POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | July 27th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 29 |
HOH Winner: | Aaryn | Next HOH: | Aug 1 |
Original Nominations: | Spencer, Howard, AMANDA (MVP = America) | ||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin | |
Have Nots | Judd, Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie |
11:55am – 12:35pm The Big Brother 15 live feeds switch to TRIVIA for Big Brother to reveal who America chose as the 3rd NOMINEE and for the house guests to pick VETO PLAYERS! When the live feeds return, we learn that America chose AMANDA as the 3rd MVP Nomination.
THE POWER OF VETO PLAYERS ARE: Candice, Spencer, Howard, Aaryn, Amanda, Jessie!
FASTEN your seatbelts BB FANS this week is going to be a bumpy ride!
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In the storage room – Andy and McCrae are talking about how they don’t understand how Amanda was chosen. McCrae tells her that she needs to win this. They discuss how Candice being chosen was the worst possible pick but that she won’t win anything any ways. McCrae says it doesn’t really matter we have the numbers. Judd comes in and says that he is so pissed off at Helen right now. Helen comes in right after and asks if Judd is mad at her. He says no I just have to go to the bathroom. Helen, Andy and McCrae are pumping Amanda up to win the veto. Amanda is worried about if Howard has the Coup d’etat. McCrae says that doesn’t matter just worry about winning this. Helen tells Amanda that in any situation, she’s going to stay.
McCrae and Helen are coaching Amanda on different strategies to win different competitions. Helen says you’re okay, the person that should be worried is Howard. Amanda says of course I would go up, I have been gunning for them for weeks! Helen says just don’t over think it! McCrae says just be calm. McCrae says that he knew it this morning from the line of questioning. Spencer joins them. McCrae tells him that he needs to win it. Spencer ask why would I need to win it or go home. McCrae says because if Candice wins it Howard and her are safe.
While we wait for the Veto Competition results today. Fire up your Big Brother live feeds and use the FLASHBACK feature to check out the BB15 N!p Sl!ps / N*des
12:50pm – 12:55pm Up in the HOH room – Judd is pissed at Helen because he thinks she wants to flip and keep Howard. Andy tells him that there is no way Helen is flipping. Andy tells Judd to cool it. Jessie and Andy ask why Judd got all mad in the veto ceremony. Judd says Howard is creeping up on me trying to listen to conversations. Judd says I am not a pu$$y like him. I will confront him. Amanda comes up to join them. They ask Judd why he was in such a bad mood in the meeting. Judd says that he is just tired of Helen’s cheery a$$ comments like “Let’s go guys!” Shut the F*CK UP! Amanda asks Jessie if she wins the veto will you use it on me. Jessie says yeah. Amanda asks what if its a reward competition like how bad do you want it will you take any prizes? Jessie says well I don’t know maybe. Amanda says well that’s not a good answer! Jessie asks how much do you think the veto is worth? $10,000? She says if there was $10,000 I would take it because even if you make it to jury you only make $13,000. Aaryn tells Amanda that if she comes off McCrae might go up. Judd keeps going off about wanting to confront Howard. Andy and Gina both tell Judd to cool it! Aaryn comments that Helen said she was feeling bad for Howard. Amanda says Helen would vote to keep me for sure. Amanda counts out the votes and says I have 7 votes for sure I only need 5. She says unless Howard has the Coup d’etat! Judd starts impersonating Howard how he never looks anyone in the eyes and just listens. Fu*k you, you little b*tch!
1pm In the havenot room – Howard and Candice patiently wait for the veto competition to start! Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Aayrn, Amanda, Judd, Jessie, Andy and McCrae are talking. They speculate on who will go up if the worst case of Candice winning the veto. They wonder if it might be Elissa. Aaryn says she agrees. McCrae says that he will go up I don’t fu*king care! Judd thinks Helen should go up as a pawn if Candice saves Howard. Andy tells Judd that he needs to stop it with Helen! She is on our side!! Candice coms up to join them. Amanda asks to talk to Aaryn and Jessie outside the HOH room. Amanda thinks it will be a drop out competition where the person closest to a time wins. Amanda says that Aaryn is going to drop out first after 25 – 30 minutes and as soon as one of them (Howard, Candice) drop out I will drop out right after and then you drop our right after that. Jessie asks what about Spencer. Amanda says don’t worry about him just leave him in the mix. They agree. Amanda then pulls McCrae out and tells him the plan. Amanda says that she doesn’t care if Spencer wins it. Andy comes out and tells them to talk to Judd he needs to stop freaking out about Helen. Judd comes out and McCrae tells him to cool it and calm down about Helen. Judd says she isn’t on our side!! McCrae says yes she is.
1:15pm In the storage room – Andy, Jessie, McCare talk to Helen about keeping her distance from Judd. He is on slop and in a bad mood. We are all still together just give him a couple days. Helen says okay. Amanda joins them. Helen tells her that it doesn’t matter you are staying no matter what. We are going to be repaying you for keeping us all safe. Judd leaves. Andy jokes watch we get out there and its a weight lifting competition. Helen brings up the theory of Howard being the brother of Danielle from bb3 & bb7. She says they have the exact same face. Helen says that would explain why he got MVP because she has a huge fan base next to Elissa. Meanwhile in the bathroom – McCrae tells Judd that he told Helen to stay away from him to let him cool down. McCrae reassures Judd that Helen is with us. Elissa joins them and asks if Howard is really related to Danielle? Elissa says that Howard has told her 3 different names for his sisters and he said he has 2 sisters. She thinks he is related to her. McCrae says he wants to wait until after the veto and them bring up how Danielle is the worst Big Brother player ever just to see how he reacts.
1:25pm In the storage room – Jessie has a talk with Judd to try and get him to relax! She tells him he needs to stop being aggressive with Helen. Judd asks who says I am being aggressive! I AM NOT BEING AGGRESSIVE WITH HER! Jessie tells him to calm down this isn’t like him.
1:30pm Judd and Jessie head into the lounge where Andy and Amanda are talking. The continue to talk about if Howard has the Coup d’etat or not. Amanda says that she is going to act super close with Elissa in the hopes the if Howard does have the Coup d’etat he will put her up. Judd says that he doesn’t think Howard has it, I looked under his mattress. Judd thinks its obvious Howard has the MVP. Andy suggest that Judd go ask Howard if he has it.
1:35pm – 1:45pm In the back bedroom. Judd tells Howard I am pissed at you, you didn’t tell me you were the MVP. Howard says I am not the MVP. If it was America they don’t understand why Amanda would be nominated. Judd says I don’t think its a bad thing if you got it. Judd says I wouldn’t tell anyone, just 2 or 3 people if you did have it. Judd says maybe America did get it. Candice joins them. Judd comments that he felt out of the loop because he though Howard got it but didn’t tell him. Candice says she doesn’t understand why everyone thinks it just has to be the arch enemy that has to get it. Judd says that he is ready to knock people out of the bus and shred them. If I get HOH I am going to have to rethink who I put up.
1:45pm – 1:55pm Judd talks to Spencer about how he talked to Howard trying to see if he got the MVP. Judd tells Spencer that he wished he had gotten drawn to play. I wanted to play so bad. Judd tells Spencer that if he did get to play and he won it he would have used it on Spencer. Judd tells Spencer that he would want Candice to go up in Spencer’s place and for Candice to go home over either of them. Spencer says ya dude. Judd says that he fears Candice is getting in the way of Howards game. Spencer agrees. Judd heads to the kitchen where Aaryn asks Helen if she is excited to host the veto comp. Helen says she is so excited.
2pm In the back bedroom – Candice tells Howard we have to win this. Candice mentions that Amanda cornered Jessie and pressured her to use the veto on her if she won it. Spencer joins them. Spencer thinks they are pressuring Jessie not use it because they think Judd could go up in Amanda’s place. Spencer says Amanda doubled up on her Adderall medication so that her brain will be.. Candice asks really?! Andy joins them and tries on Candice’s jean vest. Candice says that she is kind of mad that it fits him. Candice says that she would do anything to win except shave her head. Spencer is stretching and trying to limber up. Spencer tells Howard that McCrae told him that if Howard wins the veto he (Spencer) is going home. Howard is shocked and says wow!
2:10pm – 2:35pm UP in the HOH room – Aaryn and Amanda are talking. Amanda tells Aaryn that Jessie is an idiot because she might choose luxuries if it’s that type of competition. Aaryn talks to Amanda about why Judd was mad at Helen. Aaryn says that Helen told me I needed to win it to take you off though. Jessie joins them. Jessie says what if I use the veto and Judd goes up in your place. Amanda says Judd isn’t a target. Jessie says but won’t I have bigger targets on me if I use it because someone else has to go up. Amanda says if you don’t use it than people will think you are aligned with Judd and come after you for it later. Amanda says no matter what I am a bigger target. I would hope that your loyalty is to me. Aaryn thinks if Amanda comes down she doesn’t know who would go up because Gina went up last time. McCrae joins them and says I would put $5000 down on Howard being the MVP. Judd joins them. Aaryn brings up how Candice has been making comments about me being racist that could ruin my career when its not true. I have never called her fat or said anything mean about her. Amanda gets called to the diary room. The conversation turns to talking about the MVP / Coup d’etat. Elissa yells Brenchel Army get it together! They hate me! Elissa says I think America love you too Gina. Gina says Awe thank you.
2:35pm – 2:50pm McCrae tells them that he told Spencer that if Howard wins the veto he will be going home. I hope he goes and tells Howard that too. Judd brings up how Spencer is using religion. Elissa says that Spencer asked if she would pray with him. She thought EWW no you’re gross!!! Elissa says that she made up stuff about the bible and asked Spencer about it and he said oh yeah I love that part. Aaryn brings up how Spencer said he likes watching Jessie bounce around that how and how he said he thinks Jessie’s pu$$y smells like butterscotch.
2:50pm – 2:55pm In the havenot room – Amanda is talking to Howard. Howard says that he think he is just a big athletic guy and that’s why he is up on the block. Amanda asks him if he is the MVP? Howard says no I am not. Amanda asks well why then would you be called into the diary room an abnormal amount of times. Howard says that he isn’t and has never been MVP. Amanda brings up the other rumor that the others think he is related to someone else who’s played Big Brother. Howard says that no one else he knows watches BB, and there haven’t been that many black players. Amanda tells Howard how she heard he said he had bigger fish to fry which makes me think you were coming after me. Amanda tells Howard that the others think he isn’t a straight shooter because you talk in circles. Howard says maybe just because we are in a game, people think I am not shooting straight when really I am.
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😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
You might be smiling, but Demanda isn’t. That girl has been pacing for a while now. I am so glad, she deserves this sooooo much. What would make it better if if Candice wins veto, take Howard off, Howard, Candice approach Aaryn with an EPIC deal, Aaryn takes it, puts up McCrae, hopefully Helen/Elissa come to their senses, send home Amanda and I laugh all the way til the finale. That won’t happen but watching Amanda freak out is worth the watch.
i have never seen a more arrogant, entitled, disrespectful, bitchy, mean spirited house guest in any big brother season in any countries big brother
if she is still on the block after veto there are many there that should have a serious think about pulling the trigger on amanda
just breaking up her and mccrae would be huge to prevent one getting to jury so they couldnt vote for the other in final 2
Why is everyone so into Howard?
He is no different than Amanda, he just does his dirty in a self-righteous way.
He is laying in bed now talking about how he does not like “the foolery, speculating, tricking people, lying…I
wish I was in here with all grown people”. Yeah, like he has not been doing that SINCE DAY ONE, AND like isn’t
that how BB works anyway.
Give me a fucking break Howard, you are on the same level, your bible
does not make you holier than thou. If I wanted to watch a feel good show I would
switch to ION or something….*UGH*.
Other than everyones wish for drama, I just don’t get it.
I really don’t get all the love for Howard either. He’s boring as hell and he gives off this holier-than-thou vibe that is extremely off-putting. I don’t enjoy watching him at all.
he gotta go…he is liar..
Amanda is going nowhere
Maybe because he is respectful and does not go around calling people C U Next Tuesday, or Biootch and never raises his voice in a disrespectful manner. When all that racial stuff went down he did not lose his cool, he manage to calm down a situation between Candice and GM that could have turned left real quick. Thats just a few reason then u look at Amanda that has been a Jeremy just in a girls body
You’re so right!! IMO, I believe the people who choose to not like Howard are not upset about his swearing on the Bible but more about the fact that they don’t believe in religion period. Many non believers always find excuses to blame people who have a higher faith then mankind to validate the troubles in our society. Howard is no different from any person who believes that what they do in life is their right, but in Howards case he’s looking to answer’s from something that’s more powerful then he is. God is the Answer, all you need to do is believe.
Amand is going as she calls it Bat SH!T Crazy she looks nuts
Part of being in the big brother house is lying. At least Howard is mature about it and he acts like a grown man. Yes
he does lie, but he still lives behind his morals and isn’t being foolish and starting fights with others (unlike many
of the other house guest) and that’s why so many people are into him.
What is wrong with Judd? He’s been freaking out lately and making it hard for people to even root for him. CRAZY!
I think he is low on his lorazepam medication, which could produce his change in demeanor. I hope he get production to get his meds as I like the old Judd. He seems angry and irritable with everyone and everything.
Oh that’s what it is, I thought Juddsica was taking over for a couple of hours. Incoherent guy WINS BB! Please don’t let that happen America!
in plain anglo-saxon root word english
poor judd has lost it and is about to go
into a withering control battle with helen.
this is as howard and candice have high
odds of winning PoV and if they don’t we
might see aaryn win it and keep things as
they are. this leaves spencer in a very tight
spot as amanda tries to get her french ar$e
out of the hot seat quicker than i can say the
word “derriere’ as i sit back happily to watch
the fireworks! simon KNEW this was coming!!!
Judd’s on his period.
His period, lol, more like Judd going thru withdrawls, i want to root for the under dogs (Howie/Candice/Spencer/Elissa, maybe Helen), but they need to win something to get some respect or votes their way. PRAYING AMANDA GETS EVICTED
What is wrong with the 11.53% of people on this site votjng Judd as favorite player? Klansters?
i don`t like Judd at all. Last week he was scared to put up Howard and Spencer, and he is getting closer to the guys than girls. He gotta go soon
If you can understand Judd, then you know he’s low on lorazepam.
whats wrong with him? you mean other than being a gigantic douche bag?
I can see Amanda thinking, in her own inimitable paranoid way, that someone in the house (i.e., Howard, Candice or Elissa) is responsible for her being the 3rd person on the block. Ms. “I’m in control of this house and the entire game” Zuckerman would never accept the possibility that it’s America that wants her evicted. Actually, America actually got the MVP nomination totally right this week. Unless something drastic happens between now and Thursday, and Howard is either taken off the block or manages to persuade some people to vote for Amanda, she does have the votes to keep her safe and will probably emerge on Thursday unscathed and still in the house. Of course, Big Brother could always see to it that she wins the POV, particularly since rumors have been circulating that the fix is in concerning Amanda. Her NOT getting evicted this week will only serve to make her more paranoid (if that’s possible), more obnoxious and more gung ho about targeting “the person” she thinks was responsible for putting her on the block. Sadly, Elissa is the “go to” target since she’s now considered expendable, even by her so-called allies.
I wish one of the house guests would hide underneath a bed ( HOH bed would be best , maybe Aaryn ) and listen to what the other houseguests are sayin about flippin and evictions …
If Candice or Howard win the veto Aaryn should put up McCrae !
Special thanks to the cat people … When does the truce end, Wednesday at midnight?
Wednesday night 11:59 pm
Cat people? Who are the cat people?
Bye Howard or Amanda!!!!!!!!
Production is going to make sure Howard, Amanda and Elissa don’t leave this week. They’re the production favorites this season. I wouldn’t be surprised if Spencer, GM or Candice left this week (Depending on who wins the POV) Either way I don’t care ’cause I don’t really like the 3 of them.
I hope Candice wins POV and takes down Howard. time for the Amanda crying storm to begin.
Yes!!!!!!!!!! Alright, Howard and Candice, handle your business!! What the hell is up lately with Judd, whose new nickname should be either Crud or Honey Boo Boo’s long lost brother?
Just teread this post… What is up with Helen? Saying Howard is related to Danielle Reyes is like saying Helen is related to Julie Chen. I thought she was more intellligent than this.
Glad that people are finally seeing the real Judd
yes f-ckin epic and awesome america and fans from other countries who voted too
now this is when things get interesting
we now have to hope amanda stays on the block after veto
then if they want to they can full force kick amanda out the door
time to knock this arrogant b!tch down a peg or two
i want to see her adderal fuelled rage “who did this to me? who is mvp? i demand to know now!” etc
serenity now – insanity later
If Candice wins it and use it on Howard big mistakes cause she might go up. If she is smart and playing to win she wont use it.
You must be new to the game. Pov winner cannot be nominated. Newbie
hopefully she does not win the veto……and the house guests have some balls to get rid of her……… and another bully has left the house…..
When I saw it was Amanda as America’s choice to go, I did a happy dance lol. Best case scenario, she stays on the block till Thursday and meets Julie. If she survives, I hope we keep getting to pick nominee and she keeps going up until the house guests wise up. It is nice for her to feel the pressure of being on the block. She wanted Howard on there and now she is with him
LOL – yep she can be with Howard…… 🙂 hopefully Howard gets it and Aaryn puts up GM or Jessie – they are not threats…..they will eventually go – but not this week……….let’s get the strongest player out now…..hello if you keep her in she is going to win….
she promised judd and jess she wouldnt put them up
if howard or spencer wins veto either candace or elissa go up
if candace wins veto and takes down howard then elissa goes up
aaryn now saying not elissa but gina will go up if candace takes howard off
Aaryn and Elissa made a deal . Elissa will not put up Aryn should Elissa wins HOH in exchange for Aaryn not putting up Elissa during this HOH.
Amanda asks Jessie if she wins the veto will you use it on me. Jessie says yeah. Amanda asks what if its a reward competition like how bad do you want it will you take any prizes? Jessie says well I don’t know maybe. Amanda says well that’s not a good answer! Jessie asks how much do you think the veto is worth? $10,000? She says if there was $10,000 I would take it because even if you make it to jury you only make $13,000.
hey amanda SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP – stop trying to bully people
you entitled trashy tramp
you apparantly have a 200k a year lifestyle
jess owes her mother 3k and she will rightly take the money prize if she can win that just as mccrae did last week – and jess is not going to risk judd going on the block if amanda is taken down – if you have the numbers amanda why is there a need to take you off the block?
lets vote amanda as 3rd nom every week until she is evicted – hopefully it will be this week
Yippee! Let The Games Begin!
YES! Amanda is on the block, I love it! I hope she stays on the block, her rants until Thursday will be epic! (and very intertaining) I hope the HG’s grow a set and vote Damanda out!
Hahahaha oh this is going to be a interesting couple of days! cant wait to hear who won the veto challenge
Yay! My ten votes mattered! 🙂
YES! Production knew that if they nominated Elissa, she would go home! Thank you 🙂
actually, if Amanda wins POV and takes herself off, I have a feeling elissa will go up as the person who came in second for americans nomination choice. it seems like most people voted for Amanda with elissa next……that’s exactly what happened last week causing GM to go up
If in fact Amanda does have an “in” with Big Brother production, I don’t see them having her leave this week. It would be too big a power play too early in the season. I think either Howard or she will “somehow” win POV and take themself off the block, whereupon Elissa will go up as a replacement. I think Spencer will be safe for yet another week as he will wheel and deal himself into another alliance. It won’t matter if Amanda is still up on the block as they houseguests will choose to keep her over Elissa.
If Amanda wins POV, America’s 2nd choice goes up – so, Elissa could still be on the block – so could GM.
Hopefully we finally get to see some crazy shit now
Hopefully Howard will win the veto competition!
I like Candice winning, taking Howard off and then seeing who goes up.
Candice goes to DR and finds a coup d’etat
now that would be sweet – she can put up pizza boy and judd or pizza boy and andy……since they are all in cahoots with each other….
Amanda is freaking OUT !!! She is praying that JUDD and JESSIE don’t screw her if she doesn’t win the VETO!! Now she knows how it feels to be TARGETED!!! I love IT!!!
I hear digging noises….Is that you Amanda? Keep going girl – so sick of you – the house at least will be nicer now that all the slurping noises are gone
Oh and to mention she is the biggest racist on that show. Like all houseguests – even though Aaryn sucks – she did her dirty work for Amanda by having what she said broadcasted
I cant agree with you more .. I have said this since week two .. Almighty Amanda did just as much slandering, making racial slurs as Aaren did only difference is that at one time or another she would say kidding… but yesterday complaining about Candice NAPPY HAIR being on her head band there was no kidding word spoken afterwards… that was totally nasty thing to say … Now lets see that broadcast on Sundays show … if not well you cant call one a racist and not the other ..
thats it amanda beg and pray, maybe you could ask howard, he has a bible
Amanda tells Aaryn that Jessie is an idiot because she might choose luxuries if it’s that type of competition. Aaryn talks to Amanda about why Judd was mad at Helen. Aaryn says that Helen told me I needed to win it to take you off though. Jessie joins them. Jessie says what if I use the veto and Judd goes up in your place. Amanda says Judd isn’t a target. Jessie says but won’t I have bigger targets on me if I use it because someone else has to go up. Amanda says if you don’t use it than people will think you are aligned with Judd and come after you for it later. Amanda says no matter what I am a bigger target. I would hope that your loyalty is to me.
I cannot believe how arrogant this selfish evil witch Amanda is
why the f-ck would Jess not take 10k? and why would jess take amanda off the block meaning her best friend judd could well go up in her place?
thats it double up your adderal medication amanda – go on a drug fuelled meltdown because jessie is using her brains to benefit her game, not yours
again amanda you keep saying you have the numbers…you have been counting 7 votes for you…so if thats the case theres no reason to take you off the block right?
i really hope judd defends jess here, and others too, as its way too heavy pressure to be putting on someone in your own alliance – judd needs to tell amanda to cool it and win the veto herself and stop relying on others to win comps for her all the time
amanda has been a real b!tch to jess the entire game, so why would jess sacrifice for her when it appears its not even needed, since she keeps saying she has the numbers?
jess will tell judd that amanda is trying to force jess into showing more loyalty to her than him and in doing so risk both the games of judd and jess – this may make him think maybe to get amanda out now
judd, jess, helen, elissa, candace, gina could all decide to vote amanda out
Amanda is a selfish A$$. Why cant Jessie take the money if its that kind of POV why must she take her off (lol I would def take the money and throw it) she was not upset when Pizza Boy took the 5,000 (she told everyone he needed it Well Jesse might need it to I hope people now open their eyes to her and they all throw it lmao and let Howard, Candice or Spencer win and leave that BIOOOTCH on the Block
judd asked amanda and mccrae several times and they didnt want to include jessie in their allience. stupid mistake. now they are the only couple in that allience and demand jessie should safe their ass if she wins veto.
Oh, happy day!! Now Candice needs to win that veto and this day will be perfect!
Amanda’s face = priceless
Will any of these stupid people be big enough to apologize to Howard on finale night for their totally off the wall and unfounded comments about him being 1) a Beast (their word) in competitions (Have you seen him actually even come close to winning one of them!), 2) using his religion (Has he ever tried to indoctrinate or preach to any of them?), 3) being the MVP (This is based on how many times he has been called to the DR–please!), 4) being Danielle Reyes relative (Why? because they are both Black–that makes no sense), and 5) the dumbest one of all–using the race card (He has used more restraint in the face of deliberate racial bias than anyone I know.)? If I were Howard, I would not have come close to exhibiting the patience and restraint he has shown in the face of such ignorance. These people have gone above and beyond rational thinking in their nasty attitudes toward him. I know $500,000 is at stake, but he has not done anything to deserve this much hatred, suspicion and negativity. All while CBS silently sits, watches, and lets it happen and continue. Disgusting…
Well don’t hold your breath. You first have to realize that there was a mistake made. Amanda and Helen has all of them believing that there was never ever any racial slights and it was all made up by Candice/Howard.
I agree with you 200%. I acquired so much respect for Howard when he walked in the bed room and aaryn was snapping her fingers and saying….Whatcha gonna do girl (to Candace). Howard looooooked at aaryn for a few seconds (I can just imagine what was going through his mind….if I were him, I dont think I could’ve contained myself, but he did). It must have been his christian resolve that allowed him to throw Candace over his shoulder and walk away from that without confrontation.
Grenade yo….BOOM!
Let the drama begin!!!
YESSSSS! Get that annoying woMAN out of there!!!
Oh happy day! Bossy is on the block!
Now we just have to see what the results are from the Veto Competition.
Best case scenario: Howard wins veto, Elissa gets backdoored! Of course, watching the drama unfold between Amanda and Elissa will be priceless as well. Now wouldn’t THAT give the house a little shaking up?!
Howard won’t win. Elissa will not get Backdoored!!!!!!! That would be dumbest move. I’m sorry but Amanda has to go.
Captain wedgie,
Not all of us agree with you! I would like nothing more than to see Elisa gone for good- she’s too babyfied and attention needy. Besides, Amanda makes for great tv!!!!!!!
Elissa is not going anywhere. As long as Amanda is gone, we have the votes to evict Amanda.
Howard or Candice will win..this is BB…(WATCH MUCH)??
best cast scenario is, Candice winning it. Candice takes Howard off the block and she can’t be backdoored. that will leave Amanda on the block with Spencer. Aaryn most likely replacement is Elissa and the house can shift in voting off Amanda.
Not going to happen? Elissa won’t be Backdoored.
Get Elissa’s pussy hair out of your mouth. She is not going anywhere anytime soon. The target is Amanda. Get over it hater.
I hope this makes Amanda dial back how hard she’s playing the game. I would prefer for her to stay for at least a few more weeks since she’s not completely useless when it comes to game (like several others in the house).
No, get her out now and let see who will take power. No one (maybe Helen) can think for themselves so what will they do.
I don’t get why you people want Amanda out. She and Helen are two very strong players. Even though she may be annoying keep her around because if Amanda is evicted the Big Brother 15 house will be full of floaters
Amanda is the biggest floater of them all. Has she done anything other than manipulate everyone in the house and try and control everybody else’s HOH? If she wants one then she needs to win one.
I seriously you don’t understand this game. Why don’t people get that they DON’T NEED TO WIN HOH to try and get what they want? Winning HOH and competitions is just an added bonus to what’s really important–playing a good social game and using persuasion and manipulation properly to advance yourself in the game. This is a competition for money and keeping yourself in the house. Chances are some of the contestants may never win an HOH ever. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t use other ways to win the game. And what you and many commenters here that seem to constantly complain about her taking over people’s HOHs don’t seem to realize is that NONE OF THEM are obligated to listen to her or vote for her or nominate who she wants. They all went against Jeremy because he was a bully but not her. If they are all stupid enough to not realize what she has been doing, then I don’t see anything wrong with trying to manipulate them. And this goes for any of the contestants if they choose to. She is far from a floater. She is actively playing the game. Sure she needs to work on her strategies now because she’s become too aggressive, but she is far from sitting around floating. Someone sitting around floating would be Jessie or GM. They rarely talk game and they do nothing half the time. Amanda is constantly at work just like Andy is also at work trying to keep up and talk game and participate. Winning competitions ALL THE TIME really doesn’t mean shit, IMO
Amanda is a very socially manipulative person and is good at this game.
America has been my favorite player this season…these people in the house are morons! At least America has the balls to make a big move.
Thank god amanda is up. I just hope the house see’s how manipulative she is and how much she influences people’s decisions for them. The house needs to realize she is just like nick and get her the F out. This is their only time to make a big move, and have power. Hala-lujah!
flashback to nips slips times/dates/cams http://bit.ly/11kxYAZ
YES. Now Howard just has to win POV!
That all depends on who you want/think Aaryn will put up in his place – my guess would be Candice.
aaryn doesn’t get to pick. I believe it’s the next person that the MVP has chosen
Nope, if Howard or Spencer win POV, HOH makes the replacement – if Amanda wins, then America’s 2nd choice goes up – assuming they are all smart enough to remove themselves,,,
Simon is walkin’ on air!!!!! it finally HAPPENED!!!!!!!
last week lil GM done spoilt all the fun by arriving!
if Candice wins, Spencer is vulnerable. the BB
HGs may divide into three. Helen looses control!
call this the Nick + Jeremy curse! Amanda is about
to have several weeks like this, especially if Aaryn
finally takes her bedsheets with the cut~out eyes
with her out the door! now we shall see gameplay!
Perfect, people show their character under pressure and when things go against them .. Lets see what Amanda’s character is like.
Her character is all over the live feeds, it’s terrible.
If it wasn’t for the twist, she would just be the whore who slept with the 1st man to win HOH.
If Howard/Judd/Jeremy/David/Nick/ dare I say Spencer would’ve won, guess who she’d be riding?
I posted this on another thread but it case you missed it I think BB fans will enjoy this.
If you get a chance watch Jeff’s evicted house guest interview from CBS with Kaitlyn. I must say that after watching this interview a like her a lot more than I did when she was in the BB house. Does anybody know where I would send my $5 donation so Jeff could double his set design budget? I swear the lamp shade is the same one I put out for the garbage man ten years ago.
Holy shin splits America did it. We freakin did it. I just wish she didn’t think it was Howard but US! WE DONT LIKE YOU! Now Candice win that veto!
YEs, I agree Candice MUST MUST MUST win the VETO!!!!! PLEASE CANDICE WIN IT!!!!
Best case scenario – Candice wins Veto and takes Howard down. Then they vote to get rid of Amanda. If Amanda stays on the block and these HGs do not vote to evict they ALL deserve to lose the $500K because it is not often you are given this sort of gift.
Now if some of those others can wiseup,grow a set,and realize this is their chance to get bully out.then they can have their boy bed and robe when they win.oh and can nominate who they want instead of the dictator tell them who. Amanda has to go!!!!
The look on Amanda’s face… PRICELESS
I wouldn’t celebrate just yet though, remember last week, when Elissa got put up, she won POV, but I this is “Amanda” we’re talking about, she’s been pretty bad in comps.
Howard or Candice better play their asses off. Best case scenario Candice wins, and takes Howard off making both of them safe, otherwise she could go up in her place and out.
HGs are too p***y to make an actual Big Move in taking Amanda out.
curiously enuff — had amanda, mcCrae, spencer, howard and candice solidified
into a solid voting block… they all could have floated beyond Helen’s urbane control
JUDD is being an a-hole on the feeds right now. All tough and big when he is hiding in the HoH room. They are all so stupid. The only one who figured it out last week was Andy!
I voted for Amanda ten times!!! I hope Candice wins and takes Howard off then they have to put someone up on their side!! Finally a mix up in the house!
I cant believe these spineless creatures are actually trying to protect amanda smdh
Thank You! I Really Wanted To See Amanda Sweat For A Few Days!
CANDICE PLEASE WIN VETO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really want to hear from the people who claimed Judd was playing a good, cool, reserved game. Do they now realize he was too busy listening to the voices in his head and now he’s decided to share them with the house? God, please confront Howard. Go off on him. Become completely unhinged. Let Helen, Candice, and Elissa have it. Come on, Judd, let the voices go free.
That would be epic!!! And it seems entirely possible the way JUDD is storming around. It might even help Howard but if not it would still be fun to watch.
If Candice wins POV, removes Howard, the house is going to FINALLY flip, leaving McCrae as the only vote for Amanda, and she’s gone.
I hope Candice does win, that house is in NEED for some “week 2” type drama… Real Talk.
JUDD+HIZmedz thinx hez HoH and that
he can zap Helen’s gameplay + control.
Helen & Napoleonic gameplan = her being the “new” nick!!!!
Judd is now feeling his two big HG onions and is about to go
into kamikazi mode way too soon, if his goal is a jury check!
Man please let Candace win the veto and take Howard off. The chances of Amanda going home increase exponentially if that happens. Even if Howard wins and Candace goes up in his place I think the house might turn on Amanda and take the opportunity to boot her (if any of them have a brain). She’s running the house and if she makes it to the end she will win because she has controlled so much.
I think this means that just as Elissa won the MVP multiple weeks in a row even if Amanda survives this week she will be the MVP nominee going forward if America keeps getting to vote
If they backdoor Elissa, they should have a surprise guest come into the house a.k.a Rachel Reilly as soon as she walks in say “floaters grab a life jacket” and initially get into the houseguest heads and letting them know they are a bunch of wimps that can’t make the big moves without Amanda’s consent. They should know it’s America that is the MVP vote, because that’ll mess with their heads an potentially make them realize that America is tired of them not making any big moves. Obviously America knows how to play this game.
I don’t really want Amanda to be evicted…but the drama caused by placing her on the block should be crazy! 😀
Why is Judd unraveling, and so quickly? He’s mad at a guy because he goes into thinking mode while he’s listening to people? Or, because a guy maintains a non-confrontational posture in front of people? Like I said, I understand why some of the HG’s can’t get a handle on Howard. He’s not like them.
Yes the house guests hate Howard because he is not like them. They don’t know what to make of him. Howard understands that he is in a house with only a few people who all need to eliminate each other to get to half a mil in a few weeks so he uses his ears way more than his mouth. The rest of the house does exactly the opposite so they don’t dig him! When someone does not talk much, you can’t read him easily. When they listen a lot, they can read you easily (especially if you talk as much as this lot does). I can understand their hatred for Howard. He just needs to be a few steps ahead of them…
This was bound to happen. We at least recognize that Amanda and Helen are the biggest players in this game.
Damn Judd calm down don’t pull a Willie now lmao
heck… in real life… they may be distant cousins!
I finally have a favorite player, AMERICA.. F**K YEAH
With America being the MVP, who they picked this week, should let the rest of the players know who has been pulling the strings all along.The trick will be to see who wants to break away from their puppet master… if Amanda stays she will pick them off one by one.
What’s with all the Amanda haters, give it a rest, she’s a good player.
Whats up with Judd? He’s suddenly becoming a punk.
Damn who gave McCrea a laptop to thumb’s me down!.
Howard go HOME!!
Look it Judd act all tough behind Howard’s back!!! Howard would crush you little man!!!
Oh, happy day
(oh, happy day)
Oh, happy day
(oh, happy day)
When jesus washed
(when jesus washed)
oh, when he washed
(when jesus washed)
when jesus washed
(when jesus washed)
he washed my sins away!
(oh, happy day)
Ah, happy day
(oh, happy day)
Oh, happy day
(oh, happy day)
oh, happy day
(oh, happy day)
When jesus washed
(when jesus washed)
oh when he washed
(when jesus washed)
when jesus washed
(when jesus washed)
he washed my sins away!
(oh, happy day)
Ah, it’s a happy day
(oh, happy day)
(he taught me how)
he taught me how
(to watch)
(fight and pray)
(fight and pray)
(and he’ll rejoice)
(in things we say)
the black guy dont die in this bb movie, howard for pov,
Sooooo… who won the veto? Isn’t that the point of this article, or all the Elissa fans too busy having a ‘Amanda is nominated’ party? I don’t get why you guys hate her sooo much. I’m really tired of reading all your hateful comments, and I’m not alone – I’m sure by seeing the polls. Why do you have to hate on her every chance you get? If you have to think these things can you at least mellow out a little?
Ummm the point of this recap was to find out the MVP nominations and Veto players. This should be obvious by the title and the fact that Veto has not been played yet. Nice try though.
All you have to do is read the poll numbers to see that Amanda ISN’T well liked by America.
Whoops. 🙁 Got it, sorry OBB. I feel bad for being such a troll. After I read a few things Amanda said I get that now too. This game gets so heated, can’t imagine what its like for the houseguests. I feel terrible saying heated things like my comment above. 🙁
First time on this site? This is how we roll here 🙂
Further to that, I too liked Amanda in the early days. I thought she was funny and ballsy. But she’s become increasingly vulgar, slothful, shrill, disrespectful, demanding, entitled and just all around rude. As another poster put it: a female Jeremy.
commenters on this site appear to pull for the weakest players. i don’t get it.
buncha floater-lovers.
There are strong players in this game? When the strongest player wants everyone else to do her dirty work because she can’t win anything I am not inclined to call her a strong player. Howard seems like the only one willing to make a power play so I hope he gets a chance.
howard hasn’t done squat, socially or comp-wise; his one stab at ‘strategy’ was the most embarrassing house meeting ever. he’s been the ultimate floater. i think he’s earned fans because of the jesus stuff.
Judd is disgusting. I seriously can’t with him. What in the world does he have to confront Howard about? What in the actual f*ck?
oh happy day oh happy day lets go candice win this take howard down
Is Kim Jong Helen trying to blackmail Candice into NOT using the POV on Howard if she win it? The dictatorship begins again.
Hopefully Candice can step up her game and win this POV or at least Howard!!! Amanda has just been giving a “wake up” call.
Watching those screen shots and comments from the Superfriends is just priceless.
When do we find out who wins veto please. Thanks.
Judd true colors are showing. I am really starting to hate this guy. He’s so two-faced, he smile in your face talk bad behind your back. He’s done that to Helen, Howard, Candice & Spencer.
“Judd says I am not a pu$$y like him. I will confront him”.. Judd couldn’t even confront all of Hele’s 98 pounds. He ran to the bathroom.
Amanda’s game has been aggressive and loud, and it has pissed some people off. imagine how bad it could get if nominations remain the same, or she doesn’t win POV.
I love it, at the least to make them squirm, and see if mcrae is willing to ever speak up on anything
Judd, you sir are a BITCH! why didn’t Judd act this tough when he was HOH? now he’s walking around with a vagina in his pocket. Judd is all emotional and he’s not even on the block. what an idiot.
*clears throat* A vagina in his pocket? That sir, would give him super powers. Can’t stand the use of the word pu$$y for being weak and/or female either. Seriously, they come with super powers.
Judd is upset because his lifevest is on the block.if she goes he might actually have to get blood on his hands.but hey we would be able to see if mcrae can think for himself.send Amanda home.
Judd, is sounding like McCrae ALL Big Talk behind people’s backs, but Won’t get in their faces and tell them how you feel…. B***hes
Why are they so scared? if Howard were to knock them the f**k out he would be expelled and possibly jailed. Howard isn’t that type of guy anyways, they know this, but still too p***y to tell him what’s on their mind.
See I said it in my last comment Judd has mental health issues and they really need to watch him I feel he is a time bomb and I heard he is not taking his meds. Why would they cast him this show is stressful to the max w/ regular players w/ no issues there are just certain situations where it would not be conducive for one that has such issues to be cast on a show like this. I think in the beginning Judd was able to hid it better but as time goes on and things get crazy and stressful that cracks are appearing
I want to fight judd to the death, gladiator style!!!!!
Candice better win this and pull Howard off…it’s ALL on her now!! ….too bad she probably won’t win it..
(you all know you were thinking it too…)
It’s time for production to do what they do and rig the shizz out of the pov for candice lol…
So am I missing VETO player results????
If Amanda wins veto she needs to think long and hard about using it on herself. She may just be replaced by McCrae. (I doubt America voted that way, but she doesn’t know exactly who is wielding this MVP power). She should take her chances up against Howard and Spencer. Then, if the HGs are smart, they will use this opportunity to break up this couple. I am sooo sick and tired of Amanda telling everyone that you owe my/us this because we stuck up for you. Seriously? Is this the Amanda show????
The only way Howard stays is if he or Candice wins veto comp. Then probably Elissa goes up. So either Howard or Elissa, are going home this week.
Hey now, I don’t necessarily want Amanda to go, but I want her power-trip to get some much needed turbulence, she’s been too comfortable.
Is Amanda not playing in the POV nomination???
Ok so on another note. I had a discussion with my mom today about the CBS show which is the only way she watches it, besides a little of the After Dark. She says, “I cannot stand Elissa, she’s always up the ass of the person in power.”
Well, that tells me everything. I told her how wrong she was with that and actually Elissa is basically the only one on her own and NOT doing everything everyone else wants. Very interesting.
“Elissa is basically the only one on her own”
No she isn’t. She has production holding her hand, telling her everything and giving her instructions. She also has been handed a rigged twist for most of the game and had a large, powerful alliance, whom she has thrown under the bus publicly for no reason.
Rachelissa fans are delusional and make excuse after excuse for her but in reality, she sucks at the game and if she wasn’t Rachel’s sister, she’d have been gone week one with no fans.
Well I was talking about the way the CBS show is being edited. There’s always talk about that here. And it seems even though “Elissa is there because of production,” she isn’t getting the best edit. Basically everyone else in the house is riding the coattails and not doing anything for their own selves and what they want. Like how it’s actually everyone else up Amanda’s ass. I just thought it was funny for my mother who goes by the CBS version to say that when we know different. I was just pointing out how their views of the TV version are. Since people are always wondering.
Like everyone says, of course it doesn’t show the people and their true colors.
i am debating back and forth if judd in real life is a distant
cousin of willie and russell and brandon! he is volatile, and
although howard has his animus and focus, he wants to
directly take on helen on her own turf. this suggests he is
loosin’ it bigtime, and his meds need to be carefully stabilized.
also… lets say that if Spencer wins PoV and takes himself off the block
and this tosses things back to Aaryn who is in the middle of her neat lil
deal with Helen, as we assume that Judd has one big nasty & unpleasant
meltdown that hits like a hurricane… is Judd open to leaving on Thursday
if he replaces Spencer and people forgive Howard his lapses as lil Miss
Amanda pulls strings once again? i am assuming a horrific meltdown that
is like a blooper reel of aaryn’s & GM’s and amanda’s worst comments if
topped all at once may get Judd sent home quicker than you can say Hantz!
i enjoy your shtick. the literary flourish, if not the content.
Brenchel fans celebrating because yet another strong player is in danger of leaving shows how little they know or care about the game. Some of us enjoy watching actual gameplay instead of people who are only there to hook up, barely even try to play the game, and whine nonstop.
Hopefully Amanda wins the POV and Rachelissa goes up in her place and gets sent packing.
” Helen brings up the theory of Howard being the brother of Danielle from bb3 & bb7. She says they have the exact same face. Helen says that would explain why he got MVP because she has a huge fan base next to Elissa.”
There Helen goes again with her bogus theories…. She needs duct tape over her mouth.
I don’t even see the resemblance, really. Between that, her rant about “the black vote,” and her attempts to blame Howard for the racism, I’m starting to think Helen’s a racist herself.
and with this comment, the entire BBXV/race conversation goes off the tracks.
Exactly, everybody’s a racist blah blah blah…..sheeple with a mob mentality….
I’m trying just to figure out what the point of her speculation is. Howard is either the MVP or isn’t…and they’re all are obsessed with evicting him no matter if he’s Danielle’s brother or President Obama’s cousin. So who gives a s**t?
Oddly enough, anybody who has ever heard Danielle knows she does not have a southern accent, so how would they be brother and sister? It’s like saying Judd is Boogie’s brother…but then to Helen, all black people look and sound alike.
Make no mistake, Helen has worked as hard as Amanda to forgive the house racism and blame Howard as the troublemaker.
@STFU Donnie…I hear ya! Especially since Danielle Reyes is a dark-skinned LATINA American women and Howard is a dark-skinned African American; makes you wonder what fricken planet all these bigoted HGs are from.
Danielle Reyes is laughing her butt off that the houseguests are thinking Howard and her are brother and sister!!! She is on twitter discussing it know.
That’s some “on the low” racist s**t thinking they look alike, that’s like me saying Helen looks like Jun, Helen should know better then to let something like that come out her mouth,
you’re projecting.
Helen is Julie Chen’s Daughter
POV Players are Candice, Spencer, Howard, Aaryn, Jessie, Amanda
Thank God we’re not afraid to get a little blood on our hands. LOL
I might be completely losing it…but I think Amanda is less attractive by the day and McCrae is becoming more handsome.
He’s especially pretty when he wears that cute bow in his hair.
If the competition was stuffing as much marshmellows in your mouth as you can, I bet Amanda would win.
Yes, I liked Amanda before, but that’s probably because I don’t have to live or work with her everyday.
Much ado about nothing. Unless Howard wins he is going home. If he wins, they will send Spencer out. They got the votes. So you can all just calm down with all your wishful thinking and praying that this sucky season will get even more boring after Amanda leaves WAAYY TOO EARLY.
If you truly love this show and want the last few weeks to have any excitement at all, TRUST ME, YOU WANT AMANDA TO STAY!! SHE IS PLAYING THE BEST GAME AND CREATING THE MOST INTRIGUE. Is she annoying? YES. Is she playing the best game? HELL YES.
I’d venture to say that 90 percent of all you “Amanda needs to go now!” people would fail miserably at being a BB contestant. Why? Because you all play petty and petulant and P E R S O N A L!!! Not strategic.
don’t forget peevish!
“you all play petty and petulant and P E R S O N A L!!! Not strategic”
lol. you just described Amanda perfectly. Amanda sucks, she has no strategy. she’s the one playing personal, which is why America placed her ignorant ass on the block.
personal? Amanda’s running the house (for reasons im still not sure of) and howard runs jack shit. how is not strategic to get the control freak out of the house versus the guy whose only on the block cus the control freak wanted him on the block?
I don’t see how Amanda is playing personal. She has been playing some of the strongest strategic game in the house. How is her wanting a strong athletic competitor who has been caught lying and backstabbing a personal agenda? Howard has played a good but flawed game, and is a logical target.
howard is on the block because he is a really bad player. him and spencer are the shield 2.0. no social game and not as smart as they think. they started targeting amanda way to early and could have turned it around when the moving company was done, but all their “moves” backfired and howard is to blame for most of it… but as i’m watching personal i really hope spencer goes this week.
this is the best thing that can happen for Howard (howard and Candice fans)
candice wins pov tells arryn to put up ellisa where most ppl would prob vot eout amanda amanda is out…. next week Howard wins hoh and production give him coup d’etat he puts up whoever then next week lets say Ellisa wins hoh puts up Spencer and Howard up Howard doesnt care he uses the coup d’etat and puts up elllisa and Helen Helen goes home
Hah!!! Had to check the blog while in the middle of the grocery store to keep up on America’s vote and dear lord, this is AMAZING! So much air punching happening right now, this week is going to be insane…I give it 2 days before Amanda absolutely loses it ^.^
“Aaryn brings up how Candice has been making comments about me being racist that could ruin my career when its not true. I have never called her fat or said anything mean about her.”
Oh really, now Aaryn is “MISS-UNDERSTOOD” or the “QUEEN OF DENIAL”. Maybe when you suggest playing charades and then say’s I’ll put on a white jacket over my head with a cone hood, you are just being fashion forward. NOT!!!
Yeah, I guess a ghost that looked like her flipped over Candace’s bed and also something about if you can see the b*tch in the dark. Well I guess she can help her career at being a constant victim of everyone else’s behavior and misconception about her lol. What a block head.
OMG Can Big Brother make a rule when you are eating lower your mic I cant stand the sound of them chewing AggggHHH I am going JUDD CRAZY!!! lol new catch phrase when the house guest going a lil nuts lets just say they are GOING JUDD lol
I love it!!!
like what if Thursday has a double eviction on top of the totally intense gameplay?
it looks like CBS is keeping the MVP~USA twist until all the BB House gets wise!!
i think Amanda is very vulnerable & Elissa a tad less so. i see several scenarios.
are the Veto Competition results soon to arrive? or is there 2 B a new thread???
“Aaryn brings up how Candice has been making comments about me being racist that could ruin my career when its not true. I have never called her fat or said anything mean about her.”
What career?
I hope that the house guests are able to break the spell that they are under, and, VOTE AMANDA out! How can these house guests not see that Amanda lies to them constantly – especially after “drilling” into everyones’ minds last week “Kaitlyn is a bigger threat than Aaryn … we need to keep Aaryn.” The non-threat Aaryn that according to Amanda does not win anything wins the next HOH.
How can the HG’s not see that it is best for their own games to vote Amanda out?
I do not know if there is production manipulation – I hope that there is, and, production starts telling everyone during their individual DR sessions that Amanda needs to be voted out!
What is the probability that Amanda will get voted out this week?
i am shocked – shocked! – to find that lying is going on in the big brother house.
HIGH. its above 40%
HOWARD may be safe.
Spencer is very vulnerable.
Judd, if he is stupid, goes.
Candice may win PoV…
AMANDA has to win PoV!
Kaitlin thought she was sittin’ pretty.
I love how many people admitted to voting more than their designated 10 times, by having multiple email accounts or whatever, in order to get Amanda on the block. Most of these people, of course, being Elissa supporters.
Shocker. Cheaters cheated to help production’s cheat in the house cheat her way further.
You really believe the Big Brother voting system is real, beyond choosing what the have not gets to eat? I never took America’s Vote when it comes to “affecting the game” seriously.
Don’t you think people would’ve “cheated” to put Amanda on the block last week instead of GM? Nobody believes America put her on the block.
FYI, CBS isn’t stupid they know people can easily create accounts to get extra votes in, that alone should prove that the Big Brother Voting System isn’t counted beyond voting what the have nots get to eat.
@ Nick
If that’s all you have, please refrain from posting. Please!!!!!!!!
stop typing nonsense.
“Spencer says Amanda doubled up on her Adderall medication so that her brain will be..”
Taking notes from Aaryn I presume? LMFAO
That type of s**t shouldn’t be allowed for any competition.
Adderall, is like a performance enhancer, right? It helps you focus.
Well maybe she can put on her “patch” and smoke some more cigarettes and drink coffee too. Then she can throw up all over the POV competition too!!!
Amanda is playing the roles of Janelle and Dan from last season. She knows that winning puts a target on you, so like Dan she makes sure she has herself around a strong player (McCrae week1) to be able to pull out key wins and social game advantages that she may not have. She also knows that you have to be in every part of the house and make sure your enemies are the ones to go first. She is just being more successful about it by making sure other strong personalities are taking the pressure of being the vote or HOH tha does it. Yes, she is a bit overly aggressive with her game play and persistent pushing of buttons. But I have a feeling that is who she is .. A type personality… Other players are just as lazer focused on her as she is on her enemies. Only problem is it took them 4 weeks to get there when she spent those weeks making sure to be in the right spot. SO what i dont get is 90 percent of you love either Dan or Janelle but hate the person who is playing both of their games from last season to a T…So why are you so turned off by her. Every woman on this years cast is vile and caddy and unloyal. Not one has been away from any of the drama…. So my final 4 is amanda, mcrae, jessie and andy.. with amanda getting cut 4th because none of them want to face her game in a final vote.
Really?? Howard is now related to Danielle?? WOW….oh that’s right because they look alike….SMH I can’t take listening to them anymore with their speculations and accusations. I’m getting a headache. Oh yeah…..Andy……SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!! You to McCray!!!
this is so frustrating to watch! weak, weak players in there. they have the chance to split up a power couple and pick up mccrea…jessie, judd, aaryn all should push to get amanda out. mccrae cant go to the other side. he burned that bridge.
but all they do is protecting amanda and wait to see amanda evicts them.
Love how Howie just look at Amanda and debunked all her nonsense in a matter of fact way!!! Now was that clear enough for you Amanda?
She is starting to unravel as to why she is on the block–I think she knows that America voted and choose to nominate her as 3rd nominee for eviction. She is clearly aware now she has a target on her back and thinks she may have overplayed her hand. It sucks to be “you” Amanda right about now.
yeah come on amanda pop a sh!tload of adderal and lose your sh!t
i will get my popcorn
Doesn’t matter, in a few hours she’ll think Howard got MVP and put her up. That whole house has a hard on for Howard. The real story is P I double LL popping Judd losing his shit going through withdrawls. This is by far the best day for the feeds. Amanda and the keychain got waaay too cocky and it boomeranged.
why are these houseguests obsessed with awards that arent even in play? When was the last season this COUP DE TATE(?) was played? Last one I recall having it ever was Jeff S. And BTW I am sooooooo happy Amanda is on the block. Did Judd forget to take his meds today? He seems a bit on the wild side.
BTW who cares if Jessie plays for luxury award? She isnt there to better Amanda’s game….she is there to win. I would take the luxury too if I wasnt on the block….
I wonder what world Helen lives in some of her speculations are so ignorant for someone who acts like a know-it-all. I guess maybe in her mind it’s far fetched that even if Howard was voted MVP that the majority of people who could have voted for him could have been White. Oh an better yet, since she’s been a part of enabling Amanda’s attitude and has a major hand in setting the tones for a damn near hate campaigns she doesn’t think that may rub people of any race who are just fans of the show the wrong way after awhile? Lol
All I’ve got to say is there is a God and I hope it’s not Alison Grodner. Why is anyone in that house even WONDERING why Amanda went up? She’s not exactly easy on the ears, eyes or any other senses known to humans. Devoid of humanity.
Someone posted this one their twitter
Prepare to ROLMFAO
knockouts are solid. howard or spencer are going home.
Howard needs to win POV, I’m pulling for him.
Are they doing the Veto Comp right now?
I hate Amanda so much. Can’t wait to see her out the door this week.
This is crazy…ya’ll know Howard is NOT going home (he or Candice will win veto)…..BB is great and PREDICTABLE!!!!
Starting to get this feeling that they had a veto planned, same who would be playing
and are changing it ALL up….don’t recall it even going this late in the day.
And by this I mean probably being changed for a Candace heroic win to save her man.
*rolling eyes*
*Should say SAW who would be playing….
BTW- Why did you not include the END of Amanda and Howards convo where they hugged and
she cried in his arms? Then he gave her some words of encouragement.
That pic to me was amazing.
I would think that would be earth shattering to some people here though, so I guess you wanted
to protect their delicate hatred of mean ole Amanda 😉
it’s in the new post
There is a panic in Amanda’s actions right now. She has the votes even if she stays on the block so there is no real need to worry.
One day a Amanda was sitting in her office on the 19th floor of a
building. A man came running into his office and shouted, “Amanda, your
daughter, Anna, just died in an accident right opposite this building”
Amanda was in panic. Not knowing what to do, she jumped out
through her office window.
While coming down, when she was near the 14th floor she remembered he
didn’t have a daughter named Anna.
When she was near the 7th floor, he remembered she was not married yet.
When she was about to hit the ground he remembered she was not Amanda.
*Dont PANIC!!*
This really mad me laugh and showed once again that Aaryn is not clued into to what she says and how it affects people.
“Aaryn brings up how Candice has been making comments about me being racist that could ruin
my career when its not true. I have never called her fat or said anything mean about her.”
Yes you did Aaryn and calling someone fat does not make you a racist it is all the other things you have said that do!! And YES it did ruin your carreer! I hope mommy got you a good publicist because every time you deny it, it gets put out there more in the cyber world!! She thinks if I deny it enough it just can’t be true! She will be calling Americans liars because she really thinks she doesn’t say those things!!
Candice needs to burn that vest ASAP. Still want to kill Judd.
Wow! Glad that Amanda is up on the block. Now if Amanda wasn’t the 3rd nominee, she would be all snuggled up in the HoH bed with McCrae talking trash (About Howard, Candice, Spencer or Elissa) to Aaryn, Andy, Judd and Jessie.
But instead she feels the need to have this (B.S.) one on one conversation with Howard. The outcome of this conversation won’t change a thing game wise.
Amanda will then go up to the HoH room and trash Howard (Throw in some lies) to McCrae, Aaryn, Andy, Judd and Jessie. Too funny.
They all stink lol
Where’s my comment
Stop using LOL
Oh yea that’s what I’m talking about! Amanda time to go home! Candice or Howard please win the veto!
Just let Amanda keep talking guys, she is just digging her own BB grave!!! * evil laugh*
Aaryn brings up how Candice has been making comments about me being racist that could ruin my career when its not true. lol right on
Lots of people trashing HGs for bullyng, lying, racism, bigotry, sexism, perverted comments, name calling, trash talking in general, are doing/saying the same things in their posts. Guess it’s ok to do it if you are hiding behind a computer screen. I put my life on the line and fought for this country but there is definately an ugly side to America the Beautiful that is sickening…and hypocritical, to put it mildly.