Hayden – “If Frankie wasn’t there I would have started crying.. I hate Amber, Caleb Devin”

POV Holder: Devin Next POV July 12th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 7th
HOH Winner 1: Amber HOH Winner 2: Devin
Battle of the Block Winner Hayden & Nicole Next HOH/ Next BOB July 10/July 11
Original Nominations: Devin’s Noms (Pow Pow & Brittany) Amber’s Noms (Hayden & Nicole)
Final Nominations: POW POW & ZACH
Have Nots Victoria Brittany, Zach and Derrick
POV Players Host Donny, Players Devin, Brittany, POWPOW, Derrick, Zach, Amber

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4:18pm BEEHIVE Frankie, Derrick and Hayden
Before Derrick comes in Hayden and Frankie are talking about how uncomfortable Devin had made it. Hayden has no intentions to join Devin’s part of the bombsquad he felt like he had no option in the meeting. Frankie hugs him.
Derrick rolls in, they fill him in on what is going on. Derrick asks them what their guts are telling them.
Hayden – “My gut is to keep zach”
Frankie – “My gut tells me since everyone wants to pull to a side I feel whatever i do will piss someone off.” he wants to play a neutral game”
Hayden – “It will be smart to take POW out
Frankie – “I agree she’s a mess I can’t even look at her”
Hayden leaves to get Christine
Frankie says this is a blessing in disguise. they do their Team America symbols to the Camera.
Christine and Hayden come back they tell Christine that Devin and Caleb were forcing Hayden to join the alliance.
Hayden – “If Frankie wasn’t there I would have started crying’
Hayden says Devin was doing what he’s done since day one forcing Hayden and Nicole to do what he wants to do.
Derrick tells him he has to win a comp if they are going to move forward next week.
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4:30pm BEEHIVE Frankie and Christine
Frankie tells Christine Hayden thinks Caleb and Devin are the Devil and Zach is going to take out the devil
Christine says Nicole is fired up to take out Caleb and Devin.
Frankie – Basically we become the swing votes
Christine – “that’s scary”
Frankie counts the votes to keep Zach Hayden, Nicole, Derrick, Cody, and Brittany to vote out POWPOW
Donny, Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Jocasta, Amber and Victoria to vote out Zach .
Frankie – “We still have the numbers to get Zach out if we wanted to.. he’s such a HUGE target.. the only person that will be mad is Cody.. but if we keep Zach we have to deal with Devin and Caleb”
Frankie says Zach is a big target on the block they have to capitalize on it but Hayden and Nicole are too stupid to see that.

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4:35pm HOH Derrick and Devin
Derrick says Brittany freaked out on POW because he told her that POW threw the BOB to keep her and Brit on the block.
Derrick – Zach is probably going home and the alliance is still intact.. there was a leak in the boat and we filled it with hayden.
Devin thanks Zach is a cool dude he wants to hang out with him after the show.
Derrick says the reason he applied on the show was because he was turning 30

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4:54pm Christine and Hayden
Christine says if she wins next week she’s backd**ring Devin. Hayden is planning the same thing.
They have had enough of Devin trying to force people to join his alliance. Christine says the way Hayden was approached was the same way they approached her. Hayden mentions how much he hates Amber, Devin and Caleb “With a passion” . Christine says Nicole knows everything she filled her in but told her to keep it a secret. Hayden knew there was something up because he saw Devin and Caleb doing the BOMB with their hands during the first BOB  competition. after that he knew There was an alliance going one.. Hayden laughs at Devin asking him to be at the bottom of a 8 person alliance. An alliance that they are trying to evict a member from. Christine tells him the only reason she is so close to frankie is because he’s the only one in the Bombsquad that tells her anything. Hayden says Caleb is like a 13 year old schoolgirl with Amber, ‘Dude she sucks get over her”. Christine tells him that Caleb threw her under the bus to the bombsquad alliance.

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5:06pm Have nots Zach and Frankie
Frankie telling him a good start is to repair the damage he did to the bomb squad.
Frankie says the entire house doesn’t trust each other now, “You hit the reset button in the house”
Zach thinks he has the votes to stay. Says Jocasta and Donny both told him he has their vote. Frankie tells him he’s fine this week. Frankie doesn’t trust Donny he’s a rogue player and he has no clue about Jocasta. Zach says he likes Caleb so he’s going to try and repair their relationship
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5:15pm Hammock Cody and Caleb
They agree Zach and Devin both turned against their alliance. Caleb says he’s still planning on staying true to his originally alliance regardless. He has no intentions to EVER put anyone up from the Bombsquad until they get to jury .
Caleb – At the end of the day remember who your allies are and no one is planning on putting up another alliance member.. you don’t have to worry about that with anyone else” Caleb says if they have the numbers and Cody thinks outside the box and decides to keep Zach fingers will be pointed. Cody tells Caleb he was planning on voting to keep Zach.

BB16-2014-07-07 17-18-34-3725:17pm Poolside Frankie and Derrick
Frankie says maybe the best thing is Zach stay POW goes home and Devin and Zach are left in the house

BB16-2014-07-07 17-25-11-8325:25pm Devin and Cody Storage room
Devin’s saying he respects that Cody wants to give Zach a vote to stay “We have enough votes already”. Devin nows Zach is going home. Devin brings up Caleb telling him in the HOH that Cody was going around saying he’s voting to keep Zach. Devin knows this but doesn’t think it’s good for Cody to say out in public because people will start pointing their fingers a him.
Devin says they now have Hayden as their 8th member so they are all good. Christine comes in Devin tells them at first Hayden said no to the Bombsquad but after he showed him the numbers Hayden joined up.
BB16-2014-07-07 17-43-27-8515:31pm Cody and Christine Rock Room
Cody says he hates Caleb “:He’s such a little sneak.. a f** rat”
Christine believes Caleb is more dangerous than devin
Cody – He flip flops more than Devin does.”
Amber joins them she thinks what she told Caleb to tell HAyden worked.. Amber is glad they never told Nicole but sooner or later they will need to say something. (Christine already told Nicole)

BB16-2014-07-07 17-34-45-5865:34pm Fire room Victoria and Frankie
Frankie says they have the votes either way to keep or evict Zach
He thinks Cody and Hayden will vote out POW, Amber and caleb will vote out Zach. Frankie is sure Jocasta will vote out Zach after what he did in the ceremony and they are both unsure about Donny.
Frankie – “Anyone that votes Zach to stay Devin and Caleb are going after”
Frankie says if Zach stays he’s going to continue to be a jerk.

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5:43pm Derrick and Donny
Derrick goes on and on about team America, “* million people are watching this show and they are telling me you are trustworthy” Donny says if he gets evicted doing what America wants them to do he will go home a hero but if her goes home doing what America doesn’t want him to do he doesn’t want to have to deal with it.


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104 thoughts to “Hayden – “If Frankie wasn’t there I would have started crying.. I hate Amber, Caleb Devin””

    1. Everyone including Simon, Dawg, the camera crew, the immigrant children entering Texas and the rest of the known universe.

    2. Everyone in the house except four people, Donny, Victoria, Pao and Jocasta. Basically eleven members. :))
      The thing is that there are two Bomb Squad, Devin’s BS where Caleb, Amber and Frankie are members while Zach’s BS has Cody, Hayden, Brit and Nicole.

      Derick, Christine, Frankie controls who will be sent home this week, Frankie is annoying me to death with his consensus thing, pick a side! Andy won his season because he is not afraid to sink one of the two ships he is in. Hopefully the majority of the house keeps Zach while Frankie stays with Devin. Him siding with Devin will sent him packing next week in case Devin wins POV or BOB.

  1. “Devin thanks Zach is a cool dude he wants to hang out with him after the show.”

    ‘cue mike boogie and dr will classic DR laugh’

    1. Devin, Zach and Joey can get together as the first 3 evicted and watch the rest of the shows together

  2. I don’t have the live feed only watching big brother cbs and big brother after dark so ur website fills in a lot 4 me. Just would like to say thanks you to the two of you for all ur hard work!

      1. Why does every post has to be about Frankie? You are basically posting every single thing he does… It is getting annoying.
        If he is your favorites is fine, but be a bit more professional when comes to the website please…

        1. shut up u diick if u don’t like it find another site….. and its both their fail he has been involved i everything… would u rather they wrote about what food jocasta was eating and how much she loves god?

          1. Frankie and Derrick are basically the house counselor…… so of course when something major happens….the house are going to talk them….Frankie can go to any circle in the house…that’s why he’s dominating the feeds.. people need to vent….and Frankie and Derrick are the strongest social players in the game….

        2. What a lousy remark. Have you any idea the amount of hard work and time that Simon and Dawg devote to this website, with donations OPTIONAL. You are not going to find a better site than OBB, but if you are not happy, you can always search for a less comprehensive and detailed site. Frankie is receiving much attention from our dynamic duo as it is Frankie who is currently stirring the pot. Would you prefer that they give a detailed report on Jocasta’s bowties or where Jocasta may be hiding? Be thankful for the wonderful updates and be sure to make a donation.

        3. Fabio, Get the feeds or quit complaining. I watch the feeds and I still can’t believe what a great job this site does at summarizing them. This site is free! I have a hard time telling what Simon or Dawg think about the cast (other than the obvious shit like Devin the devil #hasadaughter). This is by far the best summary and most complete I have found on the web. Better than Jokers or Hampster but those or both good for other things. You want to get the whole story they give it here. If Frankie is in every post it is because Frankie is everywhere!!

  3. I wonder if Donny has a clue about what is going on in the house. All I see him doing is wondering how he is going to water the plastic turf in the backyard

    1. LOL I think he does but for right now he’s just keeping quiet. Remember he’s definitely a BB fan. From the interview he had, he stated he has watch every episode since the beginning. I believe he has something up his sleeve but rt now isn’t the time to show he’s card. Now that they have made him TA he probably thinks he has more of a advantage than the 12 HG

    1. Adding onto your question I’d like to ask:
      Why all the love for Nicole and dislike towards Amber?
      Nicole does nothing but make catty remarks and gossips about a lot of ppl in the house but especially Amber. But the words that everybody uses to describe her is sweet and innocent?!? I’m confused. Also ppl want to see her make it to Top3 or 4 but what game is she playing? Besides Christine filling her in on what’s really going in the house what great game is she playing?

      Oh and everyone is mad because they FEEL Amber is manipulating Caleb but who wouldn’t try to defuse a situation where another crazy HG is obsessing over you, making things awkward and could potentially ruin your game? Amber seems to be the sweet one to me who is getting her name dragged through the mud simply because Caleb has a thing for her, and that Caleb is attached to the most disliked person this season Devin.

      1. I think if Amber was the typical All American white girl she would receive more love and respect. She’s a strong competitor and she isn’t any different from Cristine that was bullied into the same alliance. Nicole has done nothing to earn the viewers’ respect just like Jordan.

    2. ambers been lying her teeth out lately but i don’t think thats why nicole is upset with her i think she is still hurt that amber nominated her

      1. No, Nicole talked $hit about Amber long before the nomination. If Amber knew the stuff that that little group says about her she wouldn’t have felt so bad for putting Hayden and Nicole up.

      2. Everyone has been lying through their teeth. Christine and Nicole constantly talk about how much they hate Amber and Amber never says anything about them. Amber does not lie nearly as much as Christine, Frankie, Zach,Derrick and Cody… nowhere close but because she’s not white it’s easier for you guys to see fault in someone who has done nothing wrong.

  4. Screw Devin, and screw Frankie. Zach needs to stay so someone has the backbone to go up against this neanderthal and his prissy rat. Man I hope Frankie’s number is up soon. What a jerk!

    1. To quote my fellow BB 12 PHD student Brendon,…It’s pronounced neanderTAL not neanderthal”. :o)

      Maybe I can fit technotronics in this seasons as well

      1. I so hoped someone would catch that reference. 😀

        Seriously, if Zach goes, this is going to make for some BORING television. No one is going to go to war against Devin and Caleb. Keeping Zach assures that someone is forced to, and their ensuing conflict keeps the target off everyone else in the meantime. Also, keeping POW simply gives Devin what he wants…he’s a lame duck from now until Thursday, so only an idiot would continue to kiss his butt at this point.

        Which leads to my next point, anyone who votes to evict Zach, is an idiot, and impossible to root for, due to the fact that they seem to want to hand Devin an easy path to jury, and potentially half a million dollars. Definitely cancelling my feeds if Zach goes. I’m not paying to watch a bunch of people pretend that they understand this game.

        1. I do think Zach brings a lot of entertainment value to the show and he is certainly worth keeping. However, voting to evict Zach would hardly be handing Devin an easy path to jury or to winning the game. Devin is a HUGE target and that is not changing any time soon. Devin has NO game and is incapable of shutting up. He’s too stupid and irrational to even be used as an effective meat shield.

        2. Team Zach you said it perfectly! Zach couldn’t handle the control freak and was the only one to say stick it up your ass. Although Cody was close behind him. I am not even an advocate of getting Devin out all that soon as I am not sure I could handle watching the house without them (totally boring). I just can’t handle anyone giving Devin what he wants.

    2. I’m actually loving Zach.
      The house needs chaos and he brings that element without being a pathetic huge ‘roided-out douchenozzle like Devin.

    3. lets get real zach has been annoying from his intro to the show he is lazy a paranoid little ass ,volunteers to go on have nots and then just goes crazy ,tells devin to put him up then cries when he does .so the question is why do so many people jump on his band wagon, what has he done that is so great to deserve to win sell out the bomb squad he was talking about that way before he was even put up. so this is the stand up guy your rooting for no wonder america is falling apart people root for the wrong things all the time.now would this be a guy you would like to know,and if so i feel sorry for you.

      1. It’s not even about rooting for Zach, how can anyone stand behind someone like Devin? The guy is delusional, paranoid, hypocritical, and despite everything he says, totally misogynistic.

        1. I say get rid of Zach this week, and Devin the next 😀 I think Zach is entertaining and all but he’s ruining a lot of his friends’ games and I think they’re idiots to keep him after he just bitch-slapped half the BS.

        2. Zach and Devin are two of a kind. They both suffer from ADD. Zach is very cocky and overly outspoken. Even in his interview he was rude and I feel he needs a rude awakening to let him know it’s not cute the way he speaks to ppl. I understand Devin is annoying but Zach was out of line for the comments he made. Leave the family out and if you want to say something speak about his character not his addiction or child. That is unacceptable. I don’t care what type of game you are playing.

      2. I think Zach’s main goal is to get ATTENTION and AIRTIME, and for the show to revolve around him. I think he cares less about the actual money or he would’ve stayed quiet and rode out the Bomb Squad BS and continued to, as he said, sleep all day and get carried to Jury. Remember, he told the other houseguests he wants to get acting or comedy gigs after the show if he can.

  5. hi simon and dawg
    if you have time, can you do what you did last week (list out the alliances and members; and who is going home)

  6. if only we could somehow vote to remove one of the members of team america. Frankie is really the worst. Its so unfortunate that team ariana grande voted for him to be apart of team america. One told me via twitter today that she doesnt even watch BB. Annoying! I really hope that by thursday, they decided to keep Zach.

  7. I am sitting here looking at the most amazing person I have ever seen, smart, funny, caring, and absolutely stunning! Yes, I am looking in the mirror!

      1. I think hayden and nicole hate amber because she buckled under Devin pressure to put them up on the block, like she couldn’t decide for herself, and then when Devin did the lecture to her nominees about how PowPow was going to throw the comp so they would win, she couldn’t even tell them that herself. I think they see her as a puppet for not doing it herself. also, basically allowing them to be put up meant they were likely (planned) to win, so she throws away her on HOH status and gives it to Devin, who is basically crazy. If PP and Brit had one, and someone else was up on the block, Amber would have been HOH and they could have taken Devin out now.

  8. I just want to say Katylin(bb15) touching herself was very nice!(borat)

  9. I honestly do not understand why Hayden has it out for Amber so much?! I mean I still am a Hayden fan but I think it is ridiculous that Amber automatically gets categorized with Caleb/Devin because of Caleb’s never ending infatuation for her. It just sucks to be put into a position that you weren’t even capable of creating for yourself. #pooramby

    1. Hayden has watched Amber play Caleb…push him away then reel him in…repeat. And when Hayden and Nicole were told they were being put on the block Amber was right there and didn’t say a thing against it. As Nicole said she was the one who put their keys in. After the big blow up Amber followed everyone around and said it wasn’t me, it wasn’t me.

    2. Thank you!!!! I don’t understand it either! Zach confesses about the secret alliance with HALF of the house and he won’t stop talking about Amber. Everyone at this point is lying and trying to cover their tracks. Very strange. I think if Zach is evicted it would turn the house upside down even more, believe me.

    3. I feel the exact same way about Amber. Anything she does in the game is immediately going to receive backlash simply because of the Devin/Caleb assoc. And what’s funny is she doesn’t like Devin and is with everyone on backdooring him at some point in the game and the the thing with Caleb she couldn’t control that but some how it ends up being ” Poor Caleb, that manipulative Amber seduced you.”
      On an unrelated note my pick for Final 4 would be in no particular order:
      Derrick, Christine, Amber, and or Donny/Hayden
      It was Hayden but I just don’t like how he’s dissing Amber right now.

      1. And yet ppl on here I have seen commenting that Amber is getting so much disrespect because she is not 100% white. I don’t read everything but have yet to see 1 comment talking negatively about her race. I don’t care if she is from another planet. My opinion is that A) I have no respect for her game play because of the way she let Devin control her HOH. You only get so many chances @ HOH to make YOUR OWN plan, YOUR OWN deals to better your game and you allow that putz to push you around! and B) I looked up her modeling pics and she has some BEAUTIFUL breasts! White, Black, Green. Red or Yellow makes no difference they look real and spectacular.

        So those couple of people saying Amber is not liked because she is not white get over yourself and your own racial issues. She is not liked because she is a push over.

        1. Yeah I guess Amber is a push over because she decided it was in her best interest not to go against her alliance in the first week or so right? So if anyone else wins HOH and decided to put up noms that their alliance suggested than they will immediately be deemed a push over and generally not liked by the HG’s and viewers watching too, right? Or will it then just be considered good game play?

          As for your second point, what does that have to do with anything

          “So those couple of people saying Amber is not liked because she is not white get over yourself and your own racial issues. She is not liked because she is a push over.”
          A lot of women in seasons past and this season stick with the guys in the beginning because they win a lot of comps and some of these women are ppl’s favorite and they root for them to make it to the end but for some reason that same adoration isn’t shown for Amber.

          Amber won a HOH (any woman who wins a comp gets a round of applause in my house)
          Defused a threat to her game early on (Caleb obsessing over her and making thing awkward and tense for the whole house)
          Stuck with her alliance
          On friendly terms with everyone and staying out of drama.
          All of these things are a positive and would be considered good game play but since its Amber…………… nope, nah she’s a pushover.

    4. Dont forget… Amber put Hayden and Nicole on the block. He has a reason to not like her. She can’t blame her actions on Devin and say he made her do it…. she is capable of making decisions for herself and she chose to put them on the block.

      1. I agree that if someone puts you on the block you have a reason to dislike them and I’m not going to argue against that. I also agree with you that Amber has to take responsibility for her Nom’s , however Nicole has been talking sh!t about Amber for awhile now (before noms) but yet she’s always labelled as sweet. Seriously don’t get it.

        Also it seems that Hayden also dislikes Amber because she’s in the BS but has no problem with Cody, Christine, Derrick, or Frankie. Yeah a lot of ppl in the house may say they are suspicious of some of the ppl in the BS because of their game play but it seems that Amber is just outright disliked because of Devin and Caleb.

        1. To be honest, I think Nicole is just being catty and jealous of Amber because one of the cutest guys in the house (Caleb) has a crush on Amber and not her. Nicole plays this under dog role like she’s an outcast but she’s really just a mean girl.

      2. Didnt everyone in the alliance help her decide to put up Hayden and Nicole as long as it wasnt them she doesnt deserve all the blame for that nomination. They were all playing Hayden and Nicole not just Amber Caleb and Devin. Christine even knew they were going up did she try to warn them? All 8 of them had their hand in the cookie jar but it all gets blamed on Devin and Amber. They even wanna give Caleb a pass? wtf?

      3. She has lied way less than Christine, way less than Frankie, etc, and I don’t see them getting the same flak. I really don’t understand it.

  10. This is fun watching these guys try to play each other. I am laughing that Caleb and Devin still think their Bomb Squad is intact with everything that is going on.

  11. Watching Devin makes me extremely uncomfortable. I don’t think anyone has ever said “no” to him. He’s a weird, pathetic manbaby with no social skills. He really skeeves me out.

  12. I love derrick, cody, and donny. I hope they make an alliance. I have mixed feelings about zack. Hope he stays for more drama

    1. I thought if the vote comes down to a TIE he is the deciding vote(?)…I’m still a little new to the game, so I’m not positive.

  13. Cannot wait until Thursday night…
    Frankie needs to gooo like yesterday.. It’s like Andy again.. Aha.

    1. I don’t understand why Frankie keeps bringing up Donny’s name, that he will vote Zach out. I mean Donny is not a threat to him. Why make him a target. I thought since they’re both members of team America, Frankie would protect Donny. He is just too dangerous. Andy all over.

  14. I am totally confused. I read on one post that Frankie wants Zack out, then in another he says he wants Zack saved. It’s like watching a fast ping-pong game and trying to follow the ball.

    By the way, I love the new, upgraded site. Nice work Simon and Dawg!

  15. i love the two nerdy girls and hayden, donny too, im not a fan of devin, but he keeps things interesting……

  16. Frankie talks too much, he makes Andy seem subtle in using the Rat Play method. One thing Frankie has over Andy is that he doesn’t wear Garanimals. Of course the whole childish wardrobe may have been a brilliant part of Andy’s plan to make the house guests perceive him as innocent and therefore less of a threat.

  17. is this group finally done with the “vote with the house” gameplay? hope so because otherwise hit the snooze button for another week………….

  18. Zach needs to go…………..I just have the sense that if he stays…..Cody, Zach, Hayden, Nicole will say something inappropriate……and ruin this game like last year….Hayden might not say anything….but the three will feel comfortable around him to make inappropriate comments……..Zach is to volatile and if he stays…you can just see it happening again….Cody is cocky…and Nicole hates everybody…I hope Zach goes…..I don’t want the season ruin….

    1. OMG! You get that vibe from them too? Yes, I think they have the potential to get very “politically incorrect” like last season. They are threatened by Amber and Devin and they tend to gravitate to people that look like them. They will never make an alliance with someone that looks like Jocosta, Devin, and Amber.

  19. Watching the feeds right now…

    Frankie talking to several of the girls about movies…and himself.

    Jocasta and POW talking to Caleb about Amber…SHOCKER.

    THIS is what we have to look forward to with Zach gone.

    1. Zach is not all that. He is not that exciting and if anything he’ll just become very annoying

      1. Sorry, but of all the people in that house that are absolutely full of themselves, Zach is the only entertaining one. Frankie, Caleb, Devin, all make me want to retch when I see them on the feeds, which is constant. Zach’s not all that, but he’s funny and entertaining-they are not.

  20. Devin is an Egomaniac.
    He lived in the bubble that is professional sports. Where your actions are protected by the Team and you rarely experience repercussions. He has probably taken steroids which have some side effects that effect long term cognitive abilities.
    He was probably a jock in High school that was worshipped and feared, I never understood why that type was called popular nobody really ever liked them not even their friends, they just wanted to be popular or sex with them. In truth if you count an entire student population most people probably hated his guts, just like the BB House, any way back to my point.
    He lives under the illusion that people like him and should do what makes him happy. It is his natural condition. He has never grown past that High School life. I think that is why his and Caleb’s Amber gate strikes most of us as so childish… because the last time we thought in that manner we were children. He has size and he has a false sense of his placement in this game. Keeping Zach might shatter that illusion. He will explode.
    I don’t dislike Caleb, to be honest he kept his word. His HoH put up NO alliance members, Joey was a waste and he did not consult all of his alliance but is was not an alliance member. I think he did NOT supports Devins choice to nominate Zach… lets be honest they all trashed Zach when he started snapping. ALLL OF THEM. I think Caleb will vote to keep Zach. I think he is a person of his word as he said he was. I have problems disliking caleb. this week is all on Devin and Zach… and Frankie. The alliance has exploded the all have to reboot. The best thing for Caleb is to vote to keep Zach and get Devin out of the game. Then make his on path in this rebooted game. I would like to see him in an alliance with Derrick, Cody, Christine, Nicole and Hayden help get Donny to jury. I actually feel sorry for him in a way.
    Frankie needs to go. Having him as a Team America screws over Donny and Derrick… has anybody even voted on what they are supposed to do? What are they supposed to do? It is a stupid twist like the dumb ass saboteur.
    Keep Zach and vote out PowPow then cut out Devin. If they wake up evictions will go like this.

    Jocasta (she does nothing should have been week one.)
    Then hopefully Jury
    House gusts remaining
    Amber (send the girl to jury there are bigger targets.)

    My final three:
    Derrick, Cody and Hayden
    Final Two:
    Derrick and Hayden

    I would not complain if
    Christine, Donny or Nicole made it to the final Three, just not all together.

    I think we have actual players unlike the last three years which have been The slobs, The Beast and the Sheep. It should be good this year.

    1. lol! Jocosta does nothing? I’m confused and please explain to me what Victoria, Donny, Nicole, Pow and Cristine do?????????????????

      1. Donny won POV and took himself off the block and like Jordan before him probably has the actual best social game in the house, long term.
        Victoria is obnoxious and out there… but she is out there. she lives her bed,as you will note she was in my pre-jury eviction group… she also save herself in the BoB
        Nicole saved herself in the BoB and is now in the game with a new alliance
        Christine is in alliances now a much better one she is out there also.
        Ummm I want Pow Pow evicted this week, I wanted her evicted last week… I want her out she is useless.

        Jocasta does the least out of everyone else, rarely talks game no one really knows her, traditionally that makes a week one eviction. a no harm no foul eviction because No one really knows her. She is the safest eviction in the house.

      2. Don’t you know that as long as you talk crap about a lot of HG’s while simutaneously whining about how you’re being bullied constitutes as playing the game now.
        I guess Jacosta didn’t get that memo.
        And another thing I don’t get is how HG’s were talking about how Devin disgusts them, how they want to him, and all these other things. Granted he isn’t playing a great game and he’s annoying but why such harsh words, when on the other hand Zach is going around calling Victoria all kinds of rude names and getting really personal when he attacked Devin as a father but yet all the HG’s are willing to forgive him?!? “Yeah what Zach said was wrong, but he has a good heart.” <—- I forgot who said that but that's the basic sentiment of the rest of the house guest's. So basically being a bad game player (Devin) is WAYYYYY worse than being a mean person (Zach).

  21. the reasoning for voting out Zach is ridiculous. so you don’t want to piss off devin and caleb. well then lets just hand one of them the check and be done with it, this is stupid.

    1. Anybody other than Derrick Cody and Hayden who would keep Zach over PowPow is a idiot….Why not get rid of a threat in the game. Pow Pow is useless. If the girls have any brain cells at all they would vote Zach out. If I was Donny Id stick with the girls and get some guys out. And since Zach is a sitting duck go ahead and pull the trigger.

      1. The key to big brother is not determining who is a threat…EVERYONE is a threat, and if you doubt that, ask yourself how Jordan Lloyd won her season.

        The key to winning is determining who is a threat to your game specifically. If the girls used their brains, they’d realize quickly that the biggest guys in the house are in an alliance, and have Amber under their thumb. They don’t stand a chance of combating that without sending some firepower back at them. They need Zach, and they need to start making deals with him. If I were Victoria, Nichole, Christine, or Brit, I’d be asking Zach to keep me safe until jury, and asking him to go after Devin, Caleb, and Amber, and in exchange, we vote to keep you.

        It’s a no-brainer bargain for both sides. Zach is happy that he lives to fight and antagonize another day, and the girls are safe anyway, because Devin and his allies are going to be gunning for Zach, as he’s perceived as a bigger threat than anyone who voted to keep him.

        This is how the game used to be played…back when people knew how to play…

  22. First off everyone talking about this player and that player not doing anything is ridiculous, it is only week 2. Laying low is not a bad thing right now wait another week or two and then try something. Frankie is another Andy, which I couldn’t stand. He has already shown he will flip to which ever side has power in a heart beat. My final 5 right now: Hayden, Nicole, Christine, Donny, Amber. I think Caleb, Devin, Frankie, Cody and Derrick are playing the game to hard, to fast and it will catch up to them. Of my five Christine is the best player and I hope wins. Just my thoughts.

  23. Zach should of shut the hell up and lied like frankie said…he been ok,victorie be up and out of there now….

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