Big Brother Live Feeds: Topaz tells the story of how she smelled a strip*ers a$$ crack.

POV Holder: Gary Next POV March 9th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony March 4th
HOH Winner: Jillian Next HOH: March 7th
Original Nominations: Gary and Aneal
Current Nominations: Aneal and Danielle
Last Evicted Houseguest Kat
Have Nots Talla, Tom, Peter, Alec

Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 820pm

8:20pm In the kitchen: Danielle tells Gary that tomorrow she is going to be a totally different person, no swearing. She says she is going to be a nice girl. Gary starts complaining about how he set up the backyard with all the stools for the fashion show and the guys moved them all back. He says that he spent a lot of time moving them out and putting pillows on each one. Gary says that it might just be stools but it more than that to me. Meanwhile out in the backyard Jillian, Liza and Tom are talking game. Liza comments on how she said in the diary room “Who’s Aj, is he in this game or is he part of the furniture.”

Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 853pm

9pm Out in the hot tub: Andrew, Aneal, Alec, Topaz, Suzette and Emmett are talking about the house guests needing to stop swearing so much. Suzette agrees and says that she doesn’t want to be seen like that by her family.

Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 857pm

Everyone but Alec, Topaz and Andrew leave. Topaz starts talking about and showing Alec and Andrew her scab that has pancake batter in it. She dares Alec to lick it. Andrew brings up how Topaz sniffed a strippers a$$. Alec asks what?! Topaz starts telling Alec the story and Andrew says okay that’s my cue to leave. Alec and Topaz cuddle in the hot tub and make out a bit.

Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 905pm
9:35pm A bunch of the house guests are sitting around the living room talking about the live show and other random things. Tom says that if he won a phone call from home he would give it to Suzette because she has a family and he doesn’t need to talk to his parents. Suzette says that she probably wouldn’t be able to handle it and would breakdown.
Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 931pm

9:45pm Big Brother announces that the hot water valve has been turned back on. Immediately Liza, Talla and Tom go to the washroom to shower.

10:15pm Alec, Aj, Aneal, Jillian and Suzette are all in the kitchen cooking food and eating. Gary and Talla are in the bathroom putting on makeup. Tom, Emmett and Andrew are out on the backyard couches watching the others inside. Liza joins them. Tom comments on how he will go in and grab a big glass of milk and dump it down the sink.
Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 1015pm

10:30pm Tom and Andrew are along on the backyard couches talking about Jillian. Tom tells Andrew that Jillian admitted to him that she was shaking up on the HOH challenge but that she passed it off like she was fine. Tom says its good to know that she isn’t a super woman. Andrew agrees. Talla joins them after her smoke and she sits down in front of Andrew. Andrew starts running his fingers through her hair.

Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 1030pm
10:35pm – 11pm In the bedroom: Suzette, Gary and Danielle are talking about the votes. Danielle is really pissed and wants to go freak out. Gary talks her down and tells her to be calm. Danielle is pissed because Aneal is walking around like he is safe and doing a ton of sucking up. Gary comments on how Aneal is now up in the HOH room Nairing his legs. Why the fu*k does he need to Nair his legs up there?! Liza comes in and Danielle asks if she is still voting for her to stay. Liza says yes of course. Danielle says that she is just worried that Aneal is sucking up and cleaning and doesn’t want one day to sway people because she has cleaned for the last 2 weeks. Liza says cleaning, whos cleaning.. no one saw him cleaning. Liza leaves. Danielle and Gary call Liza a rat. Liza then comes back in to tell them the salmon is ready. Gary gets some of the salmon and then starts complaining how Jillian didn’t make him a side for his dinner. Gary says where’s my side bit*h, some rice, some broccoli, some thing?! Jillian says she didn’t make rice because she doesn’t like rice. Jillian heads upstairs.

11:05pm Out on the backyard couch: Talla, Tom, Andrew, and Emmett are talking and laughing. Talla is complaining about her nickname the “butt whisperer”. She wants a new nickname and says that she doesn’t want to be remembered as the butt whisperer. Talla asks will people really remember me as that?! Tom says yes, if you keep talking about it, you will be forever remembered as the butt whisperer. Tom gives her a new nickname and calls her the fire cracker.
Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 1108pm

11:20pm – 11:30pm Liza and Aneal are in the bedroom talking game about how he is safe. Emmett joins them and Liza leaves. Emmett and Aneal talk about how Aneal is safe and he just needs to stay calm. Emmett reassures Aneal that he has the 6 votes to stay. Peter joins them. Emmett tells Aneal to just look out for Danielle’s face on Thursday night when she is blindsided.

Big Brother Canada March 5 2013 1142pm
11:35pm – 11:50pm Tom, Jillian, Emmett and Liza are up in the HOH room putting on face masks. Tom says that they should call the other house guests different names when they talk about them so no one but them knows who they are talking about. Big Brother tells them to stop talking in code. The conversation turns to talking about Pandors’s Box and whether or not any of them would open it if they got it. They all says that they would open it for the chance to get a reward and that the possibility of a punishment wouldn’t stop them. They start talking about their plan and how they don’t want Gary, Aneal, Suzette or Aj in the jury house.

(Video of the HOH conversation will be posted here.)

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10 thoughts to “Big Brother Live Feeds: Topaz tells the story of how she smelled a strip*ers a$$ crack.”

  1. Hallelujah!! It looks like the house guests were talked to about their language…..I hope. Now I can enjoy BBCAN as much as BBUSA.

    Simon I also wanted to take the time to thank you for the work you do bringing us all the details happening inside the house. You rock!!!

  2. the only reason that tom doesn’t want Gary, Aneal, Suzette, or AJ in the jury house is so that its easier for the rest of them to have sex with each other. LOL

    on a side note: Tom keeps on talking about the jury house, but i’m not even sure if there is one…. they said that the Canadian version of big brother will be similar to the US BB but borough elements from the UK BB (hence why that whole answering of telephone thing = HOH). in the UK version the house guests vote for who they want out, then the 2(or more) that receive the most votes to evict face the public vote, and the viewers vote for who they want out and eventually the winner. so i think there might be a chance of canada actually voting for the winner since there hasn’t been any mention of a jury house by big brother because there might not even be one.

  3. Simon and Dawg, thanks again for OBB! How are CA ratings so far? Posts on here seem down so far. I’ve watched the 3 episodes after the fact, but nothing else yet. Miss my BBAD on Showtime! As such, finding it hard to “lock in” on the house. I know Danielle is a big target, but i thought the house got Jillian turned around, and was booting Aneal, a bigger perceived threat. But Simon, you said you now think he’s safe. Did Jillian, no fan of Danielle, and who wasn’t big on evicting Aneal anyhow, reconsider? What happened to save Aneal – all the crying? A deal? Who’s “The 9?” And, so far, what differences between BBCA and BBUSA do you guys like the most and least? (I miss bikini time! Can’t blame the HG’s, though. An outdoor hot tub in CA in March ain’t exactly ideal for struttin’ their T & A!)

    1. Hey JIm,

      BBCAN is much slower than BBUS, probably because it’s tough to watch in the US. It’s also week one even during the BBUS season week one posts are lower than other weeks. The nine is everyone but Garry, Danielle, Aneal, Suzette, AJ/Talla (Depends one who they talk to)

      As it stands now Danielle is going home.

      1. Simon, thanks, for both your response and your “live feed link.” I know how busy you and Dawg are “in season”, so I try to not ask you guys too many direct questions. OBB donation next week!

        1. no worries yo.. we’re pretty busy not as much as with a US season but still watching the feeds 10hours a day each.

          Being able to post videos is nice, makes it a bit easier.. I’m just waiting for that youtube account to get banned.

  4. Danielle is driving me completely bonkers! Watching the live feeds and she and Suzette are talking about how all the other girls in the house are using their bodies and sex to get ahead in the game and Danielle says that she proves that you can be hot and not be a slut and she would never stoop to that level.. Let’s be clear about something Danielle, if any of those guys even paid the tiniest amount of attention to her she would be all over it and jump on the first guy she could. She is only taking this high morale ground because the guys don’t even notice that she is in the house! In one sentence she is like “I’m hot why don’t the guys pay attention to me?” and then in another breath saying that it makes her sick to see the other girls in their showmances. Jealous much?!

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