Big Brother Canada: Alec says that he would feel way worse cutting Andrew than Topaz.

POV Holder: Gary Next POV March 9th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony March 4th
HOH Winner: Jillian Next HOH: March 7th
Original Nominations: Gary and Aneal
Current Nominations: Aneal and Danielle
Last Evicted Houseguest Kat
Have Nots Talla, Tom, Peter, Alec

Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 630pm

6:20pm Alec and Peter are in the storage room talking about Aj. Alec tells Peter to not tell anything to Aj unless you are completely alone with him because he is oblivious. I was telling him about how Danielle is gone this week and then Danielle came by and Aj said out loud that Danielle is GONE! Alec says that he talked to Danielle later and tried to cover up by telling her that she was gone the other night she had too much to drink. Peter tells him good cover. Emmett joins them. They discuss how Danielle will be voted out tomorrow to an 8 – 3 vote and that Gary will be pissed. Emmett worries that the others are concerned about him and Jillian. Alec and Peter reassure him that they aren’t worried about Jillian. Emmett says that the cool thing about Jillian is that if I vote her out we would still be cool. Alec talks about how he doesn’t trust Liza and would rather vote her out. Emmett leaves and Tom joins Alec and Peter. Aj comes in and the conversation ends.

6:30pm – 6:50pm The live feeds switch to the “Hush Hush screen. 6:40pm The live feeds return. Aj, Alec and Emmett are out on the backyard couches talking about past seasons of the US version of big brother. Tom starts talking about how Gary said big brother told him we may get a reward if we do the fashion show. Tom says if we don’t get a reward we will know that Gary is full of sh*t! Meanwhile in the havenot room, Alec and Topaz are laying on the bed talking about his tattoos. He says that he wants to get a tattoo for each research publication he gets. He says that he has 3 publications now and only one tattoo he is a little behind.

Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 640pm
Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 703pm

6:50pm – 7pm Emmett and Peter are hanging out by the hammock discussing possible questions that they might be asked in an HOH competition. Who is the best looking? Who has the best body in the house? Who is the laziest? Who’s the best dressed? Who’s the worst dressed? Peter really thinks that this HOH will be a mental competition because they have done everything else so far. They agree that they are okay as long as one of their group wins HOH. Peter says and we have 3 targets for the next 3 weeks. Emmett says technically 4 (Suzette, Gary, AJ, and Aneal). Peter and Emmett discuss how Aneal is smart and needs to go but that they can use him as a vote and as a pawn. They end their conversation.

7:10pm – 7:25pm Aj, Andrew and Tom are on the backyard couches talking about tomorrow’s HOH competition. Peter and Alec are over by the hammock also wondering about the what the HOH competition will be like. Alec talks about his relationship with Topaz and says that he is trying not to lose her because they need her. He says that he and her both know that they won’t date after the show ends because she lives in Toronto and he lives in Vancouver and neither one will go see the other. He says that Topaz already has someone she wants to date when she gets out anyway. Alec says that he would feel way worse cutting Andrew than Topaz. Meanwhile the girls are getting fashion show ready..

Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 713pm

Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 714pm

7:50pm Emmett and Tom have a bro talk in the havenot room. Tom wonders if the quatro alliance is catching on. We should have thought of a better name. Quatro does mean 4 right? Emmett says yes. Emmett and Tom leave the havenot room. Gary takes all the girls into the havenot room to finish getting them ready. The discuss how Peter answered a phone call this morning. They wonder if he got a diamond power of veto or some other power. They think Peter got something but that he won’t be able to talk about it so they just need to wait until he is allowed to tell them about it. Gary talks about how the guys are in the bedroom getting ready and says that they need to stay there until he tells them they can leave.

Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 811pm
8:15pm – 8:25pm Meanwhile in the bedroom the guys are getting ready. They discuss how Gary has taken over. They leave the room. Gary goes to tell the guys to go back so they can do a run through. The guys say its too hot in the bedroom so Gary says they can wait outside. Tom, Emmett and Andrew go into the hot tub room. They wonder if there really will be a reward tonight after the fashion show. Tom says that he wants to organize something… like a wet t-shirt contest. He says Talla will win. Andrew thinks Danielle would win. Tom says Danielle has big boobs but they are chubby boobs not perfect ones.

Big Brother Canada March 6 2013 820pm

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6 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada: Alec says that he would feel way worse cutting Andrew than Topaz.”

  1. The showmances wouldn’t be so bad if any were real but it is like the Ken and Barbie show right now… boring. Hope Gary wins HOH this week “Let’s get this party started!!!” Love love love Gary but he needs Danielle to stay, they are like Monique and Brittany bashing everyone.

    1. The reason some people hav Rashes all over them, Hmm let’s see. The water in that Hot tub is nasty milky colour. Let’s say that is the issue there. I worked in that industry and, if I was in the house, I wouldn’t swim in that shit. Big Brother add some Chem’s.

  2. Bb ca is awesome. I’ll def be on obb for two full seasons. You guys are killing these updates like always. Thanks for all the hard work. I’ll be re upping my super pass here for USA 15 and donating for sure. Def a big “preesh” from your ATL fans!!

  3. 8-3? I’ve got it 9-2

    Voting to Evict Aneal

    Voting to Evict Danielle

    Who’s the 3rd Aneal vote?

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