Gina says I want NICK’s bed BACK! It’s not my fault Andy is a fudge packer and can’t f**king sleep with another guy!

POV Holder: Jessie Next POV Aug 10th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony Aug 5th
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Aug 8th
Original Nominations: Candice, Jessie and Amanda (MVP Nom)
Current Nominations: Candice, Spencer and Amanda (MVP Nom)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard
Have Nots no have nots this week

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1:45am Gina and Spencer are laying in the hammock talking. Spencer tells Gina that her HOH is pretty much over, it’s just the bedroom now. He says he is ready for Candice to high step it out of here. The house will be a lot better without her. Gina agrees and says look at how much quieter it was tonight without her. We didn’t hear her voice or nothing, it was awesome! Spencer says man I am ready to see some people leave. Gina says I am going to stay chill Wednesday, then have everyone up in my room. Spencer says talk to me last. Gina says yeah and then what I am going to do is sleep downstairs tomorrow so that people wont be down stairs talking because I will be staying up late. McCrae and Amanda will be up in the HOH. How do you like them apples? I will stay up all night to make sure no ones talking. I don’t need energy for Thursday, I ain’t competing. Spencer tells Gina that he doesn’t want to get HOH this Thursday. I would rather someone that will keep me safe get it. Because going into jury next week, I would rather win it then. Judd comes out to join them. Gina offers to go get another blanket so that it’s not a co*k fest, two guys and one girl. Gina gets up and Spencer says you just touched my co*k. Gina says I thought I touched something nice!


1:55am Spencer talks to Judd in the hammock. Judd asks if anything is going on. Spencer says no Gina was just talking about how much she hates Candice’s guts. Judd asks did you talk to Amanda and McCrae? Spencer says yeah but not game talk. Judd says I didn’t talk game with no one today. Jessie talk game? Just about covering herself for next week. Judd comments that Jessie is covering herself for next week, she is doing a great job with you. (sarcasm) Gina comes back with a blanket. Judd says so worst case scenario Jessie wins HOH? Gina says yeah if it’s knock out everyone just try and get her out, put her up every time. They hope the MVP twist ends soon. Judd tells Gina that Helen and Elissa are sleeping in her bed. Gina gets up all mad and says well how am I supposed to get my bed back. What a fu*king a$$hole! Gina storms off inside the house. She goes into the back bedroom and tries to see who is in “her bed” but can’t see so she leaves and trips on stuff. She then goes to Andy sleeping in the other bedroom and asks him who is sleeping in her bed. Andy says Helen and Elissa. Gina asks are they going to give it back to me? Andy says yeah. Gina says I thought you were going to save it for me. Andy says that Helen and Elissa haven’t slept in there and wanted a night in there. Gina say alright I am sleeping down here tomorrow so I want it back. Gina heads back outside and starts going off about how they took her bed and now she won’t get it back. Judd and Spencer tell her they will make sure she gets it back. Gina says now I have to sleep with her crab a$$ fu*king cooties in there. Gina says that she wants her and Nick’s bed back. I am sleeping there till I go home. Gina says it’s not my fault Andy is a fudge packer that he can’t fu*king sleep with another guy because no other guy wants to sleep with him. If he wasn’t gay, it wouldn’t be a problem and someone else would sleep with him. Gina says so Candice can be a c**t and mop around and no one even says anything. Let her fu*king rot in the corner until Thursday. Gina heads to bed and throws her hands up in the air and yells I CAN’T WAIT TILL THURSDAY!! Spencer and Judd laugh about how nuts Gina just got over a bed.

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2am – 3am Judd talks to Spencer about how Candice didn’t campaign at all to him all she offered was to cook him breakfast and she didn’t even do that today. False promises. Spencer tells Judd that he is really glad he came to him. Judd says yeah I was glad you were accepting of it. They both agree that they want people that care about the game to make it to jury. Judd and Spencer talk about random things about their home lives. Spencer says Candice leaves this week then it will be 6 girls and 5 guys. I don’t want any more guys to leave coming into jury. Judd ask if there is any talk about him. Spencer says no just about you, Aaryn and Jessie. Judd says that Aaryn is way cooler that Jessie. Judd says that Jessie is so much of an attention seeker. Spencer says she is just rubbing them t*tties on people to get what they want. Judd says yeah its just you and me now. She should have just laid back and been cool. Spencer says that the only reason Elissa is still here is because of Helen. Once Helen goes Elissa will be right after. Judd says that he wants to win this HOH. Judd and Spencer head over to the backyard couch. Judd tells Spencer – dude I want you to win this HOH. I would feel safest if you got it. Judd says that he trusts McCrae and Amanda. They don’t talk game with me much but I trust them. Spencer says that he thinks his game improved since Howard left. Judd says tomorrow he wants to get his social game on with more people he doesn’t normally talk to. Judd and Spencer talk about how unpredictable Gina is. They talk about the POV competition and how Spencer and Judd were the real winners of it. Judd comments they need to stay focused on jury but also on final two. Spencer says he is focused. Judd and Spencer then head to bed.


8:25am All the house guests are still sleeping..

Use the Big Brother Live Feeds to FLASHBACK to SEE what they can’t show you on TV: BB15 N!p Sl!ps / N*des

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99 thoughts to “Gina says I want NICK’s bed BACK! It’s not my fault Andy is a fudge packer and can’t f**king sleep with another guy!”

  1. And Gina is still in the house why? If Andy knew what was said he would go against hoh and vote out amanduh. So would Helen and Elissa for saying what she did about them. Along with Jessie’s vote you have 4. Come on people get out the showmance the Gina….. Get the crazies out

    1. You give Andy to much credit. Andy would do the same thing Howard did and ignore it. When Amanda said lets hit the gay guy, all Andy did was laugh and played his role as the punching bag.

    1. You can see the type of people visiting this blog. Aaryn has been the nicest girl in the house for 3 weeks now – Amanda and GM are so much more vulgar and offensive than she is, it’s not even a contest – and many still won’t let go of all the nonsense that went on while Jeremy was there. It’s people who put down Aaryn that are the “haters”. It’s pretty fun to hate someone and that is exactly is happening. They pick a target and just go at it, no matter what the reality is. And the reality just doesn’t agree with Aaryn being a mean girl or a racist. But it’s a popular thing to hate someone on the internet, though, and many jump on the bandwagon.

      I can actually understand such feeling toward Amanda and Gina because they continue to be extremely vulgar, and some of the things they say are quiet out of line, but that doesn’t apply to Aaryn anymore. Aaryn is an easy target, however….. she’s nice. People are like sharks.. they pick up on that.

      Candice and Jessie deserve all the criticism (outside of the personal comments) in the house they get, for the record. It is all due to their own doing.

      1. Change your name from Goofy to Dumba$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        The REALITY is Aaryn is racist! Everyone on here actually watches
        BBAD and knows her true character. YOU obviously are just
        as ignorant as her if this is what you really think!

      2. crap post, just really bad

        jess is americas player…vote for her

        it would be awesome seeing the 25k go to jess

    2. This is a result of the public relations firm her mother hired. Aaryn is still awful. No amount of money is going to change that. That’s something that needs to be changed within. There are some very ugly people on this season and I am not talking about the superficial characteristics. This group of drug-addicted, racist, hypocritical, delusional, immature, self-entitled bullies is sickening. If one of them is not evicted tomorrow, I’m done!

  2. As much as I would like to see Helen or Amanda go home on thursday, in order to get this game kick-started, I would actually settle for Candice’s eviction. It would be so nice if all the hateful cry -babies, who just come here to whine or express their hateful desire to see harm come to the HG’s they have deemed to be “racists “, would GO AWAY. I am sure that long after Candice is gone, some of these self-pitying trolls will still be contaminating this forum, but at least the noise level will go down.

    1. Why post about cry-babies, then proceed to cry about it by telling the to GO AWAY?

      You’re contaminating the forum as well.

    2. C(un*),
      Yeah! Isn’t fucking annoying when people get upset about racism?!
      It’s so lame. I mean, who cares, right?! It’s totally normal to hate someone because of their race or sexual orientation.
      You’re so worldly and evolved. I feel so blessed that you chimed in with such an intelligent point of view.
      You must be really well educated.

      Bless you.


      1. Nice job C !! I”ve enjoyed your thoughtful and humorous posts…. Don’t worry about the pious clowns on here that will inevitably spew vitriol your way. Doing the exact thing they say they stand against…. Oh the delicious irony is palpable..

      2. Education lets you know the difference between what racism is and isn’t. Some are racist comments; some stupid comments, and some are just people not liking one another. It is important to be able to differentiate between what is and isn’t.

        1. Yes, education does help people differentiate between racism and ignorance. Aaryn, Ginamarie, and Amanda have shown both.

  3. How dumb! Spencer and Judd are both on the mcmanda radar to go home soon. Bunch of sheep. “Uh I trust McCrea and Amanda” yeah buddy! They will use you and abuse you. Literally.

  4. Wow! gina-marie is disgusting. I see what Aaryn meant. Way to vulgar and crass. I wonder if her former employer is trying to figure out a way if they can fire her again.

  5. Ok so let say Candy does go home and it (double eviction) Jessie wins HOH and places Helen & Amanda again on the block who will the house vote out?
    Amanda or Helen? Because these morons have to vote what the house wants? If you place Andy, Aaryn, GM, Spencer, McPussy, Elissa , Judd they all would go home. So divide the two biggest threats and who would they vote out? Either one will break down some alliances….

  6. So Candice has kept to herself and still Gina says “so Candice can be a c**t and mop around and no one even says anything. Let her fu*king rot in the corner until Thursday.” Really???

  7. Seriously Gm is worrying me. I hope that psychiatrist keeps coming in the house. The poor woman is really delusional. Do they not do psychological tests on these people when the get on the show. GM needs serious counseling and not saying that to be mean; she is just really worrying me.

    1. well if you have a head Doc in the house that’s also playing the game whom herself is really effed up in the head and is bff with GM who is more to blam here???

      1. Did she really say “lady physicist”? LOL There’s no WAY she could have said “physicist” right? At least not correctly….:)

    2. I don’t believe Gina Marie is as half-crazy as she’s acting. She’s just elects to be ignorant, manipulative, aggressive, and she’s very immature so she seeks attention a spoiled brat . All this Nick crap is a form of aggressively pursuing him all from the comfort of the Big Brother House and to get attention. All the crying about being an idiot and not being able to spell is a form of manipulation and attention too. She’s the type that think she’s can ride on her looks and a big personality and is too lazy to educate herself or challenge herself. They same way she can spend 700 on extensions she could go pick up a damn book or book a class somewhere. I guess she was looking in the mirror during 5th grade English courses. The kind of stuff that rolls out of her head first like fudge packer, rat, or whatever else shows what level she has chosen to be on mentally at 30 something years old. She’s an elective moron not crazy for real.

  8. Who does eveyone think will get “People’s Choice”? I have no idea who I would vote for right now. I don’t like anybody in the house.

      1. Daaaaaaaaaa! that’s because he was in the house for two minutes.
        I don’t even remember what he looked like and if he ever talked at all! What a waste of vote.
        How about David! Send him half of your vote…idiota!!!

      2. Might as well vote for Nick. Been gone for weeks, yet the dude gets more airtime than some of the players still in the house……. thanks to GM’s psychosis.

    1. It is still Howard for me to stick it to these a**holes! I really would like for him and Candace to put Aaryn, Amanda and GM on the hot seat at the finale. By the time the finale happens, both of them will have had a chance to see and hear all of the disgusting things these three have said about them with no provocation at all. I would never accept any apology if it were me, but I would surely enjoy watching them squirm on national tv. I am sad to say that I don’t trust that Julie
      Chen will address the issue as seriously as it deserves to be. Howard for the $25,000!

  9. This game is called whose F2 deal is REAL.

    1) Helen and……. ok ok! Well there aren’t going to be numbers. My take is none are real. This might be the 1st season where I don’t see a single F2 that is valid. The easy one seems to be McCrae/Amanda. I wouldn’t trust Amanda as far as I could throw that racist b*tch! That said I think McCrae would evict her if the timing is right in a heartbeat.

    Andy and whom? This question is virtually impossible to answer. The rat is everywhere making many a social drinker an alcoholic. Early on after MC I thought Andy and Judd seemed a F2 no brainer then Andy turned on Judd. Judd has no clue to this day.

    Helen/Ellisa well we know Helen is a complete waste of space as a strategist. She’ll agree to get rid of Ellisa as soon as jury(Helen vote) only to get sent to the jury before Ellisa. Have I written Helen WORST BB HG ever today yet! hehe

    You can go on and on. Truth is they are almost all vile nasty people when the target isn’t in the room. The season may play out as the 1st I can think of where social game means almost nothing. A first for BB and the 1st season we are 1/2 way and I don’t think I’ve written “it’s a social game” even once up til now.

    The truth is this isn’t BB this season. The level of racism/nastiness combine with the vulgar violent comments Amanda has gotten away with b/c she is Grodners pet is disgusting. We all see Helen as a terrible douchebag and one of the worst players ever. Do you think the reason she doesn’t go after Amanda isn’t an F2 deal but simply production has her protecting Amanda. I’d almost bet on that scenario!
    The MVP fundamentally change the game as HOH had little power and “the mob” had all the power. Alliances were replaced by a voting block of convenience. As long as it wasn’t them going vote for who the house wanted that week. When the MVP is gone I don’t think many will adapt to the traditional game of BB. Who has real RELATIONSHIPs with each other. Because the social game will be back! Real alliances need to be formed quickly. Maybe Arryn, Judd, Spence and GM get together. Judd is a shady dumb f*ck though and may really stick with Andy and get burned. If GM or Spence go 2nd Thursday just add in Jessie’s name as the replacement. Win a couple straight HOH’s and the house dynamic changes.
    Until the MVP is gone the BB game is gone as we have known it. A season many die hard fans have called the worst ever will continue. BB has always been a FUN part of my summers. Said truth is this summer most “BB days” are filled with anger and disgust!

    1. Couple of thoughts…..
      Helen is not the worst BB player of all time because its all ones opinion and not based on anything. What you see as a bad player is not what I see as a bad player. My personal list of some of the worst Marcellus (BB3), Michael (BB5), Holly (BB5), The cast of BB6 (minus Kaysar, Janelle, and James), Natalie (BB9)….just a few

      I keep seeing Amanda is Production’s pet (Same thing and same people saying it about Elissa the first few weeks) on this site. If that is the case….can someone (you) please post some info about how Amanda and AG are friends. I am not a fan of AG and what she’s done to the game but throwing things out there without basis for the argument doesn’t help your point. Furthermore….if Amanda and AG were best buddies….why would AG allow “America” to put up Amanda 2 weeks in a row? Wouldn’t she be safe considering all the heat from Aaryn?

      And stop writing Andy off as a rat….he knows he is practically useless in competitions so he’s using the strategy of don’t rock any boats and get jury votes. No one else is thinking about jury votes and that’s a bit odd considering jury is starting very soon.

      1. The AG and Amanda relationship was reported early on at another BB site(won’t mention here)./ Apparently a former staffer with BB leading up to the season says that AG has Amanda as the predetermined winner. And all kinds of twists are set up to save her. Whether you believe this or not 1 thing is sure! Amanda has received the golden edit this season. None of her racist and vile comments have made CBS. Grodner has protected her all the way.

        1. Well thats great but without the site posted or mentioned where it was put….it still comes off as just more crying as the beginning of the season was with Elissa being in AG’s pocket. No offense. I would believe it when I see the evidence….but until I do I can’t believe it because the same thing was being said the first 3 weeks when Elissa was winning the MVP. I will admit from what I’ve read on here that she has gotten a good edit…that I can agree with but the relationship part I can’t until I see it.

          1. I believe that rumour holds zero water. The show and CBS would be in very hot legal water if a game/reality show were rigged and they would face huge fines. And what would be in for Production? I agree 1000% that Amanda IS getting an extremely good edit, as most of ’em are, but Amanda’s and Spencer’s are far and away the best. They do have censorship rules – I’m surprised Production can find enough footage from this foul-mouthed lot to broadcast…seriously…

  10. I think getting Amanda out would be awesome! She controls more then people think and does anyone notice the HOH shares their room with the showmance couple all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. In all of the years that I have watched BB, there has never been so much game talk about making jury. It’s like they have completely lost focus of winning the game. There’s something fishy about that. DR must be influencing them to just be glad to make it to jury. This makes me really believe the story about Amanda being Alison Grodner’s friend and the predetermined winner of BB

  12. GinaMarie, I pray that you read this comment I’m about to tell you.

    1. You are a stupid.
    2. You are a stalker.
    3. Nick will NEVER love you and will NEVER marry you (I’m pretty sure uneducated racists bimbos are not his ideal type of wife)

    You better put your A game hustla mode on when you get back to NY, b/c YOUS A FIRED HOMEGIRL!!!!!!!

  13. This week is going to be boring UNLESS Jessie wins hoh. Jessie actually has a clue whats going on, but unfortunately I doubt Amanda is gonna go because mvp controls 3rd nominee and if any of the noms win veto the majority group is just gonna vote them out.The superfriends have to go against each other because after this episode people are going to the jury.

    Hopefully next season is all stars 2 and I hope to see NONE of these except maybe ellisa would be cool to see Ellisa + Rachel in the house together.

    1. The competition starts out with 2 HGs answering a question by hitting a buzzer, whoever doesn’t hit it in time gets to pick whoever they want to replace them in an attempt to”knock” that player out of the completion.

  14. Is BB prepared to have someone with a net or straight jacket ready when GM makes her exit?
    She is not the only one in the house with serious issues. (May be a plot for new CBS reality show). We all agree the crazy bitch is delusional.
    Her comments are unwarranted. Her latest: fudge packer and c*nt are not acceptable words!
    I sure hope NICK is going to be safe. GM may need a lobotomy to keep her and others safe.

    1. GM, is making a fool of her self. How embarrassing
      To know the guy you idolize don’t want you. If she makes it
      To jury, BB final is going to be awkward for nick. It’s so obvious she is making
      A world in her head. Poor thing.

  15. Hey Gina Marie, way to make all Italians and Italian-Americans so proud of you and your extreme psychosis, racism, crassness and bigotry. You are one delusional self-righteous biotch!!! And yes, people should make fun of you for not being able to spell Chicago or write a blog at the age of thirty. They say, payback is a bitch; well guidette you will get it tenfold.


    The female counterpart to the guido. Usually moderately attractive, with nice fake titts but in desperate need of a nose job. Her voice and personality are so repulsive that only incredibly desperate white males or other guidos/guidettes will listen to her. She is a mammoth whore, the only type of woman that a guido won’t date rape because he doesnt have to. Usually have anywhere between 3 and 8 STD’s, and the super STD chlapmydia is common among the older or more whorish kind. Some of them look like post-op trannies.

    “I totally hooked up with (insert italian name) last night”
    “That skanky-ass guidette? She probably gave you the Chlapmidya”

  16. I wish that these house guests would get it together and vote out Amanda!

    Amanda and McCrae will be in the HOH room (again) – this time could be used to get the votes together to vote out Amanda. Amanda will be too busy humping McCrae to tend to her sheep.

    Helen’s fearful attitude about voting out Amanda the rumor that Amanda was preselected to be the winner by AG more believable.

    AG also could have enlisted the help of her preselected winner Amanda to talk everyone into keeping Elissa (by voting out David instead).

    Helen sounds crazy to me when she behaves as though she is “running” anything. All I have witnessed Helen do is follow Amanda’s instructions.

    I have never been a person to care if production interfered or not – this season I am hoping that it is true, and, production will change their minds so that Amanda can be voted out.

    If America is still the MVP this week, and, Amanda is not voted out this week – I am going to vote for Helen as the MVP Nominee. Helen, IMO, has earned her seat for not voting out Amanda. Helen has had TWO WEEKS to vote out Amanda.

    Elissa, Jesse, Spencer have all said that they would vote out Amanda – Helen is preventing an excellent opportunity from happening.

    Helen lies to herself – which is sad especially since she is pushing 40.

    I hope that Amanda is voted out tomorrow. Jesse, Elissa, Candice are now my favorites as they are the only ones that do not seem to be under Amanda’s spell.

  17. GinaMarie is a vile disgusting human being. She is sooo jealous of Candice and that’s why she hates her so much. Candice is everything GinaMarie wants to be but will never be because she is uneducated and worst of all a bonafide racist on top of that.

    1. What would anyone be jealous of when it comes to Candice? She’s bat shit crazy and clearly has some emotional issues, since she continues to separate herself from the rest of the group. Her buggy eyes and baby voice don’t help, either.

  18. I wouldn’t give Alex Forrest(GM) Nick’s bed back, let that pathetic, psychotic hoodrat steam and self-evict, to process in her plan of stalking Nick.

    1. I love the Alex Forrest analogy for GM’s obsessive behavior towards Nick. My favorite line from that movie ” I won’t be ignored” is legendary. I am wondering at this point if production has offered the houseguests a financial incentive for each racist, homophobic,dirty, low-down slur they can sling! It is getting worse, not better.

  19. “Find out what happens when people stop being polite… and start getting real.”

    Not many of us could go 90 days in a house wired for video/audio without saying something to offend someone (although I am certain some people will reply to this post claiming they could).

    By the way, when Andy is voted out, will it be because the HGs are homophobes? When Amanda is voted out, will it be because the HGs are anti-Semites? What about Helen? Anti-Asian HGs? Spencer? Anti-Fat HGs?

    Too much PC whining ruins the fun.

    1. Do you really need this explained to you? Are you that slow that you actually thought the drivel you just posted was clever and make people reading change their mind because you’re so smart that they’ve seen the light.

      I’m sorry that you are so feeble minded that you can’t comprehend life and all it has to offer. Shit bro, I feel bad for you man. Lighten up bro, your parents are probably just as stupid.

      1. Golly, your hate-filled rant, populated with personal insults toward an anonymous font, makes you a red-hot candidate for the Most Intellectually Myopic Post of the Day Award.

        You have my condolences… “Bro.”

    2. Damn. Are you saying there was game play going on that I missed. When was it? Sure everyone here would rather discuss strategy but….

    3. Thanks for making it known to the forum that you condone people joking about gang-raping and killing other people.

      and FYI, you can go on these shows for long periods of time and not offend anyone.

    4. Do you call it PC when we don’t accept the term “fudgepacker” for a gay man, or calling mentally handicapped “retards”, black people “smell”, I mean it goes on and on!

      By the way, the “things start getting REAL reference is an MTV show called REAL WORLD…. heavily edited, filmed in advance, and people chosen for their mental instability… BUT THANKS FOR STOPPING BY THE BB15 SITE….BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Does anyone but me think that Nick could be gay? It seemed that he started hanging around a “girl” when everyone in his alliance started grabbing up the other “girls”. He didn’t know what to do when Jessie was following him. Did anyone notice the look on his face when he had the conversation with GM about her talking about what their first kiss would be like? He looked terrorized. Honestly, if he isn’t gay, he may want to play that card or he will never get rid of her.

    1. Yeah, Nick totally pinged the gaydar. I just find GM so foreign and revolting. The cheesey crown when she got into her HOH room, no wonder they hate Candice who is a bonafide beauty queen. I hope that Chen does’nt wuss out and make her exit interview about her nonexistent relationship with Nick. I’m afraid though that CBS won’t be too hard on them b/c then they might scare off potential future racists, who after all have garnered the show a lot of media attention.

    2. Nick is more gay than Ragan(BB12) and Andy together!!! He is just awkward around
      The girls. The whole jessi and nick thing was embarrassing to watch, plus he is not attractive.
      He looks like a little rat to me.

    3. NICK is not gay i went to college with him . He likes asian women .He had asian women pin ups on his dorm wall . He also is a salesman he has sold cars and security systems all those type of guys move there hands and act like that . But no no no NO he is not gay .

    4. when i first saw nick walk into the house i said to myself he’s gay. and the way he slept with gm with pillows down the middle fully dressed no ”regular” guy would do that my boyfriend would have those pillows on the floor in a heartbeat. i do too think gm is delusional about her relationship with nick and i think she would stalk him. if he is gay and there is nothing wrong with that he should have told her up front and they could have just been besties. i luv mccrae i hope he wins it all. yes there has been alot of racism on this show and ive been watching since season 1 with my mom, she passed away aug. 30th, 08 and it was our fav show i still luv it but i wish they would stop with the racist comments im half jewish and half italian and my favorite singer is adam lambert who is gay proud and gorgeous and can sing

  21. wow, every day this cast shows the world how loving and compassionate they are!!! I guarantee those who have been kicked out already are thrilled they are not part of this cast anymore! I would run like Forrest Gump to get away from anything to do with BB15.

    1. Agreed! I also imagine there’s a gag order on them from commenting on the racial slurs and other controversies surrounding the housemates. Not much talking in media going on….

  22. Lol what is Judd thinking….he could never get a girl like Jessie or Aaryn outside the house. And P.S Jessie is so much better than Aaryn in regards to everything

  23. I think this Thursday of double eviction, Jessie or Helen win HoH. She puts up Amanda & Spencer, Elissa wins PoV keep the nomination and the whole house voted for Amanda or Spencer. Elissa win HoH puts up Amanda/Spencer & Jessie, Jessie wins PoV and Backdoored Aaryn and the whole house voted for Aaryn or Amanda/Spencer.

    1. Nope put up Amanda and McCrea and if one of them wins POV then replace with Andy. Now THAT would shake things up.

      1. Nope, it won’t work!!!! Put Aaryn up and the whole house will be shake. Keep Amanda later.

  24. I don’t think it matters who wins HOH, nobody will vote out Amanda/Helen/McCrae/Elissa….it’s either Spencer, Jessie or Judd going home next, hopefully Judd because he holds the card to change the game and won’t do it. I’m so sick of Helen, she’s just as much of a mean girl as Aaryn, GM and Amanda…the way she talked about Jessie last night was disgusting, at the beginning I was rooting for Helen but not anymore, I actually like Amanda more and that’s saying a lot. If Jessie wins HOH she’ll put up whoever “the house” wants too, this season is predictable and annoying….but yet I still watch, just hoping for that moment of glory when somebody gets the balls to change up the game.

  25. Does the cast find out about the double eviction the day of (Thursday) like before the show because they never really seem that surprised when Julie tells them

  26. Question: How was Candice recruited for the show – Spencer mentioned it last night but I didn’t get the where and how of it. Thanks.

  27. Yesterday, Candice and Hello were talking about the fact that Candice told her that she and ‘her person’ would never go after her and Elissa. She made Howie agree to that 100%. (The honest dude). She said that Jessie and Helen that she is not willing to hand over her HOH. Uh….what fu***in HOH is talking about – the one she will never win and can’t win? Pour this girl another glass of wHine….
    I can’t take another second of the voice, the ‘Howie’ memories, the mattress memories. Big Brother is about making your way through (no matter how hard) and she is not cut out for this. Like I said before (from various stories she shares) – Basketball Wives looks more like where she would ‘fit in’ (especially with the earring that are as big as Olympic medals (in varying shapes and colors). They may know how to apply makeup but in itself makes you equivalent to a Kardashian IMO.

  28. WOW. GM is a f*cking C*NT. That was rude, and uncalled for. It’s not like they have permanent beds in the house, and to top it off – she is DELUSIONAL.

  29. Does anyone know if Judd can hear the rattle in his head when he walks? He must have rocks for brains if he has complete trust in Queen Demanda and her lapdog McPussy. And do you suppose that being around Spencer would be annoying sitting there listening to the wind whistle through his empty head? These two are completely clueless as to the real situation in the house.

    Helen! Helen!! Helen who told you that you were a leader? Indecisive, weak willed, small minded does not a leader make. Wasted opportunities will be your legacy on Big Brother.

    Where Demanda has McPussy as a pet Helen sports the ever nasty Elissa. A BB wanna be. Anything she has received is because of her trashy sister and Elissa has used that past the point of toleration. Her botox lips and her whiny self-absorbtion is enough to want her gone, gone, gone!!!

  30. Some of the comments on this forum are repulsive. Calling Gina Marie stupid is not dignify. Stop obsessing about Aryan, Gina Marie and Amanda build up your own self confidence. Don’t lower your own morals and values by trying to discredit racist HGs. If someone is a racist they are not worth my time or energy! I

    To be a racist is Pathetic and Sad!!!!!!!!!

  31. can someone please clarify jury for me. do jury members watch each episode and get the feeds or do they only receive the edited version which we see on Sun/Wed///Thurs?

  32. I bet Ginamarie’s family is embarrassed at the way he is acting. Her language and the way she treats people is horrible. I hope when she gets out, she watches the show and learns that she is not a nice person.
    I feel bad for Candice and how they(GM, Aaryn and Amanda) have treated her. I do not see anything wrong with the way Candice is playing (except for when she confronted Spencer last week. If she would have talked with him instead of assuming Amanda was telling the truth or that spencer was just saying that stuff to set her up for the blindside her, Amanda would have gone home)

  33. After being in relationship with my husband for nine years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email is (LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM } tel.+2347053977842) you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything.

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