Another cliff hanger week? “Bye Bye good parting gift the 5 grand go to candy land b!tch”

POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 3rd
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 5th
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Aug 8th
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard
Have Nots no have nots this week


9:02pm Cockpit Aaryn and GM

Aaryn starts off by recommending Candice and Spencer be nominated. Aaryn says she wants Candice gone but is really threatened by Spencer.
GM: ‘He voted F**** nick out he can kiss my a$$”

Aaryn: “We were going extinct .. I thought I lost you when Kaitlin and I were on the block”

They start going through scenarios. GM says if Spencer wins POV she could put Jessie up as the replacement. GM says if Spencer says anything about going up she going to call him out for lying to her face about Nick, “I don’t like lies and I don’t like rats.. same thing for Candice.. I don’t like fricken rats”.

GM: “Bye Bye good parting gift the 5 grand go to candy land b!tch”
Aaryn is saying it’s time for GM to make some deals for keep her safe next week. Aaryn says there were rumours of GM flipping the house so GM has to use her HOH to get in good with the house (UGH so much pain to type these words out). Aaryn proposes she tells them that she was only playing nice with Howard and Spencer just in case they win HOH.
GM mentions how very late last night at 4am Candice and Howard tried to get her to flip the vote to get Amanda out

Aaryn is certain both of them are going up if Candice is HOH so they have plenty of reason to put her up.
Aaryn: ‘The people that would rock the boat the least are spencer and Candice”
GM Agrees 100%

Aaryn: “More people in the house are against Jess now.. She’s been telling people she wants us out.. Jessie doesn’t know everyone is turning on her”
Aaryn mentions how going to Helen’s BBQ is going to put a huge target on her back with Jessie. Aaryn adds that Jessie is getting jealous of them.

GM wants Candice out this week that is her target she’s voted the way with the house many times now she wants them to vote her way.

GM says that Candice told GM that Helen and Elissa are gunning for Aaryn to leave. GM scoffs at this, “Umm no you don’t know what you are talking about so mind your f**** business.. I fu***** hate her” .
Aaryn instructs her to use this opportunity to get information from Helen and Elissa. Mention to them that Candice told her they are gunning for Aaryn. This will make Helen and Elissa want Candice out.
Aaryn says GM has to tell Candice that the things she says about Aaryn are not true.

Andy joins them.. (Drink)

Aaryn says if they put Candice and Spencer Candice might win the POV because they think Spencer is poor at competitions. Aaryn proposes they put up Candice and Jessie that way Jessie would probably win the POV over Candice and Spencer can go up as the pawn

GM seems receptive to this, Aaryn proposes that she tells Spencer he’s not going up and in return Spencer does not put GM and Aaryn up next week.

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9:20pm Andy Ginamarie Cockpit
GM: ‘you are such a cool guy and have such a wonderful personality.. obviously i’m not going to put you up”
They hug


9:40pm Cockpit Andy and Helen
Andy tells her everything about the conversation he had with Gm and Aaryn. Andy: ‘It might just be a week we lose Candice, Spencer or Jessie”
Helen: “I want Jessie out”
Andy: “That’s not what GM and Aaryn want they want Candice”
Helen: “Well we’re the ones voting”


9:50pm GM and JEssie
JEssie asks if GM is going to Backd**r Candice
GM: “I don’t really like that back door technique” (Gm stop lying 😉 )
GM says that both Spencer and Candice suck at competition so she not too worried those two nominees will win the POV and take themselves off the block. GM: “That is who she is focusing on right now”
Jessie: “I think a lot of people would do that” (Put up Spencer and Candice)
GM says it’s a easy nomination she isn’t going to get much blood on her hands.

GM starts talking about her and Nick have a connection. She usually doesn’t meet guys like Nick and when she did she really liked him.
GM: ‘Hopefully if things worked out after then great but if they don’t.. what can I do.. that means I’m not meant for him”
She adds that Nick is cute and they are about the same age they laugh and have fun, “What more can I ask in a guy.. I gotta a lot of love and i ain’t that ugly”
Jessie asks her to do the “Swimsuit model face”


10:02pm Spencer and GM Spencer saying he has to keep using the Megaphone until the Nomination ceremony.
GM: ‘What happens if you don’t talk out of that”
Spencer: “They didn’t tell me any penalties.. it’s more of a good sport thing
GM asks him about the Pandora’s box when do the HOH’s usually get it because Amanda and McCrae are going to be in there tonight
Spencer doesn’t think they would put the Pandora’s box in there tonight.

GM says she was in the groove during the HOH competition she felt like she had another hour in her.


10:09pm McCrae and Amanda Amanda thinks GM will be putting up Candice. She hopes they can get JEssie up and maybe get JUDD backd**red

A: “Not one vote.. we did something right this week”
MC: ‘The fights worked out for us”

Aaryn joins them (Drink) and reports Candice is going up with either Spencer or Jessie. Gm joins them. Aaryn starts saying that Jessie is going to float to whoever has the power.


10:25pm Cockpit Chit chat


10:53pm GM and Candice Gm says she knows how Candice feels losing Howard in the game she felt the same way losing Nick. GM says she’s happy Candice got the money and she wants Candice to know it’s ok to be sad and it’s OK to just let it go and got with the flow. GM thinks Howard was a fantastic guy she’s sad to see him go she wishes everyone could stay. GM adds if Candice doesn’t feel like staying long in her HOH she’ll understand

Candice thanks her for the kind words they hug it out


11:20pm Bedroom Chit chat
Elissa is alone in the kitchen cleaning up
They are talking about some of the news Julie gave them about the outside world. Kim Kardashian’s baby’s name and the Royal Baby’s gender.
Spencer says he’s happy to get any news about the outside world but in his regular life who gives a f*** about the royal baby

(it’s funny because Spencer has to talk threw the megaphone … it doesn’t seem to hold him back)


11:30pm Have nots JUDD and Amanda
Amanda is looking for her black sweat pants: “Crazy how things can change in here”
JUDD mention how Andy and Jessie are sleeping in the same bed.
JUDD thinks Jessie doesn’t want to sleep in the same bed as him.
JUDD is worried that maybe Candice is telling Jessie that he would put her up if he got HOH. Amanda doesn’t think so she tells him that Jessie was flirty with him upstairs.

11:36pm JUDD asks Andy if he can sleep in his bed
Andy: ‘NO I want this bed.. oh my god”


11:42PM HOH Reveal
GM gets a picture of Nick she’s freaks out..
She has a pageant crown that’s important to her Gina: “I use to be fat I use to have braces .. it took me 7 years to get this crown“



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12:13AM Cockpit Jessie, MC and Amanda
Jessie saying she finds it extremely annoying that Helen invited Aaryn to the BBQ
Amanda: “I’m not sure how that came about”
Andy joins them (Drink)
Jessie is upset about this says what about her loyalty doesn’t that deserve a BBQ party.
Jessie is worried that she is becoming a target because Aaryn is getting close to Helen.
Amanda: “Maybe you should go talk to Helen”
Anady: ‘Ya Helen is a straight shooter she’ll tell you what’s up”

Amanada and Andy leave to check out the alcohol. Andy says he gives his share of the booze to the have nots because he felt like he had enough last night. Jessie is left in the room with MC she starts to cry..

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12:23AM HOH Aaryn and GM

Aaryn saying they have to put Jessie up. She told Spencer if he doesn’t put them up next week they will keep him off the block.

Aaryn: ‘“Jss is down there pitching a fit”
GM says Jessie is welcome to come up here but she doesn’t want her up here kisses a$$

Aaryn explains that Candice cannot win the veto if candice wins veto they are f****.
Aaryn says if the Veto is played and Candice is taken off the block they will have to blindside Jess.
They got over things to say to Jessie. Of course They mention Jessie turning on Nick.
Aaryn says the most important thing

Aaryn: “Helen, McCrae and Amanda all want Jessie and Candice up”
GM: ‘Ok i’ll put them up”
Aaryn says there is a chance she will go up as MVP but it’s OK they still have the votes to get Candice out.


12:30AM Couch Amanda and Jessie
Amanda is calling Jessie out for trying to flip the house. Jessie denies it all she said twas there are people in this house that have all the power in the game.
Amanda: “So you are going to sit there and liue to my face”
Amanda: “Don’t sit there and be a little girl crying when she isn’t inviting you to a BBQ because you tried to flip the house”

Jessie: ‘I never did that”
Amanda storms off “Some people beg to differ doll.. why don’t you go cry in the corner have a little sh!t fit … go cry in your sheets. “


12:36am Amanda now heads to the kitchen to fight with Candice.

Candice says she wanted to protect Howard and he was her person. Amanda starts telling her why they wanted Howard gone. They start to yell at each other.. Amanda tells her about what Howard told her in the kitchen the other day.

Candice: “I didn’t know the dude said that to you”
Amanda: “What he said to me freaked me out.. I sat in the DR for an hour cause I didn’t know what to do”
Helen jumps in start to cry “I thought we were friends Candice.. we cared about you”
Candice: ‘To be honest you guys are running this sh!t every week you guys run up there every week and makes a deal with the HOH”
Amanda: “You are really going to look dumb after you go home and see there was no final 4 deal”
Helen says she’s free to go up to the HOH and make deals.

12:44AM Kitchen Candice, GM and Andy
Candice is saying that Elissa, Amanda, MCrae and Helen are running the house and taking out all the pairs.

Candice: “She said that Howie said I Want to f*** the Sh!t our of you”
GM is confused, “Oh I never heard that”

Andy says he didn’t hear what Howard said to Amanda but he saw the body language and it was “Super Weird”. Andy explains that he was very very close to her and look very uncomfortable. Andy doesn’t know if that is what he said, “I can verify that there was an odd encounter going on”
GM leaves
Andy recommends she try and stay away from the drama. Candice says she didn’t start it Amanda came after her. Candice: “The truth of the matter is everyone on the board they are responsible for”

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168 thoughts to “Another cliff hanger week? “Bye Bye good parting gift the 5 grand go to candy land b!tch””

  1. Judd: Congratulations on the bbq

    Helen: You congratulated me 10 minutes ago. However, I think everyone should get a chance to win a luxury.

    Judd: I must have forgot. it’s been so exciting around here. But you winning that made me think that we all have so much to eat in the house. Its going to be hard having to pay for food again when we go home. Its so expensive. So I came up with an idea. I’m going to get a business card. Because I wanna win some lunches. My business card will say Judd Daugherty, Potential Lunch Winner. I’ll drive everywhere dropping them off at restaurants.

    Helen: Judd you really scare me. How do you come up with these things? Your either a genius or pure evil.

    1. amanda is the lowest form of scum there is

      just absolutely no class

      a trashy slut

      and a mean spirited, racist bully

    1. It’s possible, but since it’s a double eviction week, I kind of doubt it.

      But I wonder how they’re going to handle the mvp nominee during the second eviction on Thursday. They won’t have an hg as mvp because they’d have to call him/her into the dr in front of everyone, and that would ruin the anonymity of it. That means they either have america vote again later this week, or, more likely, scrap it and only have two nominees. If that’s the case, then this will be the strongest HOH to date. Because the new HOH will guarantee that one of their nominees or a replacement will go home.

      Whatever happens, next Thursday’s show will be intense!

      1. I hope they keep the 3rd nominee which I hope to be AManda so maybe they can vote her off finally, I can’t wait to see her face when she is nominated again, she needs some class, I would be damned if I let her and cray cray frig in my hoh bed when i won, they are both so nasty. amanda and mccray are the nasty couple i have ever seen please mccray wash your damn hair please

        1. Demanda and McRanda are like John and Yoko in a perpetual Big Brother Bed In (without the Give Peace A Chance bit).

          Why can’t McRanda just put his hair in a ponytail like a normal person and stop using those damn snot-rags?

    2. I hope so… I can’t see the live feeds, but from what I am reading, GM is just another HOH idiot who is thinking of who she dislikes personally rather than who she should nominate strategically.

      Fact is, Spencer is no threat in physical competitions, and his one POV win was probably a fluke. GM should be targeting people like Helen and Amanda, but again, these HGs seem to feel they have to clear their nominations with “the house.”

      BB15 is a sad group of frightened little people.

    1. Clever rats are selective and use information to their and only their advantage. Andy is just a tattle tale. His games seems to be that he hopes somebody will carry him to the end and the person who does will be so hated that he will win by default.

      In other words, Ian 2.0…

      1. Ian was a rat, but to call Andy Ian 2.0 is a joke.

        Ian got VERY LUCKY. He was on the block vs Dan… Dan had two very stupid people in Shane and Danielle… he convinces them to use the POV on him, which puts Shane on the block, and he casts his vote to evict shane…… Dan got Ian into the finals and got him to win

        Don’t get me wrong I was happy Ian won but he got veryyyy very fortunate. Rats don’t usually ever win the game – he was the one time exception thanks to Stupidity of Shane and Danielle.

        Although everyone in this house is stupid, no one is as stupid as shane / danielle. So Andy won’t be going to the final 4-5-6 unless he starts winning hohs and povs.

        Double eviction nights, are nights where floaters go OR ppl you want revenge on. Because you have to nominate so fast, you don’t get a shot at discussing with the house. So next week in the 2nd nomination it’ll be either (gm/ aarny, judd, jessie, andy, spencer/candice whoever’s left over of the two, elissa) one of those will go home.

        more often then not it’s the HOH from the previous week, so watch out GM/Aaryn… it’ll all be on your hands, and you won’t have a week to wash off all the blood on your guys hands.

        1. I wonder if they will use the two highest votes for MVP next week during double eviction or will double eviction mark the end of MVP?

        2. You’re right (about a lot of things), and also why would anyone take Andy to the end when he is “liked” by everyone (then again, rats get found out sometimes).

        3. You’re right (about a lot of things), and also why would anyone take Andy to the end when he is “liked” by everyone (then again, rats get found out sometimes).

    2. But not clever enough to realize he’s being played, and to do something useful with the info he’s gathered.

  2. What a bunch of idiots!!! How can Judd, Jessie, Aaryn, Andy, and GM not realize they are being played??? Candice and Spencer have it figured out but they are dealing with weak people. I will read some of the posts on here but won’t watch CBS until next Thursday when something worth watching will happen. I hope the “house” doesn’t disagree with me. LOL

    1. GM, Judd, Jessie, Helen and Elissa are all being played. Blame it on the “final four” deal between MCmanda and Helissa that Howard and Spencer concocted, the goof troop (Andy, Mc Crae, Amanda) continuously controls the game. The ghost of Howard will send Jessie and Candice home this week. I can’t believe people can’t see how much of a rat Andy is.

  3. Less than a week ago, AAryn and GM were on the outs and now they think they are in the in group. Its so funny, the people controlling the house have even more power because they are using the same people on the outs to take out others in the outs. Aaryn is fucking clueless, GM is fucking clueless, and I’m so glad they both lost their jobs because otherwise I would be so pissed reading this but knowing they are going to get a reality check coming out of the house just makes me smile.

    I like judd and I think hes been playing an almost flawless game, but I’m so fucking happy that they might backdoor him. He had a chance to flip the house with jessie, instead he chose to hold amandas nuts and think that with the trend of guys going out day by day that somehow they are going to uphold a final 4 with him. Good riddance.

    1. It seems like everyone in the house has amnesia, nobody can remember anything from week-to-week!~maybe they are getting dosed with something in their water?

  4. I can’t believe how these houseguests have abused me, your good ‘ole HOH bed this year. The first week I had McCrae and Amanda but luckily they weren’t hot and heavy back then so I only had a few crabs. Luckily they kept it ‘above the sheets’ and I was able to get my sheets clean in the laundry.

    Then next came Aryan who wrote KKK smears all over my mattress and would only use white boring sheets. She kept cutting eye holes in them and shaping them in the shape of a cone. What the hell was that about?

    Then she let’s Germy in my bed and it gets full of head lice and bedbugs. He must have brought those lil’ surprises from his boat in Texas.

    Ever since that I have had nothing but McManda in my bed and I am infested with crabs and man juice from BOTH Mc and Amanda. At least Judd only left a few cigarette burns and tobacco juice stains on me.

    And finally, I fear the end is near when “Fatal Attraction” Gina is going to knife me to shreds wishing Nick was in her bed. This season sucks for an abused HOH bed like me!

    1. I guess you forgot about the ringworm epidemic the first few weeks… tonight is going to test you Abused HOH bed says!

  5. On an unrelated topic…why are the HGs wearing those coloured bandanas? They are seriously bugging me. I can’t believe Demanda hasn’t ripped it off McCrae’s head yes.

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! That was a great one!!!! Maybe the Zingbot could use that one on Amanda!!!! Best comment of the night!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. GM if full of shit. She’s was saying it’s crazy how 3 people are controlling the whole house and nobody has the balls to make a move. This trick IS NOT from BROOKLYN!!!! BROOKLYN would flip this shit and put this house on alert!!! Her fake wanna-be ass!!!!!!!!

  6. People keep saying they want to see players make big moves … But who are you talking about ? Amanda is making tons of big paranoid bullying aggressive etc moves lol .. And Helen is kinda trying to .. Between the two of them they have gotten rid of all the strong men .. Whose left .. Spencer, Judd, Andy, and Mccrae … All the muscles are gone !!! Is that not interesting .. Girls taking control and getting rid of the boys one by one ?? I know it’s rough watching the feeds as the conversations go in circles and the other players are to scared to take out the ones calling all the shots .. But I blame that on production for not spicing it up .. Amanda and Helen are playing a straightforward power and control game and no one is challenging their authority .. Production needs to add some craziness to get these feeds going and stop being so expected .. Thank you simon and dawg .. Keep it up and don’t get too drunk!

    1. Not enough liquor in the house to get things going crazy… I think all the prescription meds is making them afraid to give them booze!!

    2. The MVP killed the traditional BB game and allowed a single strong player to gather the sheep to evict the other strong players. It has taken all the drama out because Amanda will be able to pick people off under the “What the house wants” rule. This week will be Jessie or Judd, with the other to follow next week, then Candice, then Spencer, then Gm, then I suspect a move will be made on Helen, then production will “help” Elissa do a Janelle and go on a comp run leading to Aaryn and Andy’s eviction. Then we have a final 3 of Elissa, Amanda, McCrea…and I suspect Elissa will win and take Amanda.

      Elissa will win with Helen leading the campaign and a bitter Spencer, GM, Candace, and Aaryn (who Amanda will have sacrificed after Elissa wins the POV during McCrea’s HOH) voting for her, while McCrea and Andy vote for Amanda.

      That’s how utterly predictable this season is for most of us…

      1. Well if/when Jessie goes up you will see a little drama. Judd’s been saying she is ruining his game. The powers in the house all prefer Arryn over Jess to sit beside F2 it appears. She has no base in the house as a floater. Her only saving grace will be Candy and being told she is a pawn. Spencer will be so happy to not be on the block…. then it’s they are going to backdoor me! 😛

      2. Howard and Spencer were trying to shake it up, usually there are at least two or three alliances that make it interesting, This year, they are robots mindlessly following Amanda, and she is picking them off one by one. After Howard left last night, my interest in the game, really has diminished. Candice, Aryn, GM, Jessie, Andy, and Judd can take over the house, but they are all too dumb, and they will be leaving one by one. Why is Amanda so scary????

    3. Proof of Aaryn and GM’s absolute stupidity:

      They want Candice out and believe doing so will “keep the house happy” (if production doesn’t redesign the game to completely eliminate that phrase BB is finished) and take out their threat. OK, so now the task becomes ensuring votes against Candice. So why in the blue hell would you consider nominating the one person who just threw a public, not with the house vote at Candice, the same guy who Candice called out and berated less than 24 hours ago?

      I know Spencer has no friends…but wouldn’t you want to make sure any loud, anti-Candice voices are free to vote, just in case Amanda, Helen, and Elissa (who have all been buddy/buddy with Candice in the last 24 hours) get any ideas of not voting out Candice.

      This house sucks!

      1. Why can’t GM, Candice, Jessie, Judd, Spencer and Aaryn put their differences aside and get rid of the bully 5. Come on people get your brains out of your butts and think!!!!!!!

    1. I think any of the three will work fine because we need high numbers for DManDa, Hell-Len and/or Airhead just in case the vote is use to take the first one down.

    2. OBB is running 56% to 13% to 13%. Well in the real world Arryn is likely closer to Amanda but it looks like the realestate racist has the inside track on MVP nom. I was hoping for Helen personally! AG doesn’t have to protect Amanda with this group of HG idiots so she likely goes on the block. I expect there will be a whole lot of speculation Judd is MVP this week. Alternative is blaming it on Ellisa.

    3. aaryn needs to go first out of the three of them. so sick of her.
      i’ve liked amanda from the start, but as the weeks go on i’m liking her less and less. but i still hate aaryn more. all my votes went to aaryn.

      GO JUDD!

    4. I voted for Amanda again. Maybe this time we will see her leave this house. Not hopeful but wishful thinking.

  7. So Candice says to Julie she can’t wait to eat bacon and fried chicken – you go girl. Getting in tip top shape for the next physical challenge? In her bio questionnaire she said she likes working out……Um…

  8. If Candice is really the target, I’m praying that Spencer wins the HOH during double eviction and gets out someone interesting. Amanda and Helen on the block would be fantastic.

  9. Helen for MVP!! It would be so funny to see her freak out!!! Maybe she would come down of her “I’m the best” cloud!!

  10. The SUPERFRIENDS are illuminati status, everybody knows something’s wrong but none willing to do anything about it.

    1. funny how Aaryn wasted her own HOH, and now she’s telling GM what she should do with hers. SMH @ these idiots.

    2. It’s really funny that people like you expect an HOH to form an alliance with two losers like Howard and Spencer against the rest of the house, just to go down in flames along with them. Like it or not, there are too many people on the side of Helen and Amanda at this time and it would be suicide to go against that.


  11. we have a whole week listening to here talk about NICK and how he loves her and how it was real oh lawd …. I just hope her hoh means nothing to her and she opens up pandoras box and a twist in their to mess up her nominations .. Back to candy crusher because this week is predictable i am so surprise she didnt say this is for u nick i love u NICK …… IT pains me to type this BUT HELLEN IS THE BEST ASS KISSER i have ever seen u just wait …… Even if she had nominated some power players i could FORCE myself to listen to her all week talk about NICK NICK NICK NICK NICK AND WE HAVE TO HEAR THIS UNTIL THURSDAY ….

  12. Another cliff hanger week, please tell me you’re being sarcastic right lol. Yeah sure GinaMarie use your awesome power as HOH to take out one of the monster threats in Candice or Jessie. That will be so epic lol.

    Helen I want Jessie out.
    Andy Well they want Candice
    Helen Well we’re the ones voting

    Does anybody have the stones to actually make a move?

    If something doesn’t shake up the house this week then everybody should send a message to CBS by boycotting the Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday shows and maybe they will get the hint that this season sucks and everybody is tired of it.

    I thought season 12 was boring because of the brigade but this season is a thousand times worse.

    If they’re any farmers out there that are missing any sheep I’ve found them they’re all in the big brother house come and get them.

    1. In my mind it might do some good to just not bother voting for the “MVP” eviction choice. If votes are down they might also get the message that viewers have lost interest.

  13. Hello Simon. Thank you for the updates. Can you please correct Howard’s name? Instead of using Harold use his real name, please. I know it suppose to be an inside joke, but let’s give Howard the benefit of having his name listed correctly like everyone else. Thanks.

      1. if JUDD leaves anytime soon, i’m going to be pissed. He is the only houseguest that provides me with any sort of entertainment. JUDD FTW for sure. I can’t stand anyone else

  14. I hope Candice goes completely crazy on them this week, I hope she spills every conversation her & Helen & Amanda & Elissa & Andy have ever had word for word, holds CandyLand house meetings every hour on the hour…I want her to OUT those MFers! Then when she gets done Jessie can hold a house meeting, take that megaphone & scream every secret she knows & then just start making stuff up…someone HAS to tell JUDD about the bs Amanda & Helen are saying about him…Switch their meds up! Get em all liquored up! someone has to tell what’s going on!!!!!!! JUDD FTW!

    1. To whom would she spill the conversations?! None of them are playing from strategy. The strategic players are gone. Amanda and Helen aren’t playing strategically; both are playing reactionary games, letting their weaknesses drive their decisions. Elissa just doesn’t want to be on the block. Spencer is glad to have the time off from his real life. Candice is disgusted with all of them, and playing emotionally. Andy isn’t playing; he’s just throwing $hit at the wall, hoping something will stick. Aaryn could’ve been a strategic player had Jeremy not been evicted. But, without a thinking sidekick, she’s useless. GinaMarie – well, she’s a joke with a vocabulary deficiency. Judd and Jessie are too awkward to be effective.

  15. kind of thought it would be america’s vote again due to Weds showing how back stabbing Helen could be and then again tonight, showing the same thing, trying to take the heat off of their precious Amanda and have Helen nominated for the 3rd one. DON’T FALL FOR IT. Stay with voting Amanda. Aaryn also still needs to go, but since she and Elissa have calmed down about each other, they both have been lying low compared to the other 2.

    1. Yeah, I see your point. It’s a toss up between Amanda, Helen and Aaryn. I’m going for Aaryn or Amanda because of their comments about Howard and Candice. Once they are out, I’ll start voting for Helen.

  16. So it looks like the nominees will be either Candice/Spencer or Candice/Jessie. I think Helen, Andy and Amanda will push for Jessie to leave. That would leave Judd alone and also it helps in future weeks. I think they will keep Candice so just in case the power shifts, Candice will foolishly nominate GM and Aaryn versus Amanda and Helen. It also keeps those on the outs to continue to target eachother. Very smart gameplay. I completely understand the sheep stay with the “house” mentality. It is always beneficial to keep certain targets in the game. What I do not understand is how everyone believes they are apart of the in crowd. At this point how can they not see that Andy is a major rat. Why do they still trust him. I also think if veto is used Judd could be in trouble. He also needs to win HOH during double eviction. Amanda has been targeting him for a while now and it seems as if she always gets her prey!!!

  17. I was watching the Amanda video and ended up seeing some of her being a Hollywood news reporter?? And also if you type in “itchy butt” on YouTube a video of her explaining how not to have an itchy butt comes on. I like her less and less. I thought she sold real estate? She disgusts me.

  18. Simon, love how you put Harold in the box up there “Last Evicted Houseguest” & have you seen the 3:33 you tube vid of them doing the Harlem Shake last night? JUDD is funny….

  19. Was extremely about season 15 but, that feeling depleted after the second week of the show. After, reading the information on this site, I can see that I have made the correct decision and will continue not watching. The casting director should straight up be fiiiiired! This is an incredibly awful season. Its not worth watching. RIP Big Brother.

  20. Simon, just want to say thanks for writing these painful recaps. Bad enough to read, but another to watch all the talk about staying in good with “the house.” The only thing I foresee being possibly of interest is Aaryn going up on the block and freaking out about it. Otherwise, the Helmanda show goes on….

  21. What did we learn from this comp. Well Candice talks a lot but can’t back it up. She lost another comp. She is an ex NFL Cheerleader. Every Sunday during football season, I see them run, kick, spin, jump and bend. How Candice got to be a cheerleader I don’t know. She can’t do any of etc. So hoping against hope I was cheering for her, but knowing that when the chips are down, Candice has a losing hand.

    Amanda, it is a good thing she’s a bully. Because she frightens Elissa, Jessie and Andy to keep them in line. However, as far as comp goes, she hasn’t won anything just like Candice. Her strength is creating lies about people and selling them to the other naive house guests. Candice is going up, that’s a fate of compli. But who will the second nominee be? Not Spencer, he has a good relationship with Gina. Amanda is going to have to create some lie about Jessie or Elissa to get them up on the block.

    Helen is a bully just like Amanda but does it in a different way. When Helen needed Aaryn, she didn’t believe that there was any racism. After Aaryn did her bidding, she had no use for her anymore. Helen then tells Candice that Aaryn is a liar and a racist. Now that Gina is HOH, she needs Aaryn again. I guess she will be reversing herself again. So Helen won a BBQ party for 3 house guests. Helen wants to use the BBQ party as leverage. Oh my, I laugh so hard when Gina refused Helen’s invitation for the BBQ party. Gina doesn’t want to hear the BS. Helen is so vindictive. Poor Jessie asked to attend the BBQ party and Helen said no. Helen thinks Jessie has no value to her. Jessie, I was hoping for you to win HOH. Hang in there!

    Gina, congratulations! You and Aaryn have been plotting to flip the house. Now you have the power. Candice, although a very desirable target, doesn’t affect the balance in the house. It will be interesting to see how Amanda pressures you in the next couple of days to do her bidding. It may or may not work with you. However, America’s MVP nominee just might trump whoever you put up. If Amanda or Helen is placed on the block as the MVP, do you take the opportunity to get a major player out and bypass Candice.

  22. All of them surrounding Amanda and McCrae like they’re royalty. Major puke.

    Candice won’t be going home this week. Jessie is now the No.1 target.

    Whenever I see Andy, he’s sitting perched up on a stool or something looking like some type of evil Gollum character. Whispering his vile nastiness.

  23. GM: “He voted F**** nick out he can kiss my a$$” Ummm so did Mcmanda/Andy/Helissa you dumb jersey shore bitch!

  24. No HOH room yet? Maybe they are fumigating so the bedbug infestation doesn’t get too out of hand tonight!

  25. Poor JUDD, sleeping in the HN room to get away from Jessie while McCrae & Amanda will get to sleep in the HOH…GM thinks she can talk about Nick all she wants this week & no one will say anything but as soon as noms are over they will go back to telling her to STFU about him. I hope Amanda turns into the smart a$$ bit** she is & smarts off to GM about it before noms. Where’s all that tough NY talk about people running the house & she’s not gonna be pushed around? i’m so disappointed…

  26. Im voting Aaryn because putting Amanda up is pretty useless as the sheep will not vote her out. Aaryn going home on GM’s HOH would be great and could potentially cause a crack between Helen/Elissa and Mcranda as Helen will want Aaryn out and McCranda will want Candice out so VOTE AARYN!!!!!!

  27. Try going to You will find that Nick, Jeremy, McCrae, Helen and Candice all have prior movie experience.

    1. This is misleading. The one that they have tagged as Helen Kim isn’t Helen at all. It looks like Jeremy just worked behind the scenes. And Candice hasn’t even done anything.

    2. She was Karen in Kill Bill 2??? O.k. she has had some major face work!!! That’s funny that she was in that movie cos I was saying that she wears that yellow zipper jacket that looks just like Uma Thurman’s in that film, but she think’s she’s O-ren iishi.(Lucy Liu)

      It doesn’t end well for O-ren, but this isn’t the movie. Fact is, there’s no Beatrix Kiddo/Uma character to take her ass out, but she does have that whole posse around her protecting her that she will sacrifice to save herself.

      If the avatars go up this year, she has to be O-Ren.

    3. mccrae was working in the sound department and jeremy was an art coordinator. candice was in a sum41 documentary (hardly movie experience). looks like nick was in a few “made-for-tv” short films and no name parts, and the only one apparently with “true” movie experience is helen…in kill bill vol 2 and grindhouse- kinda crazy.
      but ya, not much movie experience for these guys, mostly no name parts and behind the scene jobs

  28. All that matters, is Amanda and Mccrae get their HOH room back, and are safe. Taking out Jesse would be the biggest move in BB history.. She is a huge threat and might “threaten” to clean the kitchen.. Better get her out the house.

  29. What would be really funny is for GM to get pandoras box. It would be rigged just for her to get to see Nick for 5 min. Nick could be there with a camera taking pictures of the 2 of them together but in reality the camera would erase any appearance of Nick being there. GM would run and tell everyone that Nick came to her but when she showed everyone the camera pics it would be her standing there by herself.

  30. What is Aaryn referring to when she said that Candice said one good thing happened to me? When did Candice say that?

  31. I am watching BBAD and I am just sick in my stomach at the sight of Amanda and McCrae. How have them come this far, they are worthless and a waste of space. They just lay around and are just two horny little ass#@*+s. I think McCrae is actually getting a little fed up with her. He does seem taken back with some of her comments. Also, if Howard actually said those things to her and I DO NOT believe he did,
    what kind if man would stand by and not defend his woman.
    They are both dirty nasty people. They never look like they bathe and especially don’ t wash their hair. Watch Amanda scratching her greasy head. They truly deserve each other. I find them both repulsive. Queen bee needs to go! I already gave my 10 votes for her as the MVP pick. She is a vile human being and karma is a bit@*!

  32. Perfect storm scenario:

    Well the nominations are going to be predictable. However, if Candice, Jessie and Amanda (America’s MVP nominee) go up on the block assuming no strong players get selected to play for POV; maybe Candice may have a shot at winning POV.

    But at least we get to see Amanda freak out again about who nominated her again. Paranoia gone wild!!!

    Will Pandora’s box come into play? A don’t forget this is a double eviction week, so Gina Marie better make sure that neither of her nominees win the next HOH.

    Also I think Helen and Elissa want to keep Candice safe because they know she is a vote for them going up against Amanda and her beta-boytoy.

    So this should be an interesting week with where lines and alliances are shored up.

    Where is Judd’s true alliance…Team Amanda or Team Helen?
    Where is Andy’s true alliance…Team Amanda or Team Helen?
    Where is Spencer’s true alliance…Team Amanda or Team Helen?
    Where is Aaryn’s true alliance…Team Amanda or Team Helen?
    Where is Jessie’s true alliance…Team Amanda or Team Helen?

    Or are we they operating under House rules (aka Amanda and Helen choices)…..

  33. GM looks just like a young Dustin Hoffman with a blonde extensions. Seriously sometimes when she laughs and puts her head back you can see ‘The Graduate.’ (or Tootsie)

  34. Judd, Jessie and Elissa are the only housemates I now like. The rest are cowards, control freaks and cretins.

  35. Spencer needs to go to Andy and just give up. He should tell Andy that he knows McCrea will never trust him, but he wants to work for them. Bemoan that he wishes McCrea and Amanda understood that he was loyal to Howard and Andy and with Howard gone he wants to transfer that loyalty to McCrea. Tell Andy he knows without Howard he’s just a sitting duck, but remind Andy that he’s never once thrown his name out to anybody (something he can encourage Andy to verify since it’s true) or McCrea…and the only reason he was after Amanda was because she was after Howard. But that game is up and he lost…but he’s not about petty grudges or avenging the game of a friend who wasn’t willing to work and fight to stay. Spencer needs to tell Andy that he needs his help. Help him get to jury or as long as you can, try to put in a good word for me with McCrea and Amanda in private, and tell them all I have to offer is my loyalty and my vote…a vote that includes inside the jury.

    He does need Andy’s protection…what he doesn’t know is Andy has no protection, nor that he’s just a rat…and he does need to be in McCrea and Amanda’s good graces because he knows they run the game. Then he needs to become a snitch himself. Tell them everything he’s been told and hold back nothing. He’s got to admit he was targeting them…but only because he wanted to save Howard. So he’s got to admit the stuff they already know and just give up.

    However, it’s a temporary surrender. His game now is just survival…and if he can last long enough, then maybe he can make a move. But after everybody knelt before Zod…I mean Amanda and sent Howard out, Spencer has to accept nobody he thought would make a move will ever make a move. So his only game (based on what he knows, not what we know) is to lay low, use Andy as his bridge to the game as completely subservient as possible (he just wants jury), then hope he can survive until the eventual Amanda/McCrea vs Helen/Eliss split and then pounce.

  36. Im not a fan of Gina Marie, but her enthusiasm is nice to watch. I would not mind her going farther in the game. Watching the feeds earlier and still cannot believe that Amanda and McCrae are such an open duo. They are both extremely dangerous alone without allies, together they are so powerful. I feel like the other house mates need to wake up and make some moves or the next few weeks will get extremely predictable and boring. I suppose good game play doesn’t make for good entertainment. I guess we will have to wait for the main attraction to begin after this week. Amanda Vs Helen for the Queen B position. I think both should watch out for Aaryn, she is a strong competitor. She gets better as the game progresses. She now knows how to work others and hide her true agenda, and emotions. I like Candice but her woe is me mood as of late is tiring. I understand the missing of Howard but in reality before she made them into a pair she was in a great spot, in the know in the game. I think the down mood does help, in that the others now see her as weak, and not fun to be around.

  37. GM will open Pandora’s box, end up with 1 nomination, the MVP gets 2. So split your votes accordingly.

  38. Anyone know where I can find pictures of the houseguest changing n such? Really feeling horny would love to run one out

  39. Jess is crying…AGAIN….watch this whiny shit win it all.

    GM’s voice- I am already over the limit on it, omg she is so loud and obnoxious.

    The airplane model in the cockpit- It is going to play a part in some kind of comp.
    Last night they were zooming in on it and bringing focus to it.

  40. no she’ll open pandora’s box and amanda and mc Crae will be making out in there. the host will say for every minute you watch, you get $100. she will end up with $50.

  41. Double Eviction week! Finally! Just what we need….give those idiots no time to think and campaign. Should be interesting as anything can happen!

    I kind of like GM. Her sense of humor is awesome and she seems like a fun person to be around. She won’t make a big move, therefore wasting another HOH but after this, things should start getting GOOD.

  42. BB15 gives me a migraine! These people bore me yet I keep watching them….. WHY?!!! Please make McCrae shave his head with a Pandoras box or better yet… make Amanda wear a muzzle and be handcuffed to Spencer for a couple of days with that megaphone…. even better… hand cuff Aaryn and Candice together … and have Spenser follow them around with the megaphone. Handcuff Andy to the hammock and let a bunch of birds loose on him… ANYTHING to make this season more interesting… Bring Evil Dick back in the house and let him yell and throw things at them and tell them all how stupid they are. Attach Andy to a lie detector machine and a bug zapper and every time he tells a lie about ratting someone out zap him. Make Helen wear a muzzle as well while your at it and make Elissa stand on her head over night… since she likes to do that so much. This season could definitely use some excitement!!

  43. I am voting for Amanda again on the block….I am so sick also of the expression what the house wants…all it is is what McCrae, Amanda and Helen want. Do any of these houseguests have any balls. They should be putting up McCrae and Amanda now! Everyone is just playing for jury it’s likely that Amanda will win this game no problem if they keep this up. Also it makes for one boring game I can predict the order right now of who goes first it’s Spencer, Candace then Jessie. Actually Andy is a true floater and also has a good chance of winning this game also which totally sucks!.

  44. Aaryn needs to stop trying to convincing everybody in the house that she did not say anything racist…..(b*cth they are cameras everywhere.),,,,The problem with this group is that they don’t mind the racism. If they had more people in the house like Elissa,..Aaryn would have nobody to agree with her racist comments. …..she knows Elissa does not approve or find it funny…If this group had Elissa mindset when it comes to racist comments….Aaryn would of been evicted a long time ago….This group in the house welcome this type of hate speech….that’s why they blame Howard and Candice for being hurt by the racist comments….and not Aaryn……they are okay with hate language…which is sad….this group has tainted this season….when the majority of house accepts racist comments it makes the house guest sympathist with Aaryn because they think racist comments are okay………big brother 15 will be remember as the racist season…..I hope next year CBS does a better job with casting… because it’s hard to watch a show when the majority of the house accepts racism.

    1. A more diverse cast might solve some of the issues regarding racist statements. Lets face it, this cast is not representative of the American population at large. Forty percent of the population is non-white, but this cast of sixteen people have only four non-white members; which is 25%. Comparing this cast to that of BB Canada, it’s actually quite shameful. BB Canada had a cast of 15 people and 7 were non-white, and as far as I can remember, there was only one incident when Suzette called Tom a redneck. Other than that, there were no issues with racism like what we’ve seen on the U.S. BB season15.

      1. why is it that you are grouping every single white person together? they did come from different parts of the world in lineage. this is the stuff that annoys a lot of “white” people. we didn’t just come from the same freaking white mother.

      2. @ Name Canada is the least racist country in the world. They are almost blind to race. In Canada, there are no racial “enclaves” in cities; people live wherever they can afford. Mix-raced couples are common, and no-one even comments on them. In the USA, you fill our race on applications for jobs, school, etc. That is actually illegal in Canada.

        Canadians are less racist because in Canada you never hear things like “The Latino vote” or “The Black vote” during election times like you do in the US. They are the most tolerant people in the developed world and are more welcoming to foreigners (a lot of them every year) than any other country in the world as per research.

        “The survey suggests Canadians see immigrants as their equals: nearly 9 out of every 10 respondents agreed that a person born outside Canada is just as likely to be a good citizen as someone born here… There’s no real evidence of people feeling threatened or a sense that, ‘Well, people can come live here from other countries, but they’re not quite the same.'”

        My views are based on the fact that I have been to Canada as a visitor and also have lots of friends there. Been living in the US for the last decade originally from another country. And if you research online, lots of evidence to support these views.

    2. So much wrong with what you wrote there. These people are not OK with racist comments, but you must have not noticed what they say about that stuff. Or I would rather say you chose not to notice. Just like you choose not to notice that offensive comments with those racial overtones mostly disappeared when Jeremy left the house. You choose not to notice that Aaryn feels and sounds embarrassed by what she said. She apologized to Candice tonight, by the way. And I hope it was about her general comments and not the mattress incident because that was a fight, and when you have a fight, you get dirty which is basically what happened. The group does not blame H and C for feeling hurt about such comments, in fact, no such thing was ever said. I mean, everything you just said is a bunch of bullshit.

      And I will add that it is people like you that keep this racist stuff going by bringing it up again and again, even if all that stuff lasted about 2 weeks and none of it occurred in the last 2 weeks. I criticized Aaryn for her comments when they happened, but if I am being fair, she’s been nothing but nice the last 2 weeks. Amanda and Gina are a lot more rough than she is anyway. My point is that people like you take a small sample and you blow everything out of proportion, so if you want to see the reason why all that racist junk keeps going around, look in the mirror – it’s people like you.

      You bring up Elissa, by the way. Why don’t you do what Elissa did and make up with Aaryn.

      You don’t want to. You like rolling around in your hate.

      1. Aaryn’s apology seemed opportunistic to me. She waited until just after Candice finished her fight with Amanda to apologize. Seems like Aaryn found out that she is being portrayed as a racist on the show, and tried to correct the situation with a fake apology to Candice. In fact, just the night before Aaryn and Gina Marie were in the HOH room calling Candice Aunt Jemima, and asking her to go make them some pancakes. If Aaryn was truly sorry, then why not pull Candice aside for a quiet one-on-one conversation and give a more sincere heartfelt apology. This one-line apology that Aaryn gave Candice was all about Aaryn trying to repair her image. It had nothing to do with being truly sorry for her racist statements.

    3. Aaryn not a big deal when you look at comments Amanda has made in regard to race, murder, gang rape and anti gay sentiments. Aaryn small fish; Amanda is the gigantic whale shark. Amanda needs to go!! Aaryn without her prior hate filled house guests has calmed down, and just wish she would get a backbone and start playing instead of doing Amanda’s and Helen’s dirty laundry.

  45. Amanda just had a huge fight with Candice and told her what Howard allegedly said to her. Amanda claims she was in the DR for an hour and made production go back and review the tapes to see if she was in a dangerous environment. Why then, did Amanda hug Howard for such a long time when he was leaving? If someone said something so offensive to me, I certainly wouldn’t be in line to hug him and whisper in his ear. Amanda is full of sh!t and just wanted to further hurt Candice. Some people may think Amanda is playing the game so skillfully, but fail to separate her horrific personality from gameplay. She’s cruel, vengeful and downright mean. Hope she leaves very soon.

    1. Yes he and judd were both walking into the kitchen when it happened. Amanda did look a little perplexed after it happened not to mention that it was maybe a whole 30 seconds after Howard told her something that she told Judd and Andy what happened. If she did lie it didnt seem like she had much time to make something completely up. Im still in favor of waiting to see what Howard says about it and if BB says anything about it. I have an open mind about the whole thing. I think that if Howard said it, it would be awkward and out of left field, but I dont think it was threatening in any way. I do find it sad though that because Amanda is often crude and outspoken that everyone automatically jumped to the conclusion that she lied. You dont know what ANY of these people are like outside of the house, so since no one ACTUALLY knows what was said besides, Amanda & Howard & BB then maybe we should stop rushing to judgement and just wait to see? These comment threads are getting as ugly as the house.
      As for my MVP votes they will go to Aaryn because I believe with her out of the house a lot of the hateful comments will go away, and yes that includes Amanda’s too. I feel like in her effort to get Aaryn on her side Amanda’s bitchy side came out in full force this last two weeks. Amanda will have to deal with her comments outside the house when she leaves but as for her game it worked. If MVP didnt exist she would most likely be in no danger of going home this week. She’s playing the game, and she’s playing it well. You may say she’s a bully but I dont agree. The people who are not in power LOVE to say they are all following her because shes bullying them into it. But if you’ll notice MaCrae, Andy, Judd, Helen, & Elissa are all fully in agreement with her. They arn’t scared into making their votes, thats just what they want it to seem like because thats good for their game.

  46. Simon or Dawg, do you have an opinion on when Amanda brings up her accusation of Howard the feeds cut away? I’m thinking future defamation lawsuit? this accusation that Amanda is throwing at Howard has to be BS. if it was true, Julie would of questioned Howard in his interview tonight. also, this psycho bitch got serious mental problems, because if Howard did say anything remotely what she’s claiming, why the fuck would she hug and kiss him when he got evicted tonight.

  47. There you go Amanda and Helen just told Candice and Jessie you are both on the block. Well, they better suck it up and put on their game faces and go balls to the walls to win the POV. Time for the whoa is me pity party to end now and fight to remain in the house by winning competitions. Team Candice and Jessie against the Superfriends; seems impossible but whatelse are they to do, roll over and take Amanda/Helen’s shit.

  48. Aaryn: “Helen, McCrae and Amanda all want Jessie and Candice up”
    GM: ‘Ok i’ll put them up”

    This is so freakin pathetic!! Why the hell did they cast these 2 dumb racist blond bimbo’s!? They can’t even fucking think for themselves!

  49. Production gives Aaryn a good edit for two episodes and suddenly America forgets everything she has said and done. Seems like all the fans on this site have a very short memory… My votes are going to Aaryn because I do not forget the disgust I felt watching the feeds in te first few weeks when Aaryn let her true colours show. I’m not going to vote for someone because they got Howard out this week.. It’s a game and that’s the point. I’m voting for Aaryn for personal reasons, the girl turns my stomach and I think it’s going to be really embarrassing for big brother fans as a whole if she does not go up this weekend. I hate to judge people who play this game on a personal level like so many fans do.. It’s a game and people are going to lie and do what they need to do to win, if you can’t understand that then you should go watch some other show. Aaryn is the first houseguest that I have found it impossible to look past personal dislike to watch her game play. While I can see why people find Amanda to be too much at times she is one of the few people in the house who are actually playing. This season is full of floaters and followers.. I don’t see why people blame Amanda that people listen to her and do whatever she wants… Point of the game people .. And very few players have the ability to play like she is. I know there’s nothing to be said on here to change this angry mobs mind, it’s obvious you all got your pitch forks out and are on a witch hunt for Amanda! So let the dislikes begin! Aaryn is getting my votes..

  50. The lengths that these people are going to discredit Howard and make Candice believe that he said that nonsense to Amanda is ridiculous. Why is Candice is even acting like she believes it and continuing to listen to them say these things. Jeez Helen is an attack dog… she will not give up with her relentlessness and Elissa is trying her best but her attempts are much more see through. They obvious must think Howard has a chance to get Favorite Houseguest and they’re trying to take that from him as well. YOU MUST Stand strong Candice these people are using all types of evil devices to deceive you and dishonor Howard. I’m actually pissed off watching this mess. WOW!!!!

  51. I hope someone asks Howard about the supposed comment he made to Amanda as she claims which is hard to believe coming from her potty mouth. If she made it up I dont think any BB contract can save her from a defamation lawsuit. Howard could get the 500K BB is helping Amanda win this season, tired of looking at fish when they talk about it, wonder if Howard will lose his job over this. Looks like America has to vote Amanda again to make it obvious to the house guest who they should consider the real target.

  52. Geez mostly fish forever. After hearing Howie telling Julie about his bad temper (he mentioned after the bed incident that he had people lie about him having a bad temper to get on the show) I’m thinking maybe he did say that to Amanda. Maybe production isn’t going to fish or changing cameras because Amanda is lying but because they’re trying to protect Howie’s image. This wouldn’t fit with the way BB had made him out to be. Seems a few more details have snuck out. Guess I’ll go Steve if fish are off.

  53. its weird no previous season had this-maybe it’s a reflection of what’s happening in the country-I blame people like al sharpton and jesse jackson-race baiters who seem to have created a backlash in white people because of their constantly bringing up the race card. I know I’m sick of that crap. I guess there are a lot of angry white people and now we’re seeing the effects on a reality show. Nice work Sharpton & Co. Great job bringing racial harmony. These types of people are the biggest racists on earth with their ‘white people are evil’ crap….

  54. Simon and Dawg:

    Please correct Howard’s name, I think it is disrespectful that you would call him Harold when his real name is Howard. Also, if possible can you post the video of Howard whispering to Amanda, so that those of us who do not have the live feeds can determine for ourselves if Amanda is lying.

  55. AMANDA and JESSIE have been screaming at one another outside and OF course the LIVE feed goes to the fishes!! They have been fighting for over 20 mins!! BUT of course PRODUCTION doesn’t want to show their sweet Amanda going off like she is!! The houseguests are staying away and the cameras WILL NOT show any of it!! lol All you hear is their screaming when the outside door gets open ! lol WOW!! DRAMA!

    1. I think the feeds cut to fish sometimes when they want to save stuff for the show, like fights. Also just in case they bring up stuff like production like elissas rant at them a few weeks ago. They gotta keep some stuff as a surprise right?

  56. GM was going to select SPENCER and CANDICE!! Now it looks like its JESSIE and CANDICE with JESSIE!! going home!! But anything can happen in the next two days! lol Only time will tell what will happen and who will be selected.

  57. I wish they had a season of big brother with ALL serious game players. It would be interesting, like Dan and dr.will, people who are constantly playing the game but instead we have people who go there to have a summer vacation and be on tv

  58. I want production to do some miraculous event to flip this house because
    If this happens…

    Candice goes home
    Amanda/mcrae or Helen/elissa wins HOH
    Spencer goes home
    Amanda/mcrae or Helen/Elissa wins HOH
    Aaryn/Gm or Jessie/judd on the block!

    Boring and predictable! Can we have quadruple eviction instead!

    I wanna watch Survivor now!

  59. Everybody will have worn that jazz dance outfit by the end of the week. Except for Jessie, and hopefully not Spencer!

  60. I’m wondering if Aaryn/GM’s “Hey Aunt Jemima, go make me some pancakes” comments directed at Candice will make on air Sunday. Granted GM only repeated the “Aunt Jemima,” part she’s just as disgusting as Aaryn…yet only dumb@ss idiot Aaryn seems to make the cut for the national TV audience to hate. Come on Les/CBS please grow a pair show what actually happens in your little “fish bowl,” show all the cast mate making their comments….then again the truth is too much to ask for when dealing with media.

  61. This would be great, GinaMarie will definitely put up Candace & Spencer on the block. Also, MVP will put up Aaryn or Amanda on the block.

  62. sadly…as we saw tonight on big brother on cbs, Candace flat out SUCKS at confrontation. if you come at her, she will get WAAAAAAAAAAY over the top about it. Amanda is going to BURY her this week.

    see, Jessie will last a few more weeks as she will just go cry, now if she cries too much or too loudly, she will be gone. but Candace? she is making all kinds of mistakes. saying all this stuff to andy of all people? ahahaha.

    its funny to me that….there is so much of this “I heard you said this” after someone said something about 20 min prior. yet NO ONE is questioning WHO is doing all the tattling! they are directing their anger at the wrong person@!

  63. I hope Pandora’s box is to let Howard back in the house for an hour or so so he can really tell Amanda a few things along w/ Helen and Pizza boy!!!. These season these fools are giving the money away Damn I should have tried out for casting easy money !!!

    1. I had a strong feeling tonight that they would put Howard back in the game (which would be exciting!) We’ll see if he does any interviews in the next couple of days or if they are keeping him sequestered.

  64. Am wondering why Amanda did not tell Candice what Howard said to her in the kitchen before Howard left.This simply show Amanda is lying,she is telling Candice now because she knows Howard can not defend himself.What a useless woman

  65. Racists keep getting rewarded and will undoubtedly get cheered when/ if they get evicted. BB should be ashamed! My “guilty pleasure” show is officially just

  66. I fully admit that all my MVP votes went to put Amanda back in the hot seat, Helen is running a pretty close second in my book. It’s a game, yes, but Helen makes everything so personal when she tells others not to take the game so personally. And the way she talks to people, especially those who have disappointed her — it’s condescending and demeaning. It’s like she’s reprimanding her children. Seriously!?!? Trying to rouse Candice out of her post-Howie blues led to a tongue-lashing because Candice’s conspiracy theories about a power-quartet running the house (the truth hurts, doesn’t it Helen?) led to targets on Helen and Ellisa. Oh, my dear Helen, bless your little heart in thinking that targets were not already there…

    And then to say to Candice, “I want you to stop it; that’s the least you can do for Elissa and me.” And then to explain to Candice that the lies that are told might as well be true because people believe them anyway, so why argue and try to prove your innocence? No one will believe you, so you might as well accept it. It’s now how people see you. Yeah, way to be encouraging. When she told Candice, “Listen, listen, listen. Listen!!” I was waiting to see her grab Candice by the sides of her face, hold her head, and make her focus solely on Helen’s face so she could scold her child… Oh, no, wait, her 30-year-old friends that she loves so much.

    I know GM wants Candice to go, but I would love to see a “quite valuable” pawn beside Candice, namely Helen. Oh, Helen, you’re safe. Really, you are. I just need a body next to Candice. Plus, I know you might be a vote for Candice to stay… She would have a fit, but she expects others to willingly play that part? Seriously, that would make my day, after America puts Amanda on the block for the 2nd week in a row, of course. She’s another condescending loudmouth that needs to be sent packing, before jury. Double eviction next week — I’d love to see Amanda leave first, followed immediately after by Helen. Then we could see what life in the BB house is like without tyrannical dueling iron fists.

  67. I guess everyones forgot about the fact that Aaryn has been the mvp’s choice every week she’s just either been already on the block or hoh. Im gonna guess that she’ll go up as mvp again.

  68. Simon, How come on the feeds we are completely shut out on Amanda Bullying Jessie? The dont have 1 camera on downstairs are they tryna swing America’s MVP from Amandaand we will vote someone else. I dont like that we cant see whats going on ?

  69. Gina Marie is well aware of Andy the snake, Helmanda and McCray. Does she not have any common sense?
    Last week she wanted to make a bold move, this week she is up Aaryn and Mandy’s butt.
    Production has never minded telling the houseguest who to put up,etc. I really do think that due to the
    Edit Amanda receives on the show, she really is Grodner’s friend. During the show, we have more Amanda Dairy
    Rooms than any other guest. During past shows we have been shown the couples who were hot and heavy
    Under the covers with movement, but not Amanda and McCray. Grodner wants her friend to look good and possibly get something out of this.
    I think.

    Today all of you go to the CBS website. Go to Contact Us and send them an e-mail. We can let them know they need to shake up this house
    and edit Amanda correctly. Employees should not put their friends into the house for a reality show. Do not like fixed reality shows!
    A few thousand emails will let them know we are not happy!

    1. I already sent an email to CBS. I hope others will do so as well. We need to let them know that this is not acceptable.

  70. If Amanda doesn’t go this week, I’m done watching. I cannot endure another episode of her annoying face and man voice. She is so disrespectful to people and thinks she is hot sh*t. All the pairs have lost their ally except for McRae and Amanda. SEND HER PACKING! What I find to be hilarious is that once she was nominated by the MVP she immediately thought it couldn’t be America… HAHAHAH! Hope her sorry a** is on the block this week again!

  71. BTW, have the minions not figured out that the Dictators want all of the couples broken up? But the minions are afraid of the last couple?

    CBS have Judd back for another season. He is on with people who cannot think for themselves, give him a chance with real players.

  72. When Amanda gets the America’s MVP again this weekend, do you think the house will finally catch on?
    Amanda is nothing but a f’en BULLY!!

  73. This season continues the horrible trend of weak players taking out weak players because they are terrified of two people who can’t win competitions. Insane. These past two weeks should have seen Aaryn Nation and GM go after Amanda/Mc and Helen/Elissa. Break up the power couples. Force people to choose between them. Instead let’s go after weak players who have no chance of winning anything and have zero power in the game. Awful.

  74. Funny how Amanda feels so safe now that she will call out and start fights with Jessie and Candice. Who the hell does she think she is?! Just because they were trying to make a move to get her out? What? Is she the only one allowed to lie, manipulate and scheme. Is she the only one allowed to play the game? And Helen. Omg. She is something else. Unbelievable. Too bad gm is chicken shit and is listening to Aryn. Taking the game personally. Oops I bought Aaryn wasn’t a out that. Idiots.
    Just call Amanda Gipetto

    10 votes for MVP. Get Amanda or Helen up there.

  75. There are two things BB can do to shake up the house. 1.) Pandoras Box that is basically whoever opens it has to take off all three current nominations, and themselves nominate all new players. This will ensure that something big comes out of it. 2.) The person who opens the pandoras box will now become a sabatour, someone like a Andy or Elissa would be great where they would have to vote against their allies, or have to push to nominate them. Those two scenarios would be great!!

    1. No only take off the block the HOH’s nominations and replace them. Keep the MVP up there because it’s probably Amanda.

    2. Keep in mind that Julie seemed to stop “filling in” the players evicted after Nick. This COULD mean that Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, and whoever they evict next might have a chance to play to stay/come back into the house. Outside shot, since they would wind up needing an extra double eviction (maybe the pairs twist again?), but definitely noticed the lack of game intel Julie imparted to evicted guests after Nick’s eviction. Now that I think back, she may have said something to Jeremy (someone could check that), but she was definitely mum with Kaitlin and Howard.

  76. Man, GM is sitting on a golden opportunity to make a power play, and pull some of the power in the house her direction:

    Put up Amanda & Helen. If Amanda comes off, put up Mcrae. If Helen comes off, put up Elissa. MVP serves as a pawn and another competitor in the POV to keep it out of Amanda & Helen’s hands. Either one of them goes, or their “partner” goes. Yeah, you put a HUGE target on your back…but guess what…they are going to pick you off anyway! Why not go out actually trying to win the $$$, instead of just going out like a chump that no one winds up remembering?!

    GM, Aaryn, Spencer, Jessie, and Candice…HELLO!…if you really want the power in the house, it’s sitting right there waiting for you. Just put your personal BS aside, pull together, and actually start playing this game. Just sayin…

    Otherwise, your final four will be Amanda, Mcrae, Helen, & Elissa (although she seems to be the mose interchangeable with Aaryn, Andy, or Judd to me). Final 3 is Amanda, Mcrae, Helen. Final 2 is Helen & Mcrae. Mcrae wins. I happen to like Mcrae, so works for me, but would be SUPER boring.

    Would probably spice things up quite a bit if someone would just get rid of Andy. At least Helen & Amanda’s main source of info would be gone and they’d have to blindly play the game like everyone they’ve evicted has to. Can’t stand super floaters! Ha!!

  77. Can these people start using their brains and take out some real threats out the house? I wanna see big moves.

  78. On the live feeds, Thursday, 8:50 PM…..How could or could not Amanda know that an episode shows her and McCrae being engaged? They cut the feeds right away. This season is more produced, staged and rigged than any season I’ve ever seen in the past. And….that warning before the show and live feeds makes me laugh. What a joke.

  79. Ok I am thoroughly sick of McManda and Helen. I’m torn between disgust for Spencer and straight up hate for McManda. This bitch needs to go and I mean GOOOOOO!!! Hopefully Candy will make through the week and put McManda up when she wins HoH next week. Not getting my hopes too high though. Can’t wait to see Amanda’s face when she goes up as MVP again this week. Hey, maybe these sheep will wise up and take their last good opportunity to vote out the wolf while they still can. I could vomit right now I’m so disgusted with this cast. And somehow Candace has become my favorite (insert Twilight Zone music).

  80. was I the only one that heard Gina Maria make the comment that Candice will go back to Candy Land. Candy Land is the plantation in the movie Jango. These are the most racist people I have ever seen. I can’t believe the racist things they are saying and how comfortable they are saying them. Racism is so alive on CBS.

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