“[Janelle] this might be it! Your 4th try. Two decades later! This might be the story YO! Stars have aligned.”

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Ian, Kevin, Memphis, NicoleA
Nominations -Keesha and Kevin
Power of Veto Players are – Cody, Kevin, Keesha, Enzo, Kaysar, Ian
Power of Veto holder -Enzo
Power of Veto Ceremony – Enzo doesn’t use it. Nominations stay the same.
Safety Suite – Kaysar & Janelle
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Kevin is staying as of 4:30 pm.

HOH room. Enzo and Day.
Enzo – Memphis is walking around like .. YO you going home too YO! Stop it! Kaysar keep cooking your carrot f**king top cake. You’re going home too YO! F**k That! I want to win this sh*t tomorrow YO! I want to go back to back. I want to win this tomorrow. So bad I want to win! Day – yeah I want to see my kids. Enzo – Yo D! I don’t give a f**k .. on my season I was scared to win HOHs and do good in the house. Now its all star season .. YO! F**k that! There is a good chance all of us are going to go.. only one of us wins. So might as well just play! I like you Day. I like Dani too. Day – I like her a lot. That’s what I want to talk to ya’ll about. Enzo – I think at one point we’re going to have to merge people in. Not right now.. just keep everyone close that we trust and then at one point we just merge. And then I’ll come up with that name so they won’t know that me and you were in something. Trust me YO! Work with me Yo! Day – how do you feel about Tyler? Enzo – I think he likes me .. he sleeps right next to me. Day – people are talking about him being with Janelle. I don’t know .. but I do like Dani. I always talk Janelle up when I see her .. because I know you about to win some sh*t BRO! Janelle you the superstar! Everyone loves you in this house. This might be it! Your forth try. This might be it! Two decades later! This might be it! This might be the story yo! Stars have aligned. Yo I am just silly this season. I am like whatever Yo! Day sees on the spy cam and says – Memphis, NicoleF and Ian just went into the havenot room.

11:30pm Storage room. Janelle and Day.
Janelle – I asked Kevin and he said I have five votes. I don’t want to stick out. If that girl (Keesha) comes off the block tomorrow she is putting up to guys. Day – and that protects all of us. But if its me, you, Bay will vote with us. Janelle – I think NicoleA would vote with us. Day – if all of us girls vote for her .. then we’re all sitting ducks and Kevin is still here. Janelle – Christmas came to me tonight and side she would vote for us. Then we wouldn’t need Ian.

11:52pm Bedroom. Christmas and Janelle.
Janelle – its weird that it totally switched to Keesha staying. Christmas – where did that come from? Janelle – from you.. telling me that DaVonne said it. (LOL) Christmas – right after I talked to Kevin .. I heard about like how they favored him because of his advance .. like him being ahead of Keesha in the veto and she is connected to very few people. Janelle – so is Kevin. Christmas – but he is definitely trying and I thought that Keesha was going to come talk to me after she got nominated. And like tonight is really last minute. Its so weird I didn’t get to ask DaVonne where she heard that. Janelle – she said she heard that in the house. Christmas – she said IF Keesha had the votes. Janelle – and like why is Bay in the HOH room with Cody? Honestly Christmas, either one is fine to me.

12:15am HOH room. Cody and Bay.
Bay – tell me about the whole Dani thing? Cody – Dani is going to come in and join our four so it will be five of us. Bay – so she won’t know about the original four? Cody – I hope not. Bay – I don’t want anyone to know about the four. Bay – I wanted it to be us four and then add in people. And then we can be like oh its a totally different .. this is our alliance. Cody – Day is smooth as f**k so she is probably going to do this anyways. Day joins them. Cody – so I know Janelle is going to come talk to me. If she gets blindsided .. she is going to raise hell. When do we let her know? Bay – I can let her know right before. And if she doesn’t listen to me .. then that is on her. I will be like I am trying to warn you. Day – no offense to you but why do people keep asking you.. your job is done!

12:50am – 1:10am HOH room. Ian and Cody.
Cody – not that we’re one on one .. what are you thinking? Ian – as to? Cody – who’s staying and who’s going. Who would you go with your heart? Who would you go with your gut? Who would you go with your head? Ian – I think that Kevin is going to stay. Cody – I think so too.. I think that’s where the numbers are. Ian – I think Kevin is staying .. it just seems to be the vibe around. They chat a bit and then Ian leaves.

4am All the house guests are sleeping..

9:21 am houseguests up Janelle and Keesha chatting
Talking about how Funny Dan is.
J – I wish he was on this season
Keesha – I do and I don’t.. he’s so good though
Keesha – he looked a little different the last time I saw a picture of him compare to the last time I saw him
Janelle – people are like she looks different.. it’s been 15 years..
Keesha – it’s been a long time 12 years..
They talk about negative people on the internet “that’s how they get their energy” (I’m powered up)

Keesha – today they name more have note right

After some feed showing pound puppies we’re back to Janelle and Keesha

11:28 am
J – I’m like so tired
Keesha says she asked Ian and he said it’s up in the air
Keesha says Ian told her he’s heard both of their names (both noms)
Janelle asks her to not say she talked to Janelle because it makes Janelle a target
J – I should probably go talk to people to see where the vote is at

Keesha says she’s prepared to be leaving today.

54 thoughts to ““[Janelle] this might be it! Your 4th try. Two decades later! This might be the story YO! Stars have aligned.””

    1. I looked him up online and it says he is 42 years old. 42! Yet he talks like he is 20 or 21 with YO being the word he uses most predominantly. Come on guy, you are middle aged! IMO you are embarrassing yourself, and your children by the way you talk and the way you carry yourself on national TV. Why not show a bit more maturity, maybe drop a few hundred YO’s from your speech pattern, and try talking like an adult for a while? I’m sure your kids would appreciate it, but at least they probably aren’t getting harassed at school over it due to the whole virus thing. One blessing for them anyway.

      1. He’s from that part of Jersey where everyone talks like that. His kids will be treated like rock stars in school not picked on (except from the jealous bullies of course). Yo!

      1. I really enjoyed him in 12 a lot too, but that was 10 years ago, and Enzo’s brain doesn’t seem to have aged much during that time. Maybe that’s a good thing, as he can still relate to the younger kids in the house, I don’t know. I just know it’s irritating when an old guy goes around trying to act like a kid, and that’s what Enzo appears to be doing (not that 42 is ancient or anything – he’s just older than the average person in the house). Oh, BTW Kaysar and Janelle are both 40 and Keesha is also 42. Would you have guessed J & K are younger than the meow meow based on how they all act? Not me – Not at all!

  1. Even though I am not liking the start to this game and the pregame being obvious, I think most of these non-shining stars are going to f*** up soon…

    I like how Janelle is working Christmas, Xmas will grow paranoid and reveal her true colours. Her blow up alone will begin to show people’s allegiances and have to make hard-line decisions…..do I actually work with her long-term or cut her loose? (Cut her loose…)-

    Bay has not shown any growth since her last season of BB and MTV Challenge (which was just filmed Oct/Nov 2019). Once again, she is blinded by where she stands in the house while thinking she is a great player who knows the game. It won’t be long before she has an immature tantrum and ruins at least one connection, which will then spread like a virus through the house. All these alliances being formed amongst the same people will soon fall like dominoes.

    The beauty of this game is that it can turn on a dime. Janelle and Kaysar are currently in a bad spot. Obviously the HOH win (that I’m hoping for) will turn this house…imagine Bay vs Xmas as the noms, backdoor Cody…all the players will scatter, but Kaysar and Janelle will see more clearly where each piece lands.

    Add in that the players with the numbers are already the most paranoid and terrible with information and reads this year, these brigades will fall soon and we will hear major victim noises.

    Even though it is looking like a majority to keep Kevin, there are still roughly 12 hours before the vote…a lot can happen…especially as Janelle begins working magic to get info and cause confusion (see convo with Xmas…).

  2. Cody to Da’vonne: Janelle likes to buddy up with the girls and cut them. She wants to be the last girl standing.
    Da’vonne a half hour later to Dani Cody and Bay: Janelle is trying to be the last girl standing.
    Right after Dani’s envy comes out talking about Janelle as bbqueen that doesn’t want to lose the title.
    Eat a cracker polly (not the brother the bird).

    Her game history doesn’t support that assertion. She was budied up to predominantly guys in 6. Lost to 2 women from the other side of house dynamic (the racist latina lesbian and the paramedic)
    She showmance paired in All-Stars, then got betrayed by her co-conspirator to get rid of the guys (erica)
    Annnd 14.
    Where in there does she always buddy up with women and stab them in the back?

    side note: when old schoolers like Janelle question why this do what the HOH wants is a thing i have one answer: New Schoolers are conditioned by being given season 16 to watch by the producers. This is known.

    1. I don’t like the house vote! I wish people would vote what’s best for their own game. Then fight like hell to win comps to stay safe. I just finished watching BB 8. It was great how people made up their own minds!

    2. What I’m most upset with is myself, for always becoming addicted to the game while hoping that this season will see the return of a masterful game being played, only to spend the summer watching re-runs of the new-style lame game that’s played year after year.

      1. Cross your fingers HOH goes to a person, not in a 13 person alliance.
        Cross your fingers safety suite goes to a person not in the core of the 13 person alliance
        Build shrines in the backyard before POV if 1 and 2 above don’t work out.

  3. As usually our Thursday post will be a bit late. If a flip doesn’t happen we might just wait until after the live show. Feeds are usually down a lot and seeing the trend this past week I wouldn’t be surprised it’s down even more this year.

    I really don’t see Keesha staying it wouldn’t make sense. My prediction is Keesha goes to sequester. In 3 weeks they will bring one of the 4 evictees back either via a fan vote or some competition.

    1. I think they’ve woken them up early.
      a few of them are milling around kitchen and bathroom.
      I think Dani and Cody maybe went to sleep about 3 hours ago?

  4. Kitchen island.
    Janelle whispers to Kaysar about PART of last night’s proposed vote flip.
    Kaysar’s reaction “what the hell, is someone trying to set us up?” you think?
    a few minutes pass.
    As houseguests in bathroom complain about how cold it is in house when they are sleeping, Keesha enters key room.
    Keesha says she thinks she’s going home. Nica told her the house was keeping Kevin. Christmas told her she is waiting on Janelle’s word for what they are doing.
    Janelle whispers to Kaysar “we have to win HOH.”
    Keesha says Ian is the swing vote (swing? she’s miles from the playground). asks for Kaysar and Janelle’s votes. Initially yes is the answer followed by Kaysar saying “we have to go with the house.” Ian already said he doesn’t want to vote out a person of color first thing this season. He’s not a swing vote.
    Kaysar Janelle are slowly putting some pieces together. that members of the core and closers are trying to aim them at wildcards like David and Christmas as targets. Kaysar is pretty adamant that they vote with the house (he’s saying it again)
    Keesha moves on to do her version of campaigning to David. Sounds more like nice meeting you than keep me. She’s BAD at campaigning.
    Back to Janelle and Kaysar who are saying that it really sucks that once again All-Stars has another huge pre-season alliance. Kaysar says he really didn’t think it was going to happen or they’d let it happen (honest not sure which). They are now trying to figure out who is in the group targeting them… this will take a while (someone bullhorn them, lol joking). I doubt they’ll conclude the right names (almost everyone would like Janelle to go, some of the men and one woman for sure would like Kaysar to go). They are three days late coming to the conclusion that they need to build an alliance. Kaysar seems to want to go after what he cosiders Cody’s supporters. He’s wrong. Please don’t think i’m knocking faith, it’s not my intent, I’m only thinking game: I think going to the d/r five times a day for prayers is inhibiting Kaysar’s ability to get a clear social picture. Think about it. he’s absent from the social atmosphere 5 times every day he misses seeing who is in circles with whom. And Janelle? She’s been limiting herself socially.

    I’ve been confused: I’m not sure why some of the house is in HOH on a lockdown, lights out, sleeping, and others are freerange. That’s… unusual.

      1. Any progress K/J made in figuring out the game has progressed since they won safety has been lost once K says “I think we’re in a good spot, and I never think that.” Now the big alliance doesn’t exist again, and they are back to the same conversation they had day 2 about who would come after them. Mostly because they keep shooting down each other’s ideas about who to bring in for an alliance. Janelle wants strong comp players. I think Kaysar wants either all cool kid guys… or calculators.
        Kaysar wants to implement the season 7 plan of taking out the floaters. Janelle is not for this plan. So Kaysar wants to target the kevin nica david group, in order to get in close to Cody. Janelle doesn’t like this, and wants to aim higher up the food chain. I think.

      2. I sent a complaint to CBS about them constantly blocking the feeds this year I’ve been a customer for over 6 years and one of the main reasons is the BB feeds.

    1. I was wondering why I was only seeing Kaysar & Keesha on all the feeds. If I were Production, the Houseguests would hate me. I would be like “why are most people asleep at 8:30?? Play the “army wake up song” in each of the bedrooms loud!”

      1. That “army wake up song” is called reveille! They should use it often and loudly to get their sweet asses out of their racks!

    2. The length of time for the Muslim prayers usually isn’t that long. Unless they wait for him to enter before getting his things. Not sure how long he’s in there.

      I’m not sure about the lockdown either. Maybe Cody just locked the door with his select crew? Maybe Derrick wants to watch Cody undisturbed…

    3. I disagree about Janelle not socializing. I’ve worked in poker for over 30 years. What I’m seeing from her is someone who’s sitting back watching and “listening” to a lot of conversations and getting reads on most of them. I think she is just crawling like a lioness ready to pounce on her pray. I think she is going to go all out and do whatever it takes to win this HOH devour her prey this coming week.

  5. Watching Janelle bait Christmas is like running my cat from right to left chasing the laser light. Just so completely obvious to everyone… except Christmas.

    1. Other take: Janelle & Kaysar realize that they are being played and and least 1 of them decided to take that and play with that

    1. Bwaaahahahahaha – Or who gets their panties twisted first? Davonne or Bayleigh? Right now everyone is playing nicey nice, and “Oh I just love so and so!”! But eventually, the claws will come out, egos will be bruised and we will see who is best at controlling their emotions and who is not. Those two have been known to blow gaskets before (as has the ever lovable Xmas), so I’m anxiously awaiting the fireworks display that I feel is inevitable in this season.

      1. Indications are Memphis wins for pantytwist first.
        Dani informed Cody in their late/early conversation. She says Memphis is convinced he’s in charge, runnning everything, and going off on people a lot.

    2. Davonne never should have never been brought back to play a second time let
      Alone be called back to play All Stars

      1. Davonne may not be All-Star material, but can you think of another black female that would replace her in the cast? They do have to have a certain number of minority cast members, and frankly, who are you going to replace her with? I can think of only Danielle Reyes who would be a much better player, and I heard she turned them down, plus she originally played on BB3, so I’m sure these fools would target her first anyway.

  6. So now we know how exciting a bunch of 40 year olds stuck in a house together can be. Sitting around, yawning, talking about his great 2002 was.

    1. It’s a bit like some muble core independent movie where the characters talk about how much sex they used to have.

  7. I have a brief due – so no feeds for me until tomorrow.

    But from what I have been following, it seems as if NicoleF is as annoying as ever, and yet somehow has managed to find a decent alliance. With almost all guys (shocking). Janelle is fun to watch/follow – she is before more time and it is interesting to see here.

    I find myself cheering for NicoleA again – even though she seems to have a very bad idea of the true state of play.

  8. Imagine this season with Christie on!!!!! She would turn this season from a dumpster fire to a beautiful rose!!!!!!!

  9. House says tonight’s eviction will not be live.
    They also say HOH is a crapshoot.
    Some are pissed (the ones that were really hoping endurance).
    Another said yesterday if they follow usual big brother pattern Kevin should be hoh next.

    Day and Dani are tagteaming Janelle in terms of babysitting so she doesn’t try to flip the vote it seems.
    Janelle told Cody that Da’ went to Christmas yesterday about flipping the vote, and Christmas ran to her. (truth) Cody and Dani are licking their chops to tell Da’vonne that Janelle or Christmas are spreading lies about her.

    Kaysar is… i don’t know what the hell. His belief that he’s smarter than everyone is really starting to come across as extreme arrogance. He is afterall, back on the work with Cody and Tyler kick. Oh yeah. That’s happening. Janelle wanted that days ago, so that they had someone with some comp ability on their side, but she doesn’t trust them. Kaysar trusts that he is smarter than them.

    Da’vonne went to Keesha to say she is leaving. Couldn’t or wouldn’t answer Keesha’s questions about why. That part was sort of absurd. Keesha’s campaigning was ALSO absurdly bad.

      1. The fact that they are mad they don’t have to have athletic wear ready definitely says some sort of crap shoot.
        Kaysar was considering throwing.
        Ian already said he doesn’t want it.

        One of the last things i saw: Dani crying about being called mean for taking sarcastic pot shots at people. So, is she going to change the pot shots? Doubtful. She’ll just whine about being called on it.

          1. ahhhh. missed that. i’ve only ever seen a couple of his tweets retweeted. about nicf and about josh.

          2. That’s pretty damn rich coming from Dick, the king of being “dicks” to people. I guess she comes by it honestly.

  10. Janelle for HOH, please DAMMIT….. we deserve some good game play and excitement. She plans to say nothing and let the others sweat, maybe spill their guts! I’m disappointed in Bayleigh’s game play or lack there of with the “ I think it’s a recent rule that you have to do what the HOH says” Enzo can stop with the f’n meow-meow anytime now, especially with its backstory, barf

  11. Episode doesn’t show the comedy of errors that is the Memphis alliance creation.
    Makes it sound like it was a cohesive plan that came together flawlessly. Nope.
    Episode hasn’t shown the Core4 at all. Not showing the double and triple dipping?
    Episode shows Connect4 as a backup to the Memphis idea. sure. that was made… before.. hmmm math is hard.
    Shows Keesha as clueless. She was.
    Shows Kevin sympathy seeking. He is.
    820 ish block. already voting.
    Keesha. had fun. good luck to most of you.
    Kevin. you’re all much bigger stars… keep me.
    David first vote.
    Julie acts like ther is a posibility Keesha stays. eyeroll. Only if Keesha is secretly a Grodner.

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