POV Holder: | Danielle | Next POV: | Aug 11 (Saturday) |
POV Used | ??? | POV Ceremony | Aug 6 (Monday) |
HOH Winner: | Danielle | Next HOH: | Aug 9 (Thursday) |
Original Nominations: | Wil and Frank | ||
Current Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | No Have-Nots for the Week | ||
Last Evicted Houseguest |
11:50am – 12:25pm Boogie says that there really aren’t many first generation Big Brother players on the show. The conversation turns to Ian talking about how his casting process was, he says that he was only 21 for 15 days when he tried out. Boogie says and then only a few months later you’re sitting in a dog house in the backyard of the bb house. Dare to dream folks. Ian says that he isn’t complaining. Janelle, Joe, Britney, Wil, Ian and Dan head over to the pool to suntan.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!
12:30pm Shane and Danielle are up in the HOH room. Shane tells Danielle that Boogie wants to meet up later today to talk. He says that Boogie asked who isn’t on board and he guessed Dan. Shane says that he nodded and Boogie said that he will work on him. Shane says that he told Boogie that he wasn’t sure he could trust him. He says that Boogie says he really wants to work with us. Danielle then goes into how Dan thinks she is playing personally and not strategically. Shane says it is a tough decision. Danielle says that it’s not really; we just need everyone not to waver. Shane says we just need to convince Frank that we wanted him safe last week too, and this is us proving it to you. Shane says we are freaking power houses, we keep it real. Shane and Danielle head down to lay out in the backyard.
1pm Frank talks about the dream he had about Jojo. Britney talks about how you can’t make up people in your dreams they are people you have seen before, even in passing. They might have the same face but a different personality. Britney says that is why you might have had a wet dream about Jojo. Frank says it wasn’t a wet dream. Frank starts talking about how Joe gave him a supple cupping of his butt. Britney says that she heard she was dying to make out with someone. She would have been naked on our kitchen counter during the spin the bottle. Britney says look at Ian sitting in his dog house watching the kids in the pool. Britney and Wil decide to walk around the backyard. Frank continues to talk about his dream about Jojo. Jenn says well Jojo love sex. Frank says that maybe he should have gone to the bathroom at 4am and rubbed one out. But that bathroom is gross.
1:30pm – 1:40pm Britney and Janelle are doing exercises in the living room. Dan comes out of the storage room and asks lamaze class? Janelle says it’s not lamaze. Britney tells Janelle it’s too hard. Janelle says you’ve got to get that booty hard for the next competition. Feel the burn. Make sure you work your hips and your butt, boom, boom, boom, boom! Janelle says next its the lunging iguana.
2pm – 2:15pm Britney and Janelle are talking in the living room. Britney tells Janelle that Boogie was pitching a plan to work with us. Britney tells Janelle that she can throw the HOH competition to her because she doesn’t care about putting people up. Janelle says okay. Britney says that we need to get 3 people out before jury starts. Janelle says we need to get Boogie out before he gets to jury, he would never vote for you or I, he is such a sexist piece of sh*t. He will only vote for a guy to win. Britney says it would be better for me to win than you .. because it would be awkward for you with some people. Britney says that soon Danielle and Shane will want to work with us. I don’t think they have the cut throat nature. Janelle tells Britney that she doesn’t want Shane to go far. Britney says I don’t think Shane is going after the coaches. Janelle says that she thinks we can only trust Dan for a few more weeks. Britney agrees.
2:25pm – 2:50pm Out in the backyard, Britney tells Danielle and Boogie that when she was younger she thought she was a freak of nature because he pubes weren’t black. She was worried that no one would want to have sex with her because her pubes weren’t black. The conversation turns to talking about sorority houses. Frank and Dan join them. Boogie continues to ask them questions.
Watch the 24/7 Uncensored Live Feeds of the Big Brother house 3 Day Trial!
Time to get the live feeds for me. Woot Woot!
First time to ever get them this is pretty sweet.
I remember my first time getting the live feeds, I’ve been hooked ever since and can’t imagine not having them.
I think you guys should get paid by CBS because these constant updates go right along with the feeds. I don’t know how much of use the feeds would be without them. You provide time for anything important/exciting that happens so one can rewind and watch. Even if one had feeds, but didn’t read this blog, they would still miss all the good stuff because not many people can sit and watch for 24 hours. This blog you guys made is invaluable.
Thanks, it’s A LOT of hard work but we do it because we love big brother and all the fans. It’s an insane amount of work, yesterday I worked from 4am till 11pm …and then got up again at 4am ..lol Glad all the hard work is appreciated. And yeah it sure would be nice if CBS paid us ..
Team Avengers (Mike Boogie, Britney,Dan,Shane,Frank & Danielle) Yo!
As awesome as Team Avengers would be, mike and frank will turn the second they have the power
NO THEY WONT. and frankly, dan suggested turning next week on THEM, so how the heck is that any different
boogie will keep his word for a week at least, that I know will be true. I really dont think hes playing a cutthroat game this year
They aren’t that stupid it would be a dumb move. They need to take a couple more people off before they turn on each other.
Everyone who thinks that Danielle and Britney just want to get rid of Janelle because they don’t like her are probably Janelle fans or buying Dan’s bs.
The minute Janelle comes into power she’s going after them if Frank’s gone. Mike and Frank will be with them for at least a couple of weeks.
Did you not hear Dan call out Danielle for STILL being mad about the legs comment! She is playing personal! sorry!
@ANA Are you kidding me? Look what did she done? She causes trouble, untrustworthy & even she is shady. Do yo want Janelle stay longer or not? Think long term because if we get rid Janelle right now. It would be easier of having drama. That’s why Janelle needs to go now!
Captain Wedgie – I agree with you that Janelle made her own bed with these lies. I, frankly, think she herself probably can’t remember who she told what anymore. But they can keep her in the dark and watch her moves, while they take out the more dangerous players in Boogie and Frank who are just waiting to strike and do have remaining influence over Ian and Jenn (and could likely convince Wil and Joe to vote with them). I think that Boogie’s main targets are the big competitors… that means Janelle, Dan, and Shane. If 2 or 3 of those are out, and they win the following HOH, it’s game over. That’s how I see it.
If 2 or 3 of those are out
If 2 of those 3 are out, and Boogie/Frank win the following HOH…
you’re exactly right 10 minutes after boogie pitched his deal he was down in the arcade room with frank talking about when they would turn on them.
I think I’m switching to team Boogie now. I hate the guy, but I don’t have much hope for the other side right now. Danielle and Shane, the two ditzes, want to take out Wil and Joe after Janelle. They’re basically going to do Boogie’s work for him, while he sits and laughs in the back. Then the moment will come and he’ll strike, taking Dan or Shane out. Danielle will be in tears.
I agree with you 100% Its nice to know people have watched Big Brother and know how Boogie plays this game!
It was so funny on BBAD last night. BSDD were like, we’ll align with them, but we have to get them out in two weeks. If they’re thinking that, don’t they think schemers Boogie and Frankie are thinking the same thing, if not getting them out sooner?
They might be thinking this, but you gotta realize they have more numbers than boogie/frank and they are far easier to beat in comps than janelle.
hell yeah! team avengers ftw! but… dan wants to be loki and mess it all up!
I hear you wedgie time to take out the trash!!!!!!
It shouldn’t be called, team avengers; it should be called, Dan is a little pussy ass lying bitch team!!K
Final 6:Mike Boogie,Frank,Dan,Britney,Shane & Danielle
Every men or women themselves
if mike and frank are 100% on board, thats a nearly perfect combo for dan, danielle, brit and shane. because then its 4 on 2.
but its not gonna happen. dan is the real HOH. he has other plans for himself. and he wants janelle at least in jury. so the noms will stay the same.
I disagree on this one. If Danielle can easily get rid of Janelle right now. She won’t have her blood in her hands. Dan would easily support Danielle decision.
Haha seems that way! Britney will be 6th lol Can we not hand Boogie another BB win!!!
I hope Danielle keeps the noms the same OR puts up Boogie next to Frank. Split them up and it will force the remaining one to team up with a new alliance. When you know when there is strong 2fer alliance, break it up!!
Team Shane FTW
you are team janelle, as the best move shane can make is to take boogie’s deal
its sad that people actually don’t see this
Im doubting she will. She is playing personal. Janelle may go home but I cant wait for Danielle and her insecurities to walk out the door!
Under that logic the avengers need to lose 3 players. Not going to fly the head of the snake must be severed. Pignelles horrible game play this time will bite her early in the game. Avengers need to roll hard then throw an HOH to Dan and see if he has the balls to break the alliance up. I like Dan but Boogie wont make him Dr Will even if Frank is gone.
Unfortunately Janelle got screwed with this whole coaches thing! She had to lie and scheme to keep her team safe! Had she came in and played her own game I am sure you would have loved her! There is a reason people like her as a player. Productions shitty idea screwed her this season!
i agree get rid of boogie then u can bring frank in because i think he’s more trustworthy and then they could let him take out janelle and then get rid of him later
if danielle and shane do this, it totally redeems the season
it finally gives us POWER PLAYERS for once, who are newbies, or I should say, finally we get that again. good for them
make the move, show you arent afraid of dan, and that you want to play your own game seperate of his agenda, as they should already be wondering WTF is the deal with that, and just say listen dan, either take the deal, or we have a problem here, his vote shouldnt outweigh the current HoH and 3 others
I dont think Frank is gonna buy that you wanted him to stay Danielle. He is not stupid. It boggles my mind how fast these people flip flop.
If Janelle goes home I really hope that Boogie and Frank rally the others and turn on Danielle and Shane. Then it would keep the season interesting.
It’s a tough decision either way. Janelle and Boogie are both untrustworthy. If I was DDBS, I would just take Ian and vote out Frank. Take your chances that you can either best Janelle in HOH or have brit/Dan convince her not to get rid of Ian, dani or Shane. I agreed with Dan last night when he said I would rather leave because I lost a comp., then leave because I got stabbed in the back.
I completely agree but handouts
I completely agree but janelle is an idiot and just told brit shes going after Shane and brits gonna tell Danielle and now it won’t natter what dan says I’m pretty sure Daniele is gonna back door jani now
Has Shane told Danielle that he’s not interested in her “that way” yet? They still seem to be friendly, so is he pretending to keep himself safe, did he and she’s ok with that and they’re friends, or did she get a clue about his feelings and decided to be cool with it and stay good with him? I’m just curious, I think they look good together and there hasn’t been much in the way of showmances this season.
Judging by Danielle’s conversation with Shane it looks like she’s going to go through with the plan to backdoor Janelle despite Dan’s protests. And it seems that her problem isn’t deciding whether or not she wants to use ther Veto but whether or not she can convince Dan to follow the alliance. At least, that’s what it looks like to me.
I’m surprised by this, but Danielle’s on a power trip. She was so excited last night, talked so fast, I sometimes had a problem keeping up. She thinks she can beat Frank in competitions from now on. Yeah, she won two in a row, but that just tells me that Frank is due for a win and he will win sooner or later.
So Simon and others which group looks stronger, The Avengers or Brit, Shane, Dan, Danielle, and Ian … All assuming that Janielle is put up…
dunno really yet
@Team Boogie Yo!!. I think you already know the answer to that.Your team(Boogie&Frank)Will control this entire game.Dan alliance doesn’t want to listen to him anymore.There all about Team Boogie.Dan knows it’s over for him when Danielle and the people he thought he was in alliance with,will do what Boogie tells them.Which is to keep Frank safe and back door Janelle.Boogie is running the people in Dan’s alliance now.I can’t see Dan convincing Danielle to stick to their original plan and evict Frank,because she will listen to Shane over Dan.So it’s a good time to be team Boogie.He was able to convince Dan’s entire alliance to do the exact opposite of what they were planning to do.Dan’s not buying it because he’s aware of what Boogie is about.But it doesn’t matter that Dan isn’t fooled by what Boogie is trying to do.Dan being the only person who understands that Boogie&Frank will come after them(he’ll get rid of Dan first,and take the rest of them out later),means nothing for Dan’s game because his own alliance,seems to trust Boogie&Frank over him. Boogie wants revenge,for the way Dan,Danielle,Britney&Shane tried to blind side him&Frank.I obviously didn’t want this to happen,because I’ve been rooting for Dan from the beginning.I don’t see anyway of Dan making it to the end,when even his girl Danielle is going against his advice.But I can’t get mad at Boogie for Dan’s alliance going against their original plan,because Boogie is doing what ever he have to do to win this game.Boogie decided to try and sell the people who lied to him,this idea that him&Frank aren’t coming after them,even know they all lied to them and tried to blind side him&Frank.I don’t think he knew that everyone except Dan would actually believe every word that he feed them.But I feel confident now,that after Danielle put Janelle on the block.Is the moment that Boogie will become the first person to ever win this game twice.I obviously wanted Dan to get that title,but that’s not going to happen,after the veto ceremony,when she will do as Boogie suggested and put Janelle on the block.Then on Thursday Janelle will be evicted from the game.Then Boogie&Frank will control this game.It will basically be like All-Stars(season7)but with out Dr.Will.
Danielle needs to make smart & big moves is to backdoor Janelle so she won’t get your blood in your hands. Joe, Ashley, & Wil are useless without Janelle is around. She always causing trouble, breaking a showmance and get what she wants. Its about time to make your biggest move & get rid Janelle right now.
obviously dan doesn’t want janelle to go up because he has a deal with her so if danielle puts janelle up then dan could still save her because she would already have 3 votes wil, joe and ashley, he talked to jenn for a long time last night and ian told them in front of dan that jenn might vote frank out because him and boogie were going to sell her down the river so dan could talk her into voting frank out then janelle would only need one more vote which would be dan, the hard part would be explaining to them (danielle, shane, britney) why he did it.he could try to explain his way out of it or maybe try to sell ian down the river or he could just join up with janelle and boogie and see what happens.
yeah, how smart dan would look to turn on his team to keep janelle. really production rigged it? you were wrong about frank staying, and are wrongh ere
danielle AND shane want to do this. its just about boogie convicing them that only dan doesnt want it, and for selfish reasons. dan WILL vote w/ the group, hes not a moron, the rest of the house is useless
first of all what the hell r u talking about moron i never said anything about frank staying and second of all u must be so proud of yourself coming up with your new name who’s trolling who now?
I’d get rid of booger!
thats why you would never win big brother. sorry. but its downright stupid to get rid of someone who has literally 1 ally, and no chance to bring anyone on his side due to burning bridges early. you get rid of janelle, an actual threat, not mike boogie, a has been threat.
Fact: Janelle doesn’t have the numbers.
Fact: You don’t want to put faith in beating her in a comp down the line.
Fact: Frank is overrated as a threat, Janelle has won more comps than him while competing in half the number this season alone.
Fact: Janelle has been saying that she doesn’t want to go to jury.
You do not wait until Janelle can get the numbers or rely on beating her in a comp down the line.
It’s the best strategic move.
@CJ How these facts apply to Janelle actions? The only reason Danielle doing this is to get rid of a threat like Janelle. She cause problem & that why they don’t trust her at all.
It’s time to evict Janelle for the very facts I listed. You don’t wait for her to get numbers behind her or depend on beating her in a comp to do it. I couldn’t care less if they trust her or she lied to them since everybody does it. But she has a track record of surviving and winning comps and you don’t gamble with someone like that. They can talk up Frank all they want as a threat, Janelle has proven she is repeatedly.
Without Boogie, I think Frank would be a loyal person (as much as you can in this game) to have around.
Team Janelle. LOVE HER!!!!
The single piece of good advice that Dan inadvertently gave to Danielle was telling her she just told a roomful of people she wanted Janelle out and its going to get back to her sooner or later – so Danielle has already pulled the trigger now she has to make sure the gun was loaded by going thru with backdooring Janelle.
Why would Dan or any of the coaches want Janelle gone when a lot of the new peeps are gunning for them.
@BB Fan4Ever. At first it seemed like Dan,Britney&Janelle were all in agreement that they need to work with each other.The newbies that they were going to work with wasn’t anti coachs(Danielle,Shane&possibly Ian and Dan&Britney wanted Janelle to bring in Ashley).But I notice that Britney seemed to talk about Janelle not being trust worthy in front of Danielle&Shane.Which confused me,because I thought Britney,Dan&Janelle had each others back.Well,at least until they have no choice but to turn on each other.By the way Dan asked Boogie if he wanted to work with the rest of the coachs.Boogie said he would only work with them if they keep Frank safe.Obviously,Dan didn’t like that idea because Boogie wouldn’t be loyal to the other three coachs if his buddy Frank was in the game with him.
Why is Britney wearing Rachel’s shorts?
BAHAHAHA.. I was thinking the same thing!
LOL, this comment is why we need a like button!
Britney is hot
noo she’s not 🙂
yes britney is hot
My question to all is Why you want to keep Janelle around? Think what would happen if you keep Janelle around. She go around spreading lies to everyone, target Shane & Danielle, have wil do whatever she says, and etc. If you get rid of Janelle now, they don’t want to deal with drama & chaos. Especially, make everything got worst at the jury house. Think about it!
Seriously Britney?
Janelle all ready betrayed you twice but, you’re still going to her…
I thought you were better than that.
Bra-gade….she’s not good.
If I was Dan & Britney. I would vote evict Janelle right now.
doesnt look like it now. i read that she is talking to dan and dani and now she wants frank gone and dani said she doesnt care anymore it doesnt matter. bunch of idiots this season. evict them all! britney is not better than she was in season 12. hate her.
You have proof! As right now, She has a chance of get rid Janelle & she needs to pull the trigger & backdoor Janelle.
Britney is doing the same thing she did in BB12. Britney never keeps her options open. She latches on to a few people and ends up getting screwed in the end. She put all her eggs in one basket with Willie and it almost got her kicked out! She needs to consider that without 3 couches in jury she will have no chance at winning the game
Can Danielle not see that the coaches are the only ones that wanna keep Janelle? Unreal
drives me nuts that not even shane or anyone else is seeing this
you want frank out because why? janelle told you that he was coming after you, HELLO. WAKE UP.
smh, frank will get evicted, they will continue to target boogie like he actually can win big brother again, which he cant because he wont get the votes owning a resturant, being a previous winner, etc, unless its him and jenn
drives me nuts that they make it seem like he lies more than anyone else, or is this AWFUL person. please. spare us all that load of bull. he has an ego the size of china, but he at least respects the game and is honest when he says he doesnt want a floater to win the game
no cause she is brainwashed by dr.will wannabe dan. i disliked danielle cause she couldnt do anything on her own..its what dan wants.. then last when i see that she is thinking for herself now im starting to like but here we go again where its what the coaches say.. britney and dan cause they played the game before so they gotta listen to them WTF?! you guys are not mindless or children..you are grown adults listening and being told what to do by other adults. PATHETIC!
seriously janelle? its getting ridiculous.
boogie talks about how good of a player she is, how tough she is to get out, and how she lies
janelle goes below the belt so much, and says so many hateful things. sexist pig? OK, and janelle has targeted the women in every season and comes off as an insecure woman who cant stand having other women around to hog the spotlight.
thats the reason to take out boogie before jury, his vote? REALLY?
boogie stands a zero percent chance of getting a jury vote if he were dragged to f2, so if anything, thats 10x the argument the sexist BS is. if 2 women make it to final 2, boogie cant no vote, and if its freaking ian against a girl who played hard, he will vote for the girl, hes not going to be a spiteful jury member.
I agree these people are so stupid here is the time to make a statement and every one is afraid. This is the best postition to be in janelle can not compete to get pov. All she can do is campaign and britney the coward is wavering WTF. Why give janelle the chance to prove how strong she can be in comps. Why is every one so afraid of her this season is turning in to a joke every time there is a big move to be made someone back off.
People need to stop thinking that they can trust ANYONE in this game. They are so stupid. Sorry… but I can’t stand Danielle and I don’t really like Shane either. Boogie is a horse’s ass and Janelle was right, he is a sexist. Frank thinks everyone should bow to him. Could never stand Britney. Dan is the only one really thinking with his head through this entire season and I would love to see him and Janelle actually have an alliance.
I think I am gonna to stop watching this season. its getting annoying with this flip flopping around…ya I get it..its Big Brother..its part of the game but jesus its getting too much…from now on dont use past season players or just keep them as coaches..if they dont decide to backdoor janelle and frank goes..I hope janelle or boogie wipes the floor with all their dumb a$$es..seriously..pathetic..
I am getting frustrated, as well. 30 minutes ago, they switched back to Frank. Boogie came in and in around 10 minutes, they’re back to Janelle. Danielle and Shane are amateurs and what really hurts them in this game is lack of history and knowledge of the game, as well as of a player like Boogie.
thank you! but its just janelle who is scared of frank so now she gotta make eveeeeeryone afraid of frank who has done nothing but won ONE hoh, just one! compared to shane’s 3 povs and 1 hoh. shane’s is a bigger threat then frank if you look at it that way. but of course dr. will wannabe dan wants boogie to himself so he could be dr. dan. its just ridiculous..i love this show but i dont think i ever seen this much flip flopping around ever! i could be wrong but i think i havent.
besides the vets…their all mindless sheeps
Back to Boogie, lol.
Dan and Brit are right on the money. Can’t trust Janelle, but Boogie is pure evil and there is a reason why he is so adamant about keeping his player (Frank) around.
i prefer for janelle to get backdoored. cause if she dont…shane and dani are next. but thats ok let them screw frank over again. i hope they get the same exact thing the next couple weeks. mindless sheep!
boogie just wants janelle out so he can control the game…he doesn’t like janelles influence. I so hope they dont fall for it. they have to break up boogie and frank.
I’m not so sure. They will agree to backdoor Janelle because her influence. Danielle will save Frank & replace Janelle as a nominee. It would be Wil vs Janelle!
I would LAUGH my ass off if Boogie makes this happen but then gets the other side of the house to vote out Wil.. and then they all come for Shane and Danielle. That would be amazing!!!!
I would love to backdoor Britney right about now yo. LOL!!!
As BB fans and watching and commenting it is easier to play outside the house but Dani, Jenn and Wil were not fans and only saw the sequester videos before entering the house. How do you expect them to see the big picture? This HOH reminds me of Kahlia’s HOH last year when she got all worked up and waffled badly.
Put Janelle on the block against Frank and let them fight for votes. Get Wil’s loyalty!
at this point if i was danielle i would say ive made up my mind, and i’m not changing it. tired of flip flopping
slutnuts…lol love the name. but yeah she cant cause dr.dan controls her
This is so frustrating, I wanna stop watching but I can’t, I just wanna go in the house and scream at these idiots. Can you not effing see what Dan is doing? HE WON THE GAME ALREADY TOO RETARDS ffs get your head out of your asses, I mean seriously let’s do some math here. How many people are on Janelles side right now? Janelle, Joe, Wil, Jenn and Ashley, with Janelle as the ringleader. How many people are on Boogies side? Frank. If any of Janelle’s people win HoH Janelle will be telling them EXACTLY what to do, and you know she’s gonna be gunning for Shane. But Shane and Danielle are just gonna sit back and let Dan and Brit run their game till they get tossed aside at the end. Idiots, all of them.
Think I’ma go rewatch season 7 just so I can watch pignelle lose it all right at the end.
At least Boogie isn’t going home this week I guess….hopefully Dan will reel him in then he can f*ck over Dan in the end.
I don’t really care for Jani but I think Danielle needs to break the duo up. Yes Boogie will be mad for another 48hrs but it will say to him that he really isn’t such a smooth talker like he thinks he is and just maybe is ego will go down a few notches. Danielle and Shane need to realize that the personal coaches they have isn’t for them. I don’t understand why they didn’t pay attention when Julie stated every man for themselves. Duh wake up people. Wil switch over to Jani for protection because now he sees what it is like to be on the block and that smack talking he was doing bit him in the butt. Now he know he needs some protection to keep him in the game. He knows Ashley or Joe can’t win a thing. So his best chance is with making up with Janelle. I kind of thinking Ashley is playing this dumb blonde to throw people off but in order for me to believe she can win a hoh or pov she needs to win something soon and not be manipulated by Janelle. Did you guys notice how Dan is trying to have a relationship with Jenn last night what a hoot this guy is.
this just proves what ive been saying…britney and dan r just using shane and danielle….wow …i hope the newbies realize this and start gunning down the coaches… i hope shane gets out of his funk hes in and wakes up and starts being dominating and tells danielle whats up