F .2Blacks M&F. 2 ASIANS M&F,2 DisabledM&F, 2 Nazi teabaggers M&F, 2 Elderly M&F, 2 Nice whites M&F.

  32. Already disappointed by Aaryn essentially punting her HOH just like everyone else. This MVP twist has been flat-out horrible from day one.

    This would have been the perfect week to get Rachelissa out since she can’t play for the veto…. so of course she doesn’t put her up. And I doubt production will allow Rachelissa to be the MVP’s nominee again.

  33. Howard, Candance, Helen, and Andy are all sellouts. They let Racist Aaryn make fun of them and didn’t have the morals to vote her out…mostly all due to Helen. Money is more important than morals. Good lesson to teach your kids Helen. Everyone wants to take Aaryn to the finals…If she goes,then the jury should vote her to win just because all of them were dumb enough to keep her. And Aaryn…cry all you want…you are a Racist!

  34. Most Boring Couple on live feeds (why do they keep the camera on these two?) – ‘Howie’ and Candice. OMG.

  35. Can’t believe Aaryn of all people didn’t have the guts to put Amanda and McRae on the block. Can’t wait to see Amanda’s a$$ on the block. I’m a bit worried about that post about Amanda knowing Alison Grodner and being the pre-determined winner. I know it’s probably not true but then again…what if it is?

    1. Yeah, I read that CBS former employee say that Amanda and Allison Grodner are friends and that Amanda is the predetermined winner and that Elissa is the runner up. She also says that when Amanda gets on the block or whatever, we will see how production will rig it for her to win

        1. Thanx Simon . I’m on my PC. My cell is android and I still can’t get on. Will take my phone back because I”m having other problems with it

  36. I think I might be the only person on the planet who still likes Amanda. With that being said, I feel she needs to shut the heck up and stop being so insistent about Getting rid of Howard. If she does not calm down, then I will have no problem seeing her go home this week if she is nominated by America.

    I would actually love to see Helen go home soon.. I really liked her at first, but she now drives me crazy!

    At this point, I am rooting for Judd, Andy, and McCrae.. Of course my final three wishes change on a weekly basis.

  37. Amanda is sex craved all she wants to do is jump MC bones! That is all she is talking about is how horny she is, while MC says she will have to wait for jury. lol Amanda said PRODUCTION doesn’t know what we do under the sheets MC: Says BS they know! Is she really that dumb? lol Everything they do is recorded.. Then of course the feeds go down once they start talking about PRODUCTION!!!

  38. 1st I hope Howard wins the veto he comes off as a strong player, but he needs to win. 2nd America I hope you have some sense this week and voted for Amanda…Yes Amanda is running the house, but Helen and Amanda are the two most dangerous players in the game. This cast nobody seems to want to get their hands dirty… Amanda, Helen, Elissa, these bitches need to be placed on the block, hell throw Andy in there. I like Elissa even though she high as hell, but in this game you have to get down and dirty.

    I’m so sick of hearing what the house wants, I can’t believe they all voted to get Katlin out when they should of gotten Aaryn out and somebody with balls has to get Amanda out, and I’m sure some folks has to know Amanda and McMuffin is running things. Yes Judd needs to be on the block, somebody needs to get their hands dirty. Fuck what the house wants, play the game big brother guest and do something drastic. BTW where is Elissa in all this madness at?

  39. If you notice… Amanda is starting to set up Candace now. The name Candace will be running past her lips every 10 seconds really soon.

  40. Remember how Helen forced Kaitlin’s hand to use the POV on herself, knowing Jeremy would be backdoored, and how she told everyone to ease up on Kaitlin for a little while after that, only to punt her the very next week? Aaryn knew about this Kaitlin/Helen deal so why can’t she cast her mind back and see that Helen’s word can mean fuck all at the end of the day? She “respects” someone who flipped on her closest ally in the house.

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