Caleb – “Maybe deep down inside she really does like me..”

POV Holder: Donny Next POV ?
POV Used YES POV Ceremony June 29th
HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH)
Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ?
Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria)
Current Nominations: Joey, Paola
Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, Brittany
POV Players Donny, Paola, Cody, Zach, Caleb, Victoria (HOST = Jocasta)

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3:26pm Amber, Christine and Frankie
(Before Amber joins them Frankie says he was telling Zach to chill out about christine talking to Caleb yesterday)
Amber saying people within their alliance have been acting funny. .
Frankie tells her everyone is totally solid, “We’re together down with the plan”
Amber – “Everyone has been distance and hanging out upstairs.. I want everyone to get along in here and out there”
Amber says she use to talk to Devin every day now he’s staying away from her.
Frankie and Christine mention to her that everyone’s schedules have been mixed up lately people are up while others are sleeping.
Amber is a bit glad it’s like this because nobody will suspect her and Caleb have a game alliance going on.

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3:36pm Looks like everyone in the backyard chit chat
Hayden reading his “poems”. Incase you missed it on the feeds Hayden makes up and pretends to read these overly emotional poems in a girls voice.
Hayden – “If everyone looks in front of them they would not only see a brighter future but they would also see Brittany’s side boob”
Everyone howled in laughter.

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3:42pm Zach and Frankie Hammock
Frankie saying he saw Caleb and Devin talking about AMber again Zach wonders if Devin and Caleb are OK. Frankie doesn’t know says everything seems to be crumbling “But thats Good”
Frankie says Caleb was saying after he wins this he’s going on Survivor
Zach – “I’m not surprised he totally could”
Zach brings up the talk last night with Codey and Hayden. Hayden told him there was an unofficial alliance between all the ‘Bros”
Zach was thinking of throwing Joey a vote just so Devin and Caleb would waste all their energy trying to figure it out
Frankie thought he was going to do something like that
Zach doesn’t think he will though the payoff is too small he doesn’t want to derail the “Love triangle” that is happening.
Frankie says something is going to blow the triangle up
Zach – “I’m throwing this HOH competition for sure unless it’s me and two non bomb squad members”
Frankie – “For sure”

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3:52pm Have Nots Joey and Zach
Joey says she’s getting a good enough vibe from people that she has enough votes to stay.
Joey – “I think I have a 80 percent chance a decent chance.. I think I got 7 maybe 8”
They agree Alex was funny.
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3:57pm Cam 1 POWPOW, Amber and Victoria
Sounds like Production was calling POWPOW to the Diary room but she never went just slept through it. Victoria can’t understand why they let her do that cause everyone else get hauled out of bed.
POWPOW – “I don’t like the Diary room.. I hate it.. I don’t feel like myself in there it’s weird.. I want to be myself and say what I want but I feel like I can’t do that in there.. they know I don’t like it I told them”
Feeds Cut

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4:08pm HOH Zach and Frankie
Zach says if Brittany wins the HOH and gets Devine out will they still blow up the bomb squad. Frankie doesn’t know.
Zach brings up the story about Caleb and how he saved his dog after a boar attack. Apparently the dogs artery was punctured and Caleb clamped the dogs artery with his hand until they could get to the vet. Zach and Frankie are in shock at all the things Caleb has done and can do.

Frankie brings up Devin asking him for a facial this morning, ‘Ugh what a waste of good product”
Zach – He’s OCD he’s bipolar he’s ADHD.. he told Cody to cut two hairs on his neck”
They start talking about Devin Adderall usage, Frankie calls it legalized cocaine. Zach says Devin takes 100mg a day. Frankie and Zach both think devine is messed up in the head.
Frankie says he was standing their clenched jaw saying “I just need my pills to kick in to stay calm”
When the feeds come back Nicole is knocking on the doors Frankie – “Come in i’m ready” (see image above)

Frankie goes to the bathroom.
Nicole and Zach agree they will not put each other up if they win HOH. Nicole asks him who he would put up. Zach says there’s 4 people , 2 girls and 2 guys.
Zach – “Donny because he creeps me out”
Nicole says she wouldn’t put up a guy.. “Not Victoria.. I like Brittany.. I like Victoria but I have to do whats best for my game.. I couldn’t give you two names right now.. there’s people I wouldn’t put up.. I would never put up you and Cody”

Zach says he got sucker punched at the bar on his final year of college. It broke his face all up broke the occipital bone and his eye was pushed in 4mm. Cost 60 thousand dollars to repair, Zach pressed charges on the guy and he got in a lot of trouble. feeds cut..
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4:40pm Storage room Caleb and Cody
Caleb saying he’s waiting for Amber To apologize to him. He doesn’t think Amber knows he knows that is why she’s been quiet. Caleba nd Cody suspect Amber may have been using Caleb to get further in the game. Caleb wonders maybe Devin embellished a bit when he told him what Amber said.
Caleb – “One night she’s saying I’m super sweet..” Caleb adds the night before that Amber wanted a final 2 deal with him and the day after she’s telling Devin all Caleb thinks about his himself.
Caleb brings up how Amber always sits furthest away from him even when they were close. Caleb – “I know why she does it she’s wanting people to think she doesn’t like me”
Caleb going on about making her ice cream with cookie dough and dinner for the house how can she go around and say he only cares about himself.

Cody thinks he should talk to Amber about what she said because a lot can be lost in translation.
Caleb can’t right now because she will know Devin told him and Devin will flip a lid, “Thursday or Friday Frankie is going to talk to her”
Cody – She’ll tell frankie if something’s up”
Caleb doesn’t understand what Amber is doing all he did was tell her he liked her and wanted to get to know her when they got out of the house. Caleb mentions he apologized to Amber about putting her in a tough position (When he told her he liked her) Caleb adds that it was that morning he asked Amber to the prom and Amber said yes.
Caleb brings up Amber telling Devin that he was her type, “She never dated a white guy before”
Cody – “You think she’s saying this stuff to piss you off’
Caleb – “Maybe she’s saying all this stuff to get people off her back. Maybe deep down inside she really does like me and the fact all the people making all these jokes are pissing her off”

(Caleb is still hung up on Amber but the house is starting to get wise to Amber’s game)

Bomb Squad = Frankie, Caleb, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, Christine
Fragment of bomb squad no name  = Christine, Frankie, Cody, Derrick Zach
Sub alliance of the Bomb Squad = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Double Ds = Devin, Donny
Bed buddies = Nicole, Christine
Final 2 Deal Zankie= Frankie, Zach
Old defunct alliances
TheCrazy8s = Frankie, Donny, Joey, Paola, Devin, Amber, Nicole, Cody
El Cuatro = Paola, Amber, Joey, Nicole

Where the vote is 
As of now Joey is going home..

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64 thoughts to “Caleb – “Maybe deep down inside she really does like me..””

  1. After watching tonight’s show I like Donny even more .He was being genuiene.
    Devin is a huge DICK! & Caleb is just unhinged! Run Amber Run!

  2. So I’m confused. Obviously Caleb is all hung up on Amber, but what game are the houseguests on to? Is that implying that she is manipulating the situation so he is still all crazy over her?

      1. Simon put yourself in Amber’s shoes. What would you do? Everyone in the house is afraid of Caleb. Everyone in the house is talking about Amber/Caleb. He still tracks her every move. Would you just tell him he’s being a psycho stalker? Would you pretend to like him to stay safe? Whatever she does she could push him over a very scary edge.
        And why is BB not showing Caleb’s obsession on the show? Since Amber every conversation Amber Caleb has Amber he talks about Amber.

      2. How is she leading Caleb on?

        She hasn’t done one thing to give him that idea, his issue is that he totally placed her on a pedestal and then created this complete fantasy in his head. He liked Amber so much and thought so much about her before even speaking to her that he analyzed EVERYTHING about her actions, so much so that he convinced himself that she was sending him signals.

        Also a lot of the other houseguests told him she liked him or that they’d make a good couple. But Amber flirting and leading on him? Come on that didn’t happen. Her being nice isn’t a fair sign that she was leading him on, that would be like a woman perceiving just because a guy is nice to her he must like her.

      3. she didnt do a very good job of providing a soft landing for caleb.. she just sort of looked at him cockeyed and inched her way slowly out of the room all behind a smile that said holy shit youve got to be kidding me.. youve read all the signs wrong i have to get out of here and away from you as soon as possible..
        that was very poorly handled from a girl with i suspect a lot of experience being hit on.. its no wonder this guy is pissed off.. i mean yes he’s out of his mind.. but she should have predicted the outcome and done some better damage control while in the moment.. it shows her social skills are pretty lacking.

    1. I agree and personally feel Devin is the person at fault for most of this due to the fact that he went to Caleb and I am sure Devin is not being totally truthful, But yet now he’s trying to back track so save himself from being a target.
      Caleb is also stupid for getting all worked up without just trying to talk to Amber.

    2. These are the same people who decided that Donny is a Black Ops Navy Seal in stealth mode. It wouldn’t take much for them to interpret Amber avoiding being in any close vicinity with Caleb to be her ‘manipulating’ him to make him think she is friendlier to him than she really is.

      And yes, they are that delusional.

  3. Oh My Dawg
    These kids are in middle school, I thought you had to be older to play this game.
    “OMG I really like her and like I think she likes me, but, she has to act like she doesn’t like me, that’s why she said she really really liked Devin… so people won’t think we are together, which is like crazy because like… OMG we a totally not together I just liked asked her to the prom… because I like want us to be together.”

    Make it stop and play the game….
    Vote out PowPow and get this stuff started. I know Joey is the target this week (god damn… it’s what the house wants crap) but what does PowPow really have to offer you more than a vote? and what do you do if she dumb lucks an HoH? You do not really talk game with her… So who would she nominate? Who knows she really is not that interesting…. probably a girl or “It’s what the House wants… sorrrrreeee.” Joey at least will have some balls if she wins HoH and will try to take out one of those you are afraid to.

    1. joey is an idiot who has no idea what she is doing apparently she didm even know what the power of veto is.. she does not deserve to be in the house and she screwed herself

      1. I agree completely… the girl is an idiot… but she is also a target and what is PowPow? Nothing, maybe a vote.

      2. Joey was recruited to be on BB. They found her at her job. She hadn’t watched BB before (like Brittany). That’s why I hope she goes home, along with the rest of the houseguests who were “recruited”. I want an actual fan like Donny to win.

        1. I want Donny to win also… My favorites are Donny, Christine and Nicole… They are actual fans. If you want Donny to win you really need a Joey for awhile longer than say PowPow.Hot Girl with big boobs trumps 40 yo old guy, Wher as he would stay against crazy blue haired chick. He will loose in an elimination vote against almost all of the rest. You need a Joey, a Brittany for at least two more weeks in order to keep Donny in the game. Next week the best thing for Donny is Joey is still there and the nominees are Caleb/ Cody and Devin/Amber then after POV Frankie replaces any of them. then he still has the Brittany/ Joey airbag what would be hysterical if the nominees are Joey/ Brittany and Caleb/Frankie and Joey/Brittany won battle of the block… that is like a BB Fan orgasm.
          In closing Joey much better for Donny’s game than PowPow.

          It is a harsh Big Brother reality. They cast people who have never watched the game because an all Fan cast would be bad TV… a strategic hell. and Fan Favorites like Donnie would go home.

          1. i don’t like the recruited HGs, but I can see their value. In BB1, 2 and 3 no one who came on the show really knew how the show worked, and that added uncertainty to it. If it was 100% superfans, the uncertainty and randomness is gone. It would rely solely on the tricks aka twists, and production manipulation of course. So while i wouldn’t want to see a recruit going to the end, I can still see the value in it. Like when Ian, Dan, Danielle and Shane were F4. I don’t think anyone would have liked to see either Shane or Danielle in F2 due to the fact they were both non-fan recruits looking to be on a completely different reality show.

    2. But he said that she said that he heard…blah blah blah. It’s like listening to a bunch of 12 old girls.

    1. When I look at Caleb I just see a muscle bound kid. Other than wining over that minx Amber, he really has not fallen into the A-hole category. He has not really threatened another player… he can be cocky…. but look at him, I would be cocky, and so would you. I actually kind of like the kid. In some ways I think we want him to be an A-Hole because he is attractive, we really want that flaw in him… we are looking for it big time.
      Devin is probably a great dad, wonderful guy… total douche bag inside the house.
      Amber is probably that girl in the club that get’s drinks for her entire group (I looooove my fag hag and hot friend who can do that, do not get me wrong… but then says “Im with my friends Sorrreeee.”) In the House I would see her in action and think You just can not trust this girl.
      Frankie… everybody who is gay knows that queen. He is the guy who takes pictures of you botfriend hugging someone else and then Tweets it or puts it on Instegram #MyBestFriendsBoyfriendANDthatisNOTmyBESTFRIEND:(, That is the queen who hits on his friends man and then tells everybody he totally wanted him. That is the gay men that comforts you and then tells everybody else your private business…. Shady Queen inside the house and outside the house. I would not trust him at all. You are stupid if you do… Do not be fooled by the smoke and mirrors or the floor show… he will dance over your games grave
      these are just some of the things that are annoying me most in this game so far.

      1. Hes pretty creepy. Caleb has not cracked a smile or laughed with the houseguests once since he’s came into the house. And whenever he talks it’s only about himself. Not necessarily cocky, just weird. He has yet to ask anyone a question about themselves. He has no interest in anyone elses life and no sense of humor.

      2. I have to disagree about Caleb. He’s told everyone that if they don’t vote the way he wants them to they’ll be the next one gone. He’s all Joey started a girls alliance so she has to go yet he started the guys alliance. It was Devin that brought in Amber and Christine. Both Devin and Caleb say they are going to win everything because they are just that good.
        I think that falls into the A-Hole category.

  4. Can production tell Caleb to please stop talking about Amber?? Get him in the DR and inform him that live feed viewers are being driven crazy by his obsession, also inform him that if he keeps up this garbage that he will be evicted by America.

    1. The show tonight didn’t even bring up his obsession. I think they are trying to hide it like they tried to hide the vile things last season.

  5. Are you guys slow? When did amber ever lead him on? She told him she wasn’t into him…. Seri

  6. After watching tonight’s episode, my heart breaks for Donny. I don’t think they’re going to let him go too far since he is so well liked, but I wish he could win BB soooo bad!

    1. Luv Donnie too! I’m a Double D fan – but not Devin & Donnie – Derrick & Donnie! Would be a great final 2!!

  7. Caleb is a DOUCHE!!! sitting up in the HOH reprimanding Joey the way he was!!! Why are they giving Joey a hard time for making an all girl alliance??? Isn’t that what the guys did…they need to get rid of Devin, Caleb & Amber if she thinks they will take her to the end she CRAZY as hell!!! Same old BS they’ll all vote the same way tomorrow…Why don’t these girls wake up and try and take the guys OUT for a change!

      1. Joey had never seen the show. She was recruited so she didn’t really know that she had to go one on one and get the feel of people before making an all girl alliance. She seems to be the only girl in there that didn’t let the guys intimidate her but the other girls didn’t have her back.

    1. I so agree Donna, I said the same thing! I saw how Caleb acted and said what is this school! Is he the freakin principal and Joey got called up? crazy country boy..

  8. Tonight’s episode was one of the most entertaining Big Brother shows I’ve ever seen. I was howling with laughter!! After tonight’s show donny is my favourite!

  9. Diva Devlin is taking Adderall? Didn’t several of last year’s HGs use it also? Can production not find any mentally or emotionally stable people or do they prefer HG’s who must be medicated to add suspense and tension to the show? Then there is Caleb……………………..

      1. Adderall is a stimulant, not a sedative. It allows more focus and attention (not calmness) for everyone, but especially for those with ADHD who have trouble focussing and are more distractable, so maybe in a sense more calming. For those without ADHD is does act like “Cocaine Lite”, which is why it’s such an abused medication.

      2. Do you not find it possible to make a comment without resorting to name calling? Whether Adderall is a stimulant or sedative, I was expressing my opinion that production seems to find hg’s who require daily medication in order to function. The hgs are all fairly young and it is sad that they must rely on meds to see them through.

        1. I agree taylor, whenever someone resorts to calling others abusive names – it negates their entire comment for me. From what I’ve read on here, Smd Nicole seems to think a lot of us are “idiots!”

  10. Production needs to embarass Caleb and tell him to “Please stop talking about Amber”. DR also needs to pull him in and tell him that Live feed viewers are so endlessly tired of his obesession and America will evict him should his behavior continues.

  11. Watching tonight’s episode and this is why women don’t get ahead cause we don’t stand by one another. Devin told amber about the all guys alliance before bringing them in but she see pass that and side with the guys. Amber don’t watch bb cause if she did she would have kept her money shut . The guys are gonna use the girl to get info and discard them with the quickness once they serve no purpose

    1. Can you image the power the girls would have had if Amber and Christine had used their place in the Bomb Squad to get info for the girls and turned it against the guys instead of turning on Joey?

  12. What is up with the girls in this house? When Joey asked to start an alliance, did you see the looks on the girls’ faces. You would of thought she asked them to hold dog dooey in their hands.
    Only the guys are allowed to have an alliance plus 2 girls in the house. What is up with this group? Are they so insecure that if someone mentioned an alliance they have to get them out right a way. This group of 8 probably won’t last too much longer. Too much ego, and not enough brains.

  13. I think Derrick is the front runner right now. Former undercover cop with an MBA. He’s playing very low key, lots of listening, not much talking.

    1. I agree Derrick is playing a good game but he is in the Bomb Squad and when that blows up he could be hit with the fallout. Donny and Hayden are the two guys sitting back watching and listening.

      1. True, but…I think Derrick is smart enough to protect himself, which he’s doing through his social game. He’s my pick to win it – like his integrity so far.

      2. Which is exactly why Donny will go far, excellent strategy…lay low, let everyone self destruct and alliances implode, and win comps when needed.

  14. Caleb – Couldn’t be hungrier for attention from anyone, especially Amber
    Zach – Couldn’t be thirstier for Frankie who’s obvi not interested…

  15. Is this called Big Brother 16 or Big Brother Devin. I don’t understand why CBS has given him so much air time. I know good and we’ll they’re not grooming him for America’s favorite; that will never happen because of his arrogancy

  16. Oh my word! Been super crazy with work this week so I hop on when I can to stay on top of things. I’m starting a new drinking game – every time Caleb brings up Amber!! UGHHH!! She loves me, she loves me not! Ughhh! Now off to watch a little bit of the feeds before bed!
    Simon & Dawg – ya’ll just keep getting more & more awesome with this site! Thanks so much!! I honestly don’t know how you do it! It is appreciated!

    1. NO!! Step away from the booze!! If you Amber take a Amber drink every time Amber Caleb says Amber you’ll need rehab Amber within days.

      1. That kind of drinking game would be suicide. I had to stop watching when Caleb is on because no matter who he is talking to and no matter what they start out talking about, it always ends up being about Amber. The guy is scary. I haven’t really seen Amber lead him on, sure she is gorgeous and is playing it, but it doesn’t seem directed at just one person in particular. Either way, she has to be very careful or she will be gone very soon.The guys are not helping by egging Caleb on, and with Devin making things up about what Amber said, Caleb is becoming a hot mess. When Frankie and Zack blow up the bomb squad, he is going to go crazy. Hopefully just good entertaining crazy, but I’m kinda scared he will go Justin BB2 crazy.

        As for Devin, there is nothing to like about the guy. From the first time I watched him he reminded me of someone and I couldn’t put my finger on who. Then it came to me, his smile, his fake “I’m such a nice guy” expression, his way of trying to use big words to baffle with bullsh*t, his condescending way of talking to people. Look at him, the way he expresses himself maybe it’s just me, but he reminds me of Brendan. At least I could laugh at Brendan because he was silly, but Devin is a bit too scary to laugh at. I am kind of afraid to see how he will act when his bros abandon him.

  17. I’d give anything if Amber were to hookup with Devin or one of the other guys just to watch Caleb have a complete breakdown. It ticks me off that the producers and editing don’t show Caleb stalking Amber. And Zack is a complete douchebag by saying Donny creeps him out.

  18. Caleb, please stop obsessing about Amber. Play the game and move on. Joey, please do not dress like Alex again. And I really like Donny and Nicole too.

  19. Ughh Amber is playing such a poor game. I understand where she’s coming from in not wanting to stir up any drama and not wanting to deal with this Caleb situation but at what point is she going to realize that she’s being made into a scapegoat by Devin!??

    I mean its been made clear that Devin’s talking crap about her and twisting her words to Caleb but then she just wants to let it slide because she doesn’t think it should be a big deal.

    Please Amber stick up for yourself and confront Caleb because this is some wacky stuff that can send her home.

  20. “Zach was thinking of throwing Joey a vote just so Devin and Caleb would waste all their energy trying to figure it out”
    this is the one thing i cant believe didnt happen.. SOMEONE should have.. ANYONE with half a brain should have realized what it would have done to these people.. 50% of the players would have been out of their minds trying to figure out who did it.. they all missed an amazing opportunity.

  21. Caleb reminds me of the male Gina Marie. We will only know for sure if Amber gets voted out and he wont let go of her clothing.

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