Amanda instructs JUDD what his options are “nominate Aaryn and Kaitlin BD Howard”

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 22
HOH Winner: JUDD Next HOH: July 25
MVP: ?
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy
Have Nots


7:00pm Cockpit McCrae and Amanda

They are freaking out about Julie Chen hinting to them that the MVP is different this week. Andy joins them tells them not to worry because there is nothing they can do about the twist.

Amanda wonders who JUDD will put up. McCrea: ‘He’s going to do what is best for his game.. maybe Kaitlin and GM backdoor Howard”

Andy says it doesn’t matter what goes on they are safe this week. McCrea doesn’t share Andy’s optimism he is worried if Elissa doesn’t get MVP they have a chance to go up on the block.
Amanda wants Howard nominated.

JUDD and Jessie join them. Amanda says if he doesn’t put up Aaryn Elissa will just do it so if he nominates her it will force Elissa to put someone else up. Jessie says she’s so happy she wants to cry.

Amanda: “The options are Candace and Howard or Aaryn and Kaitlin” She explains that they will tell the girls they are pawns and the plan is to backdoor Howard. Amanda adds that they want Elissa to put up Spencer so they have to have Aaryn as a nominee.

Judd doesn’t know what he’s going to do yet says they have plenty of time to figure it out once he gets the HOH room.
Amanda says if he put ups GM she’s not strong enough to win the Veto they need to veto played to backdoor Howard.

JUDD: “You know what is funny Me and McCrae would have the same number because I almost put down 600″

JUDD is starting to get worried that the twist might be a Coup D’etat. Amanda keeps giving him instructions of how he should run his HOH. JUDD is worried if he puts the two girls up they will be pissed at him. Amanda reiterates if he tells the girls they are pawns they will be fine.

JUDD: ‘You think the nominees will get a special power.. Maybe I should put you up with Aaryn in case you get a special power… Maybe I should pu up you and Jessie” (They laugh)

JUDD wants Kaitlin nominated because she’s strong and will win the Veto.

Elissa comes in and they ask her who she is going to put up. Elissa says she would put up Aaryn, Spencer or Howard.
Amanda tells them Howard has sworn on the bible 3 times and he uses his race to manipulate people. Amanda instructs them all to make it sounds like Aaryn or Kaitlin are the targets but they really need to Backdoor Howard. She goes on and on about how they need to get Howard out he’s dangerous.

Jessie is worried by keeping the girls in the house they will vote her out if they get power. Amanda says it’s not a worry they have the numbers and Elissa’s MVP.
Elissa wants to get the Aaryn out but Amanda says no way Howard has to go this week or they are all ion trouble.

Amanda tells them she has Aaryn wrapped around her finger plus Aaryn has no one left in the house it’s time to target people with numbers. Amanda says Howard has Spencer and Candace.

CBS Interactive Inc.


7:14pm Bedroom howard and Candace

Speculating what the twist will be. Candace thinks it will be a person coming back into the house. She thinks it will be Jeremy, “We’ll just vote him back out again” Howard isn’t sure that will happen. He plans on sticking close to JUDD this week He’s confident they will be safe as long as they keep their cool. Candace asks him when she’s going to get her back rub. (You’re in too deep bro)


7:33pm Havenots Gina, Aaryn saying they don’t want to be on Howard’s team for have nots because he’ll throw it. They join Kaitlin in the bedroom and she agrees they will stick as a team for the have nots competition.


7:37pm Bedroom JUDD, Aaryn and Kaitlin JUDD is saying he didn’t want to win the HOH so early, once he noticed it was Kaitlin, McCrea and himself he didn’t really care who won. JUDD points out that Kaitlin is handling Jeremy leaving better than GM handled Nick.


7:40pm Have nots McCrae and Amanda Amanda is stressing out because Jessie and Elissa want Aaryn out when Howard is the real threat.

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149 thoughts to “Amanda instructs JUDD what his options are “nominate Aaryn and Kaitlin BD Howard””

      1. After what we’ve seen over the past four weeks, you can honestly say that Helen is a bigger bully than Amanda, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn? Seriously? The woman got HOH one week and she’s a “big bully”? There were people who when they were in power and out of power consistently acted like a bully (e.g. Aaryn). I didn’t see you calling for their heads…

    1. Don’t you think this is kind of a waste of a vote though? Aaryn is one of the easiest targets to nominate right now, and will more than likely be one of Judds, and if this is the case the next highest voted person will be nominated. You should spend your vote on your next hated houseguest, one that’s unlikely to be nominated, because otherwise you might as well not even be voting at all.

    2. No, vote to put up Amanda. She is pretty much bullying Judd and everyone else about Howard. What is the basis for this obsession? Give her a taste of her own medicine!

      1. Amanda obsession with Howard, stems from the fact she can actually bully everyone except Howard. She didn’t even win HOH and is telling Judd who to put up. She’s not suggesting, she telling Howard who to nominate. I don’t think Amanda can win a comp; however her domineering personality can make people do what she wants. Its really getting upsetting when they keep saying Howard is using race. Give me one example where he used race to his advantage? If you want to get him out over swearing on the bible, or you can’t trust him, I am fine with that. He’s using race? What exactly is the race charge against him…..ah,,ah….ah, maybe because of the very fact that he’s black? Maybe the charge is that Howard should of realized you can’t be black and play Big Brother and never entered the game. Again, I don’t understand the race charge.

      2. I want Amanda gone!!! She thinks she’s the one controlling the house and she needs to get knocked down a few rungs! Bye Bye Amanda!

  1. Judd should just say “I’m getting tired of your ERYO#&*($&#UDJE, I nominate you Amanda and you McCrae.” That won’t happen though. I want to see Amanda get put up by America to send the house a message, if production tells them the vote was by America then they will wonder what Amanda is doing that America sees and they do not. However, America for purely hating Aaryn will put Aaryn up as the nomination and another boring week will be to follow on the feeds, I don’t even watch it much anymore. I can only pray what Judd or America pull through with Amanda, she may not go home but send a message.

    And btw Simon/Dawg, your boy JUDD did good.

    1. Amanda needs to S.. well she needs to follow the my name’s instructions… literally minutes, MINUTES after Judd is crowned HOH she’s tries imposing her will AGAIN!!!! Does she really think that no one will catch on? At this rate she’s looking at an early exit for talking to much and she’ll eventually have to burn bridges and I doubt, with the exception of McCrae, she’ll have anyone in the her corner, soon. Shame really I thought she’s was playing a pretty decent game…

      I even ate my words on Judd who I thought would just go on floating by… good win for him….

    2. I’m hoping for the same thing. She is ridiculous and I’m tired of her telling people who to put up. Amanda, win something then you can put whoever you want up.

    3. I agree 1000% if i was him i would be like shut the F*ck up b*tch, it’s my HOH you’ve already tried to run everbody else’s but you’re not going to mine. If you want Howard on the block then win HOH yourself and put him up otherwise just shut the f*ck up!!

    4. YES Amanda!! I don’t necessarily want to see her go home, but up on the block would be fun to see!!

  2. OH hope that Judd, Howard, Candice, Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Jessie decide to make an alliance and put up Helen and Elissa or either McCrae and Amanda. So sick of all four of them.

      1. He is the biggest threat to Amanda’s game. His loyalties to MC and throwing Area 51 under the bus shows that he is not really on their side. Reality is, Howard has Candice and Spencer and if he became HOH and nominated MC and Amanda, he has the potential to get them out. Amanda is only playing the game, why hate on her for trying to get her biggest competition?
        Before Helen’s (terrifying) HOH, she was loved because she was able to kick off the person that has the potential to ruin her game, what is the difference now with Amanda and Howard?

      2. Howard said he wants Amanda out, and she found out – so of course she wants him out, he’s a threat. I like them both, wish they would talk it out.

  3. Judd needs to put up GM and Kaitlin and have America do the honors of putting Aaryn on the block so she can know how much America “loves” her! CBS didn’t expel her from the game but they are doing something better by humiliating her for her dirty minded words which is way worse than just knocking her out of the game and she’s too dumb to realize that she needs to change! Please let her be the next one evicted!

    1. Wow! I like your idea. America uses the MVP to decide who to put on the Block. That would be a very interesting twist. The game is kind of unfair if the same person gets MVP no matter what; however, if you let America decide, it might get very interesting. If Judd puts Gina and Kaitlin up, I think America puts up Aaryn, but that would be a very bad play. Aaryn is really a very bad player and easy target. Although it might feel good getting rid of Aaryn, there are dangerous players that could be nominated first by America.

  4. I don’t know who the bigger dictator is, Helen or Amanda. And Duckface (elissa) is always hovering in the shadows while they dictate to each HG what they want. I really want them both to be put on the block together at some point to see them go against/at each other.

    1. I don’t like the Elissa remark… she is observing the BS . anyway I would love to see two dictators go on the block .. yes Helen and Amanda (she devil) … now that is a dangerous one … does anyone know why she has such a hatred for Howard… was she shunned by him or something… Can you imagine the feathers flying if Amanda ended up on the block .. that would be awesome to watch … lol

      1. Howard and Spencer targeted Amanda during the existence of the Moving Company and showed that he can’t be trusted as he continuously lie (he is only trustworthy if you are a MC member). Honestly I can understand why Amanda wants Howard gone, he is the biggest threat to her game, he has Candice and Spencer and the potential to have Elissa. She may come off as a bully but she is playing the game very well, apart from Andy, no one has actually mentioned that they want her out.

        1. Your comment makes no sense. Of course Howard and Spencer targeted Amanda. It’s smart to target people that you think potentially are on to you.

          1. Yeah, and now it makes sense for Amanda to want Howard out, since he had production giving him immunity last week.
            He is very dangerous. Production doesn’t even let people nominate him.

        2. Vote for Howard.. Put him up to prove he can win the veto. Then backdoor Amanda. If MVP wins veto and comes down does America vote for the replacement? Maybe a way for America to backdoor someone!

    1. she is our female version of a bully .. and the looks she gives if she doesn’t get her way .. I feel like I have to duck for fear of getting a good smack or something … she is evil and sneaky .. but mainly bossy … poor pizza boy I say the look on her face when he didn’t get HOH … he is in for a few lectures …lol

  5. Does anyone not remember Dan swearing on the Bible and winning 1.5 times? He’s, like, BB GOD, but Howard does it and he’s the anti-christ?

    I just don’t get it. I understand that Howard is strong and will eventually be a threat, but…I see a lot of quality for him. I wish Amanda would go home.


    1. Me too Karen. I’m tired of her campaigning for someone to put him up! She wants everyone to do her work

      1. He has done something. He joined a secret alliance, lied to the HOH, been claiming to throw challenges, and production has given him immunity as they didn’t let the HOH or MVP nominate him last week. That’s something. And that something is dangerous.

    2. Why is everyone so hung up on Howard? He’s as good a player as Elissa is! He’s overrated, he hasn’t won anything, his social game is not that good and he lies a lot for no reason (and gets caught) He’s just a glorified floater with muscles! Remember Metal Adam from BB 13! Big and bad looking but completely useless in the game! That’s who he reminds me of.

      1. It’s well known (if you watch the show) that Howard hasn’t won competitions because he purposefully tanks them. In fact, you don’t have to win competitions to win BB. And as far as his social game is concerned, Howard has yet to make it on the block despite the fact that there are several houseguests that constantly have his name in their mouths.

        1. He would have been EVICTED LAST WEEK if production didn’t tell the HOH and the MVP not to nominate him.
          He hasn’t made it to the block? How can he? HG’s are not allowed to put him there!

  6. Good ridance JERKEMY, we could not take your delusional self absorbed ass any longer. You are disgusting. And a liar . ” Kaitlin made me a different person ” : yes, you will not reffer to women’s vaginas as meat wallets anymore or say on national TV that you are not on BB to find a wife. You are a pearl Jeremy. I am drinking my Champagne now. Go back to hour cashier job as Bass Pro Shops. Imbecile.

    1. That would have been so much better if you had edited before you hit the submit button. 🙁

      None the less, I completely agree with you 🙂

  7. The funny thing about this America MVP is that there is huge difference between the live feeders and the TV viewers. Live feeders loathe Helen now and will probably vote for her nomination, but viewers see a different side and will vote for Aaryn or GinaMarie.

    Me, I don’t care for Elissa anymore. As long as the MVP is still there I want her gone so someone else can get it. If production scraps it I would love to see how she plays the game knowing that now she has no special power. Let’s see what she’s made of. I will say though that the houseguests are to blame for this since they are the ones that saved her.

  8. Well I thought I wanted aaryn out this week but I have changed my mind to Amanda. SHe keeps following Judd around trying to tell him who to put up. He just got the HOH for jeez sake…let him enjoy it for awhile. She is a very pushy person…no wonder she cant hold onto a bf….she probably keeps telling them what to do. I was on the live feeds but had to shut it off cause she was making my stomach turn. I dont know which is worse….watching her try to get control of Judds HOH or the sex show last nite. So far all the showmances have been split apart. All that is left is Amanda/Macrea and Judd/Jessie….IMHO I think no showmances should happen. They are there to play the game and when they are involved in a showmance their mind isnt on the game. Play for yourselves and not for you showmance.

    Please people vote to put Amanda on the block….wipe that smug look off of her face and send a message to her that she is playing way to hard and no one likes her…

    1. He should tell everybody well i have to go to the bathroom and sh*t out the big turd that is Amanda who has crawled up my ass. I don’t understand why they are so annoyed by what GinaMarie is doing and not Amanda, who tries to run everybody’s HOH and tell them who to put up which will benefit her and McCrae.

    2. I voted 10 times for amanda and all my friends are doing the same. she is way to controlling and skanky

      1. I totally ahrre that Amanda is a control freak wack job. But Aaryn and her no remorse racist comments and false apologies took all of my votes. She can’t help herself. Next!

  9. Amanda giving howie to much credit it sounds as if its a personal vendetta to get him out…. id say that howie get into judds ear and tell him amanda is the real threat

    1. Amanda is the RACIST just like she said she was, and a shame that CBS is portraying Aaryn as the racist even though she made very hurtful comments, AMANDA IS A RACIST and that is why she wants Howard out simply put. Shame CBS is not portraying the real racist on the show and not the stupid ignorant 22 year old instead. Agree that the people that do not get the live feeds will put Aaryn up, but wouldn’t they be shocked if they had ever watched the live feeds and heard AMANDA admit to being the RACIST. A shame what CBS is doing!!!

        1. she has said many racist remarks and even sang a racist song

          mccrae tells her multiple times these comments are racist

          she admitted to be racist

          is that enough evidence for you?

          get her racist bitchy bully ass the fuck outta the house

  10. Simon: the next headline should read: “Fifjfbdud. Dydryhcdthcdg dddfdssiiokbihfass seccgrsaXsw” Judd says he’s excited to be HOH

  11. Thank goodness they have pictures of the house guests – because we might not understand who Judd puts up – but I am glad he’s HOH!!!

  12. amanda makes me sick sometimes so dominating always has to be her way talkin bout candice have howard and he needs to break that up how about u have macrea ….. I am just sick of her she always wants someone pulling the trigger for her .. IF they dont get ridd of amanda she will win this game

    1. I am hoping that everyone votes Amanda to be the 3rd Nom. Hopefully she will then realize that most people do not care for her, at ALL!!!! She’s mad Howard didn’t accept her advances….lol It’s clearly personal. She needs to SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!

  13. Amanda shut up Howard isnt using his race to get far in the game because if he was he would be losing the whole house is white dumbass whats he gonna say I’m black your white we should stick together?She is annoying Amanda for MVP Show her we are the boss not her

  14. Okay we all know it will be Aaryn nominated by MVP, but here’s a hypothetical question ….poll …whatever.
    If it was between Helen and Amanda, thumbs up if you’d vote to nominate Helen, thumbs down to nominate Amanda.

  15. Amanda thinks she stressing NOW, wait til she finds out she won;t be able to order Elissa on who to nominate.

    America/Canada, Vote Helen or Amanda, hell vote ANY member of the “superfriends” except that floater Andy, don’t waste it on him.

    America you’re the “transparent” MVP this week, do Big brother proud and drop that kryptonite grenade.


  16. Judd should nominate Kaitlin & Howard while MVP nominate Aaryn as a third nominee. Super friends

    1. Love McCranda! Amanda is playing the game….Elissa, however, is as interesting as watching paint dry.

    2. No, I like Amanda too…she is my favorite! I would like her to go far. I do wish she would stop being so bossy though…she needs to lay a bit lower or she might be knocked down a peg or two pretty soon. But I would like to see her in the final two.

    3. No I’m team Mcranda all the way. Of course, I also liked Shanielle and JeJo. However I own 0 cats.

  17. “Amanda says if he doesn’t put up Aaryn Elissa will just do it so if he nominates her it will force Elissa to put someone else up.”
    “Amanda adds that they want Elissa to put up Spencer so they have to have Aaryn as a nominee. ”
    ” Elissa says she would put up Aaryn, Spencer or Howard.”
    “Amanda says it’s not a worry they have the numbers and Elissa’s MVP.”

    I’m ROLMFAO hardcore

    Oh, this week is going to be so good, i hope they do this again next week.

  18. It would be so funny if the Brenchel fans keep on voting for Elissa this week and she ends up as the third nominee. That would be hilarious.

  19. I hope Judd does not nominate Aaryn. She is a shoe in for America’s vote. I actually think CBS/Julie did it on purpose so she could tell Aaryn that she was America’s pick because she is the most hated house guest. Let the payback begin….

  20. Everyone please put your 10 votes in for Amanda. DO IT!! CBS has gave her an undeserved good edit so far and we all know it’s bullshit!

    1. exactly

      the self confessed racist is getting a golden edit from cbs

      manda could shoot someone with a gun in the house and cbs would edit her talking about how much she dislikes guns

      she has gotta go

      the female house guest i dislike more than any other in the history of the show

  21. I can’t wait to hear Elissa say “Why hasn’t production called me in the DR to get my MVP?”


  22. I love how everyone is hating on Amanda for playing the best game? So it’s a good idea to vote for her and potentially have her evicted over Aaryn, Kaitlyn, Gina, Spencer, Howard? LMFAO no. Even if shes up on the block it will not make her leave. It’s a waste of a vote if you’re voting for her. She has too good of an edit, and it will be such a bull**** game if she leaves over any of these people that do absolutely nothing. Shame on you.

    1. Screw that Nick was playing the best game and what happened to him? He got cut week two to fulfill production’s agenda and to be perfectly honest I think Andy is playing the best game.. he did what Amanda fails to understand to do Shut D F*ck UP. Not even two minutes of airtime and she’s up Judd’s ahole. Man I really wanted to see Howard win to see what she would do but alas it’s too bad..

    2. manda is not playing the best game at all

      she is playing the most annoying game

      its brutal to watch her

      she is disgusting to watch and her voice is so whinhey and annoying

      fuck her off outta there

  23. @Amanda dont ask Angela hoe may cats she has because like many other people Amanda is getting on there nerves.Amanda needs to go home thats that she is a bossy bitch who cant keep Howards name out her mouth she hasnt won any competitions or has been close to winning ay but yet she think she has Power over every HOH and MvP HER days are over BYEEE AMANDA

  24. Amanda is a stupid skank. If she got nominated that would really make the house wonder about her.

  25. I want Helen in a BB house with people from The Challenge after her little dictator hoh. I’d die laughing watching her tell some of those that its not their hoh, it’s the houses

  26. Was going to vote for Helen, but am going to switch to Amanda. She needs to be knocked down a peg or two.

  27. So howard has spencer and Candice and aaryn doesn’t have gm and kaitlyn not too bright amanda

  28. I love the site, I’ve been visiting for years and signed up for the live feeds through here for the first time.

    Do you think there is anyway they will bring anyone back this season with the large cast? And if so, could it be Jeremy? I don’t know why but I can’t help and like the guy!

  29. It is going to be interesting to see the reaction of Elissa when she doesn’t get the MVP. Helens reaction to this will be priceless.

  30. People need to stop voting Helen i dislike her as well but she has the whole house eating out her ass right now Amanda needs to goo she keeps bringing up everyones name esp Howard and i dont get what she has against him she thinks she is HOH no honey you are not stop being a bossy bitch time for you go go noone has brought her name up yet wait until we vote her MVP im pretty sure the Amanda gossip would start then then we will never know who is going home its getting so predictable we need to shake it up get Amanda out

    1. IF YOU WATCH the live feeds you know what AMANDA has against Howard she already admitted that she is racist!!! Amazing that CBS says they are against racism but they give Amanda a good edit. Makes me go hmmmmm. AMANDA IS A RACIST and that is why she wants Howard up. Come on people if you watch the feeds you saw it.

  31. At last we get to find out who is the top player in the house this season(sort of). Amanda, Judd, or Andy? Will Judd make his own decision this week, or do whatever Amanda tells him to? And will Andy find a way to get something done for his own game during Judd’s HoH, or does he even need to?
    PoV will tell us if Amanda is running the game or not. Nominations don’t matter really Judd will put up Aaryn and Kaitlin to make every1 happy(except Helen).
    The real question is does he have the cajones to backdoor GM like he wants to(he fears her bitterness towards him in jury) or will he backdoor whoever Amanda tells him to?

  32. Man, after tonight’s episode I was wondering if Aaryn knew what BB was or how it was played since she said they were hating on Jeremy for being strong… But now I also wonder how many of YOU know what BB is and how it’s played because you want Amanda gone for wanting to get rid of the most physical threat in the game because you think she’s being bossy or bullying or hating on Howard?

    You DO realize this’ a game and not a popularity contest, right? Barring last season when Dan went beyond the acceptable manipulating into d!ckish territory, the ones that win or make it to the final 2-3 are the best manipulators.

    Now, if you said Judd should nominate Amanda because she’s playing the best social game, then that’d be fine because it’s true.

    1. no i want amanda gone because im tired of hearing her relentlessly crap on about wanting howard out

      its so monotonous and boring

      the definition of monotonous is…

      Dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest

      thats why she needs to go

  33. Ya I want to see Helen or Amanda up the ate bullies and Amanda is very manipulating and she completely uses her breasts to do it she jumped in bed with McRae the first night it just seems to weird and did these woke come on big brother for love or for the money ugh I just hope kaitlyn doesn’t act like Ginamarie with all the bs crying

    1. big breasts or not – amanda is ugly inside and out – and her fake breasts match her fake personality

  34. Yes Howard lied but as Amanda said to Aaryn “this is BIG BROTHER”. She should really practice what she preaches. He was a man of his word and voted to keep his ally (Nick) safe. How could you fault him for that? He was also the last person to sell out his alliance when the others threw MC under the bus when the going got tough because they had no backbone. The fact that Amanda has the audacity to even say that Howard is using the “race card” to further his place in the game is despicable and diabolical to say because if that were the case he would be making a huge scene out of the situation instead of walking away. Amanda clearly has a heart of a tin-man. I think Howard is screwed but if he goes home this week I hope he can go home with his head held high.

    1. I really don’t get the love for howard and hate for amanda for trying to get him out. Howard stayed loyal to the MC but he threw Area 51 under the bus. Why is it wrong that members of Area 51 are gunning for him? Hopefully his loyalty to Moving Company shows this week as he become the third member of the MC to walk out the door.

      1. lets see the hate for manda and love for howard…

        amanda is a self confessed racist and every word coming out of her mouth day and night is get howard out

        her other targets are candace and helen

        add to that her constantly being overly annoying trying to tell everyone what to do

        you get the picture now yeah

  35. pretty clear cbs wants america to vote out someone.. maybe to clean their hands of aaryn? but i hope the bb fans vote with their brains, not with brenchel obsessed hearts. i knew and simon knew that cbs would do something this week. tada!

  36. America as the MVP will vote to put up Aaryn but she will probably already be nominated so the second person voted by america will go up, could be kaitlyn, spencer maybe GM. not sure what americas thinking. this should be an easy week unless someone really f*cks up

  37. Why all the hate on Helen and Amanda? I understand they think they can tell people what to do, but isn’t that what the best winners of this game have done? You win Big Brother by playing the best game, whether socially, physically, or strategically. Reasonably, you don’t win by sitting back and letting other people carry out their own agendas. If they can manage to get other people to listen to them and do what they want them to do, then good for them! The fact is, no one has to do what either of them say. People are entitled to play their own game, that’s what they’re doing. Like its been pointed out, it’s only a few hours into Judd’s HoH. Who knows whether or not he will do what Amanda wants. Sit back, enjoy the ride, and chill. If you enjoy the show for the show, rather than for your specific favorites to win and be treated nicely, then there shouldn’t be any problem with watching people play.

    1. amanda is extremely overrated

      a self confessed racist

      extremely annoying to listen to

      totally overplaying constantly

  38. I really wanted Elissa to be nominated for the sheer confusion of the house and for the look on her dumb ass duck face that America must have turned on her cos she’s the opposite of Rachel, a total floater and a boring one at that.

    BUT looking at the comments, it looks like a toss between Amanda and Helen. So I’m going for Helen, even though Amanda is annoying, I think she stirs shit up and makes drama which is entertaining to watch. Second, I think Helen will be SHOCKED that America does not Love her and her Superfriends. She will be perplexed as hell and so will Elissa. A rift may develop there and there will certainly be a lot of tears.

    1. If people really want DRAMA… vote Amanda. That will be big…… and for the HG to know that America did it….??!?!?! I think the houseguest would run from her. It will also confuse Aaryn and confirm that she is loved!! ANd this will have her going back to her old ways of racial slurs and childish behavior. Voting for anyone else will NOT create the type of drama it will by getting AMANDA on the block. All her lies will probaly come out too. These people in th housee are just sooooo stupid though. No one has aksed why is she pushing s hard for Howard? Why she is lying about him using his race? Why is it ok for McCrea to have done the exact same thing and win 2 challenges while doing it, and not be considered a threat? Why is it ok for her to have Mcrea and Judd to have Jessie and for Gm to have Aaryn but Candace can’t have Howard? Howard is saying that he is throwing challenges. The only one that was obvious was the Have nots. Maybe there are just people better. i think he really trid tonight and in the last HOH. he defintely can be beat on the mental challenges. He could be lying about throwing the others just to save face. Amanda’s dumb butt lost the HOH comp on a obvious McCrea question. That makes me think she threw that comp. I think Judd will put up the girls He has been talking about the guys being outnumbered and it scares him. I don’t think he feels that threaten by Howard. these people are foolish for letting Helen and Amanda run their HOH. As far as Elissa goes, she did what she wanted with her MVP last week. I know you all think it was production but i was watching the feeds on that one and she always fought against Howard going up. She felt like they were using her to do their dirty work. (TRUE) and she told helen that, as well as Amanda and McCrea. She never wanted to put him up. She kept saying what difference it would it make if the target was really Jeremy? And that she didn’t want Candace mad at her. So NO it wasn’t a sudden change of heart. They simply NEVER convinced her. Im not saying she is a rocket scientist but she is not as dumb as people think. And NO I am not a fan of hers or her sister. Just calling it like i see it. People see what they want to see. Just like all the people who are now excusing the horrible things Aaryn has said. ie. “she is young”, “what she said wasn’t that bad”, “she didn’t mean it’, “they were jokes” and so on……. Some people in America( people that look like Aaryn) really have it that easy. Thats excatly why she is they was she is!!!!!

  39. Actually, having the viewing audience vote for the person they want to see go up for eviction is a very intriguing idea. It sends a message, loud and clear, to the person that the viewing audience wants them gone! I hope Aaryn gets selected by the viewers. That just might prove to be an eye opener for her. Unfortunately, this method also offers an opportunity to voting groups with an agenda to vote to put certain people on the block. We’ll see what happens.

    1. It is clearly a way to pull production out of a pickle. If people are irate over the racial comments give them the opportunity to address it.

    1. Vote Helen. Knock her down a peg so she will stop with all her crazy jumping up and down!! Not to mention she was a BULLY all week

  40. Only slightly bad part about this week, is the house don’t know Elissa isn’t MVP, if they did know she would be put on the block, because they would assume she’ll never get it again…

    But, it would stir some tension within the superfriends alliance, because they will think Elissa is lying about not getting MVP this week.

  41. If the MVP nomination is kept secret until next Thursday the house is gunna go crazy! Everyone will be denying MVP && if Howard isn’t picked Amanda will go crazy on Elissa!

  42. Ahhh! So the HG don’t know that America votes for the 3rd nominee. And Elissa carrying on like she still has power. I never vote on these things but Helen got 10 votes from me as penance for her sins against the BB game last week. I would so love to see Elissa melt down when not only does she realize she didn’t get the power, but that her only true friend is on the block. This could create a lot of drama. Elissa will tell them she didn’t get it and her and Helen will be force feeding truth serum to the others to find out who did, and they won’t know until maybe next week that none of them did. Haha. I love it! Elissa no longer has any power and there is no reason to keep her anymore. I am really glad Judd won. I hope he realizes that they need to take out a few girls before they find themselves out numbered by women. Should be a better week than last week.

  43. Judd has already said in the past he doesnt like being told what to do… or pushed around. He will not tolerate heavy handed pushing by Amanda… it might just make him do the opposite of what she wants him to do. I have a feeling he will have a few conversations with Spencer and I’d be willing to bet GM will be on the block at some point this week… maybe bd if one of his original nominees gets off with veto. That way he wont have to listen to her whine about it all week … just 1/2 of the week. lol

  44. Now you KNOW Jessie’s gonna give it up to Judd the Stud now that he’s king of the castle. I’d give up my Veto title just to be a camera in the HOH room this week to see Judd getting some of that fine a$$:D #teamJeJu ftw!!!

  45. Kind of tired of Amanda’s mouth….put her up, scare her silent. Give everybody’s ears a break. What a bully.

  46. blkg hey im doing the same thing im voting amanda ten times she needs to be brought down win hoh amanda then you put up who you want

  47. I think I will vote for Elissa as MVP. Just to confuse the crap outta the houseguests. Don’t ya think? Sounds like fun to me. Plus, can’t stand her voice. Way too much like Rachel. 2 seasons of BB and Amazing Race was PLENTY of air time for that woman.

  48. Amanda says target people with the numbers. Seems like she would be a good choice then. She is in a big alliance and she has “Aaryn wrapped around her finger” not to mention there is no way McCrea will turn on her. Out of everyone in her alliance, she looks to be in the best position as far as having a relationship with the outsiders and the only one in a showmance. Howard and Spencer, maybe GM are the only ones she probably can’t count on. I am getting bored with her bossing everyone around.

  49. Amanda needs to go up. When has Howard ever used his race to intimidate anyone. Oh my bad, he’s the big scarey black man. She’s starting that racist shit already. Her face hardens every time she sees Howard near Candace. That’s her damn problem. Of course he has lied in this game but who hasn’t in that house and now she’s saying he swore 3 times on the bible. What a bold face bohemian liar. Can’t wait until she finds out the twist and watch her piss in her pants because she knows the house guest haven’t heard all her racist, lying and bullying comments but America has. McP@#sy is the only guy in that house that truly looks like a dirty rat. Judd would be an absolute idiot to listen to her. I truly hope that skank ( Amanda) is voted as the 3rd nominee.

  50. Judd=Jugghead! Thanks production for feeding this mumbling, moron the answers! How the hell else could he win it??? DUH! Now we have to put up with this rockhead and Jessie ruling the HOH room for a week. You guys thought Helen was bad? Just wait. Jessie in all her “beautiousness” along with her winning personality, alongside the mumbling Jugghead, will be unbearable to to watch! UGH! I want to throw something at my TV! Jessie was one step from having a showmance with the Zingbot if Jugghead didn’t decide to hook up with her. How desperate and pathetic. And Spencer’s crush on her?? Well, look at him!!! Adam Poch 2.0. Jugghead must live in a cave as he is more white than a ghost! I am sorry to ramble on about these 2, but they are just unbearable to me. They make the fishies look smart. Hey production, STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE GAME!

  51. BTW-The reason Amanda wants Howard out is because of the influence he wields over 2 HG’s, Candice and Spencer. He is certainly no physical threat as he is marshmallow soft, and is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If not for his influence over them he would be zero threat. Why do these muscle men stink at physical comps?

  52. Amanda is not bullying people; the bullies are Jeremy, Aaryn, GM, and Helen. Amanda’s playing a good game because she CAN manipulate the HoH’s. She’s getting exactly what she wants without getting any of the blood on her hands. This is what makes her such a good gamer.

    1. And so far, McCrae has been teflon coated. He has done damage and none of it sticks to him. He is also the only one that can tell Amanda to can it when she’s going to far, and she will protect him over anyone else. As long as Amanda can lay low this week and let things play out, her, McCrae and Judd will be in a great place.

    2. manda has been bullying people the entire game and alot of it not even game related, on a personal level like her treatment of howard and jess

  53. Based on the media coverage – America will vote for Aaryn, GM or Spencer – BB production has the national media coverage to justify their planned outcome – and Amanda and Helen have had good production edits.

    1. cbs edits of amanda are a joke

      this is why people have to vote all 10 votes for amanda so she gets on the block

  54. Aaryn should go before Howard, and in the words of Amanda to Aaryn “What game are you playing”, when she confronted Aaryn on her offensive comments. Maybe she should ask herself the same. When has Howard used the race card, considering he wanted to downplay the racism in the house. Not to mention his best bud(male) is Spence. So, Amanda, “What game are you playing?”

  55. Racist Amanda has to go i want to see her face when she goes up..She is a lazy ballon topped bossy bitch like as soon as Aaryn goes we have Aaryn 2.0 Amanda with her racist comments keep your mouth shut you seen how far it has gotten Aaryn why would you want to be the the same boat but hey if your racist your racist which in this part you are thanks for admitting it so now you go too

  56. You all are dissing amanda for wanting howard out over aryan but remember shes not watching the feeds like us. Shes pretty smart to figure out howard is a threat cause he is, everything he does is calculated. To her aryan is just a mean girl who said a few bad things. She hasnt heard everything aryans said like us. Plus aryan is pretty useless and she is alone amanda is playing smart even if shes a bit pushy sometimes. I think she sees stuff other people dont see and it agrivates her that people dont get it.

    1. what has howard done that is so calculated? he has one of the worst games in the house. He was horrible with the lies, he lied again when caught. no he doesn’t use his race and he hasn’t won crap. he really doesn’t have a great game. He made a lot of bad decisions. No one will truly align with him except Candace, who hasn’t won anything either. Spencer is only down for him now. If he see it coming he will jump ship faster then you can say women hater. So what are they threaten by????? THE BIG BLACK MAN!!!!! just typing that scared the crap out of me!

  57. If I hear one more comment about the bible I’m going to pull my face off. Is that what you want? This topic is DEAD. Everyone has said everything about it, and Dan, ENOUGH times. WE GET IT. Don’t you hate those people that keep repeating something they already told you? I hereby close this topic permanently. Not because it’s a bad topic. Because we’ve ALREADY HEARD IT. Failure to comply with this edict will make you ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE….

  58. What is truly hilarious is that Amanda is digging her own grave. If Judd nominates aaryn, Amanda will be America’s choice. Haha!

  59. amanda fans and mccrae fans! vote strategically for helen, howard or gina marie!!! aaryn is currently first, but amanda is second in the poll! 🙁 aaryn will undoubtedly be number 1, so do not waste your vote on her. if aaryn is already nominated by judd, the second place person will go up, which might be amanda! so vote strategically for helen, howard or gina marie!!

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