Big Brother 14 Showmance Frank to Danielle: “Hey Sweet Cheeks.. I’m going to be stuck to you”

POV Holder: Shane Next POV: July 28 (Saturday)
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 30 (Monday)
HOH Winner: SHANE Next HOH: Aug 2nd
Original Nominations: Ashley And Joe
Current Nominations: Joe And Frank
Have Nots (Cereal & Salmon) Joe, Ian
Coach Competition Winner Janelle (Wil SAFE)
Next Coaches Competition August 3(Friday)
Last Evicted Houseguest JOJO

5:56pm Cam 1-2 Britney, Dan and Danielle

Dan asks Britney if Shane cut a deal with Janelle’s team. Britney says supposedly they have and supposedly Wil wants Ian gone.

Britney says Janelle is worried about Danielle not voting Frank out. Britney tells them all she does is play along with it. Tells Janelle that Boogies players are all over Danielle. britney reminds them that they have to cut down Boogie to 2 votes and Janelle to 2 votes or they will hold too much power.

Dan leaves to the Diary Room. Britney asks her what is Dan telling her to do. Danielle says Dan wants her to vote out Frank. Britney points out that Frank will be gunning for Shane hard if he’s left in the house. Britney suggest she cut a deal with Janelle’s players just incase they pull a HOH out next week.

Danielle brings up that Frank was calling her “Sweet cheeks” and saying that he was going to be attached to her hips all week. Britney thinks Danielle should just hang out with Shane in the HOH it will keep Frank off her.

6:12pm Cam 1-2 HOH Britney, Danielle, and Shane

Britney jokes says they are keeping Frank and targeting Shane so that Danielle can be with her one true love Frank. Britney tells him that Frank is all over Danielle he called her “Sweet Cheeks”. Danielle explains that Frank is flirting with her he walked up to her called her sweet cheeks and said ‘You can take that any way you want”

Shane: “You want Frank out right”
Danielle: “Absolutely.. Frank is so Creepy”
Danielle says Frank doesn’t know about her and Shane so he’s playing the flirt card with her. (About her and Shane?)

Britney: “Frank will give you s$x for a vote.. He’ll give you some pleasures.. are you desperate for pleasures..”
Danielle: “OH MY GoD no.. Frank is a sleazeball”

Britney: “If the next HOH requires you to lick Franks abs would you do it… how about kiss his nipple area”
Danielle: “He stinks.. he smells bad.. he doesn’t wear deodorant”

Britney and Shane both Joke that Danielle needs to act like Frank is her best friend so he thinks he’s safe and leaves her alone.
Shane mentions how they need to get Joe to be cornering Danielle more because right now he’s doing nothing for votes. Danielle: “I would much rather talk to Eagle Eye Joe than Frank”
Danielle mentions how Boogie has been offering her everything under the sun for her vote. Boogie offered to bring danielle breakfast every day.

Danielle brings up how strange Frank is with all his Showmance talk about Wil. (They seem to start questioning Franks sexuality)

6:34pm HOH Cam 1-2 Shane, Danielle, Frank and Britney Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Before Frank comes up the girls are watching the spyscreen seeing Frank come up. Britney freaks out doesn’t want to talk to him.

Frank says he’s nervous with her talking to Janelle in the arcade room for so long. Britney tells him janelle is talking about Frank, working hard to keep Joe. Frank asks her if she feels Joe or frank are the more trustworthy player. britney says that joe runs around the house and starts sh!t with everyone. Shane chimes in says that Frank needs to stick around Danielle because she’s going to get hounded by Janelle.

Talk moves to Ian and how he wouldn’t have lasted long if there wasn’t coaches. Britney feels like the teams would of been very different with no coaches. Frank mentions that Janelle seems to be doing all the playing for her players whereas he’s at least differentiating himself from Boogie.

Frank brings up that Joe went to him about a final 2 deal week 1 and then joe went around and told everyone that Frank was doing it.

Frank is going confront Joe on all the SH!T and Lies he’s been spreading. They are looking at Janelle make dinner on the spy screen. Britney points out that family dinner ended as soon Joe became a Have Nots.

Shane, Britney and Frank head downstairs to make dinner Shane is the last one out the door before he leaves Danielle gives him shit for telling Frank to “Stick by her” Shane laughs tells her it has to go down that way.

7:00pm Backyard couch Boogie, Ian and Shane Ian saying he use to eat a lot of toasters strudels and try to draw a giant P##is on them with the frosting.
Shane: “Damn I miss looking at Kara”
Boogie agrees.. Shane jokes and tells Boogie that she wants to settle down.
All three of them talk about how much they liked Kara. Boogie points out that she was really down to earth and gorgeous. Ian tells them when Kara was trying to get votes she went up to Ian told them they could have fun all summer then she winked.. Boogie leaves.
Ian starts telling him that the old school endurance test were more “How bad do you want it” he explains that the new endurance competitions are more physical endurance whereas the old ones were more mental. Ian adds that the old endurance tests would last 10-12 hours now they last 4 hours tops.

Ian thought Have Nots was going to be harder than it is. (Have nots is a joke now) Ian: “The only thing that sucks about Have Nots is not having Alcohol”

Shane tells him that using the POV today wasn’t a personal attack on Ian. Ian understands why he did it Shane has to control the votes.

7:20pm Kitchen.. semi family dinner

59 thoughts to “Big Brother 14 Showmance Frank to Danielle: “Hey Sweet Cheeks.. I’m going to be stuck to you””

    1. Her mouth is open and disgusting all of the time…. its hard to catch her in any other way. Couldn’t stand her during her season and she hasn’t improved…

    2. That girl always chews with her mouth wide open. Clearly this has never been pointed out to her, which is really hard to believe. I mean, Manners 101, Man.

    1. jenn aint gonna do shit but what you she her doing now..nothing. boogie got that all tied up.

    2. Jenn just might be in the finals, she’s playing so low key it’s like she doesn’t even exist. Then when there’s a few players she’ll start winning shit. Right now the strong players are taking each other out leaving room for the ‘weaker’ ones to glide through to the finals. Maybe the one thing that will stir Jenn into action is if she’s put on the block then she won’t fly under the radar anymore. Her strategy seems to be working for her for now so I cannot say I have an issue with it.

  1. Ian is about to flip. I can see him thinking hard. He is computing the statistical possibilities if he flips.
    My best friend is a math and science geek like Ian, he would think of all the “If, Then” Statements in his head.
    then do the possible competition results, nominees and votes. I knew he was thinking of endurance challenges.

    He is also considering the coaches coming in the game. If Boogie enters the game he will be teamed with Frank, if Frank stays.

    1. I know Ian is your boy but he has special needs and needs special care and he is a special ed student 🙂

  2. Wow, Shane really doesn’t want Daniele around him does he? I wonder if this is an act on her part. I say this because it is scary to think she is a nurse and I wouldn’t want a nurse to be that naive and be given important life or death duties. She said she was going to have to dumb down herself because she didnt want the other houseguests knowing she was a nurse, and that she could recite the element chart and stuff. Anyhow, just my thoughts.

    1. Danielle is an LVN which is a licensed vocational nurse, there is a big difference between an LVN and a registered Nurse (RN) with LVN being much less school and much lower. She just graduated so I do not think that she is as smart as she leads everyone to believe.

      1. Look at her LinkedIn profile. She is an RN – AA degree (which would be the requirement to get her RN) and a BS degree. She is a Charge Nurse (supervisory position) at a large (200 bed) nursing home/rehab facility.

      2. @ bubbaba…….There is not a big difference between a LVN and RN. They the have the same responsibility. Only one will get paid more than the other, just like a Nurse Practitioner vs physician. They are close in the same duties just one gets paid more than the other.

        1. If you look up her license on the Alabama board of nursing she is an LPN, which is the same as an LVN. You cannot compare an LVN to an RN. RN’s have much more responsibility and double the schooling. They have to sign off on the LVN’s charting and med passes, also most LVN’s cannot do IV meds, unless they have a special certification. She works at a skilled nursing facility because most acute care hospitals are getting rid of non RN nursing, i.e. LPN’s due to the educational status and responsibilities they can give an RN. An RN will be ultimately in charge and the DON of the unit. LPN’s are higher education than a CNA but not equal to a RN. Don’t get me wrong I have seen some incredible LVN/LPN nurses that really know their stuff but this is from years of experience, not their education. She plays her self off as a super educated health care professional, which she is not.

          Here is her license information which is readily available on the Alabama nursing license verification site.

          Danielle Alexis Murphree 2-063384 LPN Active 10/14/2011 12/31/2013

          1. I think in one of Danielle’s pre show interviews she mentioned that she was looking forward to passing her board exams. So her Linkedin page may be correct that she holds a AA and a BS but she can’t be licensed yet because she hasn’t passed her boards. And thanks for clarifying the difference between and RN and a LVN / LPN.

    2. You know it’s funny when you get houseguests that think their outside occupation make them a threat or give them an advantage in the game, like being a great debater, or a cop, in this case a nurse. On Survivor we’ve had attorneys get outwitted by cocktail waitresses, proving there’s a different kind of ‘smarts’ at play here. And every season of Big Brother there’s someone that doesn’t disclose what they do, as if it’s the thing that will make them win.

  3. Never, never, never and never. LOL Jenn is a joke and she thinks that Joe and Wil r really with her.

  4. Just want to say this is by far the best Big Brother blog! I have it bookmarked and am checking it all throughout the day. I’ve looked at other blogs and they are no where near up to date like this one and the layouts are all confusing. I love how easy this site is to navigate and the attention to detail you put into each updated conversation between the houseguests! THANK YOU!

    1. Glad ya found this site – it is the best around. Simon & Dawg do an awesome job! I tell my BB friends that if they like staying updated to come here. These updates really make the BB experience so much better than relying on the very edited televised shows. And I love reading the comments from most everyone! Gives you lots more to think about! The best thing for me this year is the app – now I can check it no matter where I am!

    2. 100% agree! i have recommended this site to all my bb friends. i share there facebook posts and tweets. it pisses me off when people in the house give shout outs and not one of them is obb!!!! anyway keep up the good work ah!!!

  5. Boogie should tell daniell what shane said about how he missed looking at kara..might could swing her vote.

    1. I agree!!! I like shane before but now not so much. If he didnt want to lead her on he shouldn’t have kissed her in the first place. Men like him give other men nad names.

      1. Omg, they spun a bottle. Shane’s trying to be cool and not lead her on, especially because she’s ridiculously smitten with him. Give the boy a break, he could’ve done a lot more but he didn’t.

      2. I disagree. He told her in the beginning that Kara was his type. She continually threw herself at him, and he was uncomfortable. Add to that the attempts of production to stir the showmance angle, and it puts Shane in a bad spot. If you saw Danielle and Shane in HOH a few nights ago, he was even being blunt with her, he had his back to her and a stony look on his face, but she is so deluded she thinks he is just teasing her and playing hard to get. The only way to get her off his case is to tell her flat out that he doesn’t like her in that way and to please stop embarrassing herself. But that would be bad for his game, especially this week. He is trying to be gentle, but he isn’t leading her on. Any girl with a little self esteem would have gotten it week one. But Danielle isn’t that girl. You can bet that Shane will gravitate to Kara at the party after the finale, and unless Danielle wakes up before that, she is going to be very hurt. But it isn’t Shane’s fault.

  6. As long as Shane makes both Joe and Frank believe he has their back, at the end of the day Danielle will be the one with blood on her hands this week, which isn’t good for Dan. It gives Shane some wiggle room. Danielle was pissed when Shane didn’t put up one person each from Boogie and Janelle’s teams because she wanted to be the swing vote. She was even telling people that she would be the swing vote. Now that she is really the swing vote, Shane and Brit have room to cover their asses and blame it all on Danielle (and Dan). Either way, Danielle is going to piss off at least 3 people, no matter what she does. Joe goes home, and Janelle, Ashley and Wil won’t trust her anymore, and if Frank goes, Boogie, Jenn and Ian will be pissed. More importantly, Boogie will be gunning for Dan when they enter the game as players. Brit and Shane will be lesser targets than Janelle and Dan, and I can see Boogie trying to make a deal with Shane. Bottom line, if Danielle doesn’t win HOH, she will be in danger next week. Of course Ian is a wild card. He might just vote against Frank and blame it on Danielle just for the notoriety of outplaying Boogie. I expect some grenades from Ian before he leaves.

    1. @Chloe. The only way I could see Boogie not blaming Frank’s eviction on Britney&Shane,is if the person who you are saying Boogie would blame wasn’t Dan.I believe you know as well as I know,that Dan is one of the best people that has ever played this game.He’s known as being a great strategic&socail player.But one of the skills/qualities that Dan has is he’s a smooth talker.Do you really believe that Britney&Shane will be able to out play Dan,when it comes to convincing Boogie who he should place the blame on?Come on now,we are talking about Dan.The guy who doesn’t speak without it being a part of strategy.Lol.Dan will not only protect his self,he will also protect Danielle.This is just my veiw but I seriously don’t see it going down like that.

      1. Good point, but it will take skill on Dan’s part to convince anyone that Danielle obeyed Shane, or did what she wanted instead of listening to Dan. The whole house thinks Danielle only does what Dan tells her. Everyone will think that whoever Danielle votes out was Dan’s target. Things would have been much better for Dan if Ashley stayed on the block.

    2. Chloe….I totally agree. I think by Shane and Brittany going along with Frank the way they have been, their behinds might be covered in this whole thing. Danielle (being the swing vote) will take the responsibility here. Everyone will know who she voted out of the house, and that side will take it personally and go after her.

  7. Has Jen ever been in the HoH room past Thursday? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her up there except when the HoH gets their key on Thursday night.

    1. She’s been off camera.. I’m actually pretty disappointed with her. i thought she was going to be this hardcore balls to the walls player instead she’s hands down the most boring.

      1. I guess she’s playing one of those lay low games and seeing how far it can take her. But I do wish she had more pizzazz.

      2. I like jenn but it’s hard to say what her personality is as I’ve only seen her for brief moments since the show has been on. Even on CBS when they have to play the comps I almost forget she is there.

      3. @Simon. How could you let Jenn’s hardcore persona fool you?Didn’t you learn your lesson from last season with Adam?Lol.

  8. My newest thought on coaches coming in. Thurs nite endurance comp evicted hg and coaches. Winner from each side enters the game. No hoh or eviction this week. Just new players. Would make the numbers right for rest of season.. they could do food comps and luxury comps ect to fill in for the week.

  9. I wouldn’t want Frank hanging around me either,if he really doesn’t wear deodorant.That’s just straight up nasty.Lol.I would think that Britney would’ve told Danielle to hang around Frank,not Shane.That way it will make Boogie&Frank think that they have Danielle’s vote.If Boogie&Frank feel confident that Danielle will vote to keep Frank,then maybe they(Boogie&Frank)will feel comfortable enough to not campaign hard for votes.Hopefully,Dan will tell Danielle that it would look better if she hangs around Boogie&Frank.It’s probably obvious that I’m trying to think of anything that will keep Boogie& his players in the dark about the plan to evict Frank.It’s too bad that all of the house guests that want Frank evicted this week,can’t read any of my ideas.Lol.

  10. I wish somebody would tell Joe they’d vote for him to stay if he’d shave that thing off his chin!!!

  11. I propose that every time Danielle asks someone what they think of her we should drink. She’s doing it again in the hot tub. Drink.

  12. I wish Joe Dirt would take a monster shit inside Frank The Stank and Pig Face Janelles pillow case.

  13. I can’t wait to see the twist on Thursday. I never minded Frank too much but, I hated Joe.
    But, the backdoor would be worth keeping Joe for another week.
    Also, I LOVE that Janelle said she would bet her money (or was it life? I forget) that Joe wouldn’t jump ship if the coaches came into the game when she was talking to Britney.
    Janelle I know you can be blindsided sometimes but, when Britney the frickin girl who got blindsided by the Brigade is right you know you are losing your touch.

  14. Ian would be ruthless if he vote frank out. He will receive the rude awakening. Taking out a stronger threats makes them a gutless coward. If you take out a weaker player, it makes you a man.

  15. 12 hour Endurance would bring the entertainment back to BB….. how about an 24 hour endurance???

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