Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 4 review and eviction results

Janelle was evicted last week by a vote of 9 to 2. The preceding Head of household competition was close with Kaysar having a chance of winning (if only) but it just wasn’t meant to be. Enzo pulls out the win in the end YO YO YOing all the way to the HOH room. Right out of the gates it’s obvious that Kaysar and Kevin are going to be nominated with Kaysar being the target. “it’s what the house wants” they all yelled. Enzo knowing Kaysar is targeting his bros Cody/Tyler he’s sticking true to his alliances. While it’s boring it benefits him and his Brigade 2.0.

The power of veto is played and Kevin wins shocking everyone. It’s obvious Kevin the allstar will use it on himself so Enzo has to come up with a replacement. There’s a potential for a big move here. I mean Enzo did brag about it Thursday night.

The Yeller

While in the backyard a noble fan frustrated with the sh1t season screams out over the wall something about Cody and Nicole playing the entire house. This sends ripples through the game mostly affecting Nicole it seems. It isn’t enough to get Enzo to drop a big move. While there’s a flurry of suggestions to get Dani, Da’Vonne or David nominated Enzo goes with Christmas to ensure Kasyar gets evicted.

There’s been a lot of movement with the alliances this week. Slick6 is over, Committee is over, core 4 is over etc.. Some individuals game have been dealt a big blow.
Cody for some reason has been able to grease is way out of a tight spot the Yeller put him in. Forming the alliance triple threat with Bros Enzo and Tyler. Dani has lost a lot of trust with the entire house. She’s in real danger now. Nicole is in a similar boat having lost the trust of a chunk of the house and her close ally Ian. Bayleigh and Da’Vonne both have targets on them. Right before the feeds go down for the Show tonight. It’s clear that Nicole and Ian’s relationship in the game is over and from the few conversations I heard Cody and Nicole want him out.

The Banner Plane

Feeds were down throughout Tuesday night. Rumour has it there was a banner Plane/Drone with a message that Nicole is a liar. This essentially ended the Ian/Nicole duo. There has been little on the feeds talking about this incident.


There was no campaigning done this week. Kasyar’s “allies” are no where to be found and even if Bayleigh/Da’Vonne stuck their necks out he would have just a fraction of the votes needed. Against David and he would have had a chance. Kaysar will get evicted this week and end of an era.

If the HOH goes the right way tonight I feels like the season is about to start up. Unfortunately with so few likable people left we’re once again searching for whoever is willing to make a move to cheer for. Most of the house is stuck in the new school style of incremental moves coupled with mob mentality.. BLAH

Results from the show

Christmas gives a barf poem that I’ve transcribed earlier in the week..
Kaysar – I really love all you guys on a personal level .. when it comes to game play and strategy you guys all suck.. Cody and Nicole have been running this
Kaysar calls out a bunch of alliances.
Kaysar says if they want to have a allstars game keep him here if you want to play reunion and charades then evict.
Dani and Cody are extra salty from Kaysar’s speech

Cody Votes to evict Kaysar
Memphis Votes to evict Kaysar
Dani Votes to evict Kaysar
Ian Votes to evict Kaysar
Kevin Votes to evict Kaysar
Da’Vonne Votes to evict Kaysar
David Votes to evict Kaysar
Bayleigh Votes to evict Kaysar
Nicole Votes to evict Kaysar
Tyler Votes to evict Kaysar

Kaysar is evicted
No Have nots this week

Head of Household Competition Filter Face off

Kevin beats Ian picks Nicole and Cody
Cody Beats Nicole picks Kevin and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne beats Kevin picks Cody and Memphis
Memphis beats Cody picks Dani and David
Dani beast David picks Bayleigh and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne beats Bayleigh Picks Dani and Memphis
Memphis beats Dani picks Tyler and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne beats Tyler picks Christmas and Memphis
Christmas beats Memphis
Christmas Vs Da’Vonne
Christmas wins HOH

BB Basement Twist

One competition played in the dark will award three NEW game changing powers but these new powers could changed everything

6:35 pm Feeds down yo
7:20 Feeds down yo
8:40 pm Feed NO yo

189 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 4 review and eviction results”

  1. Another Name- man, you were right about Ian’s performance! I don’t have feeds and just read recaps/comments here, so when others described Ian tearing up (after his convo with Kaysar) but you described it as an act, I was skeptical. But I have to admit, seeing it on the episode tonight, I wholeheartedly agree with you- that was definitely an act to set up the narrative! Not sure if it’s Ian’s narrative or production’s but it definitely seemed like an act!

    1. So not only is this going to continue the trajectory of the core 6 running the game but its also turned into evict old school players first.

      The core 6 legit have the votes to run the gauntlet even with one of them on the block now. They can spend the rest of summer disguise their intentions. What a shit show.

    2. That didn’t look like an act. People on the spectrum can get extra emotional. I think it was the hug that did it… he started to feel bad about Kaysar leaving and himself asking Kaysar to help, even though he was leaving.

      1. Logic dictates that if someone has said out loud four times “give me a power” and then goes to the old school fan popular to hug and cry…. it’s for the fan votes. Ian has been well aware of, and pointing out camera movements for the most advantageous and most likely events to be put into the episodes. He even made Kevin aware of the cameras when he said this would be the conversation of the season. He’s tracking the cameras, gaging them. He puts in more effort when he notices the cameras are all active in one of his discussions. The cameras were all focused on the Kaysar Ian talk. He is always aware of that.
        I know it’s a whole spectrum. But for most rocking self consolers, in my experience… the initiating of a hug physical contact aspect thing is not high on the list of desirable activities. It breaches a self imposed comfort barrier.

  2. Well hating on Cody more than ever.

    WTF Dani why want boring bland sh1t .. We haven’t seen anything remotely exciting all season.

    1. Damn was watching on videobrother and stream was pulled right after votes!!!! Now I have to wait 3 hours to watch. BooHoo Simon keep posting pretty please

          1. DaVonne actually won three rounds, so at least give her credit for that! Christmas on the other hand got a by to the Final THREE, as no one picked her to play! THEN she won, when Memphis MISSED the question, and DaVonne missed on the final one. I do give her credit though, as she did have the RIGHT answer on both questions, she was just late answering, but her opponents missed, so she won despite never answering a single question correctly. Then Tyler and the gang was kissing her ass afterwards, telling her how she “killed that competition” and things like that, when all she did was basically stand there and watch her competition miss the answers.

            Yeah, that’s the way the comp. works, but still, it’s pretty annoying to have to sit there and listen to them blowing sunshine up her backside, when you know better. I’m sure good ole Christmas is all full of herself, thinking she’s the comp beast now. Makes me want to puke!

    2. Freaking Dani and Nicole are such aholes. The way they acted tonight was more of this new generation BS! Saying Kaysar was disrespectful? Why, he told the truth! Was he supposed to say beautiful things about them on his way out? Unbelievable! Entitled brats! Both snakes in the grass! Can’t wait to see them on the block and Cody too!

      1. Absolutely. A couple of whiney little brats! Kaysar specifically told them he liked them all on a personal level, but that their “game” sucked. What’s disrespectful about that? NOTHING! Then, he had the sense of dignity and the graciousness to hug everyone on his way out the door. Classy guy. Too classy for that house.

      2. But but but, it was the first bad thing she ever said about Kaysar! Right? Right?

        She just proved she will tell a lie when telling the truth is easier. She got mad and had to vent on TV. She knows Kaysar was telling the truth, so what else can she say about him? He’s disrespectful? What about all of your lies and the way you spread them and backstab people for no reason “new queen in your eyes only”? Some might think your game play is just a bit disrespectful in and of itself, and maybe you deserved exactly what you got! And then you are gonna run and hide to avoid saying good bye to the man? Hahahahah But he force hugged you didn’t he loser?

    1. I don’t want her to go just yet. Some others need to go 1st. Personally I am hoping that Cody is next out of the house

    1. I think they might have thrown him a vote, to pin on someone later, but a) it didn’t work last time and nobody made a stink about how people voted, except the people trying ’cause the problem and b) they were too pissed at Kaysar’s speech. 🙂

    2. DaVonne was the worst. Laughing like a hyena, but couldn’t muster the guts to vote for the man, even after he blew up their games for her and them. Nobody would have known who did it. I would do it on principle alone!

      1. True colors come out when you are on camera 24/7 and you forget the cameras are there. He’s a genuinely nice guy, just like Tyler is. Cody is nice, too, but he’s got a little too much ego.

  3. Who’s David? Is this guy is in the game? They never show him on the big brother TV episodes. is he really in this game? lol

    1. I love David, but I’m not sure he’s earned all-star status having been the first one evicted during his season. He’s the only black male houseguest..

    1. Great idea! Janelle had it already, and you saw how appreciative Kaysar was when Julie reminded him of how the fans voted him back in years ago…

  4. I always knew Dani was like her dad, icy and fake and mean but Nicole? She was a sweetheart til tonite. Yep Janelle was right. Behind all that sweet and innocent talking Nicole F is fake and mean. Very disappointed. Kudos to Cody Memphis and the rest for keeping it classy.

    1. Nicobra was never a sweetheart, she’s an insecure, whiny brat that is jealous of other women and hides behind the strong males, often times with wrists of fury under the covers, she did not deserve to win her season and stained BB All Stars with her pre-gaming with Cody/ Derrick

      1. Paul lost Big Brother 18 when he didn’t take James to final 2.

        And when Paul admitted in an argument with Nicole in front of the whole house the week Natalie and Michelle were co-HOH
        Paul literally said in front of the house on the actual episode in reference To Nicole even to NicoleF face that:

        “Something tells that you’re pretty good at this game and not me”

        That might be the dumbest thing you can ever say to somebody especially about the person you decide to take to the final 2!!!!

        Paul admitting that to Nicole that you’re good at this game and not me and then taking her to the final 2 is so beyond dumb!!!

        Nicole was only a tiebreaker question in the final 4 HOH from not being nominated for the entire summer!!!

        Paul made a Stupid decision on taking her to final 2!!!!

        1. i think that’s her point. Paul lost, Nicole didnt win.
          her win literally came down to women like Natalie and Davonne who voted because “we want a woman winner” .

          1. Paul had a terrible social game and ran around the house name calling people and using harsh language to demean women as well.
            I mean you can’t expect to call a woman c*nt, And for it to not rub other women The wrong way!!!!
            That is huge no no to call women that.

            And to this day Michelle looks completely foolish for voting somebody to win a half $1 million dollars when Paul called her a C*NT!!!

            Natalie said at the Jury roundtable some of the things Paul has said and his actions are completely unforgivable and Davonne even said it doesn’t absolve Paul in how he acted!!!

            Natalie was right there when Paul called Michelle a C*NT I have no doubt that moment was ingrained in her mind about Paul and not wanting to vote for him in the final 2.

            The reason why Nicole deserved Davonnes vote over Paul is because Paul never owned up to backdooring Davonne even though he knew all along he was going to back door Davonne the whole time!!!!
            What put the nail in the coffin was his goodbye message to Davonne especially when you compare it to Nicole!!!!

            Nicole in her goodbye message literally admitted to Davonne that she saw her as a threat and wanted her out of the game where Paul still completely acted oblivious in his goodbye message !!!!!

            Paul never owned up to it even in his goodbye message!!!

            Whereas Nicole Franzel literally said
            Day seeing you pop out that box day one was exciting however on game level I saw you as a threat and I knew it wouldn’t good for my game if you were Still in the house.

            Whereas Paul played His dumb strategy In the goodbye messaging
            Literally saying verbatim:
            “Day if you’re seeing this I don’t know what happened. I thought I made myself clear about what I wanted, but I guess we both got screwed over. I’ll see you on the outside- Cali love”

            That is the exact reason why Nicole deserved Davonne vote instead of Paul is because the dude that never owned up to it even admitted it or gave her the respect of what his true intentions were!!!!

            Paul shot himself in the foot way too many times he never owned up to what he did and he even blatantly admitted to people that Nicole‘s great game at this game and not him. What a buffoon to even admit that ?!??

            For someone to say that might be one of the dumbest things ever say especially when you take that person to the final 2 In Nicole who was only a tiebreaker question away in the final 4 HOH not being nominated for the entire freaking summer!!!

            Nicole was the deserving winner people need to move on with their lives and quit complaining about season 18.

    2. Cody wasn’t classy he literally dumped on Kaysar in a passive aggressive way in the Diary room when he voted out Kaysar.

  5. Last night I wrote:
    Dani doesn’t WANT to win HOH? NIcf “feels” it could be a knock out, so get to work Grod.

    Oh. gee.

    At least they aren’t doing the disappear for an hour before a comp and then win trick from last season. Thank the gods. THAT WAS ANNOYING AF.

      1. Knock out? Once a season in order to draw battle lines according to who picks who. so that the house can be divided for drama.

        The disappearing houseguest routine? oh yeah. on feeds in 21 someone would disappear for an hour from upstairs d/r. (I suspected for a practice session) Next day they’d be hoh. Late in season NicA and Cliff commented on it before a feed block.

      1. I think maybe she played more than others. She kept being called up. She should wonder what that means and Christmas and Tyler only played once.

        1. Christmas and Tyler not being called up is good news for them.. it means that people either see them as “on their side” OR at least they don’t see them as their biggest threat

        2. Christmas actually played twice. Against Memphis and against DaVonne. She got a by all the way to the Final THREE! She never even answered ONE question! Both her opponents MISSED, so she won by default! She’s a comp beast that one is!

        1. Anybody on the other side that will do something to shake this game up deserves a power. Who cares how many wins they have?

              1. She won THREE rounds. Shitmas won two, and she never answered a single question in doing so. Both her opponents missed.

          1. Davonne an original week 2 evictee shouldn’t even have three chances to play this game.

            And the fact that she still hasn’t won a competition yet in three seasons and has a social game that is just plain awful is further prove of it

            A girl in Bayleigh with a power app to save herself from being backdoor by Angela when she (Bayleigh) already mentioned that Angela was one of her main targets if they Veto got used during her (Bayleigh’s) HOH- is proof that Bayleigh is not good at this game!!!

            Part of the reason why the power hasn’t flipped is because David, bayleigh, and Davonne are just bad players.

            I mean for god sake Bayleigh was totally crappy to Kaysar this week with her conversation in Bathroom!!

            And on top of it Davonne and Bayleigh keeping voting with the MAJORITY!!!!!

            If you have anyone to blame it’s them and their inability to do anything big or for that matter show people that they can play BIG BROTHER!!!

            1. They have alliances, (they think), so they haven’t flipped. Same with Ian and Kevin and Memphis….. I don’t think Memphis is any star either… he thinks he has this great alliance, and his team hardly even mentions him in their decision making. No wonder Kaysar is stunned about Memphis’s “alliance”… it’s practically non-existent and only lives in Memphis’s head at this point.

    1. I never want to disagree with you because you’re awesome, but Ian is a terrible player. He only turned on NicF because he knew he was the bottom on the pecking order. He plays a sneaky game. Why didn’t Kaysar mention Ian’s alliance with NicF? Why didn’t he mention Bay, Day being cozy with Dani? Why didn’t Bay and Day vote for him to stay? Tyler still playing the middle!!! Ugh. Ian getting power won’t make anything more interesting.

      1. It could be he sense Dani’s connection with them was fake so he was trying to wake them up if they weren’t already aware

      2. But attaching himself to Nicole is the only reason Ian is still there. They bring his name up all the time, and see him as a bigger threat than NicoleA or Keesha. He would be gone by now if he wasn’t laying low. He’s been in survival mode, waiting for people to get wise and waiting for people to turn on each other.

  6. Who is Christmas gonna target or is it going to be another predictable week with Cody and Enzo running another HOH?

    1. Christmas will have to lay down her cards when nicf and dani say one thing, Enzo says another, and Tyler tries to sweetbabybird her.

        1. I think the notion that Cody controls Enzo is a misguided theory.
          Enzo is intentionally playing off as number one of both Cody and Tyler. He’s pushing them against each other with him as their number ones.
          Neither actually controls him.
          Enzo is secretly building his own little side deal. That doesn’t include either of Tyler or Cody.
          He’s been a puppet of the pair of cody and tyler… not one or the other.

          1. Enzo’s game is deep. He’s tight with a lot of people and it’s well hidden. His game thus far has been great. YO YO YOing his way to the end.

            1. Watch him shit talk Cody to Tyler, and an hour later agree with all of Cody’s shit talk about Tyler. Wash rinse repeat.
              He’s insinuating himself in the middle.

              1. His behavior seems unintentional. He seems to feel more positively towards a person when in their presence, but as soon as he skips out he’s like, nah, what a loser. He often reacts rather than plans.

                1. It’s completely intentional. He noticed that Cody and Tyler were getting too close. What is his bb experience? 3rd place. He’s not doing that again so he wants to be both alpha boys plus one so they don’t 3rd wheel him.
                  That’s his incentive.

      1. Bay was condescending to Kaysar in that conversation he tried to have on the previous show. I disliked it majorly. Like is she racist against a Muslim?

        1. I don’t know I watched the live feeds of a conversation with Bay and Kayser about religion. It was a pleasant conversations that was mutually respectful. I didn’t see any of what you are describing… it might have been a show edit. Day didn’t show any disrespect for muslims.

          TBH there have been things said by Dani that could be interpreted as low key racist… heck the way the house split up by race looks sketchy from the outside.

          The fact is BB has problems in regards to race, it happens every year PoC over here and white people over here… it just happens on both sides of the spectrum.

          1. It was Bayleigh (however you spell her name) when Kayzar wanted to talk game and he gave a scenario and said, “Think about it.” She took that as condescending. Her eyes threw daggers. She told him she took that as him talking down to her and he didn’t need to. Her reaction was not on par with what he was trying to say. She said, “This is not the time to discuss that.” In a game, even if she has her own strategy, she should still listen respectfully. He rolled his eyes, just as I did. I didn’t understand her anger.

    2. Enzo wants Dani gone and since he has no balls to do it, he will certainly want Christmas do it for him. I just Cody wants dani to stay and saying he wanted her gone was just to shows Enzo his not tight with dani

    3. It could get interesting, but I’ll bet when it’s all said and done, she’ll take the easy way out, nominate Bay and Day or Day and David, or Day and Kevin. Two easy targets. She’s not about to get caught up in internal politics of her group and make herself a bigger target. She’ll find a way to put that off until next week, or until the “double eviction” or whatever. Maybe that they all seem to be against Ian, he may go up with one of those four to appease everyone.

      I just don’t see Christmas starting the big battle within the group. Hope I’m wrong.

      Oh and Julie’s comment at the end of the show that “Now the alliance will have to start going after each other!” was soooooo stupid! I’m sitting there yelling at the TV going, “NO they don’t! There’s all kinds of dead weight still living in that house! You guys and your fake TV story lines, not telling the real story that’s going on in the house! BITE me Julie!”

  7. There is no way Simon and Dawg can survive an entire week of a Christmas HOH! This will be torture. Imagine we will have to see her primp and preen for entire week. What if she decides to make up fancy little speeches all week. Good Luck guys! There is a donation coming your way to help you through the week.

  8. They totally threw that hoh to Christmas!! No one even called her to square up with anyone. Such a crap move reminds me of her season with her broken foot hoh win. Stop throwing comps!

      1. At first I didn’t think so till after they eavesdroped on the house and saw day hugging Christmas and her saying I can’t believe you. That sounds fishy to me. Like saying I can’t believe you gave me that win.

    1. It wasn’t thrown to her. Christmas is just in the middle of the house and the two sides were calling up two from the opposing side the entire time. I hate that she won without ever pressing the button but they definitely didn’t throw it to her. Both sides think they have her so neither one picked her to go up against anyone. Cody nicf dani were always going to pick bay day kevin David and those 4 were always going to pick cody nicf or dani. I actually was interested to see who tyler would have picked had he had to make a choice earlier in the game. May have forced him to show what side he was on

  9. What Is Christmas’ Applied Experience with HOH?
    Season 19.
    So. with that in mind… how big is her HOHITIS going to be?
    How much is she going to demand shunning and bullying?
    Let’s sit back and watch as a human trainwreck tastes power.
    This week on Big Bully Small-stars.

  10. I wanted Day to win so badly! I hope those on the outs get a coup d’etat or something to get that boring big Alliance out.

  11. first female hoh or veto winner of the season ending the record streak of 8 male main comp wins in a row, the most to start a usa or canada season

  12. I’m really not sure what Christmas will do. My initial thought is that she will trust Enzo most out of anyone so it may depend what Enzo wants to do. I still don’t think he’ll turn on Cody so will he want to go for Ian or Dani or go the safe route with something like David and Kevin? What does everyone think?

      1. The ONLY reason why the guys wouldn’t so much push for Da and Bay?
        Taking out one of the four girls fighting each other makes it so that two of them will have to turn on one of the guys, and you never know who.
        Keeping them all here this week means keeping them directed at each other and away from whatever the guys want to plan behind the women’s backs.
        Chances of this being an actual argument are only about 15% but it’s the only argument that doesn’t end with Da and Bay.

        Christmas herself still wants David out. Will she think of her own game at all?

    1. The -itis is coming. A few days ago she said that she was running Enzo’s HOH, now she’ll think she is a comp beast. It will all go to her head.

    1. I’m wondering the same thing. I think if Enzo and Tyler want her to go, she trusts them enough that she may pull the trigger.

    1. We might see the first whole house revolt and demands the HOH leave.
      If ever there’s going to be a vote against the HOH…. this will be the week.

  13. WHO will be pushing Christmas?
    Memphis will push Ian.
    Cody will push Ian first with Bay or Da’vonne.
    Nicf will push Bay Ian Da’vonne but don’t tell da’vonne i said that cus i’m nice.
    Dani will push Bay Bay and Bay with a backdoor of Bay and make Bay a have not whether we have have nots or not…. and can we just have a house meeting and tell everyone not to talk to Bay?
    Enzo will push yo gettouttahereidon’tcare yo but that dani and that da’vonne… yo. That might be good yo, and that’s it.
    Tyler will push anyone but David or Ian… but this could be a good week for a backdoor.
    Kevin will cry. no matter what. he’ll cry.
    David will ask what an hoh does exactly.
    Da’vonne and Bayleigh will push Nicf and Dani and Christmas will tell Nicf and Dani.

      1. Bayleigh thought she and Christmas were close. Christmas has been selling out Bayleigh to Nicf ever since couple tries couple guys. Christmas told Bayleigh week one if she was ever hoh Bayleigh would be safe.
        Christmas remembers making that deal. So knows she’s going to be breaking her word.

  14. Finally a friggen twist.. after a month of trash bags and trash play and viewers having to take matters into their own hands to gain entertainment. Wtf was production waiting so friggen long for? They probably fell asleep watching this garbage too though. Twist now when half the house is blown. Idiots

  15. Now that Janelle & Kaysar are out AND Cody & Nicole’s pregame alliance is blown up, powers are being introduced? Because of course they are. 3 powers – one each for Cody, Nicole & Dani? Production’s darlings.

  16. Dum question I know but humor me. I need it after this boring season of a snooze fest. WHY is Christmas trying so hard more than her season to fit in “with them??” I will never understand people that do this for whatever reason they tell themselves..

  17. Hahahahaha King Kaysar!!! What an eviction speech! F’n Shitmas thought she was cute with that dumbass poem then Kaysar blows them out of the water! One of the best things to happen this shitty, boring season! May I also add what an absolute C*** Dani is? Cold as ice bitch with her little dumb flying monkey Tuggles…… this basement power shit better not be aimed at saving Tuggy & Cody

    1. Something better happen, I’m sorry I started watching this season! I can not stand Cody, Nicole and Dani, Christmas or Enzo!

  18. Head Scratcher:
    NicF had ZERO D/R involvement in this episode.
    NONE. I watched.
    NicF was called to D/R five times yesterday.
    She came out with the knock out HOH comp feeling.
    She came out with the new alliance (that formed a half hour later) feeling.
    But she had no inclusion in the episode….
    So why all the D/R calls yesterday???
    Any reasonable answer will do.

      1. it was determined by the authorities after last season that big brother IS NOT a game show. It is classified as a reality entertainment program, and is thereby not beholden to the rules and regulations of a game show.

    1. Goodbye message? I didn’t see any goodbye messages for Kaysar. You talking about that little speech she gave before voting him out? That lie she told about being the first bad thing she’s said about him? She just proved she’s a liar on national TV, that’s all. Feed watchers know it. She basically buried herself with that comment, due to her own anger. Liar’s are gonna lie. It’s a fact of life.

  19. so the new powers come the moment jaysar leaves and julie says to kaysar “you were voted back in…15 years ago…im joking”…cbs trolling us

    1. named it. week one they said they’d watch out for each other but wouldn’t talk unless it was necessary. they solidified that deal with a name today.

  20. I wonder how much they are trashing Kaysar right now….I wonder if production likes keeping the feeds off after HOH to ensure that they aren’t seen at their most arrogant.

    Cody is probably going off on Kaysar, NicF still talking about Janelle.

    1. Frankly, I get enough of that in everyday life. I know it’s an important subject, but since we hear about it pretty much 24/7 now, why can’t we have an hour a day three days a week where we can escape from that? I don’t need some 30 something BB player (or 40 something in Kaysar’s case) bringing this to my “attention”, when America’s cities are burning and people are dying and hurting every single day due to these problems and disagreements, and those problems won’t be solved by some “kumbaya” conversation between two friends, that was likely orchestrated by production anyway, simply so they can say hey look at us, we are doing socially responsible TV here! I tune in to watch Big Brother and escape from the BS of day to day life.

      I just get sick of it all the time, even though their conversation about God was a very positive one (Day and Kaysar’s). IMO, just stick to the game (maybe stick MORE to the game that is actually being PLAYED, and not the one you are producing for the TV show) and we would all be a lot better off.

  21. I cannot express the JOY that it gave me to see Dani’s reaction. She was PISSED! Even Julie pointed it out. Besides seeing Kaysar and Janelle entering the house and rekindling an old BB friendship, what Kaysar said in his speech was by far the best moment In this whole boring season. He left the game PLAYING the game. NOT “classless and disrespectful” like bitter Dani stated. As for Nicole, didn’t really dislike her before until this season. Although it was awesome to have Kaysar blow it up that way, unfortunately it will have no effect on these mindless drones. Enzo/Cody will control Xmas’s hoh and make predictable moves and it’ll be yet another boring week. I’ll hang onto that Kaysar exit as the last (and only) good moment of this season. Kaysar- gotta love him!

  22. It is easy to predict what Christmas will do….

    She will nominate Kevin and Day or Kevin and David…. Somebody wins the veto as long as it is NOT Bay and Bay goes on the block either against Kevin/David or Day…. the only twist this week is if Bay wins the veto and Day is on the block. Then Day and Bay are safe… she would not use it to save David or Kevin because that would put Day at risk. If she can’t pick Bay or Day she might choose Dani or Ian as replacements… it would be a shocker if she chose Franzel. If she picked Memphis as a replacement that might make for an interesting week for games getting blown up. Memphis doesn’t give a f**k.

    The only thing I know is that there are only 3 nominee choices that Christmas would be able to say “It is what the house wants.” without somebody having their game getting blown up.
    ian, David, and Kevin are the only ones left that she can say “It’s what the house wanted.” everybody else is in an alliance with her.

    Why bother worrying about getting your game blown up when there are only three that aren’t in your alliances… jeez… everybody else KNOWS already…and they don’t care.

    Let’s see what happens.

    1. Cody is a nice guy. He’s not who I am rooting for, but I like him. It’s funny that Kaysar called out several people, including Cody and Tyler, who gave him good hugs, and Dani and Nicole, who were complete babies about the whole thing and couldn’t even be bothered to be gracious. Good examples of Class and No Class.

  23. So powers are going to be dropped in the game after Janelle and Kaysar are gone. Ok, we see you. Also Julie was wrong to make it sound like Kaysar was voted back in the house before making it clear she meant when he played before. I got excited just like Kaysar did for a split second. Christmas HOH yuck. Things will move the way they have been. Day and Bay look out.

  24. Sad fans so desperately want the show to be good they use bullhorns and banners from planes etc and still all you get is same old predictable crap. I admit I had to check in on season 6 players out of nostalgia but this show is truly garbage now. Or maybe I just out grown it. It’s terrible. I haven’t watched a CBS episode in years. I think 17 was last one I actually was mildly interested. Show is tired from casting to Julie Chen. This site however does a great job and spares many from having to watch. Thanks for allowing me to check on Janelle and Kayser without having to watch that horrid scripted nonsense. I was wondering if Day having played 3 seasons and is “all star” material has ever won a single comp? I’m seriously curious.

    1. Davonne has played 3 seasons and never won a comp

      Hopefully will never play big brother again!!!!

      Bayleigh And Davonne continue to vote for the majority and eventually it’s going to bite them!!!

    1. Yeah. They’ve been beating that dead horse alliance that hasn’t met or talked to each other or made a plan… since week 2.
      But according to the episodes the only alliances are the million club, the committee, the slick six, and maybe black girl magic.
      I guess the other 19 alliances now… were unimportant?

    2. Yeah! Why did she do that? Memphis only THINKS he is in an alliance. It’s there in name, but not in the actions or body language of the alliance members, so that’s why Kaysar didn’t see it. She made him feel like he really missed something. He only missed how clueless Memphis is about his own group.

    3. Yeah, and according to Julie, the alliance must now start going after itself! What game is she watching? Does she not know David, Kevin, and Ian are still in the game? Is she dumb enough to believe her own production companies BS that Bay and Day are actually part of the alliance?

  25. While this all stars season is boring we should thank CBS for helping us open the eyes and see :

    Nicole F as the fakest not sweet girl
    Cody dB personality who’s looking more and more like his brother Paulie
    Dani aka evil d Junior 2.0
    Tyler as Angela’s puppet
    Memphis the wanna be Dan

    As today I’m rooting for Ian Or Day but let’s be honest they suck at winning and they might go next lol

    Maybe meow meow is our only hope purrrr

  26. Ian ran back to Nicf. confessed that Kaysar got into his head and sold out everybody.
    Dani is being a complete, to use Nicf pottymouth, b-word.
    After words where Dani gave dirty looks, Bay walked away and punched the bathroom wall.
    Da’vonne says they’ll use that as Angry Black Woman reason to get Bay out.
    Tyler is trying to KrazyKaitlin Xmas. Not working as good as it has in the past… because Xmas is pretty deep in Nicf’s pocket. Tyler should have nipped that in the bud after Xmas saved Ian. And he knew what was going on. He just didn’t properly maintain his toy. Just like he hasn’t really spoken to David in… almost a week.
    So it’s the house vs. Bay and Da at this point.
    Janelle warned them. Kaysar warned them. Tyler warned them. So sad. Too bad.

    The HOHITIS is building. Christmas is talking about crushing that comp. yeah… the other person asnwered a question wrong. You crushed it toots.

    Nicf is in tears because Bayleigh knows Nicf was targeting her and told her multiple people confirmed it, not that Nicf would ever tell the truth about it. Ian weaseled.

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