Big Brother Canada Eviction Spoilers Kyle Vs Paul


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(It’s very hard to watch Big Brother Canada from the US. Circumvent the Geo Blocking and watch the Show and the Live feeds straight off Slice’s website. Using a pay VPN is very easy and free of malware, I do not recommend using a free service as these are notoriously trouble. I live in Canada but last year the US feeds were blocked for me so I used both hidemyass and strongVPN and I never had a problem. Hidemyass VPN is cheaper so give it a try your’ll get your show/feeds

The first week of the live feeds are officially over. What did you all think? I found it exciting even though a large chunk of the feeds were blocked last weekend. It is difficult to get a feel for the “teams” with all the side alliances, fake deals and promises. It’s impossible to get a gauge on who is loyal to who. From what I can tell Andrew/Kenny are a loyal alliance (Big reveal I know), Sabrina/Sarah are a duo. Put these two parts together and sprinkle in some Arlie and you have the first 5 alliance. The official roster is Sabrina/Sarah/Kenny/Andrew/Arlie. First 5 appears to be the most loyal and Largest alliance maybe because they’ve been in power this week and the girls seem to think Andrew’s HOH power lasts another week. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarah is playing the boys just like the boys are playing Sabrina and Sarah. Sabrina on the other hand may be falling for the Andrew/Kenny cuddling.

The next big Alliance is the “Girls Alliance’ even though they spend more time fighting they do have moments of unity. This alliance is composed of IKA/Rachelle/Sabrina/Sarah/NEDA. It’s heavily fractured and will most likely implode by the time I’ve written this post. A common topic in the girls alliance is ‘Who will make a big move” implying who will put up Andrew and Kenny. Sarah and Sabrina try to steer the conversation back to getting out Paul and Adel.

Smaller alliances are Jon/Neda, Paul/Adel/Kyle, Racehlle/Ika (These two were close up until Racehlle decided to side with Sabrina and go against IKA), Rachele/NEDA (Not sure where this one stands now)

Jon/Kenny talk game but Kenny isn’t committed to this ‘Newfy” alliance, Jon may not be either but he hasn’t vocalized it on the feeds as far as I can tell.

For reasons that escape me Heather is not liked by the majority of players, they call her “creepzilla” and “Chucky’s Bride”. Other than her voice I don’t find her annoying, although to be honest I haven’t logged too much time seeing her on the feeds. Give it another week, I’m sure I’ll get annoyed.

It’s obvious that Sabrina is overplaying she’s spreading lies between the girls and causing constant annoying drama with everyone. The girls are just too clueless to figure Sabrina out but give it time and they will catch on. IKA has already gone on the offensive hinting to Neda and Racehlle that Sabrina has gotten too close to Andrew/Kenny. The problem is IKA is too abrasive and the house has more trust in Sabrina resulting in the house starting to dislike her. Sabrina has been able to turn all the negative attention onto IKA resulting in IKA becoming a primary target.

War Room – Nate has no chance of entering the game, Scott has a chance most likely with the TV viewers and Alison appears to be the favourite amongst us Spoiler/feed fans. Allison knows the game better than anyone in the house, she’s been studying the war room feeds, has a rough idea of the alliances, is smart and physically capable and is single (Something that is powerful in a house of taken girls and single boys). She’ll be a power player if she can get some decent people on her side.

Who do you think is playing the strongest game? Lets us know in the comments below.

My Predications

Sadly Kyle goes home leaving us with just 2 banditos
War Room House guest to enter the house Allison

Leaked unofficial Spoilers

(Leaks from twitter from people in the audience)
Evicted houseguest Kyle (9-1 Adel gave him one vote)
War Room House guest to enter the house Allison
HOH winner IKA
No Have nots
Allison is safe this week
Source of these leaked spoilers @Hamsterwatch

Official results

Evicted houseguest is Kyle
New HOH is IKA

War Room House guest to enter the house is Allison
Allison can make up any story why she’s late but she cannot reveal the secret room nor can she disclose she’s been watching the feeds for the past week. If she does “Spill the beans” she will be evicted on the spot.

Check out the OBB Boardz

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42 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Eviction Spoilers Kyle Vs Paul”

  1. If Ika truly won the HoH, I hope and pray that she does her own thing and not follow the pack… she’s been talking about making a big move so, that’ll be awesome lol

    Go after Andrew and Kenny, leave Adel for someone else lol

  2. Holy Shit Balls! I cant believe Ika won!!! This week is gonna b sooooo good! And OMG if it’s true Allison got voted in, i will be sooo happy!!! I just pray Ika doesnt try to take her out! Allison FTW!!!!

    1. I’m pegging Allison as a comp powershouse she’ll win POV if nominated 😉

      (I hope Allison doesn’t turn out to be super annoying)

  3. whew! poor kyle out. ika totally triumphant
    and in, and with allison’s arrival, does the
    game tilt away from andrew and kenny???

    1. The eviction episode is filmed in front of a live audience but is shown @ 9pm EST. Those leaked spoilers are from people who were at the show earlier today. in 30 minutes the show will air on the east coast and we’ll know if they are true or not. Given that the source is Hamsterwatch I’m betting they are real.

    2. Not for nothing, but you didnt have to read the post. It said “LIVE EVICTION SPOILERS”. Dawg/Simon always post the BBCA LIVE EVICTION spoilers. Next time, take heed when its says SPOILERS. Just sayin….
      PS the “live eviction” is taped around 5pm EST

    3. This issues been running along time on both sides of the border. The only explaination I’ve ever seen from production is it is taped with a live audience thus they say it’s live. I’m not kidding I’ve read that here I’m pretty sure in the past. Believe the show starts taping around 4 PM TO time. :)(EST) 😛

      Ika HOH expect a lot of talking and NO action. Brina and Ika are on the outs from time to time but Sarah will keep things on track. Paul and Adel go up or Paul and a pawn. Brina as a pawn would be a fun week. Arlie maybe as a pawn but JoNeda likely keeps Jon off the block. Ika could even put up Heather and Paul with Adel the replacement. If I see Andrew and Kenny as noms I might actually faint. Nice thought but very unlikely. For those hoping for a significant change in direction don’t hold your breath. Get use to hearing Sarah and/or Brina saying it’s to early to go after Andrew/Kenny!
      Ika holding the queens court before noms in the HOH room might even be a little fun TV you never know.

  4. Im really hoping Allison can cause some shake-up and flip the house.
    I also really hope Ika won so I can see that bitch Sabrina sweat….

  5. I just hope Allison gets some immunity or something, because 1) she’ll be an auto-target and 2) what a waste of time this would have been if she goes out first week.

      1. I recall a convo with the houseguests, bout the time the mug came into play, that they mentioned that if anyone came into the house they are immediately gone. Ika said something bout 15 mins of fame…

      2. I really hope so. Allison is average pretty when it comes to her face ( her body is amazing tho) so maybe the girls wont feel so threaten. Unless, she comes in trying to get with Andrew or Kenny, which i really don’t see. Hopefully, Ika will see her as a vote and not a threat for the girls. Sabrina on the other will want her out ASAP cuz she’s insecure as shit. Just you watch…

            1. @Simon

              I was going to post that link too. Thanks

              It actually lets you watch the episode live under live stream (I just didn’t have time to watch it when it was streaming). I believe it was streaming at 9pm NY time.

  6. Awesome if Ika won! Will she go petty and put up Heather and Adel? Will she put up Sarah over potatogate? Will she do the safe thing and put up Adel and Paul, or will she do what we all want and shake the house up by putting Andrew and Kenny or Sabrina on the block. Can’t wait!

    1. FINALLY! Thanks, I was beginning to think Kenny was already born with that monster of a beard! 😉
      I hope he won’t consider it his “brand” (that’s how Gary called his hair), meaning that he wouldn’t cut it…
      I hope he’ll cut the beard soon!

  7. I doubt very few will see this but i’m pissed about Sara’s TV Edits like she is this mommy and caring person i really pissed am i off or does anyone else agree with me.

    1. I totally agree with you … They edit her to
      Appear a certain way … When really she
      Is a bully and a total douche .

      1. Come on BB … I just watch the episode
        Your editing is crap . Show these scumb
        Bags For who they are … Sabrina …trouble
        making drama queen . Sarah just a raging
        Fake B$&ch .

    2. Bad edits are a part of every season. Unfortunately Sarah’s edit is pure BS, as is Kenny and to a lesser extent Andrew and Brina. But lets remember it’s 4 shows in and a 1 sided story line so far. If you think back to BB USA 15 Amanda’s edit from AG was outrageous. AG was alleged to be Manda’s friend outside the house on some blogs. As a side thought anyone know what happened to McCranda after the show? 🙂

      Though Scott never made the house he got a good edit in the war room IMO. Can’t say any of the other girls appear to be getting good edits mostly neutral to whom they appear to be. Neda could get a push from production if she can find a spark in the house. She and Jon are pretty sleepy so far!

      Hope the week safe is true and makes sense as she could not compete in HOH comp. Watching her strategy will be very interesting. She should have a pretty good idea whether she’s being BSed or not. Wonder if she tries floating or aligning with folks other than the 1st 5. Likely she’ll just float/girls alliance for now. Allison looks very physically fit. Andrew and Kenny better start to worry a little. We now have a potential “Jillian type” in the game. I think Simon noted above she looks like a comp beast. I really hope so for the games sake. And remember folks everything looks good when it’s shiny and new. Lets see how much shines still on the apple after a week!

  8. PLEASE IKA use what you call a brain and get one of the arrogant pricks out of this house!!

    Allison for the major shakeup in the house!

    Andrew you’re gunna get a taste of what the houseguests really think of you.

  9. I think because of how ridiculously whiny the house guests are this year canada should be given a jury vote!

  10. Allison is SOOOOOO smart. As if she thought she was the first one in the house!! So glad she is the winner!

  11. I’m SO excited and relieved! On the Live Feed Ika is gathering troops to go after Kenny! Right now, I love Ika. She was the first person I didn’t like but she’s sooooo forgiven right now! I may not have an aneurism over the evil in the house after all! I seriously could not be more excited or happy!

  12. If Andrew & Kenny COMBINED had half Kyle’s class they could call themselves lucky. Boyz, you’re already losers in a much bigger game.

  13. I just saw the eviction episode and have to say that Kyle’s exit was so classy. Kyle and Adel’s alliance/relationship/bromance is awesome! I really think Kyle and Adel will be friends after the show!

    (I wish I was Canadian) haha

    I hope they have a vote for MVP and Kyle wins based on not being a snake and being such a down to earth guy (even though he did wave the white flag up and didn’t fight to stay).

    HOH: IKA won?! Wow! I am glad she beat Sabrina, Kenny, and Andrew.

    I haven’t seen the live feeds yet but I hope IKA, NEDA, JON, ADEL, PAUL, and ALLISON make an alliance….. or at least IKA, NEDA, JON, and ADEL.

    and Congrats to Allison. I think she is an athelete? So watch out Kenny and Andrew (she’s def. more fit than Andrew).

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