“Whoever threw my name out, I’m coming for them! I don’t give a f**k! Even if its Janelle! My idol! I am coming for that Ho!”

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Ian, Kevin, Memphis, NicoleA
Nominations -Keesha and Kevin
Power of Veto Players are – Cody, Kevin, Keesha, Enzo, Kaysar, Ian
Power of Veto holder -Enzo
Power of Veto Ceremony – Enzo doesn’t use it. Nominations stay the same.
Safety Suite – Kaysar & Janelle
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7pm – 8pm The house guests are eating the tacos / burritos and chatting out in the backyard.

7:50pm Hammock. Kevin and DaVonne.
DaVonne – how are you doing? Kevin – good, considering I got crazy news. Nicole talked to Ian and I think its Memphis pushing Ian to do it. DaVonne – the last time I checked you were safe. Kevin – yeah because I know Janelle, Memphis, Kaysar are gunning to keep Keesha. DaVonne – I don’t think Dani is. Kevin – I talked to Dani. I talked to Nicole. I talked to you. I talked to Bay. I talked to .. DaVonne – so even if those four do you still have the majority of the votes. Kevin – its going to be close girl! DaVonne – if all of your votes are locked .. she only has four. Kevin – yeah but there are probably some people that are telling them that its locked too you know what I mean? DaVonne – well I talked to her today and she asked me for my vote and I told her I can’t. She told me she has 7. Kevin – with you? DaVonne – MMmmhhhmm. Kevin – that’s what I am telling you.. people are telling her she has their vote when then don’t. Its going to be close. I need to figure out an angle as to why I would be more beneficial to them. Are people perceiving her to be a great pawn to keep? Dani’s advice to say that she (Keesha) is a comp beast is only beneficial if we want her to seem less pawn like. DaVonne – your personality makes it seem like anyone sitting next to you will go home. Kevin – who do you think is my weakest link? DaVonne – who do you know that you definitely don’t have? Kevin – It is going to be close. It might be David as the swing vote. Kevin – no he’s the weakest link. DaVonne – no he’s locked. I talked to him today. Kevin – I need to talk to Tyler. If Keesha says that she has 6 or 7 that means that it includes Tyler. Kevin – The house is going to be split! And I am coming for whoever was behind the motive of getting me out! DaVonne – its going to cause a great divide. Kevin – whoever was behind throwing my name out .. I am coming for them! I don’t give a f**k! Even if its Janelle! My idol! I am coming for that Ho! DaVonne – how do you know what was told wasn’t what Cody said. Kevin – because Ian was told to keep Keesha. If that was Memphis! I am coming for Memphis .. I don’t care if it jeopardizes my game. DaVonne – This is who big brother works. Say you win HOH? Kevin – then I am going to put his a$$ up. Kevin – I am going to split this house girl! I need it more black and white. DaVonne – this next HOH is going to cause people to start playing. Kevin – I am so sick of this nebulous thinking. I want it to be more ..expose yourself. Turn on the lights and let the cockroaches scramble!

Bay and Dani talk about how they would prefer for Kevin to stay. Bay – she (KIeesha) didn’t even try (to win the veto).

Ian and Dani in the hammock chatting about past seasons of big brother. Iam – I don’t feel like I have compelling reasons to nominate anyone ..like if I got it (HOH) I don’t know what I would do. Dani – I don’t hate anyone. There are definitely people that I don’t feel safe with. But there is no one that I straight up oohhh.. I don’t want them here. Not yet at least! There will be! Ian – I am sure eventually. I officially survived week one on social alone and not comps.

8:45pm – 9pm Backyard. DaVonne and Kaysar.
DaVonne – what are you leaning towards for your personal game? kaysar – neither of them have any impact on my personal game. My strategy does not involve either of them nor do I have anything to go off of. This does not affect me. DaVonne – yeah so its not a win or a loss. Kaysar – I would have more of an opinion if you or like Bay were up. This checks the box of no opinion. And nothing against them .. I just never got close to them. He (Cody) picked super neutral players. DaVonne – or it would be easier if he picked someone that was a problem.

NicoleF – who do you think the house wants to stay? We need to start talking about it. Ian – I think .. my guess is 60% Keesha, 40% for Kevin to stay.

9:15pm NicoleA and Kevin.
Kevin – I have Enzo, Dani, Bay, you, NicoleF, DaVonne, David .. that is seven but it could go either way. Nicole – Memphis seemed indifferent. Kevin – I love you for it ..helping me with this situation.. I am going look out for you. I got you! No one is going to f**k with you. Nicole – I was sitting down with David and talking to him for a bit and I was like I really like Kevin. He was like I don’t really know him well but I really like you, DaVonne and Bay. And I was like OMG that’s a great group. And I was like I think we should bring Kevin into that. And David was like yeah I like that too. That would be a solid 5 right there. Kevin – then we can all look out for each other. Nicole – that is why I am hoping one of us gets into power. Kevin – if I win HOH .. I am going to make a division. Nicole – Just do it! F**King do it! Maybe not this early though.

9:35pm – 9:50pm HOH room. Christmas is crying and DaVonne is comforting her. DaVonne – you have to remember its all for him (her son Loyal). Christmas – you know you want to detach but as soon as you start thinking about them. DaVonne – I understand. Trust me. NicoleA – are you okay?! DaVonne – another day done is another day closer to him. Christmas – I’ve just never been this long without him. F**king Enzo was talking about his and pulled out a little lego. They calm her down. Christmas – well I just totally ugly cried. DaVonne and NicoleA leave. Christmas starts crying again. Bay and NicoleF come in and comfort her.

10:20pm Backyard. Janelle and Ian. Ian – how do you feel about this upcoming vote off. Janelle – has anyone talked to you? Ian no, people ask and I just act like I have no idea. Janelle – what do you want to do? Ian – honestly, I have no idea. I am 50/50 at this point with everyone because no one knows what they want to do. Janelle – well tell me how you’re voting? I’ve got your back even though, I don’t want people to think that we’re working, working together just from the same season because there is a lot of gossip. I don’t want to make myself an even bigger target. I am definitely not after you and if I hear anything I will let you know. And I would like to figure out who everyone is voting for. Ian – I don’t think anyone has decided yet. Everyone knows that the best way to win this game is to take a nap for eight weeks. Janelle – yeah but not everyone can do that.

11pm – 11:35pm Backyard. Christmas and Cody are playing pool. The others are chatting about random things around the house.

DaVonne – She’s been talking to me. What is your relationship with NicoleF. Dani – There was one time when she was out here with Cody and I went to lunch with her.. but that was they only time I met her. When I came here for that thing they told me I was hosting a competition. And I was like what the hell is this? How do you have 5 hosts? And I am 5 weeks postpartum. And they told me it was for Nicole’s wedding. You know how you can’t say no to Big Brother type things. I kind of feel like because she isn’t close with girls they asked me because I lived out here and because she was on with Britney. It didn’t make sense .. I had met her once. But like I am cool with her and I don’t feel like she is going to come after me. DaVonne – I dunno everyone is being real like .. but when it comes to my secrets and the sh*t that I know .. I dump them on you and Bay. Dani – who else are you liking. DaVonne – I like Christmas. Dani – I thought you were tighter with Janelle. And she was trying to pull an all girls. DaVonne – is that what you think? Dani – I don’t know, maybe she is on an island all by her own. DaVonne – what do you think about Kevin staying? Dani – I want Kevin to stay too. DaVonne – the fan of the games loves her (Keesha) but big brother 22 all stars needs him (Kevin) here. Dani – how do you feel about Christmas? DaVonne – I tried to talk to her about game and she wouldn’t tell me anything!

12:20am – 12:40am Hammock. NicoleF is crying because she is tired and needs sleep. She goes over to the hammock so that no one will see her crying. Cody joins her. Nicole – did Christmas talk to you? Cody – yeah. Nicole – Memphis came to me with that today. He trusts me. Its a good group. Cody – Its a really good group. I trust Christmas. She is straight up. I trust Dani but the thing that makes me nervous about Dani is that she gets nervous .. she is always saying stuff. You know when you say stuff that is always hidden behind .. like kind of how you feel? Cody – you need to be careful with .. like Enzo walked in on you with Ian. Nicole – its not like that ..Ian is my cover. Cody – I know .. just something to be aware. Nicole – I thought we were supposed to have the four and he is already getting like that? I told Enzo ..I infiltrate over on that side and he can infiltrate. Cody – no I think its that he just really doesn’t trust Ian. Nicole – Keesha isn’t good at Comps. I want to know who Janelle wants gone and do the opposite. I think they have a preference but aren’t saying and that is going to be the side of the house that we’re against. There is going to be a line drawn. Cody – I was talking to Enzo and he said he is cool with kevin. And I was talking to DaVonne and she was cool with whatever. Nicole – she told me Kevin today. Nicole – so Kevin is cool. I am good with Kevin and he said he wouldn’t put me on the block. And I think he will stay true to it. Nicole – if I win HOH who would I put up? Cody – Janelle. Nicole – no. I can’t do that already. Cody – why the f**k not?! Nicole – are you serious.. that is probably the worst thing I could do. America will vote her a$$ right back in here. Cody – who would you put up to start. Nicole – exactly, I feel like I am friends with too many people. I am going to hang out with Ian all the time because if I am sitting on the block next to Ian .. thats better than sitting on the block next to you. Cody – I feel really comfortable with DaVonne. Nicole – just be really careful because everything you tell DaVonne she tells Bay and she tells Janelle. Cody – if its Kaysar (who wins HOH) I am going up on the block. Ian joins them.

12:40am – 1am Dani, Nicole and Cody.
Nicole is worried that Janelle is going to put her up on the block and that she’s coming after her. Dani – Nicole needs to go to bed. I am telling you she is not going to go after you right now. Eventually yes, 100% I think she will. She will not go after you. Cody – also think in these terms.. you’ve played 2 other times.. you’ve already won. Take the nerves of going up..you’re a winner. I’m a winner that came back to all stars. I feel like you’re getting nervous about going up .. what are they going to do? They’re not going to send us home. One of us will either win the safety suite. Or one of us will win the veto and we’ll be fine. Nicole – I am packing my bags Cody. Dani – oh my god! I want a new alliance member. Cody – I don’t give a f**k if you put me on the block … and send me home pre-jury .. thank you for the favor. Dani – I HATE my alliance! Oh my god ..what did I sign up for. You literally just said you want to go home first. Cody – no ..you’re misinterpreting it. I am taking out that nervousness because what the f**k is there to lose. Nicole – you won’t use the safety suite? Dani – I am not using it next week. Cody – you’re not using it? Gosh you’re that comfortable in this house?! Maybe we need a new alliance. Dani – what if you need the next week? I think its stupid. Do you really think you have that much beef with people? Nicole – I am using it. Cody – I am doing it .. I don’t get to play in the next HOH and there is a ton of people so there is a solid chance I don’t get to play in the veto.

1:20am – 1:55am Kevin and Tyler. Kevin – I don’t want to play against you, I want to play with you. Tyler – I didn’t make preseason stuff because I wanted make not obvious connections. I got you. Kevin – I got you. We moved in together. I talked to Enzo ..the same thing. Ian I am trying to talk to too. I saw him talking to Enzo. Tyler – he doesn’t seem like an open book. Dani, Ian and Cody talk about how long the season is supposed to be. Dani says that she was originally told it would go till October 21 and then she was told October 28th. Dani says that she originally signed up for 78 days and then they changed to to 85 days.

2:20am Backyard. Cody, Dani and Kevin.
Kevin tells them about how mad Memphis is that the lights are on in the havenot room. He says that Memphis got mad stormed out of the room to tell Big Brother to turn off the lights. Kevin – I don’t like being in the room when he is that mad. Kevin tells Cody that he thinks he’s got eight people. Cody – who are the people that haven’t gotten yes’s from because maybe I can steer them. Kevin – Ian. Cody – I can have a conversation with him and I think he would vote to keep you if I steer him in that direction.

3am All the house guests are sleeping..

6:53 am Sleeping yo

9:52 am feeds down for wake up?

50 thoughts to ““Whoever threw my name out, I’m coming for them! I don’t give a f**k! Even if its Janelle! My idol! I am coming for that Ho!””

  1. ian: “playing my season, with dan, i realised nothing is for sure, nothing is certain”

    i really enjoy listening to ian talk about past seasons and the way he describes things

  2. Just have to say, non-game related, I feel for the parents missing their kids :’( As a mom myself, would be hard to leave your kids for so long, especially when they’re toddlers or very young, can’t get that time back. And for the first time in this game so many of them, being more mature, have young children at home, unlike in past seasons. I wonder, strategically, how much that will affect their game play, or if at all?

    On a side note, it’s actually so nice, to me, to see a cast — and yeah, I know, it’s All Stars — of mostly real gamers not primarily made up of young-to-mid twenty somethings all looking for followers on their social media sites.

    1. Ummm, they’ve been on BB b4 , they know the drill & they chose to be there away from their children. Xmas the crutch queen just wants sympathy so she can slither through the game like the snake we know her to be.

  3. tyler/christmas convo…haha tyler forgot the 6th member of memphis’ proposed alliance (snakeole)

    tyler: “memphis and the people he named ive connected to minimally” – doesnt sound like tyler is totally into it

    to me tyler seems much more comfortable and open in one on one chats with kaysar and janelle

    1. I think that Janelle pushes productions buttons, too. She will run smear campaigns on former HGs, too! But is it a smear campaign if she is speaking truth?

      Production cannot control Janelle, only censor her. How many times has she been talking when feeds cut? Anyone ever do a tally as to which HGs cause the most feed cuts?

      1. CBS seems too intent on cutting feeds off and on every time a black houseguest actually talks about their feelings regarding their past experiences as a black houseguest on big brother past seasons to worry too much about Janelle taking the info she got from Dan, and gave to Evel Dick as that important. The only person THAT seems overly important to is Nicolef. And Dani knows it, so keeps hyping it up.
        Funny, i thought both Dani and Janelle were at Nicolef’s wedding shower, and both were invited to the wedding. Odd.

  4. snakeole hilariously whining and crying in full meltdown mode to cody/christmas about janelle keeping her awake and bringing up people she doesnt like(there was 5 in the room but only janelle gets backlash)

    why does snakeole sleep right next to janelle if she hates her so much? (it would be great if snakeole moved to danis room so janelle/kaysar/keesha chats can flow)

    dani/snakeole hate that janelle isnt forced to wear the costume all the time

    the hatred/jealousy snakeole and dani have for janelle is intense

    if i was cody i wouldnt want to work with such a mentally fragile player

    1. I truly think Dani has envy when it comes to Janelle’s status in Big Brother Canon. They have similar records when it comes to comps, but Janelle is considered Iconic, while Dani is sometimes lost in the shuffle as Evel Dick’s daughter. That would annoy, I can understand it though. It’s a ‘why her and not me’ when they have such similar comp records. Petty, but understandable.
      Nicole? I have no doubt that Janelle has gossiped about Nicole to other alumni (ie got a bit of info from Dan and passed it to Dick), and I have no doubt that Janelle liking Rachel is a sore spot (she should hate who I hate aspect there). But, IMO Nicole isn’t the sweetheart her bio claims her to be. I honestly think half of the in house game rumors Nicole whispers about Janelle are made up, and intentionally made up with forethought, not as tactic, but jealousy. I think Janelle can be a catty blabbermouth, but i think Nicole is actually more apt to lie. Here’s the difference: Janelle: this is what i heard / was told spoken as gossip. Nicole: this is what i thought spoken as fact. I think it’s completely in Nicole’s head that as a former winner she should have been getting the night one star treatment, but Janelle got it, and that’s got Nicole’s goat. Where Dani has envy, Nicole has jealousy. It’s a subtle distinction, but there is a distinction (wish I had vs. I should have instead of you). That’s why Janelle has an entire working ranch, a summer home, and a yacht ALL rent free in Nicole’s head.
      TBH I think this evening’s crying is because Christmas was crying and getting attention and praise, and anybody ELSE getting attention or recognition is problematic for Nicolef because Nicole believes any attention given to others is attention diverted from her. Her reaction to Nicolea being sick is case in point.
      She went out to the hammock so nobody would see her cry? Sure. Because the hammock isn’t the first place people look when seeing if someone is outside or walking through the kitchen. Ask Fes. More like deliberately putting herself in a false self isolation position and getting the sadz so that anyone passing by will give her peptalks and praise. She isn’t crying because she’s tired. Who does that? Other than infants? She’s crying to get sympathy and praise and attention. And hoping the Cody comforts Nicole sequence will have a special segment on the show while evil Janelle is baking cakes in a star costume (the only time they seem to push her wearing it is when it might make the show).

      1. If anyone has never seen BB and knows nothing of the past, how many would figure out that NF is a former champ? Even HGs have mentioned how she doesn’t carry herself as champ.

        Could you imagine in the NFL, Belichick or Brady being scared to tears of their opponents?

        The old saying to true contenders is to act like you’ve been there before. Nicole acts as if tomorrow is her last day to live and she’s given up, then again, not many single cocks in the house to rub. Add in that Victor probably told her that that strategy would end in no marriage, with her lack of charisma and likeability (especially when compared to Jedi Jani), with her own idea that she is a great champ and deserving to be an all-star because she “beat” Paul….she “beat off” some guys, but not in a competition sense….

    2. He’s only looking to work with some people for a few weeks….Memphis will be his man for a while, so will Enzo. Nicole is a number that Derrick told him to keep close until later. Derrick told Nicole to stick with Cody and that she can trust him to the end.

  5. If Paul didn’t backdoor Davonne on his HOH maybe he could have got Davonnes vote instead of voting for Nicole to win BB 18. But you have to give Nicole credit for because she didn’t get any blood on her hands when Davonne left that week, she was able to convince Paul and Paulie to not only go after Davonne but to also not use herself as a pawn on the block as well that same week when Davonne went home on Paul’s HOH. And that was an important moment considering Nicole didn’t get nominated until the final four on day 91 albeit Paul was nominated 6 times leading up to the point in the game.

    And Paul also had the luxury of having his friend Victor (aka sitting ducks) who was his number one ally and meat shield come an unprecedented three times.In the final five if Victor doesn’t come back for a third time Paul probably goes home at the post Veto nominations at that point in the game in the final 5 because Cory won the HOH and Nicole won the Veto. If Paul’s number one ally doesn’t get the chance to come back for a third time Paul is gone at the final five.
    His number ally who shield him got eliminated three times on their way to the final five. Nicole didn’t lost her number one ally Corey for the first time at the final four.

    People truly do forget the magnitude of Paul’s HOH reign when he probably lost Davonne vote from his previous inability of not communicating with her from big sister as well as especially getting all the blood on his hands and back during her on his HOH week. I’m sure that had a huge effect on Davonnes mind on why she voted for Nicole. And people forget how much Of an underrated benefit Paul received to have his number one ally Victor be evicted three times because that really saved him at the final considering both Paul and Victor where still nominated post Veto at the final five and traditional standards of big brother don’t take an account and should realize it’s unfair for one house gas to have a strong bond with someone and to have that person have three chances to help prolong their stay in the game as well.

    The Fact Paul got nominated 6 times and lost his ally Victor three times all prior to Nicole even being nominated for the very first time is the exact reason why Nicole deserved to beat Paul in Big Brother 18.

    If people decide is a snake thats there’s decision. But the truth of the matter is is that it is clear that she deserved the win of big brother 18 over Paul.

    I mean come on when you
    you consider the first 90 days of big brother 18 Paul got nominated 6 times and lost his number one ally Victor three times and all during that time Nicole never lost her number one ally Corey once and Nicole also never even got nominated or put on the eviction block. And what made that feat even more impressive that there was even with havthe roadkill competition 3rd nominee for the first 5 weeks of the season.

    People forget Paul miss handling his first HOH and deceiving Davonne acting like she wasn’t going home when reality he was trying to back door the whole time that probably lost her vote there when it came to giving NicoleF the 500k.

    What was also Paul’s major Achilles’ heel was that he could not own up or excuse his actions to the jury questions for when you would be abrasive and insult people and especially some of his actions rubbed the wrong way.
    And at the end of the day big Brother is a social experiment and if your offending People or insulting their intelligence personally by demeaning them they might not want to give you money for that reason. We’ve seen that happen in big brother all the time and it shows that it can cost you
    a.k.a. ivette insulting Rachel in BB 6 and losing the game because of it!!!!

    Other people hate Nicole and think she’s a dirty for whatever reason that’s their decision to have that opinion but people really have to realize the honest truth that as far as how we saw how big brother 18 play out

    Nicole Was the deserving winner in Big Brother 18, Because she was never nominated while Paul got nominated six times and lost his ally three times and when she wasnt in a position of power she had things go her way. Never underestimate that Paul HOH costing him Jury Vote when he Decieved Davonne about her backdooring in Big Brother 18

    That’s why Nicole was the deserving winner of big brother 18.

    1. Or: you could ask yourself, what did Da’vonne get for voting for Nicole? A spot on bbott for her buddy Jason? Consideration for guest appearances? Consideration for future projects which became a challenge contract?
      Da’vonne wasn’t in an alliance with Paul in her last week they had a non-alliance agreement (no handshake or pinky I don’t think), Nicole was in an alliance with Da’vonne, was part of the planning and voted her out. Paul played her. Nicole betrayed her.
      The entire season of 18 has a big old asterisk in front of it. From the promotional hints in Grodner statements (watch out for the women this year type things) to the stacking of the vets and a familial connection to a 16 player, to the spoken about on feeds pregaming, to the dirt Paul and Tiffani have been putting out on social media about 18 (to the extent that they are believable, don’t @ me on that point), to the post d/r conversations houseguests had about being told not to target Nicole, the edit of the episodes that was furthest i’ve seen from feeds in a LONG time, to the vote making no sense (the audience was scratching their head and saying Grodner got to Da’vonne after the finale)
      It’s not just Denmark that smells fishy. There’s something off about 18.

    2. How many times can you say the same thing. This post could have been 3 sentences and got your point across. It’s like you were writing an essay for school and you needed a set amount of words so you reworded the same 3 “points” 8 different times lol.

      1. Wasn’t that the strategy used by the best player of all-time, Dr Will?

        When he won, there were no vetos, no special powers, no re-sets, no final 20 deals. All of those came a few seasons later as they had a hard time finding likeable players who could play.

        What percentage of HGs could maneuver like Will if they had to play in a season 2 structure…without having any previous seasons to gain info. The only thing to learn from season 1 for Will was to ensure he had good DRs, which again, he is the best.

    3. That’s a lot of writing that no one will read fully….you lost me once you mentioned NF, Paul, and that season more than once in a single post….any Cliff notes…Hogg? Bueller?

  6. While on the hammock, Cody indicates to NicF and Dani that if he won the next hoh he would put up NicA and David, telling them there was a backdoor plan.
    NicF: Ohh, that’s a good idea, I’d do that too.
    In my head Cody then stood up and said dance monkey dance to NicF. And she did the dance of the frootloop dingi.

    1. Were the under a blanket on the hammock? Where were her hands? Will she be this season’s Christine?

    1. it was big meech

      in bb18 jury they did artwork and meech drew nic as a snake and showed it and said “look, its a snakeole”

    1. As well it should. I mean she’s very likeable. She was last year too! But she’s just so clueless, just like she was on season 21. She’s nothing but a pawn, there to be used by the other players for a number and her vote, until she’s finally discarded somewhere along the way. No telling when that will be because she’s certainly not a threat to anyone, so she may last a while due to the “value” of her vote.

  7. I don’t see this alliance that Memphis is forming is going to work out. Tyler doesn’t seem sold on it. If Tyler gets HOH next week I could see something else form. The only thing is he seems tight with Cody and that might mess up that, but who knows if Tyler talks to Davonne and Bayleigh they might spill the beans about their alliance with Cody and Enzo.

  8. looks like dani has played well enough to possibly now be the one most trusted by cody

    they both see how mentally fragile snakeole is

    dani is a little worried about enzo, cody says hes fine

    dani is very worried about memphis “people hate him”

    dani wants to take day far…quiet and easy to beat in competitions

  9. What is this game Cody and Dani were talking about “The Challenge?” Is it a Canadian show? Apparently Da (and many other BB alums) have been on it, but Dani just said Da was p*ssed after she appeared because she got outed for being a lesbian. It’s sad people are still feeling a need to be closeting themselves… way to go society.

    1. its a show on mtv…paulie, davonne, natalie negrotti, fessy, kaycee, liz and julia, jozea, josh, swaggy, bayleigh, victor, and from bb ott morgan willett have been on…morgan is now girlfriend of the shows most well known player johnny ‘bananas’ (he has won 7 times in i think 21 seasons he has played)…i enjoy watching it

    2. MTV’s the Challenge. American show. Usually filmed on location somewhere other than the US. Started off as what do we do with all these real world people now that we aren’t making real world anymore. While cbs and viacom were in negotiations, big brother people started appearing on the Challenge, along with some international contestants from other reality programs in places like the UK. To me it’s like okay let’s make bb comps more extreme, then send out a bunch of egomaniacal jerks to get drunk at a bar, and call the after effect social game.
      Big Brother contestants that have done Challenge that I’m aware of:
      Paulie, Natalie, Victor, Da’vonne, Jozea, the Nolan twins, Josh, Fes, Bayleigh, Shaggy, Kaycee.
      others that have expressed interest: Brett, one of the Jackholes, David (says he was asked).

  10. What will Tyler’s defense be if someone catches on that he has eleventy-two deals?
    I only went to you. They all came to me day 2. What do you say when someone comes and says i want to work with you on day 2? The same excuse he gave last time.
    Is anyone else revealing they have a Tyler deal? Ba? No because she has a 2 with Da. vice versa Da. Each of them having a final 2 with him and each other ensures they keep their mouths shut. That seems to cover 1/2 the deals, if they reveal, their other final 2’s lose faith.
    How about Cody? What happens if Enzo finds out he isn’t in one of the Brigades? What if he finds out Cody has multiple final 2’s? Especially since Enzo was part of the get out Keesha to pull in Memphis when he doesn’t have a backup plan (still think Memphis has a lot more of a hand in the plan from pregame with Cody: get her out, i look weak without a partner, and don’t have to ask her or worry if she resents me a decade later for backstabbing her). I don’t think Enzo would be especially forgiving. Nicolef might buy that the others are fake, only the one with her is real (it’s what she’s already put out there about Ian), but I don’t see Enzo buying that.

  11. LoL @ Dani having to remind Nozzle she’s won this game before and to STOP drawing attention to herself because no one has been talking about her and her crying jags are not going to help. Methinks Dani wants to shake her and tell her to act like a winner. Dani: “I’ve got you. I promise you are fine.” Starscreen.

  12. I wish there were no jury house this year. The jury should have to live with the people who evicted them so they can see all of the evidence.

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