Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Gary says I don’t like Nair, it’s like the devil it scares me!

POV Holder: Tom Next POV March 6th ?
POV Used YES POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner: Jillian Next HOH: March 7th
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Kat

Big Brother Canada March 1 2013 110pm

1pm – 1:40pm In the bathroom, Gary is trying to wash the stuff out of his hair. He says that it is worth it since he doesn’t have to eat slop. Talla comments on how sloppy she looks right now. She then asks who is going to slop me when I get out of here. Andrew laughs. Emmett, Tom and Alec join them in the bathroom and they start shaving and nairing their legs. Big Brother then announces that in 5 minutes everyone needs to go to the main bedroom. Tom asks really?! I have nair all over my legs! I want to follow the rules but I am not going. Aj comes in and starts trying to wash it out of his hair. He says that he will probably just shave his head. Tom is really upset about having to shave his leg hair off. I’m going to have the sexiest calves. Big Brother announces that they may stay inside the bathroom. Tom keeps getting made at everyone making comments. Gary warns them that they need to take off the Nair right away or their skin will come off. Gary starts helping remove the hair off Alec’s legs. Gary says I don’t Nair, it’s like the devil it scares me! Gary says that he had to go to the walk-in clinic when he tried to Nair hair off his legs. Alec and Tom ask why didn’t anyone tell us that?! They jump in the shower to wash it off. Liza tells them not to rub or use soap. Tom says great that’s what I’ve been doing. Liza comments on how she was upset about it but as soon as she saw how bad others had it she stopped complaining. She says that Gary and Topaz have it the worst.
Big Brother Canada March 1 2013 118pm

Big Brother Canada March 1 2013 129pm

1:45pm – 1:50pm In the bedroom, Jillian, Topaz, Suzette, Emmett, Danielle, and Tom are talking about the havenot competition. Tom says that he hopes big brother realizes how bad of an idea this was and that they apologize for it. They hope they get rewarded like not having to be havenots.

1:55pm – 2:05pm Tom, Liza and Emmett are in the havenot room. They talk about how its not that bad. Tom says that they can use the havenot room to game talk. Emmett says no, because you can hear everything just outside the door. Liza then starts moaning sex noises. Tom complains about not being able to cuddle for a week.

Video of the HaveNot room:

2:10pm Emmette, Jillian, Danielle, Topaz, Alec, Andrew are all in the bedroom laying down.
Big Brother Canada March 1 2013 222pm

2:30pm – 2:50pm Half of the house guests continue to try and remove the batter from their bodies while the other half rest in the bedroom. Big Brother then switches the feeds to the hush hush screen..

3:15pm Live Feeds are still blocked..

3:20pm – 3:45pm The live feeds return and we find out that Jillian has gotten her Head of Household room. We only see a little bit of her HOH as they all head downstairs soon after. Here is the video of the aftermath of it:

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2 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Gary says I don’t like Nair, it’s like the devil it scares me!”

  1. I’m having a hard time watching the feeds when AJ is on them. I really hope he leaves soon. He’s really annoying. I would probably yell at him to shut up if I was in that house. Also, it really sucks what everyone is going through with cleaning off all that egg batter.

    1. I totally agree with you! He started to annoy me the first night… when he when he was sitting with a couple other HG’s and told them that he wanted to stop talking but couldn’t so he said he needed to go to the other side of the room where no one else was just to stop himself because he couldn’t stop otherwise.

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